Java tutorial
/* Cobweb Copyright (C) 2010 Joachim von Eichborn This file is part of Cobweb. Cobweb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Cobweb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Cobweb. If not, see <>. */ package cobweb; import guicomponents.G4P; import guicomponents.GButton; import guicomponents.GCheckbox; import guicomponents.GLabel; import guicomponents.GPanel; import guicomponents.GSlider; import guicomponents.GTextField; import guicomponents.GWSlider; import java.awt.Cursor; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Random; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import netscape.javascript.JSObject; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import particlesystem.Edge; import particlesystem.Node; import particlesystem.ParticleSystem; import particlesystem.Vector2D; import processing.core.PApplet; import processing.core.PFont; /** * Main class of the applet. It's setup function gets called when the applet is * loaded. Handles the drawing of the network, the user interface and the * interaction with the user. * * @author Joachim von Eichborn * @author */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class Cobweb extends PApplet { /** * Window object that is used to execute Javascript functions on a webpage * if available */ JSObject window = null; /** * Defines the strength of the edge between two nodes that are connected */ static float edgeStrength; /** * Defines the strength of the repulsion between any two nodes */ static float repulsionStrength; /** * Defines the size of each node */ static final float NODE_SIZE = 36; /** * Defines the size of the arrow heads */ static final float ARROW_HEAD = 9; /** * Defines the radius in which a node is regarded to be clicked on */ static final int DISTANCE_CUTOFF = (int) (NODE_SIZE / 2 + 5); /** * Sets the transparency for all semi-transparent parts */ static final int ALPHA = 180; // the control elements' labels final String SMOOTH_BUTTON_FASTER_TEXT = "Faster "; final String SMOOTH_BUTTON_NICER_TEXT = "Smoother "; /** * The particle systems that contains all nodes and edges and does the * layout of the network */ ParticleSystem particleSys = null; /** * The currently selected node */ private Node selectedNode = null; /** * Wether the selected node was fixed at the time he was clicked on */ private boolean selectedNodeFixed = false; /** * Wether a selection frame is drawn */ boolean selectionFrame = false; /** * Whether the nodes are fixed or not */ boolean fixed = false; /** * Whether verbose information like FPS, number of nodes should be drawn */ boolean verbose = false; /** * The format in which the network was given (xgmml or graphml). When * neighbourhood nodes are loaded, they are expected to be in the same * format */ private String networkType = null; /** * Contains the parameters given in the XGMML-file */ Parameters params = null; // variables to calculate the correct viewport after zooming and translating // the view private float translateMouseX = 0f; private float translateMouseY = 0f; private float translateZoomX = 0f; private float translateZoomY = 0f; private float origX = 0f; private float origY = 0f; /** * Zoom factor for the network view */ public float scaleFactor; /** * Length of the edges in the network */ public float edgeLength; /** * The color of the applets background */ private int backgroundColor = (255 << 24) | Integer.parseInt("FFFFFF", 16); /** * The color that is used to draw the node names */ private int textColor = (255 << 24) | Integer.parseInt("000000", 16); // control elements to change the display style GPanel displayPanel = null; GCheckbox displayNamesBox = null; GCheckbox displaySymbolsBox = null; GCheckbox displayPicturesBox = null; GWSlider scaleSlider = null; GButton fixButton = null; GWSlider edgeLengthSlider = null; GButton smoothButton = null; // control elements to perform graph functions GPanel graphPanel = null; GTextField nodeSearchTextfield = null; GButton selectCommonNeighboursButton = null; GButton selectNeighboursButton = null; GButton statisticsButton = null; GButton onePathButton = null; GButton allPathButton = null; GButton invertButton = null; GButton addNodeButton = null; GButton addEdgeButton = null; GButton shuffleButton = null; GButton relaxButton = null; GButton fitButton = null; /** * The font used to draw the node names */ PFont font = null; /** * If two nodes are selected, connect them with an edge to each other */ public void addEdgeByButton() { if (particleSys.numberOfSelectedNodes() == 1) particleSys.makeEdge(particleSys.getSelectedNode(0), particleSys.getSelectedNode(0), 1.0f, null, null, null, edgeStrength, edgeStrength, edgeLength); else if (particleSys.numberOfSelectedNodes() == 2) particleSys.makeEdge(particleSys.getSelectedNode(0), particleSys.getSelectedNode(1), 1.0f, null, null, null, edgeStrength, edgeStrength, edgeLength); else { String[] args = new String[] { "Please select exactely two nodes (by selecting the source node and then keeping the CONTROL-key pressed while clicking on the target node)." }; callJavascriptFunction("show_warning", args); } } /** * Add the specified network to the displayed network * * @param network * The network that is added */ public void addNetwork(String network) { addNetwork(network, width / 2 - translateMouseX, height / 2 - translateMouseY); } /** * Add the specified network to the displayed network * * @param network * The specified network * @param x * The x coordinate where new nodes are added * @param y * The y coordinate where new nodes are added */ public void addNetwork(String network, float x, float y) { callJavascriptFunctionStatusMessage("adding network", true); if (networkType != null) { if (networkType.equals("xgmml")) { XGMMLParser parser = new XGMMLParser(this, network); parser.setParameters(params); if (fixed) parser.parseNodes(particleSys, x, y, true); else parser.parseNodes(particleSys, x, y); parser.parseEdges(particleSys, edgeLength); } else if (networkType.equals("graphml")) { GraphMLParser parser = new GraphMLParser(this, network); parser.setParameters(params); if (fixed) parser.parseNodes(particleSys, x, y, true); else parser.parseNodes(particleSys, x, y); parser.parseEdges(particleSys, edgeLength); } else System.out.println("unknown network type: " + networkType); } else System.out.println("no network type defined"); System.out.println(network); callJavascriptFunctionStatusMessage("added network"); } /** * Add a new node with default values to the particle system */ public void addNodeByButton() { String id = "new1"; for (int i = 1; i < MAX_INT; ++i) if (!particleSys.containsNode("new" + i)) { id = "new" + i; break; } String name = id; Node n = particleSys.makeNode(id, name, null, null, params.getServerAdress() + params.getPicturePath(), null, null); if (n != null) { for (int i = 0; i < particleSys.numberOfNodes(); ++i) { Node q = particleSys.getNode(i); if (n != q) particleSys.makeRepulsion(n, q, repulsionStrength, 20); } Random random = new Random(); n.getPosition().set(width / 2 - translateMouseX + (random.nextFloat() * NODE_SIZE * 6 - NODE_SIZE * 3), height / 2 - translateMouseY + (random.nextFloat() * NODE_SIZE * 6 - NODE_SIZE * 3)); n.fix(); particleSys.deselectAllNodes(); selectNode(n); } } /** * Select a node by its Id without deselecting previously selected nodes * * @param id * The id of the node that is to be selected */ public void addNodeToSelectionById(String id) { for (int i = 0; i < particleSys.numberOfNodes(); ++i) if (particleSys.getNode(i).getId().equals(id)) { selectNode(particleSys.getNode(i)); break; } } /** * Call the given javascript-function * * @param function * Name of the function to be executed */ public void callJavascriptFunction(String function) { callJavascriptFunction(function, null); } /** * Call the given javascript-function * * @param function * Name of the function to be executed * @param args * The parameters that are given to the javascript function */ public void callJavascriptFunction(String function, String[] args) { if (window != null) { try {, args); } catch (Exception ex) { println(function + " exception " + args); } } else println(function + " " + args); } /** * Call the Javascript-function to clear the sidebar */ public void callJavascriptFunctionClearSidebar() { String[] args = new String[] { params.getLabel(), getBackgroundColorAsHexString(), getTextColorAsHexString(), String.valueOf(edgeStrength), String.valueOf(repulsionStrength) }; callJavascriptFunction("clear_sidebar", args); } /** * Call a java-script function to display the given message * * @param message * the message is to be displayed */ public void callJavascriptFunctionStatusMessage(String message) { callJavascriptFunctionStatusMessage(message, false); } /** * Call a java-script function to display the given message * * @param message * the message that is to be displayed * @param spinner * whether to show a loading-spinner or not */ public void callJavascriptFunctionStatusMessage(String message, Boolean spinner) { String[] args = null; if (spinner) args = new String[] { message, "true" }; else args = new String[] { message, "false" }; callJavascriptFunction("set_status_message", args); } /** * Create the control elements (buttons and sliders) in the GUI */ void createControlElements() { // Set the color scheme for the control elements. You can use one of the // predefined schemes (values 0 to 6). Alternatively a file named // user_col_schema.png with own schemes can be provided in the jar. // Please look at for // details on how this file has to look like. G4P.setColorScheme(this, 7); displayPanel = new GPanel(this, " Display Panel ", 0, 0, 662, 80); displayPanel.setCollapsed(false); displayPanel.setOpaque(true); displayPanel.setBorder(1); GLabel display = new GLabel(this, "Display style:", 0, 5, 85); displayPanel.add(display); displayNamesBox = new GCheckbox(this, "Names", 5, 24, 70); displayNamesBox.setSelected(true); displayPanel.add(displayNamesBox); displaySymbolsBox = new GCheckbox(this, "Symbols", 5, 44, 70); displayPanel.add(displaySymbolsBox); displayPicturesBox = new GCheckbox(this, "Pictures", 5, 64, 70); displayPicturesBox.setSelected(true); displayPanel.add(displayPicturesBox); GLabel zoom = new GLabel(this, "Zoom:", 95, 5, 45); displayPanel.add(zoom); scaleSlider = new GWSlider(this, 95, 34, 150); scaleSlider.setLimits(scaleFactor, 0.1f, 2.0f); scaleSlider.setValueType(GSlider.DECIMAL); displayPanel.add(scaleSlider); GLabel nodes = new GLabel(this, "Nodes:", 267, 5, 45); displayPanel.add(nodes); fixButton = new GButton(this, "Fix/Release Nodes ", 267, 27, 95, 20); displayPanel.add(fixButton); GLabel length = new GLabel(this, "Edge length:", 400, 5, 80); displayPanel.add(length); edgeLengthSlider = new GWSlider(this, 400, 34, 150); edgeLengthSlider.setLimits(edgeLength, 1, 600); displayPanel.add(edgeLengthSlider); GLabel performance = new GLabel(this, "Performance:", 570, 5, 82); displayPanel.add(performance); smoothButton = new GButton(this, SMOOTH_BUTTON_FASTER_TEXT, 570, 27, 85, 20); displayPanel.add(smoothButton); graphPanel = new GPanel(this, " Graph Panel ", 0, 115, 662, 102); graphPanel.setCollapsed(false); graphPanel.setOpaque(true); graphPanel.setBorder(1); GLabel search = new GLabel(this, "Search Node:", 5, 5, 82); graphPanel.add(search); nodeSearchTextfield = new GTextField(this, "node name", 5, 25, 82, 20); graphPanel.add(nodeSearchTextfield); GLabel select = new GLabel(this, "Selection:", 94, 5, 120); graphPanel.add(select); selectCommonNeighboursButton = new GButton(this, "Common Neighbours ", 94, 25, 136, 20); graphPanel.add(selectCommonNeighboursButton); selectNeighboursButton = new GButton(this, "All Neighbours ", 94, 50, 136, 20); graphPanel.add(selectNeighboursButton); invertButton = new GButton(this, "Invert Selection ", 94, 75, 136, 20); graphPanel.add(invertButton); GLabel path = new GLabel(this, "Shortest Path:", 236, 5, 90); graphPanel.add(path); onePathButton = new GButton(this, "Show one Path ", 236, 25, 103, 20); graphPanel.add(onePathButton); allPathButton = new GButton(this, "Show all Paths ", 236, 50, 103, 20); graphPanel.add(allPathButton); GLabel manipulate = new GLabel(this, "Manipulate:", 346, 5, 95); graphPanel.add(manipulate); addNodeButton = new GButton(this, "Add Node ", 346, 25, 95, 20); graphPanel.add(addNodeButton); addEdgeButton = new GButton(this, "Add Edge ", 346, 50, 95, 20); graphPanel.add(addEdgeButton); GLabel statistics = new GLabel(this, "Statistics:", 447, 5, 100); graphPanel.add(statistics); statisticsButton = new GButton(this, "Show Statistics ", 447, 25, 104, 20); graphPanel.add(statisticsButton); GLabel shuffle = new GLabel(this, "Node Positions:", 559, 5, 95); graphPanel.add(shuffle); shuffleButton = new GButton(this, "Shuffle ", 559, 25, 95, 20); graphPanel.add(shuffleButton); relaxButton = new GButton(this, "Relax ", 559, 50, 95, 20); graphPanel.add(relaxButton); fitButton = new GButton(this, "Fit in Window ", 559, 75, 95, 20); graphPanel.add(fitButton); displayPanel.setCollapsed(true); graphPanel.setCollapsed(true); } /** * Decrease the length of the edge between the given nodes by the given * value * * @param sourceId * The source node of the edge that is shortened * @param targetId * The target node of the edge that is shortened * @param amount * How much the edge is shortened */ public void decreaseEdgeLength(String sourceId, String targetId, Float amount) { for (int i = 0; i < particleSys.numberOfEdges(); ++i) if (particleSys.getEdge(i).getSource().getId().equals(sourceId) && particleSys.getEdge(i).getTarget().getId().equals(targetId)) particleSys.getEdge(i).decreaseEdgeLength(amount); } /** * Remove the selected Edge */ public void deleteEdge() { for (int i = 0; i < particleSys.numberOfEdges(); ++i) if (particleSys.getEdge(i).isHighlighted()) { particleSys.removeEdge(i); break; } } /** * Delete a given node * * @param n * Node to be deleted */ public void deleteNode(Node n) { callJavascriptFunctionStatusMessage("removing " + n.getName(), true); String msg = "removed " + n.getName(); particleSys.removeNode(n); callJavascriptFunctionStatusMessage(msg); callJavascriptFunctionClearSidebar(); } /** * Delete a given node * * @param id * Id of the node to be deleted */ public void deleteNode(String id) { Node n = particleSys.getNodeById(id); if (n != null) deleteNode(n); } /** * Delete all selected nodes */ public void deleteSelectedNodes() { ArrayList<Node> removeNode = new ArrayList<Node>(); for (int i = 0; i < particleSys.numberOfSelectedNodes(); ++i) removeNode.add(particleSys.getSelectedNode(i)); for (Iterator<Node> partIt = removeNode.iterator(); partIt.hasNext();) deleteNode(; } /** * Calculate the euclidian distance between two points * * @param x1 * x-coordinate of the first point * @param y1 * y-coordinate of the second point * @param x2 * x-coordinate of the first point * @param y2 * y-coordinate of the second point * @return The distance between the two points */ float distance(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) { float dx = x2 - x1; float dy = y2 - y1; return sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); } /** * Initiates that the particle system gets updated and draws the network */ public void draw() { textFont(font); particleSys.tick(); background(backgroundColor); if (verbose) text(particleSys.numberOfNodes() + " nodes\n" + particleSys.numberOfEdges() + " edges\n" + (int) frameRate + " FPS", 40, 220); scale(scaleFactor); translate(translateMouseX + translateZoomX, translateMouseY + translateZoomY); drawEdges(); drawNodes(); // draw selection frame if (selectionFrame) { stroke(219, 139, 13); fill(219, 139, 13, 80); float width = Math.abs(getMouseX() - origX); float height = Math.abs(getMouseY() - origY); rect(origX + ((getMouseX() - origX) / 2), origY + ((getMouseY() - origY) / 2), width, height); } resetMatrix(); } /** * Draw the caps of straight edges * * @param ax * the x position of the source node * @param ay * the y position of the source node * @param bx * the x position of the target node * @param by * the x position of the target node * @param shape * the shape of the edge */ void drawEdgeEnding(float ax, float ay, float bx, float by, int shape) { float vx, vy, dist, xArrow, yArrow; float nodeCorona = DISTANCE_CUTOFF + 15; switch (shape) { case 0: // none break; case 1: // arrow vx = bx - ax; vy = by - ay; dist = (float) Math.sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy); vx = vx / dist; vy = vy / dist; xArrow = (-vy - vx) * ARROW_HEAD; yArrow = (vx - vy) * ARROW_HEAD; line(bx - vx * nodeCorona, by - vy * nodeCorona, bx + xArrow - vx * nodeCorona, by + yArrow - vy * nodeCorona); xArrow = (vy - vx) * ARROW_HEAD; yArrow = (-vx - vy) * ARROW_HEAD; line(bx - vx * nodeCorona, by - vy * nodeCorona, bx + xArrow - vx * nodeCorona, by + yArrow - vy * nodeCorona); break; case 2: // dash vx = bx - ax; vy = by - ay; dist = (float) Math.sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy); vx = vx / dist; vy = vy / dist; line(bx - vx * nodeCorona + vy * ARROW_HEAD, by - vy * nodeCorona - vx * ARROW_HEAD, bx - vy * ARROW_HEAD - vx * nodeCorona, by + vx * ARROW_HEAD - vy * nodeCorona); break; case 3: // circle vx = bx - ax; vy = by - ay; dist = (float) Math.sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy); vx = vx / dist; vy = vy / dist; fill(backgroundColor); ellipse(bx - vx * nodeCorona, by - vy * nodeCorona, ARROW_HEAD, ARROW_HEAD); noFill(); break; } } /** * Draw the edges of the network */ void drawEdges() { Node a = null; Node b = null; Edge e = null; float ax, ay, bx, by; float halfNodeSize = NODE_SIZE / 2; noFill(); for (int i = particleSys.numberOfEdges() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { e = particleSys.getEdge(i); if (e.isVisible()) { a = e.getSource(); b = e.getTarget(); ax = a.getPosition().getX(); ay = a.getPosition().getY(); bx = b.getPosition().getX(); by = b.getPosition().getY(); strokeWeight(e.getStrokeWeight()); if (e.isHighlighted()) stroke(219, 139, 13); else if (a.isHighlighted() || b.isHighlighted()) { if (!particleSys.isDirected()) stroke(219, 139, 13); else { if (a.isHighlighted()) stroke(219, 65, 13); else stroke(219, 187, 13); } } else stroke(e.getColor()); if (a.equals(b)) { // self-edges arc(ax - halfNodeSize, ay - halfNodeSize, NODE_SIZE, NODE_SIZE, PI / 2, TWO_PI); drawSelfEdgeEnding(ax, ay, e.getShape()); } else { // edges on other nodes line(ax, ay, bx, by); drawEdgeEnding(ax, ay, bx, by, e.getShape()); if (!particleSys.isDirected()) drawEdgeEnding(b.getPosition().getX(), b.getPosition().getY(), a.getPosition().getX(), a.getPosition().getY(), e.getShape()); } } } strokeWeight(2); } /** * Draw the nodes of the network */ void drawNodes() { int downShift = 4; if (displayPicturesBox.isSelected()) downShift = 33; Boolean drawSymbols = displaySymbolsBox.isSelected(); Boolean drawImages = displayPicturesBox.isSelected(); Boolean drawNames = displayNamesBox.isSelected(); stroke(200); Node v = null; for (int i = particleSys.numberOfNodes() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { v = particleSys.getNode(i); if (v.isVisible()) { if (v.isHighlighted()) { noStroke(); fill(255, 255, 70, ALPHA); ellipse(v.getPosition().getX(), v.getPosition().getY(), NODE_SIZE * 1.5f, NODE_SIZE * 1.5f); stroke(219, 139, 13, ALPHA); textSize(18); } if (drawSymbols) drawSymbol(v.getPosition().getX(), v.getPosition().getY(), v.getShape(), v.getFillColor()); if (drawImages) { if (v.hasImage()) image(v.getImage(), v.getPosition().getX(), v.getPosition().getY()); else drawSymbol(v.getPosition().getX(), v.getPosition().getY(), v.getShape(), v.getFillColor()); } if (drawNames) { fill(textColor); text(v.getName(), v.getPosition().getX(), v.getPosition().getY() + downShift); } if (v.isHighlighted()) { stroke(200); textSize(14); } } } } /** * Draw the caps of self-edges * * @param x * the nodes x position * @param y * the nodes y position * @param shape * the shape of the edge */ void drawSelfEdgeEnding(float x, float y, int shape) { float halfNodeSize = NODE_SIZE / 2; switch (shape) { case 0: // none break; case 1: // arrow line(x, y - halfNodeSize, x - ARROW_HEAD - 1, y - halfNodeSize - ARROW_HEAD); line(x, y - halfNodeSize, x + ARROW_HEAD - 1, y - halfNodeSize - ARROW_HEAD); break; case 2: // dash line(x - ARROW_HEAD, y - halfNodeSize, x + ARROW_HEAD, y - halfNodeSize); break; case 3: // circle fill(backgroundColor); ellipse(x, y - halfNodeSize, ARROW_HEAD, ARROW_HEAD); noFill(); break; } } /** * Draw a circle representing a node * * @param x * x-coordinate of the circle * @param y * y-coordinate of the circle * @param shape * the shape of the symbol * @param col * Fill-color for the circle */ void drawSymbol(float x, float y, int shape, int col) { fill(col, ALPHA); switch (shape) { case 0: // circle ellipse(x, y, NODE_SIZE, NODE_SIZE); break; case 1: // triangle triangle(x, y - NODE_SIZE / 2, x + NODE_SIZE / 2, y + NODE_SIZE / 2, x - NODE_SIZE / 2, y + NODE_SIZE / 2); break; case 2: // box rect(x, y, NODE_SIZE, NODE_SIZE); break; case 3: // rectangle rect(x, y, NODE_SIZE, NODE_SIZE / 2); break; case 4: // rhombus quad(x - NODE_SIZE / 2, y - NODE_SIZE / 2, x, y - NODE_SIZE / 2, x + NODE_SIZE / 2, y + NODE_SIZE / 2, x, y + NODE_SIZE / 2); break; case 5: // hexagon beginShape(); vertex(x - NODE_SIZE / 2, y); vertex(x - NODE_SIZE / 4, y - NODE_SIZE / 2); vertex(x + NODE_SIZE / 4, y - NODE_SIZE / 2); vertex(x + NODE_SIZE / 2, y); vertex(x + NODE_SIZE / 4, y + NODE_SIZE / 2); vertex(x - NODE_SIZE / 4, y + NODE_SIZE / 2); endShape(CLOSE); break; case 6: // octagon beginShape(); vertex(x - NODE_SIZE / 2, y - NODE_SIZE / 4); vertex(x - NODE_SIZE / 4, y - NODE_SIZE / 2); vertex(x + NODE_SIZE / 4, y - NODE_SIZE / 2); vertex(x + NODE_SIZE / 2, y - NODE_SIZE / 4); vertex(x + NODE_SIZE / 2, y + NODE_SIZE / 4); vertex(x + NODE_SIZE / 4, y + NODE_SIZE / 2); vertex(x - NODE_SIZE / 4, y + NODE_SIZE / 2); vertex(x - NODE_SIZE / 2, y + NODE_SIZE / 4); endShape(CLOSE); break; case 7: // horizontal ellipsis ellipse(x, y, NODE_SIZE, NODE_SIZE / 2); break; case 8: // vertical ellipsis ellipse(x, y, NODE_SIZE / 2, NODE_SIZE); break; } } /** * Scales and translates the view to make the network fit into the window */ public void fitNetworkInWindow() { Node n = null; float xMin = MAX_FLOAT; float xMax = MIN_FLOAT; float yMin = MAX_FLOAT; float yMax = MIN_FLOAT; for (int i = 0; i < particleSys.numberOfNodes(); ++i) { n = particleSys.getNode(i); if (n.isVisible()) { if (n.getPosition().getX() > xMax) xMax = n.getPosition().getX(); if (n.getPosition().getX() < xMin) xMin = n.getPosition().getX(); if (n.getPosition().getY() > yMax) yMax = n.getPosition().getY(); if (n.getPosition().getY() < yMin) yMin = n.getPosition().getY(); } } translateMouseX = width / 2 - (xMin + xMax) / 2; translateMouseY = height / 2 - (yMin + yMax) / 2; float newScaleFactor = width / (xMax - xMin + 2 * NODE_SIZE); if (width / (yMax - yMin) < newScaleFactor) newScaleFactor = height / (yMax - yMin + 2 * NODE_SIZE); if (newScaleFactor < 1.0f) { scaleSlider.setValue(newScaleFactor); // the values have to be set manually, otherwise fitting the network // when the applet opens will not work because both panels are // collapsed at that time scaleFactor = newScaleFactor; translateZoomX = width / scaleFactor / 2 - width / 2; translateZoomY = height / scaleFactor / 2 - height / 2; } } /** * Fix all selected nodes */ public void fixSelectedNodePositions() { if (selectedNode != null) // if one node is dragged at the moment, don't // change its status but remember to change // it after dragging has ended selectedNodeFixed = !selectedNodeFixed; else // if no node is dragged for (int i = 0; i < particleSys.numberOfSelectedNodes(); ++i) { if (particleSys.getSelectedNode(i).isFixed()) { particleSys.getSelectedNode(i).free(); callJavascriptFunctionStatusMessage( "released node " + particleSys.getSelectedNode(i).getName()); } else { particleSys.getSelectedNode(i).fix(); callJavascriptFunctionStatusMessage("fixed node " + particleSys.getSelectedNode(i).getName()); } } } /** * Return the applets background color as a hexadecimal string * * @return The background color as a hexadecimal string */ public String getBackgroundColorAsHexString() { return "#" + Integer.toHexString(backgroundColor).substring(2).toUpperCase(); } /** * Return the x-coordinate of the mouse-pointer * * @return The x-coordinate of the mouse pointer scaled and translated in * accordance with the current view */ public float getMouseX() { return (mouseX / scaleFactor - translateMouseX - translateZoomX); } /** * Return the y-coordinate of the mouse-pointer * * @return The y-coordinate of the mouse pointer scaled and translated in * accordance with the current view */ public float getMouseY() { return (mouseY / scaleFactor - translateMouseY - translateZoomY); } /** * Return the edge on which the user has clicked, if any * * @return The selected edge or null if no visible edge is nearby the * clicked position */ public Edge getNearestEdge() { float curX = getMouseX(); float curY = getMouseY(); Edge e = null; Edge nearest = null; float minDevSquared = 100; float devSquared = 0; for (int i = 0; i < particleSys.numberOfEdges(); ++i) { e = particleSys.getEdge(i); if (!e.isVisible()) continue; if (e.getSource().equals(e.getTarget())) devSquared = e.getDistanceToPoint(curX, curY, NODE_SIZE); else devSquared = e.getDistanceToPoint(curX, curY); if (devSquared < minDevSquared) { minDevSquared = devSquared; nearest = e; } } return nearest; } /** * Return the node on which the user has clicked, if any * * @return The selected node or null if no node is nearby the clicked * position */ public Node getNearestNode() { float mx = getMouseX(); float my = getMouseY(); Node n = null; float d = DISTANCE_CUTOFF; for (int i = 0; i < particleSys.numberOfNodes(); ++i) { Node v = particleSys.getNode(i); float dTemp = distance(mx, my, v.getPosition().getX(), v.getPosition().getY()); if ((dTemp < d) && dTemp < DISTANCE_CUTOFF) { d = dTemp; n = v; } } return n; } /** * Return an Base64 encoded GraphML-representation of the current network * * @return The Base64 encoded GraphML-string representing the current * network */ public String getNetworkAsGraphMLBase64String() { return Base64.encodeBase64String(getNetworkAsGraphMLString().getBytes()); } /** * Return an GraphML-representation of the current network * * @return The GraphML-string representing the current network */ public String getNetworkAsGraphMLString() { String graphml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\n"; graphml += "<graphml xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xsi:schemaLocation=\"\">\n"; graphml += "<key id=\"picturepath\" for=\"graph\"\"picturepath\" attr.type=\"string\" />\n"; graphml += "<key id=\"neighbourhoodscript\" for=\"graph\"\"neighbourhoodscript\" attr.type=\"string\" />\n"; graphml += "<key id=\"name\" for=\"node\"\"label\" attr.type=\"string\" />\n"; graphml += "<key id=\"shape\" for=\"node\"\"shape\" attr.type=\"string\" />\n"; graphml += "<key id=\"r\" for=\"node\"\"r\" attr.type=\"string\" />\n"; graphml += "<key id=\"g\" for=\"node\"\"g\" attr.type=\"string\" />\n"; graphml += "<key id=\"b\" for=\"node\"\"b\" attr.type=\"string\" />\n"; graphml += "<key id=\"description\" for=\"node\"\"description\" attr.type=\"string\" />\n"; graphml += "<key id=\"picture\" for=\"node\"\"picture\" attr.type=\"string\" />\n"; graphml += "<key id=\"x\" for=\"node\"\"x\" attr.type=\"float\" />\n"; graphml += "<key id=\"y\" for=\"node\"\"y\" attr.type=\"float\" />\n"; graphml += "<key id=\"edgelabel\" for=\"edge\"\"label\" attr.type=\"string\" />\n"; graphml += "<key id=\"edgeshape\" for=\"edge\"\"shape\" attr.type=\"string\" />\n"; graphml += "<key id=\"weight\" for=\"edge\"\"weight\" attr.type=\"float\" />\n"; graphml += "<key id=\"edger\" for=\"edge\"\"r\" attr.type=\"string\" />\n"; graphml += "<key id=\"edgeg\" for=\"edge\"\"g\" attr.type=\"string\" />\n"; graphml += "<key id=\"edgeb\" for=\"edge\"\"b\" attr.type=\"string\" />\n"; graphml += "<graph id=\"" + params.getLabel() + "\" edgedefault=\"" + ((particleSys.isDirected()) ? "directed" : "undirected") + "\">\n"; graphml += params.toGraphML(); for (int i = 0; i < particleSys.numberOfNodes(); i++) graphml += particleSys.getNode(i).toGraphML(); for (int i = 0; i < particleSys.numberOfEdges(); i++) graphml += particleSys.getEdge(i).toGraphML(); graphml += "</graph>\n</graphml>\n"; try { return new String(graphml.getBytes(), "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return graphml; } } /** * Return an Base64 encoded XGMML-representation of the current network * * @return The Base64 encoded XGMML-string representing the current network */ public String getNetworkAsXGMMLBase64String() { return Base64.encodeBase64String(getNetworkAsXGMMLString().getBytes()); } /** * Return an XGMML-representation of the current network * * @return The XGMML-string representing the current network */ public String getNetworkAsXGMMLString() { String xgmml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\n"; xgmml += "<graph label=\"" + params.getLabel() + "\" directed=\"" + ((particleSys.isDirected()) ? "1" : "0") + "\" xmlns=\"\" schemaLocation=\"\">\n"; xgmml += params.toXGMML(); for (int i = 0; i < particleSys.numberOfNodes(); i++) xgmml += particleSys.getNode(i).toXGMML(); for (int i = 0; i < particleSys.numberOfEdges(); i++) xgmml += particleSys.getEdge(i).toXGMML(); xgmml += "</graph>\n"; try { return new String(xgmml.getBytes(), "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return xgmml; } } /** * Returns the particle system * * @return the particle system */ public ParticleSystem getParticleSystem() { return particleSys; } /** * Return an Base64 encoded String containing a screenshot of the applet * content in gif format * * @return The Base64 encoded String containing a screenshot of the applet * content in gif format */ public String getScreenshotAsBase64String() { try { // stop automatic redrawing and draw three time to get a complete // image of the network without the panels noLoop(); draw(); draw(); draw(); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ImageIO.write((BufferedImage) this.g.image, "gif", baos); byte[] bytes = baos.toByteArray(); loop(); // restart automatic drawing return Base64.encodeBase64String(bytes); } catch (Exception e) { loop(); // restart automatic drawing String[] args = new String[] { "Generating screenshot failed." }; callJavascriptFunction("show_warning", args); return ""; } } /** * Return the text color as a hexadecimal string * * @return The text color as a hexadecimal string */ public String getTextColorAsHexString() { return "#" + Integer.toHexString(textColor).substring(2).toUpperCase(); } /** * Handle events generated by the buttons in the GUI * * @param button * The button event that was generated */ public void handleButtonEvents(GButton button) { if (!(displayPanel.isCollapsed() && graphPanel.isCollapsed())) { if (button == fixButton && button.eventType == GButton.CLICKED) { if (fixed) { for (int i = 0; i < particleSys.numberOfNodes(); ++i) particleSys.getNode(i).free(); } else { for (int i = 0; i < particleSys.numberOfNodes(); ++i) particleSys.getNode(i).fix(); } fixed = !fixed; } else if (button == smoothButton && button.eventType == GButton.CLICKED) { if (smoothButton.getText().equals(SMOOTH_BUTTON_FASTER_TEXT)) { smoothButton.setText(SMOOTH_BUTTON_NICER_TEXT); noSmooth(); } else { smoothButton.setText(SMOOTH_BUTTON_FASTER_TEXT); smooth(); } } else if (button == selectCommonNeighboursButton && button.eventType == GButton.CLICKED) { selectCommonNeighboursOfSelectedNodes(); } else if (button == selectNeighboursButton && button.eventType == GButton.CLICKED) { selectALLNeighboursOfSelectedNodes(); } else if (button == statisticsButton && button.eventType == GButton.CLICKED) { showStatistics(); } else if (button == onePathButton && button.eventType == GButton.CLICKED) { showOnePath(); } else if (button == allPathButton && button.eventType == GButton.CLICKED) { showAllPath(); } else if (button == invertButton && button.eventType == GButton.CLICKED) { invertSelection(); } else if (button == addNodeButton && button.eventType == GButton.CLICKED) { addNodeByButton(); } else if (button == addEdgeButton && button.eventType == GButton.CLICKED) { addEdgeByButton(); } else if (button == shuffleButton && button.eventType == GButton.CLICKED) { Random rand = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < particleSys.numberOfNodes(); ++i) { particleSys.getNode(i).free(); particleSys.getNode(i).setPosition(new Vector2D(rand.nextFloat() + width / 2 - translateMouseX, rand.nextFloat() + height / 2 - translateMouseY)); } for (int i = 0; i < 2000; ++i) particleSys.tick(); fitNetworkInWindow(); } else if (button == relaxButton && button.eventType == GButton.CLICKED) { for (int i = 0; i < 2000; ++i) particleSys.tick(); } else if (button == fitButton && button.eventType == GButton.CLICKED) { fitNetworkInWindow(); } } } /** * Handle events generated by checkboxes in the GUI * * @param checkbox * the checkbox that generated the event */ public void handleCheckboxEvents(GCheckbox checkbox) { if (displayPanel.isCollapsed() && graphPanel.isCollapsed()) checkbox.setSelected(!checkbox.isSelected()); } /** * Handle events generated by the sliders in the GUI * * @param slider * The slider event that was generated */ public void handleSliderEvents(GSlider slider) { if (!displayPanel.isCollapsed()) { if (slider == scaleSlider) { scaleFactor = slider.getValuef(); translateZoomX = width / scaleFactor / 2 - width / 2; translateZoomY = height / scaleFactor / 2 - height / 2; } else if (slider == edgeLengthSlider) { edgeLength = slider.getValuef(); for (int i = 0; i < particleSys.numberOfEdges(); ++i) particleSys.getEdge(i).setRestLength(edgeLength); } } } /** * Handle events generated by the textfields in the gui * * @param textfield * the textfield event that was generated */ public void handleTextFieldEvents(GTextField textfield) { if (!graphPanel.isCollapsed()) if (textfield == nodeSearchTextfield) selectNodesByName(textfield.getText()); } /** * Increase the length of the edge between the given nodes by the given * value * * @param sourceId * The source node of the edge that is elongated * @param targetId * The target node of the edge that is elongated * @param amount * How much the edge is elongated */ public void increaseEdgeLength(String sourceId, String targetId, Float amount) { for (int i = 0; i < particleSys.numberOfEdges(); ++i) if (particleSys.getEdge(i).getSource().getId().equals(sourceId) && particleSys.getEdge(i).getTarget().getId().equals(targetId)) particleSys.getEdge(i).increaseEdgeLength(amount); } /** * Invert the current selection of nodes */ public void invertSelection() { Node n = null; ArrayList<Node> unselectedNodes = new ArrayList<Node>(); for (int i = 0; i < particleSys.numberOfNodes(); i++) { n = particleSys.getNode(i); if (n.isHighlighted()) particleSys.deselectNode(n); else unselectedNodes.add(n); } callJavascriptFunctionClearSidebar(); for (int i = 0; i < unselectedNodes.size(); ++i) selectNode(unselectedNodes.get(i)); } /** * Handle key-press events */ public void keyPressed() { if (key == ' ') fixSelectedNodePositions(); else if (key == 'v') verbose = !verbose; } /** * Load the neighbourhood (conected nodes) of the given node by sending a * request to the server using the defined neighbourhood-script * * @param n * The node whose neighbourhood is to be loaded */ public void loadNeighbourhood(Node n) { if (params.getNeighbourhoodScript() != null) { this.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); callJavascriptFunctionStatusMessage("loading neighbourhood for " + n.getName(), true); String lines[] = loadStrings( params.getServerAdress() + params.getNeighbourhoodScript() + "?id=" + n.getId()); StringBuffer stringBuf = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) stringBuf.append(lines[i]); String content = stringBuf.toString(); addNetwork(content, n.getPosition().getX(), n.getPosition().getY()); this.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); callJavascriptFunctionStatusMessage("loaded neighbourhood for " + n.getName()); } } /** * Load the neighbourhood (conected nodes) of the given node by sending a * request to the server using the defined neighbourhood-script * * @param id * The id of the node whose neighbourhood is to be loaded */ public void loadNeighbourhood(String id) { Node n = particleSys.getNodeById(id); if (n != null) loadNeighbourhood(n); } /** * Handle mouse-click events */ public void mouseClicked() { if (displayPanel.isOverPanel(mouseX, mouseY)) return; if (mouseEvent.getClickCount() == 1) mouseSingleClicked(); else if (mouseEvent.getClickCount() == 2) mouseDoubleClicked(); } /** * Check whether a node was double-clicked. If so, it's neighbourhood is * loaded */ public void mouseDoubleClicked() { if (mouseButton == LEFT) { Node n = getNearestNode(); if ((n != null) && (params.getNeighbourhoodScript() != null)) loadNeighbourhood(n); } } /** * Handle mouse drags. If the left mouse-button is pressed, the currently * selected node is moved to the mouse-pointer position. If the right * mouse-button is pressed, the view is translated. */ public void mouseDragged() { if (mouseButton == LEFT) { if (selectedNode != null) { cursor(CROSS); selectedNode.getPosition().set(getMouseX(), getMouseY()); } } else if (mouseButton == RIGHT || mouseButton == CENTER) { cursor(MOVE); translateMouseX = getMouseX() + translateMouseX - origX; translateMouseY = getMouseY() + translateMouseY - origY; } } /** * Make the panels transparent, if the mouse is not over them */ public void mouseMoved() { if (displayPanel.isOverPanel(mouseX, mouseY)) { displayPanel.setAlpha(250); displayPanel.setCollapsed(false); } else { displayPanel.setAlpha(100); displayPanel.setCollapsed(true); } if (graphPanel.isOverPanel(mouseX, mouseY)) { graphPanel.setAlpha(250); graphPanel.setCollapsed(false); } else { graphPanel.setAlpha(100); graphPanel.setCollapsed(true); } } /** * Handle mouse-pressed events. Either selects a node, an edge or * initializes the drawing of a selection frame. */ public void mousePressed() { if (displayPanel.isOverPanel(mouseX, mouseY) || graphPanel.isOverPanel(mouseX, mouseY)) return; if (mouseButton == LEFT) { for (int j = 0; j < particleSys.numberOfEdges(); j++) particleSys.getEdge(j).dehighlight(); if (!(keyPressed && keyCode == CONTROL)) particleSys.deselectAllNodes(); selectedNode = getNearestNode(); if (selectedNode != null) { selectedNodeFixed = selectedNode.isFixed(); selectedNode.fix(); selectNode(selectedNode); cursor(CROSS); } else { Edge clickedEdge = getNearestEdge(); if (clickedEdge != null) { selectEdge(clickedEdge); } else { origX = getMouseX(); origY = getMouseY(); selectionFrame = true; callJavascriptFunctionClearSidebar(); } } } else if (mouseButton == RIGHT || mouseButton == CENTER) { cursor(MOVE); origX = getMouseX(); origY = getMouseY(); } } /** * Handle mouse-released events. Releases the selected node if a node was * dragged. If a selection frame was active, the nodes inside the frame are * selected. */ public void mouseReleased() { if (mouseButton == LEFT) { if (selectedNode != null) { if (!selectedNodeFixed); selectedNode = null; } else if (selectionFrame) { selectionFrame = false; selectNodesByFrame(); } } cursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR); } /** * Delete a node if it was right-clicked while the SHIFT-key was pressed */ public void mouseSingleClicked() { if ((mouseButton == RIGHT) && mouseEvent.isShiftDown()) { Node n = getNearestNode(); if (n != null) deleteNode(n); } } /** * Change the selection to all neighbours of the currently selected nodes */ public void selectALLNeighboursOfSelectedNodes() { if (particleSys.numberOfSelectedNodes() == 0) { String[] args = new String[] { "Please select at least one node" }; callJavascriptFunction("show_warning", args); } ArrayList<Node> neighbours = GraphFunctions.getAllNeighbours(particleSys); particleSys.deselectAllNodes(); if (neighbours.isEmpty()) { String[] args = new String[] { "No neighbours found." }; callJavascriptFunction("show_warning", args); } else { for (int i = 0; i < neighbours.size(); ++i) particleSys.selectNode(neighbours.get(i)); } } /** * Change the selection to the common neighbours of the currently selected * nodes */ public void selectCommonNeighboursOfSelectedNodes() { if (particleSys.numberOfSelectedNodes() == 0) { String[] args = new String[] { "Please select at least one node" }; callJavascriptFunction("show_warning", args); } ArrayList<Node> neighbours = GraphFunctions.getCommonNeighbours(particleSys); particleSys.deselectAllNodes(); if (neighbours.isEmpty()) { String[] args = new String[] { "No common neighbours found." }; callJavascriptFunction("show_warning", args); } else { for (int i = 0; i < neighbours.size(); ++i) particleSys.selectNode(neighbours.get(i)); } } /** * Select the given Edge, i.e. highlight it and call a javascript-function * with details about the edge * * @param e * The edge that is to be selected */ public void selectEdge(Edge e) { e.highlight(); Node a = e.getSource(); Node b = e.getTarget(); String[] args = new String[] { a.getId(), a.getName(), a.getDescription(), b.getId(), b.getName(), b.getDescription(), e.getAnnotation(), String.valueOf(e.getShape()), String.valueOf(e.getWeight()), e.getColorAsHexString() }; callJavascriptFunction("show_edge_details", args); } /** * Select the given Node, i.e. highlight it and call a javascript-funtion * with details about the node * * @param n * The node that is to be selected */ public void selectNode(Node n) { if (!n.isVisible()) return; if (n.isHighlighted()) return; particleSys.selectNode(n); if (particleSys.numberOfSelectedNodes() == 1) { String[] args = new String[] { n.getId(), n.getName(), n.getDescription(), n.getPictureName(), String.valueOf(n.getShape()), n.getFillColorAsHexString(), params.getNeighbourhoodScript() }; callJavascriptFunction("show_node_details", args); } else if (particleSys.numberOfSelectedNodes() == 2) { String[] args = new String[] { n.getId(), n.getName(), n.getPictureName(), String.valueOf(n.getShape()), n.getFillColorAsHexString(), params.getNeighbourhoodScript() }; callJavascriptFunction("create_node_list", args); for (int i = 0; i < particleSys.numberOfSelectedNodes(); i++) if (!particleSys.getSelectedNode(i).equals(n)) { Node n2 = particleSys.getSelectedNode(i); args = new String[] { n2.getId(), n2.getName(), n2.getPictureName(), String.valueOf(n2.getShape()), n2.getFillColorAsHexString(), params.getNeighbourhoodScript() }; callJavascriptFunction("add_node_to_list", args); } } else { String[] args = new String[] { n.getId(), n.getName(), String.valueOf(n.getShape()), n.getFillColorAsHexString(), params.getNeighbourhoodScript() }; callJavascriptFunction("add_node_to_list", args); } } /** * Select a node by its Id * * @param id * The id of the node that is to be selected */ public void selectNodeById(String id) { particleSys.deselectAllNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < particleSys.numberOfNodes(); ++i) if (particleSys.getNode(i).getId().equals(id)) { selectNode(particleSys.getNode(i)); break; } } /** * Select all nodes that are in the current selection frame */ public void selectNodesByFrame() { float otherX = getMouseX(); float otherY = getMouseY(); float left = 0; float right = 0; float top = 0; float bottom = 0; if (otherX < origX) { left = otherX; right = origX; } else { left = origX; right = otherX; } if (otherY < origY) { top = otherY; bottom = origY; } else { top = origY; bottom = otherY; } Node n = null; for (int i = 0; i < particleSys.numberOfNodes(); i++) { n = particleSys.getNode(i); if (left < n.getPosition().getX() && n.getPosition().getX() < right && top < n.getPosition().getY() && n.getPosition().getY() < bottom) selectNode(n); } } /** * Select nodes by their name * * @param name * The name of the nodes that is to be selected. All nodes whose * name start with the given string are selected. */ public void selectNodesByName(String name) { int nameLength = name.length(); if (nameLength == 0) { particleSys.deselectAllNodes(); return; } Node n = null; particleSys.deselectAllNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < particleSys.numberOfNodes(); i++) { n = particleSys.getNode(i); if (n.getName().length() < nameLength) continue; if (particleSys.getNode(i).getName().substring(0, nameLength).equalsIgnoreCase(name)) selectNode(particleSys.getNode(i)); } } /** * Set the background color for the applet * * @param c * The background color as a hexadecimal string */ public void setBackgroundColor(String c) { try { if (c.charAt(0) == '#') c = c.substring(1); this.backgroundColor = (255 << 24) | Integer.parseInt(c, 16); } catch (Exception e) { this.backgroundColor = 255; } } /** * Set the annotation of the currently selected edge * * @param a * The annotation that is set */ public void setEdgeAnnotation(String a) { try { for (int i = 0; i < particleSys.numberOfEdges(); ++i) if (particleSys.getEdge(i).isHighlighted()) { particleSys.getEdge(i).setAnnotation(a); break; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Set the color of the currently selected edge * * @param c * The color that is set */ public void setEdgeColor(String c) { try { for (int i = 0; i < particleSys.numberOfEdges(); ++i) if (particleSys.getEdge(i).isHighlighted()) { particleSys.getEdge(i).setColor(c); break; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Set the shape of the current edge * * @param s * The shape that is set */ public void setEdgeShape(String s) { try { for (int i = 0; i < particleSys.numberOfEdges(); ++i) if (particleSys.getEdge(i).isHighlighted()) { particleSys.getEdge(i).setShape(Integer.parseInt(s)); break; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void setEdgeStrength(String s) { try { float newStrength = Float.parseFloat(s); if (newStrength > 1) newStrength = 1; else if (newStrength < 0.005) newStrength = 0.005f; Edge e = null; float factor = 0; for (int i = 0; i < particleSys.numberOfEdges(); i++) { e = particleSys.getEdge(i); factor = edgeStrength / e.getStrength(); e.setStrength(newStrength / factor); } edgeStrength = newStrength; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Set the weight of the currently selected edge * * @param w * The weight that is set */ public void setEdgeWeight(String w) { try { for (int i = 0; i < particleSys.numberOfEdges(); ++i) if (particleSys.getEdge(i).isHighlighted()) { try { particleSys.getEdge(i).setWeight(Float.valueOf(w)); } catch (Exception e) { particleSys.getEdge(i).setWeight(1.0f); } break; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Set the graph label * * @param l * The graph label that is set */ public void setGraphLabel(String l) { try { params.setLabel(l); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * If one node is selected, set its description * * @param d * The description that is set */ public void setNodeDescription(String d) { try { if (particleSys.numberOfSelectedNodes() == 1) particleSys.getSelectedNode(0).setDescription(d); else { String[] args = new String[] { "Please select exactely one node." }; callJavascriptFunction("show_warning", args); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * If one node is selected, set its fill color * * @param c * The color that is set */ public void setNodeFillColor(String c) { try { if (particleSys.numberOfSelectedNodes() == 1) particleSys.getSelectedNode(0).setFillColor(c); else { String[] args = new String[] { "Please select exactely one node." }; callJavascriptFunction("show_warning", args); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * If one node is selected, set its name * * @param n * The name that is set */ public void setNodeName(String n) { try { if (particleSys.numberOfSelectedNodes() == 1) particleSys.getSelectedNode(0).setName(n); else { String[] args = new String[] { "Please select exactely one node." }; callJavascriptFunction("show_warning", args); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * If one node is selected, set its picture * * @param p * The picture that is set */ public void setNodePicture(String p) { try { if (particleSys.numberOfSelectedNodes() == 1) particleSys.getSelectedNode(0).setPicture(p, params.picturePath); else { String[] args = new String[] { "Please select exactely one node." }; callJavascriptFunction("show_warning", args); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * If one node is selected, set its shape * * @param s * The shape that is set */ public void setNodeShape(String s) { try { if (particleSys.numberOfSelectedNodes() == 1) particleSys.getSelectedNode(0).setShape(Integer.parseInt(s)); else { String[] args = new String[] { "Please select exactely one node." }; callJavascriptFunction("show_warning", args); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Set the strength of repulsion forces between the node * * @param s * The strength of repulsion forces */ public void setRepulsionStrength(String s) { try { repulsionStrength = Float.parseFloat(s); if (repulsionStrength > 500000) repulsionStrength = 500000; else if (repulsionStrength < 0) repulsionStrength = 0; for (int i = 0; i < particleSys.numberOfRepulsions(); i++) particleSys.getRepulsion(i).setStrength(repulsionStrength); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Set the color that is used to draw the node names * * @param c * The color that is used to draw the node names */ public void setTextColor(String c) { try { if (c.charAt(0) == '#') c = c.substring(1); this.textColor = (255 << 24) | Integer.parseInt(c, 16); } catch (Exception e) { this.textColor = 0; } } /** * Initial method that get called when the applet is loaded. Sets some * constants, initializes the particle system, the control elements and the * handle to the javascript object, if available. Then it calls the parser * to read the given XGMML-data. */ public void setup() { if (getParameter("edgeLength") != null) edgeLength = Float.valueOf(getParameter("edgeLength")); else edgeLength = 150; if (getParameter("scaleFactor") != null) scaleFactor = Float.valueOf(getParameter("scaleFactor")); else scaleFactor = 1; if (getParameter("edgeStrength") != null) edgeStrength = Float.valueOf(getParameter("edgeStrength")); else edgeStrength = 0.04f; if (getParameter("repulsionStrength") != null) repulsionStrength = Float.valueOf(getParameter("repulsionStrength")); else repulsionStrength = 4000; size(Integer.valueOf(getParameter("width")), Integer.valueOf(getParameter("height"))); smooth(); strokeWeight(2); ellipseMode(CENTER); rectMode(CENTER); imageMode(CENTER); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); frameRate(30); particleSys = new ParticleSystem(0.2f); createControlElements(); // any font in ttf format can be used to draw the node-names. Just // rename it to "font.ttf" and include it in the jar-file font = createFont("font.ttf", 14, true); textFont(font); try { window = JSObject.getWindow(this); } catch (Exception e) { println("window element not available"); } String serverAddress = getCodeBase().toString(); if (serverAddress.substring(0, 4).equals("file")) serverAddress = "http://localhost/cobweb_website/applet/"; callJavascriptFunctionStatusMessage("parsing network data", true); String network = null; if (getParameter("networkXGMML") != null) { network = getParameter("networkXGMML"); networkType = "xgmml"; } else if (getParameter("fileXGMML") != null) { String lines[] = loadStrings(serverAddress + getParameter("fileXGMML")); StringBuffer stringBuf = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) stringBuf.append(lines[i]); network = stringBuf.toString(); networkType = "xgmml"; } else if (getParameter("networkGraphML") != null) { network = getParameter("networkGraphML"); networkType = "graphml"; } else if (getParameter("fileGraphML") != null) { String lines[] = loadStrings(serverAddress + getParameter("fileGraphML")); StringBuffer stringBuf = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) stringBuf.append(lines[i]); network = stringBuf.toString(); networkType = "graphml"; } else if (getParameter("networkSIF") != null) { network = getParameter("networkSIF"); // newlines and tabs are not preserved in html PARAM-tags, so they // have to be encoded by <br> and <tab> network = network.replace("<br>", "\n"); network = network.replace("<tab>", "\t"); networkType = "sif"; } else if (getParameter("fileSIF") != null) { String lines[] = loadStrings(serverAddress + getParameter("fileSIF")); StringBuffer stringBuf = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) stringBuf.append(lines[i] + "\n"); network = stringBuf.toString(); networkType = "sif"; } if (networkType != null) { if (networkType.equals("xgmml")) { XGMMLParser parser = new XGMMLParser(this, network); parser.parseParameters(particleSys, serverAddress); parser.parseNodes(particleSys, width, height); parser.parseEdges(particleSys, edgeLength); params = parser.getParameters(); } else if (networkType.equals("graphml")) { GraphMLParser parser = new GraphMLParser(this, network); parser.parseParameters(particleSys, serverAddress); parser.parseNodes(particleSys, width, height); parser.parseEdges(particleSys, edgeLength); params = parser.getParameters(); } else if (networkType.equals("sif")) { SIFParser parser = new SIFParser(this, network); parser.parseParameters(particleSys, serverAddress); parser.parseNetwork(particleSys, width, height, edgeLength); params = parser.getParameters(); } else System.out.println("unknown network type: " + networkType); } else System.out.println("no network type defined"); // if no edges are present in the starting network, neighbours for all // nodes are loaded if (particleSys.numberOfEdges() == 0) { ArrayList<Node> n = new ArrayList<Node>(); for (int i = 0; i < particleSys.numberOfNodes(); i++) n.add(particleSys.getNode(i)); for (Iterator<Node> nIt = n.iterator(); nIt.hasNext();) loadNeighbourhood(; } callJavascriptFunctionStatusMessage("computing node positions", true); for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++) particleSys.tick(); fitNetworkInWindow(); callJavascriptFunctionStatusMessage("applet loaded"); callJavascriptFunctionClearSidebar(); } /** * If two node are selected, highlight all nodes that lie on all shortest * paths between the selected nodes */ public void showAllPath() { if (particleSys.numberOfSelectedNodes() != 2) { String[] args = new String[] { "Please select exactely two nodes." }; callJavascriptFunction("show_warning", args); } else { ArrayList<Node> path = new ArrayList<Node>(); path = GraphFunctions.breadthFirstSearchAllPaths(particleSys, particleSys.getSelectedNode(0), particleSys.getSelectedNode(1)); if (particleSys.isDirected()) path.addAll(GraphFunctions.breadthFirstSearchAllPaths(particleSys, particleSys.getSelectedNode(1), particleSys.getSelectedNode(0))); if (path.size() == 0) { String[] args = new String[] { "No path exist between the selected nodes." }; callJavascriptFunction("show_warning", args); } else { for (int i = 0; i < path.size(); ++i) { selectNode(path.get(i)); } } } } /** * If two node are selected, highlight all nodes that lie on one shortest * paths between the selected nodes */ public void showOnePath() { if (particleSys.numberOfSelectedNodes() != 2) { String[] args = new String[] { "Please select exactely two nodes (by selecting one node and then keeping the CONTROL-key pressed while clicking on the second one)." }; callJavascriptFunction("show_warning", args); } else { ArrayList<Node> path = new ArrayList<Node>(); path = GraphFunctions.breadthFirstSearch(particleSys, particleSys.getSelectedNode(0), particleSys.getSelectedNode(1)); if (particleSys.isDirected()) path.addAll(GraphFunctions.breadthFirstSearch(particleSys, particleSys.getSelectedNode(1), particleSys.getSelectedNode(0))); if (path.size() == 0) { String[] args = new String[] { "No path exist between the selected nodes." }; callJavascriptFunction("show_warning", args); } else { for (int i = 0; i < path.size(); ++i) { selectNode(path.get(i)); } } } } /** * Get statistics about the network and show them in the sidebar */ public void showStatistics() { String numNodes = String.valueOf(particleSys.numberOfNodes()); String numEdges = String.valueOf(particleSys.numberOfEdges()); // connected components ArrayList<ArrayList<Node>> components = GraphFunctions.connectedComponents(particleSys); String numComponents = String.valueOf(components.size()); ArrayList<Integer> componentSizesList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < components.size(); ++i) componentSizesList.add(components.get(i).size()); Collections.sort(componentSizesList); String componentSizes = ""; if (componentSizesList.size() > 0) { componentSizes += componentSizesList.get(componentSizesList.size() - 1).toString(); for (int i = componentSizesList.size() - 2; i >= 0; --i) componentSizes += ", " + componentSizesList.get(i).toString(); } String[] args = new String[] { numNodes, numEdges, numComponents, componentSizes }; callJavascriptFunction("show_statistics", args); } }