Java tutorial
/* * [y] hybris Platform * * Copyright (c) 2000-2013 hybris AG * All rights reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of hybris * ("Confidential Information"). You shall not disclose such Confidential * Information and shall use it only in accordance with the terms of the * license agreement you entered into with hybris. * * */ package com.acc.storefront.interceptors.beforeview; import de.hybris.platform.acceleratorservices.config.HostConfigService; import de.hybris.platform.acceleratorstorefrontcommons.controllers.ThirdPartyConstants; import de.hybris.platform.core.Registry; import de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.i18n.CommonI18NService; import de.hybris.platform.util.config.ConfigIntf; import com.acc.storefront.interceptors.BeforeViewHandler; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import javax.annotation.Resource; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView; public class AnalyticsPropertiesBeforeViewHandler implements BeforeViewHandler { @Resource(name = "hostConfigService") private HostConfigService hostConfigService; @Resource(name = "commonI18NService") private CommonI18NService commonI18NService; // Listener - listens to changes on the frontend and update the MapCache. private ConfigIntf.ConfigChangeListener cfgChangeListener; // HashMap used to cache jirafe properties from Not Using Cache implementations as it is // a simple,non growable cache s private static Map jirafeMapCache; private static final String JIRAFE_API_URL = "jirafeApiUrl"; private static final String JIRAFE_API_TOKEN = "jirafeApiToken"; private static final String JIRAFE_APPLICATION_ID = "jirafeApplicationId"; private static final String JIRAFE_VERSION = "jirafeVersion"; private static final String ANALYTICS_TRACKING_ID = "googleAnalyticsTrackingId"; private static final String JIRAFE_DATA_URL = "jirafeDataUrl"; private static final String JIRAFE_SITE_ID = "jirafeSiteId"; private static final String JIRAFE_PREFIX = "jirafe"; private static final String GOOGLE_PREFIX = "googleAnalyticsTrackingId"; @Override public void beforeView(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response, final ModelAndView modelAndView) { // Create the change listener and register it to listen when the config properties are changed in the platform if (cfgChangeListener == null) { registerConfigChangeLister(); } final String serverName = request.getServerName(); // Add config properties for google analytics addHostProperty(serverName, modelAndView, ThirdPartyConstants.Google.ANALYTICS_TRACKING_ID, ANALYTICS_TRACKING_ID); // Add config properties for jirafe analytics addHostProperty(serverName, modelAndView, ThirdPartyConstants.Jirafe.API_URL, JIRAFE_API_URL); addHostProperty(serverName, modelAndView, ThirdPartyConstants.Jirafe.API_TOKEN, JIRAFE_API_TOKEN); addHostProperty(serverName, modelAndView, ThirdPartyConstants.Jirafe.APPLICATION_ID, JIRAFE_APPLICATION_ID); addHostProperty(serverName, modelAndView, ThirdPartyConstants.Jirafe.VERSION, JIRAFE_VERSION); addHostProperty(serverName, modelAndView, ThirdPartyConstants.Jirafe.DATA_URL, JIRAFE_DATA_URL); // Lookup a currency specific jirafe site id first, and only if it is missing fallback to the default site id final String currencyIso = commonI18NService.getCurrentCurrency().getIsocode().toLowerCase(); final String currSpecKey = ThirdPartyConstants.Jirafe.SITE_ID + "." + currencyIso; final String nonSpecKey = ThirdPartyConstants.Jirafe.SITE_ID; if (jirafeMapCache.get(currSpecKey) == null) { final String currencySpecificJirafeSiteId = hostConfigService.getProperty(currSpecKey, serverName); jirafeMapCache.put(currSpecKey, currencySpecificJirafeSiteId); } if (jirafeMapCache.get(currSpecKey) != null && org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isNotBlank(jirafeMapCache.get(currSpecKey).toString())) { modelAndView.addObject(JIRAFE_SITE_ID, jirafeMapCache.get(currSpecKey)); } else { // Fallback to the non-currency specific value if (jirafeMapCache.get(nonSpecKey) == null) { final String jirafeSiteId = hostConfigService.getProperty(ThirdPartyConstants.Jirafe.SITE_ID, serverName); jirafeMapCache.put(nonSpecKey, jirafeSiteId); } modelAndView.addObject(JIRAFE_SITE_ID, jirafeMapCache.get(nonSpecKey)); } } protected class ConfigChangeListener implements ConfigIntf.ConfigChangeListener { @Override public void configChanged(final String key, final String newValue) { // Config Listener listen to changes on the platform config and updates the cache. if (key.startsWith(JIRAFE_PREFIX) || key.startsWith(GOOGLE_PREFIX)) { jirafeMapCache.remove(key); jirafeMapCache.put(key, newValue); } } } protected void registerConfigChangeLister() { final ConfigIntf config = Registry.getMasterTenant().getConfig(); cfgChangeListener = new ConfigChangeListener(); config.registerConfigChangeListener(cfgChangeListener); } protected void addHostProperty(final String serverName, final ModelAndView modelAndView, final String configKey, final String modelKey) { /* * Changes made to cache the jirafe properties files in a HashMap. The first time the pages are accessed the * values are read from the properties file & written on to a cache and the next time onwards it is accessed from * the cache. */ if (jirafeMapCache == null) { jirafeMapCache = new HashMap(); } if (jirafeMapCache.get(configKey) == null) { jirafeMapCache.put(configKey, hostConfigService.getProperty(configKey, serverName)); } modelAndView.addObject(modelKey, jirafeMapCache.get(configKey)); } }