Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package com.Accenture.DAO; import com.Accenture.Model.sme; import com.Accenture.Model.trainerpojo; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.springframework.orm.hibernate4.HibernateTemplate; /** * * @author EDU-Stud */ public class smeDAO { HibernateTemplate template; public void setTemplate(HibernateTemplate template) { this.template = template; this.template.setCheckWriteOperations(false); } //method to save Trainer public void savesme(sme e) {; } //method to update Trainer public void updatesme(sme e) { template.update(e); } //method to delete Trainer public void deletesme(sme e) { template.delete(e); } public void updateforce(sme l) { Session session = null; SessionFactory sessionFactory = new org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory(); session = sessionFactory.openSession(); session.beginTransaction(); session.update(l); session.getTransaction().commit(); session.flush(); session.close(); } public void deleteforce(sme l) { Session session = null; SessionFactory sessionFactory = new org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory(); session = sessionFactory.openSession(); session.beginTransaction(); session.delete(l); session.getTransaction().commit(); session.flush(); session.close(); } //method to return one Trainer of given id public sme getById(int id) { sme e = (sme) template.get(sme.class, id); return e; } //method to return all Trainer public List<sme> getsme() { List<sme> list = new ArrayList<sme>(); list = template.loadAll(sme.class); return list; } //method to return one employee of given email public List<Object> getsmeByEmail(String email) { List<Object> list = new ArrayList<>(); String query = "from sme sme where email =?"; list = template.find(query, email); return list; } public String checklogin(String email, String password) { String e = "", p = "", msg = ""; Session ses = null; SessionFactory sf = new org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory(); ses = sf.openSession(); ses.beginTransaction(); String HQL_QUERY = "from sme sme where companyemail =:email and companypassword =:password"; org.hibernate.Query query = ses.createQuery(HQL_QUERY); query.setParameter("email", email); query.setParameter("password", password); for (Iterator it = query.iterate(); it.hasNext();) { sme b = (sme); e = b.getCompanyemail(); p = b.getCompanypassword(); } if (e.equals(email) && p.equals(password)) { msg = "yes"; } return msg; } public List<sme> findlocandgro(String email) { List<sme> list = new ArrayList<>(); Session ses = null; SessionFactory sf = new org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory(); ses = sf.openSession(); ses.beginTransaction(); String HQL_QUERY = "from sme sme where companyemail =:email"; org.hibernate.Query query = ses.createQuery(HQL_QUERY); query.setParameter("email", email); for (Iterator it = query.iterate(); it.hasNext();) { sme b = (sme); b.getCompanyaddress(); b.getCompanycontact(); b.getCompanyemail(); b.getCompanygroupid(); b.getCompanyname(); b.getCompanypassword(); b.getCompanylocation(); list.add(b); } return list; } }