Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package; import com.saxonica.xqj.SaxonXQDataSource; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.xml.xquery.XQConnection; import javax.xml.xquery.XQDataSource; import javax.xml.xquery.XQException; import javax.xml.xquery.XQPreparedExpression; import javax.xml.xquery.XQResultSequence; import static; /** * * @author Rodrigo B */ public class FeedsReader { public static final String[] categories = { "Business", "Tech", "World" }; public static final String ALL_CATEGORIES = "All"; public static final int BUSINESS = 0; public static final int TECH = 1; public static final int WORLD = 2; public static final String[] sources = { "HP", "WSJ" }; public static final int HP = 0; public static final int WSF = 1; // url RSS feeds [category, source, url] public static final String[][] URLS = { { categories[BUSINESS], sources[HP], "" }, { categories[BUSINESS], sources[WSF], "" }, { categories[TECH], sources[HP], "" }, { categories[TECH], sources[WSF], "" }, { categories[WORLD], sources[HP], "" }, { categories[WORLD], sources[WSF], "" } }; public static final int CATEGORY = 0; public static final int SOURCE = 1; public static final int URL = 2; private static final String PATH_FOLDER = System.getProperty("").replaceAll("\\\\", "/"); private List<Feed> feedsAvailable = null; public List<Feed> getFeedsAvailable() { return feedsAvailable; } public void setFeedsAvailable(List<Feed> feedsAvailable) { this.feedsAvailable = feedsAvailable; } public static String getXMLName(String xmlCategory, String xmlSource) { return xmlCategory + "_" + xmlSource; } public static String getXMLPath(String xmlName) { return PATH_FOLDER + "xmls/" + xmlName + ".xml"; } public static String getXQPath(String xmlName) { return PATH_FOLDER + xmlName + ".xq"; } private void loadXmlFeed(String xmlCategory, String xmlSource, String xmlUrl) { try { URL url = new URL(xmlUrl); String xmlName = getXMLName(xmlCategory, xmlSource); File file = new File(getXMLPath(xmlName));, file); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(FeedsReader.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(FeedsReader.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } /** * Limpia los titulos de valores no deseados como los retornados por el * HuffingtonPost */ private String cleanTitle(String title) { return title.replace("<![CDATA[", "").replace("]]>", ""); } private List<Feed> filterXquery(String category, String source, String property, String filterText, boolean excludes) throws IOException, XQException { String fileName = getXMLName(category, source); String xmlPath = getXMLPath(fileName); String exclude_xquery_strg_ini = ""; String exclude_xquery_strg_end = ""; if (excludes) { exclude_xquery_strg_ini = "not("; exclude_xquery_strg_end = ")"; } String xq_query = ""; if (property.equals("title_description")) { // create xQuery looking for title and description xq_query += "for $item in doc(\"" + xmlPath + "\")/rss/channel/item\n"; xq_query += "where " + exclude_xquery_strg_ini + "contains(upper-case($item/title),upper-case(\"" + filterText + "\"))" + " or contains(upper-case($item/description),upper-case(\"" + filterText + "\"))" + exclude_xquery_strg_end + "\n"; xq_query += "return concat($item/data(title), '|', $item/data(pubDate), '|', $item/data(link))\n\n"; } else { // create xQuery for property xq_query += "for $item in doc(\"" + xmlPath + "\")/rss/channel/item\n"; xq_query += "where " + exclude_xquery_strg_ini + "contains(upper-case($item/title),upper-case(\"" + filterText + "\"))" + exclude_xquery_strg_end + "\n"; xq_query += "return concat($item/data(title), '|', $item/data(pubDate), '|', $item/data(link))\n\n"; } // create xq file for evidence File file = new File(getXQPath(fileName)); FileWriter out = new FileWriter(file); out.write(xq_query); out.close(); // executes XQuery XQDataSource ds = new SaxonXQDataSource(); XQConnection conn = ds.getConnection(); XQPreparedExpression exp = conn.prepareExpression(xq_query); XQResultSequence result = exp.executeQuery(); // creates feeds List splitting values from xq result List<Feed> feeds = new ArrayList<>(); while ( { String feedText = result.getItemAsString(null); String[] feed = feedText.split("\\|"); String title = feed[0], pubDate = feed[1], urlLink = feed[2]; feeds.add(new Feed(category, source, cleanTitle(title), urlLink, pubDate)); } return feeds; } private List<Feed> filterRegex(String category, String source, String filterText, boolean excludes) throws IOException { File xmlFile = new File(getXMLPath(getXMLName(category, source))); String xmlString = readFileToString(xmlFile, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); // Get information inside Items Pattern regexItems = Pattern.compile("<item>[\\s\\S]*?<\\/item>"); Matcher mItems = regexItems.matcher(xmlString); xmlString = ""; while (mItems.find()) { xmlString +=; } // Get information inside titles Pattern regexTitles = Pattern.compile("(?:<title>)(.+)(?:<\\/title>)"); Matcher mTitles = regexTitles.matcher(xmlString); // creates feeds List splitting values from regex result List<Feed> feeds = new ArrayList<>(); while (mTitles.find()) { String title =; if (excludes) { if (filterText == null || !title.contains(filterText)) { feeds.add(new Feed(category, source, cleanTitle(title), null, null)); } } else if (filterText == null || title.contains(filterText)) { feeds.add(new Feed(category, source, cleanTitle(title), null, null)); } } return feeds; } public void updateFeeds() { for (String[] feed : URLS) { loadXmlFeed(feed[CATEGORY], feed[SOURCE], feed[URL]); } } public List<Feed> filterFeedsXquery(String category, String feedProperty, String filterText, boolean excludes) throws IOException, XQException { feedsAvailable = new ArrayList<>(); for (String[] feed : URLS) { if (feed[CATEGORY].equals(category) || category.equals(ALL_CATEGORIES)) { feedsAvailable .addAll(filterXquery(feed[CATEGORY], feed[SOURCE], feedProperty, filterText, excludes)); } } return feedsAvailable; } public List<Feed> filterFeedsRegex(String category, String filterText, boolean excludes) throws IOException, XQException { feedsAvailable = new ArrayList<>(); for (String[] feed : URLS) { if (feed[CATEGORY].equals(category) || category.equals(ALL_CATEGORIES)) { feedsAvailable.addAll(filterRegex(feed[CATEGORY], feed[SOURCE], filterText, excludes)); } } return feedsAvailable; } @SuppressWarnings("CallToPrintStackTrace") public static void main(String[] args) throws MalformedURLException, IOException, XQException { FeedsReader test = new FeedsReader(); test.updateFeeds(); List<Feed> feeds = test.filterFeedsXquery(ALL_CATEGORIES, "title", "food", false); //List<Feed> feeds = test.filterFeedsRegex(ALL_CATEGORIES, "the ", true); for (Iterator<Feed> iterator = feeds.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { System.out.println(; } } }