Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.hibernate.Criteria; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.criterion.Order; import org.hibernate.criterion.Projections; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import; import; import; import; /** * * @author Mugiarto */ public class SusunTreeJeasyUI { private String jrk = ""; private Set<BigDecimal> l; private String sKey; private RandomString rs; private JCrypto crypto; public void susunTree(Session session, BigInteger parentId, String jarak, Set<BigDecimal> menuIdSet) { /*menu by user */ String j = jarak; jarak = j + " "; Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(TblMenu.class); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("parentId", new BigDecimal(parentId))); criteria.add("menuId", l)); criteria.addOrder(Order.asc("noUrut")); List<TblMenu> list = criteria.list(); for (TblMenu tblmenu : list) { //juka punya child PriviledgeCek pv = new PriviledgeCek(); pv.cekPriveldge(user, (tblmenu.getMenuId() + ""));//, isAdd, isEdit, isDelete, isView); String Enc = crypto.encrypt(tblmenu.getMenuId() + ""); //String x ="isAdd="+crypto.encrypt(pv.getIsAdd())+"isEdit="+crypto.encrypt(pv.getIsEdit())+"isDelete="+crypto.encrypt(pv.getIsDelete())+"isView="+crypto.encrypt(pv.getIsView()); String x = "&isAdd=" + (pv.getIsAdd()) + "&isEdit=" + (pv.getIsEdit()) + "&isDelete=" + (pv.getIsDelete()) + "&isView=" + (pv.getIsView()); String priv = crypto.encrypt(x); String dec = "";// crypto.decrypt(priv); String usrEnc = crypto.encrypt(this.user); if (tblmenu.getHaveChild() == '0') { //tambahkan parameter menu_id// prililedge sb.append(jarak + "<li" + " id='" + tblmenu.getMenuPage() + "?param=" + priv + "&" + "param2=" + this.sKey + "&UID=" + /*this.user*/usrEnc + "'" + ">"); x = null; sb.append(tblmenu.getMenuName() + " (" + tblmenu.getMenuId() + ")");//===TAMBAHHIN MENU ID SusunTreeJeasyUI susunTree = new SusunTreeJeasyUI(); susunTree(session, BigInteger.valueOf(tblmenu.getMenuId().longValue()), jarak, l); } else { sb.append(jarak + "<li " + " id='" + "utamaMain.htm" + "?param=" + priv + "&" + "param2=" + this.sKey + "&UID=" + /*this.user*/usrEnc + "'" + "><span>"); sb.append(tblmenu.getMenuName() + " (" + tblmenu.getMenuId() + ")" + "</span>");//===TAMBAHHIN MENU ID sb.append("\r\n" + jarak + "<ul" + " id='" + "utamaMain.htm" + "?param=" + priv + "&" + "param2=" + this.sKey + "&UID=" + /*this.user*/usrEnc + "'" + ">\r\n"); SusunTreeJeasyUI susunTree = new SusunTreeJeasyUI(); susunTree(session, BigInteger.valueOf(tblmenu.getMenuId().longValue()), jarak, l); sb.append(jarak + "</ul>\r\n"); } sb.append("</li>\r\n"); } } public Set<BigDecimal> listMenuByUser(Session session, String userId) { /* Ambil gropu by user */ Criteria critGroup = session.createCriteria(TblUserGroup.class); critGroup.add(Restrictions.eq("id.userId", userId)); critGroup.setProjection(Projections.projectionList().add("id.groupId")));//"id.groupId" List<BigDecimal> l = critGroup.list(); if (l.size() > 0) { /*Menu berdasarkan Priviledge */ Criteria c = session.createCriteria(TblPriviledge.class); c.add("id.groupId", l)); c.setProjection(Projections.projectionList().add("id.menuId"))); Set<BigDecimal> lMenuId = new HashSet(); List<BigDecimal> k = c.list(); for (BigDecimal x : k) { lMenuId.add(x);//new BigDecimal(x)); } return lMenuId; } else { return null; } } private String user; /* * userid dan key nya */ public String susunMenuByUser(String userId, String skey) { // System.out.println("userId "+userId+" skey "+skey); this.user = userId; this.sKey = skey; rs = new RandomString(); //sKey = rs.randomString();//engga usah di random lagi // System.out.println("Skey "+sKey); crypto = new JCrypto(sKey); String menu = "";// " onclick="+'"'+""+"'"+"utamaMain.htm"+"'"+","+"'"+"MAIN"+"'"+")"+'"'; sb = new StringBuffer();//id="treemenu1" class="treeview" // sb.append("<ul"+" id="+'"'+"treemenu1"+'"'+menu+" class="+'"'+"treeview"+'"'+" >Menu"+"\n\r"); //STANDAR sb.append("<ul" + " class='easyui-tree' id='tt'" + " >" + "\n"); //pake punya jeasy String jrk = ""; Session ses; ses = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession(); SusunTreeJeasyUI susunTree = new SusunTreeJeasyUI(); l = listMenuByUser(ses, userId); if (l == null) { System.out.println("------ tidak punya group dan priviledge"); return ""; } else { // susunTree.menuByUser(ses,"P81035"); susunTree(ses, BigInteger.valueOf(1), jrk, l);//menu paling awal ses.close(); sb.append("</ul>" + "\n\r"); String x = sb.toString(); return x; } } private static StringBuffer sb; public static void main(String[] args) { SusunTreeJeasyUI susunTree = new SusunTreeJeasyUI(); susunTree.susunMenuByUser("ADMIN", "1234567890123456"); System.out.println(sb.toString()); } }