Java tutorial
/* * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * * The Original Code is available at * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Soluciones Grid, S.L. (, * Consell de Cent 296, Principal 2, 08007 Barcelona, Spain. * * No portions of the Code have been created by third parties. * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. * * Graphical User Interface of this software may be used under the terms * of the Common Public Attribution License Version 1.0 (the "CPAL License", * available at, in which case the * provisions of CPAL License are applicable instead of those above. In relation * of this portions of the Code, a Legal Notice according to Exhibits A and B of * CPAL Licence should be provided in any distribution of the corresponding Code * to Graphical User Interface. */ package com.abiquo.abiserver.commands; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeConfigurationException; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPException; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.hibernate.HibernateException; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.hibernate.Transaction; import org.hibernate.criterion.Conjunction; import org.hibernate.criterion.Order; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import com.abiquo.abiserver.abicloudws.AbiCloudConstants; import com.abiquo.abiserver.abicloudws.InfrastructureWS; import com.abiquo.abiserver.abicloudws.VirtualApplianceWS; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.abiquo.abiserver.pojo.authentication.UserSession; import com.abiquo.abiserver.pojo.infrastructure.DNS; import com.abiquo.abiserver.pojo.infrastructure.DataCenter; import com.abiquo.abiserver.pojo.infrastructure.HyperVisor; import com.abiquo.abiserver.pojo.infrastructure.InfrastructureElement; import com.abiquo.abiserver.pojo.infrastructure.NetworkModule; import com.abiquo.abiserver.pojo.infrastructure.PhysicalMachine; import com.abiquo.abiserver.pojo.infrastructure.PhysicalMachineCreation; import com.abiquo.abiserver.pojo.infrastructure.Rack; import com.abiquo.abiserver.pojo.infrastructure.State; import com.abiquo.abiserver.pojo.infrastructure.VirtualMachine; import com.abiquo.abiserver.pojo.result.BasicResult; import com.abiquo.abiserver.pojo.result.DataResult; import com.abiquo.util.resources.ResourceManager; import; /** * This command collects all actions related to Infrastructure * * @author Oliver */ public class InfrastructureCommand extends BasicCommand { /** The logger object */ private final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(InfrastructureCommand.class); // private DataResult<ArrayList<InfrastructureElement>> infrastructureByDataCenter; private static final ResourceManager resourceManager = new ResourceManager(InfrastructureCommand.class); /* * ______________________________ DATA CENTER _______________________________ */ /** * Returns the whole infrastructure stored in a data center * * @param dataCenter * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected DataResult<ArrayList<InfrastructureElement>> getInfrastructureByDataCenter(DataCenter dataCenter) { DataResult<ArrayList<InfrastructureElement>> dataResult = new DataResult<ArrayList<InfrastructureElement>>(); ArrayList<InfrastructureElement> infrastructures = null; DatacenterHB datacenterPojo = null; Session session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); Transaction transaction = null; try { transaction = session.beginTransaction(); infrastructures = new ArrayList<InfrastructureElement>(); datacenterPojo = (DatacenterHB) session.get(DatacenterHB.class, dataCenter.getId()); // Adding the racks Set<RackHB> racks = datacenterPojo.getRacks(); for (RackHB rackPojo : racks) { Rack rack = (Rack) rackPojo.toPojo(); rack.setDataCenter(dataCenter); // Adding to the infrastructure list infrastructures.add(rack); // Adding the physicalMachines Set<PhysicalmachineHB> phyMachines = rackPojo.getPhysicalmachines(); for (PhysicalmachineHB phyMachinePojo : phyMachines) { PhysicalMachine phyMachine = (PhysicalMachine) phyMachinePojo.toPojo(); phyMachine.setAssignedTo(rack); infrastructures.add(phyMachine); // Adding the HyperVisors Set<HypervisorHB> hypervisorPhysicalList = phyMachinePojo.getHypervisors(); for (HypervisorHB hypervisorPojo : hypervisorPhysicalList) { HyperVisor hypervisor = (HyperVisor) hypervisorPojo.toPojo(); hypervisor.setAssignedTo(phyMachine); infrastructures.add(hypervisor); // Adding the VirtualMachines Set<VirtualmachineHB> virtualMachines = hypervisorPojo.getVirtualmachines(); for (VirtualmachineHB virtualMachinePojo : virtualMachines) { VirtualMachine virtualMachine = (VirtualMachine) virtualMachinePojo.toPojo(); virtualMachine.setAssignedTo(hypervisor); infrastructures.add(virtualMachine); } } } } // Adding the physical machines in this Data Center, without a rack Conjunction conjunction = Restrictions.conjunction(); conjunction.add(Restrictions.isNull("rack")); conjunction.add(Restrictions.eq("dataCenter", datacenterPojo)); ArrayList<PhysicalmachineHB> physicalMachinesWORack = (ArrayList<PhysicalmachineHB>) session .createCriteria(PhysicalmachineHB.class).add(conjunction).list(); for (PhysicalmachineHB physicalMachineHB : physicalMachinesWORack) { infrastructures.add((PhysicalMachine) physicalMachineHB.toPojo()); } // We are done! transaction.commit(); dataResult.setSuccess(true); dataResult.setData(infrastructures); } catch (HibernateException e) { if (transaction != null) transaction.rollback(); this.errorManager.reportError(InfrastructureCommand.resourceManager, dataResult, "getInfrastructureByDataCenter", e); } return dataResult; } /** * Returns all data centers contained in the data base * * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected DataResult<ArrayList<DataCenter>> getDataCenters() { DataResult<ArrayList<DataCenter>> dataResult = new DataResult<ArrayList<DataCenter>>(); Session session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); Transaction transaction = null; try { transaction = session.beginTransaction(); ArrayList<DataCenter> dataCentersPojo = new ArrayList<DataCenter>(); ArrayList<DatacenterHB> dataCenters = (ArrayList<DatacenterHB>) HibernateUtil.getSession() .createCriteria(DatacenterHB.class).addOrder(Order.asc("name")).list(); for (DatacenterHB datacenterHB : dataCenters) { DataCenter dataCenter = (DataCenter) datacenterHB.toPojo(); dataCentersPojo.add(dataCenter); } dataResult.setData(dataCentersPojo); dataResult.setSuccess(true); dataResult.setMessage(InfrastructureCommand.resourceManager.getMessage("getDataCenters.success")); transaction.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { if (transaction != null && transaction.isActive()) transaction.rollback(); this.errorManager.reportError(InfrastructureCommand.resourceManager, dataResult, "getDataCenters", e); } return dataResult; } /** * Creates a new data center in the data base * * @param dataCenter * @return the Data Center created in DDBB */ protected DataResult<DataCenter> createDataCenter(UserSession userSession, DataCenter dataCenter) { DataResult<DataCenter> dataResult; dataResult = new DataResult<DataCenter>(); dataResult.setSuccess(true); Session session = null; Transaction transaction = null; try { UserHB userHB = SessionUtil.findUserHBByName(userSession.getUser()); session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); transaction = session.beginTransaction(); DatacenterHB datacenterPojo = (DatacenterHB) dataCenter.toPojoHB(); datacenterPojo.setUserHBByIdUserCreation(userHB); datacenterPojo.setCreationDate(new Date());; transaction.commit(); dataCenter.setId(datacenterPojo.getIdDataCenter()); dataResult.setData(dataCenter); } catch (HibernateException e) { if (transaction != null & transaction.isActive()) transaction.rollback(); this.errorManager.reportError(InfrastructureCommand.resourceManager, dataResult, "createDataCenter", e); } return dataResult; } /** * Edits dataCenter's information in the data base * * @param dataCenter * @return */ protected BasicResult editDataCenter(UserSession userSession, DataCenter dataCenter) { BasicResult basicResult; basicResult = new BasicResult(); basicResult.setSuccess(true); Session session = null; Transaction transaction = null; try { UserHB userHB = SessionUtil.findUserHBByName(userSession.getUser()); session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); transaction = session.beginTransaction(); DatacenterHB datacenterPojo = (DatacenterHB) session.get(DatacenterHB.class, dataCenter.getId()); datacenterPojo.setName(dataCenter.getName()); datacenterPojo.setSituation(dataCenter.getSituation()); datacenterPojo.setLastModificationDate(new Date()); datacenterPojo.setUserHBByIdUserLastModification(userHB); session.update(datacenterPojo); transaction.commit(); } catch (HibernateException e) { if (transaction != null && transaction.isActive()) transaction.rollback(); this.errorManager.reportError(InfrastructureCommand.resourceManager, basicResult, "editDataCenter", e); } return basicResult; } /** * Deletes the selected data center from the data base * * @param dataCenter * @return */ protected BasicResult deleteDataCenter(DataCenter dataCenter) { BasicResult basicResult; basicResult = new BasicResult(); basicResult.setSuccess(true); Session session = null; Transaction transaction = null; try { session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); transaction = session.beginTransaction(); DatacenterHB datacenterPojo = (DatacenterHB) session.get(DatacenterHB.class, dataCenter.getId()); session.delete(datacenterPojo); basicResult = deleteVirtualInfrastructureFromDatacenter(datacenterPojo); transaction.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { if (transaction != null && transaction.isActive()) transaction.rollback(); this.errorManager.reportError(InfrastructureCommand.resourceManager, basicResult, "deleteDataCenter", e); } return basicResult; } /* ______________________________ RACKS _______________________________ */ /** * Creates a new rack in the data base */ protected DataResult<Rack> createRack(UserSession userSession, Rack rack) { DataResult<Rack> dataResult; dataResult = new DataResult<Rack>(); dataResult.setSuccess(true); Session session = null; Transaction transaction = null; try { UserHB userHB = SessionUtil.findUserHBByName(userSession.getUser()); session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); transaction = session.beginTransaction(); RackHB rackHB = (RackHB) rack.toPojoHB(); rackHB.setUserHBByIdUserCreataion(userHB); rackHB.setCreatioNdate(new Date());; rack.setId(rackHB.getIdRack()); dataResult.setData(rack); transaction.commit(); } catch (HibernateException e) { if (transaction != null && transaction.isActive()) transaction.rollback(); this.errorManager.reportError(InfrastructureCommand.resourceManager, dataResult, "createRack", e); } return dataResult; } /** * Deletes the rack from the data base * * @param rack * @return */ protected BasicResult deleteRack(Rack rack) { BasicResult basicResult; basicResult = new BasicResult(); basicResult.setSuccess(true); Session session = null; Transaction transaction = null; try { session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); transaction = session.beginTransaction(); RackHB rackHB = (RackHB) session.get(RackHB.class, rack.getId()); session.delete(rackHB); basicResult = deleteVirtualInfrastructureFromRack(rackHB); transaction.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { if (transaction != null && transaction.isActive()) transaction.rollback(); this.errorManager.reportError(InfrastructureCommand.resourceManager, basicResult, "deleteRack", e); } return basicResult; } /** * Edits rack's information in the data base * * @param rack * @return */ protected BasicResult editRack(UserSession userSession, Rack rack) { BasicResult basicResult; basicResult = new BasicResult(); basicResult.setSuccess(true); Session session = null; Transaction transaction = null; try { UserHB userHB = SessionUtil.findUserHBByName(userSession.getUser()); session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); transaction = session.beginTransaction(); RackHB rackPojo = (RackHB) session .get(, rack.getId()); rackPojo.setName(rack.getName()); rackPojo.setShortDescription(rack.getShortDescription()); rackPojo.setLargeDescription(rack.getLargeDescription()); rackPojo.setLastModificationDate(new Date()); rackPojo.setUserHBByIdUserLastModification(userHB); session.update(rackPojo); transaction.commit(); } catch (HibernateException e) { if (transaction != null && transaction.isActive()) transaction.rollback(); this.errorManager.reportError(InfrastructureCommand.resourceManager, basicResult, "editRack", e); } return basicResult; } /* * ______________________________ PHYSICAL MACHINES _______________________________ */ /** * Creates a new physical machine in the data base * * @param userSession the user in the session * @param physicalMachine the infrastructure pojo object * @return the DataResult */ protected DataResult<PhysicalMachineCreation> createPhysicalMachine(UserSession userSession, PhysicalMachineCreation physicalMachineCreation) { DataResult<PhysicalMachineCreation> dataResult; dataResult = new DataResult<PhysicalMachineCreation>(); Session session = null; Transaction transaction = null; try { UserHB userHB = SessionUtil.findUserHBByName(userSession.getUser()); PhysicalMachine physicalMachine = physicalMachineCreation.getPhysicalMachine(); session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); transaction = session.beginTransaction(); // Creating the PhysicalMachineHB object to save the PhysicalMachine in the Data Base PhysicalmachineHB physicalMachineHB = (PhysicalmachineHB) physicalMachine.toPojoHB(); physicalMachineHB.setUserHBByIdUserCreation(userHB); physicalMachineHB.setCreationDate(new Date());; // Saving the NetworkModules and DNS of this PhysicalMachine NetworkmoduleHB networkmoduleHB; int idNetworkModule = 1; // We need to generate one of the fields of the NetworkModule // composite Primary Key for (NetworkModule networkModule : physicalMachine.getNetworkModuleList()) { networkmoduleHB = (NetworkmoduleHB) networkModule.toPojoHB(); networkmoduleHB.getId().setIdNetworkModule(idNetworkModule); networkmoduleHB.getId().setIdPhysicalMachine(physicalMachineHB.getIdPhysicalMachine()); networkmoduleHB.setUserHBByIdUserCreation(userHB); networkmoduleHB.setCreationDate(new Date());; // Saving the DNS of this NetworkModule DnsHB dnsHB; int idDNS = 1; // We need to generate one of the fields of the DNS composite Primary // Key for (DNS dns : networkModule.getDns()) { dnsHB = (DnsHB) dns.toPojoHB(); dnsHB.getId().setIdDns(idDNS); dnsHB.getId().setIdNetworkModule(networkmoduleHB.getId().getIdNetworkModule()); dnsHB.getId().setIdPhysicalMachine(physicalMachineHB.getIdPhysicalMachine()); dnsHB.setUserHBByIdUserCreation(userHB); dnsHB.setCreationDate(new Date());; idDNS++; } idNetworkModule++; } // Creating the hypervisors, if there is any ArrayList<HyperVisor> hypervisorList = physicalMachineCreation.getHypervisors(); ArrayList<HyperVisor> createdHypervisorList = new ArrayList<HyperVisor>(); HypervisorHB hypervisorHBToCreate; for (HyperVisor hypervisorToCreate : hypervisorList) { hypervisorHBToCreate = (HypervisorHB) hypervisorToCreate.toPojoHB(); hypervisorHBToCreate.setPhysicalMachine(physicalMachineHB); hypervisorHBToCreate.setUserHBByIdUserCreation(userHB); hypervisorHBToCreate.setCreationDate(new Date());; createdHypervisorList.add((HyperVisor) hypervisorHBToCreate.toPojo()); } // Returning the PhysicalMachine and the Hypervisors created to the client PhysicalmachineHB physicalMachineHBCreated = (PhysicalmachineHB) session.get(PhysicalmachineHB.class, physicalMachineHB.getIdPhysicalMachine()); PhysicalMachine physicalMachineCreated = (PhysicalMachine) physicalMachineHBCreated.toPojo(); transaction.commit(); physicalMachineCreation.setPhysicalMachine(physicalMachineCreated); physicalMachineCreation.setHypervisors(createdHypervisorList); dataResult.setData(physicalMachineCreation); dataResult.setSuccess(true); dataResult .setMessage(InfrastructureCommand.resourceManager.getMessage("createPhysicalMachine.success")); } catch (HibernateException e) { if (transaction != null && transaction.isActive()) transaction.rollback(); this.errorManager.reportError(InfrastructureCommand.resourceManager, dataResult, "createPhysicalMachine", e); } return dataResult; } /** * Deletes the physical machine from the data base * * @param physicalMachine * @return */ protected BasicResult deletePhysicalMachine(PhysicalMachine physicalMachine) { BasicResult basicResult; basicResult = new BasicResult(); basicResult.setSuccess(true); Session session = null; Transaction transaction = null; try { session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); transaction = session.beginTransaction(); PhysicalmachineHB physicalMachineHb = (PhysicalmachineHB) session.get(PhysicalmachineHB.class, physicalMachine.getId()); session.delete(physicalMachineHb); basicResult = deleteVirtualInfrastructureFromPhysicalMachine(physicalMachineHb); transaction.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { if (transaction != null && transaction.isActive()) transaction.rollback(); this.errorManager.reportError(InfrastructureCommand.resourceManager, basicResult, "deletePhysicalMachine", e); } return basicResult; } /** * Edits physical machine's information in the data base TODO: Possibly we need to connect * AbiCloud WS too, for example, when we change information related to Network Module * * @param physicalMachine * @return */ protected BasicResult editPhysicalMachine(UserSession userSession, PhysicalMachine physicalMachine) { BasicResult basicResult; basicResult = new BasicResult(); basicResult.setSuccess(true); Session session = null; Transaction transaction = null; try { UserHB userHB = SessionUtil.findUserHBByName(userSession.getUser()); session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); transaction = session.beginTransaction(); // The new rack for the Physical Machine PhysicalmachineHB physicalMachineHb = (PhysicalmachineHB) session.get(PhysicalmachineHB.class, physicalMachine.getId()); RackHB rackHB = (RackHB) session.get(RackHB.class, ((Rack) physicalMachine.getAssignedTo()).getId()); physicalMachineHb.setRack(rackHB); // The new SO for the Physical Machine SoHB so = new SoHB(); so.setDescription(physicalMachine.getHostSO().getDescription()); so.setIdSo(physicalMachine.getHostSO().getId()); physicalMachineHb.setSo(so); // Updating the other attributes physicalMachineHb.setName(physicalMachine.getName()); physicalMachineHb.setDescription(physicalMachine.getDescription()); physicalMachineHb.setCpu(physicalMachine.getCpu()); physicalMachineHb.setRam(physicalMachine.getRam()); physicalMachineHb.setHd(physicalMachine.getHd()); // User and Date modification physicalMachineHb.setUserHBByIdUserLastModification(userHB); physicalMachineHb.setLastModificationDate(new Date()); session.update(physicalMachineHb); // Updating the Network Modules // First, we have to delete the old network modules for (NetworkmoduleHB networkmoduleHB : physicalMachineHb.getNetworkmodules()) { session.delete(networkmoduleHB); } // Now, we add the new network modules and its DNS NetworkmoduleHB networkmoduleHB; int idNetworkModule = 1; // We need to generate one of the fields of the NetworkModule // composite Primary Key for (NetworkModule networkModule : physicalMachine.getNetworkModuleList()) { networkmoduleHB = (NetworkmoduleHB) networkModule.toPojoHB(); networkmoduleHB.getId().setIdNetworkModule(idNetworkModule); networkmoduleHB.getId().setIdPhysicalMachine(physicalMachineHb.getIdPhysicalMachine()); networkmoduleHB.setUserHBByIdUserCreation(userHB); networkmoduleHB.setCreationDate(new Date());; // Saving the DNS of this NetworkModule DnsHB dnsHB; int idDNS = 1; // We need to generate one of the fields of the DNS composite Primary // Key for (DNS dns : networkModule.getDns()) { dnsHB = (DnsHB) dns.toPojoHB(); dnsHB.getId().setIdDns(idDNS); dnsHB.getId().setIdNetworkModule(networkmoduleHB.getId().getIdNetworkModule()); dnsHB.getId().setIdPhysicalMachine(physicalMachineHb.getIdPhysicalMachine()); dnsHB.setUserHBByIdUserCreation(userHB); dnsHB.setCreationDate(new Date());; idDNS++; } idNetworkModule++; } transaction.commit(); } catch (HibernateException e) { if (transaction != null && transaction.isActive()) transaction.rollback(); this.errorManager.reportError(resourceManager, basicResult, "editPhysicalMachine", e); } return basicResult; } /** * Moves a physical machine from one rack to another. This means: 1. Edit the necessary * information in the data base to save the information (the physicalMachine will contain the ID * of the new Rack) 2. Do we need to connect with AbiCloud WS? * * @param physicalMachine * @return */ protected BasicResult movePhysicalMachine(UserSession userSession, PhysicalMachine physicalMachine) { BasicResult basicResult; basicResult = editPhysicalMachine(userSession, physicalMachine); return basicResult; } /* * ______________________________ HYPERVISORS _______________________________ */ /** * Creates a new Hypervisor in Data Base * * @param userSession the UserSession that called this method * @param hypervisor The Hypervisor that will be created in Data Base * @return a DataResult object containing the HyperVisor that has been created in DataBase, if * the query had success */ protected DataResult<HyperVisor> createHypervisor(UserSession userSession, HyperVisor hypervisor) { DataResult<HyperVisor> dataResult = new DataResult<HyperVisor>(); dataResult.setSuccess(true); Session session = null; Transaction transaction = null; try { UserHB userHB = SessionUtil.findUserHBByName(userSession.getUser()); session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); transaction = session.beginTransaction(); HypervisorHB hypervisorHB = (HypervisorHB) hypervisor.toPojoHB(); hypervisorHB.setUserHBByIdUserCreation(userHB); hypervisorHB.setCreationDate(new Date());; transaction.commit(); dataResult.setData((HyperVisor) hypervisorHB.toPojo()); } catch (HibernateException e) { if (transaction != null & transaction.isActive()) transaction.rollback(); this.errorManager.reportError(resourceManager, dataResult, "createHypervisor", e); } return dataResult; } /** * Edits an existing in Hypervisor in DataBase, with the information contained in parameter * hypervisor * * @param userSession UserSession object with the user's session who called this method * @param hypervisor The hypervisor that will be edited, with the new information * @return A BasicResult object with the result of the edition */ protected BasicResult editHypervisor(UserSession userSession, HyperVisor hypervisor) { BasicResult basicResult; basicResult = new BasicResult(); Session session = null; Transaction transaction = null; try { UserHB userHB = SessionUtil.findUserHBByName(userSession.getUser()); session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); transaction = session.beginTransaction(); HypervisorHB hypervisorHB = (HypervisorHB) session.get(HypervisorHB.class, hypervisor.getId()); PhysicalmachineHB physicalMachineHB = (PhysicalmachineHB) session.get(PhysicalmachineHB.class, hypervisor.getAssignedTo().getId()); // Updating the Hypervisor hypervisorHB.setShortDescription(hypervisor.getShortDescription()); hypervisorHB.setType((HypervisorTypeHB) hypervisor.getType().toPojoHB()); hypervisorHB.setIp(hypervisor.getIp()); hypervisorHB.setPort(hypervisor.getPort()); hypervisorHB.setPhysicalMachine(physicalMachineHB); hypervisorHB.setUserHBByIdUserLastModification(userHB); hypervisorHB.setLastModificationDate(new Date()); session.update(hypervisorHB); transaction.commit(); } catch (HibernateException e) { if (transaction != null && transaction.isActive()) transaction.rollback(); this.errorManager.reportError(resourceManager, basicResult, "editHypervisor", e); } basicResult.setMessage(InfrastructureCommand.resourceManager.getMessage("editHypervisor.success")); basicResult.setSuccess(true); return basicResult; } protected BasicResult deleteHypervisor(HyperVisor hypervisor) { BasicResult basicResult; basicResult = new BasicResult(); Session session = null; Transaction transaction = null; try { session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); transaction = session.beginTransaction(); HypervisorHB hypervisorHB = (HypervisorHB) session.get(HypervisorHB.class, hypervisor.getId()); session.delete(hypervisorHB); // TODO Do we have to delete Virtual Infrastructure when an Hypervisor has been deleted? transaction.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { if (transaction != null && transaction.isActive()) transaction.rollback(); this.errorManager.reportError(resourceManager, basicResult, "deleteHypervisor", e); } basicResult.setSuccess(true); return basicResult; } /* * ______________________________ VIRTUAL MACHINES _______________________________ */ /** * Creates a new Virtual Machine in the Data Base * * @param virtualMachine A VirtualMachine object containing the necessary information to create * a new Virtual Machine. UUID and State fields will be ignored, since they will be * generated. * @return a DataResult object containing a VirtualMachine object with the Virtual Machine * created */ protected DataResult<VirtualMachine> createVirtualMachine(VirtualMachine virtualMachine) { DataResult<VirtualMachine> dataResult = new DataResult<VirtualMachine>(); BasicResult wsResult = new BasicResult(); VirtualMachine createdVirtualMachine; Session session = null; Transaction transaction = null; try { // Starting the hibernate session session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); transaction = session.beginTransaction(); // Getting State "NOT_DEPLOYED" StateHB stateHB = (StateHB) session.get(StateHB.class, State.NOT_DEPLOYED); // Generate the Virtual Machine that will be created VirtualmachineHB virtualMachineHB = (VirtualmachineHB) virtualMachine.toPojoHB(); virtualMachineHB.setState(stateHB); virtualMachineHB.setUuid(UUID.randomUUID().toString());; // Recovering the Virtual Machine created, that will be returned to the user createdVirtualMachine = (VirtualMachine) virtualMachineHB.toPojo(); // TODO Call the WebService to create the VirtualMachine /* * InfrastructureWS infrWS = new InfrastructureWS(); wsResult = * infrWS.createVirtualMachine(virtualMachine); if(! wsResult.getSuccess()) { Exception * e = new Exception(wsResult.getMessage()); throw e; } */ // If everything went fine, we can save the hibernate session and return the result transaction.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { if (transaction != null && transaction.isActive()) transaction.rollback(); this.errorManager.reportError(resourceManager, dataResult, "createVirtualMachine", e); return dataResult; } dataResult.setData(createdVirtualMachine); dataResult.setMessage(wsResult.getMessage()); dataResult.setSuccess(true); return dataResult; } /** * Deletes the virtual machine. 1. From the data base 2. Connect with AbiCloud WS to delete it * from the Physical Machine * * @param virtualMachine * @return */ protected BasicResult deleteVirtualMachine(VirtualMachine virtualMachine) { // TODO Connect with database BasicResult basicResult = null; InfrastructureWS infrWS = null; VirtualmachineHB virtualMachinePojo = null; Transaction transaction = null; try { SessionFactory sessionFactory = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory(); Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(); transaction = session.getTransaction(); transaction.begin(); infrWS = new InfrastructureWS(); virtualMachinePojo = (VirtualmachineHB) session.get(VirtualmachineHB.class, virtualMachine.getId()); session.delete(virtualMachinePojo); basicResult = infrWS.deleteVirtualMachine(virtualMachine); } catch (Exception e) { this.errorManager.reportError(resourceManager, basicResult, "deleteVirtualMachine", e); } if (basicResult.getSuccess()) { transaction.commit(); } return basicResult; } /** * Edits virtual machine's information in the data base * * @param virtualMachine * @return */ protected BasicResult editVirtualMachine(UserSession userSession, VirtualMachine virtualMachine) { BasicResult basicResult = new BasicResult(); InfrastructureWS infrWS = null; Session session = null; Transaction transaction = null; try { session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); transaction = session.beginTransaction(); VirtualmachineHB virtualMachineHB = (VirtualmachineHB) session.get(VirtualmachineHB.class, virtualMachine.getId()); // The new Hypervisor for this VirtualMachine HypervisorHB newHyperVisorHB = (HypervisorHB) session.get(HypervisorHB.class, virtualMachine.getAssignedTo().getId()); virtualMachineHB.setHypervisor(newHyperVisorHB); // TODO Anunciar al WS del cambio de Hypervisor de la Maquina Virtual // TODO Tener en cuenta cuando la Maquina Virtual esta encendida, etc. infrWS = new InfrastructureWS(); basicResult = infrWS.editVirtualMachine(virtualMachine); if (basicResult.getSuccess()) { // Updating the other attributes virtualMachineHB.setName(virtualMachine.getName()); virtualMachineHB.setDescription(virtualMachine.getDescription()); virtualMachineHB.setCpu(virtualMachine.getCpu()); virtualMachineHB.setRam(virtualMachine.getRam()); virtualMachineHB.setHd(virtualMachine.getHd()); virtualMachineHB.setHighDisponibility(virtualMachine.getHighDisponibility() ? 1 : 0); session.update(virtualMachineHB); transaction.commit(); } } catch (Exception e) { if (transaction != null && transaction.isActive()) transaction.rollback(); this.errorManager.reportError(resourceManager, basicResult, "editVirtualMachine", e); } basicResult.setSuccess(true); basicResult.setMessage(InfrastructureCommand.resourceManager.getMessage("editVirtualMachine.success")); return basicResult; } /** * Performs the action in Abicloud associated with the attribute "state" in the virtual machine * Connects with AbiCloud WS to save the new virtual machine's state in Data Base * * @param virtualMachine * @param actionState the action state to perform * @return */ private BasicResult setVirtualMachineState(VirtualMachine virtualMachine, String actionState) { InfrastructureWS infrWS = null; BasicResult basicResult = null; try { infrWS = new InfrastructureWS(); basicResult = infrWS.setVirtualMachineState(virtualMachine, actionState); } catch (Exception e) { this.errorManager.reportError(resourceManager, basicResult, "setVirtualMachineState", e, actionState); } return basicResult; } /** * Performs a "Start" action in the Virtual Machine * * @param virtualMachine * @return a DataResult object, with a State object that represents the state "Running" */ protected DataResult<State> startVirtualMachine(VirtualMachine virtualMachine) { DataResult<State> dataResult = new DataResult<State>(); BasicResult basicResult = null; // Saving the state of the virtual machine sent by the user State oldState = virtualMachine.getState(); // Checking the current state of the virtual machine DataResult<State> currentStateAndAllow; try { currentStateAndAllow = checkVirtualMachineState(virtualMachine); } catch (Exception e) { // There was a problem checking the state of the virtual machine. We can not // manipulate it this.errorManager.reportError(resourceManager, dataResult, "startVirtualMachine", e); dataResult.setData(oldState); return dataResult; } if (currentStateAndAllow.getSuccess()) { // The Virtual Machine is now blocked to other users, and we can manipulate it if (virtualMachine.getState().getId() == State.PAUSED) { basicResult = setVirtualMachineState(virtualMachine, AbiCloudConstants.RESUME_ACTION); } else if (virtualMachine.getState().getId() == State.POWERED_OFF) { basicResult = setVirtualMachineState(virtualMachine, AbiCloudConstants.POWERUP_ACTION); } dataResult.setMessage(basicResult.getMessage()); dataResult.setSuccess(basicResult.getSuccess()); if (basicResult.getSuccess()) { // Everything went fine. Updating the virtual machine with the new state // and returning the new state State newState = new State(); newState.setId(State.RUNNING); basicResult = updateStateInDB(virtualMachine, newState); dataResult.setData(newState); } else { // There was an error changing the state // Leaving the virtual machine with its old state updateStateInDB(virtualMachine, oldState); dataResult.setData(oldState); } } else { // The Virtual Machine is being used by other user, or it is not up to date. // We inform the new state dataResult.setSuccess(true); dataResult.setMessage(InfrastructureCommand.resourceManager.getMessage("startVirtualMachine.success")); dataResult.setData(currentStateAndAllow.getData()); } return dataResult; } /** * Performs a "Pause" action in the Virtual Machine * * @param virtualMachine * @return a DataResult object, with a State object that represents the state "Paused" */ protected DataResult<State> pauseVirtualMachine(VirtualMachine virtualMachine) { DataResult<State> dataResult = new DataResult<State>(); // Saving the state of the virtual machine sent by the user State oldState = virtualMachine.getState(); // Checking the current state of the virtual machine DataResult<State> currentStateAndAllow; try { currentStateAndAllow = checkVirtualMachineState(virtualMachine); } catch (Exception e) { // There was a problem checking the state of the virtual machine. We can not // manipulate it this.errorManager.reportError(resourceManager, dataResult, "pauseVirtualMachine", e); dataResult.setData(oldState); return dataResult; } if (currentStateAndAllow.getSuccess()) { // The Virtual Machine is now blocked to other users, and we can manipulate it BasicResult basicResult = setVirtualMachineState(virtualMachine, AbiCloudConstants.PAUSE_ACTION); dataResult.setMessage(basicResult.getMessage()); dataResult.setSuccess(basicResult.getSuccess()); if (basicResult.getSuccess()) { // Everything went fine. Updating the virtual machine with the new state // and returning the new state State newState = new State(); newState.setId(State.PAUSED); basicResult = updateStateInDB(virtualMachine, newState); dataResult.setData(newState); } else { // There was an error changing the state // Leaving the virtual machine with its old state updateStateInDB(virtualMachine, oldState); dataResult.setData(oldState); } } else { // The Virtual Machine is being used by other user, or it is not up to date. // We inform the new state dataResult.setSuccess(true); dataResult.setMessage(InfrastructureCommand.resourceManager.getMessage("pauseVirtualMachine.success")); dataResult.setData(currentStateAndAllow.getData()); } return dataResult; } /** * Performs a "Reboot" action in the Virtual Machine * * @param virtualMachine * @return a DataResult object, with a State object that represents the state "Running" */ protected DataResult<State> rebootVirtualMachine(VirtualMachine virtualMachine) { // Rebooting the machine implies powering off and powering up DataResult<State> dataResult = new DataResult<State>(); // Saving the state of the virtual machine sent by the user State oldState = virtualMachine.getState(); // Checking the current state of the virtual machine DataResult<State> currentStateAndAllow; try { currentStateAndAllow = checkVirtualMachineState(virtualMachine); } catch (Exception e) { // There was a problem checking the state of the virtual machine. We can not // manipulate it this.errorManager.reportError(resourceManager, dataResult, "rebootVirtualMachine", e); dataResult.setData(oldState); return dataResult; } if (currentStateAndAllow.getSuccess()) { // The Virtual Machine is now blocked to other users, and we can manipulate it // First we have to shut down the virtual machine BasicResult basicResult = setVirtualMachineState(virtualMachine, AbiCloudConstants.POWERDOWN_ACTION); if (!basicResult.getSuccess()) { // There was a problem shuting down the virtual machine // Leaving the virtual machine with its old state updateStateInDB(virtualMachine, oldState); // Generating the result dataResult.setMessage(basicResult.getMessage()); dataResult.setSuccess(basicResult.getSuccess()); dataResult.setData(oldState); } else { // The shutting down had success. Powering on the virtual machine again BasicResult basicResultPowerUP = setVirtualMachineState(virtualMachine, AbiCloudConstants.POWERUP_ACTION); dataResult.setMessage(basicResultPowerUP.getMessage()); dataResult.setSuccess(basicResultPowerUP.getSuccess()); if (basicResult.getSuccess()) { // Everything went fine. Updating the virtual machine with the new state // and returning the new state State newState = new State(); newState.setId(State.RUNNING); basicResult = updateStateInDB(virtualMachine, newState); dataResult.setData(newState); } else { // There was an error powering on the virtual machine // Leaving the virtual machine as power off State powerOffState = new State(); powerOffState.setId(State.POWERED_OFF); updateStateInDB(virtualMachine, powerOffState); dataResult.setData(oldState); } } } else { // The Virtual Machine is being used by other user, or it is not up to date. // We inform the new state dataResult.setSuccess(true); dataResult.setMessage(InfrastructureCommand.resourceManager.getMessage("rebootVirtualMachine.success")); dataResult.setData(currentStateAndAllow.getData()); } return dataResult; } /** * Performs a "Shutdown" action in the Virtual Machine * * @param virtualMachine * @return a DataResult object, with a State object that represents the state "Powered Off" */ protected DataResult<State> shutdownVirtualMachine(VirtualMachine virtualMachine) { DataResult<State> dataResult = new DataResult<State>(); // Saving the state of the virtual machine sent by the user State oldState = virtualMachine.getState(); // Checking the current state of the virtual machine DataResult<State> currentStateAndAllow; try { currentStateAndAllow = checkVirtualMachineState(virtualMachine); } catch (Exception e) { // There was a problem checking the state of the virtual machine. We can not // manipulate it this.errorManager.reportError(resourceManager, dataResult, "shutdownVirtualMachine", e); dataResult.setData(oldState); return dataResult; } if (currentStateAndAllow.getSuccess()) { // The Virtual Machine is now blocked to other users, and we can manipulate it BasicResult basicResult = setVirtualMachineState(virtualMachine, AbiCloudConstants.POWERDOWN_ACTION); dataResult.setMessage(basicResult.getMessage()); dataResult.setSuccess(basicResult.getSuccess()); if (basicResult.getSuccess()) { // Everything went fine. Updating the virtual machine with the new state // and returning the new state State newState = new State(); newState.setId(State.POWERED_OFF); basicResult = updateStateInDB(virtualMachine, newState); dataResult.setData(newState); } else { // There was an error changing the state // Leaving the virtual machine with its old state updateStateInDB(virtualMachine, oldState); dataResult.setData(oldState); } } else { // The Virtual Machine is being used by another user, or it is not up to date. // We inform of the new state dataResult.setSuccess(true); dataResult .setMessage(InfrastructureCommand.resourceManager.getMessage("shutdownVirtualMachine.success")); dataResult.setData(currentStateAndAllow.getData()); } return dataResult; } /** * Moves a virtual machine from a Physical Machine to another virtualMachine's "assignedTo" * attribute will contain the new HyperVisor, to which the virtual machine will be assigned. * * @param virtualMachine * @return */ protected BasicResult moveVirtualMachine(UserSession userSession, VirtualMachine virtualMachine) { return editVirtualMachine(userSession, virtualMachine); } /** * Private helper to update the state in the Database * * @param virtualMachine * @param newState the new state to update * @return a basic Result with the operation result */ private BasicResult updateStateInDB(VirtualMachine virtualMachine, State newState) { BasicResult basicResult; basicResult = new BasicResult(); basicResult.setSuccess(true); Session session = null; Transaction transaction = null; try { session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); transaction = session.beginTransaction(); VirtualmachineHB virtualMachinePojo = (VirtualmachineHB) session.get(VirtualmachineHB.class, virtualMachine.getId()); StateHB newStatePojo = new StateHB(); newStatePojo.setIdState(newState.getId()); virtualMachinePojo.setState(newStatePojo); session.update(virtualMachinePojo); transaction.commit(); } catch (HibernateException e) { if (transaction != null && transaction.isActive()) transaction.rollback(); this.errorManager.reportError(resourceManager, basicResult, "updateStateInDB", e); } return basicResult; } /** * Private helper to delete the virtual infrastructure related to this dataCenter * * @param dataCenter the dataCenter to delete * @throws JAXBException * @throws FaultException * @throws IOException * @throws DatatypeConfigurationException * @throws SOAPException */ private BasicResult deleteVirtualInfrastructureFromDatacenter(DatacenterHB datacenterPojo) throws JAXBException, SOAPException, DatatypeConfigurationException, IOException, FaultException { BasicResult basicResult; basicResult = new BasicResult(); basicResult.setSuccess(true); Set<RackHB> racks = datacenterPojo.getRacks(); for (RackHB rackPojo : racks) { basicResult = deleteVirtualInfrastructureFromRack(rackPojo); if (!basicResult.getSuccess()) return basicResult; } return basicResult; } /** * Private helper to delete the virtual infrastructure contained in the rack * * @param rackPojo the rack to delete * @throws JAXBException * @throws FaultException * @throws IOException * @throws DatatypeConfigurationException * @throws SOAPException */ private BasicResult deleteVirtualInfrastructureFromRack(RackHB rackPojo) throws JAXBException, SOAPException, DatatypeConfigurationException, IOException, FaultException { BasicResult basicResult; basicResult = new BasicResult(); basicResult.setSuccess(true); // Adding the physicalMachines Set<PhysicalmachineHB> phyMachines = rackPojo.getPhysicalmachines(); for (PhysicalmachineHB phyMachinePojo : phyMachines) { basicResult = deleteVirtualInfrastructureFromPhysicalMachine(phyMachinePojo); if (!basicResult.getSuccess()) return basicResult; } return basicResult; } /** * Private helper to delete all the virtual infrastructure contained in the physical machine * * @param phyMachinePojo the physical machine to delete * @return TODO * @throws JAXBException * @throws FaultException * @throws IOException * @throws DatatypeConfigurationException * @throws SOAPException */ private BasicResult deleteVirtualInfrastructureFromPhysicalMachine(PhysicalmachineHB phyMachinePojo) throws JAXBException, SOAPException, DatatypeConfigurationException, IOException, FaultException { BasicResult basicResult; basicResult = new BasicResult(); basicResult.setSuccess(true); VirtualApplianceWS virtualApplianceWs; // Adding the HyperVisors Set<HypervisorHB> hypervisorPhysicalList = phyMachinePojo.getHypervisors(); for (HypervisorHB hypervisorPojo : hypervisorPhysicalList) { // Adding the VirtualMachines Set<VirtualmachineHB> virtualMachines = hypervisorPojo.getVirtualmachines(); for (VirtualmachineHB virtualMachinePojo : virtualMachines) {"Getting the virtual applications to delete contained in this physical machine: " + phyMachinePojo.getName()); VirtualimageHB image = virtualMachinePojo.getImage(); NodeHB nodeHB = (NodeHB) HibernateUtil.getSession().createCriteria(NodeHB.class) .add(Restrictions.eq("virtualmachine", virtualMachinePojo)).uniqueResult(); if (nodeHB != null) { // TODO REFACTOR THIS! /* * VirtualAppliance virtualAppliance = (VirtualAppliance) * nodeHB.getVirtualapp().toPojo(); *"Deleting the virtual appliance: " +virtualAppliance.getName()); * virtualApplianceWs = new VirtualApplianceWS(); basicResult = * virtualApplianceWs.shutdownVirtualAppliance(virtualAppliance); if * (basicResult.getSuccess()) basicResult = * virtualApplianceWs.deleteVirtualAppliance(virtualAppliance); //TODO check the * result"Virtual appliance deleted"); */ } } } return basicResult; } /** * Checks if the state of a given virtual machine, is actually the last valid state in the Data * Base If it is the same, the state of the virtual machine will be updated to * State.IN_PROGRESS, and a boolean will be returned to true, to indicate that the virtual * machine can be manipulated Otherwise, the current state will be returned, and the boolean * will be set to false, indicating that the virtual machine can not be manipulated * * @param virtualMachine The virtual machine that will be checked * @return A DataResult object, containing a boolean that indicates if the virtual machine can * be manipulated and, in any case, it will contain the last valid state of the virtual * machine * @throws Exception An Exception is thrown if there was a problem connecting to the Data base */ private DataResult<State> checkVirtualMachineState(VirtualMachine virtualMachine) throws Exception { Session session = null; Transaction transaction = null; DataResult<State> currentStateAndAllow = new DataResult<State>(); try { session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); transaction = session.beginTransaction(); // Getting the last state of the virtual machine VirtualmachineHB virtualMachineHB = (VirtualmachineHB) session.get(VirtualmachineHB.class, virtualMachine.getId()); if (virtualMachine.getState().getId() == virtualMachineHB.getState().getIdState() && virtualMachineHB.getState().getIdState() != State.IN_PROGRESS) { // The given virtual machine is up to date, and is not in progress. // We set it now to IN_PROGRESS, and return that it is allowed to manipulate it StateHB newStateHB = new StateHB(); newStateHB.setIdState(State.IN_PROGRESS); virtualMachineHB.setState(newStateHB); session.update(virtualMachineHB); // Generating the result currentStateAndAllow.setSuccess(true); currentStateAndAllow.setData((State) newStateHB.toPojo()); } else { // The given virtual machine is not up to date, or the virtual machine // is already in the state State.IN_PROGRESS. Manipulating it is not allowed // Generating the result currentStateAndAllow.setSuccess(false); currentStateAndAllow.setData((State) virtualMachineHB.getState().toPojo()); } transaction.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { if (transaction != null && transaction.isActive()) transaction.rollback(); throw e; } return currentStateAndAllow; } /** * Checks the current state of a list of virtual machines * * @param virtualMachinesToCheck ArrayList with the list of virtual machines to check * @return A DataResult object containing a list of the same virtual machines with their state * updated */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected DataResult<ArrayList<VirtualMachine>> checkVirtualMachinesState( ArrayList<VirtualMachine> virtualMachinesToCheck) { DataResult<ArrayList<VirtualMachine>> dataResult = new DataResult<ArrayList<VirtualMachine>>(); ArrayList<VirtualMachine> virtualMachinesChecked = new ArrayList<VirtualMachine>(); Session session = null; Transaction transaction = null; try { session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); transaction = session.beginTransaction(); // Generating the list of id's of the virtual machines requested ArrayList<Integer> virtualMachinesToCheckIds = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (VirtualMachine virtualMachine : virtualMachinesToCheck) { virtualMachinesToCheckIds.add(virtualMachine.getId()); } // Getting the virtual machines updated from the data base ArrayList<VirtualmachineHB> virtualMachinesHBChecked = (ArrayList<VirtualmachineHB>) session .createCriteria(VirtualmachineHB.class).add("idVm", virtualMachinesToCheckIds)) .list(); // Returning the result for (VirtualmachineHB virtualMachineHB : virtualMachinesHBChecked) { virtualMachinesChecked.add((VirtualMachine) virtualMachineHB.toPojo()); } transaction.commit(); dataResult.setSuccess(true); dataResult.setMessage(resourceManager.getMessage("checkVirtualMachinesState.success")); dataResult.setData(virtualMachinesChecked); } catch (Exception e) { if (transaction != null && transaction.isActive()) transaction.rollback(); this.errorManager.reportError(resourceManager, dataResult, "checkVirtualMachinesState", e); } return dataResult; } }