Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2011 Nube Technologies * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed * under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package co.nubetech.hiho.hive; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Types; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import co.nubetech.apache.hadoop.DBConfiguration; import co.nubetech.hiho.common.HIHOConf; import co.nubetech.hiho.common.HIHOException; import co.nubetech.hiho.common.OutputStrategyEnum; import co.nubetech.hiho.mapreduce.lib.db.ColumnInfo; import co.nubetech.hiho.mapreduce.lib.db.GenericDBWritable; public class HiveUtility { private final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(co.nubetech.hiho.hive.HiveUtility.class); public static void createTable(Configuration conf, Job job, GenericDBWritable writable, int jobCounter) throws HIHOException { String createQuery = null; String loadQuery = null; String tableName = getTableName(conf); FileOutputStream fos = null; boolean isCreateTable = true; boolean isDyanamicPartition = false; if (jobCounter > 0) { isCreateTable = false; } try { fos = getFileOutputStream(conf, jobCounter, tableName); BufferedWriter w = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fos)); String partitionBy = conf.get(HIHOConf.HIVE_PARTITION_BY); // tableName = getTableName(conf); if (conf.get(HIHOConf.HIVE_PARTITION_BY) == null) { if (isCreateTable) { createQuery = getCreateQuery(conf, writable); w.append(createQuery + "\n"); } loadQuery = getLoadQuery(conf, conf.get(HIHOConf.INPUT_OUTPUT_PATH), writable); w.append(loadQuery + "\n"); logger.warn("\nThe queries are: " + createQuery + "\n" + loadQuery); } else { loadQuery = getLoadQuery(conf, conf.get(HIHOConf.INPUT_OUTPUT_PATH), writable, partitionBy); if (isCreateTable) { createQuery = getCreateQuery(conf, writable, partitionBy); w.append(createQuery + "\n"); } w.append(loadQuery + "\n"); logger.warn("\nThe queries are: " + createQuery + "\n" + loadQuery); if (getDynamicPartitionBy(partitionBy) != null) { isDyanamicPartition = true; } } if (!isDyanamicPartition) { runQuery(createQuery, loadQuery, isCreateTable, conf); } else { String insertQuery = getInsertQueryFromTmpToMain(conf, writable, partitionBy); String tmpCreateQuery = getTmpCreateQuery(conf, writable); runQuery(tmpCreateQuery, insertQuery, createQuery, loadQuery, conf, isCreateTable); w.append(tmpCreateQuery + "\n" + loadQuery + "\n"); if (isCreateTable) { w.append(createQuery + "\n"); } w.append(insertQuery + "\n"); logger.warn("\nThe queries are: " + createQuery + "\n" + loadQuery + "\n" + tmpCreateQuery + "\n" + insertQuery); } // w.append(createQuery + "\n" + loadQuery); w.close(); fos.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new HIHOException("Could not generate hive table", e); } } // This function is used to get the FileOutputStream for storing script of // hive queries public static FileOutputStream getFileOutputStream(Configuration conf, int jobCounter, String tableName) throws HIHOException { FileOutputStream fos = null; try { if (jobCounter == 0) { File file = new File(new File(conf.get(HIHOConf.INPUT_OUTPUT_LOADTO_PATH)), "hiveScript" + tableName + ".txt"); fos = new FileOutputStream(file); } else { String path = conf.get(HIHOConf.INPUT_OUTPUT_LOADTO_PATH) + "hiveScript" + tableName + ".txt"; fos = new FileOutputStream(path, true); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new HIHOException(); } return fos; } // This function is used to get tableName for table we going to create in // Hive public static String getTableName(Configuration conf) throws HIHOException { String tableName = conf.get(HIHOConf.HIVE_TABLE_NAME); // if user did not specify hive table name, lets try to deduce it // automatically // get it from the name of the table we are querying against if (tableName == null) { tableName = conf.get(DBConfiguration.INPUT_TABLE_NAME_PROPERTY); } if (tableName == null) { if (conf.get(DBConfiguration.INPUT_QUERY) != null) { String query = conf.get(DBConfiguration.INPUT_QUERY); StringTokenizer queryTokens = new StringTokenizer(query, " "); while (queryTokens.hasMoreTokens()) { if (queryTokens.nextToken().equalsIgnoreCase("FROM")) { tableName = queryTokens.nextToken(); } } } } // we are missing a couple of cases here. FROM table1, table2. FROM // table1 inner join blah blah // lets leave them for now and address them when the user need is // clearer /* * if (conf.get(DBConfiguration.INPUT_TABLE_NAME_PROPERTY) != null) { * tableName = conf.get(DBConfiguration.INPUT_TABLE_NAME_PROPERTY); } * else if (conf.get(DBConfiguration.INPUT_QUERY) != null) { String * query = conf.get(DBConfiguration.INPUT_QUERY); StringTokenizer * queryTokens = new StringTokenizer(query, " "); while * (queryTokens.hasMoreTokens()) { if * (queryTokens.nextToken().equalsIgnoreCase("FROM")) { tableName = * queryTokens.nextToken(); } } } if * (conf.get(HIHOConf.HIVE_MULTIPLE_PARTITION_BY) != null && * conf.get(HIHOConf.HIVE_TABLE_NAME) != null) { tableName = * conf.get(HIHOConf.HIVE_TABLE_NAME); } */ if (tableName == null) { throw new HIHOException("Cannot get hive table name"); } return tableName; } /* * This function is used to generate insertQuery which loads data from one * table to another table in Hive, in case of dynamicPartition we create * temporary table to load data then we transfer that data to our main table * through this query */ public static String getInsertQueryFromTmpToMain(Configuration conf, GenericDBWritable writable, String partitionBy) throws HIHOException { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); String tableName = getTableName(conf); builder.append("FROM `" + tableName + "tmp` tmp INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE `" + tableName + "` PARTITION ("); // Here we are computing columnName and its value for partition,in // format columnName='columnValue',columnName... StringTokenizer tempToken = new StringTokenizer(partitionBy, ","); String columnsData = " "; while (tempToken.hasMoreTokens()) { StringTokenizer partitionData = new StringTokenizer(tempToken.nextToken(), ":"); columnsData = columnsData + partitionData.nextToken(); partitionData.nextToken(); if (partitionData.hasMoreTokens()) { columnsData = columnsData + "='" + partitionData.nextToken() + "'"; } if (tempToken.hasMoreTokens()) { columnsData = columnsData + ","; } } // builder.append(columnsData + ") SELECT " + getTmpTableColumns(writable)); return builder.toString(); } // This function is used to get columns name from which we want to insert // values in our table columns,in format // `tableAlias`.`columnName`,`tableAlias`.`columnName`... public static String getTmpTableColumns(GenericDBWritable writable) throws HIHOException { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); ArrayList<ColumnInfo> columns = writable.getColumns(); for (ColumnInfo column : columns) { builder.append("`tmp`"); builder.append(".`" + column.getName()); builder.append("`,"); } // above loop adds extra comma, removing. if (builder.length() > 0) { builder.deleteCharAt(builder.lastIndexOf(",")); } return builder.toString(); } // This function is used to get query for temporary table, in case of // dynamicPartition public static String getTmpCreateQuery(Configuration conf, GenericDBWritable writable) throws HIHOException { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("CREATE TABLE `" + getTableName(conf) + "tmp` ( "); builder.append(getColumns(writable)); builder.append(") ROW FORMAT "); OutputStrategyEnum outputStrategy = OutputStrategyEnum.valueOf(conf.get(HIHOConf.INPUT_OUTPUT_STRATEGY)); if (outputStrategy == OutputStrategyEnum.DELIMITED) { builder.append("DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '"); builder.append(conf.get(HIHOConf.INPUT_OUTPUT_DELIMITER)); builder.append("' STORED AS TEXTFILE"); } return builder.toString(); } // This function is used return columnNames and columnType for partitionBy // clause in createTable query in right format.It takes data in format // columnName:columnType:[columnValue],columnName:columnType:[columnValue]... // and return in format columnName columnValue,columnName columnValue... public static String getPartitionBy(String partitionBy) { StringTokenizer partitionToken = new StringTokenizer(partitionBy, ";"); String columnsData = ""; while (partitionToken.hasMoreTokens()) { StringTokenizer partitionData = new StringTokenizer(partitionToken.nextToken(), ":"); columnsData = columnsData + partitionData.nextToken() + " " + partitionData.nextToken(); if (partitionToken.hasMoreTokens()) { columnsData = columnsData + ","; } } return columnsData; } public static String getColumnsForPartitionedCreateTables(Configuration conf, String columns) { // columns format columnsName columnType,columnsName1 columnType1 // get the column by which we want to do partition by // and remove that from the table creation String dynamicPartitionBy = getDynamicPartitionBy(conf.get(HIHOConf.HIVE_PARTITION_BY)); StringTokenizer columnTokens = new StringTokenizer(columns, ","); columns = " "; int count = 0; while (columnTokens.hasMoreTokens()) { String columnData = columnTokens.nextToken(); StringTokenizer columnDataTokens = new StringTokenizer(columnData, "` "); String columnName = columnDataTokens.nextToken(); if (!columnName.equals(dynamicPartitionBy) && count > 0) { columns = columns + ","; } if (!columnName.equals(dynamicPartitionBy)) { columns = columns + columnData; count++; } } return columns; } // This function is used to get create table query in the case where user // has defined values in partitioned by clause public static String getCreateQuery(Configuration conf, GenericDBWritable writable, String partitionBy) throws HIHOException { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); String tableName = getTableName(conf); if (conf.get(HIHOConf.HIVE_TABLE_OVERWRITE, "false").equals("true")) { builder.append("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + tableName + "` ("); } else { builder.append("CREATE TABLE `" + tableName + "` ("); } String columns = getColumns(writable); builder.append(getColumnsForPartitionedCreateTables(conf, columns)); builder.append(") PARTITIONED BY (" + getPartitionBy(partitionBy)); builder.append(")"); builder = appendClusteredByToCreateQuery(conf, builder); builder.append(" ROW FORMAT "); builder = appendDelimitedDataToCreateQuery(conf, builder); return builder.toString(); } // This function is used to get create table query in the case where user // has not defined values in partitioned by clause public static String getCreateQuery(Configuration conf, GenericDBWritable writable) throws HIHOException { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); String tableName = getTableName(conf); if (conf.get(HIHOConf.HIVE_TABLE_OVERWRITE, "false").equals("true")) { builder.append("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + tableName + "` ( "); } else { builder.append("CREATE TABLE `" + tableName + "` ( "); } builder.append(getColumns(writable)); builder.append(")"); builder = appendClusteredByToCreateQuery(conf, builder); builder.append(" ROW FORMAT "); builder = appendDelimitedDataToCreateQuery(conf, builder); return builder.toString(); } // // public static StringBuilder appendDelimitedDataToCreateQuery(Configuration conf, StringBuilder builder) { OutputStrategyEnum outputStrategy = OutputStrategyEnum.valueOf(conf.get(HIHOConf.INPUT_OUTPUT_STRATEGY)); if (outputStrategy == OutputStrategyEnum.DELIMITED) { builder.append("DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '"); builder.append(conf.get(HIHOConf.INPUT_OUTPUT_DELIMITER)); builder.append("' STORED AS TEXTFILE"); } return builder; } public static StringBuilder appendClusteredByToCreateQuery(Configuration conf, StringBuilder builder) throws HIHOException { if (conf.get(HIHOConf.HIVE_CLUSTERED_BY) != null) { StringTokenizer clusterData = new StringTokenizer(conf.get(HIHOConf.HIVE_CLUSTERED_BY), ":"); builder.append(" CLUSTERED BY (" + clusterData.nextToken()); builder.append(")"); if (conf.get(HIHOConf.HIVE_SORTED_BY) != null) { builder.append(" SORTED BY (" + conf.get(HIHOConf.HIVE_SORTED_BY)); builder.append(")"); } try { String buckets = clusterData.nextToken(); if (buckets == null) { throw new HIHOException("The number of buckets wih clustered by is not defined"); } builder.append(" INTO " + buckets + " BUCKETS"); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { throw new HIHOException("The number of buckets wih clustered by is not defined"); } } return builder; } /* * Parses the partition by configuration of the form * col:type[:value],col1:type1[:value1] and provides the name of the dynamic * partition */ public static String getDynamicPartitionBy(String partitionBy) { StringTokenizer partitionToken = new StringTokenizer(partitionBy, ";"); String dynamicPartitionBy = null; while (partitionToken.hasMoreTokens()) { StringTokenizer columnTokens = new StringTokenizer(partitionToken.nextToken(), ":"); String columnNames = columnTokens.nextToken(); columnTokens.nextToken(); if (!columnTokens.hasMoreTokens()) { dynamicPartitionBy = columnNames; } } return dynamicPartitionBy; } public static String getLoadQuery(Configuration conf, String hdfsDir, GenericDBWritable writable, String partitionBy) throws HIHOException { String loadQuery = getLoadQuery(conf, hdfsDir, writable); StringTokenizer tempToken = new StringTokenizer(partitionBy, ";"); String columnsData = " "; while (tempToken.hasMoreTokens()) { StringTokenizer columnTokens = new StringTokenizer(tempToken.nextToken(), ":"); String columnNames = columnTokens.nextToken(); columnsData = columnsData + columnNames; columnTokens.nextToken(); if (columnTokens.hasMoreTokens()) { columnsData = columnsData + "='" + columnTokens.nextToken() + "'"; } if (tempToken.hasMoreTokens()) { columnsData = columnsData + ","; } } if (getDynamicPartitionBy(conf.get(HIHOConf.HIVE_PARTITION_BY)) == null) { loadQuery = loadQuery + "` PARTITION (" + columnsData + ")"; } else { loadQuery = loadQuery + "tmp`"; } return loadQuery; } public static String getLoadQuery(Configuration conf, String hdfsDir, GenericDBWritable writable) throws HIHOException { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("LOAD DATA INPATH '"); builder.append(hdfsDir); builder.append("' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE `"); builder.append(getTableName(conf)); if (conf.get(HIHOConf.HIVE_PARTITION_BY) == null) { builder.append("`"); } return builder.toString(); } // //Accept String query to be run public static void runQuery(String createQuery, String loadQuery, boolean createTable, Configuration conf) throws HIHOException { try { Class.forName(conf.get(HIHOConf.HIVE_DRIVER)); Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(conf.get(HIHOConf.HIVE_URL), conf.get(HIHOConf.HIVE_USR_NAME), conf.get(HIHOConf.HIVE_PASSWORD)); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); // stmt.executeQuery("drop table " + tableName); if (createTable) { stmt.executeQuery("drop table " + getTableName(conf)); stmt.executeQuery(createQuery); } stmt.executeQuery(loadQuery); /* * ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from " + tableName); * while ( { System.out.println(rs.getString(1) + "\t" + * rs.getString(2)); } */ stmt.close(); con.close(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void runQuery(String tmpCreateQuery, String insertQuery, String createQuery, String loadQuery, Configuration conf, boolean createTable) throws HIHOException { try { Class.forName(conf.get(HIHOConf.HIVE_DRIVER)); Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(conf.get(HIHOConf.HIVE_URL), conf.get(HIHOConf.HIVE_USR_NAME), conf.get(HIHOConf.HIVE_PASSWORD)); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); stmt.executeQuery("drop table " + getTableName(conf) + "tmp"); stmt.executeQuery("drop table " + getTableName(conf)); stmt.executeQuery(tmpCreateQuery); stmt.executeQuery(loadQuery); /* * ResultSet rs2 = stmt.executeQuery("select * from " + tableName + * "tmp"); while ( { System.out.println(rs2.getString(1) * + "\t" + rs2.getString(2)); } */ if (createTable) { stmt.executeQuery(createQuery); } stmt.executeQuery(insertQuery); stmt.executeQuery("drop table " + getTableName(conf) + "tmp"); stmt.close(); con.close(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static String getColumns(GenericDBWritable writable) throws HIHOException { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); ArrayList<ColumnInfo> columns = writable.getColumns(); for (ColumnInfo column : columns) { builder.append("`"); builder.append(column.getName()); builder.append("` "); builder.append(getColumnType(column.getType())); builder.append(","); } if (builder.length() > 0) { builder.deleteCharAt(builder.lastIndexOf(",")); } return builder.toString(); } // //Column Types to be verified and junits added public static String getColumnType(int columnType) throws HIHOException { String returnType = null; switch (columnType) { case Types.BIGINT: returnType = "long"; break; case Types.BOOLEAN: case Types.CHAR: returnType = "string"; break; case Types.DECIMAL: case Types.REAL: case Types.NUMERIC: case Types.DOUBLE: returnType = "double"; break; case Types.FLOAT: returnType = "float"; break; case Types.TINYINT: case Types.SMALLINT: case Types.INTEGER: returnType = "int"; break; case Types.BINARY: case Types.CLOB: case Types.BLOB: case Types.VARBINARY: case Types.LONGVARBINARY: returnType = "bytearray"; break; case Types.VARCHAR: case Types.LONGVARCHAR: returnType = "string"; break; default: throw new HIHOException("Unsupported type"); } return returnType; } }