Java tutorial
/* * Spirit, a study/biosample management tool for research. * Copyright (C) 2018 Idorsia Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Hegenheimermattweg 91, * CH-4123 Allschwil, Switzerland. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <> * * @author Joel Freyss */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import; import com.actelion.research.spiritapp.ui.SpiritFrame; import com.actelion.research.spiritapp.ui.util.POIUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.actelion.research.spiritcore.util.MiscUtils; import com.actelion.research.util.CompareUtils; public class StudyGroupAssignmentReport extends AbstractReport { public StudyGroupAssignmentReport() { super(ReportCategory.STUDY, "Group Assignment", "Group Assignment done through the Group Assignment Wizard, showing the data before and after the randomization.<ul>" + "<li>Each tab shows the assignment done at one given phase</ul>" + MiscUtils.convert2Html( "No\tBW\tParticipantId\tNewNo\tContainerId\tGroup\tMetadata\tTreatment\n" + "\t\tParticipantId1\n" + "\t\tParticipantId2\n")); } @Override protected void populateWorkBook() throws Exception { List<Biosample> topBiosamples = new ArrayList<>(study.getParticipants()); Biotype biotype = Biosample.getBiotype(topBiosamples); List<Phase> phases = new ArrayList<>(); phases.addAll(study.getPhases()); phases.add(null); //Rnd Data for (Phase phase : phases) { List<AttachedBiosample> samples; int nData; if (phase == null) { //Current Status nData = 0; samples = new ArrayList<>(); int count = 0; for (Biosample biosample : topBiosamples) { AttachedBiosample sample = new AttachedBiosample(); sample.setBiosample(biosample); sample.setContainerId(biosample.getContainerId()); sample.setGroup(biosample.getInheritedGroup()); sample.setNo(++count); sample.setSampleId(biosample.getTopParent().getSampleId()); sample.setSampleName(biosample.getSampleName()); sample.setSubGroup(biosample.getInheritedSubGroup()); samples.add(sample); } } else { //Intermediate phase if (!phase.hasRandomization()) continue; //Load data Randomization rnd = phase.getRandomization(); DAOStudy.loadBiosamplesFromStudyRandomization(rnd); samples = rnd.getSamples(); if (samples.size() == 0) continue; nData = rnd.getNData(); } Collections.sort(samples, new Comparator<AttachedBiosample>() { @Override public int compare(AttachedBiosample o1, AttachedBiosample o2) { int c =, o2.getGroup()); if (c != 0) return c; c =, o2.getSubGroup()); if (c != 0) return c; c =, o2.getSampleName()); return c; } }); //Create Header Sheet sheet = createSheet(wb, "Group Assignment - " + (phase == null ? "Final" : phase.getShortName())); sheet.setFitToPage(true); sheet.createRow(4).setHeightInPoints(23f); createHeadersWithTitle(sheet, study, "Group assignment" + (phase == null ? " - Final" : " done at " + phase.getShortName())); int col = 0; set(sheet, 5, col++, "No.", Style.S_TH_CENTER); set(sheet, 5, col++, "BW [g]", Style.S_TH_CENTER); for (int i = 0; i < nData; i++) set(sheet, 5, col++, "Data" + (i + 1), Style.S_TH_CENTER); set(sheet, 4, 0, "Before", Style.S_TH_CENTER, 1, col); set(sheet, 5, col++, "AnimalId", Style.S_TH_CENTER); set(sheet, 5, col++, "New No.", Style.S_TH_CENTER); set(sheet, 5, col++, "Cage", Style.S_TH_CENTER); set(sheet, 5, col++, "Group", Style.S_TH_CENTER); set(sheet, 5, col++, "St.", Style.S_TH_CENTER); if (biotype != null) { for (BiotypeMetadata bm : biotype.getMetadata()) { set(sheet, 5, col++, bm.getName(), Style.S_TH_CENTER); } } set(sheet, 5, col++, "Treatment", Style.S_TH_CENTER); set(sheet, 4, 2, "After", Style.S_TH_CENTER, 1, col - 2); int maxCol = col - 1; //Group separator? int line = 5; String cageBefore = null; Group groupBefore = null; for (AttachedBiosample r : samples) { if (r.getBiosample() == null || r.getBiosample().getId() <= 0) continue; if (, r.getGroup()) != 0) { drawLineUnder(sheet, line, 0, maxCol, (short) 2); } else if (, r.getContainerId()) != 0) { drawLineUnder(sheet, line, 0, maxCol, (short) 1); } line++; Group g = r.getGroup(); Biosample b = r.getBiosample(); col = 0; set(sheet, line, col++, r.getNo(), Style.S_TD_CENTER); set(sheet, line, col++, r.getWeight(), Style.S_TD_CENTER); for (int i = 0; i < nData; i++) set(sheet, line, col++, r.getDataList() != null && i < r.getDataList().size() ? r.getDataList().get(i) : null, Style.S_TD_CENTER); set(sheet, line, col++, r.getSampleId(), Style.S_TD_CENTER); set(sheet, line, col++, r.getSampleName(), Style.S_TD_CENTER); set(sheet, line, col++, r.getContainerId(), Style.S_TD_CENTER); set(sheet, line, col++, g == null ? "" : g.getBlindedName(SpiritFrame.getUsername()), Style.S_TD_LEFT); set(sheet, line, col++, g == null || g.getNSubgroups() <= 1 ? "" : (r.getSubGroup() + 1), Style.S_TD_CENTER); if (biotype != null) { for (BiotypeMetadata bm : biotype.getMetadata()) { set(sheet, line, col++, b.getMetadataValue(bm), Style.S_TD_CENTER); } } set(sheet, line, col++, g == null ? "" : g.getTreatmentDescription(), Style.S_TD_LEFT); cageBefore = r.getContainerId(); groupBefore = r.getGroup(); } drawLineUnder(sheet, line, 0, maxCol, (short) 1); POIUtils.autoSizeColumns(sheet, 30000, true); } if (wb.getNumberOfSheets() == 0) throw new Exception("There was no randomization fone for " + study); } }