Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) Lambda Innovation, 2013-2015 * ??Lambda Innovation * * * This project is open-source, and it is distributed under * the terms of GNU General Public License. You can modify * and distribute freely as long as you follow the license. * ??GNU??? * ???? * */ package; import java.util.Arrays; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import net.minecraft.util.StatCollector; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; import; import; import; import cn.annoreg.core.Registrant; import; import cn.liutils.cgui.gui.LIGui; import cn.liutils.cgui.gui.LIGuiContainer; import cn.liutils.cgui.gui.Widget; import cn.liutils.cgui.gui.annotations.GuiCallback; import cn.liutils.cgui.gui.component.DrawTexture; import cn.liutils.cgui.gui.component.ProgressBar; import cn.liutils.cgui.gui.component.TextBox; import cn.liutils.cgui.gui.event.FrameEvent; import cn.liutils.cgui.gui.event.FrameEvent.FrameEventHandler; import cn.liutils.cgui.gui.event.MouseDownEvent; import cn.liutils.cgui.loader.EventLoader; import cn.liutils.cgui.loader.xml.CGUIDocLoader; import cn.liutils.util.helper.Color; import cn.liutils.util.helper.GameTimer; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; /** * @author WeAthFolD */ @Registrant @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) @RegInit public class GuiMatrix extends LIGuiContainer { static LIGui loaded; public static void init() { loaded = CGUIDocLoader.load(new ResourceLocation("academy:guis/matrix.xml")); } //-------- //Callbacks CheckCallback checkCallback; //Synced states boolean receivedSync; boolean isLoaded; String ssid; int nodes; //Action boolean waitingForResult; long resultReceivedTime; //Used for anim display time ctrl. ActionResult result; //Meta objects final TileMatrix tile; final ContainerMatrix container; final EntityPlayer player; Widget pageMain, pageSSID, pageCheck; long syncedTime = -1; public GuiMatrix(ContainerMatrix c) { super(c); tile = c.tile; container = c; player = Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer; load(); } public void receiveSync(NBTTagCompound tag) { receivedSync = true; isLoaded = tag.getBoolean("loaded"); nodes = tag.getInteger("nodes"); TextBox box = TextBox.get(pageMain.getWidget("text_ssid2")); if (isLoaded) { ssid = tag.getString("ssid"); box.content = ssid; } else { box.content = "Not Loaded"; } } private static String local(String s) { return StatCollector.translateToLocal("ac.gui.matrix." + s); } @Override protected void drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer(int x, int y) { GL11.glPushMatrix(); GL11.glTranslated(-guiLeft, -guiTop, 0); Widget w = gui.getTopWidget(x, y); if (w != null) { String text = null; switch (w.getName()) { case "progress_cap": text = local("capacity") + ": " + nodes + "/" + tile.getCapacity(); break; case "progress_lat": text = local("bandwidth") + String.format(": %.1f IF/t", tile.getBandwidth()); break; case "progress_ran": text = local("range") + String.format(": %.2fm", tile.getRange()); break; default: break; } if (text != null) { this.drawHoveringText(Arrays.asList(new String[] { text }), x, y, this.fontRendererObj); } } GL11.glPopMatrix(); if (GameTimer.getTime() - syncedTime > 1200) GuiMatrixSync.sendSyncRequest(this); } private void startWaiting() { waitingForResult = true; result = ActionResult.WAITING; checkCallback.updateCheckState(); pageCheck.transform.doesDraw = true; pageMain.transform.doesListenKey = false; } /** * May called by sync method or gui itself, to update state animation. */ public void receiveActionResult(ActionResult result, boolean needSync) { if (waitingForResult) { waitingForResult = false; this.result = result; resultReceivedTime = GameTimer.getAbsTime(); checkCallback.updateCheckState(); if (needSync) { GuiMatrixSync.sendSyncRequest(this); } } } private void load() { GuiMatrixSync.sendSyncRequest(this); LIGui gui = getGui(); pageMain = loaded.getWidget("window_main").copy(); pageSSID = loaded.getWidget("window_init").copy(); pageCheck = loaded.getWidget("window_check").copy(); gui.addWidget(pageMain); gui.addWidget(pageSSID); gui.addWidget(pageCheck); pageSSID.transform.doesDraw = false; pageCheck.transform.doesDraw = false; wrapButton(pageMain.getWidget("button_config")); wrapButton(pageSSID.getWidget("button_yes")); wrapButton(pageSSID.getWidget("button_no")); wrapButton(pageCheck.getWidget("button_close")); EventLoader.load(pageMain, new MainCallback()); EventLoader.load(pageSSID, new SSIDCallback()); EventLoader.load(pageCheck, checkCallback = new CheckCallback()); } @Override public boolean isSlotActive() { return pageMain.transform.doesListenKey; } @Override protected boolean containerAcceptsKey(int key) { return false; } private void wrapButton(Widget w) { DrawTexture drawer = w.getComponent("DrawTexture"); final Color hoverColor = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1), idleColor = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.3); drawer.color = idleColor; w.regEventHandler(new FrameEventHandler() { @Override public void handleEvent(Widget w, FrameEvent event) { DrawTexture drawer = w.getComponent("DrawTexture"); drawer.color = event.hovering ? hoverColor : idleColor; } }); } private void openInitWindow() { TextBox box = pageSSID.getWidget("text_1").getComponent("TextBox"); DrawTexture drawSSID = DrawTexture.get(pageSSID.getWidget("input_ssid")), drawOldPW = DrawTexture.get(pageSSID.getWidget("input_oldpw")); box.content = ""; box.allowEdit = true; if (isLoaded) { drawSSID.enabled = false; drawOldPW.enabled = true; } else { drawSSID.enabled = true; drawOldPW.enabled = false; } TextBox.get(pageSSID.getWidget("text_2")).content = ""; TextBox.get(pageSSID.getWidget("text_3")).content = ""; pageMain.transform.doesListenKey = false; pageSSID.transform.doesDraw = true; } public class MainCallback { @GuiCallback("button_config") public void openDialogue(Widget w, MouseDownEvent event) { if (receivedSync) openInitWindow(); } @GuiCallback public void onFrame(Widget w, FrameEvent event) { ProgressBar.get(pageMain.getWidget("progress_cap")).progress = ((double) nodes / tile.getCapacity()); ProgressBar.get(pageMain.getWidget("progress_lat")).progress = (tile.getBandwidth() / TileMatrix.MAX_BANDWIDTH); ProgressBar.get(pageMain.getWidget("progress_ran")).progress = (tile.getRange() / TileMatrix.MAX_RANGE); } } public class SSIDCallback { public SSIDCallback() { pageSSID.regEventHandlerAtBegin(new FrameEventHandler() { @Override public void handleEvent(Widget w, FrameEvent event) { if (!pageMain.transform.doesListenKey) { LIGui.drawBlackout(); } } }); } @GuiCallback("button_yes") public void yesDown(Widget w, MouseDownEvent event) { startWaiting(); if (!isLoaded) { //Do init String ssid = getContent(1), pw1 = getContent(2), pw2 = getContent(3); if (pw1.equals(pw2) && !ssid.isEmpty()) { GuiMatrixSync.fullInit(player, tile, ssid, pw1); } else { receiveActionResult(ActionResult.INVALID_INPUT, false); } } else { //Update pass String oldpw = getContent(1), pw1 = getContent(2), pw2 = getContent(3); if (pw1.equals(pw2)) { GuiMatrixSync.passwordUpdate(player, tile, oldpw, pw1); } else { receiveActionResult(ActionResult.INVALID_INPUT, false); } } pageSSID.transform.doesDraw = false; } @GuiCallback("button_no") public void noDown(Widget w, MouseDownEvent event) { //Close without doing anything pageSSID.transform.doesDraw = false; pageMain.transform.doesListenKey = true; } private String getContent(int iid) { return TextBox.get(pageSSID.getWidget("text_" + iid)).content; } } public class CheckCallback { Widget markDrawer, info, markBorder; public CheckCallback() { markBorder = pageCheck.getWidget("mark_check1"); markDrawer = pageCheck.getWidget("mark_check2"); info = pageCheck.getWidget("test_info"); pageCheck.regEventHandlerAtBegin(new FrameEventHandler() { @Override public void handleEvent(Widget w, FrameEvent event) { if (!pageMain.transform.doesListenKey) { LIGui.drawBlackout(); } } }); } public void updateCheckState() { DrawTexture.get(markDrawer).texture = result.markSrc; TextBox.get(info).content = result.getDescription(); } @GuiCallback("mark_check1") public void updateAlpha(Widget w, FrameEvent event) { double alpha = 0.7 * 0.5 * (1 + Math.sin(GameTimer.getAbsTime() / 600.0)) + 0.3; DrawTexture.get(markBorder).color.a = alpha; } @GuiCallback("button_close") public void close(Widget w, MouseDownEvent event) { pageCheck.transform.doesDraw = false; pageMain.transform.doesListenKey = true; } } }