Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * * @author vanegumar */ public class JqGridData<E, T> { public Object myObjt; public Object gMyInstance; /** * Numero de la pagina en la que se encuentra */ private double page; /** * Cantidad de registros a mostrar */ private int limit; /** * get index row - i.e. user click to sort */ private String sidx; /** * get index row - i.e. user click to sort */ private String sord; /** * determinar si se puede buscar */ private int _search; /** * Campo de filtro o buscar por algno de los campos en la consulta */ private String filters; /** * Sql armado para ejecutar la consulta. */ private String sql; /** * Sql para contar los registros de la consulta. */ private String sqlCount; /** * Campos a mostrar de la tabla principal campo:alias */ private HashMap<String, campoTabla> campos; /** * tabla principal de la consulta */ private String tabla; /** * cantidad de resgistros a buscar */ private int totalRows; /** * Variable para obtener la conexin. */ private Connection cnn; /** * Registros de la busqueda */ private List<T> rows; /** * Mapa con las operaciones de busqueda que puede retornar la Jqgrid */ private HashMap<String, String> searchOperation; /** * Mapa que almacena la la busqueda de la grid */ private HashMap filtersArr; /** * condicional de la aplicacion */ private String where; /** * Cantaidad de registros que tree la busqueda. */ private int count; /** * */ private double total_pages; /** * */ private int start; /** * * @param page * @param limit * @param sidx * @param sord * @param _search * @throws Exception */ public JqGridData(double page, int limit, String sidx, String sord, boolean _search, int totalRows, String filter) { this.totalRows = totalRows; = page; this.limit = limit; this.sidx = sidx; this.sord = sord; this.filters = filter; this.where = ""; this.count = 0; this.total_pages = 0; this.start = 0; campos = new HashMap<>(); cnn = Conexion.getConexion(); searchOperation = new HashMap<>(); searchOperation.put("eq", "%s=\"%s\""); searchOperation.put("ne", "%s<>\"%s\""); searchOperation.put("bw", "%s LIKE LOWER(\"%s%%\")"); searchOperation.put("bn", "%s NOT LIKE LOWER(\"%s%%\")"); searchOperation.put("ew", "%s LIKE LOWER(\"%%%s\")"); searchOperation.put("en", "%s NOT LIKE LOWER(\"%%%s\")"); searchOperation.put("cn", "%s LIKE LOWER(\"%%%s%%\")"); searchOperation.put("nc", "%s NOT LIKE LOWER(\"%%%s%%\")"); searchOperation.put("nu", "%s IS NULL"); searchOperation.put("nn", "%s IS NOT NULL"); searchOperation.put("in", "%s IN(%s)"); searchOperation.put("ni", "%s NOT IN(%s)"); if (this.filters != null) { getJsonObject(this.filters); } } public void agregarCampo(String campo, campoTabla tabla) throws Exception { if (!campos.containsKey(campo)) { campos.put(campo, tabla); } else { throw new Exception("Esta clave ya fue agregada."); } } public void setInstnaciaClase(E myInstance, T gMyInstance) { myObjt = myInstance; this.gMyInstance = gMyInstance; this.tabla = myObjt.getClass().getSimpleName(); } public void obtenerData() throws SQLException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { ArrayList data = new ArrayList(); this.generarSelect(); PreparedStatement st = cnn.prepareStatement(this.sql); ResultSet r = st.executeQuery(); while ( { Object obj = gMyInstance.getClass().newInstance(); for (Field p : obj.getClass().getDeclaredFields()) { p.setAccessible(true); p.set(obj, r.getObject(p.getName())); } data.add(obj); } rows = data; } public String generarSelect() throws SQLException { String join = ""; this.sql = "SELECT "; this.sqlCount = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count"; for (Field x : myObjt.getClass().getDeclaredFields()) { campoTabla c = campos.get(x.getName()); if (c != null) { if (c.isMostar()) { this.sql += this.tabla + "." + c.getCampo() + " AS " + c.getAlias() + ","; } if (c.getForaneo() != null) { tablaForanea foraneo = c.getForaneo(); join += " LEFT OUTER JOIN " + foraneo.getTabla() + " ON " + this.tabla + "." + c.getCampo() + "=" + foraneo.getTabla() + "." + foraneo.getCampo() + "\n"; for (Iterator iterator = foraneo.getCamposMostrar().entrySet().iterator(); iterator .hasNext();) { Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry); this.sql += " " + foraneo.getTabla() + "." + e.getKey() + " AS " + e.getValue() + ","; } } } } if (filtersArr != null) { Iterator it = filtersArr.entrySet().iterator(); for (filter d : (ArrayList<filter>) filtersArr.get("rules")) { for (Field w : gMyInstance.getClass().getDeclaredFields()) { if (w.getName().equals(d.getField())) { w.setAccessible(true); Column col; if ((col = w.getAnnotation(Column.class)) != null) { this.where += String.format(searchOperation.get(d.getOp()), col.tabla() + "." + col.columna(), d.getData()).toString() + " OR "; } break; } } } StringBuilder y = new StringBuilder(this.where); where = y.delete(this.where.length() - 4, this.where.length()).toString(); System.out.println(this.where); } StringBuilder y = new StringBuilder(this.sql); this.sql = y.replace(this.sql.length() - 1, this.sql.length(), "").toString(); this.sql += " \nFROM " + this.tabla + "\n" + join; this.sqlCount += " \nFROM " + this.tabla + "\n" + join; if (!this.where.equals("")) { this.sql += " WHERE " + this.where; this.sqlCount += " WHERE " + this.where; } if (!this.sidx.equals("")) { this.sql += " ORDER BY " + this.sidx + " " + this.sord; // this.sqlCount += " ORDER BY " + this.sidx + " " + this.sord; } this.generarCountSql(); if (this.count > 0) { total_pages = (double) Math.ceil((double) this.count / this.limit); } else { total_pages = 0; } if ( > this.total_pages) { = this.total_pages; } this.start = (int) (this.total_pages == 0 ? 0 : (this.limit * - this.limit)); this.sql += " LIMIT " + String.valueOf(this.start) + "," + String.valueOf(this.limit); System.out.println("hello"); return ""; } /** * @author Vanessa Agudelo con esete metodo podemos determinar cuantos * registros traee la consulta */ public void generarCountSql() throws SQLException { PreparedStatement st = cnn.prepareStatement(this.sqlCount); ResultSet r = st.executeQuery(); while ( { this.count = r.getInt("count"); } } public double getPage() { return page; } public List<T> getRows() { return rows; } public int getLimit() { return limit; } public String getSidx() { return sidx; } public String getSord() { return sord; } public Object getMyObjt() { return myObjt; } public void setMyObjt(Object myObjt) { this.myObjt = myObjt; } public Object getgMyInstance() { return gMyInstance; } public void setgMyInstance(Object gMyInstance) { this.gMyInstance = gMyInstance; } public int getSearch() { return _search; } public void setSearch(int _search) { this._search = _search; } public String getFilters() { return filters; } public void setFilters(String filters) { this.filters = filters; } public String getSql() { return sql; } public void setSql(String sql) { this.sql = sql; } public HashMap<String, campoTabla> getCampos() { return campos; } public void setCampos(HashMap<String, campoTabla> campos) { this.campos = campos; } public String getTabla() { return tabla; } public void setTabla(String tabla) { this.tabla = tabla; } public int getTotalRows() { return totalRows; } public void setTotalRows(int totalRows) { this.totalRows = totalRows; } public Connection getCnn() { return cnn; } public void setCnn(Connection cnn) { this.cnn = cnn; } public String getJsonString() { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put("page", page); map.put("total", this.total_pages); map.put("records", this.count); map.put("rows", rows); Gson gson = new Gson(); String resultData = gson.toJson(map); return resultData; } public void getJsonObject(String j) { /*String j = "{groupOp:OR,rules:[{field:id_encabezado,op:cn,data:prueba}," + "{field:modulo,op:cn,data:prueba}," + "{field:norma,op:cn,data:prueba}," + "{field:resultado,op:cn,data:prueba}," + "{field:evidencia,op:cn,data:prueba}," + "{field:elemento,op:cn,data:prueba}," + "{field:descripcion_encab,op:cn,data:prueba98}]}";*/ filtersArr = new HashMap(); Gson gson = new Gson(); JsonElement jelement = new JsonParser().parse(j); JsonObject jobject = jelement.getAsJsonObject(); filtersArr.put("groupOp", jobject.get("groupOp")); JsonArray array = jobject.getAsJsonArray("rules"); ArrayList<filter> f = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) { { JsonObject cont = array.get(i).getAsJsonObject(); f.add(new filter(cont.get("field").getAsString(), cont.get("op").getAsString(), cont.get("data").getAsString())); } } filtersArr.put("rules", f); // System.out.println(System.out.printf(searchOperation.get("cn").toString(),"oscar","mesa").toString()); } public String getSqlCount() { return sqlCount; } public void setSqlCount(String sqlCount) { this.sqlCount = sqlCount; } public HashMap<String, String> getSearchOperation() { return searchOperation; } public void setSearchOperation(HashMap<String, String> searchOperation) { this.searchOperation = searchOperation; } public HashMap getFiltersArr() { return filtersArr; } public void setFiltersArr(HashMap filtersArr) { this.filtersArr = filtersArr; } public static void main(String[] args) { // new JqGridData(0,0, "", "", false, 20).getJsonObject(); } }