Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) Lambda Innovation, 2013-2015 * ??Lambda Innovation * * * AcademyCraft is open-source, and it is distributed under * the terms of GNU General Public License. You can modify * and distribute freely as long as you follow the license. * AcademyCraft??GNU??? * ???? * */ package; import; import cn.annoreg.core.RegistrationClass; import; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import; import; import; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; @RegistrationClass public class MsgSimpleChange implements IMessage { private int entityID; private float cp; private float maxCP; private int skillCount; private float[] skillExp; public MsgSimpleChange() { } public MsgSimpleChange(AbilityData data) { entityID = data.getPlayer().getEntityId(); cp = data.currentCP; maxCP = data.maxCP; skillCount = data.getSkillCount(); skillExp = data.skillExps.clone(); } @Override public void fromBytes(ByteBuf buf) { entityID = buf.readInt(); cp = buf.readFloat(); maxCP = buf.readFloat(); skillCount = buf.readInt(); skillExp = new float[skillCount]; for (int i = 0; i < skillCount; ++i) { skillExp[i] = buf.readFloat(); } } @Override public void toBytes(ByteBuf buf) { buf.writeInt(entityID); buf.writeFloat(cp); buf.writeFloat(maxCP); buf.writeInt(skillCount); for (int i = 0; i < skillCount; ++i) { buf.writeFloat(skillExp[i]); } } @RegMessageHandler(msg = MsgSimpleChange.class, side = RegMessageHandler.Side.CLIENT) public static class Handler implements IMessageHandler<MsgSimpleChange, IMessage> { @Override @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public IMessage onMessage(MsgSimpleChange msg, MessageContext ctx) { EntityPlayer thePlayer = Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer; if (msg.entityID == thePlayer.getEntityId()) { //Only sync cp of thePlayer AbilityData data = AbilityDataMain.getData(thePlayer); data.currentCP = msg.cp; data.maxCP = msg.maxCP; if (msg.skillCount != data.getSkillCount()) { AcademyCraft.log.fatal("Invalid ability data message."); } data.skillExps = msg.skillExp; } return null; } } }