Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView; /** * * @author Carlos Rodriguez */ public abstract class AbstractRequestHandler { protected static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractRequestHandler.class); protected static final String ACTIVITY_LIST_PARAMETER = "activities"; protected static final String ACTIVITY_VALUE_LIST_PARAMETER = "values"; protected static final String CLASS_PARAMETER = "classBO"; protected static final String CLASS_LIST_PARAMETER = "classes"; protected static final String CLASSROOM_PARAMETER = "classroom"; protected static final String CLASSROOM_LIST_PARAMETER = "classrooms"; protected static final String CURRENT_CLASSROOM_LIST_PARAMETER = "currentClassrooms"; protected static final String CURRENT_YEAR_PARAMETER = "currentYear"; protected static final String DEACTIVATED_PARAMETER = "deactivated"; protected static final String GRADE_PARAMETER = "grade"; protected static final String GRADE_LIST_PARAMETER = "grades"; protected static final String GROUP_DIRECTOR_PARAMETER = "groupDirector"; protected static final String HAS_SERVER_ERRORS_PARAMETER = "hasServerErrors"; protected static final String INVALIDCODE_PARAMETER = "invalidCode"; protected static final String MAX_EVALUATION_PARAMETER = "maxEvaluation"; protected static final String PERIOD_PARAMETER = "period"; protected static final String PERIOD_LIST_PARAMETER = "periods"; protected static final String SAVED_PARAMETER = "saved"; protected static final String SHOW_SEARCH_PARAMETER = "showSearch"; protected static final String STUDENT_LIST_PARAMETER = "students"; protected static final String TEACHER_LIST_PARAMETER = "teachers"; protected static final String TIME_LIST_PARAMETER = "times"; protected static final String USER_PARAMETER = "user"; protected static final String YEAR_PARAMETER = "year"; protected static final String YEAR_LIST_PARAMETER = "years"; protected static final String ADDRESS_REQUEST_PARAM = "address"; protected static final String BORN_DATE_REQUEST_PARAM = "bornDate"; protected static final String CLASS_REQUEST_PARAM = "classBO"; protected static final String CLASS_ID_REQUEST_PARAM = "classId"; protected static final String CLASSROOM_REQUEST_PARAM = "classroom"; protected static final String CLASSROOM_ID_REQUEST_PARAM = "classroomId"; protected static final String CODE_REQUEST_PARAM = "code"; protected static final String COORDINATOR_REQUEST_PARAM = "coordinator"; protected static final String DIRECTOR_REQUEST_PARAM = "director"; protected static final String DOCUMENT_NUMBER_REQUEST_PARAM = "documentNumber"; protected static final String DOCUMENT_TYPE_REQUEST_PARAM = "documentType"; protected static final String FILE_UPLOAD_REQUEST_PARAM = "fileUpload"; protected static final String GENDER_REQUEST_PARAM = "gender"; protected static final String GRADE_REQUEST_PARAM = "grade"; protected static final String GRADE_ID_REQUEST_PARAM = "gradeId"; protected static final String GUARDIAN1_ADDRESS_REQUEST_PARAM = "guardian1Address"; protected static final String GUARDIAN1_DOCUMENT_NUMBER_REQUEST_PARAM = "guardian1DocumentNumber"; protected static final String GUARDIAN1_DOCUMENT_TYPE_REQUEST_PARAM = "guardian1DocType"; protected static final String GUARDIAN1_GENDER_REQUEST_PARAM = "guardian1Gender"; protected static final String GUARDIAN1_LAST_NAME_REQUEST_PARAM = "guardian1LastName"; protected static final String GUARDIAN1_NAME_REQUEST_PARAM = "guardian1Name"; protected static final String GUARDIAN1_PHONE1_REQUEST_PARAM = "guardian1Phone1"; protected static final String GUARDIAN1_PHONE2_REQUEST_PARAM = "guardian1Phone2"; protected static final String GUARDIAN1_USER_ID_REQUEST_PARAM = "guardian1Id"; protected static final String GUARDIAN2_ADDRESS_REQUEST_PARAM = "guardian2Address"; protected static final String GUARDIAN2_DOCUMENT_NUMBER_REQUEST_PARAM = "guardian2DocumentNumber"; protected static final String GUARDIAN2_DOCUMENT_TYPE_REQUEST_PARAM = "guardian2DocType"; protected static final String GUARDIAN2_GENDER_REQUEST_PARAM = "guardian2Gender"; protected static final String GUARDIAN2_LAST_NAME_REQUEST_PARAM = "guardian2LastName"; protected static final String GUARDIAN2_NAME_REQUEST_PARAM = "guardian2Name"; protected static final String GUARDIAN2_PHONE1_REQUEST_PARAM = "guardian2Phone1"; protected static final String GUARDIAN2_PHONE2_REQUEST_PARAM = "guardian2Phone2"; protected static final String GUARDIAN2_USER_ID_REQUEST_PARAM = "guardian2Id"; protected static final String LAST_NAME_REQUEST_PARAM = "lastName"; protected static final String NAME_REQUEST_PARAM = "name"; protected static final String OBJECT_AS_STRING_REQUEST_PARAM = "objectStr"; protected static final String PERIOD_REQUEST_PARAM = "period"; protected static final String PERIOD_ID_REQUEST_PARAM = "periodId"; protected static final String PHONE1_REQUEST_PARAM = "phone1"; protected static final String PHONE2_REQUEST_PARAM = "phone2"; protected static final String TIME_REQUEST_PARAM = "time"; protected static final String USER_ID_REQUEST_PARAM = "userId"; protected static final String YEAR_REQUEST_PARAM = "year"; @Autowired private RoleUtils roleUtils; @Autowired protected ClassController classController; @Autowired protected ClassRoomController classRoomController; @Autowired protected GradeController gradeController; @Autowired protected NoteDefinitionController noteDefController; @Autowired protected NoteValueController noteValueController; @Autowired protected PeriodController periodController; @Autowired protected ReportController reportController; @Autowired protected SchoolController schoolController; @Autowired protected TimeController timeController; @Autowired protected UserController userController; @Autowired protected UserTypeController userTypeController; @Autowired protected YearController yearController; protected ModelAndView buildModelAndView(final UserBO user) throws IOException { final ModelAndView model = this.roleUtils.createModelWithUserDetails(user, this.getSchool(user)); boolean isGroupDirector = false; if (user != null && this.isTeacher(user) && this.isGroupDirector(user)) { isGroupDirector = true; } model.addObject(GROUP_DIRECTOR_PARAMETER, isGroupDirector); return model; } protected UserBO getLogeduser() { final String documentNumber = AuthenticationUtils.getDocumentNumberFromAuthentication(); UserBO user = null; try { user = this.userController.findUserByDocument(documentNumber); } catch (IOException ex) { LOGGER.error(ex.getMessage()); } return user; } protected int getIdSchool(final UserBO user) { final Set<SchoolBO> schoolSet = (user != null) ? user.getSchoolSet() : null; int idSchool = 0; if (schoolSet != null) { for (final SchoolBO school : schoolSet) { idSchool = school.getId(); } } return idSchool; } protected SchoolBO getSchool(final UserBO user) { final Set<SchoolBO> schoolSet = (user != null) ? user.getSchoolSet() : null; if (schoolSet != null) { for (final SchoolBO school : schoolSet) { return school; } } return null; } protected BigDecimal getMaxEvaluation(final UserBO user) { final Set<SchoolBO> schoolSet = (user != null) ? user.getSchoolSet() : null; BigDecimal maxEvaluation = null; if (schoolSet != null) { for (final SchoolBO school : schoolSet) { for (final NoteValueConfigurationBO noteValue : school.getNote().getNoteValueSet()) { if (maxEvaluation == null || maxEvaluation.doubleValue() < noteValue.getRangeEnd().doubleValue()) { maxEvaluation = noteValue.getRangeEnd(); } } } } return maxEvaluation; } protected void addYearListToModel(final ModelAndView model) throws IOException { model.addObject(YEAR_LIST_PARAMETER, yearController.findAll()); } protected void addTimeListToModel(final ModelAndView model) throws IOException { model.addObject(TIME_LIST_PARAMETER, timeController.findAll()); } protected void addGradeListToModel(final ModelAndView model) throws IOException { model.addObject(GRADE_LIST_PARAMETER, gradeController.findAll()); } protected void addTeacherNotDirectorListToModel(final ModelAndView model, final UserBO currentDirector, final UserBO logedUser) throws IOException { final int idSchool = this.getIdSchool(logedUser); final List<UserBO> teacherList = userController.findTeachersNotGroupDirector(idSchool, currentDirector); model.addObject(TEACHER_LIST_PARAMETER, teacherList); } protected void addClassRoomListToModel(final ModelAndView model, final String year, final Integer grade, final UserBO user) throws IOException { model.addObject(CLASSROOM_LIST_PARAMETER, classRoomController.findClassRooms(year, grade, this.getIdSchool(user))); } protected void addClassListToModel(final ModelAndView model, final int idClassRoom, final int idTeacher, final boolean addDefaultData, final UserBO logedUser) throws IOException { final List<ClassBO> classList = classController.findClasses(this.getIdSchool(logedUser), idClassRoom, idTeacher, addDefaultData); model.addObject(CLASS_LIST_PARAMETER, classList); } protected void addTeacherListToModel(final ModelAndView model, final UserBO user) throws IOException { final int idSchool = this.getIdSchool(user); final String teacherCode = UserTypeBO.getTeacherCode(); List<UserBO> teacherList = null; if (this.isTeacher(user) && !this.isCoordinator(user)) { teacherList = new ArrayList<>(); teacherList.add(user); } else { teacherList = userController.findUsersByUserType(idSchool, teacherCode); } model.addObject(TEACHER_LIST_PARAMETER, teacherList); } protected void addStudentsNotLinkedToModel(final ModelAndView model, final Integer idGrade, final Integer idClassRoom, final UserBO user) throws IOException { final int idSchool = this.getIdSchool(user); final List<UserBO> userList = userController.findStudentsNotLinked(idSchool, idGrade, idClassRoom); model.addObject(STUDENT_LIST_PARAMETER, userList); } protected UserBO findUserByIdentifier(final Integer idUser) throws IOException { UserBO user = null; if (idUser != null) { user = this.userController.findUserByIdentifier(idUser); } return user; } protected UserBO findUserToBeDeactivated(final UserBO logedUser, final int idUser) throws IOException { final SchoolBO school = this.schoolController.findByIdentifier(this.getIdSchool(logedUser)); final UserBO user = this.findUserByIdentifier(idUser); if (user != null && user.getSchoolSet() != null && school != null && user.getSchoolSet().contains(school)) { for (final SchoolBO schoolFromUser : user.getSchoolSet()) { if (schoolFromUser.equals(school)) { schoolFromUser.setEnabled(false); break; } } } return user; } protected List<PeriodBO> findPeriodListBySchool(final UserBO user) throws IOException { return periodController.findAll(this.getIdSchool(user)); } protected ClassRoomBO findClassRoom(final int idSchool, final Integer idClassRoom) throws IOException { return this.classRoomController.findClassRoom(idSchool, idClassRoom); } protected List<UserBO> sortUserSet(final Set<UserBO> userSet) { return this.userController.sortUserSet(userSet); } protected boolean isTeacher(final UserBO user) { boolean isTeacher = false; if (user != null && user.getUserTypeSet() != null) { for (final UserTypeBO userType : user.getUserTypeSet()) { if (userType.isTeacher()) { isTeacher = true; break; } } } return isTeacher; } protected boolean isCoordinator(final UserBO user) { boolean isCoordinator = false; if (user != null && user.getUserTypeSet() != null) { for (final UserTypeBO userType : user.getUserTypeSet()) { if (userType.isCoordinator()) { isCoordinator = true; break; } } } return isCoordinator; } protected boolean isStudent(final UserBO user) { boolean isStudent = false; if (user != null && user.getUserTypeSet() != null) { for (final UserTypeBO userType : user.getUserTypeSet()) { if (userType.isStudent()) { isStudent = true; break; } } } return isStudent; } protected boolean isGuardian(final UserBO user) { boolean isGuardian = false; if (user != null && user.getUserTypeSet() != null) { for (final UserTypeBO userType : user.getUserTypeSet()) { if (userType.isGuardian()) { isGuardian = true; break; } } } return isGuardian; } protected ClassRoomBO getGroupDirectorClassRoom(final UserBO user) throws IOException { ClassRoomBO groupDirClassRoom = null; final String currentYear = yearController.getCurrentYearString(); final List<ClassRoomBO> classRoomList = this.classRoomController.findClassRooms(currentYear, 0, this.getIdSchool(user)); for (final ClassRoomBO classRoom : classRoomList) { if (classRoom.getUserBO().equals(user)) { groupDirClassRoom = classRoom; break; } } return groupDirClassRoom; } protected InputStream generateReports(final int idSchool, final int idClassRoom, final int idPeriod) throws IOException { return this.reportController.generateReports(idSchool, idClassRoom, idPeriod); } protected boolean isGroupDirector(final UserBO user) throws IOException { final ClassRoomBO groupDirClassRoom = this.getGroupDirectorClassRoom(user); return groupDirClassRoom != null; } }