Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 Cask Data, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package; import; import co.cask.cdap.common.lang.jar.BundleJarUtil; import; import; import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.tar.TarArchiveEntry; import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.tar.TarArchiveOutputStream; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.ClassRule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder; import org.mockftpserver.fake.FakeFtpServer; import org.mockftpserver.fake.UserAccount; import org.mockftpserver.fake.filesystem.FileEntry; import org.mockftpserver.fake.filesystem.FileSystem; import org.mockftpserver.fake.filesystem.UnixFakeFileSystem; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import; /** * Tests for {@link LocalizationUtils}. */ public class LocalizationUtilsTest { @ClassRule public static final TemporaryFolder TEMP_FOLDER = new TemporaryFolder(); @Test public void testRemoteFile() throws IOException { File directory = TEMP_FOLDER.newFolder("ftp"); File ftpFile = new File(directory, "ftp_file"); String ftpFileContents = "Contents of ftp_file"; FileSystem fileSystem = new UnixFakeFileSystem(); fileSystem.add(new FileEntry(ftpFile.getAbsolutePath(), ftpFileContents)); String user = "user"; String password = "password"; FakeFtpServer ftpServer = new FakeFtpServer(); // Use any available port ftpServer.setServerControlPort(0); ftpServer.addUserAccount(new UserAccount(user, password, directory.getAbsolutePath())); ftpServer.setFileSystem(fileSystem); ftpServer.start(); try { URI uri = URI.create(String.format("ftp://%s:%s@localhost:%d/%s", user, password, ftpServer.getServerControlPort(), ftpFile.getName())); File localizationDir = TEMP_FOLDER.newFolder("localRemote"); File localizedResource = LocalizationUtils.localizeResource("file1", new LocalizeResource(uri, false), localizationDir); Assert.assertTrue(localizedResource.exists()); Assert.assertTrue(localizedResource.isFile()); Assert.assertEquals(ftpFileContents,, Charsets.UTF_8)); } finally { ftpServer.stop(); } } @Test public void testZip() throws IOException { String zipFileName = "target"; File directory = TEMP_FOLDER.newFolder("zip"); File file1 = File.createTempFile("file1", ".txt", directory); File file2 = File.createTempFile("file2", ".txt", directory); File zipFile = createZipFile(zipFileName, directory, false); File localizationDir = TEMP_FOLDER.newFolder("localZip"); File localizedResource = LocalizationUtils.localizeResource(zipFileName, new LocalizeResource(zipFile, true), localizationDir); Assert.assertTrue(localizedResource.isDirectory()); File[] files = localizedResource.listFiles(); Assert.assertNotNull(files); Assert.assertEquals(2, files.length); if (file1.getName().equals(files[0].getName())) { Assert.assertEquals(file2.getName(), files[1].getName()); } else { Assert.assertEquals(file1.getName(), files[1].getName()); Assert.assertEquals(file2.getName(), files[0].getName()); } } @Test public void testJar() throws IOException { String jarFileName = "target"; File directory = TEMP_FOLDER.newFolder("jar"); File libDir = new File(directory, "lib"); Assert.assertTrue(libDir.mkdirs()); File someClassFile = File.createTempFile("SomeClass", ".class", directory); File someOtherClassFile = File.createTempFile("SomeOtherClass", ".class", directory); File jarFile = createZipFile(jarFileName, directory, true); File localizationDir = TEMP_FOLDER.newFolder("localJar"); File localizedResource = LocalizationUtils.localizeResource(jarFileName, new LocalizeResource(jarFile, true), localizationDir); Assert.assertTrue(localizedResource.isDirectory()); File[] files = localizedResource.listFiles(); Assert.assertNotNull(files); Assert.assertEquals(3, files.length); for (File file : files) { String name = file.getName(); if (libDir.getName().equals(name)) { Assert.assertTrue(file.isDirectory()); } else { Assert.assertTrue( someClassFile.getName().equals(name) || someOtherClassFile.getName().equals(name)); } } } @Test public void testTar() throws IOException { testTarFiles(TarFileType.TAR); } @Test public void testTarGz() throws IOException { testTarFiles(TarFileType.TAR_GZ); } @Test public void testTgz() throws IOException { testTarFiles(TarFileType.TGZ); } @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testGz() throws IOException { String gzFileName = "target"; File directory = TEMP_FOLDER.newFolder("gz"); File source = File.createTempFile("source", ".txt", directory); File gzFile = createGzFile(gzFileName, source); File localizationDir = TEMP_FOLDER.newFolder("localGz"); LocalizationUtils.localizeResource(gzFileName, new LocalizeResource(gzFile, true), localizationDir); } private void testTarFiles(TarFileType type) throws IOException { String tarFileName = "target"; // Have to use short file/directory names because TarArchiveOutputStream does not like long paths. File directory; File localizationDir; switch (type) { case TAR: directory = TEMP_FOLDER.newFolder("t1"); localizationDir = TEMP_FOLDER.newFolder("localTar"); break; case TAR_GZ: directory = TEMP_FOLDER.newFolder("t2"); localizationDir = TEMP_FOLDER.newFolder("localTarGz"); break; case TGZ: directory = TEMP_FOLDER.newFolder("t3"); localizationDir = TEMP_FOLDER.newFolder("localTgz"); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected type: " + type); } File file1 = new File(Files.createFile(Paths.get(new File(directory, "f1").toURI())).toUri()); File file2 = new File(Files.createFile(Paths.get(new File(directory, "f2").toURI())).toUri()); File tarFile; switch (type) { case TAR: tarFile = createTarFile(tarFileName, file1, file2); break; case TAR_GZ: tarFile = createTarGzFile(tarFileName, file1, file2); break; case TGZ: tarFile = createTgzFile(tarFileName, file1, file2); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected type: " + type); } File localizedResource = LocalizationUtils.localizeResource(tarFileName, new LocalizeResource(tarFile, true), localizationDir); Assert.assertTrue(localizedResource.isDirectory()); File[] files = localizedResource.listFiles(); Assert.assertNotNull(files); Assert.assertEquals(2, files.length); for (File file : files) { String name = file.getName(); Assert.assertTrue(file1.getName().equals(name) || file2.getName().equals(name)); } } private File createZipFile(String zipFileName, File dirToJar, boolean isJar) throws IOException { String extension = isJar ? ".jar" : ".zip"; File target = TEMP_FOLDER.newFile(zipFileName + extension); BundleJarUtil.createJar(dirToJar, target); File[] files = dirToJar.listFiles(); Assert.assertNotNull(files); for (File file : files) { if (!file.isDirectory()) { BundleJarUtil.getEntry(Locations.toLocation(target), file.getName()).getInput().close(); } } return target; } private File createTarFile(String tarFileName, File... filesToAdd) throws IOException { File target = TEMP_FOLDER.newFile(tarFileName + ".tar"); try (TarArchiveOutputStream tos = new TarArchiveOutputStream( new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(target)))) { addFilesToTar(tos, filesToAdd); } return target; } private File createTgzFile(String tgzFileName, File... filesToAdd) throws IOException { File target = TEMP_FOLDER.newFile(tgzFileName + ".tgz"); try (TarArchiveOutputStream tos = new TarArchiveOutputStream( new GZIPOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(target))))) { addFilesToTar(tos, filesToAdd); } return target; } private File createTarGzFile(String tarGzFileName, File... filesToAdd) throws IOException { File target = TEMP_FOLDER.newFile(tarGzFileName + ".tar.gz"); try (TarArchiveOutputStream tos = new TarArchiveOutputStream( new GZIPOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(target))))) { addFilesToTar(tos, filesToAdd); } return target; } private void addFilesToTar(TarArchiveOutputStream tos, File... filesToAdd) throws IOException { for (File file : filesToAdd) { TarArchiveEntry tarEntry = new TarArchiveEntry(file); tos.putArchiveEntry(tarEntry); if (file.isFile()) {, tos); } tos.closeArchiveEntry(); } } private File createGzFile(String gzFileName, File sourceFile) throws IOException { File target = TEMP_FOLDER.newFile(gzFileName + ".gz"); try (GZIPOutputStream gzos = new GZIPOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(target))) {, gzos); } return target; } private enum TarFileType { TAR, TAR_GZ, TGZ } }