Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014-2015 Cask Data, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package; import co.cask.cdap.api.spark.Spark; import co.cask.cdap.api.spark.SparkContext; import co.cask.cdap.common.conf.CConfiguration; import co.cask.cdap.common.conf.Constants; import; import co.cask.cdap.common.lang.ClassLoaders; import co.cask.cdap.common.lang.CombineClassLoader; import co.cask.cdap.common.lang.WeakReferenceDelegatorClassLoader; import co.cask.cdap.common.logging.LoggingContextAccessor; import co.cask.cdap.common.twill.HadoopClassExcluder; import co.cask.cdap.common.utils.DirUtils; import co.cask.cdap.data2.transaction.Transactions; import co.cask.cdap.data2.util.hbase.HBaseTableUtilFactory; import; import co.cask.tephra.Transaction; import co.cask.tephra.TransactionContext; import co.cask.tephra.TransactionFailureException; import co.cask.tephra.TransactionSystemClient; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit; import org.apache.twill.api.ClassAcceptor; import org.apache.twill.filesystem.LocalLocationFactory; import org.apache.twill.filesystem.Location; import org.apache.twill.internal.ApplicationBundler; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import scala.Tuple2; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import java.util.jar.JarOutputStream; /** * Performs the actual execution of Spark job. * <p/> * Service start -> Performs job setup, and beforeSubmit call. * Service run -> Submits the spark job through {@link SparkSubmit} * Service triggerStop -> kill job * Service stop -> Commit/invalidate transaction, onFinish, cleanup */ final class SparkRuntimeService extends AbstractExecutionThreadService { private static final String CDAP_SPARK_JAR = "cdap-spark.jar"; private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SparkRuntimeService.class); private static final Function<File, String> FILE_TO_ABSOLUTE_PATH = new Function<File, String>() { @Override public String apply(File input) { return input.getAbsolutePath(); } }; private final CConfiguration cConf; private final Configuration hConf; private final Spark spark; private final Location programJarLocation; private final SparkContextFactory sparkContextFactory; private final TransactionSystemClient txClient; private ExecutionSparkContext executionContext; private Runnable cleanupTask; private String[] sparkSubmitArgs; private boolean success; SparkRuntimeService(CConfiguration cConf, Configuration hConf, Spark spark, SparkContextFactory sparkContextFactory, Location programJarLocation, TransactionSystemClient txClient) { this.cConf = cConf; this.hConf = hConf; this.spark = spark; this.programJarLocation = programJarLocation; this.sparkContextFactory = sparkContextFactory; this.txClient = txClient; } @Override protected String getServiceName() { return "Spark - " + sparkContextFactory.getClientContext().getSpecification().getName(); } @Override protected void startUp() throws Exception { // additional spark job initialization at run-time beforeSubmit(); // Creates a temporary directory locally for storing all generated files. File tempDir = DirUtils.createTempDir( new File(cConf.get(Constants.CFG_LOCAL_DATA_DIR), cConf.get(Constants.AppFabric.TEMP_DIR)) .getAbsoluteFile()); tempDir.mkdirs(); this.cleanupTask = createCleanupTask(tempDir); try { SparkContextConfig contextConfig = new SparkContextConfig(hConf); File jobJar = generateJobJar(tempDir); File metricsConf = SparkMetricsSink .generateSparkMetricsConfig(File.createTempFile("metrics", ".properties", tempDir)); List<File> localizedArchives = Lists.newArrayList(); List<File> localizedFiles = Lists.newArrayList(); if (!contextConfig.isLocal()) { localizedArchives.add(copyProgramJar(programJarLocation, tempDir)); localizedArchives.add(buildDependencyJar(tempDir)); localizedFiles.add(saveCConf(cConf, tempDir)); } // Create a long running transaction Transaction transaction = txClient.startLong(); // Create execution spark context executionContext = sparkContextFactory.createExecutionContext(transaction); if (!contextConfig.isLocal()) { localizedFiles.add(saveHConf(contextConfig.set(executionContext).getConfiguration(), tempDir)); } sparkSubmitArgs = prepareSparkSubmitArgs(contextConfig.getExecutionMode(), sparkContextFactory.getClientContext(), tempDir, localizedArchives, localizedFiles, jobJar, metricsConf); } catch (Throwable t) {; throw t; } } @Override protected void run() throws Exception { SparkClassLoader sparkClassLoader = new SparkClassLoader(executionContext); ClassLoader oldClassLoader = ClassLoaders .setContextClassLoader(new WeakReferenceDelegatorClassLoader(sparkClassLoader)); try { LOG.debug("Submitting to spark with arguments: {}", Arrays.toString(sparkSubmitArgs)); SparkSubmit.main(sparkSubmitArgs); success = true; } catch (Exception e) { success = false; // See if the context is stopped. If it is, then it's not an error. if (!executionContext.isStopped()) { LOG.error("Spark program execution failure: {}", executionContext, e); throw e; } } finally { Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(oldClassLoader); } } @Override protected void shutDown() throws Exception { try { Transaction transaction = executionContext.getTransaction(); if (success) { try { executionContext.flushDatasets(); LOG.debug("Committing Spark Program transaction: {}", executionContext); if (!txClient.commit(transaction)) { LOG.warn("Spark Job transaction failed to commit"); throw new TransactionFailureException( "Failed to commit transaction for Spark " + executionContext); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Failed to commit datasets", e); txClient.invalidate(transaction.getWritePointer()); } } else { // invalidate the transaction as spark might have written to datasets too txClient.invalidate(transaction.getWritePointer()); } } finally { // whatever happens we want to call this try { onFinish(success); } finally { Closeables.closeQuietly(executionContext); Closeables.closeQuietly(sparkContextFactory.getClientContext());; } } } @Override protected void triggerShutdown() { // No need to synchronize. The guava Service guarantees this method won't get called until // the startUp() call returned. ExecutionSparkContext context = executionContext; if (context != null) { context.close(); } } @Override protected Executor executor() { // Always execute in new daemon thread. return new Executor() { @Override public void execute(final Runnable runnable) { final Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // note: this sets logging context on the thread level LoggingContextAccessor .setLoggingContext(sparkContextFactory.getClientContext().getLoggingContext());; } }); t.setDaemon(true); t.setName(getServiceName()); t.start(); } }; } /** * Calls the {@link Spark#beforeSubmit(SparkContext)} method. */ private void beforeSubmit() throws TransactionFailureException, InterruptedException { TransactionContext txContext = sparkContextFactory.getClientContext().getTransactionContext(); Transactions.execute(txContext, spark.getClass().getName() + ".beforeSubmit()", new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { ClassLoader oldClassLoader = ClassLoaders.setContextClassLoader(new CombineClassLoader(null, ImmutableList.of(spark.getClass().getClassLoader(), getClass().getClassLoader()))); try { spark.beforeSubmit(sparkContextFactory.getClientContext()); return null; } finally { ClassLoaders.setContextClassLoader(oldClassLoader); } } }); } /** * Calls the {@link Spark#onFinish(boolean, SparkContext)} method. */ private void onFinish(final boolean succeeded) throws TransactionFailureException, InterruptedException { TransactionContext txContext = sparkContextFactory.getClientContext().getTransactionContext(); Transactions.execute(txContext, spark.getClass().getName() + ".onFinish()", new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { ClassLoader oldClassLoader = ClassLoaders.setContextClassLoader(new CombineClassLoader(null, ImmutableList.of(spark.getClass().getClassLoader(), getClass().getClassLoader()))); try { spark.onFinish(succeeded, sparkContextFactory.getClientContext()); return null; } finally { ClassLoaders.setContextClassLoader(oldClassLoader); } } }); } /** * Prepares arguments which {@link SparkProgramWrapper} is submitted to {@link SparkSubmit} to run. * * @param executionMode name of the execution mode * @param context the {@link ClientSparkContext} for this execution * @param localDir the directory to be used as the spark local directory * @param localizedArchives list of files to be localized to the remote container as archives (.jar wil be expanded) * @param localizedFiles list of files to be localized to the remote container * @param jobJar the jar file submitted to Spark as the job jar * @param metricsConf the configuration file for specifying Spark framework metrics collection integration * * @return String[] of arguments with which {@link SparkProgramWrapper} will be submitted */ private String[] prepareSparkSubmitArgs(String executionMode, ClientSparkContext context, File localDir, Iterable<File> localizedArchives, Iterable<File> localizedFiles, File jobJar, File metricsConf) { String archives = Joiner.on(',').join(Iterables.transform(localizedArchives, FILE_TO_ABSOLUTE_PATH)); String files = Joiner.on(',').join(Iterables.transform(localizedFiles, FILE_TO_ABSOLUTE_PATH)); ImmutableList.Builder<String> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); // Add user specified configs first. CDAP specifics config will override them later if there are duplicates. for (Tuple2<String, String> tuple : context.getSparkConf().getAll()) { builder.add("--conf").add(tuple._1() + "=" + tuple._2()); } builder.add("--class").add(SparkProgramWrapper.class.getName()).add("--master").add(executionMode) .add("--conf").add("spark.executor.extraClassPath=$PWD/" + CDAP_SPARK_JAR + "/lib/*").add("--conf") .add("spark.metrics.conf=" + metricsConf.getAbsolutePath()).add("--conf") .add("spark.local.dir=" + localDir.getAbsolutePath()).add("--conf") .add("spark.executor.memory=" + context.getExecutorResources().getMemoryMB() + "m").add("--conf") .add("spark.executor.cores=" + context.getExecutorResources().getVirtualCores()); if (!archives.isEmpty()) { builder.add("--archives").add(archives); } if (!files.isEmpty()) { builder.add("--files").add(files); } List<String> args = builder.add(jobJar.getAbsolutePath()).add(context.getSpecification().getMainClassName()) .build(); return args.toArray(new String[args.size()]); } /** * Packages all the dependencies of the Spark job. It contains all CDAP classes that are needed to run the * user spark program. * * @param targetDir directory for the file to be created in * @return {@link File} of the dependency jar in the given target directory * @throws IOException if failed to package the jar */ private File buildDependencyJar(File targetDir) throws IOException { Location tempLocation = new LocalLocationFactory(targetDir).create(CDAP_SPARK_JAR); final HadoopClassExcluder hadoopClassExcluder = new HadoopClassExcluder(); ApplicationBundler appBundler = new ApplicationBundler(new ClassAcceptor() { @Override public boolean accept(String className, URL classUrl, URL classPathUrl) { // Exclude the spark-assembly and scala if (className.startsWith("org.apache.spark") || className.startsWith("scala") || classPathUrl.toString().contains("spark-assembly")) { return false; } return hadoopClassExcluder.accept(className, classUrl, classPathUrl); } }); appBundler.createBundle(tempLocation, SparkProgramWrapper.class, HBaseTableUtilFactory.getHBaseTableUtilClass()); return new File(tempLocation.toURI()); } /** * Copy the program jar to local directory. * * @return {@link File} of the copied jar in the given target directory */ private File copyProgramJar(Location programJar, File targetDir) throws IOException { File tempFile = new File(targetDir, SparkContextProvider.PROGRAM_JAR_NAME); LOG.debug("Copy program jar from {} to {}", programJar, tempFile); Files.copy(Locations.newInputSupplier(programJar), tempFile); return tempFile; } /** * Generates an empty JAR file. * * @return The generated {@link File} in the given target directory */ private File generateJobJar(File targetDir) throws IOException { File tempFile = new File(targetDir, "emptyJob.jar"); JarOutputStream output = new JarOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tempFile)); output.close(); return tempFile; } /** * Serialize {@link CConfiguration} to a file. * * @return The {@link File} of the serialized configuration in the given target directory. */ private File saveCConf(CConfiguration cConf, File targetDir) throws IOException { File file = new File(targetDir, SparkContextProvider.CCONF_FILE_NAME); try (Writer writer = Files.newWriter(file, Charsets.UTF_8)) { cConf.writeXml(writer); } return file; } /** * Serialize {@link Configuration} to a file. * * @return The {@link File} of the serialized configuration in the given target directory. */ private File saveHConf(Configuration hConf, File targetDir) throws IOException { File file = new File(targetDir, SparkContextProvider.HCONF_FILE_NAME); try (Writer writer = Files.newWriter(file, Charsets.UTF_8)) { hConf.writeXml(writer); } return file; } /** * Creates a {@link Runnable} for deleting content for the given directory. */ private Runnable createCleanupTask(final File directory) { return new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // Cleanup all system properties setup by SparkSubmit Iterable<String> sparkKeys = Iterables.filter(System.getProperties().stringPropertyNames(), Predicates.containsPattern("^spark\\.")); for (String key : sparkKeys) { LOG.debug("Removing Spark system property: {}", key); System.clearProperty(key); } try { DirUtils.deleteDirectoryContents(directory); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Failed to cleanup directory {}", directory); } } }; } }