Java tutorial
/* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.addthis.hydra.job; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import com.addthis.basis.kv.KVPairs; import com.addthis.basis.util.Backoff; import com.addthis.basis.util.Bytes; import com.addthis.basis.util.Files; import com.addthis.basis.util.JitterClock; import com.addthis.basis.util.Numbers; import com.addthis.basis.util.Parameter; import com.addthis.basis.util.SimpleExec; import com.addthis.basis.util.Strings; import com.addthis.bark.ZkGroupMembership; import com.addthis.bark.ZkUtil; import com.addthis.codec.Codec; import com.addthis.codec.CodecJSON; import com.addthis.hydra.job.backup.DailyBackup; import com.addthis.hydra.job.backup.GoldBackup; import com.addthis.hydra.job.backup.HourlyBackup; import com.addthis.hydra.job.backup.MonthlyBackup; import com.addthis.hydra.job.backup.ScheduledBackupType; import com.addthis.hydra.job.backup.WeeklyBackup; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.addthis.hydra.util.MetricsServletMaker; import com.addthis.hydra.util.MinionWriteableDiskCheck; import com.addthis.maljson.JSONObject; import com.addthis.meshy.MeshyClient; import com.addthis.meshy.MeshyClientConnector; import; import; import; import com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP; import com.rabbitmq.client.AlreadyClosedException; import com.rabbitmq.client.Channel; import com.rabbitmq.client.Connection; import com.rabbitmq.client.ShutdownSignalException; import com.yammer.metrics.Metrics; import com.yammer.metrics.core.Counter; import com.yammer.metrics.core.Histogram; import com.yammer.metrics.core.Timer; import com.yammer.metrics.core.TimerContext; import org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework; import org.apache.curator.framework.imps.CuratorFrameworkState; import org.apache.curator.framework.state.ConnectionState; import org.apache.curator.framework.state.ConnectionStateListener; import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException; import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Request; import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server; import org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.AbstractHandler; import org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler; import org.eclipse.jetty.util.BlockingArrayQueue; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * TODO implement APIs for extended probing, sanity, clearing of job state */ public class Minion extends AbstractHandler implements MessageListener, Codec.Codable { private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Minion.class); private static boolean meshQueue = Parameter.boolValue("queue.mesh", false); private static final String meshHost = Parameter.value("", "localhost"); private static final int meshPort = Parameter.intValue("mesh.port", 5000); private static final int meshRetryTimeout = Parameter.intValue("mesh.retry.timeout", 5000); private static int webPort = Parameter.intValue("minion.web.port", 5051); private static int minJobPort = Parameter.intValue("minion.job.baseport", 0); private static int maxJobPort = Parameter.intValue("minion.job.maxport", 0); private static ReentrantLock capacityLock = new ReentrantLock(); private static String dataDir = System.getProperty("", "minion"); private static String group = System.getProperty("", "none"); private static String localHost = System.getProperty("minion.localhost"); private static boolean linkBackup = !System.getProperty("minion.backup.hardlink", "0").equals("0"); private static final DateTimeFormatter timeFormat = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyMMdd-HHmmss"); private static final String batchBrokerHost = Parameter.value("batch.brokerHost", "localhost"); private static final String batchBrokerPort = Parameter.value("batch.brokerPort", "5672"); private static final int mqReconnectDelay = Parameter.intValue("mq.reconnect.delay", 10000); private static final int mqReconnectTries = Parameter.intValue("mq.reconnect.tries", 10); private static final int sendStatusRetries = Parameter.intValue("send.status.retries", 5); private static final int sendStatusRetryDelay = Parameter.intValue("send.status.delay", 5000); private static final long hostMetricUpdaterInterval = Parameter.longValue("", 30 * 1000); private static final String remoteConnectMethod = Parameter.value("minion.remote.connect.method", "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o TCPKeepAlive=yes -o ServerAliveInterval=30"); private static final String rsyncCommand = Parameter.value("minion.rsync.command", "rsync"); private static final int maxActiveTasks = Parameter.intValue("", 3); private static final int copyRetryLimit = Parameter.intValue("minion.copy.retry.limit", 3); private static final int copyRetryDelaySeconds = Parameter.intValue("minion.copy.retry.delay", 10); /* If the following var is positive, it is passed as the bwlimit arg to rsync. If <= 0, it is ignored. */ private static final int copyBandwidthLimit = Parameter.intValue("minion.copy.bwlimit", -1); private static ReentrantLock revertLock = new ReentrantLock(); private static String cpcmd = "cp"; private static String lncmd = "ln"; private static String lscmd = "ls"; private static String rmcmd = "rm"; private static String mvcmd = "mv"; private static String ducmd = "du"; private static String echoWithDate_cmd = "echo `date '+%y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'` "; public static final String MINION_ZK_PATH = "/minion/"; private static final String defaultMinionType = Parameter.value("minion.type", "default"); private final java.util.Set<String> activeTaskKeys; private final AtomicBoolean shutdown = new AtomicBoolean(false); private final ExecutorService messageTaskExecutorService = MoreExecutors.getExitingExecutorService( new ThreadPoolExecutor(4, 4, 100L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>())); // This next executor service only serves promote/demote requests, so that these will be performed quickly and not // wait on a lengthy revert / delete / etc. private final ExecutorService promoteDemoteTaskExecutorService = MoreExecutors.getExitingExecutorService( new ThreadPoolExecutor(4, 4, 100L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>())); private final ExecutorService connectionExecutorService = MoreExecutors.getExitingExecutorService( new ThreadPoolExecutor(1, 1, 0L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(), new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("rabbitMQConnectionService-%d").build())); private Lock minionStateLock = new ReentrantLock(); @Codec.Set(codable = true) private MinionTaskDeleter minionTaskDeleter; // Historical metrics private Timer fileStatsTimer; private Counter sendStatusFailCount; private Counter sendStatusFailAfterRetriesCount; private final int replicateCommandDelaySeconds = Parameter.intValue("replicate.cmd.delay.seconds", 0); private final int backupCommandDelaySeconds = Parameter.intValue("backup.cmd.delay.seconds", 0); private boolean useMacFriendlyPSCommands = false; private MeshyClientConnector mesh; // detect fl-cow in sys env and apple for copy command { for (String v : System.getenv().values()) { if (v.toLowerCase().contains("libflcow")) {"detected support for copy-on-write hard-links"); linkBackup = true; break; } } for (Object v : System.getProperties().values()) { if (v.toString().toLowerCase().contains("apple") || v.toString().toLowerCase().contains("mac os x")) {"detected darwin-based system. switching to gnu commands"); cpcmd = "gcp"; lncmd = "gln"; lscmd = "gls"; rmcmd = "grm"; mvcmd = "gmv"; ducmd = "gdu"; useMacFriendlyPSCommands = true; break; } } } public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { new Minion(new File(args.length > 0 ? args[0] : dataDir), args.length > 2 ? Integer.parseInt(args[1]) : webPort); } private final File rootDir; private final File stateFile; private final File liveEverywhereMarkerFile; private final String myHost; private long startTime; private int nextPort; private String user; private String path; private TaskRunner runner; private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, JobTask> tasks = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final Object jmsxmitlock = new Object(); private final AtomicLong diskTotal = new AtomicLong(0); private final AtomicLong diskFree = new AtomicLong(0); private final Server jetty; private final ServletHandler metricsHandler; private final boolean readOnly; private boolean diskReadOnly; private MinionWriteableDiskCheck diskHealthCheck; private int minionPid = -1; @Codec.Set(codable = true, required = true) private String uuid; @Codec.Set(codable = true) private ConcurrentHashMap<String, Integer> stopped = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); @Codec.Set(codable = true) private final ArrayList<CommandTaskKick> jobQueue = new ArrayList<>(10); @Codec.Set(codable = true) private String minionTypes; private Histogram activeTaskHistogram; @VisibleForTesting public Minion(CuratorFramework zkClient) { uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); // null placeholder for now this.rootDir = null; this.nextPort = 0; this.startTime = 0; this.stateFile = null; this.liveEverywhereMarkerFile = null; this.myHost = null; this.user = null; this.path = null; this.jetty = null; this.metricsHandler = null; this.readOnly = false; this.diskReadOnly = false; this.minionPid = -1; this.activeTaskKeys = new HashSet<>(); this.zkClient = zkClient; } @VisibleForTesting public Minion(File rootDir, int port) throws Exception { this.rootDir = rootDir; this.nextPort = minJobPort; this.startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.stateFile = new File(Files.initDirectory(rootDir), "minion.state"); this.liveEverywhereMarkerFile = new File(rootDir, "liveeverywhere.marker"); this.myHost = (localHost != null ? localHost : InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress()); this.user = new SimpleExec("whoami").join().stdoutString().trim(); this.path = rootDir.getAbsolutePath(); this.diskTotal.set(rootDir.getTotalSpace()); this.diskFree.set(rootDir.getFreeSpace()); this.diskReadOnly = false; this.readOnly = Boolean.getBoolean("minion.readOnly"); minionTaskDeleter = new MinionTaskDeleter(); if (stateFile.exists()) { CodecJSON.decodeString(this, Bytes.toString(; } else { uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); } File minionTypes = new File(rootDir, "minion.types"); this.minionTypes = minionTypes.exists() ? new String("\n", "") : defaultMinionType; this.activeTaskKeys = new HashSet<>(); jetty = new Server(webPort); jetty.setHandler(this); jetty.start(); waitForJetty(); sendStatusFailCount = Metrics.newCounter(Minion.class, "sendStatusFail-" + getJettyPort() + "-JMXONLY"); sendStatusFailAfterRetriesCount = Metrics.newCounter(Minion.class, "sendStatusFailAfterRetries-" + getJettyPort() + "-JMXONLY"); fileStatsTimer = Metrics.newTimer(Minion.class, "JobTask-byte-size-timer"); this.metricsHandler = MetricsServletMaker.makeHandler(); Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() { public void run() { try { jetty.stop(); minionTaskDeleter.stopDeletionThread(); if (zkClient != null && zkClient.getState() == CuratorFrameworkState.STARTED) { minionGroupMembership.removeFromGroup("/minion/up", getUUID()); zkClient.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error shutting down", e); } } }); activeTaskHistogram = Metrics.newHistogram(Minion.class, "activeTasks"); new HostMetricUpdater(); try { joinGroup(); connectToMQ(); updateJobsMeta(rootDir); if (liveEverywhereMarkerFile.createNewFile()) { log.warn("cutover to live-everywhere tasks"); } writeState(); runner = new TaskRunner(); runner.start(); this.diskHealthCheck = new MinionWriteableDiskCheck(this); this.diskHealthCheck.startHealthCheckThread(); sendHostStatus();"[init] up on " + myHost + ":" + getJettyPort() + " as " + user + " in " + path); String processName = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getName(); minionPid = Integer.valueOf(processName.substring(0, processName.indexOf("@")));"[minion.start] pid for minion process is: " + minionPid); minionTaskDeleter.startDeletionThread(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("Exception during startup", ex); } } public File getRootDir() { return this.rootDir; } public void setDiskReadOnly(boolean disk_read_only) { this.diskReadOnly = disk_read_only; } private int getJettyPort() { return jetty.getConnectors()[0].getLocalPort(); } private void waitForJetty() throws Exception { long wait = JitterClock.globalTime(); for (int i = 0; getJettyPort() <= 0 && i < 20; i++) { Thread.sleep(100); } wait = JitterClock.globalTime() - wait; if (wait > 1000 || getJettyPort() <= 0) { log.warn("[init] jetty to > " + wait + "ms to start. on port " + getJettyPort()); } } RabbitQueueingConsumer batchJobConsumer; private BlockingArrayQueue<HostMessage> queuedHostMessages; private MessageConsumer batchControlConsumer; private MessageProducer queryControlProducer; private MessageProducer zkBatchControlProducer; private MessageProducer batchControlProducer; private Channel channel; private CuratorFramework zkClient; private ZkGroupMembership minionGroupMembership; private void connectToMQ() throws Exception { zkBatchControlProducer = new ZKMessageProducer(getZkClient()); if (meshQueue) {"Queueing via Mesh"); final AtomicBoolean up = new AtomicBoolean(false); mesh = new MeshyClientConnector(meshHost, meshPort, 1000, meshRetryTimeout) { @Override public void linkUp(MeshyClient client) {"connected to mesh on {}", client.toString()); up.set(true); synchronized (this) { this.notify(); } } @Override public void linkDown(MeshyClient client) {"disconnected from mesh on {}", client.toString()); } }; while (!up.get()) { synchronized (mesh) { mesh.wait(1000); } } batchControlProducer = new MeshMessageProducer(mesh.getClient(), "CSBatchControl"); queryControlProducer = new MeshMessageProducer(mesh.getClient(), "CSBatchQuery"); queuedHostMessages = new BlockingArrayQueue<>(); MeshMessageConsumer jobConsumer = new MeshMessageConsumer(mesh.getClient(), "CSBatchJob", uuid); jobConsumer.addRoutingKey(HostMessage.ALL_HOSTS); jobConsumer.addMessageListener(new MessageListener() { @Override public void onMessage(Serializable message) { try { queuedHostMessages.put((HostMessage) message); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } }); batchControlConsumer = new MeshMessageConsumer(mesh.getClient(), "CSBatchControl", uuid) .addRoutingKey(HostMessage.ALL_HOSTS); batchControlConsumer.addMessageListener(this); } else { connectToRabbitMQ(); } } private synchronized boolean connectToRabbitMQ() { String[] routingKeys = new String[] { uuid, HostMessage.ALL_HOSTS }; batchControlProducer = new RabbitMessageProducer("CSBatchControl", batchBrokerHost, Integer.valueOf(batchBrokerPort)); queryControlProducer = new RabbitMessageProducer("CSBatchQuery", batchBrokerHost, Integer.valueOf(batchBrokerPort)); try { Connection connection = RabbitMQUtil.createConnection(batchBrokerHost, Integer.valueOf(batchBrokerPort)); channel = connection.createChannel(); channel.exchangeDeclare("CSBatchJob", "direct"); AMQP.Queue.DeclareOk result = channel.queueDeclare(uuid + ".batchJob", true, false, false, null); String queueName = result.getQueue(); channel.queueBind(queueName, "CSBatchJob", uuid); channel.queueBind(queueName, "CSBatchJob", HostMessage.ALL_HOSTS); batchJobConsumer = new RabbitQueueingConsumer(channel); channel.basicConsume(queueName, false, batchJobConsumer); batchControlConsumer = new RabbitMessageConsumer(channel, "CSBatchControl", uuid + ".batchControl", this, routingKeys); return true; } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Error connecting to rabbitmq " + batchBrokerHost + ":" + batchBrokerPort, e); return false; } } /** * attempt to reconnect up to n times then shut down */ private void shutdown() { System.exit(1); } private void disconnectFromMQ() { try { if (batchControlConsumer != null) { batchControlConsumer.close(); } } catch (AlreadyClosedException ace) { // do nothing } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("", ex); } try { if (queryControlProducer != null) { queryControlProducer.close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("", ex); } try { if (batchControlProducer != null) { batchControlProducer.close(); } } catch (AlreadyClosedException ace) { // do nothing } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("", ex); } try { if (zkBatchControlProducer != null) { zkBatchControlProducer.close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("", ex); } try { if (channel != null) { channel.close(); } } catch (AlreadyClosedException ace) { // do nothing } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("", ex); } } public static int shell(String cmd, File directory) { try { File tmp = File.createTempFile(".minion", "shell", directory); try { Files.write(tmp, Bytes.toBytes("#!/bin/sh\n" + cmd + "\n"), false); int exit = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("sh " + tmp).waitFor(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("[shell] (" + cmd + ") exited with " + exit); } return exit; } finally { tmp.delete(); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("", ex); } return -1; } @VisibleForTesting public void insertJobKickMessage(CommandTaskKick kick) { minionStateLock.lock(); try { for (int i = 0; i < jobQueue.size(); i++) { CommandTaskKick inQ = jobQueue.get(i); if (kick.getPriority() > inQ.getPriority()) { kick.setSubmitTime(JitterClock.globalTime()); jobQueue.add(i, kick); return; } } jobQueue.add(kick); } finally { minionStateLock.unlock(); } writeState(); } private void kickNextJob() throws Exception { minionStateLock.lock(); try { if (jobQueue.isEmpty()) { return; } // Iterate over the queue, looking for a job that can run using the current resources for (CommandTaskKick nextKick : jobQueue) { // stop lower pri job to make room, if applicable boolean lackCap; capacityLock.lock(); try { lackCap = activeTaskKeys.size() >= maxActiveTasks; if (lackCap) { sendStatusMessage( new StatusTaskCantBegin(getUUID(), nextKick.getJobUuid(), nextKick.getNodeID())); jobQueue.remove(nextKick); break; } else { // remove this kick from the queue jobQueue.remove(nextKick); JobTask task = tasks.get(nextKick.key()); if (task == null) { task = createNewTask(nextKick.getJobUuid(), nextKick.getNodeID()); } task.setRetries(nextKick.getRetries()); try { task.exec(nextKick, true); } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("[kick] exception while trying to kick " + task.getName() + ": " + ex, ex); task.sendEndStatus(JobTaskErrorCode.EXIT_SCRIPT_EXEC_ERROR); } writeState(); return; } } finally { capacityLock.unlock(); } } } finally { minionStateLock.unlock(); } } private List<JobTask> getMatchingJobs(JobMessage msg) { LinkedList<JobTask> match = new LinkedList<>(); JobKey msgKey = msg.getJobKey(); if (msgKey.getNodeNumber() == null) { for (Entry<String, JobTask> e : tasks.entrySet()) { String key = e.getKey(); if (key.startsWith(msgKey.getJobUuid())) { match.add(e.getValue()); } } } else { JobTask job = tasks.get(msgKey.toString()); if (job != null) { match.add(job); } } return match; } @Override public void onMessage(Serializable message) { try { handleMessage(message); } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("", ex); } } private void handleMessage(Serializable message) throws Exception { if (message instanceof CoreMessage) { CoreMessage core; try { core = (CoreMessage) message; } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("", ex); return; } switch (core.getMessageType()) { case STATUS_HOST_INFO: log.debug("[host.status] request for {}", uuid); sendHostStatus(); break; case CMD_TASK_STOP: messageTaskExecutorService.execute(new CommandTaskStopRunner(core)); break; case CMD_TASK_REVERT: messageTaskExecutorService.execute(new CommandTaskRevertRunner(core)); break; case CMD_TASK_DELETE: messageTaskExecutorService.execute(new CommandTaskDeleteRunner(core)); break; case CMD_TASK_REPLICATE: messageTaskExecutorService.execute(new CommandTaskReplicateRunner(core)); break; case CMD_TASK_PROMOTE_REPLICA: // Legacy; ignore break; case CMD_TASK_NEW: messageTaskExecutorService.execute(new CommandCreateNewTask(core)); break; case CMD_TASK_DEMOTE_REPLICA: // Legacy; ignore break; case CMD_TASK_UPDATE_REPLICAS: promoteDemoteTaskExecutorService.execute(new CommandTaskUpdateReplicasRunner(core)); break; case STATUS_TASK_JUMP_SHIP: break; default: log.warn("[mq.core] unhandled type = " + core.getMessageType()); break; } } } /** * import/update jobs from a given root */ private int updateJobsMeta(File jobsRoot) throws IOException { int loaded = 0; File[] list = jobsRoot.isDirectory() ? jobsRoot.listFiles() : null; if (list == null || list.length == 0) { return 0; } for (File jobRoot : list) { loaded += updateJobMeta(jobRoot); }"[import] " + loaded + " tasks from directory '" + jobsRoot + "'"); return loaded; } /** * import/update job tasks given job root */ private int updateJobMeta(File jobRoot) throws IOException { if (!(jobRoot.isDirectory() && jobRoot.exists())) { return 0; } int loaded = 0; String jobID = jobRoot.getName(); for (File taskRoot : jobRoot.listFiles()) { loaded += updateTaskMeta(jobID, taskRoot) ? 1 : 0; } return loaded; } /** * update a single task from a task root dir */ private boolean updateTaskMeta(String jobID, File taskRoot) throws IOException { if (!(taskRoot.isDirectory() && taskRoot.exists())) { return false; } Integer taskID = Numbers.parseInt(10, taskRoot.getName(), -1); if (taskID < 0) { log.warn("[task.update] invalid task root " + taskRoot); return false; } JobKey key = new JobKey(jobID, taskID); JobTask task = tasks.get(key.toString()); if (task == null) { task = new JobTask(); tasks.put(key.toString(), task); } if (task.restoreTaskState(taskRoot)) { log.warn("[import.task] " + key + " as " + (task.isRunning() ? "running" : "idle")); return true; } else { log.warn("[import.task] " + key + " failed"); return false; } } private void writeState() { minionStateLock.lock(); try { Files.write(stateFile, Bytes.toBytes(CodecJSON.encodeString(this)), false); } catch (IOException io) { log.warn("", io); /* assume disk failure: set diskReadOnly=true and exit */ this.diskHealthCheck.onFailure(); } finally { minionStateLock.unlock(); } } private HostState createHostState() { long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); HostState status = new HostState(uuid); status.setHost(myHost); status.setPort(getJettyPort()); status.setGroup(group); status.setTime(time); status.setUser(user); status.setPath(path); status.setReadOnly(readOnly); status.setDiskReadOnly(diskReadOnly); status.setUptime(time - startTime); capacityLock.lock(); try { int availSlots = readOnly ? 0 : maxActiveTasks - activeTaskKeys.size(); status.setAvailableTaskSlots(Math.max(0, availSlots)); } finally { capacityLock.unlock(); } status.setUsed(new HostCapacity(0, 0, 0, diskTotal.get() - diskFree.get())); status.setMax(new HostCapacity(0, 0, 0, diskTotal.get())); LinkedList<JobKey> running = new LinkedList<>(); LinkedList<JobKey> replicating = new LinkedList<>(); LinkedList<JobKey> backingUp = new LinkedList<>(); LinkedList<JobKey> stoppedTasks = new LinkedList<>(); LinkedList<JobKey> incompleteReplicas = new LinkedList<>(); for (JobTask job : tasks.values()) { try { status.addJob(job.getJobKey().getJobUuid()); if (job.isRunning()) { running.add(job.getJobKey()); } else if (job.isReplicating() && job.isProcessRunning(job.replicatePid)) { replicating.add(job.getJobKey()); } else if (job.isBackingUp()) { backingUp.add(job.getJobKey()); } else if (job.getLiveDir().exists()) { if (job.isComplete()) { stoppedTasks.add(job.getJobKey()); } else { incompleteReplicas.add(job.getJobKey()); } } } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("Failed to detect status of job " + job + "; omitting from host state", ex); } } status.setRunning(running.toArray(new JobKey[running.size()])); status.setReplicating(replicating.toArray(new JobKey[replicating.size()])); status.setBackingUp(backingUp.toArray(new JobKey[backingUp.size()])); status.setStopped(stoppedTasks.toArray(new JobKey[stoppedTasks.size()])); status.setIncompleteReplicas(incompleteReplicas.toArray(new JobKey[incompleteReplicas.size()])); LinkedList<JobKey> queued = new LinkedList<JobKey>(); minionStateLock.lock(); try { for (CommandTaskKick kick : jobQueue) { queued.add(kick.getJobKey()); } } finally { minionStateLock.unlock(); } status.setQueued(queued.toArray(new JobKey[queued.size()])); status.setMeanActiveTasks(activeTaskHistogram.mean() / (maxActiveTasks > 0 ? maxActiveTasks : 1)); status.setMaxTaskSlots(maxActiveTasks); status.setMinionTypes(minionTypes); status.setUpdated(); return status; } public void sendHostStatus() { updateHostConfig(createHostState()); } public String getUUID() { return uuid; } // Not Thread Safe! private CuratorFramework getZkClient() { if (zkClient == null) { zkClient = ZkUtil.makeStandardClient(); } zkClient.getConnectionStateListenable().addListener(new ConnectionStateListener() { @Override public void stateChanged(CuratorFramework client, ConnectionState newState) { if (newState == ConnectionState.RECONNECTED) { joinGroup(); } } }); return zkClient; } @VisibleForTesting protected void closeZkClient() { if (zkClient != null) { zkClient.close(); } } protected void joinGroup() { minionGroupMembership = new ZkGroupMembership(getZkClient(), true); String upPath = MINION_ZK_PATH + "up"; try { if (zkClient.checkExists().forPath(upPath) == null) { zkClient.create().creatingParentsIfNeeded().forPath(upPath, null); } } catch (KeeperException.NodeExistsException e) { // someone beat us to it } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Exception joining group", e); }"joining group: " + upPath); minionGroupMembership.addToGroup(upPath, getUUID(), shutdown); } private void sendControlMessage(HostMessage msg) { synchronized (jmsxmitlock) { try { if (batchControlProducer != null) { batchControlProducer.sendMessage(msg, msg.getHostUuid()); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("[mq.ctrl.send] fail with " + ex, ex); shutdown(); } } } private void sendStatusMessage(HostMessage msg) { synchronized (jmsxmitlock) { try { if (batchControlProducer != null) { batchControlProducer.sendMessage(msg, "SPAWN"); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("[mq.ctrl.send] fail with " + ex, ex); shutdown(); } } } private void updateHostConfig(HostMessage msg) { boolean sent = false; for (int i = 0; i < sendStatusRetries; i++) { synchronized (jmsxmitlock) { try { if (shutdown.get()) { return; // Interrupt any existing status updates; we'll send one during the shutdown event anyway } if (zkBatchControlProducer != null) { // TODO: move to /minion/state/ or some other dir zkBatchControlProducer.sendMessage(msg, MINION_ZK_PATH + uuid); } sent = true; break; } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("[mq.ctrl.send] exception " + ex, ex); if (i < sendStatusRetries - 1) { log.warn("[mq.ctrl.send] fail on try " + i + "; retrying"); }; } } try { Thread.sleep(sendStatusRetryDelay); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { log.warn("[mq.ctrl.send] interrupted during retry delay"); } } if (!sent) {; log.warn("[mq.ctrl.send] fail after retrying"); shutdown(); } } @Override public void doStop() { if (!shutdown.getAndSet(true)) { writeState();"[minion] stopping and sending updated stats to spawn"); sendHostStatus(); if (runner != null) { runner.stopTaskRunner(); } try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("", ex); } disconnectFromMQ(); } } @Override public void doStart() { } private synchronized int findNextPort() { if (minJobPort == 0) { return 0; } int startPort = nextPort; while (true) { if (nextPort > maxJobPort) { nextPort = minJobPort; } try { ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket(nextPort++); // ss.setReuseAddress(true); ss.close(); break; } catch (Exception ex) { if (startPort == nextPort) { throw new RuntimeException("unable to find any free ports"); } log.warn("[nextport] skipping port " + nextPort + " due to " + ex); } } return nextPort; } @SuppressWarnings("serial") private static class ExecException extends Exception { ExecException(String msg) { super(msg); } } private String getTaskBaseDir(String baseDir, String id, int node) { return new StringBuilder().append(baseDir).append("/").append(id).append("/").append(node).toString(); } private class TaskRunner extends Thread { private boolean done; private final Backoff backoff = new Backoff(1000, 5000); public void stopTaskRunner() { done = true; interrupt(); } public void run() { while (!done) { if (meshQueue) { try { HostMessage hostMessage = queuedHostMessages.take(); if (hostMessage.getMessageType() != CoreMessage.TYPE.CMD_TASK_KICK) { log.warn("[task.runner] unknown command type : " + hostMessage.getMessageType()); continue; } CommandTaskKick kick = (CommandTaskKick) hostMessage; insertJobKickMessage(kick); kickNextJob(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // ignore } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error sending meshQueue message", e); } } else { RabbitQueueingConsumer.Delivery delivery = null; try { delivery = batchJobConsumer.nextDelivery(); ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(delivery.getBody())); HostMessage hostMessage = (HostMessage) ois.readObject(); if (hostMessage.getMessageType() != CoreMessage.TYPE.CMD_TASK_KICK) { log.warn("[task.runner] unknown command type : " + hostMessage.getMessageType()); continue; } CommandTaskKick kick = (CommandTaskKick) hostMessage; insertJobKickMessage(kick); kickNextJob(); channel.basicAck(delivery.getEnvelope().getDeliveryTag(), false); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { log.warn("Interrupted while processing task messages"); shutdown(); } catch (ShutdownSignalException shutdownException) { log.warn("Received unexpected shutdown exception from rabbitMQ", shutdownException); try { backoff.sleep(); } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { // interrupted while sleeping } } catch (Throwable ex) { try { if (delivery != null) { channel.basicNack(delivery.getEnvelope().getDeliveryTag(), false, true); } } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("[task.runner] unable to nack message delivery", ex); } log.warn("[task.runner] error: " + ex); if (!(ex instanceof ExecException)) { log.error("Error nacking message", ex); } shutdown(); } } } } } public static class FileWatcher { private File file; private long lastSize; private long lastEnd; private RandomAccessFile access; private String needle; FileWatcher(File file, String needle) { try { this.access = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r"); this.needle = needle; this.file = file; } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("", ex); } } public boolean containsKill() { log.warn("containsKill(" + file + "," + access + ")"); if (access != null) { try { long len = file.length(); if (len > lastSize) { lastSize = len; // find last CR log.warn("searching " + lastEnd + " to " + len); for (long pos = len - 1; pos >= lastEnd; pos--) {; if ( == '\n') { long start = lastEnd; long size = pos - start; if (size > 32768) { log.warn("[warning] skipping search @ " + size); lastEnd = pos; return false; } else if (size > 4096) { log.warn("[warning] searching > 4k space @ " + size); } byte scan[] = new byte[(int) size];; access.readFully(scan); log.warn("scan of " + Bytes.toString(scan)); lastEnd = pos; return (Bytes.toString(scan).indexOf(needle) >= 0); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("", ex); } } return false; } } public Integer getPID(File pidFile) { try { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("[getpid] " + pidFile + " --> " + (pidFile != null ? pidFile.exists() : "<null>")); } return (pidFile != null && pidFile.exists()) ? Integer.parseInt(Bytes.toString( : null; } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("", ex); return null; } } private String execCommandReturnStdOut(String cmd) throws InterruptedException, IOException { SimpleExec command = new SimpleExec(cmd).join(); return command.stdoutString(); } // Sorry Illumos port... public String getCmdLine(int pid) { try { String cmd; if (useMacFriendlyPSCommands) { cmd = execCommandReturnStdOut("ps -f " + pid); } else { File cmdFile = new File("/proc/" + pid + "/cmdline"); cmd = Bytes.toString('\0', ' '); } log.warn("found cmd " + cmd + " for pid: " + pid); return cmd; } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("error searching for pidfile for pid: " + pid, ex); return null; } } /** * for tracking state */ public class JobTask implements Codec.Codable { @Codec.Set(codable = true, required = true) private String id; @Codec.Set(codable = true, required = true) private Integer node; @Codec.Set(codable = true) private Integer nodeCount; @Codec.Set(codable = true) private CommandTaskKick kick; @Codec.Set(codable = true, required = true) private int runCount; @Codec.Set(codable = true, required = true) private long runTime; @Codec.Set(codable = true) private long startTime; @Codec.Set(codable = true) private boolean monitored = true; @Codec.Set(codable = true) private long fileCount; @Codec.Set(codable = true) private long fileBytes; @Codec.Set(codable = true) private volatile boolean deleted; @Codec.Set(codable = true) private int retries; @Codec.Set(codable = true) private boolean wasQueued; private volatile ReplicaTarget[] failureRecoveryReplicas; private volatile ReplicaTarget[] replicas; @Codec.Set(codable = true) private long replicateStartTime; @Codec.Set(codable = true) private long backupStartTime; @Codec.Set(codable = true) private String rebalanceSource; @Codec.Set(codable = true) private String rebalanceTarget; private Process process; private Thread workItemThread; private File taskRoot; private File jobRun; private File replicateSH; private File replicateRun; private File backupSH; private File backupRun; private File jobDone; private File replicateDone; private File backupDone; private File jobBackup; private File jobStopped; private File jobDir; private File logOut; private File logErr; private File jobPid; private File replicatePid; private File backupPid; private File jobPort; private Integer port; public void setDeleted(boolean deleted) { this.deleted = deleted; } public JobKey getJobKey() { return new JobKey(id, node); } public CommandTaskKick getKick() { return kick; } public long getStartTime() { return startTime; } public void setStartTime(long startTime) { this.startTime = startTime; } public long getReplicateStartTime() { return replicateStartTime; } public void setReplicateStartTime(long replicateStartTime) { this.replicateStartTime = replicateStartTime; } public long getBackupStartTime() { return backupStartTime; } public void setBackupStartTime(long backupStartTime) { this.backupStartTime = backupStartTime; } public void setProcess(Process p) { this.process = p; } public void interruptProcess() { if (this.process != null) { this.process.destroy(); } } public int getRetries() { return retries; } public void setRetries(int retries) { this.retries = retries; } public void clearFailureReplicas() { // Merge all failureRecoveryReplicas into the master list, then clear failureRecoveryReplicas List<ReplicaTarget> finalReplicas = replicas != null ? new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(replicas)) : new ArrayList<ReplicaTarget>(); if (failureRecoveryReplicas != null) { finalReplicas.addAll(Arrays.asList(failureRecoveryReplicas)); } replicas = finalReplicas.toArray(new ReplicaTarget[finalReplicas.size()]); failureRecoveryReplicas = new ReplicaTarget[] {}; } public boolean isDeleted() { return deleted; } public void setWorkItemThread(MinionWorkItem workItemThread) { this.workItemThread = workItemThread == null ? null : new Thread(workItemThread); } public void save() { try { Files.write(new File(getConfigDir(), "job.state"), Bytes.toBytes(CodecJSON.encodeString(this, 4)), false); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("", e); } } private void monitor() { monitored = true; save(); } public void unmonitor() { monitored = false; save(); } public void updateFileStats() { final TimerContext updateTimer = fileStatsTimer.time(); FileStats stats = new FileStats(); stats.update(jobDir); try { Files.write(new File(getConfigDir(), "job.stats"), Bytes.toBytes(CodecJSON.encodeString(stats)), false); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("", e); } fileCount = stats.count; fileBytes = stats.bytes; updateTimer.stop(); } public void allocate() { capacityLock.lock(); try { activeTaskKeys.add(this.getName()); } finally { capacityLock.unlock(); } } public void deallocate() { capacityLock.lock(); try { activeTaskKeys.remove(this.getName()); } finally { capacityLock.unlock(); } } public void sendNewStatusToReplicaHost(String hostUUID) { sendControlMessage(new CommandTaskNew(hostUUID, getJobKey().getJobUuid(), getJobKey().getNodeNumber())); } public void sendEndStatus(int exit) { sendEndStatus(exit, null, null); } public void sendEndStatus(int exit, String rebalanceSource, String rebalanceTarget) { TaskExitState exitState = new TaskExitState(); File jobExit = new File(jobDir, "job.exit"); if (jobExit.exists() && jobExit.canRead()) { try { new CodecJSON().decode(exitState,; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } exitState.setWasStopped(wasStopped()); StatusTaskEnd end = new StatusTaskEnd(uuid, id, node, exit, fileCount, fileBytes); end.setRebalanceSource(rebalanceSource); end.setRebalanceTarget(rebalanceTarget); end.setWasQueued(wasQueued); end.setExitState(exitState); setRebalanceSource(null); setRebalanceTarget(null); sendStatusMessage(end); try { kickNextJob(); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("[task.kick] exception while trying to kick next job: " + e, e); } } public void sendPort() { sendStatusMessage(new StatusTaskPort(uuid, kick.getJobUuid(), kick.getNodeID(), port)); } /* restore a job state from a job/task-id root directory */ private boolean restoreTaskState(File taskDir) throws IOException { taskRoot = taskDir; File liveDir = new File(taskDir, "live"); File replicaDir = new File(taskDir, "replica"); File configDir = new File(taskDir, "config"); Files.initDirectory(configDir); String jobID = taskDir.getParentFile().getName(); String nodeID = taskDir.getName(); String taskPath = jobID + "/" + nodeID; if (replicaDir.isDirectory()) { // Cut over replica to live replicaDir.renameTo(liveDir); } else if (liveDir.exists() && !liveEverywhereMarkerFile.exists()) { // On first startup, mark any existing "live" directory as complete. new File(liveDir, "replicate.complete").createNewFile(); } if (!liveDir.isDirectory()) { log.warn("[restore] " + taskPath + " has no live or replica directories"); return false; } id = jobID; node = Integer.parseInt(nodeID); initializeFileVariables(); if (!liveEverywhereMarkerFile.exists()) { // On first startup, make sure to get to known idle state jobDone.createNewFile(); backupDone.createNewFile(); replicateDone.createNewFile(); } File jobState = new File(configDir, "job.state"); if (jobState.exists()) { try { CodecJSON.decodeString(this, Bytes.toString(; } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("", e); return false; } } if (Integer.parseInt(nodeID) != node) { log.warn("[restore] " + taskPath + " mismatch with node # " + node); return false; } if (!jobID.equals(id)) { log.warn("[restore] " + taskPath + " mismatch with node id " + id); return false; } monitored = true; recoverWorkItem(); return true; } /* If minion detects that a task was running when the minion was shut down, attempt to recover by looking for the pid */ private void recoverWorkItem() { try { if (isRunning()) { log.warn("[restore] " + getName() + " as running"); exec(this.kick, false); } else if (isReplicating()) { log.warn("[restore] " + getName() + " as replicating"); execReplicate(null, null, false, false, false); } else if (isBackingUp()) { log.warn("[restore] " + getName() + " as backing up"); execBackup(null, null, false); } else if ((startTime > 0 || replicateStartTime > 0 || backupStartTime > 0)) { // Minion had a process running that finished during the downtime; notify Spawn log.warn("[restore]" + getName() + " as previously active; now finished"); startTime = 0; replicateStartTime = 0; backupStartTime = 0; sendEndStatus(0); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("WARNING: failed to restore state for " + getName() + ": " + ex, ex); } } private void initializeFileVariables() { jobDir = getLiveDir(); File configDir = getConfigDir(); File logRoot = new File(jobDir, "log"); logOut = new File(logRoot, "log.out"); logErr = new File(logRoot, "log.err"); jobPid = new File(configDir, ""); replicatePid = new File(configDir, ""); backupPid = new File(configDir, ""); jobPort = new File(jobDir, "job.port"); jobDone = new File(configDir, "job.done"); replicateDone = new File(configDir, "replicate.done"); backupDone = new File(configDir, "backup.done"); } private boolean isComplete() { File replicaComplete = new File(getLiveDir(), "replicate.complete"); return replicaComplete.exists(); } private boolean shouldExecuteReplica(ReplicaTarget replica) { if (replica.getHostUuid().equals(uuid)) { log.warn("Host: " + uuid + " received a replication target of itself, this is NOT allowed for " + getName()); return false; } return true; } private List<String> assembleReplicateCommandAndInformSpawn(ReplicaTarget replica, boolean replicateAllBackups) throws IOException { List<String> rv = new ArrayList<String>(); if (replica == null || !shouldExecuteReplica(replica)) { return null; } try { String target = getTaskBaseDir(replica.getBaseDir(), id, node); if (!replicateAllBackups) { target += "/live"; } String userAT = replica.getUserAT(); String mkTarget = remoteConnectMethod + " " + userAT + " mkdir -p " + target + "/"; log.warn("[replicate] " + getJobKey() + " to " + userAT + ":" + target); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(" --> " + mkTarget); } int runCount = kick != null ? kick.getRunCount() : 0; sendStatusMessage(new StatusTaskReplica(replica.getHostUuid(), id, node, runCount, System.currentTimeMillis())); rv.add(mkTarget); if (replicateAllBackups) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(createRsyncCommand(userAT, jobDir.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath() + "/", target)); for (String backup : findLocalBackups(true)) { if (backup.startsWith(ScheduledBackupType.getBackupPrefix())) { // only include "b-" dirs/exclude gold - it won't exist on the remote host after the rsync. // On some occasions, this logic can attempt to touch a backup that is about to be deleted -- if so, log a message but don't fail the command sb.append("\n" + createTouchCommand(false, userAT, target + "/" + backup + "/backup.complete", true)); } } sb.append("\n" + createTouchCommand(false, userAT, target + "/live/replicate.complete", false)); rv.add(sb.toString()); } else { rv.add(createDeleteCommand(false, userAT, target + "/replicate.complete") + "\n" + createRsyncCommand(userAT, jobDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/", target) + "\n" + createTouchCommand(false, userAT, target + "/replicate.complete", false)); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("failed to replicate " + this.getJobKey() + " to " + replica.getHost(), ex); } return rv; } private List<String> assembleBackupCommandsForHost(boolean local, ReplicaTarget replica, List<String> symlinkCommands, List<String> deleteCommands) { List<String> copyCommands = new ArrayList<String>(); for (ScheduledBackupType type : ScheduledBackupType.getBackupTypes().values()) { String[] allBackups = local ? findLocalBackups(false) : findRemoteBackups(false, replica); String[] validBackups = allBackups; String backupName = type.generateCurrentName(true); String symlinkName = type.getSymlinkName(); String userAT = local ? null : replica.getUserAT(); String source = "live"; String path = local ? jobDir.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath() : getTaskBaseDir(replica.getBaseDir(), id, node); int maxNumBackups = getMaxNumBackupsForType(type); if (maxNumBackups > 0 && type.shouldMakeNewBackup(validBackups)) { String backupCMD = createBackupCommand(local, userAT, path, source, backupName); copyCommands.add(backupCMD); if (symlinkName != null) { symlinkCommands.add(createSymlinkCommand(local, userAT, path, backupName, symlinkName)); } maxNumBackups -= 1; // Diminish the max number by one, because we're about to add a new one } List<String> backupsToDelete = type.oldBackupsToDelete(allBackups, validBackups, maxNumBackups); for (String oldBackup : backupsToDelete) { if (MinionTaskDeleter.shouldDeleteBackup(oldBackup, type)) { deleteCommands.add(createDeleteCommand(local, userAT, path + "/" + oldBackup)); } } } writeState(); return copyCommands; } private String createRsyncCommand(String userAT, String source, String target) throws Exception { return "retry " + rsyncCommand + (copyBandwidthLimit > 0 ? " --bwlimit " + copyBandwidthLimit : "") + " -Hqa --exclude config --exclude gold --exclude replicate.complete --exclude backup.complete --delete-after -e \\'" + remoteConnectMethod + "\\' " + source + " " + userAT + ":" + target; } private String createBackupCommand(boolean local, String userAT, String baseDir, String source, String name) { String sourceDir = baseDir + "/" + source; String targetDir = baseDir + "/" + name; log.warn("[backup] executing backup from " + sourceDir + " to " + targetDir); return createDeleteCommand(local, userAT, targetDir) + " && " + createCopyCommand(local, userAT, sourceDir, targetDir) + " && " + createTouchCommand(local, userAT, targetDir + "/backup.complete", false); } private String createSymlinkCommand(boolean local, String userAt, String baseDir, String source, String name) { String linkDir = baseDir + "/" + name; String tmpName = linkDir + "_tmp"; return wrapCommandWithRetries(local, userAt, "if [ ! -L " + linkDir + " ]; then rm -rf " + linkDir + " ; fi && " + lncmd + " -nsf " + source + " " + tmpName + " && " + mvcmd + " -Tf " + tmpName + " " + linkDir); } private String createCopyCommand(boolean local, String userAt, String sourceDir, String targetDir) { String cpParams = linkBackup ? " -lr " : " -r "; return wrapCommandWithRetries(local, userAt, cpcmd + cpParams + sourceDir + " " + targetDir); } private String createTouchCommand(boolean local, String userAT, String path, boolean failSafe) { return wrapCommandWithRetries(local, userAT, "touch " + path + (failSafe ? " 2>/dev/null || echo 'Skipped deleted backup'" : "")); } private String createDeleteCommand(boolean local, String userAT, String dirPath) { return wrapCommandWithRetries(local, userAT, rmcmd + " -rf " + dirPath); } private String wrapCommandWithRetries(boolean local, String userAt, String command) { return "retry \"" + (local ? "" : remoteConnectMethod + " " + userAt + " '") + command + (local ? "" : "'") + "\""; } /** * Find local backups for a task. * * @param completeOnly Whether to restrict to backups that contain the backup.complete file * @return A list of directory names */ private String[] findLocalBackups(boolean completeOnly) { File[] dirs = jobDir.getParentFile().listFiles(); if (dirs == null) { return new String[] {}; } List<String> rvList = new ArrayList<>(); for (File dir : dirs) { if (dir.isDirectory()) { if (!completeOnly || Strings.contains(dir.list(), "backup.complete")) { rvList.add(dir.getName()); } } } Collections.sort(rvList); return rvList.toArray(new String[] {}); } /** * Find backups for a task on a replica host * * @param completeOnly Whether to restrict to backups that contain the backup.complete file * @param replica The ReplicaTarget object describing the destination for this replica * @return A list of directory names */ private String[] findRemoteBackups(boolean completeOnly, ReplicaTarget replica) { try { String userAT = replica.getUser() + "@" + replica.getHost(); String baseDir = getTaskBaseDir(replica.getBaseDir(), id, node); if (completeOnly) { baseDir += "/*/backup.complete"; } String lsResult = execCommandReturnStdOut( remoteConnectMethod + " " + userAT + " " + lscmd + " " + baseDir); String[] lines = lsResult.split("\n"); if (completeOnly) { List<String> rv = new ArrayList<String>(lines.length); for (String line : lines) { String[] splitLine = line.split("/"); if (splitLine.length > 2) { rv.add(splitLine[splitLine.length - 2]); } } return rv.toArray(new String[] {}); } else { return lines; } } catch (Exception ex) { return new String[] {}; } } private String execCommandReturnStdOut(String sshCMD) throws InterruptedException, IOException { String[] wrappedCMD = new String[] { "/bin/sh", "-c", sshCMD }; SimpleExec command = runCommand(wrappedCMD, null); if (command.exitCode() == 0) { return command.stdoutString(); } else { return ""; } } private SimpleExec runCommand(String[] sshCMDArray, String sshCMD) throws InterruptedException, IOException { SimpleExec command; if (sshCMD != null) { command = new SimpleExec(sshCMD).join(); } else { command = new SimpleExec(sshCMDArray).join(); } return command; } /* Read the proper number of backups for each type from the kick parameters */ private int getMaxNumBackupsForType(ScheduledBackupType type) { if (type instanceof GoldBackup) { return 3; // Keep 3 gold backups around so that these directories will linger for query/streaming stability } if (kick == null) { return -1; // If we're not sure how many backups to create, hold off until we receive a task kick } if (type instanceof HourlyBackup) { return kick.getHourlyBackups(); } else if (type instanceof DailyBackup) { return kick.getDailyBackups(); } else if (type instanceof WeeklyBackup) { return kick.getWeeklyBackups(); } else if (type instanceof MonthlyBackup) { return kick.getMonthlyBackups(); } else { return 0; // Unknown backup type } } /** * Move the specified backup dir onto the live dir * * @param backupDir The "good" version of a task * @param targetDir The target directory, generally "live", which may have bad/incomplete data * @return True if the operation succeeds */ public boolean promoteBackupToLive(File backupDir, File targetDir) { if (targetDir != null && backupDir != null && backupDir.exists() && backupDir.isDirectory()) { moveAndDeleteAsync(targetDir); // Copy the backup directory onto the target directory String cpCMD = cpcmd + (linkBackup ? " -lrf " : " -rf "); return shell(cpCMD + backupDir + " " + targetDir + " >> /dev/null 2>&1", rootDir) == 0; } else { log.warn("[restore] invalid backup dir " + backupDir); } return false; } /** * Move a file to a temporary location, then delete it asynchronously via a request to MinionTaskDeleter * * @param file The file to be deleted. */ private void moveAndDeleteAsync(File file) { if (file != null && file.exists()) { File tmpLocation = new File(file.getParent(), "BAD-" + System.currentTimeMillis()); if (file.renameTo(tmpLocation)) { submitPathToDelete(tmpLocation.getPath()); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Could not rename file for asynchronous deletion: " + file); } } } private void submitPathToDelete(String path) { minionStateLock.lock(); try { minionTaskDeleter.submitPathToDelete(path); } finally { minionStateLock.unlock(); } } public boolean revertToBackup(int revision, long time, String type) { revertLock.lock(); try { if (isRunning() || isReplicating() || isBackingUp()) { log.warn("[revert] cannot promote backup for active task " + getName()); return false; } ScheduledBackupType typeToUse = ScheduledBackupType.getBackupTypes().get(type); if (typeToUse == null) { log.warn("[revert] unrecognized backup type " + type); return false; } String backupName; if (revision < 0) { backupName = getBackupByTime(time, type); } else { backupName = getBackupByRevision(revision, type); } if (backupName == null) { log.warn("[revert] found no backups of type " + type + " and time " + time + " to revert to for " + getName() + "; failing"); return false; } File oldBackup = new File(jobDir.getParentFile(), backupName); log.warn("[revert] " + getName() + " from " + oldBackup); sendStatusMessage(new StatusTaskRevert(getUUID(), id, node)); boolean promoteSuccess = promoteBackupToLive(oldBackup, jobDir); if (promoteSuccess) { try { execReplicate(null, null, false, true, false); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("[revert] post-revert replicate of " + getName() + " failed with exception " + ex, ex); return false; } } else { log.warn("[revert] " + getName() + " from " + oldBackup + " failed"); sendEndStatus(JobTaskErrorCode.EXIT_REVERT_FAILURE); return false; } } finally { revertLock.unlock(); } } private String getBackupByTime(long time, String type) { ScheduledBackupType backupType = ScheduledBackupType.getBackupTypes().get(type); String[] backups = findLocalBackups(true); if (backups == null || backups.length == 0) { log.warn("[revert] fail, there are no local backups of type " + type + " for " + getName()); return null; } String timeName = backupType.stripSuffixAndPrefix(backupType.generateNameForTime(time, true)); for (String backupName : backups) { if (backupType.isValidName(backupName) && (backupType.stripSuffixAndPrefix(backupName).equals(timeName))) { return backupName; } } log.warn("[revert] fail, invalid backup time for " + getName() + ": " + time); return null; } /** * Get all complete backups, ordered from most recent to earliest. * * @return A list of backup names */ public List<String> getBackupsOrdered() { List<String> backups = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(findLocalBackups(true))); ScheduledBackupType.sortBackupsByTime(backups); return backups; } /** * Fetch the name of the backup directory for this task, n revisions back * * @param revision How far to go back -- 0 for latest stable version, 1 for the next oldest, etc. * @param type Which backup type to use. * @return The name of the appropriate complete backup, if found, and null if no such backup was found */ private String getBackupByRevision(int revision, String type) { String[] backupsRaw = findLocalBackups(true); List<String> backups = new ArrayList<>(); if (backupsRaw == null) { return null; } if ("all".equals(type)) { backups.addAll(Arrays.asList(backupsRaw)); ScheduledBackupType.sortBackupsByTime(backups); } else { ScheduledBackupType backupType = ScheduledBackupType.getBackupTypes().get(type); for (String backup : backupsRaw) { if (backupType.isValidName(backup)) { backups.add(backup); } } } int offset = (backups.size() - 1 - revision); if (revision < 0 || offset < 0 || offset >= backups.size()) { log.warn("[revert] fail: can't find revision=" + revision + " with only " + backups.size() + " complete backups"); return null; } return backups.get(offset); } private void require(boolean test, String msg) throws ExecException { if (!test) { throw new ExecException(msg); } } private void requireNewOrEqual(Object currentValue, Object newValue, String valueName) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (currentValue != null && !currentValue.equals(newValue)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "value mismatch for '" + valueName + "' " + newValue + " != " + currentValue); } } public void exec(CommandTaskKick kickMessage, boolean execute) throws Exception { // setup data directory jobDir = Files.initDirectory(new File(rootDir, id + File.separator + node + File.separator + "live")); File configDir = getConfigDir(); if (!configDir.exists()) { Files.initDirectory(configDir); } File logDir = new File(jobDir, "log"); Files.initDirectory(logDir); replicateDone = new File(configDir, "replicate.done"); jobRun = new File(configDir, ""); jobDone = new File(configDir, "job.done"); logOut = new File(logDir, "log.out"); logErr = new File(logDir, "log.err"); jobPid = new File(configDir, ""); jobPort = new File(jobDir, "job.port"); jobStopped = new File(jobDir, "job.stopped"); wasQueued = false; if (execute) { File replicateComplete = new File(getLiveDir(), "replicate.complete"); replicateComplete.createNewFile(); replicas = kickMessage.getReplicas(); String jobId = kickMessage.getJobUuid(); int jobNode = kickMessage.getJobKey().getNodeNumber(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("[task.exec] " + kickMessage.getJobKey()); } require(testTaskIdle(), "task is not idle"); String jobCommand = kickMessage.getCommand(); require(!Strings.isEmpty(jobCommand), "task command is missing or empty"); // ensure we're not changing something critical on a re-spawn int jobNodes = kickMessage.getJobNodes(); requireNewOrEqual(id, jobId, "Job ID"); requireNewOrEqual(node, jobNode, "Job Node"); requireNewOrEqual(nodeCount, jobNodes, "Job Node Count"); // store the new values id = jobId; node = jobNode; nodeCount = jobNodes; kick = kickMessage; retries = kick != null ? kick.getRetries() : 0; // allocate type slot if applicable sendStatusMessage(new StatusTaskBegin(uuid, id, node)); // store in jobs on first run if (runCount == 0) { log.warn("[task.exec] first time running " + getName()); } String jobConfig = kickMessage.getConfig(); if (jobConfig != null) { Files.write(new File(jobDir, "job.conf"), Bytes.toBytes(jobConfig), false); } // create exec command jobCommand = jobCommand.replace("{{jobdir}}", jobDir.getPath()).replace("{{jobid}}", jobId) .replace("{{port}}", findNextPort() + "").replace("{{node}}", jobNode + "") .replace("{{nodes}}", jobNodes + ""); log.warn("[task.exec] starting " + jobDir.getPath() + " with retries=" + retries); // create shell wrapper require(deleteFiles(jobPid, jobPort, jobDone, jobStopped), "failed to delete files"); port = null; String stamp = timeFormat.print(System.currentTimeMillis()); File logOutTmp = new File(logDir, "log-" + stamp + ".out"); File logErrTmp = new File(logDir, "log-" + stamp + ".err"); StringBuilder bash = new StringBuilder("#!/bin/bash\n"); bash.append("find " + logDir + " -type f -mtime +30 -exec rm {} \\;\n"); bash.append("rm -f " + logOut + " " + logErr + "\n"); bash.append("ln -s " + logOutTmp.getName() + " " + logOut + "\n"); bash.append("ln -s " + logErrTmp.getName() + " " + logErr + "\n"); bash.append("(\n"); bash.append("cd " + jobDir + "\n"); bash.append("(" + jobCommand + ") &\n"); bash.append("pid=$!\n"); bash.append("echo ${pid} > " + jobPid.getCanonicalPath() + "\n"); bash.append("exit=0\n"); bash.append("wait ${pid} || exit=$?\n"); bash.append("echo ${exit} > " + jobDone.getCanonicalPath() + "\n"); bash.append("exit ${exit}\n"); bash.append(") >" + logOutTmp + " 2>" + logErrTmp + " &\n"); Files.write(jobRun, Bytes.toBytes(bash.toString()), false); runCount++; } this.startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // save it save(); sendHostStatus(); // mark it active capacityLock.lock(); try { activeTaskKeys.add(getName()); } finally { capacityLock.unlock(); } // start watcher, which will fire it up workItemThread = new Thread( new RunTaskWorkItem(jobDir, jobPid, jobRun, jobDone, this, execute, retries)); workItemThread.setName("RunTask-WorkItem-" + getName()); workItemThread.start(); } public void execReplicate(String rebalanceSource, String rebalanceTarget, boolean replicateAllBackups, boolean execute, boolean wasQueued) throws Exception { setRebalanceSource(rebalanceSource); setRebalanceTarget(rebalanceTarget); setWasQueued(wasQueued); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("[task.execReplicate] " + this.getJobKey()); } require(testTaskIdle(), "task is not idle"); if ((replicas == null || replicas.length == 0) && (failureRecoveryReplicas == null || failureRecoveryReplicas.length == 0)) { execBackup(rebalanceSource, rebalanceTarget, true); return; } if (findActiveRsync(id, node) != null) { String msg = "Replicate failed because an existing rsync process was found for " + getName(); log.warn("[task.execReplicate] " + msg); sendEndStatus(JobTaskErrorCode.EXIT_REPLICATE_FAILURE); shell(echoWithDate_cmd + msg + " >> " + logErr.getCanonicalPath(), rootDir); return; } sendStatusMessage(new StatusTaskReplicate(uuid, id, node, replicateAllBackups)); try { jobDir = Files .initDirectory(new File(rootDir, id + File.separator + node + File.separator + "live")); log.warn("[task.execReplicate] replicating " + jobDir.getPath()); File configDir = getConfigDir(); Files.initDirectory(configDir); // create shell wrapper replicateSH = new File(configDir, ""); replicateRun = new File(configDir, ""); replicateDone = new File(configDir, "replicate.done"); replicatePid = new File(configDir, ""); if (execute) { require(deleteFiles(replicatePid, replicateDone), "failed to delete replicate config files"); String replicateRunScript = generateRunScript(replicateSH.getCanonicalPath(), replicatePid.getCanonicalPath(), replicateDone.getCanonicalPath()); Files.write(replicateRun, Bytes.toBytes(replicateRunScript), false); String replicateSHScript = generateReplicateSHScript(replicateAllBackups); Files.write(replicateSH, Bytes.toBytes(replicateSHScript), false); } replicateStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // save it save(); // start watcher workItemThread = new Thread(new ReplicateWorkItem(jobDir, replicatePid, replicateRun, replicateDone, this, rebalanceSource, rebalanceTarget, execute)); workItemThread.setName("Replicate-WorkItem-" + getName()); workItemThread.start(); } catch (Exception ex) { sendEndStatus(JobTaskErrorCode.EXIT_SCRIPT_EXEC_ERROR); throw ex; } } public void execBackup(String rebalanceSource, String rebalanceTarget, boolean execute) throws Exception { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("[task.execBackup] " + this.getJobKey()); } require(testTaskIdle(), "task is not idle"); sendStatusMessage(new StatusTaskBackup(uuid, id, node)); try { log.warn("[task.execBackup] backing up " + jobDir.getPath()); File configDir = getConfigDir(); Files.initDirectory(configDir); backupSH = new File(configDir, ""); backupRun = new File(configDir, ""); backupDone = new File(configDir, "backup.done"); backupPid = new File(configDir, ""); if (execute) { require(deleteFiles(backupPid, backupDone), "failed to delete backup config files"); String backupSHScript = generateBackupSHScript(replicas); Files.write(backupSH, Bytes.toBytes(backupSHScript), false); String backupRunScript = generateRunScript(backupSH.getCanonicalPath(), backupPid.getCanonicalPath(), backupDone.getCanonicalPath()); Files.write(backupRun, Bytes.toBytes(backupRunScript), false); } backupStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); save(); workItemThread = new Thread(new BackupWorkItem(jobDir, backupPid, backupRun, backupDone, this, rebalanceSource, rebalanceTarget, execute)); workItemThread.setName("Backup-WorkItem-" + getName()); workItemThread.start(); } catch (Exception ex) { sendEndStatus(JobTaskErrorCode.EXIT_SCRIPT_EXEC_ERROR); throw ex; } } private String makeRetryDefinition() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("retries=" + copyRetryLimit + "\n"); sb.append("retryDelaySeconds=" + copyRetryDelaySeconds + "\n"); sb.append("function retry {\n" + "try=0; cmd=\"$@\"\n" + "until [ $try -ge $retries ]; do\n" + "\tif [ \"$try\" -ge \"1\" ]; then echo starting retry $try; sleep $retryDelaySeconds; fi\n" + "\ttry=$((try+1)); eval $cmd; exitCode=$?\n" + "\tif [ \"$exitCode\" == \"0\" ] || [ \"$exitCode\" == \"127\" ] || [ \"$exitCode\" == \"137\" ]; then return $exitCode; fi\n" + "done\n" + "echo \"Command failed after $retries retries: $cmd\"; exit $exitCode\n" + "}\n"); return sb.toString(); } private String generateReplicateSHScript(boolean replicateAllBackups) throws IOException { File logDir = new File(jobDir, "log"); Files.initDirectory(logDir); StringBuilder bash = new StringBuilder("#!/bin/bash\n"); bash.append(makeRetryDefinition()); bash.append(echoWithDate_cmd + "Deleting environment lock files in preparation for replication\n"); bash.append("find " + jobDir.getCanonicalPath() + " -name je.lck -print -exec rm {} \\;\n"); bash.append("find " + jobDir.getCanonicalPath() + " -name -print -exec rm {} \\;\n"); appendReplicas(bash, failureRecoveryReplicas, true); // Add commands for any the failure-recovery replicas that definitely need full rsyncs appendReplicas(bash, replicas, replicateAllBackups); // Add commands for the existing replicas bash.append(echoWithDate_cmd + "Finished replicating successfully\n"); return bash.toString(); } private void appendReplicas(StringBuilder bash, ReplicaTarget[] replicas, boolean replicateAllBackups) throws IOException { if (replicas == null) { return; } for (ReplicaTarget replica : replicas) { if (replica.getHostUuid() == null || replica.getHostUuid().equals(uuid)) { return; } List<String> replicateCommands = assembleReplicateCommandAndInformSpawn(replica, replicateAllBackups); if (replicateCommands == null || replicateCommands.isEmpty()) { return; } String action = "replicating to " + replica.getHost() + " uuid=" + replica.getHostUuid(); appendCommandsWithStartFinishMessages(bash, action, replicateCommands, replicateCommandDelaySeconds); } } private String generateRunScript(String shName, String pidPath, String donePath) throws IOException { if (logOut == null || logErr == null) { File logRoot = new File(jobDir, "log"); logOut = new File(logRoot, "log.out"); logErr = new File(logRoot, "log.err"); } StringBuilder bash = new StringBuilder("#!/bin/bash\n"); bash.append("(\n"); bash.append("\t cd " + jobDir.getCanonicalPath() + "\n"); bash.append("\t (bash " + shName + ") &\n"); bash.append("\t pid=$!\n"); bash.append("\t echo ${pid} > " + pidPath + "\n"); bash.append("\t exit=0\n"); bash.append("\t wait ${pid} || exit=$?\n"); bash.append("\t echo ${exit} > " + donePath + "\n"); bash.append("\t exit ${exit};\n"); bash.append(") >> " + logOut.getCanonicalPath() + " 2>> " + logErr.getCanonicalPath() + " &"); return bash.toString(); } private String generateBackupSHScript(ReplicaTarget[] replicas) throws IOException { File logDir = new File(jobDir, "log"); Files.initDirectory(logDir); StringBuilder bash = new StringBuilder("#!/bin/bash\n"); bash.append("cd " + jobDir.getCanonicalPath() + "\n"); bash.append(makeRetryDefinition()); List<String> symlinkCommands = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> deleteCommands = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> localBackupCommands = assembleBackupCommandsForHost(true, null, symlinkCommands, deleteCommands); appendCommandsWithStartFinishMessages(bash, "updating local backups", localBackupCommands, backupCommandDelaySeconds); if (replicas != null) { for (ReplicaTarget replica : replicas) { if (replica.getHostUuid() == null || replica.getHostUuid().equals(uuid)) { continue; } String action = "updating backups on " + replica.getHost() + " uuid=" + replica.getHostUuid(); List<String> remoteBackupCommands = assembleBackupCommandsForHost(false, replica, symlinkCommands, deleteCommands); appendCommandsWithStartFinishMessages(bash, action, remoteBackupCommands, backupCommandDelaySeconds); } } appendCommandsWithStartFinishMessages(bash, "updating symlinks", symlinkCommands, backupCommandDelaySeconds); appendCommandsWithStartFinishMessages(bash, "deleting old backups", deleteCommands, backupCommandDelaySeconds); bash.append(echoWithDate_cmd + "Finished backing up successfully\n"); return bash.toString(); } private void appendCommandsWithStartFinishMessages(StringBuilder builder, String action, List<String> commands, int delaySeconds) { builder.append(echoWithDate_cmd + " Started " + action + " \n"); for (String cmd : commands) { if (delaySeconds > 0) { builder.append("sleep " + delaySeconds + " && \\\n"); } builder.append(cmd + " && \\\n"); } builder.append(echoWithDate_cmd + " Finished " + action + " \n"); } /** * Suppose we have received a message to begin running a task / replicating / backing up. * If we're already doing one of these, reject the received instruction and re-send an event describing what we're doing. * * @return true only if the task was really idle. */ private boolean testTaskIdle() { if (isRunning()) { sendStatusMessage(new StatusTaskBegin(uuid, id, node)); return false; } else if (isReplicating()) { sendStatusMessage(new StatusTaskReplicate(uuid, id, node, false)); return false; } else if (isBackingUp()) { sendStatusMessage(new StatusTaskBackup(uuid, id, node)); return false; } else if (workItemThread != null) { log.warn("clearing workItem for idle task " + getName()); workItemThread.interrupt(); workItemThread = null; } return true; } private boolean isProcessRunning(File pidFile) { Integer pid = getPID(pidFile); return pid != null && activeProcessExistsWithPid(pid, rootDir); } protected void createDoneFileIfNoProcessRunning(File pidFile, File doneFile) { if (doneFile == null || pidFile == null || doneFile.exists()) { return; } boolean success = false; try { Integer pid = getPID(pidFile); if (pid == null || !activeProcessExistsWithPid(pid, rootDir)) { success = doneFile.exists() || doneFile.createNewFile(); } else { success = true; // Process exists, nothing to do. } } catch (IOException io) { success = false; log.warn("[task.state.check] exception when creating done file: " + io, io); } if (!success) { log.warn("[task.state.check] failed to create done file for task " + getName() + " path " + doneFile); } } public String getName() { return id + "/" + node; } public File getJobDir() { return jobDir; } public Integer getPort() { try { if (port == null && jobPort.exists())// && jobPort.lastModified() >= jobRun.lastModified()) { port = Integer.parseInt(Bytes.toString(; } } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("", ex); } return port; } // TODO hookup to a job clean cmd at some point (for testing mostly) public boolean deleteData() { return false; } public boolean isRunning() { if (jobDone == null) { return false; } // no checking for process here since this doesn't seem to be broken like the others return this.startTime > 0 && !jobDone.exists(); } public boolean isReplicating() { if (replicateDone == null) { return false; } return !isRunning() && replicateStartTime > 0 && !replicateDone.exists() && isProcessRunning(replicatePid); } public boolean isBackingUp() { if (backupDone == null) { return false; } return !isRunning() && !isReplicating() && backupStartTime > 0 && !backupDone.exists() && isProcessRunning(backupPid); } public File[] getActivePidFiles() { if (isRunning()) { return new File[] { jobPid }; } else if (isReplicating()) { return new File[] { replicatePid }; } else if (isBackingUp()) { return new File[] { backupPid }; } else { return null; } } public boolean stopWait(boolean kill) { File[] activePidFiles = getActivePidFiles(); Integer rsync = null; if (isReplicating()) { rsync = findActiveRsync(id, node); } boolean success = activePidFiles != null && stopWait(activePidFiles, kill); if (rsync != null) { // Need to kill the rsync after the replicate script to avoid doing a retry shell("kill -9 " + rsync, rootDir); } return success; } public boolean stopWait(File[] pidFiles, boolean kill) { boolean result = true; boolean isRunning = isRunning(); try { if (kill) { resetStartTime(); log.warn("[stopWait] creating done files for " + getName() + " if they do not exist"); if (!jobDone.getParentFile().exists()) { log.warn("The directory " + jobDone.getParent() + " does not exist."); } else { createDoneFileIfNoProcessRunning(jobPid, jobDone); createDoneFileIfNoProcessRunning(replicatePid, replicateDone); createDoneFileIfNoProcessRunning(backupPid, backupDone); } } for (File pidFile : pidFiles) { Integer pid = getPID(pidFile); if (pid == null) { log.warn((kill ? "stop" : "kill") + "Wait failed with null pid for " + getName()); result = false; } else { if (pid.equals(minionPid)) { log.warn("[minion.kill] tried to kill my own process. pid: " + pid); result = false; } String cmd = getCmdLine(pid); if (cmd == null) { log.warn( "[minion.kill] unable to read cmdline, so it seems unlikely the process is running, ret false"); result = false; } else { log.warn("[minion.kill] about to kill pid " + pid + " with cmd line: " + cmd); if (cmd.contains(" minion") || cmd.contains(" mss") || cmd.contains(" mqworker")) { log.warn( "It looked like we are trying to kill an Important Process (TM), returning false instead"); result = false; } } if (isRunning) { jobStopped = new File(jobDir, "job.stopped"); if (!jobStopped.createNewFile()) { log.warn("Failed to create job.stopped file for stopped job " + getName()); } } if (kill) { log.warn("[minion.kill] killing pid:" + pid + " hard"); result &="kill -9 " + pid, rootDir) >= 0; } else { log.warn("[minion.kill] killing pid:" + pid + " nice"); result &="kill " + pid, rootDir) >= 0; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("", ex); } return result; } private void resetStartTime() { if (isRunning()) { startTime = 0; } else if (isReplicating()) { replicateStartTime = 0; } else if (isBackingUp()) { backupStartTime = 0; } writeState(); } public File getLiveDir() { return new File(taskRoot, "live"); } public File getConfigDir() { return new File(taskRoot, "config"); } public String profile() { File profile = new File(jobDir, "job.profile"); if (profile.exists()) { try { return Bytes.toString(; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return ""; } public JSONObject readLogLines(File file, int startOffset, int lines) { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); String content = ""; long off = 0; long endOffset = 0; int linesRead = 0; int bytesRead = 0; try (RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r")) { long len = raf.length(); //if startoffset is negative, tail the content if (startOffset < 0 || startOffset > len) { off = len; while (lines > 0 && --off >= 0) {; if (off == 0 || == '\n') { lines--; linesRead++; } } bytesRead = (int) (len - off); byte buf[] = new byte[bytesRead];; content = Bytes.toString(buf); endOffset = len; } else if (len > 0 && startOffset < len) { off = startOffset; while (lines > 0 && off < len) {; if ( == '\n') { lines--; linesRead++; } } bytesRead = (int) (off - startOffset); byte buf[] = new byte[bytesRead];;; content = Bytes.toString(buf); endOffset = off; } else if (startOffset == len) { endOffset = len; linesRead = 0; content = ""; } json.put("offset", endOffset); json.put("lines", linesRead); json.put("lastModified", file.lastModified()); json.put("out", content); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("", e); } return json; } public String tail(File file, int lines) { try (RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r")) { long len = raf.length(); if (len <= 0) { return ""; } long off = len; while (lines > 0 && --off >= 0) {; if (off == 0 || == '\n') { lines--; } } byte buf[] = new byte[(int) (len - off)];; return Bytes.toString(buf); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("", e); } return ""; } public String head(File file, int lines) { try (RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r")) { long len = raf.length(); if (len <= 0) { return ""; } long off = 0; while (lines > 0 && off < len) {; if ( == '\n') { lines--; } } byte buf[] = new byte[(int) off];;; return Bytes.toString(buf); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("", e); } return ""; } public void setRuntime(long runTime) { this.runTime = runTime; } public void setReplicas(ReplicaTarget[] replicas) { this.replicas = replicas; } public void setFailureRecoveryReplicas(ReplicaTarget[] replicas) { this.failureRecoveryReplicas = replicas; } public ReplicaTarget[] getFailureRecoveryReplicas() { return failureRecoveryReplicas; } public ReplicaTarget[] getReplicas() { return replicas; } public boolean wasStopped() { if (jobStopped == null) { jobStopped = new File(jobDir, "job.stopped"); } return jobStopped.exists(); } public String getRebalanceSource() { return rebalanceSource; } public void setRebalanceSource(String rebalanceSource) { this.rebalanceSource = rebalanceSource; } public boolean wasQueued() { return wasQueued; } public void setWasQueued(boolean wasQueued) { this.wasQueued = wasQueued; } public String getRebalanceTarget() { return rebalanceTarget; } public void setRebalanceTarget(String rebalanceTarget) { this.rebalanceTarget = rebalanceTarget; } @Override public String toString() { return "JobTask{" + "id='" + id + '\'' + ", node=" + node + ", jobDir=" + jobDir + '}'; } } public static class FileStats { public long count; public long bytes; private void update(File dir) { if (dir != null) { for (File file : dir.listFiles()) { if (file.isDirectory()) { update(file); } else if (file.isFile()) { count++; bytes += file.length(); } } } else { count = 0; bytes = 0; } } } @Override public void handle(String target, Request request, HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse) throws IOException, ServletException { try { doHandle(target, request, httpServletRequest, httpServletResponse); } catch (IOException io) { throw io; } catch (ServletException se) { throw se; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new IOException(ex); } } public void doHandle(String target, Request baseRequest, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { response.setBufferSize(65535); response.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); response.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "accept, username"); response.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, POST, PUT"); KVPairs kv = new KVPairs(); boolean handled = true; for (Enumeration<String> e = request.getParameterNames(); e.hasMoreElements();) { String k = e.nextElement(); String v = request.getParameter(k); kv.add(k, v); } if (target.equals("/ping")) { response.getWriter().write("ACK"); } else if (target.startsWith("/metrics")) { metricsHandler.handle(target, baseRequest, request, response); } else if (target.equals("/job.port")) { String job = kv.getValue("id"); int taskID = kv.getIntValue("node", -1); JobKey key = new JobKey(job, taskID); JobTask task = tasks.get(key.toString()); Integer jobPort = null; if (task != null) { jobPort = task.getPort(); } response.getWriter().write("{port:" + (jobPort != null ? jobPort : 0) + "}"); } else if (target.equals("/job.profile")) { String jobName = kv.getValue("id", "") + "/" + kv.getIntValue("node", 0); JobTask job = tasks.get(jobName); if (job != null) { response.getWriter().write(job.profile()); } else { response.sendError(400, "No Job"); } } else if (target.equals("/job.head")) { String jobName = kv.getValue("id", "") + "/" + kv.getIntValue("node", 0); int lines = kv.getIntValue("lines", 10); boolean out = !kv.getValue("out", "0").equals("0"); boolean err = !kv.getValue("err", "0").equals("0"); String html = kv.getValue("html"); JobTask job = tasks.get(jobName); if (job != null) { String outB = out ? job.head(job.logOut, lines) : ""; String errB = err ? job.head(job.logErr, lines) : ""; if (html != null) { html = html.replace("{{out}}", outB); html = html.replace("{{err}}", errB); response.setContentType("text/html"); response.getWriter().write(html); } else { response.getWriter().write(new JSONObject().put("out", outB).put("err", errB).toString()); } } else { response.sendError(400, "No Job"); } } else if (target.equals("/job.tail")) { String jobName = kv.getValue("id", "") + "/" + kv.getIntValue("node", 0); int lines = kv.getIntValue("lines", 10); boolean out = !kv.getValue("out", "0").equals("0"); boolean err = !kv.getValue("err", "0").equals("0"); String html = kv.getValue("html"); JobTask job = tasks.get(jobName); if (job != null) { String outB = out ? job.tail(job.logOut, lines) : ""; String errB = err ? job.tail(job.logErr, lines) : ""; if (html != null) { html = html.replace("{{out}}", outB); html = html.replace("{{err}}", errB); response.setContentType("text/html"); response.getWriter().write(html); } else { response.getWriter().write(new JSONObject().put("out", outB).put("err", errB).toString()); } } else { response.sendError(400, "No Job"); } } else if (target.equals("/job.log")) { String jobName = kv.getValue("id", "") + "/" + kv.getIntValue("node", 0); int offset = kv.getIntValue("offset", -1); int lines = kv.getIntValue("lines", 10); boolean out = kv.getValue("out", "1").equals("1"); JobTask job = tasks.get(jobName); if (job != null) { File log = (out ? job.logOut : job.logErr); response.getWriter().write(job.readLogLines(log, offset, lines).toString()); } else { response.sendError(400, "No Job"); } } else if (target.equals("/jobs.import")) { int count = updateJobsMeta(new File(kv.getValue("dir", "."))); response.getWriter().write("imported " + count + " jobs"); } else if (target.equals("/xdebug/findnextport")) { int port = findNextPort(); response.getWriter().write("port: " + port); } else if (target.equals("/active.tasks")) { capacityLock.lock(); try { response.getWriter().write("tasks: " + activeTaskKeys.toString()); } finally { capacityLock.unlock(); } } else if (target.equals("/task.size")) { String jobId = kv.getValue("id"); int taskId = kv.getIntValue("node", -1); if (jobId != null && taskId >= 0) { String duOutput = new SimpleExec( ducmd + " -s --block-size=1 " + getTaskBaseDir(rootDir.getAbsolutePath(), jobId, taskId)) .join().stdoutString(); response.getWriter().write(duOutput.split("\t")[0]); } } else { response.sendError(404); } ((Request) request).setHandled(handled); } private class CommandTaskDeleteRunner implements Runnable { CoreMessage core; public CommandTaskDeleteRunner(CoreMessage core) { this.core = core; } @Override public void run() { CommandTaskDelete delete = (CommandTaskDelete) core; log.warn("[task.delete] " + delete.getJobKey()); minionStateLock.lock(); try { for (JobTask task : getMatchingJobs(delete)) { stopped.put(delete.getJobUuid(), delete.getRunCount()); boolean terminated = task.isRunning() && task.stopWait(true); task.setDeleted(true); tasks.remove(task.getJobKey().toString()); log.warn("[task.delete] " + task.getJobKey() + " terminated=" + terminated); writeState(); } File taskDirFile = new File(rootDir + "/" + delete.getJobUuid() + (delete.getNodeID() != null ? "/" + delete.getNodeID() : "")); if (taskDirFile.exists() && taskDirFile.isDirectory()) { minionTaskDeleter.submitPathToDelete(taskDirFile.getAbsolutePath()); } } finally { minionStateLock.unlock(); } } } private class CommandTaskStopRunner implements Runnable { private CoreMessage core; public CommandTaskStopRunner(CoreMessage core) { this.core = core; } @Override public void run() { CommandTaskStop stop = (CommandTaskStop) core; log.warn("[task.stop] request " + stop.getJobKey() + " count @ " + stop.getRunCount()); removeJobFromQueue(stop.getJobKey(), false); if (stop.getJobKey().getNodeNumber() == null) { minionStateLock.lock(); try { stopped.put(stop.getJobUuid(), stop.getRunCount()); } finally { minionStateLock.unlock(); } } List<JobTask> match = getMatchingJobs(stop); if (match.size() == 0 && stop.getNodeID() != null && stop.getNodeID() >= 0) { log.warn("[task.stop] unmatched stop for " + stop.getJobUuid() + " / " + stop.getNodeID()); sendStatusMessage(new StatusTaskEnd(uuid, stop.getJobUuid(), stop.getNodeID(), 0, 0, 0)); } for (JobTask task : match) { if (!task.getConfigDir().exists()) { Files.initDirectory(task.getConfigDir()); } if (task.isRunning() || task.isReplicating() || task.isBackingUp()) { if (!stop.force() && task.isBackingUp()) { log.warn("[task.stop] " + task.getName() + " wasn't terminated because task was backing up and the stop wasn't a kill"); } else if (!stop.force() && task.isReplicating() && task.getRebalanceSource() == null) { log.warn("[task.stop] " + task.getName() + " wasn't terminated because task was replicating up and the stop wasn't a kill"); } else if (!stop.getOnlyIfQueued()) { task.stopWait(stop.force()); log.warn("[task.stop] " + task.getName()); } else { log.warn("[task.stop] " + task.getName() + " wasn't terminated because task was running and the stop specified only-if-queued"); } } else if (stop.force()) { log.warn("[task.stop] " + task.getName() + " force stop unmatched"); if (!task.jobDone.getParentFile().exists()) { log.warn("The directory " + task.jobDone.getParent() + " does not exist."); } else { task.createDoneFileIfNoProcessRunning(task.jobPid, task.jobDone); task.createDoneFileIfNoProcessRunning(task.replicatePid, task.replicateDone); task.createDoneFileIfNoProcessRunning(task.backupPid, task.backupDone); } if (task.jobDone != null && task.jobDone.exists()) { int endStatus = 0; try { // Try to get last end state from done file endStatus = Integer.parseInt(Bytes.toString(; } catch (Exception ex) { // If not, just send 0 so Spawn ends up in a happy state } task.sendEndStatus(endStatus); } } } writeState(); } } private void removeJobFromQueue(JobKey key, boolean sendToSpawn) { minionStateLock.lock(); try { for (Iterator<CommandTaskKick> iter = jobQueue.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { CommandTaskKick kick =; if (kick.getJobKey().matches(key)) { log.warn("[task.stop] removing from queue " + kick.getJobKey() + " kick=" + kick + " key=" + key); if (sendToSpawn) { try { sendStatusMessage( new StatusTaskEnd(uuid, kick.getJobUuid(), kick.getNodeID(), 0, 0, 0)); } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("", ex); log.warn("---> send fail " + uuid + " " + key + " " + kick); } } iter.remove(); } } } finally { minionStateLock.unlock(); } } private class CommandTaskRevertRunner implements Runnable { CoreMessage core; public CommandTaskRevertRunner(CoreMessage core) { this.core = core; } @Override public void run() { CommandTaskRevert revert = (CommandTaskRevert) core; List<JobTask> match = getMatchingJobs(revert); log.warn("[task.revert] request " + revert.getJobKey() + " matched " + match.size()); if (match.size() == 0 && revert.getNodeID() != null && revert.getNodeID() >= 0) { log.warn("[task.revert] unmatched for " + revert.getJobUuid() + " / " + revert.getNodeID()); } if (revert.getNodeID() == null || revert.getNodeID() < 0) { log.warn("[task.revert] got invalid node id " + revert.getNodeID()); return; } for (JobTask task : match) { if (task.isRunning() || task.isReplicating() || task.isBackingUp()) { log.warn("[task.revert] " + task.getJobKey() + " skipped. job node active."); } else { long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); task.setReplicas(revert.getReplicas()); if (revert.getSkipMove()) { try { task.execReplicate(null, null, false, true, false); } catch (Exception ex) { task.sendEndStatus(JobTaskErrorCode.EXIT_REVERT_FAILURE); } } else { task.revertToBackup(revert.getRevision(), revert.getTime(), revert.getBackupType()); } log.warn("[task.revert] " + task.getJobKey() + " completed in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) + "ms."); } } writeState(); } } private class CommandTaskReplicateRunner implements Runnable { private CoreMessage core; public CommandTaskReplicateRunner(CoreMessage core) { this.core = core; } @Override public void run() { CommandTaskReplicate replicate = (CommandTaskReplicate) core; JobTask task = tasks.get(replicate.getJobKey().toString()); if (task != null) { if (task.jobDir == null) { task.jobDir = task.getLiveDir(); } if (!task.jobDir.exists()) { log.warn("[task.replicate] aborted because there is no directory for " + task.getJobKey() + " yet: " + task.jobDir); } else if (!task.isRunning() && !task.isReplicating() && !task.isBackingUp()) { log.warn("[task.replicate] starting " + replicate.getJobKey()); removeJobFromQueue(replicate.getJobKey(), false); if (!task.isComplete()) { // Attempt to revert to the latest complete backup, if one can be found String latestCompleteBackup = task.getBackupByRevision(0, "gold"); if (latestCompleteBackup != null) { task.promoteBackupToLive(new File(task.getJobDir(), latestCompleteBackup), task.getLiveDir()); } } try { task.setReplicas(replicate.getReplicas()); task.execReplicate(replicate.getRebalanceSource(), replicate.getRebalanceTarget(), true, true, replicate.wasQueued()); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("[task.replicate] received exception after replicate request for " + task.getJobKey() + ": " + e, e); } } else { log.warn("[task.replicate] skip running " + replicate.getJobKey()); } } } } private class CommandCreateNewTask implements Runnable { private CoreMessage core; public CommandCreateNewTask(CoreMessage core) { this.core = core; } @Override public void run() { CommandTaskNew newTask = (CommandTaskNew) core; JobTask task = tasks.get(newTask.getJobKey().toString()); if (task == null) { log.warn("[] creating " + newTask.getJobKey()); try { createNewTask(newTask.getJobUuid(), newTask.getNodeID()); } catch (ExecException e) { log.warn("Error restoring task state: " + e, e); } } else { // Make sure the id/node # were set correctly = newTask.getJobUuid(); task.node = newTask.getNodeID(); log.warn("[] skip existing " + newTask.getJobKey()); } } } private class CommandTaskUpdateReplicasRunner implements Runnable { private CoreMessage core; public CommandTaskUpdateReplicasRunner(CoreMessage core) { this.core = core; } @Override public void run() { CommandTaskUpdateReplicas updateReplicas = (CommandTaskUpdateReplicas) core; JobTask task = tasks.get(updateReplicas.getJobKey().toString()); if (task != null) { synchronized (task) { List<ReplicaTarget> newReplicas = new ArrayList<>(); if (task.replicas != null) { for (ReplicaTarget replica : task.replicas) { if (!updateReplicas.getFailedHosts().contains(replica.getHostUuid())) { newReplicas.add(replica); } } } task.setReplicas(newReplicas.toArray(new ReplicaTarget[newReplicas.size()])); List<ReplicaTarget> failureRecoveryReplicas = updateReplicas.getNewReplicaHosts(); task.setFailureRecoveryReplicas( failureRecoveryReplicas.toArray(new ReplicaTarget[failureRecoveryReplicas.size()])); } } } } private JobTask createNewTask(String jobID, int node) throws ExecException { Minion.JobTask task = new JobTask(); = jobID; task.node = node; task.taskRoot = new File(rootDir, + "/" + task.node); log.warn("[] restore " + + "/" + task.node + " root=" + task.taskRoot); tasks.put(task.getJobKey().toString(), task); task.initializeFileVariables(); writeState(); return task; } /** * Delete a series of files. * * @param files Files to delete * @return False only if some file existed and could not be deleted */ private boolean deleteFiles(File... files) { for (File file : files) { if (file != null && file.exists()) { if (shell(rmcmd + " -rf " + file.getAbsolutePath(), rootDir) != 0) { return false; } } } return true; } private static boolean activeProcessExistsWithPid(Integer pid, File directory) { return shell("ps " + pid, directory) == 0; } private static Integer findActiveRsync(String id, int node) { return findActiveProcessWithTokens(new String[] { id + "/" + node + "/", rsyncCommand }, new String[] { "server" }); } private static Integer findActiveProcessWithTokens(String[] requireTokens, String[] omitTokens) { StringBuilder command = new StringBuilder("ps ax | grep -v grep"); for (String requireToken : requireTokens) { command.append("| grep " + requireToken); } for (String excludeToken : omitTokens) { command.append("| grep -v " + excludeToken); } command.append("| cut -c -5"); try { SimpleExec exec = new SimpleExec(new String[] { "/bin/sh", "-c", command.toString() }).join(); if (exec.exitCode() == 0) { return new Scanner(exec.stdoutString()).nextInt(); } else { return null; } } catch (Exception e) { // No PID found return null; } } /** * This lightweight thread periodically updates various minion metrics */ private class HostMetricUpdater extends Thread { HostMetricUpdater() { setDaemon(true); start(); } public void run() { while (!shutdown.get()) { try { Thread.sleep(hostMetricUpdaterInterval); activeTaskHistogram.update(activeTaskKeys.size()); diskFree.set(rootDir.getFreeSpace()); } catch (Exception ex) { if (!(ex instanceof InterruptedException)) { log.warn("Exception during host metric update: " + ex, ex); } } } } } public boolean getShutdown() { return shutdown.get(); } public static String getDefaultMinionType() { return defaultMinionType; } }