Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2017 Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2017 * Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences contributors. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. See accompanying * LICENSE file. */ package cn.ict.zyq.bestConf.COMT2; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import; import weka.classifiers.Classifier; import weka.classifiers.functions.LinearRegression; import weka.classifiers.trees.M5P; import weka.classifiers.trees.m5.PreConstructedLinearModel; import weka.classifiers.trees.m5.RuleNode; import weka.core.Attribute; import weka.core.Capabilities; import weka.core.Instance; import weka.core.Instances; import weka.core.Utils; public class COMT2 implements Classifier { private static final int ModelNum = 2; private Instances labeledInstances, unlabeledInstances, unlabeldPool; private M5P[] models; private int[] M = { 3, 7 };//Minimal number of examples in the leaf of model trees private int comtIterations; private int indexOfClass; private Random rand; public COMT2(Instances unlabeledIns, int numOfIterations) { rand = new Random(); this.unlabeldPool = unlabeledIns; this.comtIterations = numOfIterations; int initialPool = this.unlabeldPool.size() / this.comtIterations; this.unlabeledInstances = new Instances(this.unlabeldPool, 0); for (int i = 0; i < initialPool; i++) this.unlabeledInstances.add(this.unlabeldPool.remove(rand.nextInt(this.unlabeldPool.size()))); indexOfClass = this.unlabeledInstances.classIndex(); models = null; } /** * @param samplePoint : some attributes are flexible; for such attributes, we use values of the samplepoint * @return * @throws Exception */ public Instance getInstanceWithPossibleMaxY(Instance samplePoint) throws Exception { Instance retval = null; //we actually have the model if (models != null) { ArrayList<Branch2>[] branchLists = new ArrayList[ModelNum]; for (int m = 0; m < ModelNum; m++) { branchLists[m] = getLeavesInfoForM5P(models[m]); } //now we intersect each leaf ArrayList<Branch2> combined = branchLists[0]; for (int m = 1; m < ModelNum; m++) { combined = intersectBranch2Lists(combined, branchLists[m]); } //now we find the best in the combined list Instance temp; for (Branch2 branch : combined) { temp = branch.maxPoint(samplePoint.dataset()); if (retval == null || retval.classValue() < temp.classValue()) { retval = temp; System.out.println("Current best performance is : " + retval.classValue()); } } } return retval; } private ArrayList<Branch2> intersectBranch2Lists(ArrayList<Branch2> list1, ArrayList<Branch2> list2) { ArrayList<Branch2> retval = new ArrayList<Branch2>(); //generally, a new branch for each br1*br2 combination, // but things get changed when they have specifications on the same attributes for (Branch2 br1 : list1) { for (Branch2 br2 : list2) { HashMap<Attribute, Range<Double>> map1 = br1.getRangeMap(); HashMap<Attribute, Range<Double>> map2 = br2.getRangeMap(); ArrayList<Attribute> intersectAtt = new ArrayList<Attribute>(); for (Attribute att : map1.keySet()) if (map2.containsKey(att)) intersectAtt.add(att); //no intersection, attributes added; with intersection, decide accordingly Branch2 toAdd = null; if (intersectAtt.size() == 0) { toAdd = new Branch2((HashMap<Attribute, Range<Double>>) map1.clone(), (ArrayList<PreConstructedLinearModel>) br1.getLinearModels().clone()); //we add models and attributes from br2 toAdd.getLinearModels().addAll(br2.getLinearModels()); toAdd.getRangeMap().putAll(map2); } else { //now we check each intersection ArrayList<Range<Double>> intersectRanges = new ArrayList<Range<Double>>(); for (Attribute att : intersectAtt) { try { intersectRanges.add(map1.get(att).intersection(map2.get(att))); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { //nothing happened if no intersection existed } } //traverse the intersected attributes //add the branch only when all intersected attributes have intersected ranges if (intersectRanges.size() == intersectAtt.size()) { toAdd = new Branch2((HashMap<Attribute, Range<Double>>) map1.clone(), (ArrayList<PreConstructedLinearModel>) br1.getLinearModels().clone()); //we add models and attributes from br2 toAdd.getLinearModels().addAll(br2.getLinearModels()); toAdd.getRangeMap().putAll(map2); //now we update the rangemap for (int i = 0; i < intersectAtt.size(); i++) { toAdd.getRangeMap().put(intersectAtt.get(i), intersectRanges.get(i)); } } //else not more work is needed } //attribute intersection? //add a new branch when needed if (toAdd != null) retval.add(toAdd); } } return retval; } private ArrayList<Branch2> getLeavesInfoForM5P(M5P model) { ArrayList<Branch2> retval = new ArrayList<Branch2>(); ArrayList<RuleNode> leafNodes = new ArrayList<RuleNode>(); model.getM5RootNode().returnLeaves(new ArrayList[] { leafNodes }); for (RuleNode leaf : leafNodes) { Branch2 branch = new Branch2(); ArrayList<PreConstructedLinearModel> lmodel = new ArrayList<PreConstructedLinearModel>(); lmodel.add(leaf.getModel()); branch.setLinearModels(lmodel); Map<Attribute, Range<Double>> rangeMap = branch.getRangeMap(); RuleNode parent = leaf, child; while (parent.parentNode() != null) { child = parent; parent = parent.parentNode(); Attribute att = this.labeledInstances.attribute(parent.splitAtt()); Range<Double> previous = null; if (parent.leftNode() == child) previous = rangeMap.put(att, Range.atMost(parent.splitVal())); else previous = rangeMap.put(att, Range.greaterThan(parent.splitVal())); //the attribute is visited previously if (previous != null) { previous = rangeMap.get(att).intersection(previous); rangeMap.put(att, previous); } } retval.add(branch); } return retval; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void train() throws Exception { models = new M5P[ModelNum]; for (int i = 0; i < ModelNum; i++) { models[i] = buildModel(labeledInstances, M[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < this.comtIterations; i++) { ArrayList<Instance>[] InstancePiSet = new ArrayList[ModelNum]; for (int j = 0; j < ModelNum; j++) InstancePiSet[j] = new ArrayList<Instance>(); for (int m = 0; m < ModelNum; m++) { double maxDelta = 0; Instance maxDeltaXY = null; Enumeration<Instance> enu = this.unlabeledInstances.enumerateInstances(); while (enu.hasMoreElements()) { Instance ulIns = enu.nextElement(); Instances omega = getSiblings(models[m], ulIns); double y = models[m].classifyInstance(ulIns); if (indexOfClass == -1) indexOfClass = labeledInstances.classIndex(); ulIns.setValue(indexOfClass, y); Instances instancesPi = new Instances(models[m].getM5RootNode().zyqGetTrainingSet()); instancesPi.add(ulIns); M5P modelPi = buildModel(instancesPi, M[m]); double delta = computeOmegaDelta(models[m], modelPi, omega); if (maxDelta < delta) { maxDelta = delta; maxDeltaXY = ulIns; } } //now check facts about delta if (maxDelta > 0) { InstancePiSet[m].add(maxDeltaXY); this.unlabeledInstances.delete(this.unlabeledInstances.indexOf(maxDeltaXY)); } } //check for both model boolean toExit = true; for (int m = 0; m < ModelNum; m++) { if (InstancePiSet[m].size() > 0) { toExit = false; break; } } if (toExit) break; else { //update the models int toGen = 0; for (int m = 0; m < ModelNum; m++) { Instances set = models[m].getM5RootNode().zyqGetTrainingSet(); toGen += InstancePiSet[m].size(); for (Instance ins : InstancePiSet[m]) set.add(ins); models[m] = buildModel(set, M[m]); } //Replenish pool U' to size p Instances toAdd = retrieveMore(toGen); unlabeledInstances.addAll(toAdd); } //we will go to another round of iteration } //iterate for a number of rounds or break out on empty InstancesPiSets //now we have the model as y = 0.5*sum(models[m].predict(x)) } private Instances retrieveMore(int toGen) { Instances retval = new Instances(this.unlabeldPool, toGen); for (int i = 0; i < toGen; i++) { retval.add(this.unlabeldPool.remove(rand.nextInt(this.unlabeldPool.size()))); } return retval; } private static M5P buildModel(Instances modelInstances, int numOfInstanceInLeaf) throws Exception { M5P retval = new M5P(); retval.setSaveInstances(true); retval.setOptions(Utils.splitOptions("-N -L -M " + numOfInstanceInLeaf)); retval.buildClassifier(modelInstances); return retval; } private static Instances getSiblings(M5P modelTree, Instance ins) { RuleNode node = modelTree.getM5RootNode(); while (!node.isLeaf()) { if (ins.value(node.splitAtt()) <= node.splitVal()) { node = node.leftNode(); } else { node = node.rightNode(); } } return node.zyqGetTrainingSet(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @Override public void buildClassifier(Instances data) throws Exception { this.labeledInstances = data; train(); } @Override public double classifyInstance(Instance ins) throws Exception { double sum = 0; for (int m = 0; m < ModelNum; m++) sum += models[m].classifyInstance(ins); return sum / (double) ModelNum; } private static double computeOmegaDelta(M5P model, M5P modelPi, Instances omega) throws Exception { double retval = 0., y; Enumeration<Instance> enu = omega.enumerateInstances(); int idxClass = omega.classIndex(); Instance ins; while (enu.hasMoreElements()) { ins = enu.nextElement(); y = ins.value(idxClass); retval += Math.pow(y - model.classifyInstance(ins), 2) - Math.pow(y - modelPi.classifyInstance(ins), 2); } return retval; } @Override public Capabilities getCapabilities() { return new LinearRegression().getCapabilities(); } @Override public double[] distributionForInstance(Instance instance) throws Exception { double[] retval = new double[1]; retval[0] = this.classifyInstance(instance); return retval; } /*public static void main(String[] args){ String jnilib = JniNamer.getJniName("netlib-native_system"); String natives = System.getProperty("com.github.fommil.netlib.NativeSystemBLAS.natives", jnilib); JniLoader.load(natives.split(",")); System.out.println(BLAS.getInstance().getClass().getName()); }*/ }