Java tutorial
/************************************************************************* * Clus - Software for Predictive Clustering * * Copyright (C) 2007 * * Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium * * Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia * * * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * * Contact information: <>. * *************************************************************************/ /* * Created on May 11, 2005 */ package clus.algo.tdidt.tune; import*; import java.util.*; import; import jeans.math.*; import clus.main.*; import clus.model.ClusModel; import clus.model.ClusModelInfo; import clus.selection.*; import clus.statistic.*; import clus.util.*; import clus.pruning.*; import clus.algo.ClusInductionAlgorithmType; import clus.algo.tdidt.ClusDecisionTree; import clus.algo.tdidt.ClusNode; import; import*; import*; import*; import clus.error.*; import clus.ext.hierarchical.HierRemoveInsigClasses; /* import org.apache.commons.math.distribution.*; import org.apache.commons.math.*; */ public class CDTuneSizeConstrPruning extends ClusDecisionTree { protected ClusInductionAlgorithmType m_Class; protected ClusSchema m_Schema; protected ClusStatistic m_TotalStat; protected boolean m_HasMissing; protected int m_NbExamples; // protected TDistribution m_Distribution; protected int m_OrigSize; protected double m_RelErrAcc = 0.01; protected ArrayList m_Graph; protected int m_Optimal, m_MaxSize; protected ClusAttributeWeights m_TargetWeights; protected boolean m_Relative; protected double m_RelativeScale; public CDTuneSizeConstrPruning(ClusInductionAlgorithmType clss) { super(clss.getClus()); m_Class = clss; } public void printInfo() { System.out.println("TDIDT (Tuning Size Constraint)"); System.out.println("Heuristic: " + getStatManager().getHeuristicName()); } private final void showFold(int i) { if (i != 0) System.out.print(" "); System.out.print(String.valueOf(i + 1)); System.out.flush(); } public void setRelativeMeasure(boolean enable, double value) { m_Relative = enable; m_RelativeScale = value; } public void computeTestStatistics(ClusRun[] runs, int model, ClusError error) throws IOException, ClusException { TreeErrorComputer comp = new TreeErrorComputer(); for (int i = 0; i < runs.length; i++) { ClusNode tree = (ClusNode) runs[i].getModelInfo(model).getModel(); TreeErrorComputer.initializeTestErrors(tree, error); MemoryTupleIterator test = (MemoryTupleIterator) runs[i].getTestIter(); test.init(); DataTuple tuple = test.readTuple(); while (tuple != null) { tree.applyModelProcessor(tuple, comp); tuple = test.readTuple(); } } } public void computeErrorStandard(ClusNode tree, int model, ClusRun run) throws ClusException, IOException { ClusModelInfo mi = run.getModelInfo(model); ClusError err = mi.getTestError().getFirstError(); MemoryTupleIterator test = (MemoryTupleIterator) run.getTestIter(); test.init(); DataTuple tuple = test.readTuple(); while (tuple != null) { ClusStatistic pred = tree.predictWeighted(tuple); err.addExample(tuple, pred); tuple = test.readTuple(); } } public SingleStatList computeTreeError(ClusRun[] runs, SizeConstraintPruning[] pruners, int model, ClusSummary summ, int size) throws ClusException, IOException { ClusModelInfo summ_mi = summ.getModelInfo(model); ClusError summ_err = summ_mi.getTestError().getFirstError(); summ_err.reset(); SingleStatList res = new SingleStatList(runs.length); for (int i = 0; i < runs.length; i++) { ClusModelInfo mi = runs[i].getModelInfo(model); ClusNode tree = (ClusNode) mi.getModel(); if (size == 1) { tree = tree.cloneNodeWithVisitor(); } else { int modelsize = tree.getModelSize(); if (size < modelsize) { tree = tree.cloneTreeWithVisitors(); pruners[i].pruneExecute(tree, size); } } if (getStatManager().getMode() == ClusStatManager.MODE_HIERARCHICAL) { PruneTree pruner = new PruneTree(); boolean bonf = getSettings().isUseBonferroni(); HierRemoveInsigClasses hierpruner = new HierRemoveInsigClasses(runs[i].getPruneSet(), pruner, bonf, getStatManager().getHier()); hierpruner.setSignificance(getSettings().getHierPruneInSig()); hierpruner.prune(tree); } ClusError err = mi.getTestError().getFirstError(); err.reset(); if (m_HasMissing) { computeErrorStandard(tree, model, runs[i]); } else { TreeErrorComputer.computeErrorSimple(tree, err); } summ_err.add(err); MemoryTupleIterator test = (MemoryTupleIterator) runs[i].getTestIter(); mi.getTestError().setNbExamples(test.getNbExamples()); if (m_Relative) { res.addFloat(err.getModelError() / m_RelativeScale); } else { res.addFloat(err.getModelError()); } } summ_mi.getTestError().setNbExamples(m_NbExamples); /* PrintWriter wrt = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out)); summ_mi.getTestError().showError(summ, ClusModelInfo.TEST_ERR, wrt); wrt.print(" -> "+summ_err.getModelError()); wrt.flush(); */ if (m_Relative) { res.setY(summ_err.getModelError() / m_RelativeScale); } else { res.setY(summ_err.getModelError()); } return res; } public SingleStatList addPoint(ArrayList points, int size, ClusRun[] runs, SizeConstraintPruning[] pruners, int model, ClusSummary summ) throws ClusException, IOException { int pos = 0; while (pos < points.size() && ((SingleStatList) points.get(pos)).getX() < size) { pos++; } if (pos < points.size() && ((SingleStatList) points.get(pos)).getX() == size) { return null; } SingleStatList point = computeTreeError(runs, pruners, model, summ, size); point.setX(size); points.add(pos, point); return point; } public double getRange(ArrayList graph) { double min = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; double max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (int i = 0; i < graph.size(); i++) { SingleStatList elem = (SingleStatList) graph.get(i); if (elem.getY() < min) min = elem.getY(); if (elem.getY() > max) max = elem.getY(); } return Math.abs(max - min); } public void refineGraph(ArrayList graph, ClusRun[] runs, SizeConstraintPruning[] pruners, int model, ClusSummary summ) throws ClusException, IOException { int prevsize = -1; while (true) { boolean not_found = true; // double max_diff = getRange(graph); for (int i = 0; i < graph.size() - 2 && not_found; i++) { SingleStatList e1 = (SingleStatList) graph.get(i); SingleStatList e2 = (SingleStatList) graph.get(i + 1); if (Math.abs(e1.getY() - e2.getY()) > m_RelErrAcc) { int s1 = (int) e1.getX(); int s2 = (int) e2.getX(); int nmean = ((s1 + s2) / 2 - 1) / 2; int smean = 2 * nmean + 1; if (smean != s1 && smean != s2 && (m_OrigSize == -1 || smean < m_OrigSize)) { addPoint(graph, smean, runs, pruners, model, summ); System.out.print("#"); System.out.flush(); /* we found a place to insert */ not_found = false; } } } if (graph.size() == prevsize) return; prevsize = graph.size(); } } /* public int significanceTest(SingleStatList l1, SingleStatList l2, double level) { double probability = 0.5 + level/2; // 1.0 - (1.0 - level)/2; try { double t_value = m_Distribution.inverseCumulativeProbability(probability); double t_test = l1.getTValueSigTest(l2); if (t_test > t_value) { if (l1.getY() > l2.getY()) return 1; else return -1; } else { return 0; } } catch (MathException e) { System.err.println("Math error: "+e.getMessage()); return 0; } } */ public int findOptimalSize(ArrayList graph, boolean shouldBeLow) { double best_value = shouldBeLow ? Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY : Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; int best_index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < graph.size(); i++) { SingleStatList elem = (SingleStatList) graph.get(i); if (shouldBeLow) { if (elem.getY() < best_value) { best_value = elem.getY(); best_index = i; } } else { if (elem.getY() > best_value) { best_value = elem.getY(); best_index = i; } } } if (best_index == -1) { return 1; } // double max_diff = getRange(graph); SingleStatList best_elem = (SingleStatList) graph.get(best_index); System.out.print("[" + best_elem.getX() + "," + best_elem.getY() + "]"); SingleStatList result = best_elem; int pos = best_index - 1; while (pos >= 0) { SingleStatList prev_elem = (SingleStatList) graph.get(pos); if (prev_elem.getX() >= 3 && Math.abs(prev_elem.getY() - best_elem.getY()) < m_RelErrAcc) { result = prev_elem; System.out.print(" < " + prev_elem.getX()); } pos--; } return (int) result.getX(); } public final XValMainSelection getXValSelection(Settings sett, int nbrows) throws IOException, ClusException { String value = sett.getTuneFolds(); if (value.length() > 0 && Character.isDigit(value.charAt(0))) { try { int nbfolds = Integer.parseInt(value); Random random = new Random(0); return new XValRandomSelection(nbrows, nbfolds, random); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new ClusException("Illegal number of folds: " + value); } } else { return XValDataSelection.readFoldsFile(value, nbrows); } } public void findBestSize(ClusData trset) throws ClusException, IOException { int prevVerb = Settings.enableVerbose(0); ClusStatManager mgr = getStatManager(); ClusSummary summ = new ClusSummary(); ClusErrorList errorpar = mgr.createDefaultError(); errorpar.setWeights(m_TargetWeights); summ.setTestError(errorpar); int model = ClusModel.ORIGINAL; XValMainSelection sel = getXValSelection(getSettings(), trset.getNbRows()); int nbfolds = sel.getNbFolds(); ClusRun[] runs = new ClusRun[nbfolds]; // Create trees based on cross-validation for (int i = 0; i < nbfolds; i++) { showFold(i); XValSelection msel = new XValSelection(sel, i); ClusRun cr = m_Clus.partitionDataBasic(trset, msel, summ, i + 1); ClusModel tree = m_Class.induceSingleUnpruned(cr); cr.getModelInfo(model).setModel(tree); runs[i] = cr; } // Construct tree pruners int maxsize = 0; SizeConstraintPruning pruners[] = new SizeConstraintPruning[nbfolds]; for (int i = 0; i < nbfolds; i++) { ClusNode tree = (ClusNode) runs[i].getModelInfo(model).getModel(); int size = tree.getModelSize(); if (m_OrigSize != -1 && size > m_OrigSize) size = m_OrigSize; if (size > maxsize) maxsize = size; SizeConstraintPruning pruner = new SizeConstraintPruning(size, mgr.getClusteringWeights()); pruner.pruneInitialize(tree, size); pruners[i] = pruner; } if (maxsize == 1) { System.out.println("Optimal size (maxsize = 1) = 1"); m_Class.getSettings().setSizeConstraintPruning(1); return; } // Get training data in trees ClusError error = summ.getModelInfo(model).getTestError().getFirstError(); if (!m_HasMissing) { computeTestStatistics(runs, model, error); } // Compute errors of default models ArrayList graph = new ArrayList(); setRelativeMeasure(false, 0.0); SingleStatList point = computeTreeError(runs, pruners, model, summ, 1); setRelativeMeasure(true, point.getY()); System.out.print(" "); System.out.print("<" + point.getY() + ">"); addPoint(graph, 1, runs, pruners, model, summ); addPoint(graph, maxsize, runs, pruners, model, summ); // Add trees with exponentially increasing size int n = 1; boolean shouldBeLow = error.shouldBeLow(); while (true) { int size = (int) (Math.pow(2, n) + 1.0); if (size > maxsize) break; if (m_OrigSize != -1 && size > m_OrigSize) break; SingleStatList new_pt = addPoint(graph, size, runs, pruners, model, summ); if (new_pt == null) { break; } else { if (shouldBeLow) { if (graph.size() > 5 && new_pt.getY() > 1.1) { break; } } else { if (graph.size() > 5 && new_pt.getY() < 0.9) { break; } } System.out.print("*"); System.out.flush(); } n++; } refineGraph(graph, runs, pruners, model, summ); int optimalSize = findOptimalSize(graph, shouldBeLow); System.out.println(" Best = " + optimalSize); // Write dat file setFinalResult(graph, optimalSize, maxsize); getSettings().setSizeConstraintPruning(optimalSize); Settings.enableVerbose(prevVerb); } public void saveInformation(String fname) { System.out.println("Saving: " + fname + ".dat"); MyFile file = new MyFile(fname + ".dat"); file.log("" + m_Optimal + "\t" + m_MaxSize); for (int i = 0; i < m_Graph.size(); i++) { SingleStatList elem = (SingleStatList) m_Graph.get(i); file.log("" + elem.getX() + "\t" + elem.getY()); } file.close(); } public void setFinalResult(ArrayList graph, int optimal, int maxsize) { m_Graph = graph; m_Optimal = optimal; m_MaxSize = maxsize; } public ClusModel induceSingle(ClusRun cr) { System.out.println(">>> Error: induceSingle/1 not implemented"); return null; } public ClusStatistic createTotalStat(RowData data) { ClusStatistic stat = m_Class.getStatManager().createClusteringStat(); data.calcTotalStatBitVector(stat); return stat; } public void induceAll(ClusRun cr) throws ClusException { try { long start_time = System.currentTimeMillis(); m_OrigSize = getSettings().getSizeConstraintPruning(0); if (getSettings().getSizeConstraintPruningNumber() > 1) { throw new ClusException("Only one value is allowed for MaxSize if -tunesize is given"); } RowData train = (RowData) cr.getTrainingSet(); m_Schema = train.getSchema(); m_HasMissing = m_Schema.hasMissing(); m_TotalStat = createTotalStat(train); m_NbExamples = train.getNbRows(); // m_Distribution = DistributionFactory.newInstance().createTDistribution(getSettings().getTuneNbFolds()-1); System.out.println("Has missing values: " + m_HasMissing); m_TargetWeights = m_Class.getStatManager().getClusteringWeights(); // Find optimal F-test value findBestSize(train); System.out.println(); // Induce final model m_Class.induceAll(cr); getSettings().setSizeConstraintPruning(m_OrigSize); long time = (System.currentTimeMillis() - start_time); if (Settings.VERBOSE > 0) System.out.println("Time: " + (double) time / 1000 + " sec"); cr.setInductionTime(time); } catch (ClusException e) { System.err.println("Error: " + e); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("IO Error: " + e); } } }