Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) Lambda Innovation, 2013-2015 * ??Lambda Innovation * * * This project is open-source, and it is distributed under * the terms of GNU General Public License. You can modify * and distribute freely as long as you follow the license. * ??GNU??? * ???? * */ package cn.liutils.api.gui; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; import cn.liutils.api.gui.Widget.AlignStyle; import cn.liutils.api.key.IKeyHandler; import cn.liutils.api.key.LIKeyProcess; import cn.liutils.api.key.LIKeyProcess.Trigger; import cn.liutils.core.event.eventhandler.LIFMLGameEventDispatcher; /** * @author WeathFolD * */ public class LIGui implements Iterable<LIGui.WidgetNode> { double width, height; //Only useful when calculating 'CENTER' align preference private List<WidgetNode> widgets = new LinkedList(); //If we are currently going through widgets list. boolean iterating = false; //Nodes that were added last frame during iteration to be added at next frame's beginning. private List<WidgetNode> nodesToAdd = new LinkedList(); //Counter for assigning ZOrder. private Map<Integer, Integer> zOrderProg = new HashMap(); public double mouseX, mouseY; LIKeyProcess keyProcess; LIKeyProcess.Trigger trigger; WidgetNode focus; //last input focus public LIGui() { } public LIGui(double width, double height) { this.width = width; this.height = height; } protected void clear() { dispose(); widgets.clear(); iterating = false; nodesToAdd.clear(); zOrderProg.clear(); focus = null; } /** * Called when screen is being resized. * @param w new width * @param h new height */ public void resize(double w, double h) { boolean diff = width != w || height != h; this.width = w; this.height = h; if (diff) { for (WidgetNode node : widgets) { if (node.widget.alignStyle == AlignStyle.CENTER) updateNode(node); } } } //---Widget handling /** * Add the constructed Widget into the LIGui. * @param widget */ public void addWidget(Widget widget) { if (widget.gui != null && widget.gui != this) { throw new RuntimeException("Fatal: Trying to add widget " + widget + " into multiple GUIs"); } widget.gui = this; initWidget(widget); if (!iterating) { widgets.add(widget.node); Collections.sort(widgets); } else nodesToAdd.add(widget.node); widget.onAdded(); } public void addSubWidget(Widget parent, Widget sub) { if (sub.getWidgetParent() != null && sub.getWidgetParent() != parent) { throw new RuntimeException("Fatal: Trying to add widget " + sub + " into multiple GUIs"); } sub.gui = this; sub.lastParent = parent; initWidget(sub); if (!iterating) { parent.node.addSubNode(sub.node); //..... Collections.sort(parent.node.sub); } else parent.node.toAdd.add(sub.node); sub.onAdded(); } public void clearSubWidgets(Widget w) { for (WidgetNode node : w.node.sub) { node.widget.disposed = true; } } public boolean isVisible(Widget wig) { do { if (!wig.doesDraw) return false; } while ((wig = wig.getWidgetParent()) != null); return true; } //---Events /** * Go down the hierarchy tree and draw each widget node. */ public void draw(double mx, double my) { frameUpdate(); updateMouse(mx, my); iterating = true; GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_ALPHA_TEST); GL11.glDepthFunc(GL11.GL_ALWAYS); GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_BLEND); GL11.glBlendFunc(GL11.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL11.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); GL11.glDepthMask(false); drawTraverse(mx, my, null, this, getTopNode(mx, my)); GL11.glDepthFunc(GL11.GL_LEQUAL); GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_ALPHA_TEST); iterating = false; } public void dispose() { if (trigger != null) trigger.setDead(); } static final long DRAG_TIME_TOLE = 100; long lastStartTime, lastDragTime; WidgetNode draggingNode; double xOffset, yOffset; /** * Standard GUI class callback. * @param mx * @param my * @param btn the mouse button ID. * @param dt how long is this button being pressed(ms) */ public void mouseClickMove(int mx, int my, int btn, long dt) { updateMouse(mx, my); if (btn == 0) { long time = Minecraft.getSystemTime(); if (Math.abs(time - dt - lastStartTime) > DRAG_TIME_TOLE) { lastStartTime = time; draggingNode = getTopNode(mx, my); //System.out.println(draggingNode); if (draggingNode == null) return; xOffset = mx - draggingNode.x; yOffset = my - draggingNode.y; } if (draggingNode != null) { lastDragTime = time; draggingNode.widget.onMouseDrag((mx - draggingNode.x - xOffset) / draggingNode.scale, (my - draggingNode.y - yOffset) / draggingNode.scale); } } } public Widget getDraggingWidget() { return Math.abs(Minecraft.getSystemTime() - lastDragTime) > DRAG_TIME_TOLE || draggingNode == null ? null : draggingNode.widget; } /** * Standard GUI class callback. * @param mx * @param my * @param btn the mouse button ID. */ public void mouseClicked(int mx, int my, int bid) { updateMouse(mx, my); if (bid == 0) { WidgetNode node = getTopNode(mx, my); if (node != null) { //System.out.println(node); if (node.widget.doesNeedFocus()) { //System.out.println("focused"); focus = node; } else { focus = null; } node.widget.onMouseDown((mx - node.x) / node.scale, (my - node.y) / node.scale); } else { focus = null; } } } public void keyTyped(char ch, int key) { if (focus != null) { focus.widget.handleKeyInput(ch, key); } } public Widget getFocus() { return focus == null ? null : focus.widget; } //---Key Handling /** * Add a key event listener within the lifetime of the GUI. */ public void addKeyHandler(String name, int keyCode, boolean isRep, IKeyHandler ikh) { if (keyProcess == null) { //lazy loading keyProcess = new LIKeyProcess(); keyProcess.mouseOverride = false; trigger = new Trigger(keyProcess); LIFMLGameEventDispatcher.INSTANCE.registerClientTick(trigger); } keyProcess.addKey(name, keyCode, isRep, ikh); } //---Internal Processing /** * Recalculate node's absolute position and offset, provided that its parent's data is correct. */ void updateNode(WidgetNode node) { if (node.widget.isWidgetParent()) { WidgetNode parent = node.parent(); node.scale = parent.scale * node.widget.scale; node.x = parent.x + node.widget.posX * node.scale; node.y = parent.y + node.widget.posY * node.scale; } else { node.scale = node.widget.scale; double x0 = 0, y0 = 0; switch (node.widget.alignStyle) { case CENTER: x0 = (width - node.widget.width * node.scale) / 2; y0 = (height - node.widget.height * node.scale) / 2; break; case LEFT: x0 = node.widget.posX * node.scale; y0 = node.widget.posY * node.scale; break; } node.x = Math.max(0, x0); node.y = Math.max(0, y0); } for (WidgetNode wn : node) { updateNode(wn); } } void initWidget(Widget widget) { if (widget.node == null) { widget.node = new WidgetNode(widget); updateOrder(widget); } updateNode(widget.node); } /** * Generic checking. */ protected void frameUpdate() { if (!this.nodesToAdd.isEmpty()) { widgets.addAll(nodesToAdd); nodesToAdd.clear(); Collections.sort(widgets); } updateTraverse(null, this); } private void updateTraverse(WidgetNode cur, Iterable<WidgetNode> set) { if (cur != null) { if (cur.toAdd != null && !cur.toAdd.isEmpty()) { cur.sub.addAll(cur.toAdd); cur.toAdd.clear(); Collections.sort(cur.sub); } } Iterator<WidgetNode> iter = set.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { WidgetNode node =; if (node.widget.disposed) { iter.remove(); } else { updateTraverse(node, node); } } } private void updateOrder(Widget widget) { //Assign z order int prio = widget.getDrawPriority(); Integer prog = zOrderProg.get(prio); if (prog == null) prog = 0; widget.node.zOrder = prio * 100 + prog; zOrderProg.put(prio, (prog + 1) % 100); } private void updateMouse(double mx, double my) { this.mouseX = mx; this.mouseY = my; } public WidgetNode getTopNode(double x, double y) { return gtnTraverse(x, y, null, this); } private void drawTraverse(double mx, double my, WidgetNode cur, Iterable<WidgetNode> set, WidgetNode top) { if (cur != null && cur.widget.doesDraw) { GL11.glPushMatrix(); GL11.glTranslated(cur.x, cur.y, 0); GL11.glScaled(cur.scale, cur.scale, 1); //System.out.println(cur.widget + " " + DebugUtils.formatArray(cur.x, cur.y, cur.scale)); GL11.glColor4d(1, 1, 1, 1); //Force restore color for any widget cur.widget.draw((mx - cur.x) / cur.scale, (my - cur.y) / cur.scale, cur == top); GL11.glPopMatrix(); } if (cur == null || cur.widget.doesDraw) { if (cur != null) cur.iterating = true; Iterator<WidgetNode> iter = set.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { WidgetNode wn =; drawTraverse(mx, my, wn, wn, top); } if (cur != null) cur.iterating = false; } } private WidgetNode gtnTraverse(double x, double y, WidgetNode node, Iterable<WidgetNode> set) { WidgetNode res = null; boolean sub = node == null || (node.widget.doesDraw && node.widget.doesListenKey); if (sub && node != null && node.pointWithin(x, y)) { res = node; } if (!sub) return res; WidgetNode next = null; for (WidgetNode wn : set) { WidgetNode tmp = gtnTraverse(x, y, wn, wn); if (tmp != null) next = tmp; } return next == null ? res : next; } public class WidgetNode implements Comparable<WidgetNode>, Iterable<WidgetNode> { public final Widget widget; public double x, y; public double scale; public int zOrder; private List<WidgetNode> sub = new LinkedList(); //Design same to LIGui main class boolean iterating = false; List<WidgetNode> toAdd = new LinkedList(); public WidgetNode(Widget wig) { widget = wig; } public boolean hasChild() { return sub != null && !sub.isEmpty(); } public void addSubNode(WidgetNode wn) { sub.add(wn); } public List<WidgetNode> getSubNodes() { return sub; } public WidgetNode parent() { Widget wx = widget.getWidgetParent(); return wx == null ? null : wx.node; } public boolean pointWithin(double mx, double my) { double x1 = x + widget.width * scale, y1 = y + widget.height * scale; return (x <= mx && mx <= x1) && (y <= my && my <= y1); } @Override public int compareTo(WidgetNode other) { return zOrder - other.zOrder; } @Override public Iterator<WidgetNode> iterator() { return sub.iterator(); } } @Override public Iterator<WidgetNode> iterator() { return widgets.iterator(); } }