Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) Lambda Innovation, 2013-2015 * ??Lambda Innovation * * * This project is open-source, and it is distributed under * the terms of GNU General Public License. You can modify * and distribute freely as long as you follow the license. * ??GNU??? * ???? * */ package; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; import; import; import; import; import cn.annoreg.core.Registrant; import; import cn.liutils.cgui.gui.LIGui; import cn.liutils.cgui.gui.LIGuiContainer; import cn.liutils.cgui.gui.Widget; import cn.liutils.cgui.gui.annotations.GuiCallback; import cn.liutils.cgui.gui.component.DrawTexture; import cn.liutils.cgui.gui.component.ProgressBar; import cn.liutils.cgui.gui.component.TextBox; import cn.liutils.cgui.gui.event.FrameEvent; import cn.liutils.cgui.gui.event.FrameEvent.FrameEventHandler; import cn.liutils.cgui.loader.EventLoader; import cn.liutils.cgui.loader.xml.CGUIDocLoader; import cn.liutils.util.helper.Color; /** * @author WeAthFolD */ @Registrant @RegInit public class GuiImagFusor extends LIGuiContainer { static LIGui loaded; public static void init() { loaded = CGUIDocLoader.load(new ResourceLocation("academy:guis/imagfusor.xml")); } final TileImagFusor tile; Widget page; public GuiImagFusor(ContainerImagFusor c) { super(c); tile = c.tile; load(); } private void wrapButton(final Widget but) { final Color idle = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.3), hover = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1); but.regEventHandler(new FrameEventHandler() { @Override public void handleEvent(Widget w, FrameEvent event) { DrawTexture.get(but).color = event.hovering ? hover : idle; } }); } @Override protected void drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer(int x, int y) { GL11.glPushMatrix(); //Notice: We used a hack to get rid of MC's offset and use absolute offset. GL11.glTranslated(-this.guiLeft, -this.guiTop, 0); Widget widget = gui.getTopWidget(x, y); if (widget != null) { String text = null; if (widget.getName().equals("progress_imag")) { text = tile.getEnergy() + "/" + tile.getMaxEnergy() + " IF"; } else if (widget.getName().equals("progress_proj")) { text = tile.getLiquidAmount() + "/" + tile.getTankSize() + " mB"; } if (text != null) { EnergyUIHelper.drawTextBox(text, x + 5, y + 2, 9); } } GL11.glPopMatrix(); } private void load() { gui.addWidget(page = loaded.getWidget("window_main")); EventLoader.load(page, new Handler()); } public class Handler { ProgressBar progressProduct, progressProj, progressImag; public Handler() { progressProduct = ProgressBar.get(page.getWidget("progress_pro")); progressProj = ProgressBar.get(page.getWidget("progress_proj")); progressImag = ProgressBar.get(page.getWidget("progress_imag")); EnergyUIHelper.initNodeLinkButton(tile, page.getWidget("btn_link")); } @GuiCallback public void frameUpdate(Widget w, FrameEvent event) { progressProduct.progress = tile.getWorkProgress(); progressProj.progress = (double) tile.getLiquidAmount() / tile.getTankSize(); progressImag.progress = tile.getEnergy() / tile.getMaxEnergy(); String str; IFRecipe recipe = tile.getCurrentRecipe(); if (recipe == null) { str = ""; } else { str = "" + recipe.consumeLiquid; } TextBox.get(w.getWidget("text_req")).content = str; } } }