Java tutorial
/* Copyright (c) 2016 Robert Atkinson All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted (subject to the limitations in the disclaimer below) provided that the following conditions are met: Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. Neither the name of Robert Atkinson nor the names of his contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED LICENSES TO ANY PARTY'S PATENT RIGHTS ARE GRANTED BY THIS LICENSE. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESSFOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package club.towr5291.opmodes; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import android.os.Environment; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.util.Log; import com.qualcomm.hardware.adafruit.BNO055IMU; import com.qualcomm.hardware.adafruit.JustLoggingAccelerationIntegrator; import com.qualcomm.hardware.modernrobotics.ModernRoboticsI2cGyro; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.Autonomous; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.LinearOpMode; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.AnalogInput; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.ColorSensor; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.DcMotor; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.DeviceInterfaceModule; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.DigitalChannelController; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.I2cAddr; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.I2cDevice; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.I2cDeviceSynch; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.I2cDeviceSynchImpl; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.Servo; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.util.ElapsedTime; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.util.Range; import com.vuforia.HINT; import com.vuforia.Image; import com.vuforia.Matrix34F; import com.vuforia.PIXEL_FORMAT; import com.vuforia.Tool; import com.vuforia.Vec2F; import com.vuforia.Vec3F; import com.vuforia.Vuforia; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.ClassFactory; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.Telemetry; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.matrices.MatrixF; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.matrices.OpenGLMatrix; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.matrices.VectorF; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.Acceleration; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.AngleUnit; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.AxesOrder; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.AxesReference; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.DistanceUnit; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.Orientation; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.Position; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.Velocity; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.VuforiaLocalizer; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.VuforiaTrackable; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.VuforiaTrackables; import; import org.opencv.core.CvType; import org.opencv.core.Mat; import org.opencv.core.Point; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import club.towr5291.astarpathfinder.A0Star; import club.towr5291.astarpathfinder.sixValues; import club.towr5291.functions.AStarGetPathVer2; import club.towr5291.functions.BeaconAnalysisOCV; import club.towr5291.functions.BeaconAnalysisOCV2; import club.towr5291.functions.Constants; import club.towr5291.functions.FileLogger; import club.towr5291.functions.ReadStepFile; import club.towr5291.libraries.LibraryStateSegAuto; import club.towr5291.libraries.LibraryStateTrack; import club.towr5291.robotconfig.HardwareArmMotors; import club.towr5291.robotconfig.HardwareDriveMotors; /* TOWR 5291 Autonomous Copyright (c) 2016 TOWR5291 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Written by Ian Haden October 2016 2017-02-15 - Ian Haden - Changed Auton Menu 2017-02-25 - Ian Haden - Added load steps from a file 2017-03-11 - Ian Haden - Added Adafruit IMU 2017-03-11 - Ian Haden - Cleaned up code 2017-03-11 - Ian Haden - Made the load steps a class 2017-03-19 - Ian Haden - Updated Beacon Viewing Area (Crop whole picture to just beacon) */ @Autonomous(name = "5291 Autonomous Drive", group = "5291") public class AutoDriveTeam5291 extends LinearOpMode { //set up TAG for logging prefic, this info will appear first in every log statemend private static final String TAG = "AutoDriveTeam5291"; //variable for pathvalues when processing the A*pathfinder private AStarGetPathVer2 getPathValues = new AStarGetPathVer2(); //The autonomous menu settings from the sharepreferences private SharedPreferences sharedPreferences; private String teamNumber; private String allianceColor; private String allianceStartPosition; private String allianceParkPosition; private int delay; private String numBeacons; private String robotConfig; // Declare OpMode members. private HardwareDriveMotors robotDrive = new HardwareDriveMotors(); // Use a Pushbot's hardware private HardwareArmMotors armDrive = new HardwareArmMotors(); // Use a Pushbot's hardware private ElapsedTime runtime = new ElapsedTime(); //set up the variables for file logger and what level of debug we will log info at private FileLogger fileLogger; private int debug = 3; //set up range sensor variables //set up range sensor1 private byte[] range1Cache; //The read will return an array of bytes. They are stored in this variable private I2cAddr RANGE1ADDRESS = new I2cAddr(0x14); //Default I2C address for MR Range (7-bit) private static final int RANGE1_REG_START = 0x04; //Register to start reading private static final int RANGE1_READ_LENGTH = 2; //Number of byte to read private I2cDevice RANGE1; private I2cDeviceSynch RANGE1Reader; private double mdblRangeSensor1; //set up rangesensor 2 private byte[] range2Cache; //The read will return an array of bytes. They are stored in this variable private I2cAddr RANGE2ADDRESS = new I2cAddr(0x18); //Default I2C address for MR Range (7-bit) private static final int RANGE2_REG_START = 0x04; //Register to start reading private static final int RANGE2_READ_LENGTH = 2; //Number of byte to read private I2cDevice RANGE2; private I2cDeviceSynch RANGE2Reader; private double mdblRangeSensor2; //set up colour sensor variables private ColorSensor colorSensor; // Hardware Device Object private boolean colourError = false; // Line Sensors // Analogue Inputs from the DIM private double mdblInputLineSensor1; // Input State private double mdblInputLineSensor2; // Input State private double mdblInputLineSensor3; // Input State private double mdblInputLineSensor4; // Input State private double mdblInputLineSensor5; // Input State private double mdblWhiteThreshold = 0.4; // anything below 1.5 is white, anything above 3 is grey tile private AnalogInput LineSensor1; // Device Object private AnalogInput LineSensor2; // Device Object private AnalogInput LineSensor3; // Device Object private AnalogInput LineSensor4; // Device Object private AnalogInput LineSensor5; // Device Object //set up Gyro variables private boolean gyroError = false; private ModernRoboticsI2cGyro gyro; // Hardware Device Object private final double GYRO_CORRECTION_MULTIPLIER = 0.9833; private double mdblTurnAbsoluteGyro; private double mdblGyrozAccumulated; private int mintStableCount; private String mstrWiggleDir; private double mdblPowerBoost; private int mintPowerBoostCount; //adafruit IMU // The IMU sensor object private BNO055IMU imu; // State used for updating telemetry private boolean useAdafruitIMU = false; //set up robot variables private double COUNTS_PER_MOTOR_REV; // eg: TETRIX = 1440 pulses, NeveRest 20 = 560 pulses, NeveRest 40 = 1120, NeveRest 60 = 1680 pulses private double DRIVE_GEAR_REDUCTION; // This is < 1.0 if geared UP, Tilerunner is geared up private double WHEEL_DIAMETER_INCHES; // For figuring circumference private double WHEEL_ACTUAL_FUDGE; // Fine tuning amount private double COUNTS_PER_INCH; private double ROBOT_TRACK; // distance between centerline of rear wheels robot will pivot on rear wheel of omni on front, 16.5 track is 103.67 inches full circle private double COUNTS_PER_DEGREE; private double WHEEL_TURN_FUDGE; private double REVERSE_DIRECTION; // determines which directin the robot runs when FW is positive or negative when commanded to move a direction //vuforia localisation variables private OpenGLMatrix lastLocation = null; private double localisedRobotX; private double localisedRobotY; private double localisedRobotBearing; private boolean localiseRobotPos; private static final int TARGET_WIDTH = 254; private static final int TARGET_HEIGHT = 184; //define each state for the step. Each step should go through some of the states below // set up the variables for the state engine private int mintCurrentStep = 1; // Current Step in State Machine. private int mintCurrentStepAStar = 1; // Current Step in AStar State Machine. private stepState mintCurStStep; // Current State Machine State. private stepState mintCurStDrive; // Current State of Drive. private stepState mintCurStDriveHeading; // Current State of Drive Heading. private stepState mintCurStTankTurn; // Current State of Tank Turn. private stepState mintCurStPivotTurn; // Current State of Pivot Turn. private stepState mintCurStRadiusTurn; // Current State of Radius Turn. private stepState mintCurStVuforiaLoc5291; // Current State of Vuforia Localisation private stepState mintCurStVuforiaMove5291; // Current State of Vuforia Move private stepState mintCurStVuforiaTurn5291; // Current State of Vuforia Turn private stepState mintCurStBeaconColour5291; // Current State of Beacon Colour private stepState mintCurStAttackBeacon5291; // Current State of Attack Beacon private stepState mintCurStShootParticle5291; // Current State of Shooting Ball in Vortex private stepState mintCurStSweeper5291; // Current State of the Sweeper private stepState mintCurStLineFind5291; // Current State of the special function to move forward until line is found private stepState mintCurStGyroTurnEncoder5291; // Current State of the Turn function that take the Gyro as an initial heading private stepState mintCurStEyelids5291; // Current State of the Eyelids private stepState mintCurStTankTurnGyroHeading; // Current State of Tank Turn using Gyro private stepState mintCurStDelay; // Current State of Delay (robot doing nothing) //private ArrayList<LibraryStateTrack> mValueSteps = new ArrayList<>(); // Current State of the Step private HashMap<String, Integer> mintActiveSteps = new HashMap<>(); private HashMap<String, Integer> mintActiveStepsCopy = new HashMap<>(); private LEDState mint5291LEDStatus; // Flash the LED based on the status private enum stepState { STATE_INIT, STATE_START, STATE_RUNNING, STATE_PAUSE, STATE_COMPLETE, STATE_TIMEOUT, STATE_ERROR, STATE_FINISHED, STATE_ASTAR_PRE_INIT, STATE_ASTAR_INIT, STATE_ASTAR_RUNNING, STATE_ASTAR_ERROR, STATE_ASTAR_COMPLETE } private enum LEDState { STATE_ERROR, STATE_TEAM, STATE_MOVING, STATE_BEACON, STATE_SUCCESS, STATE_FINISHED } //variable for the state engine, declared here so they are accessible throughout the entire opmode with having to pass them through each function private boolean mblnReadyToCapture = false; //Ready to get the camera for capturing images private int mintStartPositionLeft1; //Left Motor 1 - start position of the robot in inches, starts from 0 to the end private int mintStartPositionLeft2; //Left Motor 2 - start position of the robot in inches, starts from 0 to the end private int mintStartPositionRight1; //Right Motor 1 - start position of the robot in inches, starts from 0 to the end private int mintStartPositionRight2; //Right Motor 2 - start position of the robot in inches, starts from 0 to the end private int mintStepLeftTarget1; //Left Motor 1 - encoder target position private int mintStepLeftTarget2; //Left Motor 2 - encoder target position private int mintStepRightTarget1; //Right Motor 1 - encoder target position private int mintStepRightTarget2; //Right Motor 2 - encoder target position private double mdblStepTimeout; //Timeout value ofthe step, the step will abort if the timeout is reached private double mdblStepSpeed; //When a move command is executed this is the speed the motors will run at private String mstrRobotCommand; //The command the robot will execute, such as move forward, turn right etc private double mdblRobotParm1; //First Parameter of the command, not all commands have paramters, A*Star has parameters, where moveing does not private double mdblRobotParm2; //Second Parameter of the command, not all commands have paramters, A*Star has parameters, where moveing does not private double mdblRobotParm3; //Third Parameter of the command, not all commands have paramters, A*Star has parameters, where moveing does not private double mdblRobotParm4; //Fourth Parameter of the command, not all commands have paramters, A*Star has parameters, where moveing does not private double mdblRobotParm5; //Fifth Parameter of the command, not all commands have paramters, A*Star has parameters, where moveing does not private double mdblRobotParm6; //Sixth Parameter of the command, not all commands have paramters, A*Star has parameters, where moveing does not private double mdblStepTurnL; //used when decoding the step, this will indicate if the robot is turning left private double mdblStepTurnR; //used when decoding the step, this will indicate if the robot is turning right private double mdblRobotTurnAngle; //used to determine angle the robot will turn private double mdblStepDistance; //used when decoding the step, this will indicate how far the robot is to move in inches private boolean mblnParallel; //used to determine if next step will run in parallel - at same time private boolean mblnRobotLastPos; //used to determine if next step will run from end of last step or from encoder position private int mintLastEncoderDestinationLeft1; //used to store the encoder destination from current Step private int mintLastEncoderDestinationLeft2; //used to store the encoder destination from current Step private int mintLastEncoderDestinationRight1; //used to store the encoder destination from current Step private int mintLastEncoderDestinationRight2; //used to store the encoder destination from current Step private boolean mblnNextStepLastPos; //used to detect using encoders or previous calc'd position private int mintStepDelay; //used when decoding the step, this will indicate how long the delay is on ms. private boolean mblnDisableVisionProcessing = false; //used when moving to disable vision to allow faster speed reading encoders. private int mintStepRetries = 0; //used to count retries on a step private ElapsedTime mStateTime = new ElapsedTime(); // Time into current state, used for the timeout private int mintStepNumber; //hashmap for the steps to be stored in. A Hashmap is like a fancy array private HashMap<String, LibraryStateSegAuto> autonomousSteps = new HashMap<String, LibraryStateSegAuto>(); private HashMap<String, String> powerTable = new HashMap<String, String>(); private ReadStepFile autonomousStepsFile = new ReadStepFile(); //OpenCV Stuff //private BeaconAnalysisOCV beaconColour = new BeaconAnalysisOCV(); private BeaconAnalysisOCV2 beaconColour = new BeaconAnalysisOCV2(); private int mintCaptureLoop = 0; private int mintNumberColourTries = 0; private Constants.BeaconColours mColour; //servos // the servos are on the servo controller private final static double SERVOLIFTRIGHT_MIN_RANGE = 0; private final static double SERVOLIFTRIGHT_MAX_RANGE = 1.0; private final static double SERVOLIFTLEFT_MIN_RANGE = 0; private final static double SERVOLIFTLEFT_MAX_RANGE = 1.0; private final static double SERVOBEACONRIGHT_MIN_RANGE = 0; private final static double SERVOBEACONRIGHT_MAX_RANGE = 1.0; private final static double SERVOBEACONLEFT_MIN_RANGE = 0; private final static double SERVOBEACONLEFT_MAX_RANGE = 1.0; private final static int SERVOBEACONLEFT_HOME = 7; private final static int SERVOBEACONRIGHT_HOME = 2; private Servo servoLifterRight; private Servo servoLifterLeft; private Servo servoBeaconLeft; private Servo servoBeaconRight; //LED Strips private DeviceInterfaceModule dim; // Device Object private final int GREEN1_LED_CHANNEL = 0; private final int RED1_LED_CHANNEL = 1; private final int BLUE1_LED_CHANNEL = 2; private final int GREEN2_LED_CHANNEL = 3; private final int RED2_LED_CHANNEL = 4; private final int BLUE2_LED_CHANNEL = 5; private double mdblLastOn; private double mdblLastOff; private boolean mblnLEDON; private int mintCounts = 0; //each robot speeds up and slows down at different rates //helps reduce over runs and //table for the tilerunner from AndyMark. These values are for the twin 20 motors which makes the robot fast private void loadPowerTableTileRunner() { powerTable.put(String.valueOf(0.5), ".1"); powerTable.put(String.valueOf(1), ".2"); powerTable.put(String.valueOf(2), ".3"); powerTable.put(String.valueOf(4), ".4"); powerTable.put(String.valueOf(6), ".5"); powerTable.put(String.valueOf(8), ".6"); powerTable.put(String.valueOf(10), ".7"); powerTable.put(String.valueOf(12), ".8"); } //table for the custom tanktread robot. These values are for the twin 40 motors private void loadPowerTableTankTread() { powerTable.put(String.valueOf(0.5), ".3"); powerTable.put(String.valueOf(1), ".3"); powerTable.put(String.valueOf(2), ".4"); powerTable.put(String.valueOf(4), ".5"); powerTable.put(String.valueOf(6), ".5"); powerTable.put(String.valueOf(8), ".6"); powerTable.put(String.valueOf(10), ".6"); powerTable.put(String.valueOf(12), ".6"); powerTable.put(String.valueOf(15), ".8"); } @Override public void runOpMode() throws InterruptedException { final boolean LedOn = false; final boolean LedOff = true; //load menu settings and setup robot and debug level sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(hardwareMap.appContext); teamNumber = sharedPreferences.getString("club.towr5291.Autonomous.TeamNumber", "0000"); allianceColor = sharedPreferences.getString("club.towr5291.Autonomous.Color", "Red"); allianceStartPosition = sharedPreferences.getString("club.towr5291.Autonomous.StartPosition", "Left"); allianceParkPosition = sharedPreferences.getString("club.towr5291.Autonomous.ParkPosition", "Vortex"); delay = Integer.parseInt(sharedPreferences.getString("club.towr5291.Autonomous.Delay", "0")); numBeacons = sharedPreferences.getString("club.towr5291.Autonomous.Beacons", "One"); robotConfig = sharedPreferences.getString("club.towr5291.Autonomous.RobotConfig", "TileRunner-2x40"); debug = Integer.parseInt(sharedPreferences.getString("club.towr5291.Autonomous.Debug", "1")); telemetry.addData("Init1 ", "Starting!"); telemetry.update(); // // get a reference to a Modern Robotics DIM, and IO channels. dim = hardwareMap.get(DeviceInterfaceModule.class, "dim"); // Use generic form of device mapping dim.setDigitalChannelMode(GREEN1_LED_CHANNEL, DigitalChannelController.Mode.OUTPUT); // Set the direction of each channel dim.setDigitalChannelMode(RED1_LED_CHANNEL, DigitalChannelController.Mode.OUTPUT); // Set the direction of each channel dim.setDigitalChannelMode(BLUE1_LED_CHANNEL, DigitalChannelController.Mode.OUTPUT); // Set the direction of each channel dim.setDigitalChannelMode(GREEN2_LED_CHANNEL, DigitalChannelController.Mode.OUTPUT); // Set the direction of each channel dim.setDigitalChannelMode(RED2_LED_CHANNEL, DigitalChannelController.Mode.OUTPUT); // Set the direction of each channel dim.setDigitalChannelMode(BLUE2_LED_CHANNEL, DigitalChannelController.Mode.OUTPUT); // Set the direction of each channel LedState(LedOn, LedOn, LedOn, LedOn, LedOn, LedOn); //load variables LibraryStateSegAuto processingSteps = new LibraryStateSegAuto(0, 0, "", false, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); sixValues[] pathValues = new sixValues[1000]; A0Star a0Star = new A0Star(); String fieldOutput; HashMap<String, LibraryStateSegAuto> autonomousStepsAStar = new HashMap<>(); if (debug >= 1) { fileLogger = new FileLogger(runtime);; fileLogger.write("Time,SysMS,Thread,Event,Desc"); fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "Log Started"); Log.d(TAG, "Log Started"); runtime.reset(); telemetry.addData("FileLogger: ", runtime.toString()); telemetry.addData("FileLogger Op Out File: ", fileLogger.getFilename()); } //load all the vuforia stuff VuforiaLocalizer.Parameters parameters = new VuforiaLocalizer.Parameters(; parameters.cameraDirection = VuforiaLocalizer.CameraDirection.BACK; switch (teamNumber) { case "5291": parameters.vuforiaLicenseKey = "AVATY7T/////AAAAGQJxfNYzLUgGjSx0aOEU0Q0rpcfZO2h2sY1MhUZUr+Bu6RgoUMUP/nERGmD87ybv1/lM2LBFDxcBGRHkXvxtkHel4XEUCsNHFTGWYcVkMIZqctQsIrTe13MnUvSOfQj8ig7xw3iULcwDpY+xAftW61dKTJ0IAOCxx2F0QjJWqRJBxrEUR/DfQi4LyrgnciNMXCiZ8KFyBdC63XMYkQj2joTN579+2u5f8aSCe8jkAFnBLcB1slyaU9lhnlTEMcFjwrLBcWoYIFAZluvFT0LpqZRlS1/XYf45QBSJztFKHIsj1rbCgotAE36novnAQBs74ewnWsJifokJGOYWdFJveWzn3GE9OEH23Y5l7kFDu4wc"; break; case "11230": parameters.vuforiaLicenseKey = "Not Provided"; break; case "11231": parameters.vuforiaLicenseKey = "Aai2GEX/////AAAAGaIIK9GK/E5ZsiRZ/jrJzdg7wYZCIFQ7uzKqQrMx/0Hh212zumzIy4raGwDY6Mf6jABMShH2etZC/BcjIowIHeAG5ShG5lvZIZEplTO+1zK1nFSiGFTPV59iGVqH8KjLbQdgUbsCBqp4f3tI8BWYqAS27wYIPfTK697SuxdQnpEZAOhHpgz+S2VoShgGr+EElzYMBFEaj6kdA/Lq5OwQp31JPet7NWYph6nN+TNHJAxnQBkthYmQg687WlRZhYrvNJepnoEwsDO3NSyeGlFquwuQwgdoGjzq2qn527I9tvM/XVZt7KR1KyWCn3PIS/LFvADSuyoQ2lsiOFtM9C+KCuNWiqQmj7dPPlpvVeUycoDH"; break; } VuforiaLocalizer vuforia = ClassFactory.createVuforiaLocalizer(parameters); Vuforia.setFrameFormat(PIXEL_FORMAT.RGB565, true); //enables RGB565 format for the image vuforia.setFrameQueueCapacity(1); //tells VuforiaLocalizer to only store one frame at a time Vuforia.setHint(HINT.HINT_MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_IMAGE_TARGETS, 4); VuforiaTrackables velocityVortex = vuforia.loadTrackablesFromAsset("FTC_2016-17"); VuforiaTrackable wheels = velocityVortex.get(0); wheels.setName("wheels"); // wheels target VuforiaTrackable tools = velocityVortex.get(1); tools.setName("tools"); // tools target VuforiaTrackable legos = velocityVortex.get(2); legos.setName("legos"); // legos target VuforiaTrackable gears = velocityVortex.get(3); gears.setName("gears"); // gears target /** For convenience, gather together all the trackable objects in one easily-iterable collection */ List<VuforiaTrackable> allTrackables = new ArrayList<VuforiaTrackable>(); allTrackables.addAll(velocityVortex); Vuforia.setFrameFormat(PIXEL_FORMAT.RGB565, true); /** * We use units of mm here because that's the recommended units of measurement for the * size values specified in the XML for the ImageTarget trackables in data sets. E.g.: * <ImageTarget name="stones" size="247 173"/> * You don't *have to* use mm here, but the units here and the units used in the XML * target configuration files *must* correspond for the math to work out correctly. */ float mmPerInch = 25.4f; float mmBotWidth = 18 * mmPerInch; // ... or whatever is right for your robot float mmFTCFieldWidth = (12 * 12 - 2) * mmPerInch; // the FTC field is ~11'10" center-to-center of the glass panels /** * In order for localization to work, we need to tell the system where each target we * wish to use for navigation resides on the field, and we need to specify where on the robot * the phone resides. These specifications are in the form of <em>transformation matrices.</em> * Transformation matrices are a central, important concept in the math here involved in localization. * See <a href="">Transformation Matrix</a> * for detailed information. Commonly, you'll encounter transformation matrices as instances * of the {@link OpenGLMatrix} class. * * For the most part, you don't need to understand the details of the math of how transformation * matrices work inside (as fascinating as that is, truly). Just remember these key points: * <ol> * * <li>You can put two transformations together to produce a third that combines the effect of * both of them. If, for example, you have a rotation transform R and a translation transform T, * then the combined transformation matrix RT which does the rotation first and then the translation * is given by {@code RT = T.multiplied(R)}. That is, the transforms are multiplied in the * <em>reverse</em> of the chronological order in which they applied.</li> * * <li>A common way to create useful transforms is to use methods in the {@link OpenGLMatrix} * class and the Orientation class. See, for example, {@link OpenGLMatrix#translation(float, * float, float)}, {@link OpenGLMatrix#rotation(AngleUnit, float, float, float, float)}, and * {@link Orientation#getRotationMatrix(AxesReference, AxesOrder, AngleUnit, float, float, float)}. * Related methods in {@link OpenGLMatrix}, such as {@link OpenGLMatrix#rotated(AngleUnit, * float, float, float, float)}, are syntactic shorthands for creating a new transform and * then immediately multiplying the receiver by it, which can be convenient at times.</li> * * <li>If you want to break open the black box of a transformation matrix to understand * what it's doing inside, use {@link MatrixF#getTranslation()} to fetch how much the * transform will move you in x, y, and z, and use {@link Orientation#getOrientation(MatrixF, * AxesReference, AxesOrder, AngleUnit)} to determine the rotational motion that the transform * will impart. See {@link #format(OpenGLMatrix)} below for an example.</li> * * </ol> * * This example places the "stones" image on the perimeter wall to the Left * of the Red Driver station wall. Similar to the Red Beacon Location on the Res-Q * * This example places the "chips" image on the perimeter wall to the Right * of the Blue Driver station. Similar to the Blue Beacon Location on the Res-Q * * See the doc folder of this project for a description of the field Axis conventions. * * Initially the target is conceptually lying at the origin of the field's coordinate system * (the center of the field), facing up. * * In this configuration, the target's coordinate system aligns with that of the field. * * In a real situation we'd also account for the vertical (Z) offset of the target, * but for simplicity, we ignore that here; for a real robot, you'll want to fix that. * * To place the Wheels Target on the Red Audience wall: * - First we rotate it 90 around the field's X axis to flip it upright * - Then we rotate it 90 around the field's Z access to face it away from the audience. * - Finally, we translate it back along the X axis towards the red audience wall. * */ // RED Targets // To Place GEARS Target // position is approximately - (-6feet, -1feet) OpenGLMatrix gearsTargetLocationOnField = OpenGLMatrix /* Then we translate the target off to the RED WALL. Our translation here is a negative translation in X.*/ .translation(-mmFTCFieldWidth / 2, -1 * 12 * mmPerInch, 0).multiplied(Orientation.getRotationMatrix( /* First, in the fixed (field) coordinate system, we rotate 90deg in X, then 90 in Z */ AxesReference.EXTRINSIC, AxesOrder.XZX, AngleUnit.DEGREES, 90, 90, 0)); gears.setLocation(gearsTargetLocationOnField); // To Place GEARS Target // position is approximately - (-6feet, 3feet) OpenGLMatrix toolsTargetLocationOnField = OpenGLMatrix /* Then we translate the target off to the Blue Audience wall. Our translation here is a positive translation in Y.*/ .translation(-mmFTCFieldWidth / 2, 3 * 12 * mmPerInch, 0) //.translation(0, mmFTCFieldWidth/2, 0) .multiplied(Orientation.getRotationMatrix( /* First, in the fixed (field) coordinate system, we rotate 90deg in X */ AxesReference.EXTRINSIC, AxesOrder.XZX, AngleUnit.DEGREES, 90, 90, 0)); tools.setLocation(toolsTargetLocationOnField); //Finish RED Targets // BLUE Targets // To Place LEGOS Target // position is approximately - (-3feet, 6feet) OpenGLMatrix legosTargetLocationOnField = OpenGLMatrix /* Then we translate the target off to the RED WALL. Our translation here is a negative translation in X.*/ .translation(-3 * 12 * mmPerInch, mmFTCFieldWidth / 2, 0).multiplied(Orientation.getRotationMatrix( /* First, in the fixed (field) coordinate system, we rotate 90deg in X, then 90 in Z */ AxesReference.EXTRINSIC, AxesOrder.XZX, AngleUnit.DEGREES, 90, 0, 0)); legos.setLocation(legosTargetLocationOnField); // To Place WHEELS Target // position is approximately - (1feet, 6feet) OpenGLMatrix wheelsTargetLocationOnField = OpenGLMatrix /* Then we translate the target off to the Blue Audience wall. Our translation here is a positive translation in Y.*/ .translation(1 * 12 * mmPerInch, mmFTCFieldWidth / 2, 0).multiplied(Orientation.getRotationMatrix( /* First, in the fixed (field) coordinate system, we rotate 90deg in X */ AxesReference.EXTRINSIC, AxesOrder.XZX, AngleUnit.DEGREES, 90, 0, 0)); wheels.setLocation(wheelsTargetLocationOnField); //Finish BLUE Targets /** * Create a transformation matrix describing where the phone is on the robot. Here, we * put the phone on the right hand side of the robot with the screen facing in (see our * choice of BACK camera above) and in landscape mode. Starting from alignment between the * robot's and phone's axes, this is a rotation of -90deg along the Y axis. * * When determining whether a rotation is positive or negative, consider yourself as looking * down the (positive) axis of rotation from the positive towards the origin. Positive rotations * are then CCW, and negative rotations CW. An example: consider looking down the positive Z * axis towards the origin. A positive rotation about Z (ie: a rotation parallel to the the X-Y * plane) is then CCW, as one would normally expect from the usual classic 2D geometry. */ OpenGLMatrix phoneLocationOnRobot = OpenGLMatrix.translation((mmBotWidth / 2), 0, 300) .multiplied(Orientation.getRotationMatrix(AxesReference.EXTRINSIC, AxesOrder.YZY, AngleUnit.DEGREES, -90, 0, 0)); //RobotLog.ii(TAG, "phone=%s", format(phoneLocationOnRobot)); /** * Let the trackable listeners we care about know where the phone is. We know that each * listener is a {@link VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener} and can so safely cast because * we have not ourselves installed a listener of a different type. */ ((VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener) gears.getListener()).setPhoneInformation(phoneLocationOnRobot, parameters.cameraDirection); ((VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener) tools.getListener()).setPhoneInformation(phoneLocationOnRobot, parameters.cameraDirection); ((VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener) legos.getListener()).setPhoneInformation(phoneLocationOnRobot, parameters.cameraDirection); ((VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener) wheels.getListener()).setPhoneInformation(phoneLocationOnRobot, parameters.cameraDirection); /** * A brief tutorial: here's how all the math is going to work: * * C = phoneLocationOnRobot maps phone coords -> robot coords * P = tracker.getPose() maps image target coords -> phone coords * L = redTargetLocationOnField maps image target coords -> field coords * * So * * C.inverted() maps robot coords -> phone coords * P.inverted() maps phone coords -> imageTarget coords * * Putting that all together, * * L x P.inverted() x C.inverted() maps robot coords to field coords. * * @see VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener#getRobotLocation() */ telemetry.addData("Init2 ", "Vuforia Options Loaded!"); telemetry.update(); //to add more config options edit strings.xml and switch (robotConfig) { case "TileRunner-2x40": //Velocity Vortex Competition Base REVERSE_DIRECTION = 1; // Reverse the direction without significant code changes, (using motor FORWARD REVERSE will affect the driver station as we use same robotconfig file COUNTS_PER_MOTOR_REV = 1120; // eg: TETRIX = 1440 pulses, NeveRest 20 = 560 pulses, NeveRest 40 = 1120, NeveRest 60 = 1680 pulses DRIVE_GEAR_REDUCTION = 0.7; // This is < 1.0 if geared UP, Tilerunner is geared up WHEEL_DIAMETER_INCHES = 4.0; // For figuring circumference WHEEL_ACTUAL_FUDGE = 1; // Fine tuning amount COUNTS_PER_INCH = ((COUNTS_PER_MOTOR_REV * DRIVE_GEAR_REDUCTION) / (WHEEL_DIAMETER_INCHES * 3.1415)) * WHEEL_ACTUAL_FUDGE * REVERSE_DIRECTION; ROBOT_TRACK = 16.5; // distance between centerline of rear wheels robot will pivot on rear wheel of omni on front, 16.5 track is 103.67 inches full circle WHEEL_TURN_FUDGE = 1.0; // Fine tuning amount COUNTS_PER_DEGREE = (((2 * 3.1415 * ROBOT_TRACK) * COUNTS_PER_INCH) / 360) * WHEEL_TURN_FUDGE; loadPowerTableTileRunner(); //load the power table break; case "5291 Tank Tread-2x40 Custom": //for tank tread base REVERSE_DIRECTION = 1; COUNTS_PER_MOTOR_REV = 1120; // eg: TETRIX = 1440 pulses, NeveRest 20 = 560 pulses, NeveRest 40 = 1120, NeveRest 60 = 1680 pulses DRIVE_GEAR_REDUCTION = 1.0; // Tank Tread is 1:1 ration WHEEL_DIAMETER_INCHES = 3.75; // For figuring circumference WHEEL_ACTUAL_FUDGE = 1; // Fine tuning amount COUNTS_PER_INCH = ((COUNTS_PER_MOTOR_REV * DRIVE_GEAR_REDUCTION) / (WHEEL_DIAMETER_INCHES * 3.1415)) * WHEEL_ACTUAL_FUDGE * REVERSE_DIRECTION; ROBOT_TRACK = 18; // distance between centerline of rear wheels robot will pivot on rear wheel of omni on front, 16.5 track is 103.67 inches full circle WHEEL_TURN_FUDGE = 1.12; // Fine tuning amount COUNTS_PER_DEGREE = (((2 * 3.1415 * ROBOT_TRACK) * COUNTS_PER_INCH) / 360) * WHEEL_TURN_FUDGE; loadPowerTableTankTread(); //load the power table break; case "11231 2016 Custom": //2016 - 11231 Drivetrain COUNTS_PER_MOTOR_REV = 1120; // eg: TETRIX = 1440 pulses, NeveRest 20 = 560 pulses, NeveRest 40 = 1120, NeveRest 60 = 1680 pulses DRIVE_GEAR_REDUCTION = .667; // (.665) UP INCREASES THE DISTANCE This is < 1.0 if geared UP, Tilerunner is geared up WHEEL_DIAMETER_INCHES = 4.0; // For figuring circumference WHEEL_ACTUAL_FUDGE = 1; // Fine tuning amount COUNTS_PER_INCH = ((COUNTS_PER_MOTOR_REV * DRIVE_GEAR_REDUCTION) / (WHEEL_DIAMETER_INCHES * 3.1415926535)) * WHEEL_ACTUAL_FUDGE; ROBOT_TRACK = 18; // distance between centerline of rear wheels robot will pivot on rear wheel of omni on front, 16.5 track is 103.67 inches full circle COUNTS_PER_DEGREE = ((2 * 3.1415926535 * ROBOT_TRACK) * COUNTS_PER_INCH) / 360; //loadPowerTableTileRunner(); //load the power table break; default: //default for competition TileRunner-2x40 REVERSE_DIRECTION = 1; COUNTS_PER_MOTOR_REV = 1120; // eg: TETRIX = 1440 pulses, NeveRest 20 = 560 pulses, NeveRest 40 = 1120, NeveRest 60 = 1680 pulses DRIVE_GEAR_REDUCTION = 1.28; // This is < 1.0 if geared UP, Tilerunner is geared up WHEEL_DIAMETER_INCHES = 4.0; // For figuring circumference WHEEL_ACTUAL_FUDGE = 1; // Fine tuning amount COUNTS_PER_INCH = ((COUNTS_PER_MOTOR_REV * DRIVE_GEAR_REDUCTION) / (WHEEL_DIAMETER_INCHES * 3.1415)) * WHEEL_ACTUAL_FUDGE * REVERSE_DIRECTION; ROBOT_TRACK = 16.5; // distance between centerline of rear wheels robot will pivot on rear wheel of omni on front, 16.5 track is 103.67 inches full circle COUNTS_PER_DEGREE = ((2 * 3.1415 * ROBOT_TRACK) * COUNTS_PER_INCH) / 360; loadPowerTableTileRunner(); //load the power table break; } if (debug >= 1) { fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "Team # " + teamNumber); fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "Alliance Colour " + allianceColor); fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "Alliance Start Pos " + allianceStartPosition); fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "Alliance Park Pos " + allianceParkPosition); fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "Alliance Delay " + delay); fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "Alliance Beacons " + numBeacons); fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "Robot Config " + robotConfig); Log.d(TAG, "Team # " + teamNumber); Log.d(TAG, "Alliance Colour " + allianceColor); Log.d(TAG, "Alliance Start Pos " + allianceStartPosition); Log.d(TAG, "Alliance Park Pos " + allianceParkPosition); Log.d(TAG, "Alliance Delay " + delay); Log.d(TAG, "Alliance Beacons " + numBeacons); Log.d(TAG, "Robot Config " + robotConfig); } telemetry.addData("Init3 ", "Loading Steps"); telemetry.update(); //load the sequence based on alliance colour and team switch (teamNumber) { case "5291": switch (allianceColor) { case "Red": LedState(LedOff, LedOn, LedOff, LedOff, LedOn, LedOff); switch (allianceStartPosition) { case "Left": autonomousSteps = autonomousStepsFile.ReadStepFile("5291RedLeft.csv", allianceParkPosition, numBeacons); break; case "Right": autonomousSteps = autonomousStepsFile.ReadStepFile("5291RedRight.csv", allianceParkPosition, numBeacons); break; } break; case "Blue": LedState(LedOff, LedOff, LedOn, LedOff, LedOff, LedOn); switch (allianceStartPosition) { case "Left": autonomousSteps = autonomousStepsFile.ReadStepFile("5291BlueLeft.csv", allianceParkPosition, numBeacons); break; case "Right": autonomousSteps = autonomousStepsFile.ReadStepFile("5291BlueRight.csv", allianceParkPosition, numBeacons); break; } break; case "Test": autonomousSteps = autonomousStepsFile.ReadStepFile("5291Test.csv", allianceParkPosition, numBeacons); break; } break; case "11230": switch (allianceColor) { case "Red": switch (allianceStartPosition) { case "Left": autonomousSteps = autonomousStepsFile.ReadStepFile("11230RedLeft.csv", allianceParkPosition, numBeacons); break; case "Right": autonomousSteps = autonomousStepsFile.ReadStepFile("11230RedRight.csv", allianceParkPosition, numBeacons); break; } break; case "Blue": switch (allianceStartPosition) { case "Left": autonomousSteps = autonomousStepsFile.ReadStepFile("5291BlueRight.csv", allianceParkPosition, numBeacons); break; case "Right": autonomousSteps = autonomousStepsFile.ReadStepFile("5291BlueRight.csv", allianceParkPosition, numBeacons); break; } break; case "Test": autonomousSteps = autonomousStepsFile.ReadStepFile("11230Test.csv", allianceParkPosition, numBeacons); break; } break; case "11231": switch (allianceColor) { case "Red": switch (allianceStartPosition) { case "Left": autonomousSteps = autonomousStepsFile.ReadStepFile("11231RedLeft.csv", allianceParkPosition, numBeacons); break; case "Right": autonomousSteps = autonomousStepsFile.ReadStepFile("11231RedRight.csv", allianceParkPosition, numBeacons); break; } break; case "Blue": switch (allianceStartPosition) { case "Left": autonomousSteps = autonomousStepsFile.ReadStepFile("11231BleLeft.csv", allianceParkPosition, numBeacons); break; case "Right": autonomousSteps = autonomousStepsFile.ReadStepFile("11231BlueRight.csv", allianceParkPosition, numBeacons); break; } break; case "Test": autonomousSteps = autonomousStepsFile.ReadStepFile("11231Test.csv", allianceParkPosition, numBeacons); break; } break; } //need to load initial step of a delay based on user input autonomousStepsFile.insertSteps(delay + 1, "DEL" + (delay * 1000), false, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); // Set up the parameters with which we will use our IMU. Note that integration // algorithm here just reports accelerations to the logcat log; it doesn't actually // provide positional information. BNO055IMU.Parameters parametersAdafruitImu = new BNO055IMU.Parameters(); parametersAdafruitImu.angleUnit = BNO055IMU.AngleUnit.DEGREES; parametersAdafruitImu.accelUnit = BNO055IMU.AccelUnit.METERS_PERSEC_PERSEC; parametersAdafruitImu.calibrationDataFile = "AdafruitIMUCalibration.json"; // see the calibration sample opmode parametersAdafruitImu.loggingEnabled = true; parametersAdafruitImu.loggingTag = "IMU"; parametersAdafruitImu.accelerationIntegrationAlgorithm = new JustLoggingAccelerationIntegrator(); //don't crash the program if the GRYO is faulty, just bypass it try { // Retrieve and initialize the IMU. We expect the IMU to be attached to an I2C port // on a Core Device Interface Module, configured to be a sensor of type "AdaFruit IMU", // and named "imu". imu = hardwareMap.get(BNO055IMU.class, "imu"); imu.initialize(parametersAdafruitImu); // get a reference to a Modern Robotics GyroSensor object. gyro = (ModernRoboticsI2cGyro) hardwareMap.gyroSensor.get("gyro"); // calibrate the gyro, this takes a few seconds gyro.calibrate(); telemetry.addData("Init4 ", "Calibrating Gyro"); telemetry.update(); } catch (Exception e) { if (debug >= 1) { fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "Gyro Error " + e.getMessage()); Log.d(TAG, "Gyro Error " + e.getMessage()); } gyroError = true; } telemetry.addData("Init5 ", "Line Sensors"); telemetry.update(); LineSensor1 = hardwareMap.get(AnalogInput.class, "linesensor1"); LineSensor2 = hardwareMap.get(AnalogInput.class, "linesensor2"); LineSensor3 = hardwareMap.get(AnalogInput.class, "linesensor3"); LineSensor4 = hardwareMap.get(AnalogInput.class, "linesensor4"); LineSensor5 = hardwareMap.get(AnalogInput.class, "linesensor5"); /* * Initialize the drive system variables. * The init() method of the hardware class does all the work here */ telemetry.addData("Init6 ", "Base and Arm Motors"); telemetry.update(); robotDrive.init(hardwareMap); armDrive.init(hardwareMap); telemetry.addData("Init7 ", "Range Sensors"); telemetry.update(); RANGE1 = hardwareMap.i2cDevice.get("range1"); RANGE1Reader = new I2cDeviceSynchImpl(RANGE1, RANGE1ADDRESS, false); RANGE1Reader.engage(); RANGE2 = hardwareMap.i2cDevice.get("range2"); RANGE2Reader = new I2cDeviceSynchImpl(RANGE2, RANGE2ADDRESS, false); RANGE2Reader.engage(); // get a reference to our ColorSensor object. try { telemetry.addData("Init8 ", "Colour Sensor"); telemetry.update(); colorSensor = hardwareMap.colorSensor.get("sensorcolor"); } catch (Exception e) { if (debug >= 1) { fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "colour Error " + e.getMessage()); Log.d(TAG, "colour Error " + e.getMessage()); } colourError = true; } telemetry.addData("Init9 ", "Servos"); telemetry.update(); //config the servos servoBeaconRight = hardwareMap.servo.get("servobeaconright"); servoBeaconLeft = hardwareMap.servo.get("servobeaconleft"); servoBeaconRight.setDirection(Servo.Direction.REVERSE); servoLifterRight = hardwareMap.servo.get("servoliftright"); servoLifterLeft = hardwareMap.servo.get("servoliftleft"); servoLifterRight.setDirection(Servo.Direction.REVERSE); //lock the arms up moveServo(servoLifterRight, 135, SERVOLIFTRIGHT_MIN_RANGE, SERVOLIFTRIGHT_MAX_RANGE); moveServo(servoLifterLeft, 135, SERVOLIFTLEFT_MIN_RANGE, SERVOLIFTLEFT_MAX_RANGE); // Move the beacon pushers to home moveServo(servoBeaconRight, SERVOBEACONRIGHT_HOME, SERVOBEACONRIGHT_MIN_RANGE, SERVOBEACONRIGHT_MAX_RANGE); moveServo(servoBeaconLeft, SERVOBEACONLEFT_HOME, SERVOBEACONLEFT_MIN_RANGE, SERVOBEACONLEFT_MAX_RANGE); // Send telemetry message to signify robot waiting; telemetry.addData("Status", "Resetting Encoders"); // robotDrive.leftMotor1.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.STOP_AND_RESET_ENCODER); robotDrive.leftMotor2.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.STOP_AND_RESET_ENCODER); robotDrive.rightMotor1.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.STOP_AND_RESET_ENCODER); robotDrive.rightMotor2.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.STOP_AND_RESET_ENCODER); robotDrive.leftMotor1.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODER); robotDrive.leftMotor2.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODER); robotDrive.rightMotor1.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODER); robotDrive.rightMotor2.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODER); mintCurStStep = stepState.STATE_INIT; mintCurStTankTurn = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; mintCurStDrive = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; mintCurStDriveHeading = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; mintCurStPivotTurn = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; mintCurStRadiusTurn = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; mintCurStDelay = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; mintCurStVuforiaLoc5291 = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; mintCurStVuforiaMove5291 = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; mintCurStVuforiaTurn5291 = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; mintCurStAttackBeacon5291 = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; mintCurStBeaconColour5291 = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; mintCurStShootParticle5291 = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; mintCurStSweeper5291 = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; mintCurStEyelids5291 = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; mintCurStTankTurnGyroHeading = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; mintCurStLineFind5291 = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; mintCurStGyroTurnEncoder5291 = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; mint5291LEDStatus = LEDState.STATE_TEAM; mblnNextStepLastPos = false; if (!gyroError) { while (!isStopRequested() && gyro.isCalibrating()) { sleep(50); idle(); } telemetry.addData("Init10 ", "Calibrated Gyro"); telemetry.update(); } if (debug >= 1) { fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "Init Complete"); Log.d(TAG, "Init Complete"); } //set up variable for our capturedimage Image rgb = null; //activate vuforia velocityVortex.activate(); //show options on the driver station phone telemetry.addData("Init11 ", "Complete"); telemetry.addData("Team # ", teamNumber); telemetry.addData("Alliance ", allianceColor); telemetry.addData("Start Pos ", allianceStartPosition); telemetry.addData("Park Pos ", allianceParkPosition); telemetry.addData("Start Del ", delay); telemetry.addData("# Beacons ", numBeacons); telemetry.addData("Robot ", robotConfig); telemetry.update(); // Wait for the game to start (driver presses PLAY) waitForStart(); if (debug >= 1) { fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "Value of Gyro Before Reset " + gyro.getIntegratedZValue()); Log.d(TAG, "Value of Gyro Before Reset " + gyro.getIntegratedZValue()); } imu.startAccelerationIntegration(new Position(), new Velocity(), 1000); gyro.resetZAxisIntegrator(); //the main loop. this is where the action happens while (opModeIsActive()) { if (!mblnDisableVisionProcessing) { //start capturing frames for analysis if (mblnReadyToCapture) { boolean gotBeacomDims = false; boolean beacFound = false; Point beaconBotRight = new Point(0, 0); Point beaconTopLeft = new Point(0, 0); Point beaconMiddle = new Point(0, 0); if (mStateTime.milliseconds() < 1000) { gotBeacomDims = true; beacFound = false; } if (!gotBeacomDims) { for (VuforiaTrackable beac : velocityVortex) { OpenGLMatrix pose = ((VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener) beac.getListener()).getRawPose(); if (pose != null) { Matrix34F rawPose = new Matrix34F(); float[] poseData = Arrays.copyOfRange(pose.transposed().getData(), 0, 12); rawPose.setData(poseData); Vec2F upperLeft = Tool.projectPoint(vuforia.getCameraCalibration(), rawPose, new Vec3F(-TARGET_WIDTH / 2, TARGET_HEIGHT / 2, 0)); Vec2F upperRight = Tool.projectPoint(vuforia.getCameraCalibration(), rawPose, new Vec3F(TARGET_WIDTH / 2, TARGET_HEIGHT / 2, 0)); Vec2F lowerRight = Tool.projectPoint(vuforia.getCameraCalibration(), rawPose, new Vec3F(TARGET_WIDTH / 2, -TARGET_HEIGHT / 2, 0)); Vec2F lowerLeft = Tool.projectPoint(vuforia.getCameraCalibration(), rawPose, new Vec3F(-TARGET_WIDTH / 2, -TARGET_HEIGHT / 2, 0)); double dblMidPointTopx = (upperRight.getData()[0] + upperLeft.getData()[0]) / 2; double dblMidPointTopy = (upperRight.getData()[1] + upperLeft.getData()[1]) / 2; double dblMidPointBotx = (lowerRight.getData()[0] + lowerLeft.getData()[0]) / 2; double dblMidPointBoty = (lowerRight.getData()[1] + lowerLeft.getData()[1]) / 2; double width = Math.sqrt( (Math.pow((upperRight.getData()[1] - upperLeft.getData()[1]), 2)) + (Math .pow((upperRight.getData()[0] - upperLeft.getData()[0]), 2))); double height = Math.sqrt((Math.pow((dblMidPointTopy - dblMidPointBoty), 2)) + (Math.pow((dblMidPointTopx - dblMidPointBotx), 2))); //width is equal to 254 mm, so width of beacon is 220mm, height of beacon is 150mm //pixels per mm width, using a known size of the target double dblWidthPixelsPermm = width / TARGET_WIDTH; double dblHeightPixelsPermm = height / TARGET_HEIGHT; //beacon base is about 25mm above top of target beaconBotRight = new Point((dblMidPointTopx + (110 * dblWidthPixelsPermm)), dblMidPointTopy - (30 * dblHeightPixelsPermm)); beaconTopLeft = new Point((dblMidPointTopx - (110 * dblWidthPixelsPermm)), dblMidPointTopy - (160 * dblHeightPixelsPermm)); beaconMiddle.x = dblMidPointTopx; beaconMiddle.y = dblMidPointTopy + (110 * dblHeightPixelsPermm); gotBeacomDims = true; beacFound = true; if (debug >= 1) { fileLogger.writeEvent("Vuforia", "upperLeft 0 " + upperLeft.getData()[0]); fileLogger.writeEvent("Vuforia", "upperLeft 1 " + upperLeft.getData()[1]); Log.d("Vuforia", "upperLeft 0 " + upperLeft.getData()[0]); Log.d("Vuforia", "upperLeft 1 " + upperLeft.getData()[1]); fileLogger.writeEvent("Vuforia", "upperRight 0 " + upperRight.getData()[0]); fileLogger.writeEvent("Vuforia", "upperRight 1 " + upperRight.getData()[1]); Log.d("Vuforia", "upperRight 0 " + upperRight.getData()[0]); Log.d("Vuforia", "upperRight 1 " + upperRight.getData()[1]); fileLogger.writeEvent("Vuforia", "lowerLeft 0 " + lowerLeft.getData()[0]); fileLogger.writeEvent("Vuforia", "lowerLeft 1 " + lowerLeft.getData()[1]); Log.d("Vuforia", "lowerLeft 0 " + lowerLeft.getData()[0]); Log.d("Vuforia", "lowerLeft 1 " + lowerLeft.getData()[1]); fileLogger.writeEvent("Vuforia", "lowerRight 0 " + lowerRight.getData()[0]); fileLogger.writeEvent("Vuforia", "lowerRight 1 " + lowerRight.getData()[1]); Log.d("Vuforia", "lowerRight 0 " + lowerRight.getData()[0]); Log.d("Vuforia", "lowerRight 1 " + lowerRight.getData()[1]); fileLogger.writeEvent("Vuforia", "dblMidPointTopx " + dblMidPointTopx); fileLogger.writeEvent("Vuforia", "dblMidPointTopy " + dblMidPointTopy); fileLogger.writeEvent("Vuforia", "dblMidPointBotx " + dblMidPointBotx); fileLogger.writeEvent("Vuforia", "dblMidPointBoty " + dblMidPointBoty); Log.d("Vuforia", "dblMidPointTopx " + dblMidPointTopx); Log.d("Vuforia", "dblMidPointTopy " + dblMidPointTopy); Log.d("Vuforia", "dblMidPointBotx " + dblMidPointBotx); Log.d("Vuforia", "dblMidPointBoty " + dblMidPointBoty); fileLogger.writeEvent("Vuforia", "width in pixels " + width); fileLogger.writeEvent("Vuforia", "height in pixels " + height); Log.d("Vuforia", "width in pixels " + width); Log.d("Vuforia", "height in pixels " + height); } } } } if (gotBeacomDims) { VuforiaLocalizer.CloseableFrame frame = vuforia.getFrameQueue().take(); //takes the frame at the head of the queue long numImages = frame.getNumImages(); for (int i = 0; i < numImages; i++) { if (frame.getImage(i).getFormat() == PIXEL_FORMAT.RGB565) { rgb = frame.getImage(i); break; } } /*rgb is now the Image object that weve used in the video*/ Bitmap bm = Bitmap.createBitmap(rgb.getWidth(), rgb.getHeight(), Bitmap.Config.RGB_565); bm.copyPixelsFromBuffer(rgb.getPixels()); //put the image into a MAT for OpenCV Mat tmp = new Mat(rgb.getWidth(), rgb.getHeight(), CvType.CV_8UC4); Utils.bitmapToMat(bm, tmp); if (beaconTopLeft.x < 0) beaconTopLeft.x = 0; if (beaconTopLeft.y < 0) beaconTopLeft.y = 0; if (beaconBotRight.x > rgb.getWidth()) beaconBotRight.x = rgb.getWidth(); if (beaconBotRight.y > rgb.getHeight()) beaconBotRight.y = rgb.getHeight(); //close the frame, prevents memory leaks and crashing frame.close(); //analyse the beacons //Constants.BeaconColours Colour = beaconColour.beaconAnalysisOCV(tmp, loop)); //mColour = beaconColour.beaconAnalysisOCV(tmp, mintCaptureLoop); mColour = beaconColour.beaconAnalysisOCV2(debug, tmp, mintCaptureLoop, beaconTopLeft, beaconBotRight, beaconMiddle, beacFound); if (debug >= 1) { fileLogger.writeEvent("OPENCV", "Returned " + mColour); Log.d("OPENCV", "Returned " + mColour); } telemetry.addData("Beacon ", mColour); mintCaptureLoop++; } } //use vuforia to get locations informatio for (VuforiaTrackable trackable : allTrackables) { /** * getUpdatedRobotLocation() will return null if no new information is available since * the last time that call was made, or if the trackable is not currently visible. * getRobotLocation() will return null if the trackable is not currently visible. */ telemetry.addData(trackable.getName(), ((VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener) trackable.getListener()).isVisible() ? "Visible" : "Not Visible"); // OpenGLMatrix robotLocationTransform = ((VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener) trackable .getListener()).getUpdatedRobotLocation(); if (robotLocationTransform != null) { lastLocation = robotLocationTransform; } } /** * Provide feedback as to where the robot was last located (if we know). */ if (lastLocation != null) { // Then you can extract the positions and angles using the getTranslation and getOrientation methods. VectorF trans = lastLocation.getTranslation(); Orientation rot = Orientation.getOrientation(lastLocation, AxesReference.EXTRINSIC, AxesOrder.XYZ, AngleUnit.DEGREES); // Robot position is defined by the standard Matrix translation (x and y) localisedRobotX = trans.get(0); localisedRobotY = trans.get(1); // Robot bearing (in Cartesian system) position is defined by the standard Matrix z rotation localisedRobotBearing = rot.thirdAngle; if (localisedRobotBearing < 0) { localisedRobotBearing = 360 + localisedRobotBearing; } telemetry.addData("Pos X ", localisedRobotX); telemetry.addData("Pos Y ", localisedRobotY); telemetry.addData("Bear ", localisedRobotBearing); telemetry.addData("Pos ", format(lastLocation)); localiseRobotPos = true; } else { localiseRobotPos = false; telemetry.addData("Pos ", "Unknown"); } } switch (mintCurStStep) { case STATE_INIT: if (debug >= 1) { fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "mintCurStStep:- " + mintCurStStep + " mintCurStStep " + mintCurStStep); fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "About to check if step exists " + mintCurrentStep); Log.d(TAG, "mintCurStStep:- " + mintCurStStep + " mintCurStStep " + mintCurStStep); Log.d(TAG, "About to check if step exists " + mintCurrentStep); } // get step from hashmap, send it to the initStep for decoding if (autonomousSteps.containsKey(String.valueOf(mintCurrentStep))) { if (debug >= 1) { fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "Step Exists TRUE " + mintCurrentStep + " about to get the values from the step"); Log.d(TAG, "Step Exists TRUE " + mintCurrentStep + " about to get the values from the step"); } //processingSteps = autonomousSteps.get(String.valueOf(mintCurrentStep)); //if (debug >= 1) //{ // fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "Got the values for step " + mintCurrentStep + " about to decode"); // Log.d(TAG, "Got the values for step " + mintCurrentStep + " about to decode"); //} //decode the step from hashmap //initStep(processingSteps); initStep(); } else { mintCurStStep = stepState.STATE_FINISHED; } break; case STATE_START: break; case STATE_RUNNING: loadParallelSteps(); for (String stKey : mintActiveStepsCopy.keySet()) { if (debug >= 1) { fileLogger.writeEvent("STATE_RUNNING", "Looping through Parallel steps, found " + stKey); Log.d("STATE_RUNNING", "Looping through Parallel steps, found " + stKey); } mintStepNumber = mintActiveStepsCopy.get(stKey); loadActiveStep(mintStepNumber); if (debug >= 1) { fileLogger.writeEvent("STATE_RUNNING", "About to run " + mstrRobotCommand.substring(0, 3)); Log.d("STATE_RUNNING", "About to run " + mstrRobotCommand.substring(0, 3)); } processSteps(mstrRobotCommand.substring(0, 3)); } if ((mintCurStDelay == stepState.STATE_COMPLETE) && (mintCurStBeaconColour5291 == stepState.STATE_COMPLETE) && (mintCurStAttackBeacon5291 == stepState.STATE_COMPLETE) && (mintCurStVuforiaTurn5291 == stepState.STATE_COMPLETE) && (mintCurStVuforiaLoc5291 == stepState.STATE_COMPLETE) && (mintCurStVuforiaMove5291 == stepState.STATE_COMPLETE) && (mintCurStDrive == stepState.STATE_COMPLETE) && (mintCurStDriveHeading == stepState.STATE_COMPLETE) && (mintCurStPivotTurn == stepState.STATE_COMPLETE) && (mintCurStTankTurn == stepState.STATE_COMPLETE) && (mintCurStShootParticle5291 == stepState.STATE_COMPLETE) && (mintCurStSweeper5291 == stepState.STATE_COMPLETE) && (mintCurStEyelids5291 == stepState.STATE_COMPLETE) && (mintCurStLineFind5291 == stepState.STATE_COMPLETE) && (mintCurStGyroTurnEncoder5291 == stepState.STATE_COMPLETE) && (mintCurStTankTurnGyroHeading == stepState.STATE_COMPLETE) && (mintCurStRadiusTurn == stepState.STATE_COMPLETE)) { mintCurStStep = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; } //make sure we load the current step to determine if parallel, if the steps are run out of order and a previous step was parallel //things get all messed up and a step that isn't parallel can be assumed to be parallel loadActiveStep(mintCurrentStep); if (mblnParallel) { //mark this step as complete and do next one, the current step should continue to run. Not all steps are compatible with being run in parallel // like drive steps, turns etc // Drive forward and shoot // Drive forward and detect beacon // are examples of when parallel steps should be run // errors will occur if other combinations are run // only go to next step if current step equals the one being processed for parallelism. for (String stKey : mintActiveStepsCopy.keySet()) { mintStepNumber = mintActiveStepsCopy.get(stKey); if (mintCurrentStep == mintStepNumber) mintCurStStep = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; } } break; case STATE_PAUSE: break; case STATE_COMPLETE: if (debug >= 1) { fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "Step Complete - Current Step:- " + mintCurrentStep); Log.d(TAG, "Step Complete - Current Step:- " + mintCurrentStep); } // Transition to a new state and next step. mintCurrentStep++; mintCurStStep = stepState.STATE_INIT; break; case STATE_TIMEOUT: setDriveMotorPower(0); // Transition to a new state. mintCurStStep = stepState.STATE_FINISHED; break; case STATE_ERROR: telemetry.addData("STATE", "ERROR WAITING TO FINISH " + mintCurrentStep); break; case STATE_FINISHED: setDriveMotorPower(0); //deactivate vuforia velocityVortex.deactivate(); telemetry.addData("STATE", "FINISHED " + mintCurrentStep); if (debug >= 1) { if (fileLogger != null) { fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "Step FINISHED - FINISHED"); fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "Stopped"); Log.d(TAG, "FileLogger Stopped"); fileLogger.close(); fileLogger = null; } } break; case STATE_ASTAR_PRE_INIT: mintCurrentStepAStar = 1; //init the Step for AStar //get start point //get end point int startX = (int) processingSteps.getmRobotParm1(); int startY = (int) processingSteps.getmRobotParm2(); int startZ = (int) processingSteps.getmRobotParm3(); int endX = (int) processingSteps.getmRobotParm4(); int endY = (int) processingSteps.getmRobotParm5(); int endDir = (int) processingSteps.getmRobotParm6(); //before using the path in the command lets check if we can localise if (lastLocation != null) { //lets get locations for AStar, direction is most important //x and y position for Vuforia are in mm, AStar in Inches //counter clockwise rotation (x,y) = (-x, y) //origin is center of field //Astar is top right so need to add in 6 feet to each value startX = (int) (localisedRobotX / 25.4) + 72; startY = (int) (localisedRobotY / 25.4) + 72; //need to rotate the axis -90 degrees startZ = (int) localisedRobotBearing; if ((startZ > 357) && (startZ < 3)) startZ = 90; else if ((startZ > 267) && (startZ < 273)) startZ = 0; else if ((startZ > 177) && (startZ < 183)) startZ = 270; else if ((startZ > 87) && (startZ < 93)) startZ = 180; if (debug >= 1) { fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "AStar Init - Localised Values"); fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "AStar Init - localisedRobotX: " + localisedRobotX); fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "AStar Init - localisedRobotY: " + localisedRobotY); fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "AStar Init - localisedRobotBearing: " + localisedRobotBearing); fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "AStar Init - startX: " + startX); fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "AStar Init - startY: " + startY); fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "AStar Init - startZ: " + startZ); Log.d(TAG, "AStar Init - Localised Values"); Log.d(TAG, "AStar Init - localisedRobotX: " + localisedRobotX); Log.d(TAG, "AStar Init - localisedRobotY: " + localisedRobotY); Log.d(TAG, "AStar Init - localisedRobotBearing: " + localisedRobotBearing); Log.d(TAG, "AStar Init - startX: " + startX); Log.d(TAG, "AStar Init - startY: " + startY); Log.d(TAG, "AStar Init - startZ: " + startZ); } } //process path pathValues = getPathValues.findPathAStar(startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endDir); //for enhanced if (debug >= 1) { fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "AStar Path - length: " + pathValues.length); Log.d(TAG, "AStar Path - length: " + pathValues.length); } String[][] mapComplete = new String[A0Star.FIELDWIDTH][A0Star.FIELDWIDTH]; //write path to logfile to verify path for (int y = 0; y < a0Star.fieldLength; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < a0Star.fieldWidth; x++) { switch (allianceColor) { case "Red": if (a0Star.walkableRed[y][x]) { mapComplete[y][x] = "1"; if ((x == startX) && (y == startY)) mapComplete[y][x] = "S"; else if ((x == endX) && (y == endY)) mapComplete[y][x] = "E"; } else { mapComplete[y][x] = "0"; } break; case "Blue": if (a0Star.walkableBlue[y][x]) { mapComplete[y][x] = "1"; if ((x == startX) && (y == startY)) mapComplete[y][x] = "S"; else if ((x == endX) && (y == endY)) mapComplete[y][x] = "E"; } else { if ((x == startX) && (y == startY)) { mapComplete[y][x] = "1"; } else { mapComplete[y][x] = "0"; } } break; default: if (a0Star.walkable[y][x]) { mapComplete[y][x] = "1"; if ((x == startX) && (y == startY)) mapComplete[y][x] = "S"; else if ((x == endX) && (y == endY)) mapComplete[y][x] = "E"; } break; } } } //plot out path.. for (int i = 0; i < pathValues.length; i++) { if (debug >= 1) { fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "Path " + pathValues[i].val1 + " " + pathValues[i].val2 + " " + pathValues[i].val3 + " Dir:= " + pathValues[i].val4); Log.d(TAG, "Path " + pathValues[i].val1 + " " + pathValues[i].val2 + " " + pathValues[i].val3 + " Dir:= " + pathValues[i].val4); } if (((int) pathValues[i].val1 == 0) && ((int) pathValues[i].val3 == 0) && ((int) pathValues[i].val2 == 0) && ((int) pathValues[i].val4 == 0)) break; mapComplete[(int) pathValues[i].val3][(int) pathValues[i].val2] = "P"; if ((pathValues[i].val2 == startX) && (pathValues[i].val3 == startY)) { mapComplete[(int) pathValues[i].val3][(int) pathValues[i].val2] = "S"; } } mapComplete[endY][endX] = "E"; fieldOutput = ""; for (int y = 0; y < a0Star.fieldLength; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < a0Star.fieldWidth; x++) { fieldOutput = "" + fieldOutput + mapComplete[y][x]; } if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, fieldOutput); Log.d(TAG, fieldOutput); } fieldOutput = ""; } //load path in Hashmap boolean dirChanged; boolean processingAStarSteps = true; int startSegment = 1; int numberOfMoves; int key = 0; int lastDirection = 0; int lasti = 0; String strAngleChange = "RT00"; while (processingAStarSteps) { numberOfMoves = 0; for (int i = startSegment; i < pathValues.length; i++) { numberOfMoves++; if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "Path " + pathValues[i].val1 + " " + pathValues[i].val2 + " " + pathValues[i].val3 + " Dir:= " + pathValues[i].val4); Log.d(TAG, "Path " + pathValues[i].val1 + " " + pathValues[i].val2 + " " + pathValues[i].val3 + " Dir:= " + pathValues[i].val4); } if (((int) pathValues[i].val1 == 0) && ((int) pathValues[i].val2 == 0) && ((int) pathValues[i].val3 == 0)) { if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "End Detected"); Log.d(TAG, "End Detected"); } //end of the sequence, lastDirection = (int) pathValues[i - 1].val4; processingAStarSteps = false; lasti = i; } //need to check if the first step is in a different direction that the start if (i == 1) { if (startZ != pathValues[i].val4) { //need to turn strAngleChange = getAngle(startZ, (int) pathValues[i].val4); if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "First Step Need to turn Robot " + strAngleChange + " Path " + pathValues[i].val1 + " " + pathValues[i].val2 + " " + pathValues[i].val3 + " Dir:= " + pathValues[i].val4); fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "Adding Command (" + key + ", 10, " + strAngleChange + ", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, false) "); Log.d(TAG, "First Step Need to turn Robot " + strAngleChange + " Path " + pathValues[i].val1 + " " + pathValues[i].val2 + " " + pathValues[i].val3 + " Dir:= " + pathValues[i].val4); Log.d(TAG, "Adding Command (" + key + ", 10, " + strAngleChange + ", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, false) "); } autonomousStepsAStar.put(String.valueOf(key), new LibraryStateSegAuto(key, 10, strAngleChange, false, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)); key++; dirChanged = true; } else { dirChanged = false; //no change in direction } } else { //work out the sequence not the first step if (pathValues[i - 1].val4 != pathValues[i].val4) { //need to turn strAngleChange = getAngle((int) pathValues[i - 1].val4, (int) pathValues[i].val4); dirChanged = true; } else { dirChanged = false; //no change in direction } } if ((dirChanged) || (!processingAStarSteps)) { //found end of segment int AStarPathAngle; if (i == 1) { AStarPathAngle = startZ; } else { AStarPathAngle = (int) pathValues[i - 1].val4; } switch (AStarPathAngle) { case 0: case 90: case 180: case 270: if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "Heading on a Straight line " + (numberOfMoves) + " Path"); fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "Adding Command (" + key + ", 10, " + "FW" + (numberOfMoves) + ", false, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.8, false) "); Log.d(TAG, "Heading on a Straight line " + (numberOfMoves) + " Path"); Log.d(TAG, "Adding Command (" + key + ", 10, " + "FW" + (numberOfMoves) + ", false, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.8, false) "); } autonomousStepsAStar.put(String.valueOf(key), new LibraryStateSegAuto(key, 10, "FW" + numberOfMoves, false, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.8)); numberOfMoves = 0; key++; break; case 45: case 135: case 225: case 315: if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "Heading on a Straight line " + (int) ((numberOfMoves) * 1.4142) + " Path"); fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "Adding Command (" + key + ", 10, " + "FW" + (int) ((numberOfMoves) * 1.4142) + ", false, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, .8, false) "); Log.d(TAG, "Heading on a Straight line " + (int) ((numberOfMoves) * 1.4142) + " Path"); Log.d(TAG, "Adding Command (" + key + ", 10, " + "FW" + (int) ((numberOfMoves) * 1.4142) + ", false, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, .8, false) "); } autonomousStepsAStar.put(String.valueOf(key), new LibraryStateSegAuto(key, 10, "FW" + (int) (numberOfMoves * 1.4142), false, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)); numberOfMoves = 0; key++; break; } if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "Need to turn Robot " + strAngleChange + " Path " + pathValues[i].val1 + " " + pathValues[i].val2 + " " + pathValues[i].val3 + " Dir:= " + pathValues[i].val4); fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "Adding Command (" + key + ", 10, " + strAngleChange + ", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, false) "); Log.d(TAG, "Need to turn Robot " + strAngleChange + " Path " + pathValues[i].val1 + " " + pathValues[i].val2 + " " + pathValues[i].val3 + " Dir:= " + pathValues[i].val4); Log.d(TAG, "Adding Command (" + key + ", 10, " + strAngleChange + ", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, false) "); } autonomousStepsAStar.put(String.valueOf(key), new LibraryStateSegAuto(key, 10, strAngleChange, false, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.4)); key++; } if (!processingAStarSteps) break; } //need to work out the direction we are facing and the required direction if ((lastDirection != endDir) && (!processingAStarSteps)) { if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "Sraight Moves Robot End Of Sequence - Need to Trun Robot"); Log.d(TAG, "Sraight Moves Robot End Of Sequence - Need to Trun Robot"); } strAngleChange = getAngle((int) pathValues[lasti - 1].val4, endDir); fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "Adding Command (" + key + ", 10, " + strAngleChange + ", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, false) "); Log.d(TAG, "Adding Command (" + key + ", 10, " + strAngleChange + ", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, false) "); autonomousStepsAStar.put(String.valueOf(key), new LibraryStateSegAuto(key, 10, strAngleChange, false, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.4)); key++; } } mintCurStStep = stepState.STATE_ASTAR_INIT; break; case STATE_ASTAR_INIT: { if (debug >= 1) { fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "About to check if step exists " + mintCurrentStepAStar); Log.d(TAG, "About to check if step exists " + mintCurrentStepAStar); } // get step from hashmap, send it to the initStep for decoding if (autonomousStepsAStar.containsKey(String.valueOf(mintCurrentStepAStar))) { if (debug >= 1) { fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "Step Exists TRUE " + mintCurrentStepAStar + " about to get the values from the step"); Log.d(TAG, "Step Exists TRUE " + mintCurrentStepAStar + " about to get the values from the step"); } processingSteps = autonomousStepsAStar.get(String.valueOf(mintCurrentStepAStar)); //read the step from the hashmap autonomousStepsAStar.remove(String.valueOf(mintCurrentStepAStar)); //remove the step from the hashmap if (debug >= 1) { fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "Got the values for step " + mintCurrentStepAStar + " about to decode and removed them"); Log.d(TAG, "Got the values for step " + mintCurrentStepAStar + " about to decode and removed them"); } //decode the step from hashmap initAStarStep(processingSteps); } else { //if no steps left in hashmap then complete mintCurStStep = stepState.STATE_ASTAR_COMPLETE; } } break; case STATE_ASTAR_RUNNING: { //move robot according AStar hashmap TankTurnStep(); PivotTurnStep(); RadiusTurnStep(); DriveStepHeading(); if ((mintCurStDriveHeading == stepState.STATE_COMPLETE) && (mintCurStPivotTurn == stepState.STATE_COMPLETE) && (mintCurStTankTurn == stepState.STATE_COMPLETE) && (mintCurStRadiusTurn == stepState.STATE_COMPLETE)) { //increment ASTar Steps Counter mintCurrentStepAStar++; mintCurStStep = stepState.STATE_ASTAR_INIT; } } break; case STATE_ASTAR_ERROR: { //do something on error } break; case STATE_ASTAR_COMPLETE: { //empty hashmap ready for next AStar processing. //clear AStar step counter ready for next AStar process mintCurrentStepAStar = 0; //when complete, keep processing normal step if (debug >= 1) { fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "A* Path Completed:- " + mintCurrentStep); Log.d(TAG, "A* Path Completed:- " + mintCurrentStep); } // Transition to a new state and next step. mintCurrentStep++; mintCurStStep = stepState.STATE_INIT; } break; } //process LED status //ERROR - FLASH RED 3 TIMES switch (mint5291LEDStatus) { case STATE_TEAM: //FLASH Alliance Colour switch (allianceColor) { case "Red": LedState(LedOff, LedOn, LedOff, LedOff, LedOn, LedOff); break; case "Blue": LedState(LedOff, LedOff, LedOn, LedOff, LedOff, LedOn); break; default: LedState(LedOn, LedOn, LedOn, LedOn, LedOn, LedOn); break; } case STATE_ERROR: //Flash RED 3 times Rapidly if ((!mblnLEDON) && (mStateTime.milliseconds() > (mdblLastOff + 250))) { mdblLastOn = mStateTime.milliseconds(); mblnLEDON = true; LedState(LedOff, LedOn, LedOff, LedOff, LedOn, LedOff); } else if ((mblnLEDON) && (mStateTime.milliseconds() > (mdblLastOn + 750))) { mdblLastOff = mStateTime.milliseconds(); mblnLEDON = false; LedState(LedOff, LedOff, LedOff, LedOff, LedOff, LedOff); } break; case STATE_SUCCESS: //Flash GREEN 3 times Rapidly if ((!mblnLEDON) && (mStateTime.milliseconds() > (mdblLastOff + 250))) { mdblLastOn = mStateTime.milliseconds(); mblnLEDON = true; LedState(LedOn, LedOff, LedOff, LedOn, LedOff, LedOff); } else if ((mblnLEDON) && (mStateTime.milliseconds() > (mdblLastOn + 250))) { mdblLastOff = mStateTime.milliseconds(); mblnLEDON = false; LedState(LedOff, LedOff, LedOff, LedOff, LedOff, LedOff); mintCounts++; } if (mintCounts >= 5) { mintCounts = 0; mint5291LEDStatus = LEDState.STATE_TEAM; } break; case STATE_BEACON: // if ((!mblnLEDON) && (mStateTime.milliseconds() > (mdblLastOff + 500))) { mdblLastOn = mStateTime.milliseconds(); mblnLEDON = true; if (mColour == Constants.BeaconColours.BEACON_BLUE_RED) { //means red is to the right LedState(LedOff, LedOff, LedOn, LedOff, LedOff, LedOff); } else if (mColour == Constants.BeaconColours.BEACON_RED_BLUE) { LedState(LedOff, LedOn, LedOff, LedOff, LedOff, LedOff); } else if (mColour == Constants.BeaconColours.BEACON_BLUE) { LedState(LedOn, LedOff, LedOff, LedOff, LedOff, LedOff); } else if (mColour == Constants.BeaconColours.BEACON_BLUE) { LedState(LedOff, LedOn, LedOff, LedOff, LedOff, LedOff); } } else if ((mblnLEDON) && (mStateTime.milliseconds() > (mdblLastOn + 500))) { mdblLastOff = mStateTime.milliseconds(); mblnLEDON = false; if (mColour == Constants.BeaconColours.BEACON_BLUE_RED) { //means red is to the right LedState(LedOff, LedOff, LedOff, LedOff, LedOn, LedOff); } else if (mColour == Constants.BeaconColours.BEACON_RED_BLUE) { LedState(LedOff, LedOff, LedOff, LedOff, LedOff, LedOn); } else if (mColour == Constants.BeaconColours.BEACON_BLUE) { LedState(LedOff, LedOff, LedOff, LedOn, LedOff, LedOff); } else if (mColour == Constants.BeaconColours.BEACON_BLUE) { LedState(LedOff, LedOff, LedOff, LedOff, LedOn, LedOff); } mintCounts++; } if (mintCounts >= 10) { mintCounts = 0; mint5291LEDStatus = LEDState.STATE_TEAM; } break; case STATE_FINISHED: //Solid Green LedState(LedOn, LedOff, LedOff, LedOn, LedOff, LedOff); break; } telemetry.update(); } //opmode not active anymore } private void loadActiveStep(int step) { LibraryStateSegAuto mStateSegAuto = autonomousSteps.get(String.valueOf(step)); if (debug >= 1) { fileLogger.writeEvent("loadActiveStep()", "Got the values for step " + step + " about to decode"); Log.d("loadActiveStep()", "Got the values for step " + step + " about to decode"); } mdblStepDistance = 0; mdblStepTimeout = mStateSegAuto.getmRobotTimeOut(); mdblStepSpeed = mStateSegAuto.getmRobotSpeed(); mstrRobotCommand = mStateSegAuto.getmRobotCommand(); mdblRobotParm1 = mStateSegAuto.getmRobotParm1(); mdblRobotParm2 = mStateSegAuto.getmRobotParm2(); mdblRobotParm3 = mStateSegAuto.getmRobotParm3(); mdblRobotParm4 = mStateSegAuto.getmRobotParm4(); mdblRobotParm5 = mStateSegAuto.getmRobotParm5(); mdblRobotParm6 = mStateSegAuto.getmRobotParm6(); mblnParallel = mStateSegAuto.getmRobotParallel(); mblnRobotLastPos = mStateSegAuto.getmRobotLastPos(); } private void loadParallelSteps() { mintActiveStepsCopy.clear(); for (String stKey : mintActiveSteps.keySet()) { if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("loadParallelSteps()", "Loading Active Parallel Step " + stKey); Log.d("loadParallelSteps()", "Loading Active Parallel Step " + stKey); } mintActiveStepsCopy.put(stKey, mintActiveSteps.get(stKey)); } } private void deleteParallelStep() { for (String stKey : mintActiveStepsCopy.keySet()) { int tempStep = mintActiveStepsCopy.get(stKey); if (mintStepNumber == tempStep) { if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("deleteParallelStep()", "Removing Parallel Step " + tempStep); Log.d("deleteParallelStep()", "Removing Parallel Step " + tempStep); } if (mintActiveSteps.containsKey(stKey)) mintActiveSteps.remove(stKey); } } } private void processSteps(String stepName) { switch (stepName) { case "DEL": DelayStep(); break; case "LTE": case "RTE": TankTurnStep(); break; case "GTH": TankTurnGyroHeading(); break; case "GTE": // Special Function, 5291 Move forward until line is found TankTurnGyroHeadingEncoder(); break; case "LPE": case "RPE": PivotTurnStep(); break; case "RRE": // Right turn with a Radius in Parm 1 case "LRE": // Left turn with a Radius in Parm 1 RadiusTurnStep(); break; case "FWE": // Drive forward a distance in inches and power setting DriveStepHeading(); break; case "VFL": // Position the robot using vuforia parameters ready fro AStar RObot should postion pointing to Red wall and Blue wall where targets are located VuforiaLocalise(); break; case "VME": // Move the robot using localisation from the targets VuforiaMove(); break; case "VTE": // Turn the Robot using information from Vuforia and Pythag VuforiaTurn(); break; case "ATB": // Press the beacon button robot to press the button AttackBeacon5291(); break; case "BCL": // Get the beacon colour and move the robot to press the button BeaconColour(); break; case "ST1": // Shoot the Particle balls FlickerShooter5291(); break; case "SW1": Sweeper5291(); break; case "SF1": // Special Function, 5291 Move forward until line is found SFLineFind5291(); break; case "EYE": // Special Function, 5291 Move forward until line is found setEyelids5291(); break; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialise the state. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //private void initStep (LibraryStateSegAuto mStateSegAuto) { private void initStep() { if (debug >= 3) { fileLogger.writeEvent("initstep()", "Starting to Decode Step " + mintCurrentStep); Log.d("initstep()", "Starting to Decode Step " + mintCurrentStep); } if (!(mintActiveSteps.containsValue(mintCurrentStep))) { mintActiveSteps.put(String.valueOf(mintCurrentStep), mintCurrentStep); if (debug >= 3) { fileLogger.writeEvent("initstep()", "Put step into hashmap mintActiveSteps " + mintCurrentStep); Log.d("initstep()", "Put step into hashmap mintActiveSteps " + mintCurrentStep); } } loadActiveStep(mintCurrentStep); mintCurStStep = stepState.STATE_RUNNING; // Reset the state time, and then change to next state. mStateTime.reset(); switch (mstrRobotCommand.substring(0, 3)) { case "DEL": mintCurStDelay = stepState.STATE_INIT; break; case "GTH": mintCurStTankTurnGyroHeading = stepState.STATE_INIT; break; case "LTE": mintCurStTankTurn = stepState.STATE_INIT; break; case "RTE": mintCurStTankTurn = stepState.STATE_INIT; break; case "LPE": mintCurStPivotTurn = stepState.STATE_INIT; break; case "RPE": mintCurStPivotTurn = stepState.STATE_INIT; break; case "LRE": // Left turn with a Radius in Parm 1 mintCurStRadiusTurn = stepState.STATE_INIT; break; case "RRE": // Right turn with a Radius in Parm 1 mintCurStRadiusTurn = stepState.STATE_INIT; break; case "FWE": // Drive forward a distance in inches and power setting mintCurStDriveHeading = stepState.STATE_INIT; break; case "ASE": // Plot a course using A* algorithm, accuracy in Parm 1 mintCurStStep = stepState.STATE_ASTAR_PRE_INIT; break; case "VFL": // Position the robot using vuforia parameters ready fro AStar RObot should postion pointing to Red wall and Blue wall where targets are located mintCurStVuforiaLoc5291 = stepState.STATE_INIT; break; case "VME": // Move the robot using localisation from the targets mintCurStVuforiaMove5291 = stepState.STATE_INIT; break; case "VTE": // Turn the Robot using information from Vuforia and Pythag mintCurStVuforiaTurn5291 = stepState.STATE_INIT; break; case "BCL": // Get the beacon colour and move the robot to press the button mintCurStBeaconColour5291 = stepState.STATE_INIT; break; case "ATB": // Press the beacon button robot to press the button mintCurStAttackBeacon5291 = stepState.STATE_INIT; break; case "ST1": // Shoot the Particle balls mintCurStShootParticle5291 = stepState.STATE_INIT; break; case "SW1": mintCurStSweeper5291 = stepState.STATE_INIT; break; case "SF1": // Special Function, 5291 Move forward until line is found mintCurStLineFind5291 = stepState.STATE_INIT; break; case "GTE": // Special Function, 5291 Move forward until line is found mintCurStGyroTurnEncoder5291 = stepState.STATE_INIT; break; case "EYE": // Special Function, 5291 Move forward until line is found mintCurStEyelids5291 = stepState.STATE_INIT; break; case "FNC": // Run a special Function with Parms break; } if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("initStep()", "Current Step :- " + mintCurrentStep); fileLogger.writeEvent("initStep()", "mdblStepTimeout :- " + mdblStepTimeout); fileLogger.writeEvent("initStep()", "mdblStepSpeed :- " + mdblStepSpeed); fileLogger.writeEvent("initStep()", "mstrRobotCommand :- " + mstrRobotCommand); fileLogger.writeEvent("initStep()", "mblnParallel :- " + mblnParallel); fileLogger.writeEvent("initStep()", "mblnRobotLastPos :- " + mblnRobotLastPos); fileLogger.writeEvent("initStep()", "mdblRobotParm1 :- " + mdblRobotParm1); fileLogger.writeEvent("initStep()", "mdblRobotParm2 :- " + mdblRobotParm2); fileLogger.writeEvent("initStep()", "mdblRobotParm3 :- " + mdblRobotParm3); fileLogger.writeEvent("initStep()", "mdblRobotParm4 :- " + mdblRobotParm4); fileLogger.writeEvent("initStep()", "mdblRobotParm5 :- " + mdblRobotParm5); fileLogger.writeEvent("initStep()", "mdblRobotParm6 :- " + mdblRobotParm6); fileLogger.writeEvent("initStep()", "mdblStepDistance :- " + mdblStepDistance); fileLogger.writeEvent("initStep()", "mdblStepTurnL :- " + mdblStepTurnL); fileLogger.writeEvent("initStep()", "mdblStepTurnR :- " + mdblStepTurnR); Log.d("initStep()", "Current Step :- " + mintCurrentStep); Log.d("initStep()", "mdblStepTimeout :- " + mdblStepTimeout); Log.d("initStep()", "mdblStepSpeed :- " + mdblStepSpeed); Log.d("initStep()", "mstrRobotCommand :- " + mstrRobotCommand); Log.d("initStep()", "mblnParallel :- " + mblnParallel); Log.d("initStep()", "mdblRobotParm1 :- " + mdblRobotParm1); Log.d("initStep()", "mdblRobotParm2 :- " + mdblRobotParm2); Log.d("initStep()", "mdblRobotParm3 :- " + mdblRobotParm3); Log.d("initStep()", "mdblRobotParm4 :- " + mdblRobotParm4); Log.d("initStep()", "mdblRobotParm5 :- " + mdblRobotParm5); Log.d("initStep()", "mdblRobotParm6 :- " + mdblRobotParm6); Log.d("initStep()", "mdblStepDistance :- " + mdblStepDistance); Log.d("initStep()", "mdblStepTurnL :- " + mdblStepTurnL); Log.d("initStep()", "mdblStepTurnR :- " + mdblStepTurnR); } } private void initAStarStep(LibraryStateSegAuto mStateSegAuto) { mdblStepDistance = 0; if (debug >= 3) { fileLogger.writeEvent("initAStarStep", "Starting to Decode AStar Step "); Log.d("initAStarStep", "Starting to Decode AStar Step "); } // Reset the state time, and then change to next state. mStateTime.reset(); mdblStepTimeout = mStateSegAuto.getmRobotTimeOut(); mdblStepSpeed = mStateSegAuto.getmRobotSpeed(); mstrRobotCommand = mStateSegAuto.getmRobotCommand(); mdblRobotParm1 = mStateSegAuto.getmRobotParm1(); mdblRobotParm2 = mStateSegAuto.getmRobotParm2(); mdblRobotParm3 = mStateSegAuto.getmRobotParm3(); mdblRobotParm4 = mStateSegAuto.getmRobotParm4(); mdblRobotParm5 = mStateSegAuto.getmRobotParm5(); mdblRobotParm6 = mStateSegAuto.getmRobotParm6(); mintCurStStep = stepState.STATE_ASTAR_RUNNING; switch (mstrRobotCommand.substring(0, 3)) { case "DEL": mintCurStDelay = stepState.STATE_INIT; break; case "LTE": mintCurStTankTurn = stepState.STATE_INIT; break; case "RTE": mintCurStTankTurn = stepState.STATE_INIT; break; case "LPE": mintCurStPivotTurn = stepState.STATE_INIT; break; case "RPE": mintCurStPivotTurn = stepState.STATE_INIT; break; case "LRE": // Left turn with a Radius in Parm 1 mintCurStRadiusTurn = stepState.STATE_INIT; break; case "RRE": // Right turn with a Radius in Parm 1 mintCurStRadiusTurn = stepState.STATE_INIT; break; case "FWE": // Drive forward a distance in inches and power setting mintCurStDriveHeading = stepState.STATE_INIT; break; case "ASE": // Plot a course using A* algorithm, accuracy in Parm 1 mintCurStStep = stepState.STATE_ASTAR_PRE_INIT; break; case "FNC": // Run a special Function with Parms break; } if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("initAStarStep()", "Current Step :- " + mintCurrentStep); fileLogger.writeEvent("initAStarStep()", "mdblStepTimeout :- " + mdblStepTimeout); fileLogger.writeEvent("initAStarStep()", "mdblStepSpeed :- " + mdblStepSpeed); fileLogger.writeEvent("initAStarStep()", "mstrRobotCommand :- " + mstrRobotCommand); fileLogger.writeEvent("initAStarStep()", "mdblRobotParm1 :- " + mdblRobotParm1); fileLogger.writeEvent("initAStarStep()", "mdblRobotParm2 :- " + mdblRobotParm2); fileLogger.writeEvent("initAStarStep()", "mdblRobotParm3 :- " + mdblRobotParm3); fileLogger.writeEvent("initAStarStep()", "mdblRobotParm4 :- " + mdblRobotParm4); fileLogger.writeEvent("initAStarStep()", "mdblRobotParm5 :- " + mdblRobotParm5); fileLogger.writeEvent("initAStarStep()", "mdblRobotParm6 :- " + mdblRobotParm6); fileLogger.writeEvent("initAStarStep()", "mdblStepDistance :- " + mdblStepDistance); fileLogger.writeEvent("initAStarStep()", "mdblStepTurnL :- " + mdblStepTurnL); fileLogger.writeEvent("initAStarStep()", "mdblStepTurnR :- " + mdblStepTurnR); Log.d("initAStarStep()", "Current Step :- " + mintCurrentStep); Log.d("initAStarStep()", "mdblStepTimeout :- " + mdblStepTimeout); Log.d("initAStarStep()", "mdblStepSpeed :- " + mdblStepSpeed); Log.d("initAStarStep()", "mstrRobotCommand :- " + mstrRobotCommand); Log.d("initAStarStep()", "mblnParallel :- " + mblnParallel); Log.d("initAStarStep()", "mdblRobotParm1 :- " + mdblRobotParm1); Log.d("initAStarStep()", "mdblRobotParm2 :- " + mdblRobotParm2); Log.d("initAStarStep()", "mdblRobotParm3 :- " + mdblRobotParm3); Log.d("initAStarStep()", "mdblRobotParm4 :- " + mdblRobotParm4); Log.d("initAStarStep()", "mdblRobotParm5 :- " + mdblRobotParm5); Log.d("initAStarStep()", "mdblRobotParm6 :- " + mdblRobotParm6); Log.d("initAStarStep()", "mdblStepDistance :- " + mdblStepDistance); Log.d("initAStarStep()", "mdblStepTurnL :- " + mdblStepTurnL); Log.d("initAStarStep()", "mdblStepTurnR :- " + mdblStepTurnR); } } private void DriveStepHeading() { double dblStepSpeedTemp; double dblDistanceToEndLeft1; double dblDistanceToEndLeft2; double dblDistanceToEndRight1; double dblDistanceToEndRight2; double dblDistanceToEnd; double dblDistanceFromStartLeft1; double dblDistanceFromStartLeft2; double dblDistanceFromStartRight1; double dblDistanceFromStartRight2; double dblDistanceFromStart; int intLeft1MotorEncoderPosition; int intLeft2MotorEncoderPosition; int intRight1MotorEncoderPosition; int intRight2MotorEncoderPosition; double dblMaxSpeed; double dblError; double dblSteer; double dblLeftSpeed; double dblRightSpeed; switch (mintCurStDriveHeading) { case STATE_INIT: // set motor controller to mode robotDrive.leftMotor1.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODER); robotDrive.leftMotor2.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODER); robotDrive.rightMotor1.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODER); robotDrive.rightMotor2.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODER); mblnDisableVisionProcessing = true; //disable vision processing mdblStepDistance = Double.parseDouble(mstrRobotCommand.substring(3)); if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("runningDriveHeadingStep", "mdblStepDistance :- " + mdblStepDistance); Log.d("runningDriveHeadingStep", "mdblStepDistance :- " + mdblStepDistance); } // Determine new target position if (mblnNextStepLastPos) { mintStartPositionLeft1 = mintLastEncoderDestinationLeft1; mintStartPositionLeft2 = mintLastEncoderDestinationLeft2; mintStartPositionRight1 = mintLastEncoderDestinationRight1; mintStartPositionRight2 = mintLastEncoderDestinationRight2; } else { mintStartPositionLeft1 = robotDrive.leftMotor1.getCurrentPosition(); mintStartPositionLeft2 = robotDrive.leftMotor2.getCurrentPosition(); mintStartPositionRight1 = robotDrive.rightMotor1.getCurrentPosition(); mintStartPositionRight2 = robotDrive.rightMotor2.getCurrentPosition(); } mblnNextStepLastPos = false; mintStepLeftTarget1 = mintStartPositionLeft1 + (int) (mdblStepDistance * COUNTS_PER_INCH); mintStepLeftTarget2 = mintStartPositionLeft2 + (int) (mdblStepDistance * COUNTS_PER_INCH); mintStepRightTarget1 = mintStartPositionRight1 + (int) (mdblStepDistance * COUNTS_PER_INCH); mintStepRightTarget2 = mintStartPositionRight2 + (int) (mdblStepDistance * COUNTS_PER_INCH); //store the encoder positions so next step can calculate destination mintLastEncoderDestinationLeft1 = mintStepLeftTarget1; mintLastEncoderDestinationLeft2 = mintStepLeftTarget2; mintLastEncoderDestinationRight1 = mintStepRightTarget1; mintLastEncoderDestinationRight2 = mintStepRightTarget2; // pass target position to motor controller robotDrive.leftMotor1.setTargetPosition(mintStepLeftTarget1); robotDrive.leftMotor2.setTargetPosition(mintStepLeftTarget2); robotDrive.rightMotor1.setTargetPosition(mintStepRightTarget1); robotDrive.rightMotor2.setTargetPosition(mintStepRightTarget2); if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("runningDriveHeadingStep", "mStepLeftTarget1 :- " + mintStepLeftTarget1 + " mStepLeftTarget2 :- " + mintStepLeftTarget2); fileLogger.writeEvent("runningDriveHeadingStep", "mStepRightTarget1:- " + mintStepRightTarget1 + " mStepRightTarget2:- " + mintStepRightTarget2); Log.d("runningDriveHeadingStep", "mStepLeftTarget1 :- " + mintStepLeftTarget1 + " mStepLeftTarget2 :- " + mintStepLeftTarget2); Log.d("runningDriveHeadingStep", "mStepRightTarget1:- " + mintStepRightTarget1 + " mStepRightTarget2:- " + mintStepRightTarget2); } if (!(robotDrive.leftMotor1.getMode().equals(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_TO_POSITION))) { // set motor controller to mode, Turn On RUN_TO_POSITION robotDrive.leftMotor1.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_TO_POSITION); robotDrive.leftMotor2.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_TO_POSITION); robotDrive.rightMotor1.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_TO_POSITION); robotDrive.rightMotor2.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_TO_POSITION); } mintCurStDriveHeading = stepState.STATE_RUNNING; setDriveMotorPower(Math.abs(mdblStepSpeed)); break; case STATE_RUNNING: int gyroDelay; if (useAdafruitIMU) { gyroDelay = 0; } else { gyroDelay = 300; } dblStepSpeedTemp = mdblStepSpeed; intLeft1MotorEncoderPosition = robotDrive.leftMotor1.getCurrentPosition(); intLeft2MotorEncoderPosition = robotDrive.leftMotor2.getCurrentPosition(); intRight1MotorEncoderPosition = robotDrive.rightMotor1.getCurrentPosition(); intRight2MotorEncoderPosition = robotDrive.rightMotor2.getCurrentPosition(); // ramp up speed - need to write function to ramp up speed dblDistanceFromStartLeft1 = Math.abs(mintStartPositionLeft1 - intLeft1MotorEncoderPosition) / COUNTS_PER_INCH; dblDistanceFromStartLeft2 = Math.abs(mintStartPositionLeft2 - intLeft2MotorEncoderPosition) / COUNTS_PER_INCH; dblDistanceFromStartRight1 = Math.abs(mintStartPositionRight1 - intRight1MotorEncoderPosition) / COUNTS_PER_INCH; dblDistanceFromStartRight2 = Math.abs(mintStartPositionRight2 - intRight2MotorEncoderPosition) / COUNTS_PER_INCH; //if moving ramp up dblDistanceFromStart = (dblDistanceFromStartLeft1 + dblDistanceFromStartRight1 + dblDistanceFromStartLeft2 + dblDistanceFromStartRight2) / 4; //determine how close to target we are dblDistanceToEndLeft1 = (mintStepLeftTarget1 - intLeft1MotorEncoderPosition) / COUNTS_PER_INCH; dblDistanceToEndLeft2 = (mintStepLeftTarget2 - intLeft2MotorEncoderPosition) / COUNTS_PER_INCH; dblDistanceToEndRight1 = (mintStepRightTarget1 - intRight1MotorEncoderPosition) / COUNTS_PER_INCH; dblDistanceToEndRight2 = (mintStepRightTarget2 - intRight2MotorEncoderPosition) / COUNTS_PER_INCH; //if getting close ramp down speed dblDistanceToEnd = (dblDistanceToEndLeft1 + dblDistanceToEndRight1 + dblDistanceToEndLeft2 + dblDistanceToEndRight2) / 4; if ((mdblRobotParm1 == 1) || (mdblRobotParm4 == 1)) { dblLeftSpeed = dblStepSpeedTemp; dblRightSpeed = dblStepSpeedTemp; //use Gyro to run heading // adjust relative speed based on heading error. if ((mStateTime.milliseconds() > gyroDelay)) { dblError = getDriveError(mdblRobotParm2); dblSteer = getDriveSteer(dblError, mdblRobotParm3); if (debug >= 3) { fileLogger.writeEvent("runningDriveHeadingStep", "dblError " + dblError); fileLogger.writeEvent("runningDriveHeadingStep", "dblSteer " + dblSteer); fileLogger.writeEvent("runningDriveHeadingStep", "Heading " + mdblRobotParm2); Log.d("runningDriveHeadingStep", "dblError " + dblError); Log.d("runningDriveHeadingStep", "dblSteer " + dblSteer); Log.d("runningDriveHeadingStep", "Heading " + mdblRobotParm2); } // if driving in reverse, the motor correction also needs to be reversed if (mdblStepDistance < 0) dblSteer *= -1.0; dblLeftSpeed = dblStepSpeedTemp - dblSteer; dblRightSpeed = dblStepSpeedTemp + dblSteer; // Normalize speeds if any one exceeds +/- 1.0; dblMaxSpeed = Math.max(Math.abs(dblLeftSpeed), Math.abs(dblRightSpeed)); if (dblMaxSpeed > 1.0) { dblLeftSpeed /= dblMaxSpeed; dblRightSpeed /= dblMaxSpeed; } } } else { dblLeftSpeed = dblStepSpeedTemp; dblRightSpeed = dblStepSpeedTemp; } if ((mdblRobotParm1 == 2) || (mdblRobotParm4 == 2)) { //use line sensor to stop robot when detected. mdblInputLineSensor1 = LineSensor1.getVoltage(); // Read the input pin mdblInputLineSensor2 = LineSensor2.getVoltage(); // Read the input pin mdblInputLineSensor3 = LineSensor3.getVoltage(); // Read the input pin mdblInputLineSensor4 = LineSensor4.getVoltage(); // Read the input pin mdblInputLineSensor5 = LineSensor5.getVoltage(); // Read the input pin if ((mdblInputLineSensor1 < mdblWhiteThreshold) || (mdblInputLineSensor2 < mdblWhiteThreshold) || (mdblInputLineSensor3 < mdblWhiteThreshold) || (mdblInputLineSensor4 < mdblWhiteThreshold) || (mdblInputLineSensor5 < mdblWhiteThreshold)) { //stop the motors we are complete setDriveMotorPower(0); mintCurStDriveHeading = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); } } if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("runningDriveHeadingStep", "dblDistanceToEnd " + dblDistanceToEnd); Log.d("runningDriveHeadingStep", "dblDistanceToEnd " + dblDistanceToEnd); } if (mblnRobotLastPos) { if (dblDistanceToEnd <= 3.0) { if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("runningDriveHeadingStep", "mblnRobotLastPos Complete "); Log.d("runningDriveHeadingStep", "mblnRobotLastPos Complete "); } mblnNextStepLastPos = true; mblnDisableVisionProcessing = false; //enable vision processing mintCurStDriveHeading = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); } } //if within error margin stop if (robotDrive.leftMotor1.isBusy() && robotDrive.rightMotor1.isBusy()) { if (debug >= 3) { fileLogger.writeEvent("runningDriveHeadingStep", "Encoder counts per inch = " + COUNTS_PER_INCH + " dblDistanceFromStart " + dblDistanceFromStart + " dblDistanceToEnd " + dblDistanceToEnd + " Power Level " + dblStepSpeedTemp + " Running to target L1, L2, R1, R2 " + mintStepLeftTarget1 + ", " + mintStepLeftTarget2 + ", " + mintStepRightTarget1 + ", " + mintStepRightTarget2 + ", " + " Running at position L1 " + intLeft1MotorEncoderPosition + " L2 " + intLeft2MotorEncoderPosition + " R1 " + intRight1MotorEncoderPosition + " R2 " + intRight2MotorEncoderPosition); Log.d("runningDriveHeadingStep", "Encoder counts per inch = " + COUNTS_PER_INCH + " dblDistanceFromStart " + dblDistanceFromStart + " dblDistanceToEnd " + dblDistanceToEnd + " Power Level " + dblStepSpeedTemp + " Running to target L1, L2, R1, R2 " + mintStepLeftTarget1 + ", " + mintStepLeftTarget2 + ", " + mintStepRightTarget1 + ", " + mintStepRightTarget2 + ", " + " Running at position L1 " + intLeft1MotorEncoderPosition + " L2 " + intLeft2MotorEncoderPosition + " R1 " + intRight1MotorEncoderPosition + " R2 " + intRight2MotorEncoderPosition); } telemetry.addData("Path1", "Running to %7d :%7d", mintStepLeftTarget1, mintStepRightTarget1); telemetry.addData("Path2", "Running at %7d :%7d", intLeft1MotorEncoderPosition, intRight1MotorEncoderPosition); telemetry.addData("Path3", "Running at %7d :%7d", intLeft2MotorEncoderPosition, intRight2MotorEncoderPosition); // set power on motor controller to update speeds setDriveLeftMotorPower(dblLeftSpeed); setDriveRightMotorPower(dblRightSpeed); } else { // Stop all motion; setDriveMotorPower(0); if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("runningDriveHeadingStep", "Complete "); Log.d("runningDriveHeadingStep", "Complete "); } mblnDisableVisionProcessing = false; //enable vision processing mintCurStDriveHeading = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); } //check timeout value if (mStateTime.seconds() > mdblStepTimeout) { if (debug >= 1) { fileLogger.writeEvent("runningDriveHeadingStep", "Timeout:- "); Log.d("runningDriveHeadingStep", "Timeout:- "); } // Transition to a new state. mintCurStDriveHeading = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); } break; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Execute the state. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- private void PivotTurnStep() //should be same as radius turn with radius of 1/2 robot width, so this function can be deleted once radius turn is completed { double dblDistanceToEndLeft1; double dblDistanceToEndLeft2; double dblDistanceToEndRight1; double dblDistanceToEndRight2; int intLeft1MotorEncoderPosition; int intLeft2MotorEncoderPosition; int intRight1MotorEncoderPosition; int intRight2MotorEncoderPosition; switch (mintCurStPivotTurn) { case STATE_INIT: { // set motor controller to mode robotDrive.leftMotor1.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODER); robotDrive.leftMotor2.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODER); robotDrive.rightMotor1.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODER); robotDrive.rightMotor2.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODER); mblnDisableVisionProcessing = true; //disable vision processing mdblStepTurnL = 0; mdblStepTurnR = 0; switch (mstrRobotCommand.substring(0, 3)) { case "LPE": mdblStepTurnL = Double.parseDouble(mstrRobotCommand.substring(3)); mdblStepTurnR = 0; break; case "RPE": mdblStepTurnL = 0; mdblStepTurnR = Double.parseDouble(mstrRobotCommand.substring(3)); break; } if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("PivotTurnStep", "mdblStepTurnL :- " + mdblStepTurnL); fileLogger.writeEvent("PivotTurnStep", "mdblStepTurnR :- " + mdblStepTurnR); Log.d("PivotTurnStep", "mdblStepTurnL :- " + mdblStepTurnL); Log.d("PivotTurnStep", "mdblStepTurnR :- " + mdblStepTurnR); } // Turn On RUN_TO_POSITION if (mdblStepTurnR == 0) { // Determine new target position if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("PivotTurnStep", "Current LPosition:-" + robotDrive.leftMotor1.getCurrentPosition()); Log.d("PivotTurnStep", "Current LPosition:-" + robotDrive.leftMotor1.getCurrentPosition()); } // Get Current Encoder positions if (mblnNextStepLastPos) { mintStartPositionLeft1 = mintLastEncoderDestinationLeft1; mintStartPositionLeft2 = mintLastEncoderDestinationLeft2; mintStartPositionRight1 = mintLastEncoderDestinationRight1; mintStartPositionRight2 = mintLastEncoderDestinationRight2; } else { mintStartPositionLeft1 = robotDrive.leftMotor1.getCurrentPosition(); mintStartPositionLeft2 = robotDrive.leftMotor2.getCurrentPosition(); mintStartPositionRight1 = robotDrive.rightMotor1.getCurrentPosition(); mintStartPositionRight2 = robotDrive.rightMotor2.getCurrentPosition(); } mblnNextStepLastPos = false; // Determine new target position mintStepLeftTarget1 = mintStartPositionLeft1 + (int) (mdblStepTurnL * COUNTS_PER_DEGREE); mintStepLeftTarget2 = mintStartPositionLeft2 + (int) (mdblStepTurnL * COUNTS_PER_DEGREE); mintStepRightTarget1 = mintStartPositionRight1 + (int) (mdblStepTurnR * COUNTS_PER_DEGREE); mintStepRightTarget2 = mintStartPositionRight2 + (int) (mdblStepTurnR * COUNTS_PER_DEGREE); //store the encoder positions so next step can calculate destination mintLastEncoderDestinationLeft1 = mintStepLeftTarget1; mintLastEncoderDestinationLeft2 = mintStepLeftTarget2; mintLastEncoderDestinationRight1 = mintStepRightTarget1; mintLastEncoderDestinationRight2 = mintStepRightTarget2; if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("PivotTurnStep", "mintStepLeftTarget1:- " + mintStepLeftTarget1 + " mintStepLeftTarget2:- " + mintStepLeftTarget2); Log.d("PivotTurnStep", "mintStepLeftTarget1:- " + mintStepLeftTarget1 + " mintStepLeftTarget2:- " + mintStepLeftTarget2); } // pass target position to motor controller robotDrive.leftMotor1.setTargetPosition(mintStepLeftTarget1); robotDrive.leftMotor2.setTargetPosition(mintStepLeftTarget2); // set motor controller to mode robotDrive.leftMotor1.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_TO_POSITION); robotDrive.leftMotor2.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_TO_POSITION); // set power on motor controller to start moving setDriveLeftMotorPower(Math.abs(mdblStepSpeed)); } else { // Determine new target position if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("PivotTurnStep", "Current RPosition:-" + robotDrive.rightMotor1.getCurrentPosition()); Log.d("PivotTurnStep", "Current RPosition:-" + robotDrive.rightMotor1.getCurrentPosition()); } // Get Current Encoder positions if (mblnNextStepLastPos) { mintStartPositionLeft1 = mintLastEncoderDestinationLeft1; mintStartPositionLeft2 = mintLastEncoderDestinationLeft2; mintStartPositionRight1 = mintLastEncoderDestinationRight1; mintStartPositionRight2 = mintLastEncoderDestinationRight2; } else { mintStartPositionLeft1 = robotDrive.leftMotor1.getCurrentPosition(); mintStartPositionLeft2 = robotDrive.leftMotor2.getCurrentPosition(); mintStartPositionRight1 = robotDrive.rightMotor1.getCurrentPosition(); mintStartPositionRight2 = robotDrive.rightMotor2.getCurrentPosition(); } mblnNextStepLastPos = false; // Determine new target position mintStepLeftTarget1 = mintStartPositionLeft1 + (int) (mdblStepTurnL * COUNTS_PER_DEGREE); mintStepLeftTarget2 = mintStartPositionLeft2 + (int) (mdblStepTurnL * COUNTS_PER_DEGREE); mintStepRightTarget1 = mintStartPositionRight1 + (int) (mdblStepTurnR * COUNTS_PER_DEGREE); mintStepRightTarget2 = mintStartPositionRight2 + (int) (mdblStepTurnR * COUNTS_PER_DEGREE); //store the encoder positions so next step can calculate destination mintLastEncoderDestinationLeft1 = mintStepLeftTarget1; mintLastEncoderDestinationLeft2 = mintStepLeftTarget2; mintLastEncoderDestinationRight1 = mintStepRightTarget1; mintLastEncoderDestinationRight2 = mintStepRightTarget2; if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("PivotTurnStep", "mintStepRightTarget1:- " + mintStepRightTarget1 + " mintStepRightTarget2:- " + mintStepRightTarget2); Log.d("PivotTurnStep", "mintStepRightTarget1:- " + mintStepRightTarget1 + " mintStepRightTarget2:- " + mintStepRightTarget2); } // pass target position to motor controller robotDrive.rightMotor1.setTargetPosition(mintStepRightTarget1); robotDrive.rightMotor2.setTargetPosition(mintStepRightTarget2); // set motor controller to mode, Turn On RUN_TO_POSITION robotDrive.rightMotor1.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_TO_POSITION); robotDrive.rightMotor2.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_TO_POSITION); // set power on motor controller to start moving setDriveRightMotorPower(Math.abs(mdblStepSpeed)); } //store the encoder positions so next step can calculate destination mintLastEncoderDestinationLeft1 = mintStepLeftTarget1; mintLastEncoderDestinationLeft2 = mintStepLeftTarget2; mintLastEncoderDestinationRight1 = mintStepRightTarget1; mintLastEncoderDestinationRight2 = mintStepRightTarget2; if (debug >= 3) { fileLogger.writeEvent("PivotTurnStep", "gblStepLeftTarget :- " + mintStepLeftTarget1 + " mintStepLeftTarget2 :- " + mintStepLeftTarget2); fileLogger.writeEvent("PivotTurnStep", "gblStepRightTarget:- " + mintStepRightTarget1 + " mintStepRightTarget2:- " + mintStepRightTarget2); Log.d("PivotTurnStep", "gblStepLeftTarget :- " + mintStepLeftTarget1 + " mintStepLeftTarget2 :- " + mintStepLeftTarget2); Log.d("PivotTurnStep", "gblStepRightTarget:- " + mintStepRightTarget1 + " mintStepRightTarget2:- " + mintStepRightTarget2); } mintCurStPivotTurn = stepState.STATE_RUNNING; } break; case STATE_RUNNING: { intLeft1MotorEncoderPosition = robotDrive.leftMotor1.getCurrentPosition(); intLeft2MotorEncoderPosition = robotDrive.leftMotor2.getCurrentPosition(); intRight1MotorEncoderPosition = robotDrive.rightMotor1.getCurrentPosition(); intRight2MotorEncoderPosition = robotDrive.rightMotor2.getCurrentPosition(); //determine how close to target we are dblDistanceToEndLeft1 = (mintStepLeftTarget1 - intLeft1MotorEncoderPosition) / COUNTS_PER_INCH; dblDistanceToEndLeft2 = (mintStepLeftTarget2 - intLeft2MotorEncoderPosition) / COUNTS_PER_INCH; dblDistanceToEndRight1 = (mintStepRightTarget1 - intRight1MotorEncoderPosition) / COUNTS_PER_INCH; dblDistanceToEndRight2 = (mintStepRightTarget2 - intRight2MotorEncoderPosition) / COUNTS_PER_INCH; if (debug >= 3) { fileLogger.writeEvent("PivotTurnStep", "Current LPosition1:-" + robotDrive.leftMotor1.getCurrentPosition() + " LTarget:- " + mintStepLeftTarget1 + " LPosition2:-" + robotDrive.leftMotor2.getCurrentPosition() + " LTarget2:- " + mintStepLeftTarget2); fileLogger.writeEvent("PivotTurnStep", "Current RPosition1:-" + robotDrive.rightMotor1.getCurrentPosition() + " RTarget:- " + mintStepRightTarget1 + " RPosition2:-" + robotDrive.rightMotor2.getCurrentPosition() + " RTarget2:- " + mintStepRightTarget2); Log.d("PivotTurnStep", "Current LPosition1:-" + robotDrive.leftMotor1.getCurrentPosition() + " LTarget:- " + mintStepLeftTarget1 + " LPosition2:-" + robotDrive.leftMotor2.getCurrentPosition() + " LTarget2:- " + mintStepLeftTarget2); Log.d("PivotTurnStep", "Current RPosition1:-" + robotDrive.rightMotor1.getCurrentPosition() + " RTarget:- " + mintStepRightTarget1 + " RPosition2:-" + robotDrive.rightMotor2.getCurrentPosition() + " RTarget2:- " + mintStepRightTarget2); } if (mdblStepTurnR == 0) { if (debug >= 3) { fileLogger.writeEvent("PivotTurnStep()", "Running "); Log.d("PivotTurnStep()", "Running "); } telemetry.addData("Target", "Running to %7d :%7d", mintStepLeftTarget1, mintStepRightTarget1); telemetry.addData("Actual_Left", "Running at %7d :%7d", intLeft1MotorEncoderPosition, intLeft2MotorEncoderPosition); telemetry.addData("ActualRight", "Running at %7d :%7d", intRight1MotorEncoderPosition, intRight2MotorEncoderPosition); if (mblnRobotLastPos) { if (((dblDistanceToEndLeft1 + dblDistanceToEndLeft2) / 2) < 2.0) { mblnNextStepLastPos = true; mblnDisableVisionProcessing = false; //enable vision processing mintCurStPivotTurn = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); } } if (!robotDrive.leftMotor1.isBusy()) { if (debug >= 1) { fileLogger.writeEvent("PivotTurnStep()", "Complete "); Log.d("PivotTurnStep()", "Complete "); } mblnDisableVisionProcessing = false; //enable vision processing mintCurStPivotTurn = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); } } else if (mdblStepTurnL == 0) { if (debug >= 3) { fileLogger.writeEvent("PivotTurnStep()", "Running "); Log.d("PivotTurnStep()", "Running "); } telemetry.addData("Target", "Running to %7d :%7d", mintStepLeftTarget1, mintStepRightTarget1); telemetry.addData("Actual_Left", "Running at %7d :%7d", intLeft1MotorEncoderPosition, intLeft2MotorEncoderPosition); telemetry.addData("ActualRight", "Running at %7d :%7d", intRight1MotorEncoderPosition, intRight2MotorEncoderPosition); if (mblnRobotLastPos) { if (((dblDistanceToEndRight1 + dblDistanceToEndRight2) / 2) < 2.2) { mblnNextStepLastPos = true; mblnDisableVisionProcessing = false; //enable vision processing mintCurStPivotTurn = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); } } if (!robotDrive.rightMotor1.isBusy()) { if (debug >= 1) { fileLogger.writeEvent("PivotTurnStep()", "Complete "); Log.d("PivotTurnStep()", "Complete "); } mblnDisableVisionProcessing = false; //enable vision processing mintCurStPivotTurn = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); } } else { // Stop all motion by setting power to 0 setDriveMotorPower(0); if (debug >= 1) { fileLogger.writeEvent("PivotTurnStep()", "Complete "); Log.d("PivotTurnStep()", "Complete "); } mblnDisableVisionProcessing = false; //enable vision processing mintCurStPivotTurn = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); } } //check timeout value if (mStateTime.seconds() > mdblStepTimeout) { if (debug >= 1) { fileLogger.writeEvent("PivotTurnStep()", "Timeout:- "); Log.d("PivotTurnStep()", "Timeout:- "); } // Transition to a new state. mintCurStPivotTurn = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); } break; } } private void TankTurnStep() { double dblDistanceToEndLeft1; double dblDistanceToEndLeft2; double dblDistanceToEndRight1; double dblDistanceToEndRight2; int intLeft1MotorEncoderPosition; int intLeft2MotorEncoderPosition; int intRight1MotorEncoderPosition; int intRight2MotorEncoderPosition; switch (mintCurStTankTurn) { case STATE_INIT: { // set motor controller to mode robotDrive.leftMotor1.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODER); robotDrive.leftMotor2.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODER); robotDrive.rightMotor1.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODER); robotDrive.rightMotor2.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODER); mblnDisableVisionProcessing = true; //disable vision processing mdblStepTurnL = 0; mdblStepTurnR = 0; // Get Current Encoder positions if (mblnNextStepLastPos) { mintStartPositionLeft1 = mintLastEncoderDestinationLeft1; mintStartPositionLeft2 = mintLastEncoderDestinationLeft2; mintStartPositionRight1 = mintLastEncoderDestinationRight1; mintStartPositionRight2 = mintLastEncoderDestinationRight2; } else { mintStartPositionLeft1 = robotDrive.leftMotor1.getCurrentPosition(); mintStartPositionLeft2 = robotDrive.leftMotor2.getCurrentPosition(); mintStartPositionRight1 = robotDrive.rightMotor1.getCurrentPosition(); mintStartPositionRight2 = robotDrive.rightMotor2.getCurrentPosition(); } mblnNextStepLastPos = false; // Determine new target position switch (mstrRobotCommand.substring(0, 3)) { case "LTE": mintStepLeftTarget1 = mintStartPositionLeft1 - (int) (0.5 * Double.parseDouble(mstrRobotCommand.substring(3)) * COUNTS_PER_DEGREE); mintStepLeftTarget2 = mintStartPositionLeft2 - (int) (0.5 * Double.parseDouble(mstrRobotCommand.substring(3)) * COUNTS_PER_DEGREE); mintStepRightTarget1 = mintStartPositionRight1 + (int) (0.5 * Double.parseDouble(mstrRobotCommand.substring(3)) * COUNTS_PER_DEGREE); mintStepRightTarget2 = mintStartPositionRight2 + (int) (0.5 * Double.parseDouble(mstrRobotCommand.substring(3)) * COUNTS_PER_DEGREE); break; case "RTE": mintStepLeftTarget1 = mintStartPositionLeft1 + (int) (0.5 * Double.parseDouble(mstrRobotCommand.substring(3)) * COUNTS_PER_DEGREE); mintStepLeftTarget2 = mintStartPositionLeft2 + (int) (0.5 * Double.parseDouble(mstrRobotCommand.substring(3)) * COUNTS_PER_DEGREE); mintStepRightTarget1 = mintStartPositionRight1 - (int) (0.5 * Double.parseDouble(mstrRobotCommand.substring(3)) * COUNTS_PER_DEGREE); mintStepRightTarget2 = mintStartPositionRight2 - (int) (0.5 * Double.parseDouble(mstrRobotCommand.substring(3)) * COUNTS_PER_DEGREE); break; } //store the encoder positions so next step can calculate destination mintLastEncoderDestinationLeft1 = mintStepLeftTarget1; mintLastEncoderDestinationLeft2 = mintStepLeftTarget2; mintLastEncoderDestinationRight1 = mintStepRightTarget1; mintLastEncoderDestinationRight2 = mintStepRightTarget2; if (debug >= 3) { fileLogger.writeEvent("TankTurnStep()", "Current LPosition1:- " + robotDrive.leftMotor1.getCurrentPosition() + " mintStepLeftTarget1:- " + mintStepLeftTarget1); fileLogger.writeEvent("TankTurnStep()", "Current LPosition2:- " + robotDrive.leftMotor2.getCurrentPosition() + " mintStepLeftTarget2:- " + mintStepLeftTarget2); fileLogger.writeEvent("TankTurnStep()", "Current RPosition1:- " + robotDrive.rightMotor1.getCurrentPosition() + " mintStepRightTarget1:- " + mintStepRightTarget1); fileLogger.writeEvent("TankTurnStep()", "Current RPosition2:- " + robotDrive.rightMotor2.getCurrentPosition() + " mintStepRightTarget2:- " + mintStepRightTarget2); Log.d("TankTurnStep()", "Current LPosition1:- " + robotDrive.leftMotor1.getCurrentPosition() + " mintStepLeftTarget1:- " + mintStepLeftTarget1); Log.d("TankTurnStep()", "Current LPosition2:- " + robotDrive.leftMotor2.getCurrentPosition() + " mintStepLeftTarget2:- " + mintStepLeftTarget2); Log.d("TankTurnStep()", "Current RPosition1:- " + robotDrive.rightMotor1.getCurrentPosition() + " mintStepRightTarget1:- " + mintStepRightTarget1); Log.d("TankTurnStep()", "Current RPosition2:- " + robotDrive.rightMotor2.getCurrentPosition() + " mintStepRightTarget2:- " + mintStepRightTarget2); } // pass target position to motor controller robotDrive.leftMotor1.setTargetPosition(mintStepLeftTarget1); robotDrive.leftMotor2.setTargetPosition(mintStepLeftTarget2); robotDrive.rightMotor1.setTargetPosition(mintStepRightTarget1); robotDrive.rightMotor2.setTargetPosition(mintStepRightTarget2); // set motor controller to mode robotDrive.leftMotor1.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_TO_POSITION); robotDrive.leftMotor2.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_TO_POSITION); robotDrive.rightMotor1.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_TO_POSITION); robotDrive.rightMotor2.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_TO_POSITION); // set power on motor controller to start moving setDriveMotorPower(Math.abs(mdblStepSpeed)); if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("TankTurnStep()", "mintStepLeftTarget1 :- " + mintStepLeftTarget1); fileLogger.writeEvent("TankTurnStep()", "mintStepLeftTarget2 :- " + mintStepLeftTarget2); fileLogger.writeEvent("TankTurnStep()", "mintStepRightTarget1:- " + mintStepRightTarget1); fileLogger.writeEvent("TankTurnStep()", "mintStepRightTarget2:- " + mintStepRightTarget2); Log.d("TankTurnStep()", "mintStepLeftTarget1 :- " + mintStepLeftTarget1); Log.d("TankTurnStep()", "mintStepLeftTarget2 :- " + mintStepLeftTarget2); Log.d("TankTurnStep()", "mintStepRightTarget1:- " + mintStepRightTarget1); Log.d("TankTurnStep()", "mintStepRightTarget2:- " + mintStepRightTarget2); } mintCurStTankTurn = stepState.STATE_RUNNING; } break; case STATE_RUNNING: { intLeft1MotorEncoderPosition = robotDrive.leftMotor1.getCurrentPosition(); intLeft2MotorEncoderPosition = robotDrive.leftMotor2.getCurrentPosition(); intRight1MotorEncoderPosition = robotDrive.rightMotor1.getCurrentPosition(); intRight2MotorEncoderPosition = robotDrive.rightMotor2.getCurrentPosition(); //determine how close to target we are dblDistanceToEndLeft1 = (mintStepLeftTarget1 - intLeft1MotorEncoderPosition) / COUNTS_PER_INCH; dblDistanceToEndLeft2 = (mintStepLeftTarget2 - intLeft2MotorEncoderPosition) / COUNTS_PER_INCH; dblDistanceToEndRight1 = (mintStepRightTarget1 - intRight1MotorEncoderPosition) / COUNTS_PER_INCH; dblDistanceToEndRight2 = (mintStepRightTarget2 - intRight2MotorEncoderPosition) / COUNTS_PER_INCH; if (debug >= 3) { fileLogger.writeEvent("TankTurnStep()", "Current LPosition1:- " + intLeft1MotorEncoderPosition + " LTarget1:- " + mintStepLeftTarget1); fileLogger.writeEvent("TankTurnStep()", "Current LPosition2:- " + intLeft2MotorEncoderPosition + " LTarget2:- " + mintStepLeftTarget2); fileLogger.writeEvent("TankTurnStep()", "Current RPosition1:- " + intRight1MotorEncoderPosition + " RTarget1:- " + mintStepRightTarget1); fileLogger.writeEvent("TankTurnStep()", "Current RPosition2:- " + intRight2MotorEncoderPosition + " RTarget2:- " + mintStepRightTarget2); Log.d("TankTurnStep()", "Current LPosition1:- " + intLeft1MotorEncoderPosition + " LTarget1:- " + mintStepLeftTarget1); Log.d("TankTurnStep()", "Current LPosition2:- " + intLeft2MotorEncoderPosition + " LTarget2:- " + mintStepLeftTarget2); Log.d("TankTurnStep()", "Current RPosition1:- " + intRight1MotorEncoderPosition + " RTarget1:- " + mintStepRightTarget1); Log.d("TankTurnStep()", "Current RPosition2:- " + intRight2MotorEncoderPosition + " RTarget2:- " + mintStepRightTarget2); } telemetry.addData("Target", "Running to %7d :%7d", mintStepLeftTarget1, mintStepRightTarget1); telemetry.addData("Actual_Left", "Running at %7d :%7d", intLeft1MotorEncoderPosition, intLeft2MotorEncoderPosition); telemetry.addData("ActualRight", "Running at %7d :%7d", intRight1MotorEncoderPosition, intRight2MotorEncoderPosition); if (mblnRobotLastPos) { if (((Math.abs(dblDistanceToEndRight1 + dblDistanceToEndRight2) / 2) < 2.2) && ((Math.abs(dblDistanceToEndLeft1 + dblDistanceToEndLeft2) / 2) < 2.2)) { mblnNextStepLastPos = true; mblnDisableVisionProcessing = false; //enable vision processing mintCurStTankTurn = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); } } if (!robotDrive.leftMotor1.isBusy() || (!robotDrive.rightMotor1.isBusy())) { if (debug >= 3) { fileLogger.writeEvent("TankTurnStep()", "Complete "); } setDriveMotorPower(0); mblnDisableVisionProcessing = false; //enable vision processing mintCurStTankTurn = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); } } //check timeout value if (mStateTime.seconds() > mdblStepTimeout) { if (debug >= 1) { fileLogger.writeEvent("TankTurnStep()", "Timeout:- "); Log.d("TankTurnStep()", "Timeout:- "); } // Transition to a new state. mintCurStTankTurn = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); } break; } } //this has not been programmed, do not use private void RadiusTurnStep() { double dblDistanceToEndLeft1; double dblDistanceToEndLeft2; double dblDistanceToEndRight1; double dblDistanceToEndRight2; int intLeft1MotorEncoderPosition; int intLeft2MotorEncoderPosition; int intRight1MotorEncoderPosition; int intRight2MotorEncoderPosition; double dblArcLengthRadiusTurnInner; //used to calculate the arc length when doing a radius turn double rdblArcLengthRadiusTurnOuter; //used to calculate the arc length when doing a radius turn double rdblSpeedOuter; //used to calculate the speed of the outer wheels during the turn double rdblSpeedInner; //used to calculate the speed of the inner wheels during the turn switch (mintCurStRadiusTurn) { case STATE_INIT: { robotDrive.leftMotor1.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODER); robotDrive.leftMotor2.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODER); robotDrive.rightMotor1.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODER); robotDrive.rightMotor2.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODER); mblnDisableVisionProcessing = true; //disable vision processing mdblRobotTurnAngle = Double.parseDouble(mstrRobotCommand.substring(3)); Log.d(TAG, "RadiusTurnStep mdblRobotTurnAngle" + mdblRobotTurnAngle); if (debug >= 3) { fileLogger.writeEvent("RadiusTurnStep()", "mdblRobotTurnAngle" + mdblRobotTurnAngle); } //calculate the distance to travel based on the angle we are turning // length = radius x angle (in radians) rdblArcLengthRadiusTurnOuter = ((Double.parseDouble(mstrRobotCommand.substring(3)) / 180) * Math.PI) * mdblRobotParm1; dblArcLengthRadiusTurnInner = ((Double.parseDouble(mstrRobotCommand.substring(3)) / 180) * Math.PI) * (mdblRobotParm1 - (ROBOT_TRACK)); //rdblArcLengthRadiusTurnOuter = ((Double.parseDouble(mstrRobotCommand.substring(3)) / 180) * Math.PI) * (mdblRobotParm1 + (0.5 * ROBOT_TRACK)); rdblSpeedOuter = mdblStepSpeed; if (rdblSpeedOuter >= 0.58) { rdblSpeedOuter = 0.58; //This is the maximum speed, anything above 0.6 is the same as a speed of 1 for drive to position } rdblSpeedInner = dblArcLengthRadiusTurnInner / rdblArcLengthRadiusTurnOuter * rdblSpeedOuter * 0.96; if (debug >= 3) { fileLogger.writeEvent("RadiusTurnStep()", "dblArcLengthRadiusTurnInner " + dblArcLengthRadiusTurnInner); fileLogger.writeEvent("RadiusTurnStep()", "rdblArcLengthRadiusTurnOuter " + rdblArcLengthRadiusTurnOuter); fileLogger.writeEvent("RadiusTurnStep()", "rdblSpeedOuter " + rdblSpeedOuter); fileLogger.writeEvent("RadiusTurnStep()", "rdblSpeedInner " + rdblSpeedInner); Log.d("RadiusTurnStep", "dblArcLengthRadiusTurnInner " + dblArcLengthRadiusTurnInner); Log.d("RadiusTurnStep", "rdblArcLengthRadiusTurnOuter " + rdblArcLengthRadiusTurnOuter); Log.d("RadiusTurnStep", "rdblSpeedOuter " + rdblSpeedOuter); Log.d("RadiusTurnStep", "rdblSpeedInner " + rdblSpeedInner); } // Get Current Encoder positions if (mblnNextStepLastPos) { mintStartPositionLeft1 = mintLastEncoderDestinationLeft1; mintStartPositionLeft2 = mintLastEncoderDestinationLeft2; mintStartPositionRight1 = mintLastEncoderDestinationRight1; mintStartPositionRight2 = mintLastEncoderDestinationRight2; } else { mintStartPositionLeft1 = robotDrive.leftMotor1.getCurrentPosition(); mintStartPositionLeft2 = robotDrive.leftMotor2.getCurrentPosition(); mintStartPositionRight1 = robotDrive.rightMotor1.getCurrentPosition(); mintStartPositionRight2 = robotDrive.rightMotor2.getCurrentPosition(); } mblnNextStepLastPos = false; // Determine new target position switch (mstrRobotCommand.substring(0, 3)) { case "LRE": mintStepLeftTarget1 = mintStartPositionLeft1 + (int) (dblArcLengthRadiusTurnInner * COUNTS_PER_INCH); mintStepLeftTarget2 = mintStartPositionLeft2 + (int) (dblArcLengthRadiusTurnInner * COUNTS_PER_INCH); mintStepRightTarget1 = mintStartPositionRight1 + (int) (rdblArcLengthRadiusTurnOuter * COUNTS_PER_INCH); mintStepRightTarget2 = mintStartPositionRight2 + (int) (rdblArcLengthRadiusTurnOuter * COUNTS_PER_INCH); //store the encoder positions so next step can calculate destination mintLastEncoderDestinationLeft1 = mintStepLeftTarget1; mintLastEncoderDestinationLeft2 = mintStepLeftTarget2; mintLastEncoderDestinationRight1 = mintStepRightTarget1; mintLastEncoderDestinationRight2 = mintStepRightTarget2; // pass target position to motor controller robotDrive.leftMotor1.setTargetPosition(mintStepLeftTarget1); robotDrive.leftMotor2.setTargetPosition(mintStepLeftTarget2); robotDrive.rightMotor1.setTargetPosition(mintStepRightTarget1); robotDrive.rightMotor2.setTargetPosition(mintStepRightTarget2); // set motor controller to mode robotDrive.leftMotor1.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_TO_POSITION); robotDrive.leftMotor2.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_TO_POSITION); robotDrive.rightMotor1.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_TO_POSITION); robotDrive.rightMotor2.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_TO_POSITION); // set power on motor controller to start moving setDriveLeftMotorPower(rdblSpeedInner); //left side is inner when turning left setDriveRightMotorPower(rdblSpeedOuter); //right side is outer when turning left break; case "RRE": mintStepLeftTarget1 = mintStartPositionLeft1 + (int) (rdblArcLengthRadiusTurnOuter * COUNTS_PER_INCH); mintStepLeftTarget2 = mintStartPositionLeft2 + (int) (rdblArcLengthRadiusTurnOuter * COUNTS_PER_INCH); mintStepRightTarget1 = mintStartPositionRight1 + (int) (dblArcLengthRadiusTurnInner * COUNTS_PER_INCH); mintStepRightTarget2 = mintStartPositionRight2 + (int) (dblArcLengthRadiusTurnInner * COUNTS_PER_INCH); //store the encoder positions so next step can calculate destination mintLastEncoderDestinationLeft1 = mintStepLeftTarget1; mintLastEncoderDestinationLeft2 = mintStepLeftTarget2; mintLastEncoderDestinationRight1 = mintStepRightTarget1; mintLastEncoderDestinationRight2 = mintStepRightTarget2; // pass target position to motor controller robotDrive.leftMotor1.setTargetPosition(mintStepLeftTarget1); robotDrive.leftMotor2.setTargetPosition(mintStepLeftTarget2); robotDrive.rightMotor1.setTargetPosition(mintStepRightTarget1); robotDrive.rightMotor2.setTargetPosition(mintStepRightTarget2); // set motor controller to mode robotDrive.leftMotor1.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_TO_POSITION); robotDrive.leftMotor2.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_TO_POSITION); robotDrive.rightMotor1.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_TO_POSITION); robotDrive.rightMotor2.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_TO_POSITION); // set power on motor controller to start moving setDriveLeftMotorPower(rdblSpeedOuter); //left side is outer when turning left setDriveRightMotorPower(rdblSpeedInner); //right side is inner when turning left break; } if (debug >= 3) { fileLogger.writeEvent("RadiusTurnStep()", "Current LPosition1:- " + robotDrive.leftMotor1.getCurrentPosition() + " mintStepLeftTarget1:- " + mintStepLeftTarget1); fileLogger.writeEvent("RadiusTurnStep()", "Current LPosition2:- " + robotDrive.leftMotor2.getCurrentPosition() + " mintStepLeftTarget2:- " + mintStepLeftTarget2); fileLogger.writeEvent("RadiusTurnStep()", "Current RPosition1:- " + robotDrive.rightMotor1.getCurrentPosition() + " mintStepRightTarget1:- " + mintStepRightTarget1); fileLogger.writeEvent("RadiusTurnStep()", "Current RPosition2:- " + robotDrive.rightMotor2.getCurrentPosition() + " mintStepRightTarget2:- " + mintStepRightTarget2); Log.d("RadiusTurnStep()", "Current LPosition1:- " + robotDrive.leftMotor1.getCurrentPosition() + " mintStepLeftTarget1:- " + mintStepLeftTarget1); Log.d("RadiusTurnStep()", "Current LPosition2:- " + robotDrive.leftMotor2.getCurrentPosition() + " mintStepLeftTarget2:- " + mintStepLeftTarget2); Log.d("RadiusTurnStep()", "Current RPosition1:- " + robotDrive.rightMotor1.getCurrentPosition() + " mintStepRightTarget1:- " + mintStepRightTarget1); Log.d("RadiusTurnStep()", "Current RPosition2:- " + robotDrive.rightMotor2.getCurrentPosition() + " mintStepRightTarget2:- " + mintStepRightTarget2); } mintCurStRadiusTurn = stepState.STATE_RUNNING; } break; case STATE_RUNNING: { intLeft1MotorEncoderPosition = robotDrive.leftMotor1.getCurrentPosition(); intLeft2MotorEncoderPosition = robotDrive.leftMotor2.getCurrentPosition(); intRight1MotorEncoderPosition = robotDrive.rightMotor1.getCurrentPosition(); intRight2MotorEncoderPosition = robotDrive.rightMotor2.getCurrentPosition(); //determine how close to target we are dblDistanceToEndLeft1 = (mintStepLeftTarget1 - intLeft1MotorEncoderPosition) / COUNTS_PER_INCH; dblDistanceToEndLeft2 = (mintStepLeftTarget2 - intLeft2MotorEncoderPosition) / COUNTS_PER_INCH; dblDistanceToEndRight1 = (mintStepRightTarget1 - intRight1MotorEncoderPosition) / COUNTS_PER_INCH; dblDistanceToEndRight2 = (mintStepRightTarget2 - intRight2MotorEncoderPosition) / COUNTS_PER_INCH; if (debug >= 3) { fileLogger.writeEvent("RadiusTurnStep()", "Current LPosition1:- " + intLeft1MotorEncoderPosition + " LTarget1:- " + mintStepLeftTarget1); fileLogger.writeEvent("RadiusTurnStep()", "Current LPosition2:- " + intLeft2MotorEncoderPosition + " LTarget2:- " + mintStepLeftTarget2); fileLogger.writeEvent("RadiusTurnStep()", "Current RPosition1:- " + intRight1MotorEncoderPosition + " RTarget1:- " + mintStepRightTarget1); fileLogger.writeEvent("RadiusTurnStep()", "Current RPosition2:- " + intRight2MotorEncoderPosition + " RTarget2:- " + mintStepRightTarget2); Log.d("RadiusTurnStep()", "Current LPosition1:- " + intLeft1MotorEncoderPosition + " LTarget1:- " + mintStepLeftTarget1); Log.d("RadiusTurnStep()", "Current LPosition2:- " + intLeft2MotorEncoderPosition + " LTarget2:- " + mintStepLeftTarget2); Log.d("RadiusTurnStep()", "Current RPosition1:- " + intRight1MotorEncoderPosition + " RTarget1:- " + mintStepRightTarget1); Log.d("RadiusTurnStep()", "Current RPosition2:- " + intRight2MotorEncoderPosition + " RTarget2:- " + mintStepRightTarget2); } telemetry.addData("Target", "Running to %7d :%7d", mintStepLeftTarget1, mintStepRightTarget1); telemetry.addData("Actual_Left", "Running at %7d :%7d", intLeft1MotorEncoderPosition, intLeft2MotorEncoderPosition); telemetry.addData("ActualRight", "Running at %7d :%7d", intRight1MotorEncoderPosition, intRight2MotorEncoderPosition); if (mblnRobotLastPos) { if ((((dblDistanceToEndRight1 + dblDistanceToEndRight2) / 2) < 2) && (((dblDistanceToEndLeft1 + dblDistanceToEndLeft2) / 2) < 2)) { mblnNextStepLastPos = true; mblnDisableVisionProcessing = false; //enable vision processing mintCurStRadiusTurn = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); } } if (!robotDrive.leftMotor1.isBusy() || (!robotDrive.rightMotor1.isBusy())) { setDriveMotorPower(0); if (debug >= 1) { fileLogger.writeEvent("RadiusTurnStep()", "Complete "); Log.d("RadiusTurnStep()", "Complete "); } mblnDisableVisionProcessing = false; //enable vision processing mintCurStRadiusTurn = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); } } //check timeout value if (mStateTime.seconds() > mdblStepTimeout) { if (debug >= 1) { fileLogger.writeEvent("RadiusTurnStep()", "Timeout:- "); Log.d("RadiusTurnStep()", "Timeout:- "); } // Transition to a new state. mintCurStRadiusTurn = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); } break; } } private void TankTurnGyroHeading() { switch (mintCurStTankTurnGyroHeading) { case STATE_INIT: { double gyroHeading; double adafruitIMUHeading; double currentHeading; gyroHeading = gyro.getHeading(); adafruitIMUHeading = getAdafruitHeading(); if (useAdafruitIMU) { currentHeading = adafruitIMUHeading; } else { currentHeading = gyroHeading; } mdblPowerBoost = 0; mintStableCount = 0; mstrWiggleDir = ""; mdblRobotTurnAngle = Double.parseDouble(mstrRobotCommand.substring(3)); if (debug >= 3) { fileLogger.writeEvent("TankTurnGyroHeadingEncoder", "USING HEADING FROM IMU=" + useAdafruitIMU); Log.d("TankTurnGyroHeadingEnc", "USING HEADING FROM IMU=" + useAdafruitIMU); fileLogger.writeEvent("TankTurnGyro()", "mdblRobotTurnAngle " + mdblRobotTurnAngle + " gyro.getHeading() " + gyroHeading); Log.d("TankTurnGyro()", "mdblRobotTurnAngle " + mdblRobotTurnAngle + " gyro.getHeading() " + gyroHeading); fileLogger.writeEvent("TankTurnGyro()", "mdblRobotTurnAngle " + mdblRobotTurnAngle + " adafruitIMUHeading " + adafruitIMUHeading); Log.d("TankTurnGyro()", "mdblRobotTurnAngle " + mdblRobotTurnAngle + " gadafruitIMUHeading " + adafruitIMUHeading); } mdblTurnAbsoluteGyro = Double .parseDouble(newAngleDirection((int) currentHeading, (int) mdblRobotTurnAngle).substring(3)); robotDrive.leftMotor1.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); robotDrive.leftMotor2.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); robotDrive.rightMotor1.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); robotDrive.rightMotor2.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); mintCurStTankTurnGyroHeading = stepState.STATE_RUNNING; } break; case STATE_RUNNING: { double gyroHeading; double adafruitIMUHeading; double currentHeading; gyroHeading = gyro.getHeading(); adafruitIMUHeading = getAdafruitHeading(); if (useAdafruitIMU) { currentHeading = adafruitIMUHeading; } else { currentHeading = gyroHeading; } mdblGyrozAccumulated = currentHeading; mdblGyrozAccumulated = teamAngleAdjust(mdblGyrozAccumulated);//Set variables to gyro readings mdblTurnAbsoluteGyro = Double.parseDouble( newAngleDirectionGyro((int) mdblGyrozAccumulated, (int) mdblRobotTurnAngle).substring(3)); String mstrDirection = (newAngleDirectionGyro((int) mdblGyrozAccumulated, (int) mdblRobotTurnAngle) .substring(0, 3)); if (debug >= 3) { fileLogger.writeEvent("TankTurnGyroHeadingEncoder", "USING HEADING FROM IMU=" + useAdafruitIMU); Log.d("TankTurnGyroHeadingEnc", "USING HEADING FROM IMU=" + useAdafruitIMU); fileLogger.writeEvent("TankTurnGyro()", "Running, mdblGyrozAccumulated = " + mdblGyrozAccumulated); fileLogger.writeEvent("TankTurnGyro()", "Running, mdblTurnAbsoluteGyro = " + mdblTurnAbsoluteGyro); fileLogger.writeEvent("TankTurnGyro()", "Running, mstrDirection = " + mstrDirection); fileLogger.writeEvent("TankTurnGyro()", "Running, adafruitIMUHeading = " + adafruitIMUHeading); Log.d("TankTurnGyro()", "Running, mdblGyrozAccumulated = " + mdblGyrozAccumulated); Log.d("TankTurnGyro()", "Running, mdblTurnAbsoluteGyro = " + mdblTurnAbsoluteGyro); Log.d("TankTurnGyro()", "Running, mstrDirection = " + mstrDirection); Log.d("TankTurnGyro()", "Running, adafruitIMUHeading = " + adafruitIMUHeading); } if (Math.abs(mdblTurnAbsoluteGyro) > 21) { //Continue while the robot direction is further than three degrees from the target mintStableCount = 0; if (debug >= 3) { fileLogger.writeEvent("TankTurnGyro()", "High Speed....."); Log.d("TankTurnGyro()", "High Speed....."); } if (mstrDirection.equals("LTE")) { //want to turn left if (debug >= 3) { fileLogger.writeEvent("TankTurnGyro()", "Left Turn....."); Log.d("TankTurnGyro()", "Left Turn....."); } if (mstrWiggleDir.equals("RTE")) { mdblPowerBoost = mdblPowerBoost - 0.01; mintPowerBoostCount = 0; } mstrWiggleDir = "LTE"; setDriveLeftMotorPower(mdblStepSpeed); setDriveRightMotorPower(-mdblStepSpeed); } else if (mstrDirection.equals("RTE")) { //want to turn left if (mstrWiggleDir.equals("LTE")) { mdblPowerBoost = mdblPowerBoost - 0.01; mintPowerBoostCount = 0; } mstrWiggleDir = "RTE"; if (debug >= 3) { fileLogger.writeEvent("TankTurnGyro()", "Right Turn....."); Log.d("TankTurnGyro()", "Right Turn....."); } setDriveLeftMotorPower(-mdblStepSpeed); setDriveRightMotorPower(mdblStepSpeed); } } else if (Math.abs(mdblTurnAbsoluteGyro) > mdblRobotParm1) { //Continue while the robot direction is further than three degrees from the target mintStableCount = 0; mintPowerBoostCount++; if (mintPowerBoostCount > 50) { mdblPowerBoost = mdblPowerBoost + 0.01; mintPowerBoostCount = 0; } if (debug >= 3) { fileLogger.writeEvent("TankTurnGyro()", "Slow Speed Nearing final angle....."); Log.d("TankTurnGyro()", "Slow Speed Nearing final angle....."); } if (mstrDirection.equals("LTE")) { //want to turn left if (mstrWiggleDir.equals("RTE")) { mdblPowerBoost = mdblPowerBoost - 0.01; mintPowerBoostCount = 0; } mstrWiggleDir = "LTE"; if (debug >= 3) { fileLogger.writeEvent("TankTurnGyro()", "Left Turn....."); Log.d("TankTurnGyro()", "Left Turn....."); } setDriveLeftMotorPower(.12 + mdblPowerBoost); setDriveRightMotorPower(-(0.12 + mdblPowerBoost)); } else if (mstrDirection.equals("RTE")) { //want to turn left if (mstrWiggleDir.equals("LTE")) { mdblPowerBoost = mdblPowerBoost - 0.01; mintPowerBoostCount = 0; } mstrWiggleDir = "RTE"; if (debug >= 3) { fileLogger.writeEvent("TankTurnGyro()", "Right Turn....."); Log.d("TankTurnGyro()", "Right Turn....."); } setDriveLeftMotorPower(-(0.12 + mdblPowerBoost)); setDriveRightMotorPower(0.12 + mdblPowerBoost); } } else { mintStableCount++; if (mintStableCount > 20) { if (debug >= 3) { fileLogger.writeEvent("TankTurnGyro()", "Complete....."); } robotDrive.leftMotor1.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODER); robotDrive.leftMotor2.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODER); robotDrive.rightMotor1.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODER); robotDrive.rightMotor2.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODER); setDriveMotorPower(0); mintCurStTankTurnGyroHeading = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); } } } //end Case Running //check timeout value if (mStateTime.seconds() > mdblStepTimeout) { if (debug >= 1) { fileLogger.writeEvent("TankTurnGyro()", "Timeout:- "); Log.d("TankTurnGyro()", "Timeout:- "); } // Transition to a new state. mintCurStTankTurnGyroHeading = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); } break; } } private void TankTurnGyroHeadingEncoder() { switch (mintCurStGyroTurnEncoder5291) { case STATE_INIT: { int gyroDelay; double gyroHeading; double adafruitIMUHeading; double currentHeading; gyroHeading = gyro.getHeading(); adafruitIMUHeading = getAdafruitHeading(); if (useAdafruitIMU) { currentHeading = adafruitIMUHeading; gyroDelay = 0; } else { currentHeading = gyroHeading; gyroDelay = 300; } mdblPowerBoost = 0; mintStableCount = 0; mstrWiggleDir = ""; if ((mStateTime.milliseconds() > gyroDelay)) { mdblRobotTurnAngle = Double.parseDouble(mstrRobotCommand.substring(3)); if (debug >= 3) { fileLogger.writeEvent("TankTurnGyroHeadingEncoder", "USE ADAFRUIT IMU = " + useAdafruitIMU + ",mdblRobotTurnAngle " + mdblRobotTurnAngle + " currentHeading " + currentHeading); Log.d("TankTurnGyroHeadingEnc", "USE ADAFRUIT IMU = " + useAdafruitIMU + ",mdblRobotTurnAngle " + mdblRobotTurnAngle + " currentHeading " + currentHeading); } mdblTurnAbsoluteGyro = Double.parseDouble( newAngleDirection((int) currentHeading, (int) mdblRobotTurnAngle).substring(3)); mintCurStGyroTurnEncoder5291 = stepState.STATE_RUNNING; } } break; case STATE_RUNNING: { double gyroHeading; double adafruitIMUHeading; double currentHeading; gyroHeading = gyro.getHeading(); adafruitIMUHeading = getAdafruitHeading(); if (useAdafruitIMU) { currentHeading = adafruitIMUHeading; } else { currentHeading = gyroHeading; } mdblGyrozAccumulated = currentHeading; mdblGyrozAccumulated = teamAngleAdjust(mdblGyrozAccumulated);//Set variables to gyro readings mdblTurnAbsoluteGyro = Double.parseDouble( newAngleDirectionGyro((int) mdblGyrozAccumulated, (int) mdblRobotTurnAngle).substring(3)); String mstrDirection = (newAngleDirectionGyro((int) mdblGyrozAccumulated, (int) mdblRobotTurnAngle) .substring(0, 3)); if (debug >= 3) { fileLogger.writeEvent("TankTurnGyroHeadingEncoder", "USING HEADING FROM IMU=" + useAdafruitIMU); Log.d("TankTurnGyroHeadingEnc", "USING HEADING FROM IMU=" + useAdafruitIMU); fileLogger.writeEvent("TankTurnGyroHeadingEncoder", "Running, mdblGyrozAccumulated = " + mdblGyrozAccumulated); fileLogger.writeEvent("TankTurnGyroHeadingEncoder", "Running, mdblTurnAbsoluteGyro = " + mdblTurnAbsoluteGyro); fileLogger.writeEvent("TankTurnGyroHeadingEncoder", "Running, mstrDirection = " + mstrDirection); fileLogger.writeEvent("TankTurnGyroHeadingEncoder", "Running, adafruitIMUHeading = " + adafruitIMUHeading); Log.d("TankTurnGyroHeadingEnc", "Running, mdblGyrozAccumulated = " + mdblGyrozAccumulated); Log.d("TankTurnGyroHeadingEnc", "Running, mdblTurnAbsoluteGyro = " + mdblTurnAbsoluteGyro); Log.d("TankTurnGyroHeadingEnc", "Running, mstrDirection = " + mstrDirection); Log.d("TankTurnGyroHeadingEnc", "Running, adafruitIMUHeading = " + adafruitIMUHeading); } autonomousStepsFile.insertSteps(3, newAngleDirectionGyro((int) mdblGyrozAccumulated, (int) mdblRobotTurnAngle), false, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, mdblStepSpeed, mintCurrentStep + 1); mintCurStGyroTurnEncoder5291 = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); } //check timeout value if (mStateTime.seconds() > mdblStepTimeout) { if (debug >= 1) { fileLogger.writeEvent("TankTurnGyroHeadingEnc", "Timeout:- "); Log.d("TankTurnGyroHeadingEnc", "Timeout:- "); } // Transition to a new state. mintCurStGyroTurnEncoder5291 = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); } break; } } private void VuforiaLocalise() { switch (mintCurStVuforiaLoc5291) { case STATE_INIT: { //ensure vision processing is enabled mblnDisableVisionProcessing = false; //enable vision processing mintCurStVuforiaLoc5291 = stepState.STATE_RUNNING; if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("mintCurStVuforiaLoc5291", "Initialised"); Log.d("mintCurStVuforiaLoc5291", "Initialised"); } } break; case STATE_RUNNING: { String strCorrectionAngle; if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("mintCurStVuforiaLoc5291", "Running"); fileLogger.writeEvent("mintCurStVuforiaLoc5291", "localiseRobotPos " + localiseRobotPos); Log.d("mintCurStVuforiaLoc5291", "Running"); Log.d("mintCurStVuforiaLoc5291", "localiseRobotPos " + localiseRobotPos); } if (!localiseRobotPos) { //need to rerun this step as we cannot get localisation and need to adjust robot to see if we can see a target autonomousStepsFile.insertSteps(3, "VFL", false, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, mintCurrentStep + 1); if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("mintCurStVuforiaLoc5291", "Not Localised, inserting a new step"); Log.d("mintCurStVuforiaLoc5291", "Not Localised, inserting a new step"); } //need a delay, as Vuforia is slow to update autonomousStepsFile.insertSteps(2, "DEL500", false, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, mintCurrentStep + 1); //need to adjust robot so we can see target, lets turn robot 180 degrees, if we are facing RED drivers we will end up facing BLUE targets, //if we are facing blue drives we will end up facing RED targets. //if we can't localise we need to abort autonomous so lets try a few things to see if we can localise, // first we will try turning around, // second we will move forward 2 feet // third - abort //Parameter 1 - stop turning once localisation is achieved autonomousStepsFile.insertSteps(3, "RTE135", false, true, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, mintCurrentStep + 1); mintCurStVuforiaLoc5291 = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); break; } int intLocalisedRobotBearing = (int) localisedRobotBearing; if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("mintCurStVuforiaLoc5291", "Localised, determining angles.... intLocalisedRobotBearing= " + intLocalisedRobotBearing + " Alliancecolour= " + allianceColor); Log.d("mintCurStVuforiaLoc5291", "Localised, determining angles.... intLocalisedRobotBearing= " + intLocalisedRobotBearing + " Alliancecolour= " + allianceColor); } //vuforia angles or 0 towards the BLUE drivers, AStar 0 is to the BLUE beacons if (allianceColor.equals("Red")) { //double check localisation if ((intLocalisedRobotBearing > 3) && (intLocalisedRobotBearing < 177)) { strCorrectionAngle = "LTE" + (180 - intLocalisedRobotBearing); } else if ((intLocalisedRobotBearing > 183) && (intLocalisedRobotBearing < 357)) { strCorrectionAngle = "RTE" + (180 - (360 - intLocalisedRobotBearing)); } else { mintCurStVuforiaLoc5291 = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); break; } //double check localisation if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("mintCurStVuforiaLoc5291", "Inserting Steps VFL 0 0 0 mintCurrentStep " + mintCurrentStep); Log.d("mintCurStVuforiaLoc5291", "Inserting Steps VFL 0 0 0 mintCurrentStep " + mintCurrentStep); } autonomousStepsFile.insertSteps(3, "VFL", false, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, mintCurrentStep + 1); //need a delay, as Vuforia is slow to update autonomousStepsFile.insertSteps(2, "DEL500", false, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, mintCurrentStep + 1); //load the angle to adjust autonomousStepsFile.insertSteps(3, strCorrectionAngle, false, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.3, mintCurrentStep + 1); mintCurStVuforiaLoc5291 = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); break; } if (allianceColor.equals("Blue")) { if ((intLocalisedRobotBearing > 273) && (intLocalisedRobotBearing < 360)) { strCorrectionAngle = "LTE" + (intLocalisedRobotBearing - 270); } else if ((intLocalisedRobotBearing > 0) && (intLocalisedRobotBearing < 91)) { strCorrectionAngle = "LTE" + (90 + intLocalisedRobotBearing); } else if ((intLocalisedRobotBearing > 90) && (intLocalisedRobotBearing < 267)) { strCorrectionAngle = "RTE" + (270 - intLocalisedRobotBearing); } else { mintCurStVuforiaLoc5291 = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); break; } autonomousStepsFile.insertSteps(3, "VFL", false, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, mintCurrentStep + 1); //need a delay, as Vuforia is slow to update autonomousStepsFile.insertSteps(2, "DEL500", false, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, mintCurrentStep + 1); //load the angle to adjust autonomousStepsFile.insertSteps(3, strCorrectionAngle, false, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.3, mintCurrentStep + 1); mintCurStVuforiaLoc5291 = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); break; } } //check timeout value if (mStateTime.seconds() > mdblStepTimeout) { if (debug >= 1) { fileLogger.writeEvent("mintCurStVuforiaLoc5291", "Timeout:- "); Log.d("mintCurStVuforiaLoc5291", "Timeout:- "); } // Transition to a new state. mintCurStVuforiaLoc5291 = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); } break; } } private void VuforiaMove() { switch (mintCurStVuforiaMove5291) { case STATE_INIT: { //ensure vision processing is enable mblnDisableVisionProcessing = false; //enable vision processing mintCurStVuforiaMove5291 = stepState.STATE_RUNNING; if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("VuforiaMove()", "Initialised"); Log.d("VuforiaMove()", "Initialised"); } } break; case STATE_RUNNING: { String strCorrectionAngle; if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("VuforiaMove()", "Running"); fileLogger.writeEvent("VuforiaMove()", "localiseRobotPos " + localiseRobotPos); Log.d("VuforiaMove()", "Running"); Log.d("VuforiaMove()", "localiseRobotPos " + localiseRobotPos); } if (!localiseRobotPos) { //need to do something gere to try and get localise mintCurStVuforiaMove5291 = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); break; } int currentX = (int) localisedRobotX; int currentY = (int) localisedRobotY; int intLocalisedRobotBearing = (int) localisedRobotBearing; double requiredMoveX = (currentX - (int) mdblRobotParm4); double requiredMoveY = (currentY - (int) mdblRobotParm5); double requiredMoveDistance = ((Math .sqrt(requiredMoveX * requiredMoveX + requiredMoveY * requiredMoveY)) / 25.4); double requiredMoveAngletemp1 = requiredMoveX / requiredMoveY; double requiredMoveAngletemp2 = Math.atan(requiredMoveAngletemp1); double requiredMoveAngletemp3 = Math.toDegrees(requiredMoveAngletemp2); int requiredMoveAngle = (int) Math.abs(requiredMoveAngletemp3); if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("VuforiaMove()", "Temp Values requiredMoveAngletemp1 " + requiredMoveAngletemp1 + " requiredMoveAngletemp2 " + requiredMoveAngletemp2 + " requiredMoveAngletemp3 " + requiredMoveAngletemp3); fileLogger.writeEvent("VuforiaMove()", "Temp Values currentX " + currentX + " currentY " + currentY); fileLogger.writeEvent("VuforiaMove()", "Localised, determining angles....Alliancecolour= " + allianceColor + " intLocalisedRobotBearing= " + intLocalisedRobotBearing + " CurrentX= " + currentX + " CurrentY= " + currentY); fileLogger.writeEvent("VuforiaMove()", "Localised, determining angles....requiredMoveX " + requiredMoveX + " requiredMoveY " + requiredMoveY); fileLogger.writeEvent("VuforiaMove()", "Localised, determining angles....requiredMoveDistance " + requiredMoveDistance + " requiredMoveAngle " + requiredMoveAngle); Log.d("VuforiaMove()", "Temp Values requiredMoveAngletemp1 " + requiredMoveAngletemp1 + " requiredMoveAngletemp2 " + requiredMoveAngletemp2 + " requiredMoveAngletemp3 " + requiredMoveAngletemp3); Log.d("VuforiaMove()", "Temp Values currentX " + currentX + " currentY " + currentY); Log.d("VuforiaMove()", "Localised, determining angles....Alliancecolour= " + allianceColor + " intLocalisedRobotBearing= " + intLocalisedRobotBearing + " CurrentX= " + currentX + " CurrentY= " + currentY); Log.d("VuforiaMove()", "Localised, determining angles....requiredMoveX " + requiredMoveX + " requiredMoveY " + requiredMoveY); Log.d("VuforiaMove()", "Localised, determining angles....requiredMoveDistance " + requiredMoveDistance + " requiredMoveAngle " + requiredMoveAngle); } if ((((int) mdblRobotParm5) > currentY) && ((int) mdblRobotParm4 > currentX)) { requiredMoveAngle = 90 - requiredMoveAngle; } else if ((((int) mdblRobotParm5) > currentY) && ((int) mdblRobotParm4 < currentX)) { requiredMoveAngle = 90 + requiredMoveAngle; } else if ((((int) mdblRobotParm5) < currentY) && ((int) mdblRobotParm4 > currentX)) { requiredMoveAngle = 270 + requiredMoveAngle; } else if ((((int) mdblRobotParm5) < currentY) && ((int) mdblRobotParm4 < currentX)) { requiredMoveAngle = 270 - requiredMoveAngle; } strCorrectionAngle = newAngleDirection(intLocalisedRobotBearing, requiredMoveAngle); autonomousStepsFile.insertSteps(3, "FWE" + requiredMoveDistance, false, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.6, mintCurrentStep + 1); autonomousStepsFile.insertSteps(3, strCorrectionAngle, false, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.4, mintCurrentStep + 1); mintCurStVuforiaMove5291 = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); } //check timeout value if (mStateTime.seconds() > mdblStepTimeout) { if (debug >= 1) { fileLogger.writeEvent("VuforiaMove()", "Timeout:- "); Log.d("VuforiaMove()", "Timeout:- "); } // Transition to a new state. mintCurStVuforiaMove5291 = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); } break; } } private void VuforiaTurn() { String strCorrectionAngle; switch (mintCurStVuforiaTurn5291) { case STATE_INIT: { //ensure vision processing is enabled mblnDisableVisionProcessing = false; //enable vision processing mintCurStVuforiaTurn5291 = stepState.STATE_RUNNING; if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("VuforiaTurn()", "Initialised"); Log.d("VuforiaTurn()", "Initialised"); } } break; case STATE_RUNNING: { if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("VuforiaTurn()", "Running"); fileLogger.writeEvent("VuforiaTurn()", "localiseRobotPos " + localiseRobotPos); Log.d("VuforiaTurn()", "Running"); Log.d("VuforiaTurn()", "localiseRobotPos " + localiseRobotPos); } if (!localiseRobotPos) { //need to do something here to try and get localised mintCurStVuforiaTurn5291 = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); break; } int intLocalisedRobotBearing = (int) localisedRobotBearing; double requiredMoveAngle = mdblRobotParm1; strCorrectionAngle = newAngleDirection(intLocalisedRobotBearing, (int) requiredMoveAngle); if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("VuforiaTurn()", "Localised, determining angles....Alliancecolour= " + allianceColor + " intLocalisedRobotBearing= " + intLocalisedRobotBearing + " requiredMoveAngle " + requiredMoveAngle); Log.d("VuforiaTurn()", "Localised, determining angles....Alliancecolour= " + allianceColor + " intLocalisedRobotBearing= " + intLocalisedRobotBearing + " requiredMoveAngle " + requiredMoveAngle); } autonomousStepsFile.insertSteps(3, strCorrectionAngle, false, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.4, mintCurrentStep + 1); mintCurStVuforiaTurn5291 = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); } //check timeout value if (mStateTime.seconds() > mdblStepTimeout) { if (debug >= 1) { fileLogger.writeEvent("VuforiaTurn()", "Timeout:- "); Log.d("VuforiaTurn()", "Timeout:- "); } // Transition to a new state. mintCurStVuforiaTurn5291 = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); } break; } } private void BeaconColour() { switch (mintCurStBeaconColour5291) { case STATE_INIT: { //ensure vision processing is enable mblnDisableVisionProcessing = false; //enable vision processing mblnReadyToCapture = true; //let OpenCV start doing its thing mintNumberColourTries = 0; mintCaptureLoop = 0; mintCurStBeaconColour5291 = stepState.STATE_RUNNING; if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("BeaconColour()", "Initialised"); Log.d("BeaconColour()", "Initialised"); } } break; case STATE_RUNNING: { mblnDisableVisionProcessing = false; //enable vision processing mblnReadyToCapture = true; //let OpenCV start doing its thing if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("BeaconColour()", "Running"); Log.d("BeaconColour()", "Running"); } mintNumberColourTries++; if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("BeaconColour()", "Returned " + mColour + " mintNumberColourTries" + mintNumberColourTries); Log.d("BeaconColour()", "Returned " + mColour + " mintNumberColourTries" + mintNumberColourTries); } if (mintCaptureLoop >= 1) { mblnReadyToCapture = false; mintCurStBeaconColour5291 = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); } mint5291LEDStatus = LEDState.STATE_BEACON; } //check timeout value if (mStateTime.seconds() > mdblStepTimeout) { if (debug >= 1) { fileLogger.writeEvent("BeaconColour()", "Timeout:- "); Log.d("BeaconColour()", "Timeout:- "); } // Transition to a new state. mintCurStBeaconColour5291 = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); } break; } } private void AttackBeacon5291() { double dblMaxDistance = 0; double dblMinDistance; boolean blnColourOK = false; switch (mintCurStAttackBeacon5291) { case STATE_INIT: { //ensure vision processing is enable mblnDisableVisionProcessing = true; //disable vision processing mblnReadyToCapture = false; //stop OpenCV from doing its thing mintNumberColourTries = 0; mintCurStAttackBeacon5291 = stepState.STATE_RUNNING; if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("AttackBeacon5291()", "Initialised"); Log.d("AttackBeacon5291()", "Initialised"); } } break; case STATE_RUNNING: { if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("AttackBeacon5291()", "Running"); Log.d("AttackBeacon5291()", "Running"); } if (allianceColor.equals("Red")) { if (mColour == Constants.BeaconColours.BEACON_BLUE_RED) { //means red is to the right blnColourOK = true; } else if (mColour == Constants.BeaconColours.BEACON_RED_BLUE) { blnColourOK = true; } else if (mColour == Constants.BeaconColours.BEACON_RED) { blnColourOK = false; } else if (mColour == Constants.BeaconColours.BEACON_BLUE) { blnColourOK = false; } } else if (allianceColor.equals("Blue")) { if (mColour == Constants.BeaconColours.BEACON_BLUE_RED) { //means red is to the right blnColourOK = true; } else if (mColour == Constants.BeaconColours.BEACON_RED_BLUE) { blnColourOK = true; } else if (mColour == Constants.BeaconColours.BEACON_RED) { blnColourOK = false; } else if (mColour == Constants.BeaconColours.BEACON_BLUE) { blnColourOK = false; } } if (blnColourOK) { mint5291LEDStatus = LEDState.STATE_BEACON; int loops = 0; do { readRangeSensors(); // This takes 100ms so use it wisely dblMaxDistance = Math.max(Math.abs(mdblRangeSensor1), Math.abs(mdblRangeSensor2)); //get the maximum distance from wall dblMinDistance = Math.min(Math.abs(mdblRangeSensor1), Math.abs(mdblRangeSensor2)); loops++; } while ((dblMaxDistance > 50) && (loops < 3)); //once sensor gave a bad reading, so use the other one, and add a little just in case its short if (dblMaxDistance > 50) { dblMaxDistance = dblMinDistance + 2; } if (!(dblMaxDistance == 0)) { autonomousStepsFile.insertSteps(3, "FWE-12", false, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.4, mintCurrentStep + 1); autonomousStepsFile.insertSteps(2, "EYE", false, false, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, mintCurrentStep + 1); autonomousStepsFile.insertSteps(3, "FWE" + (((dblMaxDistance + 1) / 2.54) * 1.05), true, true, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.4, mintCurrentStep + 1); } } else { mint5291LEDStatus = LEDState.STATE_ERROR; if (mintStepRetries < 1) { //only1 retry mintStepRetries++; int loops = 0; do { readRangeSensors(); // This takes 100ms so use it wisely dblMaxDistance = Math.max(Math.abs(mdblRangeSensor1), Math.abs(mdblRangeSensor2)); //get the maximum distance from wall dblMinDistance = Math.min(Math.abs(mdblRangeSensor1), Math.abs(mdblRangeSensor2)); loops++; } while ((dblMaxDistance > 50) && (loops < 3)); //jut in case we get some weird error, make something up //once sensor gave a bad reading, so use the other one, and add a little just in case its short if (dblMaxDistance > 50) { dblMaxDistance = dblMinDistance + 2; } autonomousStepsFile.insertSteps(3, "ATB", false, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, mintCurrentStep + 1); autonomousStepsFile.insertSteps(3, "BCL", false, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, mintCurrentStep + 1); if (allianceColor.equals("Red")) autonomousStepsFile.insertSteps(2, "GTE180", false, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.47, mintCurrentStep + 1); else if (allianceColor.equals("Blue")) autonomousStepsFile.insertSteps(2, "GTE270", false, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.47, mintCurrentStep + 1); if ((16 - (dblMaxDistance / 2.54)) >= 0) { autonomousStepsFile.insertSteps(2, "FWE-" + (16 - (dblMaxDistance / 2.54)), false, true, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.4, mintCurrentStep + 1); //we want to be 18 inches from wall } } else { mintStepRetries = 0; //reset the counter in case another step needs it } } if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("AttackBeacon5291()", "Returned mColour " + mColour); fileLogger.writeEvent("AttackBeacon5291()", "dblMaxDistance " + dblMaxDistance); Log.d("AttackBeacon5291()", "Returned mColour " + mColour); Log.d("AttackBeacon5291()", "dblMaxDistance " + dblMaxDistance); } mintCurStAttackBeacon5291 = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); } //check timeout value if (mStateTime.seconds() > mdblStepTimeout) { if (debug >= 1) { fileLogger.writeEvent("AttackBeacon5291()", "Timeout:- "); Log.d("AttackBeacon5291()", "Timeout:- "); } // Transition to a new state. mintCurStAttackBeacon5291 = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); } break; } } private void DelayStep() { switch (mintCurStDelay) { case STATE_INIT: { mintStepDelay = Integer.parseInt(mstrRobotCommand.substring(3)); mintCurStDelay = stepState.STATE_RUNNING; if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("DelayStep()", "Init Delay Time " + mintStepDelay); Log.d("DelayStep()", "Init Delay Time " + mintStepDelay); } } break; case STATE_RUNNING: { if (mStateTime.milliseconds() >= mintStepDelay) { if (debug >= 1) { fileLogger.writeEvent("DelayStep()", "Complete "); Log.d("DelayStep()", "Complete "); } mintCurStDelay = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); } } //check timeout value if (mStateTime.seconds() > mdblStepTimeout) { if (debug >= 1) { fileLogger.writeEvent("DelayStep()", "Timeout:- "); Log.d("DelayStep()", "Timeout:- "); } // Transition to a new state. mintCurStDelay = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); } break; } } private void SFLineFind5291() { double dblDistanceToEndLeft1; double dblDistanceToEndLeft2; double dblDistanceToEndRight1; double dblDistanceToEndRight2; int intLeft1MotorEncoderPosition; int intLeft2MotorEncoderPosition; int intRight1MotorEncoderPosition; int intRight2MotorEncoderPosition; boolean blnFoundLine = false; switch (mintCurStLineFind5291) { case STATE_INIT: { mblnNextStepLastPos = false; if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("runningDriveHeadingStep", "Init"); Log.d("runningDriveHeadingStep", "Init"); } //set motors to run using encoders, we will not run to a position rather will try and measure it based on encoder counts robotDrive.leftMotor1.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODER); robotDrive.leftMotor2.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODER); robotDrive.rightMotor1.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODER); robotDrive.rightMotor2.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODER); mblnDisableVisionProcessing = true; //disable vision processing //this is the maximum distance the robot will move before aborting looking for the line mdblStepDistance = mdblRobotParm1; if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("runningDriveHeadingStep", "mdblStepDistance :- " + mdblStepDistance); Log.d("runningDriveHeadingStep", "mdblStepDistance :- " + mdblStepDistance); } // Determine new target position mintStartPositionLeft1 = robotDrive.leftMotor1.getCurrentPosition(); mintStartPositionLeft2 = robotDrive.leftMotor2.getCurrentPosition(); mintStartPositionRight1 = robotDrive.rightMotor1.getCurrentPosition(); mintStartPositionRight2 = robotDrive.rightMotor2.getCurrentPosition(); mintStepLeftTarget1 = mintStartPositionLeft1 + (int) (mdblStepDistance * COUNTS_PER_INCH); mintStepLeftTarget2 = mintStartPositionLeft2 + (int) (mdblStepDistance * COUNTS_PER_INCH); mintStepRightTarget1 = mintStartPositionRight1 + (int) (mdblStepDistance * COUNTS_PER_INCH); mintStepRightTarget2 = mintStartPositionRight2 + (int) (mdblStepDistance * COUNTS_PER_INCH); if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("runningDriveHeadingStep", "mStepLeftTarget1 :- " + mintStepLeftTarget1 + " mStepLeftTarget2 :- " + mintStepLeftTarget2); fileLogger.writeEvent("runningDriveHeadingStep", "mStepRightTarget1:- " + mintStepRightTarget1 + " mStepRightTarget2:- " + mintStepRightTarget2); Log.d("runningDriveHeadingStep", "mStepLeftTarget1 :- " + mintStepLeftTarget1 + " mStepLeftTarget2 :- " + mintStepLeftTarget2); Log.d("runningDriveHeadingStep", "mStepRightTarget1:- " + mintStepRightTarget1 + " mStepRightTarget2:- " + mintStepRightTarget2); } mintCurStLineFind5291 = stepState.STATE_RUNNING; setDriveMotorPower(Math.abs(mdblStepSpeed)); } break; case STATE_RUNNING: { intLeft1MotorEncoderPosition = robotDrive.leftMotor1.getCurrentPosition(); intLeft2MotorEncoderPosition = robotDrive.leftMotor2.getCurrentPosition(); intRight1MotorEncoderPosition = robotDrive.rightMotor1.getCurrentPosition(); intRight2MotorEncoderPosition = robotDrive.rightMotor2.getCurrentPosition(); //determine how close to target we are dblDistanceToEndLeft1 = (mintStepLeftTarget1 - intLeft1MotorEncoderPosition) / COUNTS_PER_INCH; dblDistanceToEndLeft2 = (mintStepLeftTarget2 - intLeft2MotorEncoderPosition) / COUNTS_PER_INCH; dblDistanceToEndRight1 = (mintStepRightTarget1 - intRight1MotorEncoderPosition) / COUNTS_PER_INCH; dblDistanceToEndRight2 = (mintStepRightTarget2 - intRight2MotorEncoderPosition) / COUNTS_PER_INCH; mdblInputLineSensor1 = LineSensor1.getVoltage(); // Read the input pin mdblInputLineSensor2 = LineSensor2.getVoltage(); // Read the input pin mdblInputLineSensor3 = LineSensor3.getVoltage(); // Read the input pin mdblInputLineSensor4 = LineSensor2.getVoltage(); // Read the input pin mdblInputLineSensor5 = LineSensor3.getVoltage(); // Read the input pin if ((mdblInputLineSensor1 < mdblWhiteThreshold) || (mdblInputLineSensor2 < mdblWhiteThreshold) || (mdblInputLineSensor3 < mdblWhiteThreshold) || (mdblInputLineSensor4 < mdblWhiteThreshold) || (mdblInputLineSensor5 < mdblWhiteThreshold)) { blnFoundLine = true; } //stop the motors we are complete if ((blnFoundLine) || ((dblDistanceToEndLeft1 <= 1) && (dblDistanceToEndLeft2 <= 1)) || ((dblDistanceToEndRight1 <= 1) && (dblDistanceToEndRight2 <= 1))) { mblnNextStepLastPos = false; setDriveMotorPower(0); mintCurStLineFind5291 = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); } } //check timeout value if (mStateTime.seconds() > mdblStepTimeout) { if (debug >= 1) { fileLogger.writeEvent("runningDriveHeadingStep", "Timeout:- "); Log.d("runningDriveHeadingStep", "Timeout:- "); } // Transition to a new state. mintCurStLineFind5291 = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); } break; } } private void FlickerShooter5291() { switch (mintCurStShootParticle5291) { case STATE_INIT: { mintCurStShootParticle5291 = stepState.STATE_RUNNING; if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("FlickerShooter5291()", "Init"); Log.d("FlickerShooter5291()", "Init"); } } break; case STATE_RUNNING: { if (mStateTime.milliseconds() >= (int) mdblRobotParm1) { //stop shooting we are complete armDrive.flicker.setPower(0); if (debug >= 1) { fileLogger.writeEvent("FlickerShooter5291()", "Complete "); Log.d("FlickerShooter5291()", "Complete "); } mintCurStShootParticle5291 = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); } else { //start shooting armDrive.flicker.setPower(1); } } //check timeout value if (mStateTime.seconds() > mdblStepTimeout) { if (debug >= 1) { fileLogger.writeEvent("FlickerShooter5291()", "Timeout:- "); Log.d("FlickerShooter5291()", "Timeout:- "); } // Transition to a new state. mintCurStShootParticle5291 = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); } break; } } private void Sweeper5291() { switch (mintCurStSweeper5291) { case STATE_INIT: mintCurStSweeper5291 = stepState.STATE_RUNNING; if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("Sweeper5291()", "Init"); Log.d("Sweeper5291()", "Init"); } break; case STATE_RUNNING: { //check timeout value if (mStateTime.seconds() > mdblStepTimeout) { if (debug >= 1) { fileLogger.writeEvent("Sweeper5291()", "Timeout:- "); Log.d("Sweeper5291()", "Timeout:- "); } // Transition to a new state. armDrive.sweeper.setPower(0); mintCurStSweeper5291 = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); } if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("Sweeper5291()", "Running State " + mdblRobotParm1); Log.d("Sweeper5291()", "Running State " + mdblRobotParm1); } if (mdblRobotParm1 == 1) armDrive.sweeper.setPower(-1); else armDrive.sweeper.setPower(0); mintCurStSweeper5291 = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); } break; } } private void setEyelids5291() { switch (mintCurStEyelids5291) { case STATE_INIT: { mintCurStEyelids5291 = stepState.STATE_RUNNING; if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("setEyelids5291()", "Init"); Log.d("setEyelids5291()", "Init"); } } break; case STATE_RUNNING: { if ((int) mdblRobotParm1 == 9) { //set the beacon pushers to the beacon colour if (allianceColor.equals("Red")) { if (mColour == Constants.BeaconColours.BEACON_BLUE_RED) { //means red is to the right moveServo(servoBeaconRight, SERVOBEACONRIGHT_HOME + 100, SERVOBEACONRIGHT_MIN_RANGE, SERVOBEACONRIGHT_MAX_RANGE); moveServo(servoBeaconLeft, SERVOBEACONLEFT_HOME + 7, SERVOBEACONLEFT_MIN_RANGE, SERVOBEACONLEFT_MAX_RANGE); } else if (mColour == Constants.BeaconColours.BEACON_RED_BLUE) { moveServo(servoBeaconRight, SERVOBEACONRIGHT_HOME, SERVOBEACONRIGHT_MIN_RANGE, SERVOBEACONRIGHT_MAX_RANGE); moveServo(servoBeaconLeft, SERVOBEACONLEFT_HOME + 100, SERVOBEACONLEFT_MIN_RANGE, SERVOBEACONLEFT_MAX_RANGE); } } else if (allianceColor.equals("Blue")) { if (mColour == Constants.BeaconColours.BEACON_BLUE_RED) { //means red is to the right moveServo(servoBeaconRight, SERVOBEACONRIGHT_HOME, SERVOBEACONRIGHT_MIN_RANGE, SERVOBEACONRIGHT_MAX_RANGE); moveServo(servoBeaconLeft, SERVOBEACONLEFT_HOME + 100, SERVOBEACONLEFT_MIN_RANGE, SERVOBEACONLEFT_MAX_RANGE); } else if (mColour == Constants.BeaconColours.BEACON_RED_BLUE) { moveServo(servoBeaconRight, SERVOBEACONRIGHT_HOME + 100, SERVOBEACONRIGHT_MIN_RANGE, SERVOBEACONRIGHT_MAX_RANGE); moveServo(servoBeaconLeft, SERVOBEACONLEFT_HOME, SERVOBEACONLEFT_MIN_RANGE, SERVOBEACONLEFT_MAX_RANGE); } } } else if ((int) mdblRobotParm1 == 1) { // Move the beacon pushers to home moveServo(servoBeaconRight, SERVOBEACONRIGHT_HOME, SERVOBEACONRIGHT_MIN_RANGE, SERVOBEACONRIGHT_MAX_RANGE); moveServo(servoBeaconLeft, SERVOBEACONLEFT_HOME, SERVOBEACONLEFT_MIN_RANGE, SERVOBEACONLEFT_MAX_RANGE); } else if ((int) mdblRobotParm1 == 2) { // Move the beacon pushers to home moveServo(servoBeaconRight, SERVOBEACONRIGHT_HOME + 45, SERVOBEACONRIGHT_MIN_RANGE, SERVOBEACONRIGHT_MAX_RANGE); moveServo(servoBeaconLeft, SERVOBEACONLEFT_HOME + 45, SERVOBEACONLEFT_MIN_RANGE, SERVOBEACONLEFT_MAX_RANGE); } else if ((int) mdblRobotParm1 == 3) { // Move the beacon pushers to home moveServo(servoBeaconRight, SERVOBEACONRIGHT_HOME + 90, SERVOBEACONRIGHT_MIN_RANGE, SERVOBEACONRIGHT_MAX_RANGE); moveServo(servoBeaconLeft, SERVOBEACONLEFT_HOME + 90, SERVOBEACONLEFT_MIN_RANGE, SERVOBEACONLEFT_MAX_RANGE); } else if ((int) mdblRobotParm1 == 4) { // Move the beacon pushers to home moveServo(servoBeaconRight, SERVOBEACONRIGHT_HOME, SERVOBEACONRIGHT_MIN_RANGE, SERVOBEACONRIGHT_MAX_RANGE); moveServo(servoBeaconLeft, SERVOBEACONLEFT_HOME + 90, SERVOBEACONLEFT_MIN_RANGE, SERVOBEACONLEFT_MAX_RANGE); } mintCurStEyelids5291 = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); } //check timeout value if (mStateTime.seconds() > mdblStepTimeout) { if (debug >= 1) { fileLogger.writeEvent("setEyelids5291()", "Timeout:- "); Log.d("setEyelids5291()", "Timeout:- "); } // Transition to a new state. mintCurStEyelids5291 = stepState.STATE_COMPLETE; deleteParallelStep(); } break; } } private void LedState(boolean g1, boolean r1, boolean b1, boolean g2, boolean r2, boolean b2) { dim.setDigitalChannelState(GREEN1_LED_CHANNEL, g1); //turn LED ON dim.setDigitalChannelState(RED1_LED_CHANNEL, r1); dim.setDigitalChannelState(BLUE1_LED_CHANNEL, b1); dim.setDigitalChannelState(GREEN2_LED_CHANNEL, g2); //turn LED ON dim.setDigitalChannelState(RED2_LED_CHANNEL, r2); dim.setDigitalChannelState(BLUE2_LED_CHANNEL, b2); } private String getAngle(int angle1, int angle2) { if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent(TAG, "Getangle - Current Angle1:= " + angle1 + " Desired Angle2:= " + angle2); Log.d(TAG, "Getangle - Current Angle1:= " + angle1 + " Desired Angle2:= " + angle2); } switch (angle1) { case 0: switch (angle2) { case 45: return "RTE45"; case 90: return "RTE90"; case 135: return "RTE135"; case 180: return "RTE180"; case 225: return "LTE135"; case 270: return "LTE90"; case 315: return "LTE45"; } break; case 45: switch (angle2) { case 0: return "LTE45"; case 90: return "RTE45"; case 135: return "RTE90"; case 180: return "RTE135"; case 225: return "RTE180"; case 270: return "LTE135"; case 315: return "LTE90"; } break; case 90: switch (angle2) { case 0: return "LTE90"; case 45: return "LTE45"; case 135: return "RTE45"; case 180: return "RTE90"; case 225: return "RTE135"; case 270: return "RTE180"; case 315: return "LTE135"; } break; case 135: switch (angle2) { case 0: return "LTE135"; case 45: return "LTE90"; case 90: return "LTE45"; case 180: return "RTE45"; case 225: return "RTE90"; case 270: return "RTE135"; case 315: return "RTE180"; } break; case 180: switch (angle2) { case 0: return "LTE180"; case 45: return "LTE135"; case 90: return "LTE90"; case 135: return "LTE45"; case 225: return "RTE45"; case 270: return "RTE90"; case 315: return "RTE135"; } break; case 225: switch (angle2) { case 0: return "RTE135"; case 45: return "LTE180"; case 90: return "LTE135"; case 135: return "LTE90"; case 180: return "LTE45"; case 270: return "RTE45"; case 315: return "RTE90"; } break; case 270: switch (angle2) { case 0: return "RTE90"; case 45: return "RTE135"; case 90: return "LTE180"; case 135: return "LTE135"; case 180: return "LTE90"; case 225: return "LTE45"; case 315: return "RTE45"; } break; case 315: switch (angle2) { case 0: return "RTE45"; case 45: return "RTE90"; case 90: return "RTE135"; case 135: return "LTE180"; case 180: return "LTE135"; case 225: return "LTE90"; case 270: return "LTE45"; } break; } return "ERROR"; } private String newAngleDirection(int currentDirection, int newDirection) { if (currentDirection < newDirection) return "LTE" + (newDirection - currentDirection); else return "RTE" + (currentDirection - newDirection); } private double teamAngleAdjust(double angle) { if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("teamAngleAdjust", "teamAngleAdjust - angle " + angle + " allianceColor " + allianceColor); Log.d("teamAngleAdjust", "teamAngleAdjust - angle " + angle + " allianceColor " + allianceColor); } if (allianceColor.equals("Red")) { //angle = angle + 90; if starting against the wall //angle = angle + 225; if starting at 45 to the wall facing the beacon angle = angle + 225; if (angle > 360) { angle = angle - 360; } if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("teamAngleAdjust", "In RED Angle " + angle); Log.d("teamAngleAdjust", "In RED Angle " + angle); } } else if (allianceColor.equals("Blue")) { //angle = angle - 180;; if starting against the wall angle = angle - 135; if (angle < 0) { angle = angle + 360; } } return angle; } private String newAngleDirectionGyro(int currentDirection, int newDirection) { int intAngle1; //calculate the smallest angle if (currentDirection < newDirection) { intAngle1 = (newDirection - currentDirection); if (intAngle1 > 180) { intAngle1 = (currentDirection + 360 - newDirection); return "LTE" + intAngle1; } return "RTE" + intAngle1; } else { intAngle1 = (currentDirection - newDirection); if (intAngle1 > 180) { intAngle1 = (newDirection + 360 - currentDirection); return "RTE" + intAngle1; } return "LTE" + intAngle1; } } private String format(OpenGLMatrix transformationMatrix) { return transformationMatrix.formatAsTransform(); } //set the drive motors power, both left and right private void setDriveMotorPower(double power) { setDriveRightMotorPower(power); setDriveLeftMotorPower(power); } //set the right drive motors power private void setDriveRightMotorPower(double power) { robotDrive.rightMotor1.setPower(power); robotDrive.rightMotor2.setPower(power); } //set the left motors drive power private void setDriveLeftMotorPower(double power) { robotDrive.leftMotor1.setPower(power); robotDrive.leftMotor2.setPower(power); } private boolean moveServo(Servo Servo, double Position, double RangeMin, double RangeMax) { //set right position if ((Range.scale(Position, 0, 180, 0, 1) < RangeMin) || (Range.scale(Position, 0, 180, 0, 1) > RangeMax)) { return false; } Servo.setPosition(Range.scale(Position, 0, 180, 0, 1)); return true; } /** * Converts a reading of the optical sensor into centimeters. This computation * could be adjusted by altering the numeric parameters, or by providing an alternate * calculation in a subclass. */ private double cmFromOptical(int opticalReading) { double pParam = -1.02001; double qParam = 0.00311326; double rParam = -8.39366; int sParam = 10; if (opticalReading < sParam) return 0; else return pParam * Math.log(qParam * (rParam + opticalReading)); } private int cmUltrasonic(int rawUS) { return rawUS; } private double cmOptical(int rawOptical) { return cmFromOptical(rawOptical); } public double getDistance(int rawUS, int rawOptical, DistanceUnit unit) { double cmOptical = cmOptical(rawOptical); double cm = cmOptical > 0 ? cmOptical : cmUltrasonic(rawUS); return unit.fromUnit(DistanceUnit.CM, cm); } private void readRangeSensors() { //adds 100ms to scan time, try use this as little as possible range1Cache =, RANGE1_READ_LENGTH); range2Cache =, RANGE2_READ_LENGTH); mdblRangeSensor1 = getDistance(range1Cache[0] & 0xFF, range1Cache[1] & 0xFF, DistanceUnit.CM); mdblRangeSensor2 = getDistance(range2Cache[0] & 0xFF, range2Cache[1] & 0xFF, DistanceUnit.CM); if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("readRangeSensors()", "mdblRangeSensor1 " + mdblRangeSensor1 + ",mdblRangeSensor2 " + mdblRangeSensor2); Log.d("readRangeSensors()", "mdblRangeSensor1 " + mdblRangeSensor1 + ",mdblRangeSensor2 " + mdblRangeSensor2); } } /** * getError determines the error between the target angle and the robot's current heading * @param targetAngle Desired angle (relative to global reference established at last Gyro Reset). * @return error angle: Degrees in the range +/- 180. Centered on the robot's frame of reference * +ve error means the robot should turn LEFT (CCW) to reduce error. */ private double getDriveError(double targetAngle) { double robotError; double robotErrorIMU; double robotErrorGyro; double gyroHeading; double adafruitIMUHeading; gyroHeading = gyro.getHeading() * GYRO_CORRECTION_MULTIPLIER; adafruitIMUHeading = getAdafruitHeading(); if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("getDriveError()", "targetAngle " + targetAngle); Log.d("getDriveError()", "targetAngle " + targetAngle); fileLogger.writeEvent("getDriveError()", "Gyro Reading " + gyroHeading); Log.d("getDriveError()", "Gyro Reading " + gyroHeading); fileLogger.writeEvent("getDriveError()", "Adafruit IMU Reading " + adafruitIMUHeading); Log.d("getDriveError()", "Adafruit IMU Reading " + adafruitIMUHeading); } // calculate error in -179 to +180 range ( robotErrorGyro = targetAngle - teamAngleAdjust(gyroHeading); robotErrorIMU = targetAngle - teamAngleAdjust(adafruitIMUHeading); if (useAdafruitIMU) { robotError = robotErrorIMU; } else { robotError = robotErrorGyro; } if (debug >= 3) { fileLogger.writeEvent("getDriveError()", "USING HEADING FROM IMU=" + useAdafruitIMU); Log.d("getDriveError()", "USING HEADING FROM IMU=" + useAdafruitIMU); fileLogger.writeEvent("getDriveError()", "robotErrorGyro " + robotErrorGyro + ", gyro.getHeading() " + gyroHeading + " teamAngleAdjust(gyro.getHeading()) " + teamAngleAdjust(gyroHeading)); Log.d("getDriveError()", "robotError " + robotErrorGyro + ", gyro.getHeading() " + gyroHeading + " teamAngleAdjust(gyro.getHeading()) " + teamAngleAdjust(gyroHeading)); fileLogger.writeEvent("getDriveError()", "robotErrorIMU " + robotError + ", getAdafruitHeading() " + adafruitIMUHeading + " teamAngleAdjust(adafruitIMUHeading) " + teamAngleAdjust(adafruitIMUHeading)); Log.d("getDriveError()", "robotError " + robotErrorIMU + ", getAdafruitHeading() " + adafruitIMUHeading + " teamAngleAdjust(adafruitIMUHeading) " + teamAngleAdjust(adafruitIMUHeading)); } if (robotError > 180) robotError -= 360; if (robotError <= -180) robotError += 360; if (debug >= 2) { fileLogger.writeEvent("getDriveError()", "robotError2 " + robotError); Log.d("getDriveError()", "robotError2 " + robotError); } return -robotError; } /** * returns desired steering force. +/- 1 range. +ve = steer left * @param error Error angle in robot relative degrees * @param PCoeff Proportional Gain Coefficient */ private double getDriveSteer(double error, double PCoeff) { return Range.clip(error * PCoeff, -1, 1); } private Double getAdafruitHeading() { Orientation angles; angles = imu.getAngularOrientation().toAxesReference(AxesReference.INTRINSIC).toAxesOrder(AxesOrder.ZYX); return angleToHeading(formatAngle(angles.angleUnit, angles.firstAngle)); } //for adafruit IMU private Double formatAngle(AngleUnit angleUnit, double angle) { return AngleUnit.DEGREES.fromUnit(angleUnit, angle); } //for adafruit IMU as it returns z angle only private double angleToHeading(double z) { double angle = -z; if (angle < 0) return angle + 360; else if (angle > 360) return angle - 360; else return angle; } }