Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2013-2015 JueYue ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package cn.bzvs.excel.export; import cn.bzvs.excel.annotation.ExcelTarget; import cn.bzvs.excel.entity.ExportParams; import cn.bzvs.excel.entity.enmus.ExcelType; import cn.bzvs.excel.entity.params.ExcelExportEntity; import cn.bzvs.excel.export.base.ExcelExportBase; import cn.bzvs.excel.export.styler.IExcelExportStyler; import cn.bzvs.exception.ExcelExportException; import cn.bzvs.exception.enums.ExcelExportEnum; import cn.bzvs.util.PoiPublicUtil; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import*; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.*; /** * Excel? * */ public class ExcelExportServer extends ExcelExportBase { // ,Sheet private int MAX_NUM = 60000; protected int createHeaderAndTitle(ExportParams entity, Sheet sheet, Workbook workbook, List<ExcelExportEntity> excelParams) { int rows = 0, feildWidth = getFieldLength(excelParams); if (entity.getTitle() != null) { rows += createHeaderRow(entity, sheet, workbook, feildWidth); } rows += createTitleRow(entity, sheet, workbook, rows, excelParams); sheet.createFreezePane(0, rows, 0, rows); return rows; } /** * ? * * @param entity * @param sheet * @param workbook * @param feildWidth */ public int createHeaderRow(ExportParams entity, Sheet sheet, Workbook workbook, int feildWidth) { Row row = sheet.createRow(0); row.setHeight(entity.getTitleHeight()); createStringCell(row, 0, entity.getTitle(), getExcelExportStyler().getHeaderStyle(entity.getHeaderColor()), null); for (int i = 1; i <= feildWidth; i++) { createStringCell(row, i, "", getExcelExportStyler().getHeaderStyle(entity.getHeaderColor()), null); } sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0, 0, 0, feildWidth)); if (entity.getSecondTitle() != null) { row = sheet.createRow(1); row.setHeight(entity.getSecondTitleHeight()); CellStyle style = workbook.createCellStyle(); style.setAlignment(CellStyle.ALIGN_RIGHT); createStringCell(row, 0, entity.getSecondTitle(), style, null); for (int i = 1; i <= feildWidth; i++) { createStringCell(row, i, "", getExcelExportStyler().getHeaderStyle(entity.getHeaderColor()), null); } sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 1, 0, feildWidth)); return 2; } return 1; } public void createSheet(Workbook workbook, ExportParams entity, Class<?> pojoClass, Collection<?> dataSet) { if (workbook == null || entity == null || pojoClass == null || dataSet == null) { throw new ExcelExportException(ExcelExportEnum.PARAMETER_ERROR); } try { List<ExcelExportEntity> excelParams = new ArrayList<ExcelExportEntity>(); if (entity.isAddIndex()) { excelParams.add(indexExcelEntity(entity)); } // Field fileds[] = PoiPublicUtil.getClassFields(pojoClass); ExcelTarget etarget = pojoClass.getAnnotation(ExcelTarget.class); String targetId = etarget == null ? null : etarget.value(); getAllExcelField(entity.getExclusions(), targetId, fileds, excelParams, pojoClass, null); //???,?? createSheetForMap(workbook, entity, excelParams, dataSet); } catch (Exception e) { e.getMessage(); e.getMessage(); throw new ExcelExportException(ExcelExportEnum.EXPORT_ERROR, e.getCause()); } } public void createSheetForMap(Workbook workbook, ExportParams entity, List<ExcelExportEntity> entityList, Collection<?> dataSet) { if (workbook == null || entity == null || entityList == null || dataSet == null) { throw new ExcelExportException(ExcelExportEnum.PARAMETER_ERROR); } super.type = entity.getType(); if (type.equals(ExcelType.XSSF)) { MAX_NUM = 1000000; } if (entity.getMaxNum() > 0) { MAX_NUM = entity.getMaxNum(); } Sheet sheet = null; try { sheet = workbook.createSheet(entity.getSheetName()); } catch (Exception e) { // ????,???,???Sheet sheet = workbook.createSheet(); } insertDataToSheet(workbook, entity, entityList, dataSet, sheet); } protected void insertDataToSheet(Workbook workbook, ExportParams entity, List<ExcelExportEntity> entityList, Collection<?> dataSet, Sheet sheet) { try { dataHanlder = entity.getDataHanlder(); if (dataHanlder != null && dataHanlder.getNeedHandlerFields() != null) { needHanlderList = Arrays.asList(dataHanlder.getNeedHandlerFields()); } // ? setExcelExportStyler( (IExcelExportStyler) entity.getStyle().getConstructor(Workbook.class).newInstance(workbook)); Drawing patriarch = sheet.createDrawingPatriarch(); List<ExcelExportEntity> excelParams = new ArrayList<ExcelExportEntity>(); if (entity.isAddIndex()) { excelParams.add(indexExcelEntity(entity)); } excelParams.addAll(entityList); sortAllParams(excelParams); int index = entity.isCreateHeadRows() ? createHeaderAndTitle(entity, sheet, workbook, excelParams) : 0; int titleHeight = index; setCellWith(excelParams, sheet); short rowHeight = getRowHeight(excelParams); setCurrentIndex(1); Iterator<?> its = dataSet.iterator(); List<Object> tempList = new ArrayList<Object>(); while (its.hasNext()) { Object t =; index += createCells(patriarch, index, t, excelParams, sheet, workbook, rowHeight); tempList.add(t); if (index >= MAX_NUM) break; } if (entity.getFreezeCol() != 0) { sheet.createFreezePane(entity.getFreezeCol(), 0, entity.getFreezeCol(), 0); } mergeCells(sheet, excelParams, titleHeight); its = dataSet.iterator(); for (int i = 0, le = tempList.size(); i < le; i++) {; its.remove(); } // ?list Sheet if (dataSet.size() > 0) { createSheetForMap(workbook, entity, entityList, dataSet); } else { // ?? addStatisticsRow(getExcelExportStyler().getStyles(true, null), sheet); } } catch (Exception e) { e.getMessage(); throw new ExcelExportException(ExcelExportEnum.EXPORT_ERROR, e.getCause()); } } /** * * * @param title * @param index */ private int createTitleRow(ExportParams title, Sheet sheet, Workbook workbook, int index, List<ExcelExportEntity> excelParams) { Row row = sheet.createRow(index); int rows = getRowNums(excelParams); row.setHeight((short) 450); Row listRow = null; if (rows == 2) { listRow = sheet.createRow(index + 1); listRow.setHeight((short) 450); } int cellIndex = 0; CellStyle titleStyle = getExcelExportStyler().getTitleStyle(title.getColor()); for (int i = 0, exportFieldTitleSize = excelParams.size(); i < exportFieldTitleSize; i++) { ExcelExportEntity entity = excelParams.get(i); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(entity.getName())) { createStringCell(row, cellIndex, entity.getName(), titleStyle, entity); } if (entity.getList() != null) { List<ExcelExportEntity> sTitel = entity.getList(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(entity.getName())) { sheet.addMergedRegion( new CellRangeAddress(index, index, cellIndex, cellIndex + sTitel.size() - 1)); } for (int j = 0, size = sTitel.size(); j < size; j++) { createStringCell(rows == 2 ? listRow : row, cellIndex, sTitel.get(j).getName(), titleStyle, entity); cellIndex++; } cellIndex--; } else if (rows == 2) { createStringCell(listRow, cellIndex, "", titleStyle, entity); sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(index, index + 1, cellIndex, cellIndex)); } cellIndex++; } return rows; } }