Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package com.actop.model; import com.actop.connection.Connection; import com.actop.db.Employers; import com.actop.db.Other; import com.actop.db.OtherTypes; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.hibernate.Criteria; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.Transaction; /** * * @author Nirodya Gamage (ACTOP Technologies) */ public class OtherManagement { public byte[] convertToBytes(String word) { byte[] convertedText = null; if (word != null) convertedText = word.getBytes(); return convertedText; } public Other saveOther(Integer claim, Date approvedDate, String approvedBy, Date payedDate, Employers emp, String exp, Date inDate, String informTo, String location, String note, String otherType, Date outDate, String reason, Integer status) { Session s = Connection.getSessionFactory().openSession(); Transaction t = s.beginTransaction(); Other o = new Other(); try { o.setClaim(claim); o.setClaimApproved(approvedDate); o.setClaimApprovedBy(convertToBytes(approvedBy)); o.setClaimPayed(payedDate); o.setEmployers(emp); o.setExpenses(convertToBytes(exp)); o.setInDate(inDate); o.setInformTo(convertToBytes(informTo)); o.setLocation(convertToBytes(location)); o.setNote(note); o.setOtherType(convertToBytes(otherType)); o.setOutDate(outDate); o.setReson(convertToBytes(reason)); o.setStates(status);; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); t.rollback(); } t.commit(); s.flush(); s.close(); return o; } public OtherTypes saveOtherTypes(String type) { Session s = Connection.getSessionFactory().openSession(); Transaction t = s.beginTransaction(); OtherTypes ot = new OtherTypes(); try { ot.setOtherType(type);; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); t.rollback(); } t.commit(); s.flush(); s.close(); return ot; } public List<OtherTypes> getAllOtherTypes() { Session s = Connection.getSessionFactory().openSession(); Criteria c = s.createCriteria(OtherTypes.class); return c.list(); } }