Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */ package cn.guoyukun.spring.jpa.plugin.serivce; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; import cn.guoyukun.spring.jpa.entity.AbstractEntity; import; import; import; import; import cn.guoyukun.spring.jpa.plugin.entity.Treeable; import cn.guoyukun.spring.jpa.repository.RepositoryHelper; import cn.guoyukun.spring.jpa.service.BaseService; import cn.guoyukun.spring.utils.ReflectUtils; import; import; import; /** * <p>User: * <p>Date: 13-2-22 ?5:26 * <p>Version: 1.0 */ public abstract class BaseTreeableService<M extends AbstractEntity<ID> & Treeable<ID>, ID extends Serializable> extends BaseService<M, ID> { private final String DELETE_CHILDREN_QL; private final String UPDATE_CHILDREN_PARENT_IDS_QL; private final String FIND_SELF_AND_NEXT_SIBLINGS_QL; private final String FIND_NEXT_WEIGHT_QL; private RepositoryHelper repositoryHelper; protected BaseTreeableService() { Class<M> entityClass = ReflectUtils.findParameterizedType(getClass(), 0); repositoryHelper = new RepositoryHelper(entityClass); String entityName = repositoryHelper.getEntityName(entityClass); DELETE_CHILDREN_QL = String.format("delete from %s where id=?1 or parentIds like concat(?2, %s)", entityName, "'%'"); UPDATE_CHILDREN_PARENT_IDS_QL = String.format( "update %s set parentIds=(?1 || substr(parentIds, length(?2)+1)) where parentIds like concat(?2, %s)", entityName, "'%'"); FIND_SELF_AND_NEXT_SIBLINGS_QL = String .format("from %s where parentIds = ?1 and weight>=?2 order by weight asc", entityName); FIND_NEXT_WEIGHT_QL = String.format( "select case when max(weight) is null then 1 else (max(weight) + 1) end from %s where parentId = ?1", entityName); } @Override public M save(M m) { if (m.getWeight() == null) { m.setWeight(nextWeight(m.getParentId())); } return; } @Transactional public void deleteSelfAndChild(M m) { repositoryHelper.batchUpdate(DELETE_CHILDREN_QL, m.getId(), m.makeSelfAsNewParentIds()); } public void deleteSelfAndChild(List<M> mList) { for (M m : mList) { deleteSelfAndChild(m); } } public void appendChild(M parent, M child) { child.setParentId(parent.getId()); child.setParentIds(parent.makeSelfAsNewParentIds()); child.setWeight(nextWeight(parent.getId())); save(child); } public int nextWeight(ID id) { return repositoryHelper.<Integer>findOne(FIND_NEXT_WEIGHT_QL, id); } /** * * ? * * @param source ? * @param target * @param moveType ? */ public void move(M source, M target, String moveType) { if (source == null || target == null || source.isRoot()) { //? return; } // ?weight?? boolean isSibling = source.getParentId().equals(target.getParentId()); boolean isNextOrPrevMoveType = "next".equals(moveType) || "prev".equals(moveType); if (isSibling && isNextOrPrevMoveType && Math.abs(source.getWeight() - target.getWeight()) == 1) { // if ("next".equals(moveType) && source.getWeight() > target.getWeight()) { return; } if ("prev".equals(moveType) && source.getWeight() < target.getWeight()) { return; } int sourceWeight = source.getWeight(); source.setWeight(target.getWeight()); target.setWeight(sourceWeight); return; } //? if ("next".equals(moveType)) { List<M> siblings = findSelfAndNextSiblings(target.getParentIds(), target.getWeight()); siblings.remove(0);// if (siblings.size() == 0) { // ??? int nextWeight = nextWeight(target.getParentId()); updateSelftAndChild(source, target.getParentId(), target.getParentIds(), nextWeight); return; } else { moveType = "prev"; target = siblings.get(0); //??? } } //? if ("prev".equals(moveType)) { List<M> siblings = findSelfAndNextSiblings(target.getParentIds(), target.getWeight()); //?? if (siblings.contains(source)) { // 1 2 [3 source] 4 siblings = siblings.subList(0, siblings.indexOf(source) + 1); int firstWeight = siblings.get(0).getWeight(); for (int i = 0; i < siblings.size() - 1; i++) { siblings.get(i).setWeight(siblings.get(i + 1).getWeight()); } siblings.get(siblings.size() - 1).setWeight(firstWeight); } else { // 1 2 3 4 [5 new] int nextWeight = nextWeight(target.getParentId()); int firstWeight = siblings.get(0).getWeight(); for (int i = 0; i < siblings.size() - 1; i++) { siblings.get(i).setWeight(siblings.get(i + 1).getWeight()); } siblings.get(siblings.size() - 1).setWeight(nextWeight); source.setWeight(firstWeight); updateSelftAndChild(source, target.getParentId(), target.getParentIds(), source.getWeight()); } return; } //??? int nextWeight = nextWeight(target.getId()); updateSelftAndChild(source, target.getId(), target.makeSelfAsNewParentIds(), nextWeight); } /** * ?? * * @param source * @param newParentIds */ private void updateSelftAndChild(M source, ID newParentId, String newParentIds, int newWeight) { String oldSourceChildrenParentIds = source.makeSelfAsNewParentIds(); source.setParentId(newParentId); source.setParentIds(newParentIds); source.setWeight(newWeight); update(source); String newSourceChildrenParentIds = source.makeSelfAsNewParentIds(); repositoryHelper.batchUpdate(UPDATE_CHILDREN_PARENT_IDS_QL, newSourceChildrenParentIds, oldSourceChildrenParentIds); } /** * ?? ?? ? * * @param parentIds * @param currentWeight * @return */ protected List<M> findSelfAndNextSiblings(String parentIds, int currentWeight) { return repositoryHelper.<M>findAll(FIND_SELF_AND_NEXT_SIBLINGS_QL, parentIds, currentWeight); } /** * name??? * * @param name * @return */ public Set<String> findNames(Searchable searchable, String name, ID excludeId) { M excludeM = findOne(excludeId); searchable.addSearchFilter("name",, name); addExcludeSearchFilter(searchable, excludeM); return Sets.newHashSet(Lists.transform(findAll(searchable).getContent(), new Function<M, String>() { @Override public String apply(M input) { return input.getName(); } })); } /** * ?? * * @return */ public List<M> findChildren(List<M> parents, Searchable searchable) { if (parents.isEmpty()) { return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } SearchFilter first = SearchFilterHelper.newCondition("parentIds", SearchOperator.prefixLike, parents.get(0).makeSelfAsNewParentIds()); SearchFilter[] others = new SearchFilter[parents.size() - 1]; for (int i = 1; i < parents.size(); i++) { others[i - 1] = SearchFilterHelper.newCondition("parentIds", SearchOperator.prefixLike, parents.get(i).makeSelfAsNewParentIds()); } searchable.or(first, others); List<M> children = findAllWithSort(searchable); return children; } public List<M> findAllByName(Searchable searchable, M excludeM) { addExcludeSearchFilter(searchable, excludeM); return findAllWithSort(searchable); } /** * * * @param searchable * @return */ public List<M> findRootAndChild(Searchable searchable) { searchable.addSearchParam("parentId_eq", 0); List<M> models = findAllWithSort(searchable); if (models.size() == 0) { return models; } List<ID> ids = Lists.newArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < models.size(); i++) { ids.add(models.get(i).getId()); } searchable.removeSearchFilter("parentId_eq"); searchable.addSearchParam("parentId_in", ids); models.addAll(findAllWithSort(searchable)); return models; } public Set<ID> findAncestorIds(Iterable<ID> currentIds) { Set<ID> parents = Sets.newHashSet(); for (ID currentId : currentIds) { parents.addAll(findAncestorIds(currentId)); } return parents; } public Set<ID> findAncestorIds(ID currentId) { Set ids = Sets.newHashSet(); M m = findOne(currentId); if (m == null) { return ids; } for (String idStr : StringUtils.tokenizeToStringArray(m.getParentIds(), "/")) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(idStr)) { ids.add(Long.valueOf(idStr)); } } return ids; } /** * * * @param parentIds * @return */ public List<M> findAncestor(String parentIds) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(parentIds)) { return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } String[] ids = StringUtils.tokenizeToStringArray(parentIds, "/"); return Lists.reverse( findAllWithNoPageNoSort(Searchable.newSearchable().addSearchFilter("id",, ids))); } public void addExcludeSearchFilter(Searchable searchable, M excludeM) { if (excludeM == null) { return; } searchable.addSearchFilter("id",, excludeM.getId()); searchable.addSearchFilter("parentIds", SearchOperator.suffixNotLike, excludeM.makeSelfAsNewParentIds()); } }