Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 The Crossing Project * * The Crossing Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package club.jmint.crossing.specs; import; import; import; /** * @author shc * */ public class CrossingService { protected String signType; protected String signKey; protected String encryptType; protected String enKey; protected String deKey; /** * @return the signKey */ protected String getSignKey() { return signKey; } /** * @param signKey the signKey to set */ protected void setSignKey(String signKey) { this.signKey = signKey; } /** * @return the enKey */ protected String getEnKey() { return enKey; } /** * @param enKey the enKey to set */ protected void setEnKey(String enKey) { this.enKey = enKey; } /** * @return the deKey */ protected String getDeKey() { return deKey; } /** * @param deKey the deKey to set */ protected void setDeKey(String deKey) { this.deKey = deKey; } /** * @return the signType */ protected String getSignType() { return signType; } /** * @param signType the signType to set */ protected void setSignType(String signType) { this.signType = signType; } /** * @return the encryptType */ protected String getEncryptType() { return encryptType; } /** * @param encryptType the encryptType to set */ protected void setEncryptType(String encryptType) { this.encryptType = encryptType; } protected String buildSign(String source, String signKey) { return Security.crossingSign(source, signKey, "MD5"); } protected String buildEncrypt(String plain) throws CrossException { return Security.crossingEncrypt(plain, enKey, ""); } protected String buildDecrypt(String encrypted) throws CrossException { return Security.crossingDecrypt(encrypted, deKey, ""); } protected JsonObject parseInputParams(String params, boolean encrypt) throws CrossException { //parsing JsonParser jp = new JsonParser(); JsonObject jo, jode, joparams; try { jo = (JsonObject) jp.parse(params); } catch (JsonSyntaxException e) { throw new CrossException(ErrorCode.COMMON_ERR_PARAM_MALFORMED.getCode(), ErrorCode.COMMON_ERR_PARAM_MALFORMED.getInfo()); } String encrypted, jsonParams; if (encrypt) { if (!jo.has("encrypted")) { throw new CrossException(ErrorCode.COMMON_ERR_PARAM_MISSING.getCode(), ErrorCode.COMMON_ERR_PARAM_MISSING.getInfo()); } encrypted = jo.getAsJsonPrimitive("encrypted").getAsString(); jsonParams = buildDecrypt(encrypted); if (jsonParams == null) { throw new CrossException(ErrorCode.COMMON_ERR_DECRYPTION.getCode(), ErrorCode.COMMON_ERR_DECRYPTION.getInfo()); } try { jode = (JsonObject) jp.parse(jsonParams); } catch (JsonSyntaxException e) { throw new CrossException(ErrorCode.COMMON_ERR_PARAM_MALFORMED.getCode(), ErrorCode.COMMON_ERR_PARAM_MALFORMED.getInfo()); } jo = jode; } //Check signature if (!jo.has("sign")) { throw new CrossException(ErrorCode.COMMON_ERR_SIGN_MISSING.getCode(), ErrorCode.COMMON_ERR_SIGN_MISSING.getInfo()); } String signValue = jo.getAsJsonPrimitive("sign").getAsString(); if (!jo.has("params")) { throw new CrossException(ErrorCode.COMMON_ERR_PARAM_MISSING.getCode(), ErrorCode.COMMON_ERR_PARAM_MISSING.getInfo()); } String inputparams = jo.getAsJsonObject("params").toString(); String signCheck = buildSign(inputparams, signKey); if (!signCheck.equals(signValue)) { throw new CrossException(ErrorCode.COMMON_ERR_SIGN_BAD.getCode(), ErrorCode.COMMON_ERR_SIGN_BAD.getInfo()); } try { joparams = (JsonObject) jp.parse(inputparams); } catch (JsonSyntaxException e) { throw new CrossException(ErrorCode.COMMON_ERR_PARAM_MALFORMED.getCode(), ErrorCode.COMMON_ERR_PARAM_MALFORMED.getInfo()); } return joparams; } /** * * @param errorCode * @param errorInfo * @return */ protected String buildOutputError(int errorCode, String errorInfo) { JsonObject jo = new JsonObject(); jo.addProperty("errorCode", errorCode); jo.addProperty("errorInfo", errorInfo); return jo.toString(); } protected String buildOutputError(CrossException ce) { JsonObject jo = new JsonObject(); jo.addProperty("errorCode", ce.getErrorCode()); jo.addProperty("errorInfo", ce.getErrorInfo()); return jo.toString(); } /** * * @param obj * @param encrypt * @return */ protected String buildOutputParams(JsonObject obj, boolean encrypt) throws CrossException { if (obj == null || obj.toString().isEmpty()) { //we do resume that it's successful without any response parameters. JsonObject jo = new JsonObject(); jo.addProperty("errorCode", ErrorCode.SUCCESS.getCode()); jo.addProperty("errorInfo", ErrorCode.SUCCESS.getInfo()); return jo.toString(); } //create signature String op = obj.toString(); String signValue = buildSign(op, signKey); JsonObject jo = new JsonObject(); jo.addProperty("sign", signValue); jo.add("params", obj); String encrypted; if (encrypt) { //encrypt output encrypted = buildEncrypt(jo.toString()); JsonObject joen = new JsonObject(); joen.addProperty("encrypted", encrypted); joen.addProperty("errorCode", ErrorCode.SUCCESS.getCode()); joen.addProperty("errorInfo", ErrorCode.SUCCESS.getInfo()); return joen.toString(); } else { //non-encrypt output jo.addProperty("errorCode", ErrorCode.SUCCESS.getCode()); jo.addProperty("errorInfo", ErrorCode.SUCCESS.getInfo()); return jo.toString(); } } /** * There exist these kinds of circumstances that we need return by given Errorcode with some output parameters * @param obj * @param encrypt * @param errorCode * @param errorInfo * @return */ protected String buildOutputParamsWithGivenErrorCode(JsonObject obj, boolean encrypt, int errorCode, String errorInfo) throws CrossException { if (obj == null) { return buildOutputError(errorCode, errorInfo); } //create signature String op = obj.toString(); String signValue = buildSign(op, signKey); JsonObject jo = new JsonObject(); jo.addProperty("sign", signValue); jo.addProperty("params", op); String encrypted; if (encrypt) { //encrypt output encrypted = buildEncrypt(jo.toString()); JsonObject joen = new JsonObject(); joen.addProperty("encrypted", encrypted); joen.addProperty("errorCode", ErrorCode.SUCCESS.getCode()); joen.addProperty("errorInfo", ErrorCode.SUCCESS.getInfo()); return joen.toString(); } else { //non-encrypt output jo.addProperty("errorCode", ErrorCode.SUCCESS.getCode()); jo.addProperty("errorInfo", ErrorCode.SUCCESS.getInfo()); return jo.toString(); } } protected String buildOutputByCrossException(CrossException e) { return buildOutputError(e); } protected String getParamAsString(JsonObject params, String key) throws CrossException { if (params != null) { if (!params.has(key)) { throw new CrossException(ErrorCode.COMMON_ERR_PARAM_MISSING.getCode(), ErrorCode.COMMON_ERR_PARAM_MISSING.getInfo()); } return params.getAsJsonPrimitive(key).getAsString(); } return null; } protected int getParamAsInt(JsonObject params, String key) throws CrossException { if (params != null) { if (!params.has(key)) { throw new CrossException(ErrorCode.COMMON_ERR_PARAM_MISSING.getCode(), ErrorCode.COMMON_ERR_PARAM_MISSING.getInfo()); } return params.getAsJsonPrimitive(key).getAsInt(); } return -1; } protected boolean getParamAsBoolean(JsonObject params, String key) throws CrossException { if (params != null) { if (!params.has(key)) { throw new CrossException(ErrorCode.COMMON_ERR_PARAM_MISSING.getCode(), ErrorCode.COMMON_ERR_PARAM_MISSING.getInfo()); } return params.getAsJsonPrimitive(key).getAsBoolean(); } return false; } protected long getParamAsLong(JsonObject params, String key) throws CrossException { if (params != null) { if (!params.has(key)) { throw new CrossException(ErrorCode.COMMON_ERR_PARAM_MISSING.getCode(), ErrorCode.COMMON_ERR_PARAM_MISSING.getInfo()); } return params.getAsJsonPrimitive(key).getAsLong(); } return -1; } }