Java tutorial
/** * ************************************************************ * ShareSDKStatistics * An open source analytics android sdk for mobile applications * ************************************************************ * * @package ShareSDK Statistics * @author ShareSDK Limited Liability Company * @copyright Copyright 2014-2016, ShareSDK Limited Liability Company * @since Version 1.0 * @filesource * * ***************************************************** * This project is available under the following license * ***************************************************** * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package cn.sharesdk.analysis.server; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Context; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Handler.Callback; import android.os.HandlerThread; import android.os.Message; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.widget.Toast; import cn.sharesdk.analysis.db.MessageModel; import cn.sharesdk.analysis.db.MessageUtils; import cn.sharesdk.analysis.model.PostResult; import; import cn.sharesdk.analysis.util.DeviceHelper; import cn.sharesdk.analysis.util.Ln; import cn.sharesdk.analysis.util.PreferencesHelper; public class ServiceHelper extends HandlerThread implements Callback { private final static int UPLOAD_LOG = 5; private final static int SAVE_SEND_LOG = 7; private final static int EXIT_APP = 10; private final static String PLATFORM_ID = "1";// android:1,ios:2 private final static String SDK_VERSION = "1.0";// android:1,ios:2 private final static String uploadUrl = ""; private int appExitCount = 0; private String appkey = ""; private String channel = ""; private String preUrl = ""; private boolean appBackRunning = false; private boolean autoLocation = false; private boolean setBaseURL = false; private Context context; private Handler handler; private PreferencesHelper preference; private DeviceHelper deviceHelper; private static ServiceHelper serviceHelper; private ServiceHelper(RemoteService service) { super("ShareSDK Statistics Service"); start(); handler = new Handler(this.getLooper(), this); this.context = service.getApplicationContext(); preference = PreferencesHelper.getInstance(context); deviceHelper = DeviceHelper.getInstance(context); sendIsAppExitMsg(); } public static ServiceHelper getInstance(RemoteService service) { if (serviceHelper == null) { serviceHelper = new ServiceHelper(service); } return serviceHelper; } // upload log public void sendUploadLogMsg() { Message msg = new Message(); msg.what = UPLOAD_LOG; handler.sendMessage(msg); } // send log to server public void saveAndSendLogMsg(Bundle bundle) { Message msg = new Message(); msg.what = SAVE_SEND_LOG; msg.setData(bundle); handler.sendMessage(msg); } public synchronized void sendIsAppExitMsg() { Message msg = new Message(); msg.what = EXIT_APP; handler.sendMessageDelayed(msg, 1000); } public void setAutoLocation(boolean autoLocation) { this.autoLocation = autoLocation; } public void setAppKey(String appkey) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(appkey)) { this.appkey = appkey; } } public String getAppKey() { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(appkey)) { appkey = deviceHelper.getAppKey(); } return appkey; } public void setChannel(String channel) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(channel)) { = channel; } } private String getChannel() { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(channel)) { channel = deviceHelper.getChannel(); } return channel; } public void setBaseURL(String url) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(url)) { preUrl = url; setBaseURL = true; } } /** get upload-log url */ private String getUploadLogUrl() { if (!setBaseURL) { String apiPath = preference.getReportApiPath(); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(apiPath)) { preUrl = apiPath; } } return preUrl + uploadUrl; } /** * Getting latitude of location * * @return */ private String getLatitude() { String latitude = ""; if (autoLocation) { latitude = deviceHelper.getLatitude(); } return latitude; } /** * Getting longtitude of location * * @return */ private String getLongitude() { String longtitude = ""; if (autoLocation) { longtitude = deviceHelper.getLongitude(); } return longtitude; } /** * get event data from db,and send to server */ private void uploadAllLog() { ArrayList<MessageModel> msgList = MessageUtils.getEventMsg(context); for (MessageModel model : msgList) { uploadLog(model); } } /** upload all log to server */ private boolean uploadLog(MessageModel eventData) { String content =; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(content) && deviceHelper.isNetworkAvailable()) { try { JSONObject object = new JSONObject(content); object.put(MessageUtils.DEVICE_DATA, getDeviceJSONObject()); content = object.toString(); if (Ln.DebugMode) { Toast.makeText(context, "Server address : " + getUploadLogUrl(), 1000).show(); } Ln.i("server address ==>>>", getUploadLogUrl()); PostResult post =, content, getAppKey()); if (post != null && post.isSuccess()) { boolean success = parseResponseData(post.getResponseMsg()); if (success) { if (Ln.DebugMode) { Toast.makeText(context, "Send msg successfully!", 1000).show(); } MessageUtils.deleteManyMsg(context, eventData.idList); } else { if (Ln.DebugMode) { Toast.makeText(context, "Fail to send msg !", 1000).show(); } } return success; } else { Ln.e("error", post.getResponseMsg()); } } catch (Exception e) { Ln.e("uploadLog", "Exception occurred in postEventInfo()"); } } return false; } /** * parse the response from server * * @param jsonMsg */ private boolean parseResponseData(String jsonMsg) { // To solve the coding problems. eg. utf-8 if (jsonMsg.startsWith("\ufeff")) { Ln.w(" parseResponseData jsonMsg.startsWith(\\ufeff) == >>", "jsonMsg error"); jsonMsg = jsonMsg.substring(1); } try { JSONObject object = new JSONObject(jsonMsg); int status = Integer.parseInt(object.getString("status")); if (status == 200) { if (object.isNull("res")) { return true; } else { object = object.getJSONObject("res"); } if (object.isNull("config")) { return true; } else { object = object.getJSONObject("config"); } if (object.isNull("api_path")) { return true; } String apiPath = object.getString("api_path"); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(apiPath)) { preUrl = apiPath; preference.setReportApiPath(apiPath); } return true; } else { return false; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Ln.e("parseResponseData", "Exception occurred in postEventInfo()"); return false; } } /** get json of device data msg */ private JSONObject getDeviceJSONObject() { JSONObject clientData = new JSONObject(); try { clientData.put("device_id", deviceHelper.getDeviceKey()); clientData.put("appver", deviceHelper.getVersionName()); clientData.put("apppkg", deviceHelper.getPackageName()); clientData.put("platform_id", PLATFORM_ID); clientData.put("sdkver", SDK_VERSION); clientData.put("channel_name", getChannel()); clientData.put("mac", deviceHelper.getMacAddress()); clientData.put("model", deviceHelper.getModel()); clientData.put("sysver", deviceHelper.getSysVersion()); clientData.put("carrier", deviceHelper.getCarrier()); clientData.put("screensize", deviceHelper.getScreenSize()); clientData.put("factory", deviceHelper.getFactory()); clientData.put("networktype", deviceHelper.getNetworkType()); clientData.put("is_pirate", 0); clientData.put("is_jailbroken", deviceHelper.isRooted() ? 1 : 0); clientData.put("longitude", getLongitude()); clientData.put("latitude", getLatitude()); clientData.put("language", deviceHelper.getLanguage()); clientData.put("timezone", deviceHelper.getTimeZone()); clientData.put("cpu", deviceHelper.getCpuName()); clientData.put("manuid", deviceHelper.getManuID()); String manutime = deviceHelper.getTime(Long.parseLong(deviceHelper.getManuTime())); clientData.put("manutime", manutime); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return clientData; } public boolean isAppExit() { if (context == null) { Ln.e("getActivityName", "context is null that do not get the package's name "); return true; } String packageName = context.getPackageName(); ActivityManager am = (ActivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE); if (deviceHelper.checkPermissions("android.permission.GET_TASKS")) { ComponentName cn = am.getRunningTasks(1).get(0).topActivity; boolean isEqual = packageName.equals(cn.getPackageName()); return !isEqual; } else { Ln.e("lost permission", "android.permission.GET_TASKS"); return true; } } /** get json of exit app msg */ private String getExitAppString() { JSONObject exitData = new JSONObject(); try { exitData.put("create_date", preference.getAppStartDate()); exitData.put("end_date", preference.getAppExitDate()); exitData.put("session_id", preference.getSessionID()); Ln.i("launchData---------->", exitData.toString()); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return exitData.toString(); } @Override public boolean handleMessage(Message msg) { if (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) { // ? switch (msg.what) { case UPLOAD_LOG: uploadAllLog(); break; case SAVE_SEND_LOG: Bundle bundle = msg.getData(); String jsonString = bundle.getString("value"); // Ln.i("insert msg ==>>", jsonString); sendIsAppExitMsg(); MessageUtils.insertMsg(context, bundle.getString("action"), jsonString); uploadAllLog(); break; case EXIT_APP: // exit app when the app in the background 15s if (appBackRunning) { return true; } appBackRunning = true; appExitCount = 0; new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { while (appBackRunning) { try { if (isAppExit()) { appExitCount++; Ln.i("exit app after background seconds ==>>", appExitCount + ""); if (appExitCount == 15) { preference.setAppExitDate(); Ln.i("exit app ==>>", " upload all log "); MessageUtils.insertMsg(context, MessageUtils.EXIT_DATA, getExitAppString()); sendUploadLogMsg(); } else if (appExitCount >= 30) { appBackRunning = false; } } else { appExitCount = 0; } Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }).start(); break; } } return false; } }