Java tutorial
/** * ************************************************************ * ShareSDKStatistics * An open source analytics android sdk for mobile applications * ************************************************************ * * @package ShareSDK Statistics * @author ShareSDK Limited Liability Company * @copyright Copyright 2014-2016, ShareSDK Limited Liability Company * @since Version 1.0 * @filesource * * ***************************************************** * This project is available under the following license * ***************************************************** * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package cn.sharesdk.analysis; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.ServiceConnection; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.text.TextUtils; import cn.sharesdk.analysis.db.MessageUtils; import cn.sharesdk.analysis.model.AIDLCacheEvent; import cn.sharesdk.analysis.model.EventType; import cn.sharesdk.analysis.model.PostEvent; import cn.sharesdk.analysis.server.RemoteService; import cn.sharesdk.analysis.util.CrashHandler; import cn.sharesdk.analysis.util.DeviceHelper; import cn.sharesdk.analysis.util.Ln; import cn.sharesdk.analysis.util.PreferencesHelper; import cn.sharesdk.analysis.server.AIDLService; public class EventManager { private static Context context; private static String start_date = null;// The start time point private static long start = 0; private static String end_date = null;// The end time point private static long end = 0;// private static String duration = null;// run time private static String session_id = null; private static String last_activity = "APP_START";// currnet activity's name private static String current_activity = null;// currnet activity's name private static String appkey = ""; // session continue millis private static long sessionContinueMillis = 30000L; private static boolean activityTrack = true; private static PreferencesHelper dbHelper; private static DeviceHelper deviceHelper; // private static HashMap<String, Long> eventDurationMap = new HashMap<String, Long>(); //?label? private static HashMap<String, String> eventLabelMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); //? private static HashMap<String, Long> pageDurationMap = new HashMap<String, Long>(); //? // private static ArrayList<AIDLCacheEvent> settingEventList = new ArrayList<AIDLCacheEvent>(); private static ArrayList<AIDLCacheEvent> cacheEventList = new ArrayList<AIDLCacheEvent>(); private static AIDLService aidlService; public static synchronized void init(Context c) { if (context == null && c != null) { context = c.getApplicationContext(); dbHelper = PreferencesHelper.getInstance(context); deviceHelper = DeviceHelper.getInstance(context); isServiceConnect(context); } else if (context == null && c == null) { Ln.e("Context is null", "call setContext to set it"); } } private static ServiceConnection connection = new ServiceConnection() { @Override public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name) { aidlService = null; } @Override public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service) { aidlService = AIDLService.Stub.asInterface(service); //TOTO setting base params after server connect try { for (AIDLCacheEvent cacheEvent : settingEventList) { //the setting must be done at first if (EventType.SETTING == cacheEvent.eventType) { aidlService.setting(cacheEvent.key, cacheEvent.value); } } for (AIDLCacheEvent cacheEvent : cacheEventList) { if (EventType.SAVELOG == cacheEvent.eventType) { aidlService.saveLog(cacheEvent.key, cacheEvent.value); } else if (EventType.UPLOAD_LOG == cacheEvent.eventType) { aidlService.uploadLog(); } } settingEventList.clear(); cacheEventList.clear(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }; public static void openActivityDurationTrack(boolean activityTrack) { EventManager.activityTrack = activityTrack; } public static void setBaseURL(String url) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(url)) { startSettingService(RemoteService.SET_PREURL, url); } } public static void setAppKey(String appkey) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(appkey)) { EventManager.appkey = appkey; startSettingService(RemoteService.SET_APP_KEY, appkey); } } public static void setDebugMode(boolean isdebug) { Ln.DebugMode = isdebug; startSettingService(RemoteService.SET_ISDEBUG, String.valueOf(isdebug)); } public static String getAppKey() { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(appkey)) { appkey = deviceHelper.getAppKey(); } return appkey; } public static void setChannel(String channel) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(channel)) { startSettingService(RemoteService.SET_CHANNEL, channel); } } public static void setSessionContinueMillis(long interval) { sessionContinueMillis = interval; } /** post errors' log */ public static void onError(Context context, String error) { init(context); startLogService(MessageUtils.ERROR_DATA, getErrorJSONObject(error)); } /** set error listener */ public static void onError(Context context) { init(context); CrashHandler handler = CrashHandler.getInstance(); handler.init(context); Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(handler); } public static void onEventBegin(Context context, String event_id) { init(context); eventDurationMap.put(event_id, System.currentTimeMillis()); } public static void onEventBegin(Context context, String event_id, String label) { init(context); eventLabelMap.put(event_id, label); eventDurationMap.put(event_id, System.currentTimeMillis()); } public static long onEventEnd(Context context, String event_id) { init(context); if (eventDurationMap.containsKey(event_id)) { long start = eventDurationMap.remove(event_id); long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; return duration; } else { Ln.e("error : onEventEnd ===>>> ", "do not call onEventBegin, duration is 0"); return 0; } } public static long onEventEnd(Context context, String event_id, String label) { init(context); if (eventDurationMap.containsKey(event_id) && eventLabelMap.containsKey(event_id)) { String mLabel = eventLabelMap.remove(event_id); if (!mLabel.equals(label)) { Ln.e("error : onEventEnd ===>>> ", "the param of label is not equal"); return 0; } long start = eventDurationMap.remove(event_id); long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; return duration; } else { Ln.e("error : onEventEnd ===>>> ", "do not call onEventBegin or label is not equal"); return 0; } } public static void setAutoLocation(boolean isLocation) { startSettingService(RemoteService.SET_LOCATION, String.valueOf(isLocation)); } public static void onPageStart(String pageName) { if (context == null) { Ln.e("Context is null", "call onResume() to initsdk"); return; } //TODO umeng ???activityTrack,? current_activity = pageName; pageDurationMap.put(pageName, System.currentTimeMillis()); if (context != null) { onResume(context, null, null); } } public static void onPageEnd(String pageName) { if (context == null) { Ln.e("Context is null", "call onResume() to initsdk"); return; } //TODO umeng ???activityTrack,? long pageStart = pageDurationMap.remove(pageName); if (pageStart == 0) { Ln.e("error : onPageEnd ===>>> ", "do not call onPageStart or the param of pageName is not equal"); return; } else { if (context != null) { onPause(context); current_activity = null; } } } private static void isCreateNewSessionID() { try { if (session_id == null) { generateSeesion(); return; } long currenttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long session_save_time = dbHelper.getSessionTime(); if (currenttime - session_save_time > sessionContinueMillis) { generateSeesion(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * create sessionID */ private static String generateSeesion() { dbHelper.setAppStartDate(); String sessionId = ""; String str = getAppKey(); if (str != null) { str = str + deviceHelper.getTime() + deviceHelper.getDeviceID(); sessionId = deviceHelper.md5(str); dbHelper.setSessionTime(); dbHelper.setSessionID(sessionId); session_id = sessionId; Ln.i("MobclickAgent: ", "Start new session :" + session_id); // post device and launch data startLogService(MessageUtils.LAUNCH_DATA, getLaunchJSONObject()); return sessionId; } else { Ln.e("MobclickAgent", "protocol Header need Appkey or Device ID ,Please check AndroidManifest.xml "); } return sessionId; } /** * post app's pause log */ public static void onPause(Context context) { init(context); //TODO umeng activity??activityTrack dbHelper.setSessionTime(); end_date = deviceHelper.getTime(); end = Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()); duration = end - start + ""; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(current_activity)) { startLogService(MessageUtils.PAGE_DATA, getPauseJSONObject()); } } /** * post app's resume log */ public static void onResume(Context context, String appkey, String channel) { init(context); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(appkey)) { setAppKey(appkey); } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(channel)) { setChannel(channel); } isCreateNewSessionID(); if (activityTrack) current_activity = deviceHelper.getActivityName(); start_date = deviceHelper.getTime(); start = Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()); } /** post launch data to server */ public static void postLaunchDatas(Context context) { init(context); startLogService(MessageUtils.LAUNCH_DATA, getLaunchJSONObject()); } /** post event info */ public static void onEvent(Context context, PostEvent event) { init(context); //TODO // if (!event.verification()) { // Log.w("MobclickAgent", "Illegal value of acc in postEventInfo"); // return; // } if (event.getStringMap() != null) { startLogService(MessageUtils.HASH_EVENT_DATA, event.eventToJOSNObj()); } else { startLogService(MessageUtils.EVENT_DATA, event.eventToJOSNObj()); } } /** post event info */ public static void onEventDuration(Context context, PostEvent event) { init(context); if (event.getDuration() == 0) { Ln.e("onEventDuration", "onEventDuration the duration is 0"); return; } if (event.getStringMap() != null) { startLogService(MessageUtils.HASH_EVENT_DATA, event.eventToJOSNObj()); } else { startLogService(MessageUtils.EVENT_DATA, event.eventToJOSNObj()); } } private static void isServiceConnect(Context context) { Ln.e("isServiceConnect ==>>", "bindService"); if (context != null) { Intent service = new Intent(context, RemoteService.class); service.setAction("cn.sharesdk.analysis.server.AIDLService"); context.startService(service); context.bindService(service, connection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE); } } /** upload all log */ public static void uploadLog(Context context) { init(context); try { if (aidlService != null) { aidlService.uploadLog(); } else { cacheEventList.add(new AIDLCacheEvent(EventType.UPLOAD_LOG)); isServiceConnect(context); } } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /**Save and send log to server on the service*/ public static void startLogService(String action, JSONObject jsonObject) { try { if (jsonObject == null) { return; } String json = jsonObject.toString(); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(json)) { return; } if (aidlService != null) { aidlService.saveLog(action, json); } else { cacheEventList.add(new AIDLCacheEvent(EventType.SAVELOG, action, json)); isServiceConnect(context); } } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /**Save and send log to server on the service*/ private static void startSettingService(String action, String extraValue) { try { if (aidlService != null) { aidlService.setting(action, extraValue); } else { settingEventList.add(new AIDLCacheEvent(EventType.SETTING, action, extraValue)); isServiceConnect(context); } } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** get json of launch msg */ private static JSONObject getLaunchJSONObject() { JSONObject launchData = new JSONObject(); try { launchData.put("create_date", dbHelper.getAppStartDate()); launchData.put("last_end_date", dbHelper.getAppExitDate()); launchData.put("session_id", session_id); //Ln.i("launchData---------->", launchData.toString()); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return launchData; } /** get json of error msg */ private static JSONObject getErrorJSONObject(String error) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(error)) { return null; } JSONObject errorData = new JSONObject(); try { String headstring = error; if (error.contains("Caused by:")) { String ssString = error.substring(error.indexOf("Caused by:")); String[] ss = ssString.split("\n\t"); if (ss.length >= 1) headstring = ss[0]; } errorData.put("session_id", session_id); errorData.put("create_date", deviceHelper.getTime()); errorData.put("page", deviceHelper.getActivityName()); errorData.put("error_log", headstring); errorData.put("stack_trace", error); //Ln.i("errorData---------->", errorData.toString()); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return errorData; } /** get json of activity onPause msg */ private static JSONObject getPauseJSONObject() { JSONObject pauseData = new JSONObject(); try { pauseData.put("session_id", session_id); pauseData.put("start_date", start_date); pauseData.put("end_date", end_date); pauseData.put("page", current_activity); pauseData.put("from_page", last_activity); pauseData.put("duration", duration); //save the last activity name last_activity = current_activity; //Ln.i("pauseData---------->", pauseData.toString()); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return pauseData; } }