Java tutorial
/* * Project: Sudoku PDF * * Copyright 2008 yaochunlin. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * under the License. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * $Id$ * $Revision$ * $Date$ */ package cn.js.nt.yao.sudokupdf; import com.lowagie.text.PageSize; import com.lowagie.text.Rectangle; /** * * @author yaochunlin */ public class LetterLayout extends Layout { private Letter mode; private Integer renderIndex; public LetterLayout() { } private void checkState() throws IllegalStateException { if (renderIndex == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Have not call preRender"); } } @Override double getDx() { checkState(); return mode.getDx()[renderIndex % mode.getDx().length]; } @Override double getDy() { checkState(); return mode.getDy()[(renderIndex / mode.getDx().length) % mode.getDy().length]; } @Override Rectangle getPageSize() { return PageSize.LETTER; } @Override double getScale() { return this.mode.getScale(); } @Override void postRender(int i, PDFRender render) { this.renderIndex = null; } @Override void preRender(int i, PDFRender render) { this.renderIndex = i; if ((i % mode.getGridPerPage()) == 0) { render.newPage(); } } @Override void setMode(Mode mode) { this.mode = Letter.valueOf(mode); } static class Letter { public static final Letter SUDOKU; public static final Letter ANSWER; static { SUDOKU = new Letter(new double[] { 15, 300 }, new double[] { 80, 421 }, 0.5); ANSWER = new Letter(new double[] { 30, 165, 300, 435 }, new double[] { 30, 175, 320, 465, 610 }, 0.25); } private final double[] dx; private final double[] dy; private final int gridPerPage; private final double scale; private Letter(double[] dx, double[] dy, double scale) { this.dx = dx; this.dy = dy; this.gridPerPage = dx.length * dy.length; this.scale = scale; } /** * @return the dx */ public double[] getDx() { return dx; } /** * @return the dy */ public double[] getDy() { return dy; } /** * @return the gridPerPage */ public int getGridPerPage() { return gridPerPage; } /** * @return the scale */ public double getScale() { return scale; } static Letter valueOf(Layout.Mode mode) { switch (mode) { case SUDOKU: return SUDOKU; case ANSWER: return ANSWER; default: return SUDOKU; } } } }