Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2009 Roberto Jacinto * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Vector; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.auth.AuthScope; import org.apache.http.auth.UsernamePasswordCredentials; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient; import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler; import android.content.Context; import android.util.Log; public class RssHandler extends DefaultHandler { private class Apk { private String name; private String apkid; private String path; private String ver; private int vercode; private String date; private float rat; private String md5hash; } private Apk tmp_apk = new Apk(); Context mctx; String mserver; private int napk = 0; private int readed = 0; private boolean new_apk = false; private boolean apk_name = false; private boolean apk_path = false; private boolean apk_ver = false; private boolean apk_vercode = false; private boolean apk_id = false; private boolean apk_icon = false; private boolean apk_date = false; private boolean apk_rat = false; private boolean apk_md5hash = false; private DbHandler db = null; private Vector<ApkNode> listapks = null; private Vector<IconNode> iconFetchList = new Vector<IconNode>(); private Vector<IconNode> iconFinalFetchList = new Vector<IconNode>(); private boolean iconsInPool = true; private boolean requireLogin = false; private String usern = null; private String passwd = null; public RssHandler(Context ctx, String srv) { mctx = ctx; mserver = srv; db = new DbHandler(mctx); listapks = db.getForUpdate(); = "unknown"; tmp_apk.ver = "0.0"; tmp_apk.vercode = 0; tmp_apk.rat = 3.0f; = "2000-01-01"; tmp_apk.md5hash = null; } @Override public void characters(final char[] ch, final int start, final int length) throws SAXException { super.characters(ch, start, length); if (apk_name) { = new String(ch).substring(start, start + length); } else if (apk_id) { tmp_apk.apkid = new String(ch).substring(start, start + length); } else if (apk_path) { tmp_apk.path = new String(ch).substring(start, start + length); } else if (apk_ver) { tmp_apk.ver = new String(ch).substring(start, start + length); } else if (apk_vercode) { try { tmp_apk.vercode = new Integer(new String(ch).substring(start, start + length)); } catch (Exception e) { tmp_apk.vercode = 0; } } else if (apk_icon) { IconNode a = new IconNode(new String(ch).substring(start, start + length), tmp_apk.apkid); synchronized (iconFetchList) { iconFetchList.add(a); } /*new Thread() { public void run() { try{ getIcon(new String(ch).substring(start, start + length), tmp_apk.apkid); } catch (Exception e) { } } }.start();*/ } else if (apk_date) { = new String(ch).substring(start, start + length); } else if (apk_rat) { try { tmp_apk.rat = new Float(new String(ch).substring(start, start + length)); } catch (Exception e) { tmp_apk.rat = 3.0f; } } else if (apk_md5hash) { tmp_apk.md5hash = new String(ch).substring(start, start + length); } } @Override public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException { super.endElement(uri, localName, qName); if (localName.trim().equals("package")) { napk++; new_apk = false; if ("Unknown")) = tmp_apk.apkid; //db.insertApk(, tmp_apk.path, tmp_apk.ver, tmp_apk.vercode,tmp_apk.apkid,, tmp_apk.rat, mserver, tmp_apk.md5hash); ApkNode node = new ApkNode(tmp_apk.apkid, tmp_apk.vercode); if (!listapks.contains(node)) { db.insertApk(false,, tmp_apk.path, tmp_apk.ver, tmp_apk.vercode, tmp_apk.apkid,, tmp_apk.rat, mserver, tmp_apk.md5hash); listapks.add(node); } else { int pos = listapks.indexOf(node); ApkNode list = listapks.get(pos); if (list.vercode <= node.vercode) { db.insertApk(true,, tmp_apk.path, tmp_apk.ver, tmp_apk.vercode, tmp_apk.apkid,, tmp_apk.rat, mserver, tmp_apk.md5hash); listapks.remove(pos); listapks.add(node); } } readed++; if (readed >= 10) { //Log.d("Aptoide", "============================================================= A Limpar!!"); readed = 0; cleanTransHeap(); } = "Unknown"; tmp_apk.ver = "0.0"; tmp_apk.vercode = 0; tmp_apk.rat = 3.0f; = "2000-01-01"; tmp_apk.md5hash = null; } else if (localName.trim().equals("name")) { apk_name = false; } else if (localName.trim().equals("path")) { apk_path = false; } else if (localName.trim().equals("ver")) { apk_ver = false; } else if (localName.trim().equals("vercode")) { apk_vercode = false; } else if (localName.trim().equals("apkid")) { apk_id = false; } else if (localName.trim().equals("icon")) { apk_icon = false; } else if (localName.trim().equals("date")) { apk_date = false; } else if (localName.trim().equals("rat")) { apk_rat = false; } else if (localName.trim().equals("md5h")) { apk_md5hash = false; } } @Override public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { super.startElement(uri, localName, qName, attributes); if (localName.trim().equals("package")) { new_apk = true; } else if (localName.trim().equals("name")) { apk_name = true; } else if (localName.trim().equals("path")) { apk_path = true; } else if (localName.trim().equals("ver")) { apk_ver = true; } else if (localName.trim().equals("vercode")) { apk_vercode = true; } else if (localName.trim().equals("apkid")) { apk_id = true; } else if (localName.trim().equals("icon")) { apk_icon = true; } else if (localName.trim().equals("date")) { apk_date = true; } else if (localName.trim().equals("rat")) { apk_rat = true; } else if (localName.trim().equals("md5h")) { apk_md5hash = true; } } @Override public void startDocument() throws SAXException { String[] logins = null; logins = db.getLogin(mserver); if (logins != null) { requireLogin = true; usern = logins[0]; passwd = logins[1]; } new Thread() { public void run() { try { while (iconsInPool) { while (!iconFetchList.isEmpty()) { IconNode node = null; synchronized (iconFetchList) { node = iconFetchList.remove(0); } String test_file = mctx.getString(R.string.icons_path) +; //Log.d("Aptoide"," Testing: " + test_file); File exists = new File(test_file); if (exists.exists()) { //Log.d("Aptoide"," ============= JA EXISTE!"); } else { //Log.d("Aptoide"," ============= NEW ICON!"); synchronized (iconFinalFetchList) { iconFinalFetchList.add(node); } } } Thread.sleep(1000); } //Log.d("Aptoide","============= Acabou os testes iniciais de icons!"); } catch (Exception e) { //Log.d("Aptoide"," ============= ASNEIRA: "); //Log.d("Aptoide",e.toString()); } } }.start(); new Thread() { public void run() { //Log.d("Aptoide"," ============= I AM STARTING: " + Thread.currentThread().getId()); IconNode node = null; try { while (true) { Thread.sleep(2000); if (iconFinalFetchList.isEmpty() || (!iconsInPool)) { break; } else { synchronized (iconFinalFetchList) { node = iconFinalFetchList.remove(0); } //Log.d("Aptoide"," ============= I AM HERE!!!!! " +; getIcon(node.url,; } } //Log.d("Aptoide"," ============= I AM EXITING!!! " + Thread.currentThread().getId()); } catch (Exception e) { //No icon to fecth... does nothing //Log.d("Aptoide","=== ASNEIRA: " + e.toString()); } } }.start(); db.startTrans(); super.startDocument(); } @Override public void endDocument() throws SAXException { db.updateServerNApk(mserver, napk); db.endTrans(); new Thread() { public void run() { try { while (true) { if (iconFetchList.size() == 0) { iconsInPool = false; break; } Thread.sleep(2000); } Log.d("Aptoide", "A lancar threads..."); Thread main_icon_thread = new Thread(new FetchIcons(), "T1"); //Thread main_icon_thread2 = new Thread(new FetchIcons(), "T2"); /*Thread main_icon_thread3 = new Thread(new FetchIcons(), "T3"); Thread main_icon_thread4 = new Thread(new FetchIcons(), "T4");*/ main_icon_thread.start(); //main_icon_thread2.start(); /*main_icon_thread3.start(); main_icon_thread4.start();*/ } catch (Exception e) { /*Log.d("Aptoide", "UPS!");*/ } } }.start(); //Log.d("Aptoide"," ============= I AM STARTING: " + Thread.currentThread().getId()); IconNode node = null; try { while (true) { if (iconFinalFetchList.isEmpty()) { break; } else { synchronized (iconFinalFetchList) { node = iconFinalFetchList.remove(0); } //Log.d("Aptoide"," ============= I AM HERE!!!!! " +; getIcon(node.url,; } } //Log.d("Aptoide"," ============= I AM EXITING!!! " + Thread.currentThread().getId()); } catch (Exception e) { //No icon to fecth... does nothing //Log.d("Aptoide","=== ASNEIRA: " + e.toString()); } super.endDocument(); } private void cleanTransHeap() { db.endTrans(); db.startTrans(); } private void getIcon(String uri, String name) { String url = mserver + "/" + uri; String file = mctx.getString(R.string.icons_path) + name; /*File exists = new File(file); if(exists.exists()){ return; }*/ try { FileOutputStream saveit = new FileOutputStream(file); DefaultHttpClient mHttpClient = new DefaultHttpClient(); HttpGet mHttpGet = new HttpGet(url); if (requireLogin) { URL mUrl = new URL(url); mHttpClient.getCredentialsProvider().setCredentials(new AuthScope(mUrl.getHost(), mUrl.getPort()), new UsernamePasswordCredentials(usern, passwd)); } HttpResponse mHttpResponse = mHttpClient.execute(mHttpGet); if (mHttpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 401) { return; } else if (mHttpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 403) { return; } else { byte[] buffer = EntityUtils.toByteArray(mHttpResponse.getEntity()); saveit.write(buffer); } } catch (IOException e) { } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } private class FetchIcons implements Runnable { public FetchIcons() { } public void run() { //Log.d("Aptoide"," ============= I AM STARTING: " + Thread.currentThread().getId()); IconNode node = null; try { while (true) { if (iconFinalFetchList.isEmpty()) { break; } else { synchronized (iconFinalFetchList) { node = iconFinalFetchList.remove(0); } //Log.d("Aptoide"," ============= I AM HERE!!!!! " +; getIcon(node.url,; } } //Log.d("Aptoide"," ============= I AM EXITING!!! " + Thread.currentThread().getId()); } catch (Exception e) { //No icon to fecth... does nothing //Log.d("Aptoide","=== ASNEIRA: " + e.toString()); } } } }