Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import static; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam; import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile; import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView; /** * @author Carlos Rodriguez * @version 1.0 * @since 23/02/2016 */ @Controller public class TeacherRequestHandler extends AbstractRequestHandler { private static final String TEACHER_ACTIVITY_PAGE = "/admin/profesores/actividades"; private static final String TEACHER_ACTIVITY_SAVE_PAGE = "/admin/profesores/actividades/guardar"; private static final String TEACHER_DEACTIVATE_PAGE = "/admin/profesores/edicion/desactivar"; private static final String TEACHER_EDIT_PAGE = "/admin/profesores/edicion"; private static final String TEACHER_EVALUATE_PAGE = "/admin/profesores/calificar"; private static final String TEACHER_EVALUATE_SAVE_PAGE = "/admin/profesores/calificar/guardar"; private static final String TEACHER_PAGE = "/admin/profesores"; private static final String TEACHER_REPORT_PAGE = "/admin/profesores/boletines"; private static final String TEACHER_REPORT_GENERATE_PAGE = "/admin/profesores/boletines/generar"; private static final String TEACHER_SAVE_PAGE = "/admin/profesores/edicion/guardar"; private static final String TEACHER_ACTIVITY_MODEL = "admin/teacher/activity"; private static final String TEACHER_EDIT_MODEL = "admin/teacher/edit"; private static final String TEACHER_EVALUATE_MODEL = "admin/teacher/evaluate"; private static final String TEACHER_MODEL = "admin/teacher/list"; private static final String TEACHER_REPORT_MODEL = "admin/teacher/report"; @RequestMapping(value = TEACHER_PAGE, method = { RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.POST }) public ModelAndView list() { ModelAndView model = null; try { final UserBO logedUser = this.getLogeduser(); model = this.buildModelAndView(logedUser); model.setViewName(TEACHER_MODEL); this.addTeacherListToModel(model, logedUser); } catch (IOException ex) { LOGGER.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); model = LoginRequestHandler.buildRedirectLoginModel(); } return model; } @RequestMapping(value = TEACHER_EDIT_PAGE, method = { RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.POST }) public ModelAndView edit(@RequestParam(value = USER_ID_REQUEST_PARAM, required = false) final Integer idUser) { ModelAndView model = null; try { final UserBO logedUser = this.getLogeduser(); final UserBO user = this.findUserByIdentifier(idUser); model = this.buildEditPageModel(user, false, false, false, false); } catch (IOException ex) { LOGGER.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); model = this.buildEditPageModel(null, false, false, true, false); } return model; } @RequestMapping(value = TEACHER_SAVE_PAGE, method = RequestMethod.POST) public ModelAndView save(@RequestParam(value = USER_ID_REQUEST_PARAM, required = true) final Integer idUser, @RequestParam(value = DOCUMENT_TYPE_REQUEST_PARAM, required = true) final String docType, @RequestParam(value = DOCUMENT_NUMBER_REQUEST_PARAM, required = true) final String docNumber, @RequestParam(value = NAME_REQUEST_PARAM, required = true) final String name, @RequestParam(value = LAST_NAME_REQUEST_PARAM, required = true) final String lastName, @RequestParam(value = BORN_DATE_REQUEST_PARAM, required = true) final String bornDate, @RequestParam(value = ADDRESS_REQUEST_PARAM, required = true) final String address, @RequestParam(value = PHONE1_REQUEST_PARAM, required = true) final String phone1, @RequestParam(value = PHONE2_REQUEST_PARAM, required = true) final String phone2, @RequestParam(value = GENDER_REQUEST_PARAM, required = true) final String gender, @RequestParam(value = FILE_UPLOAD_REQUEST_PARAM, required = true) final MultipartFile file, @RequestParam(value = COORDINATOR_REQUEST_PARAM, required = false) final String coordinator) { ModelAndView model = null; try { final UserBO logedUser = this.getLogeduser(); final int idSchool = this.getIdSchool(logedUser); final SchoolBO school = this.schoolController.findByIdentifier(idSchool); final Set<UserTypeBO> userTypeSet = new HashSet<>(); if (coordinator != null) { userTypeSet.add(this.userTypeController.findBy(UserTypeBO.getCoordinatorCode())); } userTypeSet.add(this.userTypeController.findBy(UserTypeBO.getTeacherCode())); final boolean isValidDocNumber = userController.isValidDocumentNumber(idUser, docNumber, idSchool); UserBO user = this.userController.buildUserBO(idUser, docType, docNumber, name, lastName, bornDate, address, phone1, phone2, gender, file, school, userTypeSet); boolean saved = false; boolean hasServerErrors = false; if (isValidDocNumber) { final UserBO savedUser =; if (savedUser != null) { saved = true; user = savedUser; } else { hasServerErrors = true; } } model = this.buildEditPageModel(user, saved, false, hasServerErrors, !isValidDocNumber); } catch (IOException | ParseException ex) { LOGGER.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); model = this.buildEditPageModel(null, false, false, true, false); } return model; } @RequestMapping(value = TEACHER_DEACTIVATE_PAGE, method = RequestMethod.POST) public ModelAndView deactivate( @RequestParam(value = USER_ID_REQUEST_PARAM, required = true) final Integer idUser) { ModelAndView model = null; try { final UserBO logedUser = this.getLogeduser(); UserBO user = this.findUserToBeDeactivated(logedUser, idUser); final UserBO savedUser =; boolean saved = false; boolean hasServerErrors = false; if (savedUser != null) { saved = true; user = savedUser; } else { hasServerErrors = true; } model = this.buildEditPageModel(user, false, saved, hasServerErrors, false); } catch (IOException ex) { LOGGER.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); model = this.buildEditPageModel(null, false, false, true, false); } return model; } @RequestMapping(value = TEACHER_ACTIVITY_PAGE, method = { RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.POST }) public ModelAndView activityList( @RequestParam(value = CLASSROOM_REQUEST_PARAM, required = false) final Integer idClassRoom, @RequestParam(value = CLASS_REQUEST_PARAM, required = false) final Integer idClass, @RequestParam(value = PERIOD_REQUEST_PARAM, required = false) final Integer idPeriod) { ModelAndView model = null; try { model = this.buildActivityPageModel(TEACHER_ACTIVITY_MODEL, idClass, idPeriod, false, false); } catch (IOException ex) { LOGGER.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); model = LoginRequestHandler.buildRedirectLoginModel(); } return model; } @RequestMapping(value = TEACHER_ACTIVITY_SAVE_PAGE, method = { RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.POST }) public ModelAndView saveActivityList( @RequestParam(value = CLASSROOM_ID_REQUEST_PARAM, required = true) final Integer idClassRoom, @RequestParam(value = CLASS_ID_REQUEST_PARAM, required = true) final Integer idClass, @RequestParam(value = PERIOD_ID_REQUEST_PARAM, required = true) final Integer idPeriod, @RequestParam(value = OBJECT_AS_STRING_REQUEST_PARAM, required = true) final String objectStr) { ModelAndView model = null; try { final List<NoteDefinitionBO> noteDefList = this.noteDefController .buildNoteDefinitionListFromString(idClass, idPeriod, objectStr); final ClassBO classBO = this.classController.saveNoteDefinitionByClass(noteDefList); boolean saved = false; boolean hasServerErrors = false; if (classBO != null && classBO.getNoteDefinitionSet() != null && !classBO.getNoteDefinitionSet().isEmpty()) { saved = true; } else { hasServerErrors = true; } model = this.buildActivityPageModel(TEACHER_ACTIVITY_MODEL, idClass, idPeriod, saved, hasServerErrors); } catch (IOException ex) { LOGGER.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); model = LoginRequestHandler.buildRedirectLoginModel(); } return model; } @RequestMapping(value = TEACHER_EVALUATE_PAGE, method = { RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.POST }) public ModelAndView evaluate( @RequestParam(value = CLASSROOM_REQUEST_PARAM, required = false) final Integer idClassRoom, @RequestParam(value = CLASS_REQUEST_PARAM, required = false) final Integer idClass, @RequestParam(value = PERIOD_REQUEST_PARAM, required = false) final Integer idPeriod) { ModelAndView model = null; try { model = this.buildActivityPageModel(TEACHER_EVALUATE_MODEL, idClass, idPeriod, false, false); } catch (IOException ex) { LOGGER.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); model = LoginRequestHandler.buildRedirectLoginModel(); } return model; } @RequestMapping(value = TEACHER_EVALUATE_SAVE_PAGE, method = { RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.POST }) public ModelAndView saveEvaluation( @RequestParam(value = CLASSROOM_ID_REQUEST_PARAM, required = false) final Integer idClassRoom, @RequestParam(value = CLASS_ID_REQUEST_PARAM, required = false) final Integer idClass, @RequestParam(value = PERIOD_ID_REQUEST_PARAM, required = false) final Integer idPeriod, @RequestParam(value = OBJECT_AS_STRING_REQUEST_PARAM, required = true) final String objectStr) { ModelAndView model = null; try { final List<NoteValueBO> noteValueList = this.noteValueController .buildNoteValueListFromString(objectStr); final ClassBO classBO = this.classController.saveNoteValue(noteValueList); boolean saved = false; boolean hasServerErrors = false; if (classBO != null && classBO.getNoteDefinitionSet() != null && !classBO.getNoteDefinitionSet().isEmpty()) { saved = true; } else { hasServerErrors = true; } model = this.buildActivityPageModel(TEACHER_EVALUATE_MODEL, idClass, idPeriod, saved, hasServerErrors); } catch (IOException ex) { LOGGER.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); model = LoginRequestHandler.buildRedirectLoginModel(); } return model; } @RequestMapping(value = TEACHER_REPORT_PAGE, method = { RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.POST }) public ModelAndView report() { ModelAndView model = null; try { final UserBO logedUser = this.getLogeduser(); model = this.buildModelAndView(logedUser); model.setViewName(TEACHER_REPORT_MODEL); final List<PeriodBO> periodList = this.findPeriodListBySchool(logedUser); final UserBO teacher = this.getLogeduser(); final ClassRoomBO classRoom = this.getGroupDirectorClassRoom(teacher); model.addObject(PERIOD_LIST_PARAMETER, periodList); model.addObject(CLASSROOM_PARAMETER, classRoom); } catch (IOException ex) { LOGGER.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); model = LoginRequestHandler.buildRedirectLoginModel(); } return model; } @RequestMapping(value = TEACHER_REPORT_GENERATE_PAGE, method = RequestMethod.POST) public void generateReports( @RequestParam(value = CLASSROOM_ID_REQUEST_PARAM, required = false) final Integer idClassRoom, @RequestParam(value = PERIOD_REQUEST_PARAM, required = false) final Integer idPeriod, HttpServletResponse response) { try { final UserBO logedUser = this.getLogeduser(); final int idSchool = this.getIdSchool(logedUser); InputStream is = this.generateReports(idSchool, idClassRoom, idPeriod); response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;"); IOUtils.copy(is, response.getOutputStream()); response.flushBuffer(); } catch (IOException ex) { LOGGER.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); } } private ModelAndView buildEditPageModel(final UserBO user, final boolean wasSaved, final boolean wasDeactivated, final boolean hasServerErrors, final boolean invalidDocNumber) { ModelAndView model = null; try { final UserBO logedUser = this.getLogeduser(); final int idSchool = this.getIdSchool(logedUser); model = this.buildModelAndView(logedUser); model.setViewName(TEACHER_EDIT_MODEL); if (user != null) { if (user.getPhoto() != null && !user.getPhoto().equals("")) { user.setPhoto(this.userController.getHttpPath(user, idSchool)); } if (user.getId() != null && user.getId() > 0) { this.addClassListToModel(model, 0, user.getId(), false, logedUser); model.addObject(CLASSROOM_PARAMETER, this.getGroupDirectorClassRoom(user)); } } model.addObject(USER_PARAMETER, user); model.addObject(SAVED_PARAMETER, wasSaved); model.addObject(DEACTIVATED_PARAMETER, wasDeactivated); model.addObject(HAS_SERVER_ERRORS_PARAMETER, hasServerErrors); model.addObject(INVALIDCODE_PARAMETER, invalidDocNumber); } catch (IOException ex) { LOGGER.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); model = LoginRequestHandler.buildRedirectLoginModel(); } return model; } private ModelAndView buildActivityPageModel(final String viewName, final Integer idClass, final Integer idPeriod, final boolean wasSaved, final boolean hasServerErrors) throws IOException { final UserBO logedUser = this.getLogeduser(); final int idSchool = this.getIdSchool(logedUser); ModelAndView model = this.buildModelAndView(logedUser); model.setViewName(viewName); final List<ClassBO> classList = classController.findClasses(idSchool, 0, logedUser.getId(), false); final List<ClassRoomBO> classRoomList = this.buildClassRoomListFromClassList(classList); final List<PeriodBO> periodList = this.findPeriodListBySchool(logedUser); model.addObject(CLASSROOM_LIST_PARAMETER, classRoomList); model.addObject(CLASS_LIST_PARAMETER, classList); model.addObject(PERIOD_LIST_PARAMETER, periodList); model.addObject(SAVED_PARAMETER, wasSaved); model.addObject(HAS_SERVER_ERRORS_PARAMETER, hasServerErrors); model.addObject(MAX_EVALUATION_PARAMETER, this.getMaxEvaluation(logedUser)); this.addClassToModel(model, classList, idClass); this.addPeriodToModel(model, periodList, idPeriod); this.addNoteDefinitionToModel(model, idClass, idPeriod); return model; } private List<ClassRoomBO> buildClassRoomListFromClassList(final List<ClassBO> classList) { final List<ClassRoomBO> classRoomList = new ArrayList<>(); for (final ClassBO classBO : classList) { final ClassRoomBO classRoom = classBO.getClassRoom(); if (!classRoomList.contains(classRoom)) { classRoomList.add(classRoom); } } return classRoomList; } private void addClassToModel(final ModelAndView model, final List<ClassBO> classList, final Integer idClass) { if (idClass != null && idClass > 0) { for (final ClassBO classBO : classList) { if (classBO.getId().equals(idClass)) { model.addObject(CLASS_PARAMETER, classBO); final ClassRoomBO classRoom = classBO.getClassRoom(); model.addObject(CLASSROOM_PARAMETER, classRoom); model.addObject(STUDENT_LIST_PARAMETER, this.sortUserSet(classRoom.getStudentSet())); break; } } } } private void addPeriodToModel(final ModelAndView model, final List<PeriodBO> periodList, final Integer idPeriod) { if (idPeriod != null && idPeriod > 0) { for (final PeriodBO period : periodList) { if (period.getId().equals(idPeriod)) { model.addObject(PERIOD_PARAMETER, period); break; } } } } private void addNoteDefinitionToModel(final ModelAndView model, final Integer idClass, final Integer idPeriod) throws IOException { if (idClass != null && idClass > 0 && idPeriod != null && idPeriod > 0) { final Set<NoteDefinitionBO> noteDefSet = this.classController.findNoteDefinitionByClass(idClass, idPeriod); model.addObject(ACTIVITY_LIST_PARAMETER, noteDefSet); final Set<NoteValueBO> noteValueSet = new HashSet<>(); if (noteDefSet != null) { for (final NoteDefinitionBO noteDefinition : noteDefSet) { if (noteDefinition.getNoteValueSet() != null) { noteValueSet.addAll(noteDefinition.getNoteValueSet()); } } } model.addObject(ACTIVITY_VALUE_LIST_PARAMETER, noteValueSet); } } }