Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2013, 2014 Lectorius, Inc. * Authors: * Vijay Pandurangan ( * Evan Jones ( * Adam Hilss ( * * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * You can contact the authors at *******************************************************************************/ package; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import co.mitro.core.server.Manager; import; import; import co.mitro.core.servlets.ListMySecretsAndGroupKeys.AdminAccess; import; import; import; import; import com.j256.ormlite.dao.ForeignCollection; import com.j256.ormlite.field.DataType; import com.j256.ormlite.field.DatabaseField; import com.j256.ormlite.field.ForeignCollectionField; import com.j256.ormlite.table.DatabaseTable; @DatabaseTable(tableName = "secrets") public class DBServerVisibleSecret { // for QueryBuilder to be able to find the fields // TODO: Remove entirely? Now effectively unused public static final String HOSTNAME_FIELD_NAME = "hostname"; public static final String GROUPS_FIELD_NAME = "groups_secrets"; public static final String KING_FIELD_NAME = "king"; public static final String VIEWABLE_FIELD_NAME = "is_viewable"; public static void fillRecentAuditActions(Manager manager, Collection<? extends Secret> secrets) throws SQLException { Map<Integer, Secret> secretIdToSecret = Maps.newTreeMap(); for (Secret s : secrets) { secretIdToSecret.put(s.secretId, s); } if (secretIdToSecret.isEmpty()) { return; } String getRecentActions = "SELECT target_sv_secret, MAX(\"timestampMs\"), action, " + "FROM audit " + "JOIN identity ON (uid = " + "WHERE target_sv_secret IN (" + Joiner.on(',').join(secretIdToSecret.keySet()) + ") " + " AND action IN ('GET_SECRET_WITH_CRITICAL', 'ADD_SECRET') " + "GROUP BY target_sv_secret, action, " + "ORDER BY max(\"timestampMs\") DESC"; // A query that looks more like this should be faster and not return duplicates, but for some reason takes way longer: /* select t1.* from audit as t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN audit as t2 ON (t1.target_sv_secret = t2.target_sv_secret) and ((t1."timestampMs" < t2."timestampMs")) WHERE t2.target_sv_secret IS NULL AND t1.target_sv_secret in (188,338); */ // Alternatively we should use DISTINCT ON() but that is unsupported on H2. List<String[]> actionsResults = Lists.newArrayList(manager.identityDao.queryRaw(getRecentActions)); resultLoop: for (String[] cols : actionsResults) { int secretId = Integer.parseInt(cols[0], 10); final Secret secret = secretIdToSecret.get(secretId); final DBAudit.ACTION action = DBAudit.ACTION.valueOf(cols[2]); switch (action) { case GET_SECRET_WITH_CRITICAL: secret.lastAccessed = (null == secret.lastAccessed) ? newAuditAction(cols) : secret.lastAccessed; if (secret.lastModified != null) { // This currently doesn't do anything because add secret is always the oldest operation // but when we add EDIT_SECRET tracking this will be a pretty big optimization win. break resultLoop; } break; case ADD_SECRET: // TODO: we should really be using EDIT_SECRET here as well, but those // data are not properly set by the actions. secret.lastModified = (null == secret.lastModified) ? newAuditAction(cols) : secret.lastModified; if (secret.lastAccessed != null) { break resultLoop; } break; default: assert (false) : "invalid result from query"; } } } protected static AuditAction newAuditAction(String[] cols) { AuditAction rval = new AuditAction(); long timestampMs = Long.parseLong(cols[1], 10); rval.timestampSec = (int) TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(timestampMs); rval.userName = cols[3]; return rval; } @DatabaseField(generatedId = true) private int id; @DatabaseField(columnName = HOSTNAME_FIELD_NAME, canBeNull = false, dataType = DataType.LONG_STRING) private String hostname; @DatabaseField(canBeNull = true, foreign = true, columnName = KING_FIELD_NAME) private DBIdentity king; @DatabaseField(canBeNull = false, columnName = VIEWABLE_FIELD_NAME) private boolean isViewable = true; @ForeignCollectionField(columnName = GROUPS_FIELD_NAME, eager = true) private ForeignCollection<DBGroupSecret> groupSecrets; public DBIdentity getKing() { return king; } public void setKing(DBIdentity king) { this.king = king; } public boolean isViewable() { return isViewable; } public void setViewable(boolean isViewable) { this.isViewable = isViewable; } public static class InvariantException extends Exception { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public InvariantException(String obj) { super(obj); } }; public Set<Integer> getAllUserIdsWithAccess(Manager manager, Collection<DBAcl.AccessLevelType> accessLevels, AdminAccess useOrgAdminPrivileges) throws SQLException { Set<Integer> rval = Sets.newHashSet(); assert (this.getId() > 0); boolean queryGroups = (useOrgAdminPrivileges == AdminAccess.IGNORE_ACCESS_VIA_TOPLEVEL_GROUPS); String getUserIds = "SELECT, acl.level" + " FROM identity, group_secret, acl " + (queryGroups ? ", groups " : "") + " WHERE acl.member_identity = " + " AND group_secret.\"serverVisibleSecret_id\" = " + this.getId() + " AND acl.group_id = group_secret.group_id "; if (queryGroups) { getUserIds += " AND = acl.group_id " + " AND (groups.type IS NULL OR groups.type != 'TOP_LEVEL_ORGANIZATION') "; } List<String[]> userIdsResults = Lists.newArrayList(manager.svsDao.queryRaw(getUserIds)); for (String[] cols : userIdsResults) { DBAcl.AccessLevelType level = DBAcl.AccessLevelType.valueOf(cols[1]); if (accessLevels.contains(level)) { rval.add(Integer.parseInt(cols[0], 10)); } } return rval; } /** * Verifies that this secret has at least one identity that has administrative privileges. */ public void verifyHasAdministrator(Manager manager) throws InvariantException, SQLException { for (DBGroupSecret gs : getGroupSecrets()) { Set<DBIdentity> theseUsers = Sets.newHashSet(); Set<DBGroup> theseGroups = Sets.newHashSet(); gs.getGroup().addTransitiveGroupsAndUsers(manager, DBAcl.modifyGroupSecretsAccess(), theseUsers, theseGroups); if (!theseUsers.isEmpty()) { return; } } throw new InvariantException("secret " + getId() + " is orphaned"); } public ForeignCollection<DBGroupSecret> getGroupSecrets() { return groupSecrets; } public void setGroupSecrets(ForeignCollection<DBGroupSecret> groupSecrets) { this.groupSecrets = groupSecrets; } public DBServerVisibleSecret() { this.hostname = ""; } public void setId(int id) { = id; } public int getId() { return id; } }