Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


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import com.mongodb.MongoClient;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoCursor;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.ejb.Stateless;
import org.bson.Document;

 * @author Rodrigo B
public class TwitterColombiaLogica {

    // BD Mongo
    public static final String DB_SERVER = "localhost";
    //public static final String DB_SERVER = "";
    public static final int DB_PORT = 27017;
    public static final String DB_NAME = "Grupo10Twitter";
    public static final String COLLECTION_NAME = "OriginalData";

    private final MongoDatabase mongoDB;

    public TwitterColombiaLogica() {

        // Mongo connection
        mongoDB = new MongoClient(DB_SERVER, DB_PORT).getDatabase(DB_NAME);
        if (mongoDB.getCollection(COLLECTION_NAME) == null) {


    // to plot
    public List<MongoDataRecord> getInfluencers(String tagString) {

        int limitResults = 10;
        String userString = "\".\""; // regex para buscar todos los valores sin filtro

        if (tagString == null || tagString.equals("")) {
            tagString = "\".\""; // regex para buscar todos los valores sin filtro

        return getMongoFunctionResults("getInfluencers(" + tagString + ", " + userString + ")", limitResults);


    // to plot
    public List<MongoDataRecord> getTopTopics(String userString) {

        int limitResults = 10;
        String tagString = "\".\""; // regex para buscar todos los valores sin filtro

        if (userString == null || userString.equals("")) {
            userString = "\".\""; // regex para buscar todos los valores sin filtro

        return getMongoFunctionResults("getTopTopics(" + tagString + ", " + userString + ")", limitResults);


    public List<MongoDataRecord> getComplexQuery1() {

        int limitResults = 1000;

        return getMongoFunctionResults("getComplexQuery1()", limitResults);

    public List<MongoDataRecord> getComplexQuery2() {

        int limitResults = 1000;

        return getMongoFunctionResults("getComplexQuery2()", limitResults);

    public List<MongoDataRecord> getComplexQuery3() {

        int limitResults = 1000;

        return getMongoFunctionResults("getComplexQuery3()", limitResults);

    // to graphs
    public List<DataGrapher> getTwitterDashboard(String tagString, String userString, int limit) {

        int limitResults = limit;

        if (tagString == null || tagString.equals("none")) {
            tagString = "\".\""; // regex para buscar todos los valores sin filtro
        } else {
            tagString = "\"" + tagString + "\"";

        if (userString == null || userString.equals("none")) {
            userString = "\".\""; // regex para buscar todos los valores sin filtro
        } else {
            userString = "\"" + userString + "\"";

        List<DataGrapher> graphs = new ArrayList<>();

        // get Hashtags in Time
                createGrapherDataFromMongoResults("Tweets de temas en el Tiempo", DataGrapher.BARRAS,
                        getMongoFunctionResults("getDSTopicsInTime(" + tagString + ", " + userString + ")",
                        true, false, false, false, // X_value
                        false, false, true, false, // Y_value
                        true, false, false // value
                createGrapherDataFromMongoResults("Retweets de temas en el Tiempo", DataGrapher.BARRAS,
                        getMongoFunctionResults("getDSTopicsInTime(" + tagString + ", " + userString + ")",
                        true, false, false, false, // X_value
                        false, false, true, false, // Y_value
                        false, true, false // value
                createGrapherDataFromMongoResults("Seguidores de temas en el Tiempo", DataGrapher.BARRAS,
                        getMongoFunctionResults("getDSTopicsInTime(" + tagString + ", " + userString + ")",
                        true, false, false, false, // X_value
                        false, false, true, false, // Y_value
                        false, false, true // value

        // get Users in Time
                createGrapherDataFromMongoResults("Tweets de usuarios en el Tiempo", DataGrapher.BARRAS,
                        getMongoFunctionResults("getDSUsersInTime(" + tagString + ", " + userString + ")",
                        false, true, false, false, // X_value
                        false, false, true, false, // Y_value
                        true, false, false // value
                createGrapherDataFromMongoResults("Retweets de usuarios en el Tiempo", DataGrapher.BARRAS,
                        getMongoFunctionResults("getDSUsersInTime(" + tagString + ", " + userString + ")",
                        false, true, false, false, // X_value
                        false, false, true, false, // Y_value
                        false, true, false // value
                createGrapherDataFromMongoResults("Seguidores de usuarios en el Tiempo", DataGrapher.BARRAS,
                        getMongoFunctionResults("getDSUsersInTime(" + tagString + ", " + userString + ")",
                        false, true, false, false, // X_value
                        false, false, true, false, // Y_value
                        false, false, true // value

        // get Sentiments
                createGrapherDataFromMongoResults("Sentimientos por usuario y hashtag", DataGrapher.TORTA,
                        getMongoFunctionResults("getDSSentiments(" + tagString + ", " + userString + ")",
                        false, false, false, true, // X_value
                        false, false, false, false, // Y_value
                        true, false, false // value

        return graphs;

    Only 1 true bool per X, Y and values
    public DataGrapher createGrapherDataFromMongoResults(String graphName, String graphType,
            List<MongoDataRecord> mongoResults, boolean hashtagX, boolean userX, boolean dateX, boolean sentimentX,
            boolean hashtagY, boolean userY, boolean dateY, boolean sentimentY, boolean tweetV, boolean retweetV,
            boolean followersV) {

        DataGrapher dg = new DataGrapher(graphName, graphType); -> {

            //GraphValue values
            String x_label = null;
            String y_label = null;
            Double value = 0.0;

            // check x_labels
            if (hashtagX) {
                x_label = mdr.getHashtag();
            } else if (userX) {
                x_label = mdr.getUser();
            } else if (dateX) {
                x_label = mdr.getDate();
            } else if (sentimentX) {
                x_label = mdr.getSentiment();

            // check y_labels
            if (hashtagY) {
                y_label = mdr.getHashtag();
            } else if (userY) {
                y_label = mdr.getUser();
            } else if (dateY) {
                y_label = mdr.getDate();
            } else if (sentimentY) {
                y_label = mdr.getSentiment();

            // check values
            if (tweetV) {
                value = mdr.getTweets();
            } else if (retweetV) {
                value = mdr.getRetweets();
            } else if (followersV) {
                value = mdr.getFollowers();

            dg.addGraph_value(new GraphValue(x_label, y_label, value));


        return dg;

    public List<MongoDataRecord> getMongoFunctionResults(String functionStringWithParameters, int limitResults) {
        Document docMongo = mongoDB.runCommand(new Document("$eval", functionStringWithParameters));
        String collectionResults = docMongo.getString("retval");

        MongoCursor cursor = mongoDB.getCollection(collectionResults).find().sort(new Document("", 1))
        List<MongoDataRecord> mongoResults = new ArrayList<>();

        while (cursor.hasNext()) {
            String resultString =;

            // obtener propiedades del resultado
            String hashtag = getValueFromMongoResult(resultString, "hashtag", false),
                    user = getValueFromMongoResult(resultString, "user", false),
                    date = getValueFromMongoResult(resultString, "date", false),
                    sentiment = getValueFromMongoResult(resultString, "sentiment", false);

            Double tweets = Double.parseDouble(getValueFromMongoResult(resultString, "totalTweets", true)),
                    retweets = Double.parseDouble(getValueFromMongoResult(resultString, "totalReTweet", true)),
                    followers = Double.parseDouble(getValueFromMongoResult(resultString, "totalFollowers", true));

            mongoResults.add(new MongoDataRecord(hashtag, user, date, sentiment, tweets, retweets, followers));

            System.out.println(hashtag + "|" + user + "|" + date + "|" + sentiment + "|" + tweets + "|" + retweets
                    + "|" + followers);

        return mongoResults;

    public String getValueFromMongoResult(String mongoResult, String property, boolean returnsNumberIfNoExists) {

        Pattern regexItems = Pattern.compile("(?s)(?<=" + property + "=).+?(?=,|})");
        Matcher mItems = regexItems.matcher(mongoResult);

        if (mItems.find()) {
        } else {
            if (returnsNumberIfNoExists) {
                return "0";
            } else {
                return "";
