Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) Lambda Innovation, 2013-2015 * ??Lambda Innovation * * * This project is open-source, and it is distributed under * the terms of GNU General Public License. You can modify * and distribute freely as long as you follow the license. * ??GNU??? * ???? * */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; import; import; import cn.annoreg.core.Registrant; import cn.liutils.cgui.gui.LIGui; import cn.liutils.cgui.gui.LIGuiScreen; import cn.liutils.cgui.gui.Widget; import cn.liutils.cgui.gui.component.DrawTexture; import cn.liutils.cgui.gui.component.ElementList; import cn.liutils.cgui.gui.component.TextBox; import cn.liutils.cgui.gui.component.Tint; import cn.liutils.cgui.gui.component.VerticalDragBar; import cn.liutils.cgui.gui.component.VerticalDragBar.DraggedEvent; import cn.liutils.cgui.gui.event.FrameEvent; import cn.liutils.cgui.loader.xml.CGUIDocLoader; import cn.liutils.util.client.HudUtils; import cn.liutils.util.helper.Color; import cn.liutils.util.helper.Font; /** * @author WeAthFolD * */ @Registrant public class LifeRecordUI extends LIGuiScreen { static final LIGui loaded = CGUIDocLoader.load(new ResourceLocation("academy:guis/life_record.xml")); final Color temp = new Color(); //L stands for Learned Knowledge area static final double L_START_X = 27, L_SIZE = 80, L_STEP = L_SIZE + 15; static final int L_COLUMNS = 6; final KnowledgeData data; public LifeRecordUI(KnowledgeData _data) { data = _data; init(); } private void init() { Widget back = loaded.getWidget("back").copy(); final ElementList list = new ElementList(); // Build the dynamic stuffs( acquired knowledge and discovered knowledge area) list.addWidget(loaded.getWidget("t_title_discovered").copy()); List<Knowledge> learned = new ArrayList(), discovered = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < KnowledgeData.getKnowledgeCount(); ++i) { if (data.isLearned(i)) { learned.add(KnowledgeData.getKnowledge(i)); } if (data.isDiscovered(i)) discovered.add(KnowledgeData.getKnowledge(i)); } for (Knowledge l : discovered) { list.addWidget(buildDiscoveredKnowledge(l)); } list.addWidget(loaded.getWidget("t_title_acquired").copy()); int count = 0; AcquiredRow row = new AcquiredRow(); for (Knowledge l : learned) { row.add(new LearnedKnowledge(l)); if (++count == L_COLUMNS) { count = 0; list.addWidget(row); row = new AcquiredRow(); } } if (count != 0) list.addWidget(row); back.getWidget("area").addComponent(list); back.getWidget("scrollbar").regEventHandler(DraggedEvent.class, (Widget w, DraggedEvent e) -> { list.setProgress((int) (list.getMaxProgress() * VerticalDragBar.get(w).getProgress())); }); gui.addWidget(back); } private void drawHoveringText(Knowledge l, double mx, double my) { final double SIZE_NAME = 48, SIZE_DESC = 44; final double W_MARGIN = 20, H_MARGIN = 10; GL11.glPushMatrix(); GL11.glTranslated(mx + 60, my + 5, 1); Font font = Font.font; double len = Math.max(font.strLen(l.getName(), SIZE_NAME), font.strLen(l.getDesc(), SIZE_DESC)); double x = -W_MARGIN, y = -H_MARGIN, w = len + 2 * W_MARGIN, h = 46 + SIZE_DESC + 2 * H_MARGIN; HudUtils.pushZLevel(); HudUtils.zLevel = 0; temp.fromHexColor(0xb4343434); temp.bind(); HudUtils.colorRect(x, y, w, h); temp.fromHexColor(0xa49d9d9d); temp.bind(); HudUtils.drawRectOutline(x, y, w, h, 2); HudUtils.popZLevel(); font.draw(l.getName(), 0, 0, SIZE_NAME, 0xdcdcdc); font.draw(l.getDesc(), 0, 46, SIZE_DESC, 0xb7dcdcdc); GL11.glColor4d(1, 1, 1, 1); GL11.glPopMatrix(); } private Widget buildDiscoveredKnowledge(Knowledge l) { Widget ret = loaded.getWidget("t_discovered").copy(); ret.addComponent(new Tint()); DrawTexture.get(ret.getWidget("icon")).texture = l.getIcon(); TextBox.get(ret.getWidget("title")).content = l.getName(); TextBox.get(ret.getWidget("desc")).content = l.getDesc(); return ret; } private class AcquiredRow extends Widget { double x = L_START_X; public AcquiredRow() { transform.setSize(614, 100); } public void add(Widget w) { w.transform.x = x; w.transform.y = 20; x += L_STEP; addWidget(w); } } private class LearnedKnowledge extends Widget { final Knowledge knowledge; public LearnedKnowledge(Knowledge l) { knowledge = l; transform.setSize(L_SIZE, L_SIZE); DrawTexture dt = new DrawTexture(); dt.texture = knowledge.getIcon(); addComponent(dt); Tint tint = new Tint(); tint.hoverColor.setColor4d(0, 0, 0, 0.2); addComponent(tint); regEventHandler(FrameEvent.class, (Widget w, FrameEvent e) -> { if (e.hovering) { drawHoveringText(knowledge,,; } }); } } }