Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014-2015 Cask Data, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import co.cask.cdap.common.conf.CConfiguration; import co.cask.cdap.common.conf.Constants; import co.cask.cdap.common.lang.ClassLoaders; import co.cask.cdap.common.lang.CombineClassLoader; import co.cask.cdap.common.lang.jar.BundleJarUtil; import co.cask.cdap.common.twill.AbortOnTimeoutEventHandler; import co.cask.cdap.common.twill.HadoopClassExcluder; import co.cask.cdap.common.utils.DirUtils; import co.cask.cdap.data2.util.hbase.HBaseTableUtilFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobContext; import; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.conf.YarnConfiguration; import org.apache.twill.api.EventHandler; import org.apache.twill.api.TwillApplication; import org.apache.twill.api.TwillController; import org.apache.twill.api.TwillPreparer; import org.apache.twill.api.TwillRunner; import org.apache.twill.api.logging.LogEntry; import org.apache.twill.api.logging.LogHandler; import org.apache.twill.api.logging.PrinterLogHandler; import org.apache.twill.common.Threads; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** * Defines the base framework for starting {@link Program} in the cluster. */ public abstract class AbstractDistributedProgramRunner implements ProgramRunner { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractDistributedProgramRunner.class); private static final Gson GSON = new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapter(Arguments.class, new ArgumentsCodec()) .registerTypeAdapter(ProgramOptions.class, new ProgramOptionsCodec()).create(); private final TwillRunner twillRunner; protected final YarnConfiguration hConf; protected final CConfiguration cConf; protected final EventHandler eventHandler; private final TokenSecureStoreUpdater secureStoreUpdater; /** * An interface for launching TwillApplication. Used by sub-classes only. */ protected abstract class ApplicationLauncher { /** * Starts the given application through Twill. * * @param twillApplication the application to start * * @return the {@link TwillController} for the application. */ public TwillController launch(TwillApplication twillApplication) { return launch(twillApplication, Collections.<String>emptyList(), Collections.<Class<?>>emptyList()); } /** * Starts the given application through Twill with extra classpaths appended to the end of the classpath of * the runnables inside the applications. * * @param twillApplication the application to start * @param extraClassPaths to append * * @return the {@link TwillController} for the application. * @see TwillPreparer#withClassPaths(Iterable) */ public TwillController launch(TwillApplication twillApplication, String... extraClassPaths) { return launch(twillApplication, Arrays.asList(extraClassPaths), Collections.<Class<?>>emptyList()); } /** * Starts the given application through Twill with extra classpaths appended to the end of the classpath of * the runnables inside the applications. * * @param twillApplication the application to start * @param extraClassPaths to append * * @return the {@link TwillController} for the application. * @see TwillPreparer#withClassPaths(Iterable) */ public abstract TwillController launch(TwillApplication twillApplication, Iterable<String> extraClassPaths, Iterable<? extends Class<?>> extraDependencies); } protected AbstractDistributedProgramRunner(TwillRunner twillRunner, YarnConfiguration hConf, CConfiguration cConf, TokenSecureStoreUpdater tokenSecureStoreUpdater) { this.twillRunner = twillRunner; this.hConf = hConf; this.cConf = cConf; this.eventHandler = createEventHandler(cConf); this.secureStoreUpdater = tokenSecureStoreUpdater; } protected EventHandler createEventHandler(CConfiguration cConf) { return new AbortOnTimeoutEventHandler( cConf.getLong(Constants.CFG_TWILL_NO_CONTAINER_TIMEOUT, Long.MAX_VALUE)); } @Override public final ProgramController run(final Program program, final ProgramOptions oldOptions) { final String schedulerQueueName = oldOptions.getArguments() .getOption(Constants.AppFabric.APP_SCHEDULER_QUEUE); final File tempDir = DirUtils.createTempDir( new File(cConf.get(Constants.CFG_LOCAL_DATA_DIR), cConf.get(Constants.AppFabric.TEMP_DIR)) .getAbsoluteFile()); try { if (schedulerQueueName != null && !schedulerQueueName.isEmpty()) { hConf.set(JobContext.QUEUE_NAME, schedulerQueueName);"Setting scheduler queue to {}", schedulerQueueName); } Map<String, LocalizeResource> localizeResources = new HashMap<>(); final ProgramOptions options = addArtifactPluginFiles(oldOptions, localizeResources, DirUtils.createTempDir(tempDir)); // Copy config files and program jar to local temp, and ask Twill to localize it to container. // What Twill does is to save those files in HDFS and keep using them during the lifetime of application. // Twill will manage the cleanup of those files in HDFS. localizeResources.put("hConf.xml", new LocalizeResource(saveHConf(hConf, File.createTempFile("hConf", ".xml", tempDir)))); localizeResources.put("cConf.xml", new LocalizeResource(saveCConf(cConf, File.createTempFile("cConf", ".xml", tempDir)))); final URI logbackURI = getLogBackURI(program, tempDir); final String programOptions = GSON.toJson(options); // Obtains and add the HBase delegation token as well (if in non-secure mode, it's a no-op) // Twill would also ignore it if it is not running in secure mode. // The HDFS token should already obtained by Twill. return launch(program, options, localizeResources, tempDir, new ApplicationLauncher() { @Override public TwillController launch(TwillApplication twillApplication, Iterable<String> extraClassPaths, Iterable<? extends Class<?>> extraDependencies) { TwillPreparer twillPreparer = twillRunner.prepare(twillApplication); // TODO: CDAP-5506. It's a bit hacky to set a Spark environment here. However, we always launch // Spark using YARN and it is needed for both Workflow and Spark runner. We need to set it // because inside Spark code, it will set and unset the SPARK_YARN_MODE system properties, causing // fork in distributed mode not working. Setting it in the environment, which Spark uses for defaults, // so it can't be unset by Spark twillPreparer.withEnv(Collections.singletonMap("SPARK_YARN_MODE", "true")); if (options.isDebug()) {"Starting {} with debugging enabled, programOptions: {}, and logback: {}", program.getId(), programOptions, logbackURI); twillPreparer.enableDebugging(); } // Add scheduler queue name if defined if (schedulerQueueName != null && !schedulerQueueName.isEmpty()) {"Setting scheduler queue for app {} as {}", program.getId(), schedulerQueueName); twillPreparer.setSchedulerQueue(schedulerQueueName); } if (logbackURI != null) { twillPreparer.withResources(logbackURI); } String logLevelConf = cConf.get(Constants.COLLECT_APP_CONTAINER_LOG_LEVEL).toUpperCase(); if ("OFF".equals(logLevelConf)) { twillPreparer.addJVMOptions("-Dtwill.disable.kafka=true"); } else { LogEntry.Level logLevel = LogEntry.Level.ERROR; if ("ALL".equals(logLevelConf)) { logLevel = LogEntry.Level.TRACE; } else { try { logLevel = LogEntry.Level.valueOf(logLevelConf.toUpperCase()); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Invalid application container log level {}. Defaulting to ERROR.", logLevelConf); } } twillPreparer.addLogHandler(new ApplicationLogHandler( new PrinterLogHandler(new PrintWriter(System.out)), logLevel)); } String yarnAppClassPath = hConf.get(YarnConfiguration.YARN_APPLICATION_CLASSPATH, Joiner.on(",").join(YarnConfiguration.DEFAULT_YARN_APPLICATION_CLASSPATH)); // Add secure tokens if (User.isHBaseSecurityEnabled(hConf) || UserGroupInformation.isSecurityEnabled()) { // TokenSecureStoreUpdater.update() ignores parameters twillPreparer.addSecureStore(secureStoreUpdater.update(null, null)); } Iterable<Class<?>> dependencies = Iterables.concat( Collections.singletonList(HBaseTableUtilFactory.getHBaseTableUtilClass()), extraDependencies); twillPreparer.withDependencies(dependencies) .withClassPaths(Iterables.concat(extraClassPaths, Splitter.on(',').trimResults() .split(hConf.get(YarnConfiguration.YARN_APPLICATION_CLASSPATH, "")))) .withApplicationClassPaths(Splitter.on(",").trimResults().split(yarnAppClassPath)) .withBundlerClassAcceptor(new HadoopClassExcluder() { @Override public boolean accept(String className, URL classUrl, URL classPathUrl) { // Exclude both hadoop and spark classes. return super.accept(className, classUrl, classPathUrl) && !className.startsWith("org.apache.spark."); } }).withApplicationArguments(String.format("--%s", RunnableOptions.JAR), program.getJarLocation().getName(), String.format("--%s", RunnableOptions.PROGRAM_OPTIONS), programOptions); TwillController twillController; // Change the context classloader to the combine classloader of this ProgramRunner and // all the classloaders of the dependencies classes so that Twill can trace classes. ClassLoader oldClassLoader = ClassLoaders.setContextClassLoader(new CombineClassLoader( AbstractDistributedProgramRunner.this.getClass().getClassLoader(), Iterables.transform(dependencies, new Function<Class<?>, ClassLoader>() { @Override public ClassLoader apply(Class<?> input) { return input.getClassLoader(); } }))); try { twillController = twillPreparer.start(); } finally { ClassLoaders.setContextClassLoader(oldClassLoader); } return addCleanupListener(twillController, program, tempDir); } }); } catch (Exception e) { deleteDirectory(tempDir); throw Throwables.propagate(e); } } private ProgramOptions addArtifactPluginFiles(ProgramOptions options, Map<String, LocalizeResource> localizeResources, File tempDir) throws IOException { Arguments systemArgs = options.getArguments(); if (!systemArgs.hasOption(ProgramOptionConstants.PLUGIN_DIR)) { return options; } File localDir = new File(systemArgs.getOption(ProgramOptionConstants.PLUGIN_DIR)); File archiveFile = new File(tempDir, "artifacts.jar"); BundleJarUtil.createJar(localDir, archiveFile); // Localize plugins to two files, one expanded into a directory, one not. localizeResources.put("artifacts", new LocalizeResource(archiveFile, true)); localizeResources.put("artifacts_archive.jar", new LocalizeResource(archiveFile, false)); Map<String, String> newSystemArgs = Maps.newHashMap(systemArgs.asMap()); newSystemArgs.put(ProgramOptionConstants.PLUGIN_DIR, "artifacts"); newSystemArgs.put(ProgramOptionConstants.PLUGIN_ARCHIVE, "artifacts_archive.jar"); return new SimpleProgramOptions(options.getName(), new BasicArguments(newSystemArgs), options.getUserArguments(), options.isDebug()); } /** * Returns a {@link URI} for the logback.xml file to be localized to container and available in the container * classpath. */ @Nullable private URI getLogBackURI(Program program, File tempDir) throws IOException, URISyntaxException { URL logbackURL = program.getClassLoader().getResource("logback.xml"); if (logbackURL != null) { return logbackURL.toURI(); } URL resource = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("logback-container.xml"); if (resource == null) { return null; } // Copy the template File logbackFile = new File(tempDir, "logback.xml"); Files.copy(Resources.newInputStreamSupplier(resource), logbackFile); return logbackFile.toURI(); } /** * Sub-class overrides this method to launch the twill application. * * @param program the program to launch * @param options the options for the program * @param localizeResources a mutable map for adding extra resources to localize * @param tempDir a temporary directory for this launch. Sub-classes can use it to create resources for localization * which require cleanup after launching completed * @param launcher an {@link ApplicationLauncher} to actually launching the program */ protected abstract ProgramController launch(Program program, ProgramOptions options, Map<String, LocalizeResource> localizeResources, File tempDir, ApplicationLauncher launcher); private File saveHConf(Configuration conf, File file) throws IOException { try (Writer writer = Files.newWriter(file, Charsets.UTF_8)) { conf.writeXml(writer); } return file; } private File saveCConf(CConfiguration conf, File file) throws IOException { // Unsettting the runtime extension directory as the necessary extension jars should be shipped to the container // by the distributed ProgramRunner. CConfiguration copied = CConfiguration.copy(conf); copied.unset(Constants.AppFabric.RUNTIME_EXT_DIR); try (Writer writer = Files.newWriter(file, Charsets.UTF_8)) { copied.writeXml(writer); } return file; } /** * Deletes the given directory recursively. Only log if there is {@link IOException}. */ private void deleteDirectory(File directory) { try { DirUtils.deleteDirectoryContents(directory); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Failed to delete directory {}", directory, e); } } /** * Adds a listener to the given TwillController to delete local temp files when the program has started/terminated. * The local temp files could be removed once the program is started, since Twill would keep the files in * HDFS and no long needs the local temp files once program is started. * * @return The same TwillController instance. */ private TwillController addCleanupListener(TwillController controller, final Program program, final File tempDir) { final AtomicBoolean deleted = new AtomicBoolean(false); Runnable cleanup = new Runnable() { public void run() { if (!deleted.compareAndSet(false, true)) { return; } LOG.debug("Cleanup tmp files for {}: {}", program.getId(), tempDir); deleteDirectory(tempDir); } }; controller.onRunning(cleanup, Threads.SAME_THREAD_EXECUTOR); controller.onTerminated(cleanup, Threads.SAME_THREAD_EXECUTOR); return controller; } private static final class ApplicationLogHandler implements LogHandler { private final LogHandler delegate; private final LogEntry.Level logLevel; private ApplicationLogHandler(LogHandler delegate, LogEntry.Level logLevel) { this.delegate = delegate; this.logLevel = logLevel; } @Override public void onLog(LogEntry logEntry) { if (logEntry.getLogLevel().ordinal() <= logLevel.ordinal()) { delegate.onLog(logEntry); } } } }