Java tutorial
/* * Licensed Material - Property of IBM * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2002, 2006 - All Rights Reserved. * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure * restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. */ package com.acs.manager; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import javax.faces.application.StateManager; import javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import javax.servlet.ServletRequest; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; public class CustomManager extends StateManager { private StateManager parentManager = null; private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(CustomManager.class); private static Boolean savingEnhancedServerState = null; public static final String ENHANCED_SERVER_STATE_SAVING_SESSION_STORED_VIEWS = "ENHANCED_SERVER_STATE_SAVING_SESSION_STORED_VIEWS"; public static final String ENHANCED_SERVER_STATE_SAVING = "ENHANCED_SERVER_STATE_SAVING"; private static final String ENHANCED_SERVER_STATE_SAVING_VIEW_LIST = "ENHANCED_SERVER_STATE_SAVING_VIEW_LIST"; // settable via context param private int numberOfViewsToStore = -1; public CustomManager(StateManager parent) { // save current statemanager log.fatal("Initializing the CustomManager"); this.parentManager = parent; } /** * Inner class to help with scoping the synchronization checking to * help with performance. There will be one instance of this class * per user session. The synchronization issues could arize if the * user has multiple browser instance open sharing the same session. * */ private class SavedViewList { // a list of view ids private ArrayList views = null; public SavedViewList() { views = new ArrayList(); } /** * This method will store the view on the session using the unique * view id as the key. It will also store the view id in a MRU list * to aid in trimming the number of stored views. * * @param context * @param uniqueViewId * @param viewState */ synchronized void add(FacesContext context, String uniqueViewId, Object viewState) { //check if a custom number of view to save has been set, default is 15 if (numberOfViewsToStore == -1) { String viewsToSave = context.getExternalContext() .getInitParameter(ENHANCED_SERVER_STATE_SAVING_SESSION_STORED_VIEWS); if (viewsToSave != null) { int num = Integer.parseInt(viewsToSave); if (num < 1) { //numberOfViewsToStore = 1; savingEnhancedServerState = Boolean.FALSE; } else { numberOfViewsToStore = num; } } else { numberOfViewsToStore = 15; } } //check amount of stored views, trim if greater than allowed if (views.size() >= numberOfViewsToStore) { context.getExternalContext().getSessionMap().remove(views.remove(0)); } context.getExternalContext().getSessionMap().put(uniqueViewId, viewState); } } /** * Make sure there is one SavedViewList on the user's session. This is * synchronized to prevent another thread from also creating an instance. * * @param context * @return */ private synchronized SavedViewList storeOneViewList(FacesContext context) { // in the unlikely circumstance that another request is made to create a view list // for this session check again once the thread gets unblocked SavedViewList views = (SavedViewList) context.getExternalContext().getSessionMap() .get(ENHANCED_SERVER_STATE_SAVING_VIEW_LIST); if (views == null) { views = new SavedViewList(); context.getExternalContext().getSessionMap().put(ENHANCED_SERVER_STATE_SAVING_VIEW_LIST, views); } return views; } public static boolean isSavingEnhancedServerState(FacesContext context) { if (null == savingEnhancedServerState) { //only use this for ServletRequest, portlet runtime handles this param its own way if (context.getApplication().getStateManager().isSavingStateInClient(context) || !(context.getExternalContext().getRequest() instanceof ServletRequest)) { savingEnhancedServerState = Boolean.FALSE; } else { savingEnhancedServerState = Boolean.TRUE; } } return savingEnhancedServerState.booleanValue(); } public SerializedView saveSerializedView(FacesContext context) { //here if (context != null && isSavingEnhancedServerState(context)) { String viewId = (String) context.getViewRoot().getAttributes().get(ENHANCED_SERVER_STATE_SAVING); if (viewId != null) { //saving in enhanced server mode, save a serialized viewRoot context.getViewRoot().getAttributes().remove(ENHANCED_SERVER_STATE_SAVING); SerializedView serializedView = new SerializedView(getTreeStructureToSave(context), context.getViewRoot().processSaveState(context)); SavedViewList views = (SavedViewList) context.getExternalContext().getSessionMap() .get(ENHANCED_SERVER_STATE_SAVING_VIEW_LIST); if (views == null) { views = storeOneViewList(context); } views.add(context, viewId, serializedView); } } // nothing to save outside of session return parentManager.saveSerializedView(context); } public UIViewRoot restoreView(FacesContext context, String viewId, String renderKitId) { // no need to synchronize here even though the user, double clicking // a button, may start two request threads. Each will just parse the // view state info creating a new view root UIViewRoot viewRoot = null; // the view key from the request ServletRequest request = (ServletRequest) context.getExternalContext().getRequest(); String postedViewId = request.getParameter(ENHANCED_SERVER_STATE_SAVING); if (null != postedViewId) { //restore viewRoot from serialized view that was saved in session SerializedView serializedView = (SerializedView) context.getExternalContext().getSessionMap() .get(postedViewId); if (null != serializedView) { ViewStructure viewStructure = (ViewStructure) serializedView.getStructure(); viewRoot = (UIViewRoot) viewStructure.createComponent(); viewStructure.restoreStructure(viewStructure, viewRoot); if (null != viewRoot) { viewRoot.processRestoreState(context, serializedView.getState()); } } } return viewRoot; } protected Object getTreeStructureToSave(FacesContext context) { ViewStructure structure = new ViewStructure(context.getViewRoot()); structure.buildStructure(context, context.getViewRoot(), structure); return structure; } protected Object getComponentStateToSave(FacesContext context) { //not used return null; } public void writeState(FacesContext context, SerializedView serializedView) throws IOException { // the partner custom view handler should have already // written the view id as state into page. } protected UIViewRoot restoreTreeStructure(FacesContext context, String arg1, String arg2) { //not used return null; } protected void restoreComponentState(FacesContext context, UIViewRoot arg1, String arg2) { //not used } }