Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate; import org.springframework.web.socket.CloseStatus; import org.springframework.web.socket.TextMessage; import org.springframework.web.socket.WebSocketSession; import org.springframework.web.socket.handler.TextWebSocketHandler; /** * * @author han */ public class WSDNAccessPoint extends TextWebSocketHandler { @Autowired RestTemplate restTemplate; @Autowired ObjectMapper mapper; //private WebSocketSession session = null; private DNMsgProcessorInterface parser = null; private ConnectionInfo cinfo = null; private DelivingResultProducer producer = null; private String server_addr = ""; /** * ? */ public WSDNAccessPoint(ConnectionInfo info, DNMsgProcessorInterface parser, DelivingResultProducer producer, String host) { super(); this.cinfo = info; this.parser = parser; this.producer = producer; this.server_addr = host; } @Override public void afterConnectionClosed(WebSocketSession session, CloseStatus status) throws Exception { System.out.println("Debug in [Ln:50] : WebSocketSession session=" + session.toString() + " is colsed. stauts=" + status); //----call ?api websocket WSDNSession wsdnsn = this.cinfo.getWsdnsn(session.toString()); if (wsdnsn != null) { wsdnsn.setSession(session); wsdnsn.setLast_msg(System.currentTimeMillis()); this.cinfo.getWssn_map().remove(wsdnsn.getId()); wsdnsn.setIsLogin(false); wsdnsn.setSession(null); /** * status.getCode() 1000 1001? * */ int status_code = status.getCode(); if (status_code == 1000) { if (wsdnsn.getAction() >= 3) { this.updateStatus(wsdnsn.getAction(), wsdnsn); } else { this.updateStatus(202, wsdnsn); } } else { if (wsdnsn.getAction() >= 3) { this.updateStatus(wsdnsn.getAction(), wsdnsn); } else { this.updateStatus(202, wsdnsn); } } } //mapsession this.cinfo.getWsdnsn_map().remove(session.toString()); super.afterConnectionClosed(session, status); } /** * websocket * * @param session */ protected void close(WebSocketSession session) { try { session.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(WSDNAccessPoint.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } @Override protected void handleTextMessage(WebSocketSession session, TextMessage message) throws Exception { System.out .println("Debug in [Ln:81] : WebSocketSession session=" + session.toString()); super.handleTextMessage(session, message); TextMessage returnMessage = new TextMessage(message.getPayload() + " received at server"); //session.sendMessage(returnMessage); System.out.println("Debug in [Ln:57] : WebSocketSession recv:" + message.getPayload()); try { String string = message.getPayload(); if (string == null || string.trim().equals("") || string.equals("undefined")) { System.out.println("Debug in [Ln:64] : WebSocketSession recv:null msg"); return; } DNMessage msg = parser.unwrap(message.getPayload().getBytes()); WSDNSession wsdnsn = this.cinfo.getWsdnsn(session.toString()); if (wsdnsn == null) { if (msg.getName().equals("login")) { try { this.onLogin(msg, session, wsdnsn); } catch (PacketException pe) { // Logger.getLogger(WSDNAccessPoint.class.getName()).warning( "Failed to Login from " + session.getRemoteAddress() + ":" + pe.toString()); this.close(session); } } else { //?login Logger.getLogger(WSDNAccessPoint.class.getName()).warning( "Illegal connection from + " + session.getRemoteAddress() + ", the msg:" + string); this.close(session); } } else if (!wsdnsn.isIsLogin()) { wsdnsn.setSession(session); try { this.onLogin(msg, session, wsdnsn); } catch (PacketException pe) { // Logger.getLogger(WSDNAccessPoint.class.getName()) .warning("Failed to Login from " + session.getRemoteAddress() + ":" + pe.toString()); this.close(session); } } else { //? if (msg.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("heartbeat") && msg.getType() == 0) { this.onHeartbeat(msg, session, wsdnsn); this.updateStatus(2, wsdnsn); } else if (msg.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("logout")) {//&& msg.getType() == 0) { this.onLogout(msg, session, wsdnsn); session.close(); } else if (msg.getType() == 1) { this.onAck(msg, session, wsdnsn); } else { this.onUnkownMsg(msg, session, wsdnsn); Logger.getLogger(WSDNAccessPoint.class.getName()) .warning("Unsupported msg from " + session.getRemoteAddress() + ":" + msg.toString()); //this.close(session); } } } catch (PacketException ex) { Logger.getLogger(WSv1Processor.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, "while handling a text message", ex); } } /** * * @param type 1:login,2:heatbeat,3:logout,others:undefined * @param wsdnsn ,Websocket DN? * @return */ private int updateStatus(int action, WSDNSession wsdnsn) { Map map = new HashMap(); String id = wsdnsn.getId(); String key = wsdnsn.getKey(); String token = wsdnsn.getToken(); if (id == null || key == null) { return 23007; } map.put("key", key); map.put("action", 1); String result = restTemplate.postForObject( "http://" + server_addr + "/api/asset_status/" + id + "?access_token=" + token, null, String.class, map); System.out.println("----Debug in WSDNAccessPoint.auth()[ln:209]:result:" + result); map.clear(); if (!result.contains("error_code")) { //?? //?_id,asset_id return 0; } else { try { Error error = mapper.readValue(result, Error.class); System.out.println("----Debug in WSDNAccessPoint.auth()[ln:218]:Error=" + error.toString()); return error.getErrorCode(); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(WSDNAccessPoint.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return -1; } } } /** * API??? * * @param params ?? * @return */ private int auth(DNMessage login) { Map map = new HashMap(); String id = login.getParameter("id").getValue(); String key = login.getParameter("key").getValue(); String token = login.getParameter("tocken").getValue(); if (id == null || key == null) { return 23007; } map.put("key", key); map.put("action", 1); String result = restTemplate.postForObject( "http://" + server_addr + "/api/asset_status/" + id + "?access_token=" + token, null, String.class, map); System.out.println("----Debug in WSDNAccessPoint.auth()[ln:246]:result:" + result); map.clear(); if (!result.contains("error_code")) { try { //?? //?_id,asset_id LoginResultPacket packet = mapper.readValue(result, LoginResultPacket.class); login.getParams().put("id", packet.getId()); login.getParams().put("asset_id", packet.getAssetId()); login.getParams().put("sn", packet.getSn()); System.out.println("----Debug in WSDNAccessPoint.auth()[ln:251]:id=" + packet); return 0; } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(WSDNAccessPoint.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return -1; } } else { try { Error error = mapper.readValue(result, Error.class); System.out.println("----Debug in WSDNAccessPoint.auth()[ln:256]:Error=" + error.toString()); return error.getErrorCode(); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(WSDNAccessPoint.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return -1; } } } /** * ?Inbox * * @param login */ private void onLogin(DNMessage login, WebSocketSession session, WSDNSession wsdnsn) throws PacketException, IOException { if (login.getName().equals("login") && login.getType() == 0) { int result = auth(login); //API?? if (result != 0) { List list = new ArrayList(); list.add(new Parameter("result", "" + result)); list.add(new Parameter("reason", "")); DNMessage ack = new DNMessage("login", "response", login.getTxid(), list); session.sendMessage(new TextMessage(new String(parser.wrap(ack)))); list.clear(); throw new PacketException("Failed to Login!"); } else { //for debug if (login.getParameter("id").getValue().equals("1111")) { List list = new ArrayList(); list.add(new Parameter("result", "21336")); list.add(new Parameter("reason", "")); DNMessage ack = new DNMessage("login", "response", login.getTxid(), list); session.sendMessage(new TextMessage(new String(parser.wrap(ack)))); list.clear(); throw new PacketException("The token is invalid!"); } else { List list = new ArrayList(); list.add(new Parameter("result", "0")); list.add(new Parameter("reason", "")); DNMessage ack = new DNMessage("login", "response", login.getTxid(), list); session.sendMessage(new TextMessage(new String(parser.wrap(ack)))); list.clear(); wsdnsn = new WSDNSession(login, session); wsdnsn.setAction(1); wsdnsn.setId(login.getParameter("id").getValue()); wsdnsn.setIsLogin(true); wsdnsn.setAssetid(login.getParameter("asset_id").getValue()); wsdnsn.setSn(login.getParameter("sn").getValue()); wsdnsn.setToken(login.getParameter("access_token").getValue()); wsdnsn.setKey(login.getParameter("key").getValue()); wsdnsn.setId(login.getParameter("id").getValue()); wsdnsn.setConnection_time(System.currentTimeMillis()); wsdnsn.setLast_msg(wsdnsn.getConnection_time()); //map this.cinfo.putWsdnsn(session.toString(), wsdnsn); try { WebSocketSession oldSession = this.cinfo.getWssn(wsdnsn.getId()); if (oldSession != null && oldSession.isOpen()) { List list1 = new ArrayList(); list1.add(new Parameter("result", "23010")); list1.add(new Parameter("reason", "A new session is established")); DNMessage logout = new DNMessage("logout", "request", "MSG_FROM_SMARTVMS-1", list1); oldSession.sendMessage(new TextMessage(new String(parser.wrap(logout)))); oldSession.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { } this.cinfo.putWssn(wsdnsn.getId(), session); //this.isLogin = true; } } } else { throw new PacketException("The Packet is not a login packet!"); } } /** * ?Inbox * * @param heartBeat */ private void onHeartbeat(DNMessage heartbeat, WebSocketSession session, WSDNSession wsdnsn) throws IOException, PacketException { List list = new ArrayList(); list.add(new Parameter("result", "0")); list.add(new Parameter("reason", "" + wsdnsn.getAssetid() + "@" + wsdnsn.getLast_msg())); DNMessage ack = new DNMessage("heartbeat", "response", heartbeat.getTxid(), list); session.sendMessage(new TextMessage(new String(parser.wrap(ack)))); list.clear(); wsdnsn.setSession(session); wsdnsn.setLast_msg(System.currentTimeMillis()); wsdnsn.setAction(2); this.updateStatus(2, wsdnsn); } /** * ?InboxACK * * @param ack */ private void onAck(DNMessage ack, WebSocketSession session, WSDNSession wsdnsn) { if (ack.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("deliver goods")) { try { this.producer.sendMessage(new String(parser.wrap(ack))); } catch (PacketException ex) { Logger.getLogger(WSDNAccessPoint.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } System.out.println("Debug in [Ln:165] : ack=" + ack.toString()); wsdnsn.setSession(session); wsdnsn.setLast_msg(System.currentTimeMillis()); wsdnsn.setAction(2); this.updateStatus(2, wsdnsn); } /** * ?Inboxlogout * * @param logout */ private void onLogout(DNMessage logout, WebSocketSession session, WSDNSession wsdnsn) throws IOException, PacketException { if (logout.getType() != 0) { //logout wsdnsn.setAction(3); } else { //logout List list = new ArrayList(); int result = 100; try { result = Integer.parseInt(logout.getParameter("action").getValue()); } catch (Exception e) { } wsdnsn.setAction(result); list.add(new Parameter("result", "0")); list.add(new Parameter("reason", "" + wsdnsn.getAssetid() + "@" + wsdnsn.getLast_msg())); DNMessage ack = new DNMessage("logout", "response", logout.getTxid(), list); session.sendMessage(new TextMessage(new String(parser.wrap(ack)))); list.clear(); } // wsdnsn.setSession(session); // wsdnsn.setLast_msg(System.currentTimeMillis()); // //mapsession // this.cinfo.getWsdnsn_map().remove(session.toString()); // this.cinfo.getWssn_map().remove(wsdnsn.getId()); // wsdnsn.setIsLogin(false); // wsdnsn.setSession(null); } /** * ?Inboxlogout * * @param logout */ private void onUnkownMsg(DNMessage msg, WebSocketSession session, WSDNSession wsdnsn) throws IOException, PacketException { List list = new ArrayList(); list.add(new Parameter("result", "23009")); list.add(new Parameter("reason", "" + wsdnsn.getAssetid() + "@" + wsdnsn.getLast_msg())); DNMessage ack = new DNMessage(msg.getName(), "response", msg.getTxid(), list); session.sendMessage(new TextMessage(new String(parser.wrap(ack)))); list.clear(); wsdnsn.setSession(session); wsdnsn.setLast_msg(System.currentTimeMillis()); } }