Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package cms.service.template;

import java.util.*;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import cms.service.dhtmlx.Column;
import cms.service.dhtmlx.Head;
import cms.service.dhtmlx.forms.Item;
import cms.service.dhtmlx.forms.Items;
import cms.service.dhtmlx.Option;
import cms.service.dhtmlx.Row;
import cms.service.dhtmlx.Rows;
import cms.service.jdbc.DataType;
import cms.service.jdbc.DatabaseTransaction;

 * Title:        Semantic Application
 * Description:  Semantic Main Infrastructure Project
 * Copyright:    Copyright (c) 2001
 * Company:      SemanticJava Soft
 * @author
 * @version 1.0

public class TemplateUtility {
    static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(TemplateUtility.class);
    private static ApplicationConstants ACONST = new ApplicationConstants();
    private Object ruleaction = new Object();
    private Object deleteaction = new Object();
    private String checktables = "backlog,jobrun:choose, matrixlist:isactive, featurelist:isactive";

    public TemplateUtility() {

     * @tab  : Query result in template table
     * @table : actual table name 
    public Items getXMLForm(TemplateTable tab, String table, String codefieldlist[], String propfieldlist[],
            String relationlist[], String captions[], String[] datadomain, String[] formfields, String groupuser,
            String filters) {

        //Rows rows=null;
        Items items = null;
        HashMap<String, ArrayList<Option>> codes = null;
        HashMap<String, ArrayList<Option>> props = this.getProperty(table, propfieldlist);
        HashMap<String, ArrayList<Option>> relationprops = this.getRelationOptions(relationlist, groupuser,

        codes = this.getCodeObject(table, codefieldlist, groupuser);

        TemplateTable meta = getTableMetaData(table);


        List<Item> itemlist = new ArrayList<Item>();
        //create a setting
        Item item = new Item();
        int idx = 0;
        for (String colname : tab.getColumnNames()) {
            String name = "";
            List<String> columnname = new ArrayList<String>();
            List<Option> options = new ArrayList<Option>();
            String caption = captions[idx];
            String behavior = formfields[idx];
            item = new Item();

            int colindex = meta.getColumnIndex(colname);
            if (colindex == -1) {
                name = table.toLowerCase() + ":" + colname.toLowerCase() + ":false";
            if (colindex >= 0) {
                int colsize = Integer.parseInt(meta.getColumnSizes()[colindex]);
                String datatype = meta.getColumnDataTypes()[colindex];
                String nullable = meta.getColumnNullables()[colindex].equals("0") ? "false" : "true";
                if (nullable.equalsIgnoreCase("true") && datatype.toLowerCase().contains("char")) {
                    int index = tab.getColumnIndex(colname);
                    if (index > 0) {
                        datadomain[index] = "null";
                name = table.toLowerCase() + ":" + colname.toLowerCase() + ":" + nullable + ":"
                        + String.valueOf(meta.getColumnDataTypes()[colindex]) + ":" + colsize;
                //System.out.println(colname+" datatype="+datatype);
                if (colname.equalsIgnoreCase("objid")) {
                    caption = "";
                } else if (behavior.toLowerCase().contains("password")) {
                } else if (colname.contains("2")) {
                } else if (datatype.contains("DATE")) {
                    // System.out.println(colname+" datatype="+datatype);
                } else if (colsize < 300) {
                } else if (behavior.toLowerCase().contains("upload")) {
                } else if (behavior.toLowerCase().contains("file")) {
                } else if (colsize > 300) {

                } else {
            } else {


            //set property
            if (props.get(colname.toLowerCase()) != null) {
                options = props.get(colname.toLowerCase());

            } else if (codes.get(colname.toLowerCase()) != null) {
                options = codes.get(colname.toLowerCase());

            } else if (relationprops.get(colname.toLowerCase()) != null) {
                options = relationprops.get(colname.toLowerCase());

        items = new Items(itemlist);

        return items;

     * @tab  : Query result in template table
     * @table : actual table name 
    public Rows getXMLRows(TemplateTable tab, String table, String codefieldlist[], String propfieldlist[],
            String relationlist[], String captions[], String[] datadomain, String groupuser) {
        String elementid = null;
        Rows rows = null;
        Head head = null;
        HashMap<String, ArrayList<Option>> codes = null;
        HashMap<String, ArrayList<Option>> props = this.getProperty(table, propfieldlist);
        //HashMap<String,ArrayList<Option>> relationprops=this.getRelationOptions(relationlist, groupuser);

        codes = this.getCodeObject(table, codefieldlist, groupuser);

        ArrayList<Row> rowlist = new ArrayList<Row>();

        TemplateTable meta = getTableMetaData(table);


        List<Column> colls = new ArrayList<Column>();
        //add a radio button to choose
        List<String> choosecaptopn = new ArrayList<String>();
        Column chooseradio = new Column();
        chooseradio.setType((checktables.contains(table.toLowerCase() + ":") ? "ch" : "ra"));

        int idx = 0;
        for (String colname : tab.getColumnNames()) {

            List<String> columnname = new ArrayList<String>();
            List<Option> options = new ArrayList<Option>();
            String caption = captions[idx];

            Column col = new Column();

            int colindex = meta.getColumnIndex(colname);
            if (colindex == -1) {
                elementid = table.toLowerCase() + ":" + colname.toLowerCase() + ":false";
            //System.out.println(colname+"="+elementid+" index="+colindex);
            if (colindex >= 0) {
                int colsize = Integer.parseInt(meta.getColumnSizes()[colindex]);
                String datatype = meta.getColumnDataTypes()[colindex];
                String nullable = meta.getColumnNullables()[colindex].equals("0") ? "false" : "true";
                if (nullable.equalsIgnoreCase("true") && datatype.toLowerCase().contains("char")) {
                    datadomain[colindex] = "null";
                elementid = table.toLowerCase() + ":" + colname.toLowerCase() + ":" + nullable + ":"
                        + String.valueOf(meta.getColumnDataTypes()[colindex]) + ":" + colsize;
                if (colsize > 100) {
                } else if (colname.equalsIgnoreCase("objid")) {
                } else if (datatype.contains("DATE")) {

                } else {
            } else {
            if (props.get(colname.toLowerCase()) != null) {
                options = props.get(colname.toLowerCase());
            } else if (codes.get(colname.toLowerCase()) != null) {
                options = codes.get(colname.toLowerCase());
            /*else if(relationprops.get(colname.toLowerCase())!=null){
        head = new Head(colls);
        int i = 0;
        boolean hasdata = false;
        //if column name and 1st row 1st column is same

        if (tab.getRowCount() > 0
                && tab.getColumnNames()[0].equalsIgnoreCase(tab.getFieldValue(tab.getColumnNames()[0], 0))) {
            i = 1;
        for (; i < tab.getRowCount(); i++) {
            hasdata = true;
            List<String> cells = new ArrayList<String>();
            for (String coll : tab.getColumnNames()) {
                cells.add(tab.getFieldValue(coll, i));
                //System.out.println("Cell="+tab.getFieldValue(coll, i));

            rowlist.add(new Row(String.valueOf(i), cells));


        //if has no data fill up dummy row
        if (!hasdata) {
            List<String> cells = new ArrayList<String>();
            int colidx = 0;
            for (String coll : tab.getColumnNames()) {
                cells.add(colidx == 0 ? "newid" : "");

            rowlist.add(new Row(String.valueOf(i), cells));

        rows = new Rows(rowlist, head);

        return rows;

     * @tab  : Query result in template table
     * @table : actual table name 
    public Rows getXMLFilterRows(TemplateTable tab, String table, String codefieldlist[], String propfieldlist[],
            String relationlist[], String columns[], String captions[], String[] datadomain, String groupuser) {
        String elementid;
        Rows rows = null;
        Head head = null;
        HashMap<String, ArrayList<Option>> codes = null;
        HashMap<String, ArrayList<Option>> props = this.getProperty(table, propfieldlist);
        //HashMap<String,ArrayList<Option>> relationprops=this.getRelationOptions(relationlist, groupuser);


        codes = this.getCodeObject(table, codefieldlist, groupuser);

        ArrayList<Row> rowlist = new ArrayList<Row>();

        TemplateTable meta = getTableMetaData(table);


        List<Column> colls = new ArrayList<Column>();
        //add a radio button to choose
        List<String> choosecaptopn = new ArrayList<String>();
        Column chooseradio = new Column();
        chooseradio.setType((checktables.contains(table.toLowerCase() + ":") ? "ch" : "ra"));

        boolean isDate = false;
        int idx = 0;
        for (String colname : columns) {
            List<String> columnname = new ArrayList<String>();
            List<Option> options = new ArrayList<Option>();
            String caption = captions[idx];
            Column col = new Column();
            int colindex = meta.getColumnIndex(colname);

            if (colindex == -1) {
                elementid = table.toLowerCase() + ":" + colname.toLowerCase() + ":false";
            if (colindex >= 0) {
                int colsize = Integer.parseInt(meta.getColumnSizes()[colindex]);
                String datatype = meta.getColumnDataTypes()[colindex];
                String nullable = meta.getColumnNullables()[colindex].equals("0") ? "false" : "true";
                if (nullable.equalsIgnoreCase("true") && datatype.toLowerCase().contains("char")) {
                    datadomain[colindex] = "null";
                elementid = table.toLowerCase() + ":" + colname.toLowerCase() + ":" + nullable + ":"
                        + String.valueOf(meta.getColumnDataTypes()[colindex]) + ":" + colsize;


                if (colsize > 100) {
                } else if (datatype.contains("DATE")) {

                } else {
            } else {
            if (props.get(colname.toLowerCase()) != null) {
                options = props.get(colname.toLowerCase());
            } else if (codes.get(colname.toLowerCase()) != null) {
                options = codes.get(colname.toLowerCase());
            /*else if(relationprops.get(colname.toLowerCase())!=null){

        head = new Head(colls);
        int i = 0;
        boolean hasdata = false;
        //if column name and 1st row 1st column is same

        if (tab.getRowCount() > 0
                && tab.getColumnNames()[0].equalsIgnoreCase(tab.getFieldValue(tab.getColumnNames()[0], 0))) {
            i = 1;
        for (; i < tab.getRowCount(); i++) {
            hasdata = true;
            List<String> cells = new ArrayList<String>();
            //ensure that checkcol value should be 0 or 1
            String checkcol = this.getCheckColumn(table);

            if (checkcol != null) {
                cells.add(tab.getFieldValue(checkcol.trim(), i));
            } else {
            for (String coll : columns) {
                cells.add(tab.getFieldValue(coll, i));

            rowlist.add(new Row(String.valueOf(i), cells));


        //if has no data fill up dummy row
        if (!hasdata) {
            List<String> cells = new ArrayList<String>();
            int colidx = 0;
            for (String coll : columns) {
                cells.add(colidx == 0 ? "newid" : "");

            rowlist.add(new Row(String.valueOf(i), cells));

        rows = new Rows(rowlist, head);

        return rows;

    public List<cms.service.dhtmlx.forms.Option> convertOptions(List<cms.service.dhtmlx.Option> options) {
        List<cms.service.dhtmlx.forms.Option> formoptions = new ArrayList<cms.service.dhtmlx.forms.Option>();

        for (cms.service.dhtmlx.Option op : options) {
            cms.service.dhtmlx.forms.Option noption = new cms.service.dhtmlx.forms.Option();

        return formoptions;

    public String getCheckColumn(String table) {
        String ret = null;
        if (this.checktables.toLowerCase().contains(table.toLowerCase() + ":")) {
            String[] list = checktables.split(",");
            for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
                if (list[i].toLowerCase().contains(table.toLowerCase())) {
                    String cols[] = list[i].split(":");
                    if (cols.length == 2) {
                        return cols[1];
                    } else {
                        return null;
        return ret;

    public Rows getDeletedRows(String objid) {
        Rows rows = new Rows();
        ArrayList<Row> rowlist = new ArrayList<Row>();
        List<String> cells = new ArrayList<String>();
        rowlist.add(new Row("1", cells));
        return rows;

    public Rows getServiceMessage(String msg) {
        Rows rows = new Rows();
        ArrayList<Row> rowlist = new ArrayList<Row>();
        List<String> cells = new ArrayList<String>();
        rowlist.add(new Row("1", cells));
        return rows;

    public Rows getFailedMessage(String msg) {
        Rows rows = new Rows();
        ArrayList<Row> rowlist = new ArrayList<Row>();
        List<String> cells = new ArrayList<String>();
        rowlist.add(new Row("1", cells));
        return rows;

    public Items getFailedItemMessage(String msg) {
        Items items = new Items();
        ArrayList<Item> itemlist = new ArrayList<Item>();
        itemlist.add(new Item("form", msg));
        return items;

    public Rows getXMLSummaryRows(TemplateTable tab, String captions[]) {

        Rows rows = null;
        Head head = null;
        String[] colnames = { "Key Facts", "Values" };
        ArrayList<Row> rowlist = new ArrayList<Row>();

        if (tab.getRowCount() > 0) {

            List<Column> colls = new ArrayList<Column>();

            for (String colname : colnames) {
                List<String> columnname = new ArrayList<String>();
                List<Option> options = new ArrayList<Option>();
                Column col = new Column();

            head = new Head(colls);

            int i = 0;
            for (String coll : tab.getColumnNames()) {
                List<String> cells = new ArrayList<String>();
                cells.add(tab.getFieldValue(coll, 0));
                rowlist.add(new Row(String.valueOf(i), cells));

            rows = new Rows(rowlist, head);

        return rows;

    public Rows getXMLConsoleRows(String username) {

        Rows rows = null;
        Row master = null;
        ArrayList<Row> rowlist = null;
        ArrayList<Row> masterrowlist = new ArrayList<Row>();
        String sql = "select c.* from table_console c, table_messagequeue mq where upper(mq.login)= upper('"
                + username + "') and mq.objid=c.console2messagequeue order by";
        TemplateTable tab = this.getResultSet(sql);
        String oldname = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < tab.getRowCount(); i++) {
            String name = tab.getFieldValue("name", i);
            if (this.isEmptyValue(oldname) && !isEmptyValue(name) || !oldname.equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
                oldname = name;
                if (master != null) {
                rowlist = new ArrayList<Row>();
                master = new Row();
                master.setId(name + "s");
                List<String> cells = new ArrayList<String>();
                cells.add(tab.getFieldValue("name", i));
                cells.add("See All " + tab.getFieldValue("name", i) + " related tasks");

            if (oldname.equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
                List<String> cells = new ArrayList<String>();
                cells.add(tab.getFieldValue("name", i) + "(" + tab.getFieldValue("elapseday", i) + "):"
                        + tab.getFieldValue("keyobjid", i));
                if (tab.getFieldValue("title", i).equalsIgnoreCase(tab.getFieldValue("description", i))) {
                    cells.add(tab.getFieldValue("title", i));
                } else {
                    cells.add(tab.getFieldValue("title", i) + " --" + tab.getFieldValue("description", i));
                rowlist.add(new Row(String.valueOf(i + 1), cells));

        if (master != null) {
        rows = new Rows();

        return rows;

    public ArrayList<String> getValidators(String[] domians) {
        String validator = "";
        ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (int i = 0; i < domians.length; i++) {
            String domain = domians[i];
            if (this.isEmptyValue(validator)) {
                validator += dhtmlxValidator(domain);
            } else {
                validator += "," + dhtmlxValidator(domain);

        return result;

    private String dhtmlxValidator(String domain) {
        if (domain.toLowerCase().contains("int_")) {
            return "ValidInteger";
        } else if (domain.toLowerCase().contains("code_")) {
            return "ValidAplhaNumeric";
        } else if (domain.toLowerCase().contains("string")) {
            return "NotEmpty";
        } else if (domain.toLowerCase().contains("email_")) {
            return "ValidEmail";
        } else if (domain.toLowerCase().contains("money_")) {
            return "ValidCurrency";
        } else if (domain.toLowerCase().contains("int_")) {
            return "ValidInteger";
        } else if (domain.toLowerCase().contains("date_")) {
            return "NotEmpty";
        } else if (domain.toLowerCase().contains("float_")) {
            return "ValidNumeric";
        } else if (domain.toLowerCase().contains("status_")) {
            return "ValidAplhaNumeric";
        } else if (domain.toLowerCase().contains("phone_")) {
            return "ValidAplhaNumeric";
        } else if (domain.toLowerCase().contains("null")) {
            return "Empty";

        return "NotEmpty";

    public HashMap<String, ArrayList<Option>> getCodeObject(String table, String fieldlist[], String groupuser) {
        return new CodeManager().getCodeObject(table, fieldlist, groupuser);

    public String getDisplayForm(String table, String[] fields, String[] captions, String[] datatype) {
        return new ServiceObject().getDisplayForm(table, fields, captions, datatype);

    public String getSearchForm(String table) {
        return new ServiceObject().getSearchForm(table);

    public String getButtonAction(String table) {
        return new ServiceObject().getButtonAction(table);

    public String getChildButtonAction(String table) {
        return new ServiceObject().getChildButtonAction(table);

    public ArrayList<String> getChartSelectColumns(String table) {
        return new ServiceObject().getChartSelectColumns(table);

    public ArrayList<String> getChartPropertyJSON(String table, TemplateTable tabdata, String field) {
        HashMap<String, String> chartprop = new ServiceObject().getChartProperty(table, field);
        ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();

        String data = "";
        String grid = "";
        if (chartprop != null && !chartprop.isEmpty()) {
            String chartname = chartprop.get("chartname");
            String charttype = chartprop.get("charttype");
            String[] fieldnames = chartprop.get("fieldnames").split(",");
            String chartdatatype = chartprop.get("chartdatatype");
            String chartalias = chartprop.get("chartalias");
            String x_axis = chartprop.get("x_axis");
            String y_axis = chartprop.get("y_axis");
            String selectcolumn = chartprop.get("selectcolumn");
            String[] captions = chartprop.get("captions").split(",");
            String isdefault = chartprop.get("isdefault");

            grid += "{" + "\n\tview:'" + charttype + "',\n\t" + "\n\tlabel:'" + chartalias + "',\n\t"
                    + "\n\ttooltip:{" + "\n\t\t   template:'#data#'" + "\n\t},"
                    + "\n\tlegend:{\"template\":\"#caption#\",\"marker\":{\"type\":\"square\",\"width\":25,\"height\":15}},"
                    + "\n\tgradient: false," + "\n\tvalue:'#data#'" + "\n}";

            if ((fieldnames.length == captions.length) && fieldnames.length > 0) {

                int c = 0;
                float balance;
                String val = "0.0";
                for (String col : fieldnames) {
                    if (c == 0) {
                        val = tabdata.getFieldValue(col, tabdata.getRowCount() - 1);
                        data += "\n\t\t{data:'" + tabdata.getFieldValue(col, tabdata.getRowCount() - 1)
                                + "',caption:'" + captions[c] + "'}";
                    } else {
                        data += ",\n\t\t{data:'" + tabdata.getFieldValue(col, tabdata.getRowCount() - 1)
                                + "',caption:'" + captions[c] + "'}";
                if (!val.isEmpty() && fieldnames.length == 1 && chartdatatype.equalsIgnoreCase("percent")) {
                    balance = 100 - Float.valueOf(val);
                    data += ",\n\t\t{data:'" + balance + "',caption:'Remain'}";


            result.add("[" + data + "\n]");

        return result;

    public HashMap<String, ArrayList<Option>> getRelationOptions(String relationlist[], String groupuser,
            String filters) {
        HashMap<String, ArrayList<Option>> props = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<Option>>();

        for (String relation : relationlist) {
            String[] tables = relation.split(":");
            if (tables.length >= 3 && tables[2].equals("list")) {
                String sql = "";
                String filterVal = "";
                if (tables.length == 4 && !this.isEmptyValue(filters) && !this.isEmptyValue(tables[3])
                        && tables[3].toLowerCase().contains("select")) {
                    if (filters.contains(",")) {
                        filterVal = filters.replace(",", "' and ");
                    } else {
                        filterVal = filters + "'";
                    sql = tables[3].replaceAll("@filters", "'" + filterVal) + " order by 2";
                } else {
                    sql = "select *from table_" + tables[0] + " where groupuser='" + groupuser + "' order by 2";
                TemplateTable prop = this.getResultSet(sql);

                ArrayList<Option> options = new ArrayList<Option>();
                if (prop.getRowCount() > 0) {
                    for (int n = 0; n < prop.getRowCount(); n++) {

                        ArrayList<String> optionval = new ArrayList<String>();
                        if (tables[0].toLowerCase().equals("messagequeue")) {
                                    prop.getFieldValue("firstname", n) + " " + prop.getFieldValue("lastname", n));
                        } else {
                            optionval.add(prop.getFieldValue("name", n));
                        options.add(new Option(prop.getFieldValue("objid", n), optionval));

                        props.put(tables[1].toLowerCase(), options);
                } else {

                    ArrayList<String> optionval = new ArrayList<String>();

                    optionval.add("--No Selection Available--");

                    options.add(new Option("null", optionval));

                    props.put(tables[1].toLowerCase(), options);


        return props;

    public HashMap<String,ArrayList<Option>> getRelationOptions (String relationlist[],String groupuser)
       HashMap<String,ArrayList<Option>> props= new HashMap<String,ArrayList<Option>>();
       for(String relation:relationlist){
      String [] tables=relation.split("2");
         String sql= "select *from table_"+tables[1]+ " where groupuser='"+groupuser+"' order by 2";
         TemplateTable prop=this.getResultSet(sql);
           ArrayList<Option> options= new ArrayList<Option>();
           for(int n = 0; n < prop.getRowCount(); n++){
              ArrayList<String> optionval= new ArrayList<String>();
                 optionval.add(prop.getFieldValue("firstname", n)+ " "+prop.getFieldValue("lastname", n));
                 optionval.add(prop.getFieldValue("name", n));
              options.add(new Option(prop.getFieldValue("objid", n),optionval));
              props.put(relation.toLowerCase(), options);
       return props;
    public HashMap<String, ArrayList<Option>> getProperty(String table, String fieldlist[]) {
        return new ServiceObject().getProperty(table, fieldlist);

    public String getRandomNumber() {
        Random generator = new Random();
        return (String.valueOf(generator.nextInt(999999999)));

    public static boolean isEmptyValue(String val) {
        if (val == null || val.isEmpty()) {
            return true;
        return false;

     * the method getLogFileList take a file's path, and lists all files with .log extension
     * return a array of file names which matches the filter.
    public String[] getLogFileList(String aPath) {

        String[] m_List;
        String[] m_Log = null;
        int findex = 0;
        try {
            File m_File = new File(aPath);
            if (m_File.isAbsolute() && m_File.isDirectory()) {

                m_List = m_File.list();
                for (int i = 0; i < m_List.length; i++) {
                    int index = m_List[i].indexOf(".log");
                    if (m_List[i].substring(index + 1).equalsIgnoreCase("log")) {
                        // m_Log[findex]=m_List[i];
                if (findex > 0) {
                    int k = 0;
                    m_Log = new String[findex];
                    for (int i = 0; i < m_List.length; i++) {
                        int index = m_List[i].indexOf(".log");
                        if (m_List[i].substring(index + 1).equalsIgnoreCase("log")) {
                            m_Log[k] = m_List[i];

        } catch (Exception e) {
        return m_Log;

    // parses the input file and puts the key-value pairs in the vector.
    //  Also, resets the bufreader to the point marked before.
    public Vector parseInputFile(BufferedReader bufReader, String strHeader) throws IOException {
        int i = 0;
        strHeader = "[" + strHeader + "]";
        Vector vBuf = new Vector();
        String str = bufReader.readLine();
        while (str != null) {
            if (str.equalsIgnoreCase(strHeader)) {
                while (!str.equalsIgnoreCase("[end]")) {
                    str = bufReader.readLine();
                return vBuf;
            str = bufReader.readLine();
        return vBuf;

    // parses the input file and puts the key-value pairs in the vector.
    //  Also, resets the bufreader to the point marked before.
    public Vector parseInputXmlFile(BufferedReader bufReader, String strHeader) throws IOException {
        int i = 0;
        String endTag = "</" + strHeader + ">";
        strHeader = "<" + strHeader + ">";
        Vector vBuf = new Vector();
        String str = bufReader.readLine();
        while (str != null) {
            if (str.equalsIgnoreCase(strHeader)) {
                while (!str.equalsIgnoreCase(endTag)) {
                    str = bufReader.readLine();
                return vBuf;
            str = bufReader.readLine();
        return vBuf;

    // Parses the vector for the value, given the key.
    public String parseInputValue(Vector vBuf, String sKey) {
        for (int i = 0; i < vBuf.size(); i++) {
            String strElm = new String();
            strElm = (String) vBuf.elementAt(i);
            if (strElm.toUpperCase().startsWith(sKey.toUpperCase())) {
                int idx = strElm.indexOf("=");
                strElm = strElm.substring(idx + 1);
                return strElm;
        return null;

    public Vector getGridRowData(String data, String rowseperator) {
        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(data, rowseperator);
        Vector vRet = new Vector();
        int count = 0;
        while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
        if (count == 0)

        return (vRet);


    public Vector getGridColumnData(Vector rowData, String columnSeperator, int rowno) {

        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer((String) rowData.elementAt(rowno), columnSeperator);
        Vector vRet = new Vector();
        int count = 0;
        while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
        if (count == 0)

        return (vRet);


    public String[] getGridDataArray(String data, String rowseperator, String columnSeperator) {
        Vector rowData = getGridRowData(data, rowseperator);
        String[] retStr = new String[1];
        int count = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < rowData.size(); i++) {
            StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer((String) rowData.elementAt(i), columnSeperator);
            int length = st.countTokens() * rowData.size();
            retStr = new String[length];

            while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
                //"Col value="+st.nextToken());
                retStr[count] = st.nextToken();
            if (count == 0)
                retStr[count] = (String) rowData.elementAt(i);
        return (retStr);

    //In query mode it will return the date for mssql not time but while update it will insert time with date
    public String getConvertDate(String dbtype, String querytype, String queryfield, String format,
            String fieldvalue) {
        //"dbtype="+dbtype+" querytype="+ querytype+" queryfield="+queryfield +" format="+format );
        int index = queryfield.indexOf(".");
        String aliasname = "";
        String fldalis[] = this.getString2TokenArray(queryfield, " ");
        if (fldalis.length > 1) {
            queryfield = fldalis[0];
            aliasname = fldalis[1];
        } else {
            aliasname = queryfield.substring(index + 1);
        if (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("Oracle") && querytype.equalsIgnoreCase("select")) {
            return ("to_char(" + queryfield + ",'" + format + "')\"" + aliasname + "\"");
        } else if (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("mysql") && querytype.equalsIgnoreCase("select")) {
            return (queryfield + " `" + aliasname + "`");

        } else if (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("Mssql") && querytype.equalsIgnoreCase("select")) {
            return ("convert(char," + queryfield + ",101) \"" + aliasname + "\"");
        } else if (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("Oracle") && querytype.equalsIgnoreCase("update")
                || dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("Oracle") && querytype.equalsIgnoreCase("insert")) {
            return ("to_date('" + fieldvalue + "','" + format + "')");
        } else if (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("mysql") && querytype.equalsIgnoreCase("update")
                || dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("mysql") && querytype.equalsIgnoreCase("insert")) {
            return ("date('" + fieldvalue + "')");
        } else if (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("Mssql") && querytype.equalsIgnoreCase("update")
                || dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("Mssql") && querytype.equalsIgnoreCase("insert")) {
            return ("cast('" + fieldvalue + "' as datetime)");

        return (null);

    //This datetime is used for query fields for select or update
    public String getConvertDateTime(String dbtype, String querytype, String queryfield, String format,
            String fieldvalue) {
        //">>>>Calling getConvertDateTime() fieldvalue="+fieldvalue);
        int index = queryfield.indexOf(".");
        if (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("Oracle") && querytype.equalsIgnoreCase("select")) {
            return ("to_char(" + queryfield + ",'" + format + "')\"" + queryfield.substring(index + 1) + "\"");
        } else if (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("mysql") && querytype.equalsIgnoreCase("select")) {
            return (queryfield + " `" + queryfield.substring(index + 1) + "`");

        } else if (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("Mssql") && querytype.equalsIgnoreCase("select")) {
            return ("convert(datetime," + queryfield + ",101) \"" + queryfield.substring(index + 1) + "\"");

        if (fieldvalue != null && !fieldvalue.isEmpty() && !fieldvalue.equalsIgnoreCase("0")) {
            if (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("Oracle") && querytype.equalsIgnoreCase("update")
                    || dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("Oracle") && querytype.equalsIgnoreCase("insert")) {
                return ("to_date('" + fieldvalue + "','" + format + "')");
            } else if (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("mysql") && querytype.equalsIgnoreCase("update")
                    || dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("mysql") && querytype.equalsIgnoreCase("insert")) {
                return ("date('" + fieldvalue + "')");

            } else if (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("Mssql") && querytype.equalsIgnoreCase("update")
                    || dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("Mssql") && querytype.equalsIgnoreCase("insert")) {
                return ("cast('" + fieldvalue + "' as datetime)");
        return (null);

    //This datetime is used to compare datetime in filter condition of the where clause of the query
    //for Oracle database
    public String getVarchar2DateTime(String dbtype, boolean isFilterCondition, String queryfield, String format,
            String fieldvalue) {
        int index = queryfield.indexOf(".");

        if (fieldvalue == null || fieldvalue.equals("")) {
            if (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("Oracle") && isFilterCondition)
                return ("to_date(to_char(" + queryfield + ",'" + format + "'),'" + format + "')");
            else if (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("Oracle") && !isFilterCondition)
                return ("to_date(to_char(" + queryfield + ",'" + format + "'),'" + format + "')\""
                        + queryfield.substring(index + 1) + "\"");
            else if (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("mssql") && isFilterCondition)
                return ("cast(" + queryfield + " as datetime)");
            else if (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("mssql") && !isFilterCondition)
                return ("cast(" + queryfield + " as datetime) \"" + queryfield + "\"");
            else if (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("mysql") && isFilterCondition)
                return ("date(" + queryfield + ")");
            else if (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("mysql") && !isFilterCondition)
                return (queryfield + " `" + queryfield + "`");
        } else if (fieldvalue != null && !fieldvalue.equals("")) {
            int flddotindex = (fieldvalue.indexOf(".") < 0 ? fieldvalue.length() : fieldvalue.indexOf("."));
            if (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("Oracle") && isFilterCondition)
                return ("to_date('" + fieldvalue.substring(0, flddotindex) + "','" + format + "')");
            else if (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("Oracle") && !isFilterCondition)
                return ("to_date(to_char('" + fieldvalue + "','" + format + "'),'" + format + "')\""
                        + queryfield.substring(index + 1) + "\"");
            else if (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("mssql") && isFilterCondition)
                return ("cast('" + fieldvalue + "' as datetime)");
            else if (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("mssql") && !isFilterCondition)
                return ("convert(datetime,'" + fieldvalue + "',101) \"" + queryfield + "\"");
            else if (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("mysql") && isFilterCondition)
                return ("date('" + fieldvalue + "')");
            else if (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("mysql") && !isFilterCondition)
                return ("date('" + queryfield + "') `" + queryfield + "`");
        return (null);

    public boolean executeQuery(String sql) {
        try {
            TemplateQuery query = new TemplateQuery();
            //"\nExecuting Query: "+query.getQuery()+"\n");
            TemplateTable output = new TemplateTable();
            output = query.getTableResultset();
            if (output.getRowCount() > 0) {
                return (true);
            } else {
                if (ACONST.GENERATE_LOG)
          "Query Failed! :" + sql);
        } catch (Exception e) {
  "Query Failed! :" + sql);
        return (false);

    public String getObjId(String sql) {
        try {
            TemplateQuery query = new TemplateQuery();
            TemplateTable output = new TemplateTable();
            output = query.getTableResultset();
            if (output.getRowCount() > 0) {
                return ("'" + output.getRow(0)[0] + "'");
            } else {
                if (ApplicationConstants.GENERATE_LOG) {
          "Query Failed! :" + sql);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (ApplicationConstants.GENERATE_LOG) {
      "Query Failed! :" + sql);
        return ("");

    public String getUniqueFieldValue(String sql, String fieldname) {
        try {
            TemplateQuery query = new TemplateQuery();
            TemplateTable output = new TemplateTable();
            output = query.getTableResultset();
            if (output.getRowCount() == 1) {
                return (output.getFieldValue(fieldname, 0));
            } else {
                if (ApplicationConstants.GENERATE_LOG) {
          "Query Failed! :" + sql);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (ApplicationConstants.GENERATE_LOG) {
      "Query Failed! :" + sql);
        return ("");

    public TemplateTable getTableMetaData(String table) {
        if (!table.contains("table_")) {
            table = "table_" + table;
        TemplateQuery query = new TemplateQuery();
        //return(new TemplateQuery().getTableMetaData(table));
        return (query.getTableMetaData(table));


    public TemplateTable getResultSet(String sql) {

        try {
            TemplateQuery query = new TemplateQuery();
            TemplateTable output = query.getTableResultset();
            if (output.getRowCount() > 0) {
                if (ACONST.GENERATE_LOG) {
          "\n***Query=" + sql);
                return (output);
            } else {
                if (ACONST.GENERATE_LOG) {
          "\n>>>Query Failed! No Record Exists:\n" + sql);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (ApplicationConstants.GENERATE_LOG) {
      "\n>>>Query Failed! No Record Exists:\n" + sql);
        return (new TemplateTable());

    public int getArrayFieldIndex(String name, String[] array) {
        int index = -1;
        for (int ip = 0; ip < array.length; ip++) {
            //System.out.print("\n Arry field index for="+array[ip] + "name="+name);
            if (array[ip].equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
                index = ip;
        return (index);

    public String[] getString2TokenArray(String data, String seperator) {

        String[] retStr;
        int count = 0;
        if (data != null && !data.equals("")) {
            StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(data, seperator);
            int length = st.countTokens();
            retStr = new String[length];

            while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
                retStr[count] = st.nextToken().trim();
            return (retStr);
        return (null);

    //Returns a String array size of given length
    public String[] getStringArrayByLength(String[] array, int length) {
        String[] tmparray = new String[length];
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            tmparray[i] = array[i];
            //"String index="+i +" value="+array[i]);
        return (tmparray);

    //Returns a array size of given length
    public int[] getIntegerArrayByLength(int[] array, int length) {
        int[] tmparray = new int[length];
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            tmparray[i] = array[i];
            //"Int index="+i +" value="+array[i]);
        return (tmparray);

    public String replaceSingleQouteForDatabase(String s) {
        boolean isfirst = true;
        String retStr = "";
        if (s != null && !s.equals("")) {
            if (s.indexOf("'") > 0) {
                StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s, "'");
                while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
                    if (isfirst) {
                        isfirst = false;
                        retStr = st.nextToken();
                    } else {
                        retStr += "\\''" + st.nextToken();
            } else {
                retStr = s;
        return (retStr);

    /*   public String replaceSingleQouteForDatabase(String s){
      boolean isfirst=true;
      String ms=s;
        int dlength=s.length();
        int defualtlength="default".length();
        int dcut=s.indexOf("default");
        ms=( dlength>0 && dlength>defualtlength)?s.substring(0,dcut):s;
      String retStr="";
      if(ms!=null && !ms.equals("")){
            StringTokenizer st= new StringTokenizer(ms,"'");
            while (st.hasMoreTokens() ) {

    //This method will replace same as replaceStringWith plus special charecter like (+,>,< etc) with new delimitor
    public String replaceStringWithPlus(String s, String oldDelimitor, String newDelimitor) {
        boolean isfirst = true;
        String retStr = "";
        if (s != null && !s.equals("")) {
            if (s.indexOf(oldDelimitor) > 0) {
                StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s, oldDelimitor);
                while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
                    if (isfirst) {
                        isfirst = false;
                        retStr = st.nextToken();
                    } else {
                        String tmpstr = st.nextToken();
                        if (tmpstr != null && tmpstr.indexOf("+") >= 0 && oldDelimitor.equalsIgnoreCase("+"))
                            retStr += oldDelimitor + tmpstr;
                        else if (tmpstr != null && tmpstr.indexOf(">") >= 0 && !oldDelimitor.equalsIgnoreCase(">"))
                            retStr += oldDelimitor + tmpstr;
                        else if (tmpstr != null && tmpstr.indexOf("<") >= 0 && !oldDelimitor.equalsIgnoreCase("<"))
                            retStr += oldDelimitor + tmpstr;
                            retStr += newDelimitor + tmpstr;
            } else {
                retStr = s;
        return (retStr);

    //This method will replace a string with new delimitor
    public String replaceStringWith(String s, String oldDelimitor, String newDelimitor) {
        boolean isfirst = true;
        String retStr = "";
        if (s != null && !s.equals("")) {
            if (s.indexOf(oldDelimitor) > 0) {
                StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s, oldDelimitor);
                while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
                    if (isfirst) {
                        isfirst = false;
                        retStr = st.nextToken();
                    } else {
                        retStr += newDelimitor + st.nextToken();
            } else {
                retStr = s;
        return (retStr);

    //This method verify if the string is a date if it matches one of the valid date format
    public boolean isDate(String s) {
        boolean isfirst = true;
        boolean backslas = false;
        boolean dash = false;
        String delimitor = "";
        String retStr = "";
        if (s != null && !s.equals("")) {
            if (s.indexOf("/") > 0) {
                backslas = true;
                delimitor = "/";
            if (s.indexOf("-") > 0) {
                dash = true;
                delimitor = "-";

            StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s, delimitor);
            while (st.hasMoreTokens() && st.countTokens() >= 2) {
                try {
                    int j = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());

                } catch (NumberFormatException ne) {
                    return (false);
        return (true);

    public String[] convertDataType(String[] strDatatype) {
        String[] tmpar = new String[strDatatype.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < strDatatype.length; i++) {
            if (strDatatype[i].equalsIgnoreCase("VARCHAR"))
                tmpar[i] = DataType.VARCHAR;
            if (strDatatype[i].equalsIgnoreCase("RAW"))
                tmpar[i] = DataType.RAW;
            if (strDatatype[i].equalsIgnoreCase("INTEGER"))
                tmpar[i] = DataType.INTEGER;
            if (strDatatype[i].equalsIgnoreCase("NUMBER"))
                tmpar[i] = DataType.NUMBER;
            if (strDatatype[i].equalsIgnoreCase("DATE"))
                tmpar[i] = DataType.DATE;
            if (strDatatype[i].equalsIgnoreCase("FLOAT"))
                tmpar[i] = DataType.FLOAT;
            if (strDatatype[i].equalsIgnoreCase("DOUBLE"))
                tmpar[i] = DataType.DOUBLE;
            if (strDatatype[i].equalsIgnoreCase("DECIMAL"))
                tmpar[i] = DataType.DECIMAL;
            if (strDatatype[i].equalsIgnoreCase("CHAR"))
                tmpar[i] = DataType.CHAR;
            if (strDatatype[i].equalsIgnoreCase("BIGINT"))
                tmpar[i] = DataType.BIGINT;
            if (strDatatype[i].equalsIgnoreCase("BINARY"))
                tmpar[i] = DataType.BINARY;
            if (strDatatype[i].equalsIgnoreCase("LONGVARBINARY"))
                tmpar[i] = DataType.LONGVARBINARY;
            if (strDatatype[i].equalsIgnoreCase("LONGVARCHAR"))
                tmpar[i] = DataType.LONGVARCHAR;
            if (strDatatype[i].equalsIgnoreCase("LONG"))
                tmpar[i] = DataType.LONGVARCHAR;
            if (strDatatype[i].equalsIgnoreCase("REAL"))
                tmpar[i] = DataType.REAL;
            if (strDatatype[i].equalsIgnoreCase("TIME"))
                tmpar[i] = DataType.TIME;
            if (strDatatype[i].equalsIgnoreCase("TIMESTAMP"))
                tmpar[i] = DataType.TIMESTAMP;
            if (strDatatype[i].equalsIgnoreCase("TINYINT"))
                tmpar[i] = DataType.TINYINT;
            if (strDatatype[i].equalsIgnoreCase("SMALLINT"))
                tmpar[i] = DataType.SMALLINT;
            if (strDatatype[i].equalsIgnoreCase("NULL"))
                tmpar[i] = DataType.NULL;
            if (strDatatype[i].equalsIgnoreCase("VARBINARY"))
                tmpar[i] = DataType.VARBINARY;
        return (tmpar);

    public String copyParent2Child(TemplateTable parent, String childname, String[] childfield, String relation,
            String parentid) {
        String dbtype = DatabaseTransaction.getDbType();
        String sql = "";
        String val = "";

        if (parent != null && parent.getRowCount() > 0 && childfield.length > 0) {
            for (int i = 0; i < childfield.length; i++) {
                //System.out.print("getting val");
                val = parent
                                relation.indexOf("Code") > 0 ? childfield[i]
                                        : relation.indexOf("Code") > 0 && childfield[i].equalsIgnoreCase("MainCode")
                                                ? "MainJobCode"
                                                : relation.indexOf("Code") > 0
                                                        && childfield[i].equalsIgnoreCase("SubCode")
                                                                ? "SubJobCode"
                                                                : relation.indexOf("Code") > 0 && childfield[i]
                                                                                ? "TaskJobCode"
                                                                                : childfield[i],
                                parent.getRowCount() - 1);
                //System.out.print("val="+val +" Relation="+relation.indexOf("Code"));
                if (!sql.equals("") && !val.equals(""))
                    sql = sql + ",";
                try {
                    int j = Integer.parseInt(val);
                    sql += (val != null && val.equals("") ? "" : childfield[i] + "=" + j);
                } catch (NumberFormatException ne) {
                    sql += (val != null && val.equals("") ? "" : childfield[i] + "='" + val + "'");

        if (!sql.equals(""))
            sql = "begin\n\t\t\tupdate table_" + childname + " set " + sql + " where " + relation + "='" + parentid
                    + "'"
                    + (dbtype != null && dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("oracle")
                            ? ";\n\t\t\tcommit;\n\t\t\tException\n\t\t\twhen no_data_found then \n\t\t\t null;\n\t\tend;"
                            : "");
        return (sql);

    public String copyParent2Child(TemplateTable parent, String childname, String[] childfield) {
        String sql = "";
        String val = "";

        if (parent != null && parent.getRowCount() > 0 && childfield.length > 0) {
            for (int i = 0; i < childfield.length; i++) {
                //System.out.print("getting val");
                val = parent.getFieldValue(childfield[i], parent.getRowCount() - 1);
                if (!sql.equals("") && !val.equals(""))
                    sql = sql + ",";
                try {
                    int j = Integer.parseInt(val);
                    sql += (val != null && val.equals("") ? "" : childfield[i] + "=" + j);
                } catch (NumberFormatException ne) {
                    sql += (val != null && val.equals("") ? "" : childfield[i] + "='" + val + "'");

        if (!sql.equals(""))
            sql = "update table_" + childname + " set " + sql;
        return (sql);

     * This method will be used to find total no of rows for any sql passed on the
     * DogetPostSelect method in the screen object
     * This method will return total no of row count for this query

    public int getRowCountBySelect(String query) {
        int length = ((query.indexOf("order by") > query.indexOf("group by") && query.indexOf("group by") > 0)
                ? query.indexOf("group by")
                : query.indexOf("order by"));
        String sql = " select count(*) \"count\" " + (length > 0 ? query.substring(query.indexOf("from"), length)
                : query.substring(query.indexOf("from")));
        int count = 0;
        TemplateTable tcount = this.getResultSet(sql);
        if (tcount != null && tcount.getRowCount() > 0) {
            for (int i = 0; i < tcount.getRowCount(); i++) {
                try {
                    count = Integer.parseInt(tcount.getRow(i)[0]);

                } catch (NumberFormatException ne) {
                    count = 0;


        return (count);

    //This method will replace a string with new value
    public String replaceSqlParamValue(String s, String paramname, String value) {
        boolean isfirst = true;
        String retStr = "";

        int beginlength = (s != null && !s.equals("") ? s.toLowerCase().indexOf(paramname.toLowerCase().trim())
                : 0);
        int endlength = beginlength + (paramname != null && !paramname.equals("") ? paramname.length() : 0);
        if (beginlength >= 0 && endlength >= 0)
            retStr = s.substring(0, beginlength) + " " + value + " " + s.substring(endlength);
        else if (beginlength == -1)
            retStr = s;
        return (retStr);

    //This method will replace a string with new value
    public String replaceSqlParamValue(String dbtype, String s, String paramname, String value, String datatype) {
        boolean isfirst = true;
        String retStr = "";
        String tmpval = "";
        int tmpint = 0;
        float tmpfloat;
        double tmpdouble;
        if (s != null && s.indexOf("exec") >= 0 && s.indexOf("exec") < 6) {
            if (datatype.equalsIgnoreCase("INTEGER")) {
                tmpint = Integer.valueOf(value.substring(1, value.length() - 1)).intValue();
                tmpval = String.valueOf(tmpint);
            } else if (datatype.equalsIgnoreCase("FLOAT")) {
                tmpfloat = Float.valueOf(value.substring(1, value.length() - 1)).floatValue();
                tmpval = String.valueOf(tmpfloat);
            } else if (datatype.equalsIgnoreCase("DOUBLE")) {
                tmpdouble = Double.valueOf(value.substring(1, value.length() - 1)).doubleValue();
                tmpval = String.valueOf(tmpdouble);
            } else if (datatype.equalsIgnoreCase("VARCHAR")) {
                tmpval = value;
            } else if (datatype.equalsIgnoreCase("DATE") && !dbtype.equals("mssql")) {
                int length = value.length();
                String tmpstr = value.substring(1, length - 1);
                tmpval = getConvertDate(dbtype, "insert", paramname, "mm/dd/yyyy", tmpstr);
            } else {
                tmpval = value;
        } else {
            tmpval = value;

        int beginlength = (s != null && !s.equals("") ? s.toLowerCase().indexOf(paramname.toLowerCase().trim())
                : 0);
        int endlength = beginlength + (paramname != null && !paramname.equals("") ? paramname.length() : 0);
        if (beginlength >= 0 && endlength >= 0)
            retStr = s.substring(0, beginlength) + " " + tmpval + " " + s.substring(endlength);
        return (retStr.equals("") ? s : retStr);

     * This method will return the list of rule action which are valid for a particular query type
     * for a specific database object based on the state of event
     * Parameter:
     * objectname=name of the table for which this list is required
     * reason=type of the query like insert, update
     * event=before or after the query is actually executed
     * statusvalue=the current value of the status filed passed from the object
     * objid=the objid of the current object for which this action is applicable
     * return=this method will return the rule action sql
     * Note: this method will work with the folowing constraints
     * 1)The first input parameter should be @objid of the current object. If any other input parameter is assocaited with the 1st step
     * the parameter should be assictaed with their values and there should not be any other seperatorbetween 2 consecutive parameters
     * 2)All the query should have associated with their input parameter strating with @<paramname>
     * 3)If there is a insert the previous query should fetch all the the associated parameter value using select state.
     * This routine will insert or update the no of record selected in the previous select statement
     * 4) in the insert or update query all the field which needs to be inserted or update should be listed in the input parameter
     * and also in the values clause, If this is mis
     * 5) While updating make sure that the previous select query brings only one record set if it is more than 1
     * than only the first recordset values will be applied for the update
     * */
    public boolean applyRuleAction(String objectname, String reason, String event, String statusval, String objid) {
        String dbtype = DatabaseTransaction.getDbType();
        String actionsql = "";
        String input[];
        String inputdatatype[];
        String inputval = "";
        TemplateTable result[];
        TemplateQuery tq = new TemplateQuery();
        String sql = "select tr.Name \"ActionName\",tr.TableName,tr.effectedtable,tr.Description,tr.reason,tr.ActionEvent,"
                + " tr.ActionIndex,tr.Status \"ActionStatus\",tr.RuleAction2ObjectRule,tro.Name \"RuleName\","
                + " tro.PropertyString,tro.PropertyValue,aq.stepno, aq.input,aq.InputDataType,aq.output,aq.querytype,aq.hasrecordset,aq.oraclequery,aq.mssqlquery"
                + " from table_ruleaction tr, table_objectrule tro,table_actionquery aq " + " where "
                + (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("oracle") ? "upper(" : "upper(")
                + "'STATUS' and tro.propertyvalue='" + statusval + "' and upper(tr.tablename)=upper('"
                + objectname + "') and tr.reason='" + reason + "' and tr.ActionEvent='" + event + "'"
                + " and tro.objid=tr.ruleaction2objectrule and tr.objid=aq.actionquery2ruleaction order by aq.stepno";

        TemplateTable rule = (statusval != null && !statusval.equals("") ? getResultSet(sql) : null);
        if (rule != null && rule.getRowCount() > 0) {

            synchronized (ruleaction) {
                result = new TemplateTable[rule.getRowCount()];
                for (int i = 0; i < rule.getRowCount(); i++) {
                    input = getString2TokenArray(rule.getFieldValue("input", i), "@");
                    inputdatatype = getString2TokenArray(rule.getFieldValue("inputdatatype", i), "@");
                    actionsql = (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("oracle") ? rule.getFieldValue("oraclequery", i)
                            : rule.getFieldValue("mssqlquery", i));
                    if (input != null && input.length > 0 && actionsql.toLowerCase().indexOf("insert") < 0
                            && actionsql.toLowerCase().indexOf("update") < 0
                            && actionsql.toLowerCase().indexOf("delete") < 0) {
                        for (int j = 0; j < input.length; j++) {
                            if (input[j] != null && !input[j].equals("")) {
                                //String tmpval=result[i-1].getFieldValue(input[j].trim(),0);
                                inputval = (input[j] != null && input[j].equalsIgnoreCase("objid") ? objid
                                        : "'" + ((i - 1) >= 0 && result[i - 1] != null
                                                && result[i - 1].getRowCount() > 0
                                                        ? result[i - 1].getFieldValue(input[j], 0) + "'"
                                                        : (input[j].indexOf("=") > 0
                                                                ? input[j].substring(input[j].indexOf("=")) + "'"
                                                                : "'")));
                            String datatype = (inputdatatype != null && inputdatatype.length >= j ? inputdatatype[j]
                                    : "Varchar");
                            if (inputval != null && !inputval.equals(""))
                                actionsql = replaceSqlParamValue(dbtype, actionsql, "@" + input[j], inputval,
                        if (actionsql != null && !actionsql.equals(""))
                            result[i] = (actionsql.toLowerCase().indexOf("select") >= 0
                                    ? getResultSet(replaceStringWith(actionsql, "\\", ""))
                                    : null);

                    if (input != null && input.length > 0
                            && (actionsql.toLowerCase().indexOf("insert") >= 0
                                    || actionsql.toLowerCase().indexOf("update") >= 0
                                    || actionsql.toLowerCase().indexOf("delete") >= 0)) {
                        if ((i - 1) >= 0 && result[i - 1] != null && result[i - 1].getRowCount() > 0)
                            for (int k = 0; k < result[i - 1].getRowCount(); k++) {
                                for (int j = 0; j < input.length; j++) {
                                    if (input[j] != null && !input[j].equals("")) {
                                        String tmpval = result[i - 1].getFieldValue(input[j].trim(), k);

                                        /*inputval=(input[j]!=null && input[j].equalsIgnoreCase("objid")?(actionsql.toLowerCase().indexOf("insert")>=0?
                                              :"'"+((i-1)>=0&&result[i-1]!=null &&result[i-1].getRowCount()>0?result[i-1].getFieldValue(input[j].trim(),k)+"'":
                                        inputval = (input[j] != null && input[j].equalsIgnoreCase("objid")
                                                ? (actionsql.toLowerCase().indexOf("insert") >= 0
                                                        ? tq.getPrimaryKey()
                                                        : result[i - 1].getFieldValue(input[j].trim(), k))
                                                : "'" + ((i - 1) >= 0 && result[i - 1] != null
                                                        && result[i - 1].getRowCount() > 0
                                                                ? result[i - 1].getFieldValue(input[j].trim(), k)
                                                                        + "'"
                                                                : (input[j].indexOf("=") > 0
                                                                        ? input[j].substring(input[j].indexOf("="))
                                                                                + "'"
                                                                        : "'")));
                                    //Added datatype here
                                    String datatype = (inputdatatype != null && inputdatatype.length >= j
                                            ? inputdatatype[j]
                                            : "Varchar");
                                    if (input[j].toLowerCase().indexOf(("2" + objectname).toLowerCase().trim()) > 0)
                                        inputval = objid;
                                    if (inputval != null && !inputval.equals(""))
                                        actionsql = replaceSqlParamValue(dbtype, actionsql.trim(),
                                                ("@" + input[j]).trim(), inputval.trim(), datatype);

                                executeQuery(replaceStringWith(actionsql, "\\", ""));
                                actionsql = (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("oracle")
                                        ? rule.getFieldValue("oraclequery", i)
                                        : rule.getFieldValue("mssqlquery", i));
                        if (actionsql != null && !actionsql.equals(""))
                            result[i] = null;

        return (true);

     * This method will return the list of rule action which are valid for a particular query type
     * for a specific database object based on the state of event
     * Parameter:
     * objectname=name of the table for which this list is required
     * reason=type of the query like insert, update
     * event=before or after the query is actually executed
     * objid=the objid of the current object for which this action is applicable
     * return=this method will return the rule action sql
     * Note: this method will work with the folowing constraints
     * 1)The first input parameter should be @objid of the current object. If any other input parameter is assocaited with the 1st step
     * the parameter should be assictaed with their values and there should not be any other seperatorbetween 2 consecutive parameters
     * 2)All the query should have associated with their input parameter strating with @<paramname>
     * 3)If there is a insert the previous query should fetch all the the associated parameter value using select state.
     * This routine will insert or update the no of record selected in the previous select statement
     * 4) in the insert or update query all the field which needs to be inserted or update should be listed in the input parameter
     * and also in the values clause, If this is mis
     * 5) While updating make sure that the previous select query brings only one record set if it is more than 1
     * than only the first recordset values will be applied for the update
     * */
    public boolean applyObjectRuleForDelete(String objectname, int reason, int state, String objid) {
        String dbtype = DatabaseTransaction.getDbType();
        String retstring = "";
        String actionsql = "";
        String oldword = "";
        String newword = "";
        String input[];
        String inputval = "";
        TemplateTable result[];
        TemplateQuery tq = new TemplateQuery();
        try {
            //First verify whether any object rule associated with the current tablename
            ServiceObject so = new ServiceObject();
            if (!so.verifyObjectRule(objectname, reason, state))
                return (false);

            String sql = "select tr.Name \"ActionName\",tr.TableName,tr.effectedtable,tr.Description,tr.reason,tr.ActionState,"
                    + " tr.RuleIndex,tr.Status \"ActionStatus\","
                    + " aq.stepno, aq.input,aq.output,aq.querytype,aq.hasrecordset,aq.oraclequery,aq.mssqlquery"
                    + " from table_objectrule tr,table_actionquery aq " + " where upper(tr.tablename)=upper('"
                    + objectname + "') and tr.reason='" + reason + "' and tr.ActionState='" + state + "'"
                    + " and tr.objid=aq.actionquery2objectrule and tr.objid='" + objid
                    + "' order by tr.objid,aq.stepno";

            TemplateTable rule = (objid != null && !objid.equals("") ? getResultSet(sql) : null);
            if (rule != null && rule.getRowCount() > 0) {
                //synchronized this block against objectname
                synchronized (deleteaction) {
                    result = new TemplateTable[rule.getRowCount()];
                    for (int i = 0; i < rule.getRowCount(); i++) {
                        input = getString2TokenArray(rule.getFieldValue("input", i), "@");
                        actionsql = (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("oracle") ? rule.getFieldValue("oraclequery", i)
                                : rule.getFieldValue("mssqlquery", i));
                        if (input != null && input.length > 0 && actionsql.toLowerCase().indexOf("insert") < 0
                                && actionsql.toLowerCase().indexOf("update") < 0
                                && actionsql.toLowerCase().indexOf("delete") < 0) {
                            for (int j = 0; j < input.length; j++) {
                                if (input[j] != null && !input[j].equals("")) {
                                    //String tmpval=result[i-1].getFieldValue(input[j].trim(),0);
                                    inputval = (input[j] != null && input[j].equalsIgnoreCase("objid") ? objid
                                            : "'" + ((i - 1) >= 0 && result[i - 1] != null
                                                    && result[i - 1].getRowCount() > 0
                                                            ? result[i - 1].getFieldValue(input[j], 0) + "'"
                                                            : (input[j].indexOf("=") > 0
                                                                    ? input[j].substring(input[j].indexOf("="))
                                                                            + "'"
                                                                    : "'")));
                                if (inputval != null && !inputval.equals(""))
                                    actionsql = replaceSqlParamValue(actionsql, "@" + input[j], inputval);
                            if (actionsql != null && !actionsql.equals(""))
                                result[i] = (actionsql.toLowerCase().indexOf("select") >= 0
                                        ? getResultSet(replaceStringWith(actionsql, "\\", ""))
                                        : null);

                        if (input != null && input.length > 0
                                && (actionsql.toLowerCase().indexOf("insert") >= 0
                                        || actionsql.toLowerCase().indexOf("update") >= 0
                                        || actionsql.toLowerCase().indexOf("delete") >= 0)) {
                            if ((i - 1) >= 0 && result[i - 1] != null && result[i - 1].getRowCount() > 0)
                                for (int k = 0; k < result[i - 1].getRowCount(); k++) {
                                    for (int j = 0; j < input.length; j++) {
                                        if (input[j] != null && !input[j].equals("")) {
                                            String tmpval = result[i - 1].getFieldValue(input[j].trim(), k);
                                            inputval = (input[j] != null && input[j].equalsIgnoreCase("objid")
                                                    ? (actionsql.toLowerCase().indexOf("insert") >= 0
                                                            ? tq.getPrimaryKey()
                                                            : result[i - 1].getFieldValue(input[j].trim(), k))
                                                    : "'" + ((i - 1) >= 0 && result[i - 1] != null
                                                            && result[i - 1].getRowCount() > 0
                                                                    ? result[i - 1].getFieldValue(input[j].trim(),
                                                                            k) + "'"
                                                                    : (input[j].indexOf("=") > 0
                                                                            ? input[j].substring(
                                                                                    input[j].indexOf("=")) + "'"
                                                                            : "'")));
                                        if (input[j].toLowerCase()
                                                .indexOf(("2" + objectname).toLowerCase().trim()) > 0)
                                            inputval = objid;
                                        if (inputval != null && !inputval.equals(""))
                                            actionsql = replaceSqlParamValue(actionsql.trim(),
                                                    ("@" + input[j]).trim(), inputval.trim());
                                    executeQuery(replaceStringWith(actionsql, "\\", ""));
                                    actionsql = (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("oracle")
                                            ? rule.getFieldValue("oraclequery", i)
                                            : rule.getFieldValue("mssqlquery", i));
                            if (actionsql != null && !actionsql.equals(""))
                                result[i] = null;

            return (true);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return (false);

     * This method will fire event against each row based on certain condition
     * The event can be fired before or after the reason (Insert, Update, Delete)
     * for a specific database object based on the state of event
     * Parameter:
     * objectname=name of the table for which this list is required
     * reason=type of the query like insert, update
     * state=before or after the query is actually executed
     * statusvalue=the current value of the status filed passed from the object
     * objid=the objid of the current object for which this action is applicable
     * return=this method will return the rule action sql
     * Note: this method will work with the folowing constraints
     * 1)The first input parameter should be @objid of the current object. If any other input parameter is assocaited with the 1st step
     * the parameter should be assictaed with their values and there should not be any other seperatorbetween 2 consecutive parameters
     * 2)All the query should have associated with their input parameter strating with @<paramname>
     * 3)If there is a insert the previous query should fetch all the the associated parameter value using select state.
     * This routine will insert or update the no of record selected in the previous select statement
     * 4) in the insert or update query all the field which needs to be inserted or update should be listed in the input parameter
     * and also in the values clause, If this is mis
     * 5) While updating make sure that the previous select query brings only one record set if it is more than 1
     * than only the first recordset values will be applied for the update
     * Limitation: You can use a Stored procedure to update or delete record.
     * But if the stored procedure  have any "Insert" than all the objid should be (-ve) because we can not generate objid in SP
     * You should attach a rule to update those -ve objid after executing those stored procedure
     * The steps are 1) Execute The SP
     *               2) Select those records which has -ve objid with name
     *               3) Update Objid with a update statement in next rule
     * We use getPrimaryKey() method based on the partition object principle
     * */
    public boolean applyObjectRule(String objectname, int reason, int state, TemplateTable tabledata) {
        String dbtype = DatabaseTransaction.getDbType();
        String actionsql = "";
        String sql = "";
        boolean isobjidinput = true;
        String input[];
        String inputdatatype[];
        String inputval = "";
        TemplateTable result[];
        TemplateQuery tq = new TemplateQuery();
        //Apply the license rule here
        //InstallLicense lm=new InstallLicense();
        //First verify whether any object rule associated with the current tablename
        ServiceObject so = new ServiceObject();
        try {
            if (!so.verifyObjectRule(objectname, reason, state))
                return (false);
            //then verify if any condition is valid against each row set
            //for which this rule is getting fired
            String consql = "select *from table_objectrule where "
                    + (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("Oracle") ? "upper(" : "upper(") + "tablename)="
                    + (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("Oracle") ? "upper('" : "upper('") + objectname + "')"
                    + " and reason=" + reason + " and actionstate=" + state + " order by ruleindex";
            TemplateTable objectrule = getResultSet(consql);
            for (int r = 1; r < tabledata.getRowCount(); r++) {
                //validate condition for each rowdata of the table
                // This may return an array of ObjectRule.objid which needs to be fiered against
                // this current row data which is validated against ObjectRule.Condition
                String ruleobjid = validateCondition(objectrule, tabledata, r);
                //Once the rule objid is found look for the actionquery against each ObjectRule.ObjId
                //Order by all actionquery against objid and stepno
                if (!ruleobjid.equals(""))
                    sql = "select tr.Name \"ActionName\",tr.TableName,tr.effectedtable,tr.Description,tr.reason,tr.ActionState,"
                            + " tr.RuleIndex,tr.Status \"ActionStatus\","
                            + " aq.tablename \"ActionTable\" ,aq.stepno, aq.input, aq.InputDataType,aq.output,aq.querytype,aq.hasrecordset,aq.oraclequery,aq.mssqlquery"
                            + " from table_objectrule tr,table_actionquery aq "
                            + " where upper(tr.tablename)=upper('" + objectname + "') and tr.reason='" + reason
                            + "' and tr.ActionState='" + state + "'"
                            + " and tr.objid=aq.actionquery2objectrule and tr.objid in('" + ruleobjid
                            + "') order by tr.ruleindex,tr.objid,aq.stepno";

                if (!sql.equals("")) {
                    String objid = "'" + tabledata.getFieldValue("objid", r) + "'";
                    TemplateTable rule = (!sql.equals("") ? getResultSet(sql) : null);
                    if (rule != null && rule.getRowCount() > 0) {
                        result = new TemplateTable[rule.getRowCount()];
                        for (int i = 0; i < rule.getRowCount(); i++) {
                            input = getString2TokenArray(rule.getFieldValue("input", i), "@");
                            inputdatatype = getString2TokenArray(rule.getFieldValue("inputdatatype", i), "@");
                            actionsql = (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("oracle") ? rule.getFieldValue("oraclequery", i)
                                    : rule.getFieldValue("mssqlquery", i));
                            if (actionsql == null || actionsql.equalsIgnoreCase("none") || actionsql.equals(""))
                            //"\n Action Query="+actionsql);
                            if (input != null && input.length > 0 && actionsql.toLowerCase().indexOf("insert") < 0
                                    && actionsql.toLowerCase().indexOf("exec") < 0
                                    && actionsql.toLowerCase().indexOf("update") < 0
                                    && actionsql.toLowerCase().indexOf("delete") < 0) {
                                for (int j = 0; j < input.length; j++) {

                                    if (input[j] != null && !input[j].equals("")) {
                                        //String tmpval=result[i-1].getFieldValue(input[j].trim(),0);
                                        inputval = (input[j] != null && input[j].equalsIgnoreCase("objid") ? objid
                                                : "'" + ((i - 1) >= 0 && result[i - 1] != null
                                                        && result[i - 1].getRowCount() > 0
                                                                ? result[i - 1].getFieldValue(input[j], 0) + "'"
                                                                : (input[j].indexOf("=") > 0
                                                                        ? input[j].substring(input[j].indexOf("="))
                                                                                + "'"
                                                                        : "'")));
                                        //Add any missing input from the current tabledata
                                        if (inputval == null || inputval.equals("''"))
                                            inputval = "'" + tabledata.getFieldValue(input[j], r) + "'";


                                    if (inputval != null && !inputval.equals(""))
                                        actionsql = replaceSqlParamValue(actionsql, "@" + input[j], inputval);
                                //"\n EXEC Action Query="+actionsql);
                                //"\n Inputvalue="+objid);
                                if (actionsql != null && !actionsql.equals(""))
                                    result[i] = (actionsql.toLowerCase().indexOf("select") >= 0
                                            ? getResultSet(replaceStringWith(actionsql, "\\", ""))
                                            : null);
                                //  executeQuery(replaceStringWith(actionsql,"\\",""));

                            } else if (actionsql.toLowerCase().indexOf("exec") >= 0
                                    && actionsql.toLowerCase().indexOf("exec") < 6
                                    && input[0].equalsIgnoreCase("objid")) {
                                actionsql = replaceSqlParamValue(actionsql, "@" + input[0], objid);
                                actionsql = "begin\n " + actionsql.trim().substring(4) + ";\nend;";
                                //"\n EXEC Action Query="+actionsql);
                                executeQuery(replaceStringWith(actionsql, "\\", ""));
                            if (input != null && input.length > 0
                                    && (actionsql.toLowerCase().indexOf("insert") >= 0
                                            || actionsql.toLowerCase().indexOf("exec") >= 0
                                                    && actionsql.toLowerCase().indexOf("exec") < 6
                                            || actionsql.toLowerCase().indexOf("update") >= 0
                                            || actionsql.toLowerCase().indexOf("delete") >= 0)) {
                                if ((i - 1) >= 0 && result[i - 1] != null && result[i - 1].getRowCount() > 0)
                                    //if all input parameter are not objid do the following

                                    for (int k = 0; k < result[i - 1].getRowCount(); k++) {
                                        for (int j = 0; j < input.length; j++) {
                                            if (input[j] != null && !input[j].equals("")) {
                                                String tmpval = result[i - 1].getFieldValue(input[j].trim(), k);
                                                //Verify if the objid of the current result having (-ve) no
                                                // If the current actionsql is a update statement and objid is (-ve) that means
                                                // You need to set the objid for those records which are created externally using stored proc
                                                if (actionsql.toLowerCase().indexOf("update") >= 0
                                                        && input[j].equalsIgnoreCase("objid") && tmpval != null
                                                        && !tmpval.equals("") && Integer.parseInt(tmpval) < 0)
                                                    inputval = tq.getPrimaryKey();
                                                //check if the tmpval is blank then the current objid should be a input to the update statement
                                                else if (actionsql.toLowerCase().indexOf("update") >= 0
                                                        && input[j].equalsIgnoreCase("objid") && tmpval != null
                                                        && tmpval.equals(""))
                                                    inputval = objid;
                                                    inputval = (input[j] != null
                                                            && input[j].equalsIgnoreCase("objid")
                                                                    ? (actionsql.toLowerCase()
                                                                            .indexOf("insert") >= 0
                                                                                    ? tq.getPrimaryKey()
                                                                                    : result[i - 1].getFieldValue(
                                                                                            input[j].trim(), k))
                                                                    : "'" + ((i - 1) >= 0 && result[i - 1] != null
                                                                            && result[i - 1].getRowCount() > 0
                                                                                    ? result[i - 1].getFieldValue(
                                                                                            input[j].trim(), k)
                                                                                            + "'"
                                                                                    : (input[j].indexOf("=") > 0
                                                                                            ? input[j].substring(
                                                                                                    + "'"
                                                                                            : "'")));
                                            String datatype = (inputdatatype != null && inputdatatype.length >= j
                                                    ? inputdatatype[j]
                                                    : "VARCHAR");
                                            if (input[j].toLowerCase()
                                                    .indexOf(("2" + objectname).toLowerCase().trim()) > 0)
                                                inputval = objid;
                                            if (inputval != null && !inputval.equals(""))
                                                actionsql = replaceSqlParamValue(dbtype, actionsql.trim(),
                                                        ("@" + input[j]).trim(), inputval.trim(), datatype.trim());
                                            //System.out.print("\n Action Sql="+actionsql);
                                        if (dbtype != null && dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("Oracle")
                                                && actionsql.indexOf("exec") >= 0
                                                && actionsql.indexOf("exec") < 6) {
                                            actionsql = "begin\n " + actionsql.trim().substring(4) + ";\nend;";
                                        //System.out.print("\n EXEC Length="+actionsql.indexOf("exec"));
                                        executeQuery(replaceStringWith(actionsql, "\\", ""));
                                        actionsql = (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("oracle")
                                                ? rule.getFieldValue("oraclequery", i)
                                                : rule.getFieldValue("mssqlquery", i));

                                if (actionsql.indexOf("update") >= 0) {
                                    //If all the input parameters are objid and query is update
                                    isobjidinput = true;
                                    for (int j = 0; j < input.length; j++)
                                        if (input[j] != null && !input[j].equals("")
                                                && input[j].equalsIgnoreCase("objid"))
                                            actionsql = replaceSqlParamValue(actionsql, "@" + input[j], objid);
                                            isobjidinput = false;
                                    if (isobjidinput) {
                                        String update_sql = replaceStringWith(actionsql, "\\", "");
                                        if (ACONST.GENERATE_LOG) {
                                    actionsql = (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("oracle")
                                            ? rule.getFieldValue("oraclequery", i)
                                            : rule.getFieldValue("mssqlquery", i));
                                if (actionsql != null && !actionsql.equals(""))
                                    result[i] = null;



            return (true);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return (false);

     * This method validate the condition against the current rowset with
     * all the object rules associated with this table
     * Each condition is seperated by ";" in the condition string
     * The condition format will be <fieldname>$<operator>$<value>
     * $ is the seperator between fieldname, operator and value
     * The operator should be written in this format
     * ">"= gt
     * "<"= lt
     * ">="= gteq
     * "<="= lteq
     * "=" = eq
     *return: this method returns all the ruleobjects objid seperated with ","
     *        which are valid for this condition and needs to be executed
     * Limitation: The current limitation of this method is that it validates all condition like AND
     *             We need to put the OR condition also
    private String validateCondition(TemplateTable objectrule, TemplateTable tabledata, int r) {
        String ruleobjid = "";
        boolean validate = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < objectrule.getRowCount(); i++) {
            String[] condition = getString2TokenArray(objectrule.getFieldValue("Condition", i), ";");
            if (condition != null && condition.length > 0)
                for (int k = 0; k < condition.length; k++) {
                    String[] conditionarr = getString2TokenArray(condition[k], "$");
                    if (conditionarr != null && conditionarr.length == 3) {

                        try {
                            validate = false;
                            double conditionval = Double.parseDouble(conditionarr[2]);
                            double fieldval = conditionarr[0] != null && !conditionarr[0].equals("")
                                    ? Double.parseDouble(tabledata.getFieldValue(conditionarr[0], r))
                                    : 0;
                            //compare value here
                            if (conditionarr[1] != null && conditionarr[1].equalsIgnoreCase("gt")
                                    && fieldval > conditionval)
                                validate = true;
                            if (conditionarr[1] != null && conditionarr[1].equalsIgnoreCase("lt")
                                    && fieldval < conditionval)
                                validate = true;
                            if (conditionarr[1] != null && conditionarr[1].equalsIgnoreCase("gteq")
                                    && fieldval >= conditionval)
                                validate = true;
                            if (conditionarr[1] != null && conditionarr[1].equalsIgnoreCase("lteq")
                                    && fieldval <= conditionval)
                                validate = true;
                            if (conditionarr[1] != null && conditionarr[1].equalsIgnoreCase("eq")
                                    && fieldval == conditionval)
                                validate = true;
                            if (conditionarr[1] != null && conditionarr[1].equalsIgnoreCase("nteq")
                                    && fieldval != conditionval)
                                validate = true;
                        } catch (NumberFormatException ne) {
                            validate = false;
                            String fieldval = (conditionarr[0] != null && !conditionarr[0].equals("")
                                    ? tabledata.getFieldValue(conditionarr[0], r)
                                    : "");
                            if (!this.isEmptyValue(conditionarr[1]) && conditionarr[0].equalsIgnoreCase("objid")
                                    && fieldval.length() >= 32)
                                validate = true;
                            if (conditionarr[2] != null && conditionarr[2].equals(fieldval))
                                validate = true;
                            //check not null and not eqauls
                            if (conditionarr[2] != null && conditionarr[1] != null
                                    && conditionarr[1].equalsIgnoreCase("nteq")
                                    && !conditionarr[2].equals(fieldval))
                                validate = true;
                            //check null value and not equal
                            fieldval = (fieldval != null && fieldval.equals("") ? null : fieldval);
                            if (conditionarr[2] != null && conditionarr[2].equalsIgnoreCase("null")
                                    && fieldval == null)
                                validate = true;
                            if (conditionarr[2] != null && conditionarr[2].equalsIgnoreCase("null")
                                    && conditionarr[1] != null && conditionarr[1].equalsIgnoreCase("nteq")
                                    && fieldval != null)
                                validate = true;

            if (validate)
                ruleobjid = ruleobjid + (ruleobjid.equals("") ? objectrule.getFieldValue("objid", i)
                        : "," + objectrule.getFieldValue("objid", i));
        return (ruleobjid);

     *  unicode to big5 or any charset while input from client to dbserver
     *  pass proper charecter setting like BIG5, UTF-8 etc
     *  **/
    public String convertCharsetClient2db(String str2convert, String charset) throws IOException {
        ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        Writer out = new OutputStreamWriter(stream, charset);
        return stream.toString();

     * big5 or any database charecter setting to unicode conversion while reading
     * data from database, pass proper charecter setting like BIG5, UTF-8 etc
     * */
    public String convertCharsetDb2client(String str2convert, String charset) throws IOException {

        StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
        if (str2convert != null) {
            byte[] targetBytes = str2convert.getBytes();

            ByteArrayInputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(targetBytes);
            InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(stream, charset);
            Reader in = new BufferedReader(isr);
            int chInt;
            while ((chInt = > -1) {
                buffer.append((char) chInt);
        return buffer.toString();

     * This method will create MTM records for those table which has MTM relation
     * Input:
     * dbobject=name of the dbobject for which this MTM relation is applicable
     * relationame=name of the relation which should be verified for MTM
     * tabledata=the data for the current dbobject
     * parentid= Objid of the current parent object associated with this dbobject
     * dbtype=database type either oracle or mssql
     Example1: With parent objectid
     Sql 1=select bidinfo.objid bidinfoid,bidinvitation.objid bidinvitationid
    from table_bidinfo bidinfo,table_bidinvitation bidinvitation,table_bidrequest bidrequest
    where bidrequest.objid=1110091 and bidinvitation.bidinvitation2bidrequest=bidinfo.bidinfo2bidrequest
    and bidrequest.objid=bidinfo.bidinfo2bidrequest and not exists(
    select *from bidinfo2bidinvitation mtm
    where nvl(mtm.bidinfoid,0)!=bidinfo.objid
    and nvl(mtm.bidinvitationid,0)!=bidinvitation.objid)
    Example2 with child objectid:
    select bidinfo.objid bidinfoid,bidinvitation.objid bidinvitationid
    from table_bidinfo bidinfo,table_bidinvitation bidinvitation,table_bidrequest bidrequest
    where bidinvitation.objid=1110172 and bidinvitation.bidinvitation2bidrequest=bidinfo.bidinfo2bidrequest and bidrequest.objid=bidinfo.bidinfo2bidrequest and not exists(
    select *from bidinfo2bidinvitation mtm
    where nvl(mtm.bidinfoid,0)!=bidinfo.objid
    and nvl(mtm.bidinvitationid,0)!=bidinvitation.objid)
    public boolean applyMTMRelation(String dbobject, String mainobject, String mainobjid) {
        //First verify if any MTM relation exists with this dbobject name then get the relation name and relation path
        String dbtype = DatabaseTransaction.getDbType();
        String relname = "";
        String relpath = "";
        String leftobject = "";
        String rightobject = "";
        boolean ismain = (dbobject != null && mainobject != null && dbobject.equalsIgnoreCase(mainobject) ? true
                : false);
        boolean isparent = false;
        ServiceObject so = new ServiceObject();
        TemplateTable relation = so.getMTMRelation();
        //"\n>>>>>>>>>Applying MTM for "+dbobject);
        try {
            for (int i = 0; i < relation.getRowCount(); i++) {
                String tmprelname = relation.getFieldValue("relationname", i).toLowerCase();
                //"\n>>>>>>>>>Table Name "+tmprelname);
                if (tmprelname != null
                        && (tmprelname.indexOf(dbobject.toLowerCase() + "2") >= 0
                                || tmprelname.indexOf("2" + dbobject.toLowerCase()) >= 0)
                        && relation.getFieldValue("relationtype", i).equalsIgnoreCase("MTM")) {
                    relname = tmprelname;
                    //"\n>>>>>>>>>Relation Name "+relname);
                    relpath = relation.getFieldValue("DefaultFilter", i);

                    //verify if this dbobject is a child object as per relation path
                    if (relname != null && !relname.equals("") && relpath != null && relpath.indexOf("@") > 0) {

                        int relpathlen = relpath != null && relpath.length() > 0 && relpath.indexOf("@") >= 0
                                ? relpath.indexOf("@")
                                : 0;
                        String relationobject = relpathlen > 0 ? relpath.substring(0, relpathlen) : "";
                        String objectlist[] = this.getString2TokenArray(relationobject, ":");
                        String relationpath = relpathlen > 0 && relpath.length() > relpathlen + 1
                                ? relpath.substring(relpathlen + 1)
                                : "";
                        isparent = tmprelname.indexOf(dbobject.toLowerCase() + "2") >= 0 ? true : false;
                        String table = "";
                        String addfilter = "";
                        boolean hasmainobject = false;
                        //make table list which will be used for sql
                        if (objectlist != null && objectlist.length > 0)
                            for (int k = 0; k < objectlist.length; k++) {
                                table += (k == 0
                                        ? "table_" + objectlist[k].toLowerCase() + " " + objectlist[k].toLowerCase()
                                        : ",table_" + objectlist[k].toLowerCase() + " "
                                                + objectlist[k].toLowerCase());
                                if (!hasmainobject)
                                    hasmainobject = mainobject != null && !mainobject.equals("")
                                            && objectlist[k].toLowerCase().equalsIgnoreCase(mainobject) ? true
                                                    : false;
                        //if main object does not exist in the relation object list then add it to the table
                        if (!hasmainobject && mainobject != null && !mainobject.equals("")) {
                            table += ",table_" + mainobject.toLowerCase() + " " + mainobject.toLowerCase();

                        addfilter = ismain && mainobject != null && !mainobject.equals("")
                                ? mainobject.toLowerCase() + ".objid='" + mainobjid + "'"
                                : dbobject.toLowerCase() + "." + dbobject.toLowerCase() + "2"
                                        + mainobject.toLowerCase() + "='" + mainobjid + "'" + " and "
                                        + mainobject.toLowerCase() + ".objid=" + dbobject.toLowerCase() + "."
                                        + dbobject.toLowerCase() + "2" + mainobject.toLowerCase();
                        int len2 = relname.indexOf("2");
                        String parent = relname.substring(0, len2);
                        //"\n>>>>>>>>>Parent MTM Object "+parent);
                        String child = relname.substring(len2 + 1);

                        String objid = mainobjid;
                        String joinsign = dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("oracle") ? "||" : "+";
                        //"\n>>>>>>>>>MTM Ref Objid= "+objid);
                        String sql = "insert into " + relname + " select  distinct " + parent + ".objid " + ","
                                + child + ".objid from " + table + " where " + addfilter + " and " + relationpath
                                + " and  " + parent + ".objid" + joinsign + child + ".objid not in (select "
                                + parent + "id" + joinsign + child + "id from " + relname + ")";

                        //"\n>>>>>>>>>MTM Sql= "+sql);



            //If child object as per relation path then more than one record will be
            return (true);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return (false);

    public boolean applyMTMRelation(String dbobject, TemplateTable tabledata) {
        //First verify if any MTM relation exists with this dbobject name then get the relation name and relation path
        String dbtype = DatabaseTransaction.getDbType();
        String relname = "";
        //String relpath="";
        String leftobject = "";
        String rightobject = "";
        boolean isparent = false;
        ServiceObject so = new ServiceObject();
        TemplateTable relation = so.getMTMRelation();
        //"\n>>>>>>>>>Applying MTM for "+dbobject);
        try {
            for (int i = 0; i < relation.getRowCount(); i++) {
                String tmprelname = relation.getFieldValue("relationname", i).toLowerCase();
                if (tmprelname != null
                        && (tmprelname.indexOf(dbobject.toLowerCase() + "2") >= 0
                                || tmprelname.indexOf("2" + dbobject.toLowerCase()) >= 0)
                        && relation.getFieldValue("relationtype", i).equalsIgnoreCase("MTM")) {
                    relname = tmprelname;
                    //"\n>>>>>>>>>Relation Name "+relname);
                    isparent = tmprelname.indexOf(dbobject.toLowerCase() + "2") >= 0 ? true : false;
                    //verify if this dbobject is a child object as per relation path
                    if (relname != null && !relname.equals("")) {
                        int len2 = relname.indexOf("2");
                        String parent = relname.substring(0, len2);
                        //"\n>>>>>>>>>Parent MTM Object "+parent);
                        String child = relname.substring(len2 + 1);
                        for (int j = 1; j < tabledata.getRowCount(); j++) {
                            String objid = "'" + tabledata.getFieldValue("objid", j) + "'";
                            //"\n>>>>>>>>>MTM Ref Objid= "+objid);
                            String sql = "insert into " + relname + " select " + parent + ".objid "
                                    + (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("oracle") ? parent + "id" : "'" + parent + "id'")
                                    + "," + child + ".objid "
                                    + (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("oracle") ? child + "id" : "'" + child + "id'")
                                    + " from table_" + parent + " "
                                    + (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("oracle") ? parent : "'" + parent + "'") + ",table_"
                                    + child + " " + (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("oracle") ? child : "'" + child + "'")
                                    + "," + relname + (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("oracle") ? " mtm " : " 'mtm' ")
                                    + "where mtm." + parent + "id!=" + parent + ".objid and mtm." + child + "id!="
                                    + child + ".objid and " + (isparent ? parent + ".objid=" : child + ".objid=")
                                    + objid;
                            //"\n>>>>>>>>>MTM Sql= "+sql);


            //If child object as per relation path then more than one record will be
            return (true);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            return (false);

     * This method will populate data to WhatToDo object based on the authorized group
     * A Authorized group is set of users who are autorized to handle any issues related to a particular job
     * based on the project code, main code, sub code and project no.
     * The object will flow from one message queue to another based on the user index available in authorized group
     * To maintain a object flow continuous the user can preset the maximum time to waiting in a queue
     * and the object should move to another queue automatically with proper rule.

    public boolean applyAuthGroup(String dbobject, TemplateTable tabledata) {

        return (true);

    /*This method is created by Brinda
    It will create or update console record based on
    any table to messagequeue relation
    @ param String tabale_name
    @ param int table2messagequeue
    @ param boolean hasRelationm
    public void createConsole(String table, String objid) {
        boolean hasRelation = false;
        String sqlString = null;
        TemplateTable tcount;
        try {
            sqlString = "SELECT objid keyobjid, name,title,projectcode, " + table + "2messagequeue mqid "
                    + "FROM table_" + table + " WHERE OBJID = '" + objid + "' and not exists(select objid from"
                    + " table_console where keyObjid='" + objid + "' )";
            //"the sqlString="+sqlString);
            tcount = this.getResultSet(sqlString);
            if (tcount.getRowCount() > 0)
                hasRelation = true;
            if (hasRelation) {
                //"1st column="+tcount.getFieldValue("keyobjid",0));
                sqlString = "insert into table_console values('" + objid + "','" + tcount.getFieldValue("name", 0)
                        + "','" + tcount.getFieldValue("title", 0) + "','" + tcount.getFieldValue("projectcode", 0)
                        + "'," + "'time'," + "1," + objid + "," + 0 + "," + tcount.getFieldValue("mqid", 0) + ")";
                //"the insertquery="+sqlString);

        } catch (Exception e) {


    /*this method is done by Brinda
    This will create or update console record
    @param objectname
    @param reason
    @param state
    @param tabledata
    @param dbtype
    public boolean applyConsoleObject(String objectname, TemplateTable tabledata, String username,
            boolean isParent) {
        String dbtype = DatabaseTransaction.getDbType();
        String mqId = "";
        String keyobjid = "";
        TemplateTable consoledata;
        TemplateTable console2messagequeue;
        String sql = "select *from table_console where upper(name)='" + objectname.toUpperCase()
                + "' and keyobjid=";
        //"the sql in applyConsole=" + sql);
        String updatesql = "";
        String insertsql = "";
        String deletesql = "";
        TemplateQuery tq = new TemplateQuery();
        //if the Object is WhatToDo then do nothing
        if (objectname.equalsIgnoreCase("WhatToDo"))
            return (false);
        //verify if there is a relation to messagequeue
        try {

            for (int i = 1; i < tabledata.getRowCount(); i++) {

                mqId = tabledata.getFieldValue(objectname + "2messagequeue", i);
                keyobjid = "'" + tabledata.getFieldValue("objid", i) + "'";
                TemplateTable mqiddata = getResultSet("select " + objectname + "2messagequeue mqid from table_"
                        + objectname + " where objid=" + keyobjid);
                mqId = mqiddata != null ? mqiddata.getFieldValue("mqid", mqiddata.getRowCount() - 1) : mqId;
                mqId = (mqId == null || mqId.equals("")) ? "0" : mqId;
                consoledata = getResultSet(sql + keyobjid);
                //System.out.print("\n consoledata.getRowCount()="+consoledata.getRowCount());
                if (consoledata.getRowCount() > 0 && isParent) {
                    //if status=completed then delete console record
                    //Completed=4 , declare a constant
                    if (tabledata.getFieldValue("status", i).equals(ApplicationConstants.STATUS_UNASSIGN)
                            || tabledata.getFieldValue("status", i).equals(ApplicationConstants.STATUS_UNDECIDED)
                            || tabledata.getFieldValue("status", i).equals(ApplicationConstants.STATUS_CLOSED)) {
                        //delete console record
                        deletesql = "delete table_console where status in('" + ApplicationConstants.STATUS_UNASSIGN
                                + "','" + ApplicationConstants.STATUS_UNDECIDED + "','"
                                + ApplicationConstants.STATUS_CLOSED + "')";
                        //delete console2messagequeue table record
                        executeQuery("delete console2messagequeue where consoleid='"
                                + consoledata.getFieldValue("objid", consoledata.getRowCount() - 1) + "'");
                        //executeQuery("update table_"+objectname+" set "+objectname+"2messagequeue=0 where objid="+keyobjid);
                    } else {
                        updatesql = "update table_console set console2messagequeue='"
                                + tabledata.getFieldValue(objectname + "2messagequeue", i) + "',title='"
                                + (tabledata.getFieldValue("title", i).equals("")
                                        || tabledata.getFieldValue("title", i) == null
                                                ? tabledata.getFieldValue("name", i)
                                                : tabledata.getFieldValue("title", i))
                                + "',status='" + tabledata.getFieldValue("status", i) + "',elapseday="
                                + (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("Oracle")
                                        ? "to_date(sysdate,'dd/mm/yyyy')-to_date(entrydate,'dd/mm/yyyy')"
                                        : "entrydate-getdate()")
                                + ",moduser='" + username + "',moddate="
                                + (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("Oracle") ? "sysdate" : "getdate()")
                                + " where upper(name)='" + objectname.toUpperCase() + "' and keyobjid=" + keyobjid;
                        //"the updatesql="+updatesql);
                        console2messagequeue = getResultSet(
                                "select consoleid from console2messagequeue where consoleid='"
                                        + consoledata.getFieldValue("objid", consoledata.getRowCount() - 1)
                                        + "' and messagequeueid='" + mqId + "'");
                        if (console2messagequeue.getRowCount() == 1) {
                            String update_con2msg = "update console2messagequeue set messagequeueid='" + mqId
                                    + "' where consoleid='"
                                    + consoledata.getFieldValue("objid", consoledata.getRowCount() - 1) + "'";

                            // if no console2messagequeue insert one
                        } else if (console2messagequeue.getRowCount() == 0 && !mqId.equals("")
                                && !mqId.equals("0")) {
                            String con2msg = "insert into console2messagequeue(consoleid,messagequeueid)values('"
                                    + consoledata.getFieldValue("objid", consoledata.getRowCount() - 1) + "','"
                                    + mqId + "')";

                        //If the status=PUBLISH_TO_GROUP insert all the messagequeueid
                        //of the teammember associated with same maincode and subcode
                        //>>>>>>>Future Enhancement
                } else if (consoledata.getRowCount() == 0) {
                    String objid = tq.getPrimaryKey();

                    insertsql = "insert into table_console(OBJID,NAME,TITLE,DESCRIPTION,STATUS,KEYOBJID,ELAPSEDAY,ENTRYDATE,"
                            + objid + ",'" + objectname + "','"
                            + ((tabledata.getFieldValue("title", i).equals("")
                                    || tabledata.getFieldValue("title", i) == null)
                                            ? tabledata.getFieldValue("name", i)
                                            : tabledata.getFieldValue("title", i))
                            + " ','" + tabledata.getFieldValue("name", i) + "','"
                            + tabledata.getFieldValue("status", i) + " ','" + tabledata.getFieldValue("objid", i)
                            + "',"
                            + (tabledata.getFieldValue("ELAPSEDAY", i).equals("") ? "0"
                                    : tabledata.getFieldValue("ELAPSEDAY", i))
                            + "," + (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("Oracle") ? "sysdate" : "getdate()") + ",'"
                            + (mqId.equals("") ? "0" : mqId) + "','0','0','" + username + "',"
                            + (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase("Oracle") ? "sysdate" : "getdate()") + ",null,null)";

                    //Keep the console.objid in the current table destinitionId
                    //executeQuery( "update table_"+objectname +" set destinitionid="+objid +" where objid="+ tabledata.getFieldValue("objid",i));

                    //insert into Console2Messagequeue
                    String con2msg = "insert into console2messagequeue(consoleid,messagequeueid)values(" + objid
                            + ",'" + mqId + "')";
                    if (!mqId.equals("") && !mqId.equals("0"))


            //If relation exists verify if there is a record exists
            //with objectname and keyobjid in the console table
            //if record exists then update console table
            //else insert a console record if <object>2messagequeue >0
            //if status=completed delete record from console table and messagequeue2console
            //table with KeyObjid and Object name
            //if tabledata.status=notify_group then create record in messagequeue2console for all group memeber

            return (true);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            return (false);


    public boolean updatePayment(String[] custom) {
        //need validation for the package
        String companyId = "";
        String amt = "";
        String user = "";
        String status = "";

        if (custom.length == 6) {
            companyId = custom[0];
            amt = custom[1];
            user = custom[3];
            status = "";

        String sql = "select s.objid billing2subscription,sc.groupuser,sc.loginname,"
                + " 'Service charge for '|| ||', Package='||sc.packagename as description"
                + " ,'Fee charged for '|| || 'on '||to_char(sysdate, 'mm/dd/yyyy') as name,"
                + " to_number(to_char(sysdate,'mm')) as monthcode"
                + " from table_servicecharge sc,table_subscription s " + " where sc.companyid=" + companyId
                + " and sc.loginname=s.groupuser "
                + " and not exists (select *from table_billing b where b.billing2subscription=s.objid "
                + " and b.originid=" + companyId + " and gendate= sysdate)";
        if (ApplicationConstants.GENERATE_LOG) {
        TemplateTable res = this.getResultSet(sql);

        if (res.getRowCount() > 0) {

            String insert_sql = "insert into table_billing(OBJID,NAME,DESCRIPTION,MONTHCODE,BILLDATE,"
                    + "billing_seq.nextval,'" + res.getFieldValue("name", res.getRowCount() - 1) + "','"
                    + res.getFieldValue("description", res.getRowCount() - 1) + "','"
                    + res.getFieldValue("monthcode", res.getRowCount() - 1) + "',sysdate," + amt + ",'Paid',"
                    + res.getFieldValue("billing2subscription", res.getRowCount() - 1) + "," + companyId + ","
                    + companyId + ",'" + res.getFieldValue("groupuser", res.getRowCount() - 1) + "','"
                    + res.getFieldValue("loginname", res.getRowCount() - 1) + "',sysdate,null,sysdate)";
            if (ApplicationConstants.GENERATE_LOG) {


        //"Company Id="+companyId +", user="+user+", amt="+amt);

        return (true);

    public boolean addSubscription(String login, String itemnum, String itemname) {
        //need validation for the package
        String substype = "";
        String subscribedays = "";
        String subscribecode = ""; //1=monthly, 2=yearly
        String privilegegroup = "";
        if (itemnum.equalsIgnoreCase("MonthlyBid")) {
            substype = "1";
            subscribedays = "33";
            subscribecode = "1";
            privilegegroup = "Bidding";
        } else if (itemnum.equalsIgnoreCase("MonthlyQuote")) {
            substype = "3";
            subscribedays = "33";
            subscribecode = "1";
            privilegegroup = "Quote";
        } else if (itemnum.equalsIgnoreCase("MonthlyBidSubmit")) {
            substype = "3";
            subscribedays = "33";
            subscribecode = "1";
            privilegegroup = "Bid Plus Own";
        } else if (itemnum.equalsIgnoreCase("MonthlyERPNoBid")) {
            substype = "4";
            subscribedays = "33";
            subscribecode = "1";
            privilegegroup = "ERP No Bidding";
        } else if (itemnum.equalsIgnoreCase("MonthlyERPWithBid")) {
            substype = "5";
            subscribedays = "33";
            subscribecode = "1";
            privilegegroup = "ERP With Bidding";
        } else if (itemnum.equalsIgnoreCase("YearlyBid")) {
            substype = "1";
            subscribedays = "367";
            subscribecode = "2";
            privilegegroup = "Bidding";
        } else if (itemnum.equalsIgnoreCase("YearlyQuote")) {
            substype = "1";
            subscribedays = "367";
            subscribecode = "2";
            privilegegroup = "Quote";
        } else if (itemnum.equalsIgnoreCase("YearlyBidSubmit")) {
            substype = "3";
            subscribedays = "367";
            subscribecode = "2";
            privilegegroup = "Bid Plus Own";
        } else if (itemnum.equalsIgnoreCase("YearlyERPNoBid")) {
            substype = "4";
            subscribedays = "367";
            subscribecode = "2";
            privilegegroup = "ERP No Bidding";
        } else if (itemnum.equalsIgnoreCase("YearlyERPWithBid")) {
            substype = "5";
            subscribedays = "367";
            subscribecode = "2";
            privilegegroup = "ERP With Bidding";
        String sql = "update table_subscription set subscribecode='" + subscribecode
                + "',status='2',startdate=sysdate,enddate=sysdate+" + subscribedays + " where name='" + login + "'";

        String upsql = "update table_testuser set testuser2privilegegroup=(select objid from table_privilegegroup where upper(name)=upper('"
                + privilegegroup + "')) where loginname='" + login + "'";
        return (true);
