Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012-2014 Cask Data, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package co.cask.tephra.persist; import co.cask.tephra.ChangeId; import co.cask.tephra.Transaction; import co.cask.tephra.TransactionManager; import co.cask.tephra.TransactionType; import co.cask.tephra.TxConstants; import co.cask.tephra.metrics.TxMetricsCollector; import co.cask.tephra.util.TransactionEditUtil; import; import; import; import; import; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.LongArrayList; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NavigableMap; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; /** * Commons tests to run against the {@link TransactionStateStorage} implementations. */ public abstract class AbstractTransactionStateStorageTest { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractTransactionStateStorageTest.class); private static Random random = new Random(); protected abstract Configuration getConfiguration(String testName) throws IOException; protected abstract AbstractTransactionStateStorage getStorage(Configuration conf); @Test public void testSnapshotPersistence() throws Exception { Configuration conf = getConfiguration("testSnapshotPersistence"); TransactionSnapshot snapshot = createRandomSnapshot(); TransactionStateStorage storage = getStorage(conf); try { storage.startAndWait(); storage.writeSnapshot(snapshot); TransactionSnapshot readSnapshot = storage.getLatestSnapshot(); assertNotNull(readSnapshot); assertEquals(snapshot, readSnapshot); } finally { storage.stopAndWait(); } } @Test public void testLogWriteAndRead() throws Exception { Configuration conf = getConfiguration("testLogWriteAndRead"); // create some random entries List<TransactionEdit> edits = TransactionEditUtil.createRandomEdits(100); TransactionStateStorage storage = getStorage(conf); try { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); storage.startAndWait(); TransactionLog log = storage.createLog(now); for (TransactionEdit edit : edits) { log.append(edit); } log.close(); Collection<TransactionLog> logsToRead = storage.getLogsSince(now); // should only be our one log assertNotNull(logsToRead); assertEquals(1, logsToRead.size()); TransactionLogReader logReader = logsToRead.iterator().next().getReader(); assertNotNull(logReader); List<TransactionEdit> readEdits = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(edits.size()); TransactionEdit nextEdit; while ((nextEdit = != null) { readEdits.add(nextEdit); } logReader.close(); assertEquals(edits.size(), readEdits.size()); for (int i = 0; i < edits.size(); i++) {"Checking edit " + i); assertEquals(edits.get(i), readEdits.get(i)); } } finally { storage.stopAndWait(); } } @Test public void testTransactionManagerPersistence() throws Exception { Configuration conf = getConfiguration("testTransactionManagerPersistence"); conf.setInt(TxConstants.Manager.CFG_TX_CLEANUP_INTERVAL, 0); // no cleanup thread // start snapshot thread, but with long enough interval so we only get snapshots on shutdown conf.setInt(TxConstants.Manager.CFG_TX_SNAPSHOT_INTERVAL, 600); TransactionStateStorage storage = null; TransactionStateStorage storage2 = null; TransactionStateStorage storage3 = null; try { storage = getStorage(conf); TransactionManager txManager = new TransactionManager(conf, storage, new TxMetricsCollector()); txManager.startAndWait(); // TODO: replace with new persistence tests final byte[] a = { 'a' }; final byte[] b = { 'b' }; // start a tx1, add a change A and commit Transaction tx1 = txManager.startShort(); Assert.assertTrue(txManager.canCommit(tx1, Collections.singleton(a))); Assert.assertTrue(txManager.commit(tx1)); // start a tx2 and add a change B Transaction tx2 = txManager.startShort(); Assert.assertTrue(txManager.canCommit(tx2, Collections.singleton(b))); // start a tx3 Transaction tx3 = txManager.startShort(); // restart txManager.stopAndWait(); TransactionSnapshot origState = txManager.getCurrentState();"Orig state: " + origState); Thread.sleep(100); // starts a new tx manager storage2 = getStorage(conf); txManager = new TransactionManager(conf, storage2, new TxMetricsCollector()); txManager.startAndWait(); // check that the reloaded state matches the old TransactionSnapshot newState = txManager.getCurrentState();"New state: " + newState); assertEquals(origState, newState); // commit tx2 Assert.assertTrue(txManager.commit(tx2)); // start another transaction, must be greater than tx3 Transaction tx4 = txManager.startShort(); Assert.assertTrue(tx4.getTransactionId() > tx3.getTransactionId()); // tx1 must be visble from tx2, but tx3 and tx4 must not Assert.assertTrue(tx2.isVisible(tx1.getTransactionId())); Assert.assertFalse(tx2.isVisible(tx3.getTransactionId())); Assert.assertFalse(tx2.isVisible(tx4.getTransactionId())); // add same change for tx3 Assert.assertFalse(txManager.canCommit(tx3, Collections.singleton(b))); // check visibility with new xaction Transaction tx5 = txManager.startShort(); Assert.assertTrue(tx5.isVisible(tx1.getTransactionId())); Assert.assertTrue(tx5.isVisible(tx2.getTransactionId())); Assert.assertFalse(tx5.isVisible(tx3.getTransactionId())); Assert.assertFalse(tx5.isVisible(tx4.getTransactionId())); // can commit tx3? txManager.abort(tx3); txManager.abort(tx4); txManager.abort(tx5); // start new tx and verify its exclude list is empty Transaction tx6 = txManager.startShort(); Assert.assertFalse(tx6.hasExcludes()); txManager.abort(tx6); // now start 5 x claim size transactions Transaction tx = txManager.startShort(); for (int i = 1; i < 50; i++) { tx = txManager.startShort(); } origState = txManager.getCurrentState(); Thread.sleep(100); // simulate crash by starting a new tx manager without a stopAndWait storage3 = getStorage(conf); txManager = new TransactionManager(conf, storage3, new TxMetricsCollector()); txManager.startAndWait(); // verify state again matches (this time should include WAL replay) newState = txManager.getCurrentState(); assertEquals(origState, newState); // get a new transaction and verify it is greater Transaction txAfter = txManager.startShort(); Assert.assertTrue(txAfter.getTransactionId() > tx.getTransactionId()); } finally { if (storage != null) { storage.stopAndWait(); } if (storage2 != null) { storage2.stopAndWait(); } if (storage3 != null) { storage3.stopAndWait(); } } } /** * Tests whether the committed set is advanced properly on WAL replay. */ @Test public void testCommittedSetClearing() throws Exception { Configuration conf = getConfiguration("testCommittedSetClearing"); conf.setInt(TxConstants.Manager.CFG_TX_CLEANUP_INTERVAL, 0); // no cleanup thread conf.setInt(TxConstants.Manager.CFG_TX_SNAPSHOT_INTERVAL, 0); // no periodic snapshots TransactionStateStorage storage1 = null; TransactionStateStorage storage2 = null; try { storage1 = getStorage(conf); TransactionManager txManager = new TransactionManager(conf, storage1, new TxMetricsCollector()); txManager.startAndWait(); // TODO: replace with new persistence tests final byte[] a = { 'a' }; final byte[] b = { 'b' }; // start a tx1, add a change A and commit Transaction tx1 = txManager.startShort(); Assert.assertTrue(txManager.canCommit(tx1, Collections.singleton(a))); Assert.assertTrue(txManager.commit(tx1)); // start a tx2 and add a change B Transaction tx2 = txManager.startShort(); Assert.assertTrue(txManager.canCommit(tx2, Collections.singleton(b))); // start a tx3 Transaction tx3 = txManager.startShort(); TransactionSnapshot origState = txManager.getCurrentState();"Orig state: " + origState); // simulate a failure by starting a new tx manager without stopping first storage2 = getStorage(conf); txManager = new TransactionManager(conf, storage2, new TxMetricsCollector()); txManager.startAndWait(); // check that the reloaded state matches the old TransactionSnapshot newState = txManager.getCurrentState();"New state: " + newState); assertEquals(origState, newState); } finally { if (storage1 != null) { storage1.stopAndWait(); } if (storage2 != null) { storage2.stopAndWait(); } } } /** * Tests removal of old snapshots and old transaction logs. */ @Test public void testOldFileRemoval() throws Exception { Configuration conf = getConfiguration("testOldFileRemoval"); TransactionStateStorage storage = null; try { storage = getStorage(conf); storage.startAndWait(); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); long writePointer = 1; Collection<Long> invalid = Lists.newArrayList(); NavigableMap<Long, TransactionManager.InProgressTx> inprogress = Maps.newTreeMap(); Map<Long, Set<ChangeId>> committing = Maps.newHashMap(); Map<Long, Set<ChangeId>> committed = Maps.newHashMap(); TransactionSnapshot snapshot = new TransactionSnapshot(now, 0, writePointer++, invalid, inprogress, committing, committed); TransactionEdit dummyEdit = TransactionEdit.createStarted(1, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE, TransactionType.SHORT); // write snapshot 1 storage.writeSnapshot(snapshot); TransactionLog log = storage.createLog(now); log.append(dummyEdit); log.close(); snapshot = new TransactionSnapshot(now + 1, 0, writePointer++, invalid, inprogress, committing, committed); // write snapshot 2 storage.writeSnapshot(snapshot); log = storage.createLog(now + 1); log.append(dummyEdit); log.close(); snapshot = new TransactionSnapshot(now + 2, 0, writePointer++, invalid, inprogress, committing, committed); // write snapshot 3 storage.writeSnapshot(snapshot); log = storage.createLog(now + 2); log.append(dummyEdit); log.close(); snapshot = new TransactionSnapshot(now + 3, 0, writePointer++, invalid, inprogress, committing, committed); // write snapshot 4 storage.writeSnapshot(snapshot); log = storage.createLog(now + 3); log.append(dummyEdit); log.close(); snapshot = new TransactionSnapshot(now + 4, 0, writePointer++, invalid, inprogress, committing, committed); // write snapshot 5 storage.writeSnapshot(snapshot); log = storage.createLog(now + 4); log.append(dummyEdit); log.close(); snapshot = new TransactionSnapshot(now + 5, 0, writePointer++, invalid, inprogress, committing, committed); // write snapshot 6 storage.writeSnapshot(snapshot); log = storage.createLog(now + 5); log.append(dummyEdit); log.close(); List<String> allSnapshots = storage.listSnapshots();"All snapshots: " + allSnapshots); assertEquals(6, allSnapshots.size()); List<String> allLogs = storage.listLogs();"All logs: " + allLogs); assertEquals(6, allLogs.size()); long oldestKept = storage.deleteOldSnapshots(3); assertEquals(now + 3, oldestKept); allSnapshots = storage.listSnapshots();"All snapshots: " + allSnapshots); assertEquals(3, allSnapshots.size()); storage.deleteLogsOlderThan(oldestKept); allLogs = storage.listLogs();"All logs: " + allLogs); assertEquals(3, allLogs.size()); } finally { if (storage != null) { storage.stopAndWait(); } } } @Test public void testLongTxnEditReplay() throws Exception { Configuration conf = getConfiguration("testLongTxnEditReplay"); TransactionStateStorage storage = null; try { storage = getStorage(conf); storage.startAndWait(); // Create long running txns. Abort one of them, invalidate another, invalidate and abort the last. long time1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); long wp1 = time1 * TxConstants.MAX_TX_PER_MS; TransactionEdit edit1 = TransactionEdit.createStarted(wp1, wp1 - 10, time1 + 100000, TransactionType.LONG); TransactionEdit edit2 = TransactionEdit.createAborted(wp1, TransactionType.LONG, null); long time2 = time1 + 100; long wp2 = time2 * TxConstants.MAX_TX_PER_MS; TransactionEdit edit3 = TransactionEdit.createStarted(wp2, wp2 - 10, time2 + 100000, TransactionType.LONG); TransactionEdit edit4 = TransactionEdit.createInvalid(wp2); long time3 = time1 + 200; long wp3 = time3 * TxConstants.MAX_TX_PER_MS; TransactionEdit edit5 = TransactionEdit.createStarted(wp3, wp3 - 10, time3 + 100000, TransactionType.LONG); TransactionEdit edit6 = TransactionEdit.createInvalid(wp3); TransactionEdit edit7 = TransactionEdit.createAborted(wp3, TransactionType.LONG, null); // write transaction edits TransactionLog log = storage.createLog(time1); log.append(edit1); log.append(edit2); log.append(edit3); log.append(edit4); log.append(edit5); log.append(edit6); log.append(edit7); log.close(); // Start transaction manager TransactionManager txm = new TransactionManager(conf, storage, new TxMetricsCollector()); txm.startAndWait(); try { // Verify that all txns are in invalid list. TransactionSnapshot snapshot1 = txm.getCurrentState(); Assert.assertEquals(ImmutableList.of(wp1, wp2, wp3), snapshot1.getInvalid()); Assert.assertEquals(0, snapshot1.getInProgress().size()); Assert.assertEquals(0, snapshot1.getCommittedChangeSets().size()); Assert.assertEquals(0, snapshot1.getCommittedChangeSets().size()); } finally { txm.stopAndWait(); } } finally { if (storage != null) { storage.stopAndWait(); } } } @Test public void testTruncateInvalidTxEditReplay() throws Exception { Configuration conf = getConfiguration("testTruncateInvalidTxEditReplay"); TransactionStateStorage storage = null; try { storage = getStorage(conf); storage.startAndWait(); // Create some txns, and invalidate all of them. long time1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); long wp1 = time1 * TxConstants.MAX_TX_PER_MS; TransactionEdit edit1 = TransactionEdit.createStarted(wp1, wp1 - 10, time1 + 100000, TransactionType.LONG); TransactionEdit edit2 = TransactionEdit.createInvalid(wp1); long time2 = time1 + 100; long wp2 = time2 * TxConstants.MAX_TX_PER_MS; TransactionEdit edit3 = TransactionEdit.createStarted(wp2, wp2 - 10, time2 + 10000, TransactionType.SHORT); TransactionEdit edit4 = TransactionEdit.createInvalid(wp2); long time3 = time1 + 2000; long wp3 = time3 * TxConstants.MAX_TX_PER_MS; TransactionEdit edit5 = TransactionEdit.createStarted(wp3, wp3 - 10, time3 + 100000, TransactionType.LONG); TransactionEdit edit6 = TransactionEdit.createInvalid(wp3); long time4 = time1 + 2100; long wp4 = time4 * TxConstants.MAX_TX_PER_MS; TransactionEdit edit7 = TransactionEdit.createStarted(wp4, wp4 - 10, time4 + 10000, TransactionType.SHORT); TransactionEdit edit8 = TransactionEdit.createInvalid(wp4); // remove wp1 and wp3 from invalid list TransactionEdit edit9 = TransactionEdit.createTruncateInvalidTx(ImmutableSet.of(wp1, wp3)); // truncate invalid transactions before time3 TransactionEdit edit10 = TransactionEdit.createTruncateInvalidTxBefore(time3); // write transaction edits TransactionLog log = storage.createLog(time1); log.append(edit1); log.append(edit2); log.append(edit3); log.append(edit4); log.append(edit5); log.append(edit6); log.append(edit7); log.append(edit8); log.append(edit9); log.append(edit10); log.close(); // Start transaction manager TransactionManager txm = new TransactionManager(conf, storage, new TxMetricsCollector()); txm.startAndWait(); try { // Only wp4 should be in invalid list. TransactionSnapshot snapshot = txm.getCurrentState(); Assert.assertEquals(ImmutableList.of(wp4), snapshot.getInvalid()); Assert.assertEquals(0, snapshot.getInProgress().size()); Assert.assertEquals(0, snapshot.getCommittedChangeSets().size()); Assert.assertEquals(0, snapshot.getCommittedChangeSets().size()); } finally { txm.stopAndWait(); } } finally { if (storage != null) { storage.stopAndWait(); } } } /** * Generates a new snapshot object with semi-randomly populated values. This does not necessarily accurately * represent a typical snapshot's distribution of values, as we only set an upper bound on pointer values. * * We generate a new snapshot with the contents: * <ul> * <li>readPointer = 1M + (random % 1M)</li> * <li>writePointer = readPointer + 1000</li> * <li>waterMark = writePointer + 1000</li> * <li>inProgress = one each for (writePointer - 500)..writePointer, ~ 5% "long" transaction</li> * <li>invalid = 100 randomly distributed, 0..1M</li> * <li>committing = one each, (readPointer + 1)..(readPointer + 100)</li> * <li>committed = one each, (readPointer - 1000)..readPointer</li> * </ul> * @return a new snapshot of transaction state. */ private TransactionSnapshot createRandomSnapshot() { // limit readPointer to a reasonable range, but make it > 1M so we can assign enough keys below long readPointer = (Math.abs(random.nextLong()) % 1000000L) + 1000000L; long writePointer = readPointer + 1000L; // generate in progress -- assume last 500 write pointer values NavigableMap<Long, TransactionManager.InProgressTx> inProgress = Maps.newTreeMap(); long startPointer = writePointer - 500L; for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) { long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // make some "long" transactions if (i % 20 == 0) { inProgress.put(startPointer + i, new TransactionManager.InProgressTx(startPointer - 1, currentTime + TimeUnit.DAYS.toSeconds(1), TransactionType.LONG)); } else { inProgress.put(startPointer + i, new TransactionManager.InProgressTx(startPointer - 1, currentTime + 300000L, TransactionType.SHORT)); } } // make 100 random invalid IDs LongArrayList invalid = new LongArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { invalid.add(Math.abs(random.nextLong()) % 1000000L); } // make 100 committing entries, 10 keys each Map<Long, Set<ChangeId>> committing = Maps.newHashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { committing.put(readPointer + i, generateChangeSet(10)); } // make 1000 committed entries, 10 keys each long startCommitted = readPointer - 1000L; NavigableMap<Long, Set<ChangeId>> committed = Maps.newTreeMap(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { committed.put(startCommitted + i, generateChangeSet(10)); } return new TransactionSnapshot(System.currentTimeMillis(), readPointer, writePointer, invalid, inProgress, committing, committed); } private Set<ChangeId> generateChangeSet(int numEntries) { Set<ChangeId> changes = Sets.newHashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) { byte[] bytes = new byte[8]; random.nextBytes(bytes); changes.add(new ChangeId(bytes)); } return changes; } }