Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013 david gonzalez. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.collections.IteratorUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Reference; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service; import; import; import; import; import; import org.osgi.framework.Constants; import org.pegdown.PegDownProcessor; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.jcr.Node; import javax.jcr.RepositoryException; import javax.jcr.Session; import; import; import java.util.*; /** * * @author david */ @org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component(label = "Flipbook - Component Service", description = "Encapsulates logic used by the Flipbook component.", metatype = true, immediate = false) @org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Properties({ @Property(label = "Vendor", name = Constants.SERVICE_VENDOR, value = "ActiveCQ", propertyPrivate = true) }) @Service public class FlipbookServiceImpl implements FlipbookService { private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass()); @Reference private QueryBuilder queryBuilder; public Resource getFlipbookResource(final Resource resource) { return resource.getChild("./" + PAGE_FLIPBOOK_NODE); } public List<String> getPaths(final Page page) { final String[] pathsArray = page.getProperties(PAGE_FLIPBOOK_NODE).get("paths", new String[] { "/apps" }); return Arrays.asList(pathsArray); } public boolean getShowHidden(final ValueMap properties) { return properties.get("./" + PAGE_FLIPBOOK_NODE + "/showHidden", false); } public List<Resource> getPages(final Resource resource) throws RepositoryException { final ResourceResolver resourceResolver = resource.getResourceResolver(); final PageManager pageManager = resourceResolver.adaptTo(PageManager.class); final List<Resource> pages = new ArrayList<Resource>(); final Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map.put("type", "cq:Component"); map.put("orderby", "@jcr:title"); map.put("orderby.sort", "asc"); map.put("p.offset", "0"); // Cowardly refusing to return more than 10000 results // If you have more than 10,000 components something is seriously wrong // with your design approach map.put("p.limit", String.valueOf(MAX_RESULTS)); final Query query = queryBuilder.createQuery(PredicateGroup.create(map), resourceResolver.adaptTo(Session.class)); final SearchResult result = query.getResult(); for (Hit hit : result.getHits()) { final ValueMap props = hit.getProperties(); final String path = hit.getPath(); boolean hide = true; for (final String validPathPrefix : this.getPaths(pageManager.getContainingPage(resource))) { if (StringUtils.startsWith(path, validPathPrefix.concat("/"))) { hide = false; } } if (!hide) { if (!this.getShowHidden(resource.adaptTo(ValueMap.class))) { hide = StringUtils.equals(props.get("componentGroup", HIDDEN_COMPONENT_GROUP), ""); } } if (!hide) { hide = props.get("hideInFlipbook", false); } if (!hide) { pages.add(hit.getResource()); } } return pages; } public List<ValueMap> getDialogFields(final Resource resource, final DialogType dialogType, List<Resource> cachedWidgetResources) throws RepositoryException { final ResourceResolver resourceResolver = resource.getResourceResolver(); final List<ValueMap> list = new ArrayList<ValueMap>(); final Component component = resource.adaptTo(Component.class); String path; if (DialogType.DIALOG.equals(dialogType)) { path = component.getDialogPath(); } else { path = component.getDesignDialogPath(); log.error("DESIGN PATH {} ", path); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(path)) { return list; } else if (cachedWidgetResources == null) { cachedWidgetResources = getWidgetResources(resource); } for (final Resource cachedResource : cachedWidgetResources) { if (StringUtils.startsWith(cachedResource.getPath(), path)) { if (DialogType.DESIGN_DIALOG.equals(dialogType)) { log.error("DD: {}", cachedResource.getPath()); } list.add(cachedResource.adaptTo(ValueMap.class)); } } return list; } public List<Resource> getWidgetResources(final Resource resource) throws RepositoryException { final ResourceResolver resourceResolver = resource.getResourceResolver(); final List<Resource> list = new ArrayList<Resource>(); Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map.put("type", "cq:Widget"); map.put("", "xtype"); map.put("1_property.operation", "exists"); map.put("", "name"); map.put("2_property.operation", "exists"); map.put("", "fieldLabel"); map.put("3_property.operation", "exists"); map.put("orderby", "@fieldLabel"); map.put("orderby.sort", "asc"); map.put("p.offset", "0"); map.put("p.limit", String.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE)); Query query = queryBuilder.createQuery(PredicateGroup.create(map), resourceResolver.adaptTo(Session.class)); for (final Hit hit : query.getResult().getHits()) { list.add(hit.getResource()); } return list; } public String getReadme(final Component component, final ResourceResolver resourceResolver) { String contents = ""; final Resource cr = resourceResolver.resolve(component.getPath()); final Resource flipbook = cr.getChild(COMPONENT_FLIPBOOK_NODE); if (flipbook == null) { return contents; } Resource readme = null; for (String name : README_NAMES) { final Resource tmp = flipbook.getChild(name); if (tmp != null && ResourceUtil.isA(tmp, JcrConstants.NT_FILE)) { // Use the first README nt:file node found readme = tmp; break; } } try { if (readme != null) { final Node node = readme.adaptTo(Node.class); final Node jcrContent = node.getNode(JcrConstants.JCR_CONTENT); final InputStream content = jcrContent.getProperty(JcrConstants.JCR_DATA).getBinary().getStream(); try { contents = IOUtils.toString(content); } catch (IOException e) { contents = "Could not read README"; } /* Handle markdown */ if (StringUtils.endsWith(readme.getName(), ".md")) { contents = new PegDownProcessor().markdownToHtml(contents); } else if (StringUtils.endsWith(readme.getName(), ".txt")) { // Wrap .txt with PRE tags contents = "<pre>" + contents + "</pre>"; } } } catch (RepositoryException ex) { contents = "Could not read README"; } catch (NullPointerException ex) { contents = "Could not read README"; } return StringUtils.stripToEmpty(contents); } public List<String> getImagePaths(final Component component, final ResourceResolver resourceResolver) { List<String> paths = new ArrayList<String>(); final Resource cr = resourceResolver.resolve(component.getPath()); if (cr == null) { return paths; } final Resource flipbook = cr.getChild(COMPONENT_FLIPBOOK_NODE); if (flipbook == null) { return paths; } final List<Resource> children = IteratorUtils.toList(flipbook.listChildren()); for (final Resource child : children) { if (ResourceUtil.isA(child, JcrConstants.NT_FILE)) { for (final String ext : IMAGE_EXTENSIONS) { if (StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(child.getName(), ext)) { paths.add(child.getPath()); break; } } } } return paths; } public boolean isPageImplementation(Component component) { Component superComponent = component.getSuperComponent(); if (superComponent != null) { return this.isPageImplementation(superComponent); } return ArrayUtils.contains(PAGE_RESOURCE_SUPER_TYPES, component.getResourceType()); } private String getImagePath(final ResourceResolver resourceResolver, String parentPage, String imageName) { final Resource parent = resourceResolver.resolve(parentPage); if (parent == null) { return null; } Resource imageResource = parent.getChild(imageName + ".png"); if (imageResource == null) { return null; } return imageResource.getPath(); } public String getIconPath(Component component) { final String DEFAULT_ICON_PATH = "/libs/cq/ui/widgets/themes/default/icons/16x16/components.png"; if (!StringUtils.isBlank(component.getIconPath())) { return component.getIconPath(); } else { return DEFAULT_ICON_PATH; } } public String yesNo(boolean o) { return yesNo(Boolean.valueOf(o)); } public String yesNo(Object o) { final String YES = "Yes"; final String NO = "No"; if (o == null) { return NO; } else if (o instanceof String) { String tmp = (String) o; if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(tmp, "true") || StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(tmp, "yes")) { return YES; } else { return NO; } } else if (o instanceof Boolean) { if (((Boolean) o).booleanValue()) { return YES; } else { return NO; } } return NO; } public List<String> getToolbarList(Toolbar toolbar) { List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); Object[] objects = toolbar.toArray(); for (Object obj : objects) { // Order matters because of subclassing if (obj instanceof Toolbar.Button) { list.add("Toolbar Button"); } else if (obj instanceof Toolbar.Label) { list.add("Toolbar Label"); } else if (obj instanceof Toolbar.Separator) { list.add("Toolbar Separator"); } else if (obj instanceof Toolbar.Custom) { list.add("Toolbar Custom"); } else if (obj instanceof { list.add("Jcr Toolbar Item"); } else if (obj instanceof Toolbar.Item) { list.add(obj.toString()); } else { list.add(obj.toString()); } } return list; } }