Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2013, 2014 Lectorius, Inc. * Authors: * Vijay Pandurangan ( * Evan Jones ( * Adam Hilss ( * * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * You can contact the authors at *******************************************************************************/ package co.mitro.core.server; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import co.mitro.core.exceptions.DoEmailVerificationException; import co.mitro.core.exceptions.MitroServletException; import; import; import; import; import co.mitro.core.servlets.ListMySecretsAndGroupKeys.AdminAccess; import; import; import; import; import; import; public final class BeforeAfterState { final Multimap<Integer, Integer> userIdToSecretIds = ArrayListMultimap.create(); private Manager manager; public final class UserDiff { public String userName; public Set<Integer> newSecrets; public Set<Integer> removedSecrets; } public BeforeAfterState(Manager mgr) { this.manager = mgr; }; public void trackGroup(DBGroup g) throws DoEmailVerificationException, SQLException, MitroServletException { // get all users in the group Set<Integer> groupUsers = Sets.newHashSet(); // TODO: optimize this: g.putDirectUsersIntoSet(groupUsers, DBAcl.allAccessTypes()); trackUsers(groupUsers); } public void trackSecret(DBServerVisibleSecret svs) throws DoEmailVerificationException, SQLException, MitroServletException { trackUsers(svs.getAllUserIdsWithAccess(manager, DBAcl.allAccessTypes(), AdminAccess.IGNORE_ACCESS_VIA_TOPLEVEL_GROUPS)); } private void addUserDataToSet(Set<Integer> userIds, Multimap<Integer, Integer> userToSecret) throws SQLException { if (userIds.isEmpty()) return; String getAccessibleSecrets = "SELECT, group_secret.\"serverVisibleSecret_id\" " + " FROM group_secret " + " JOIN acl ON (acl.group_id = group_secret.group_id) " + " JOIN identity ON ( = acl.member_identity) " + " WHERE IN (" + Joiner.on(',').join(userIds) + ')'; List<String[]> secretsResults = Lists.newArrayList(manager.identityDao.queryRaw(getAccessibleSecrets)); for (String[] cols : secretsResults) { int userId = Integer.parseInt(cols[0], 10); int secretId = Integer.parseInt(cols[1], 10); userToSecret.put(userId, secretId); } } public void trackUsers(Set<Integer> userIds) throws SQLException { // don't query users that we already have. Set<Integer> usersToQuery = Sets.difference(userIds, userIdToSecretIds.keySet()); addUserDataToSet(usersToQuery, this.userIdToSecretIds); } public Map<DBIdentity, UserDiff> diffState() throws SQLException, MitroServletException { // get the new state Multimap<Integer, Integer> newState = ArrayListMultimap.create(); addUserDataToSet(userIdToSecretIds.keySet(), newState); Map<DBIdentity, UserDiff> rval = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Integer uid : userIdToSecretIds.keySet()) { Set<Integer> preSecrets = Sets.newHashSet(userIdToSecretIds.get(uid)); Set<Integer> postSecrets = Sets.newHashSet(newState.get(uid)); UserDiff ud = new UserDiff(); ud.removedSecrets = Sets.difference(preSecrets, postSecrets); ud.newSecrets = Sets.difference(postSecrets, preSecrets); if (ud.removedSecrets.isEmpty() && ud.newSecrets.isEmpty()) { continue; } // TODO: optimize this to one query instead of n queries. DBIdentity id = manager.identityDao.queryForId(uid); ud.userName = id.getName(); rval.put(id, ud); } return rval; } }