Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2012 Mike Heath. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package cloudeventbus.server; import cloudeventbus.Constants; import cloudeventbus.Subject; import cloudeventbus.codec.AuthenticationRequestFrame; import cloudeventbus.codec.AuthenticationResponseFrame; import cloudeventbus.codec.DecodingException; import cloudeventbus.codec.ErrorFrame; import cloudeventbus.codec.Frame; import cloudeventbus.codec.GreetingFrame; import cloudeventbus.codec.PingFrame; import cloudeventbus.codec.PongFrame; import cloudeventbus.codec.PublishFrame; import cloudeventbus.codec.ServerReadyFrame; import cloudeventbus.codec.SubscribeFrame; import cloudeventbus.codec.UnsubscribeFrame; import cloudeventbus.hub.SubscribeableHub; import cloudeventbus.hub.SubscriptionHandle; import cloudeventbus.pki.CertificateChain; import cloudeventbus.pki.CertificatePermissionError; import cloudeventbus.pki.CertificateUtils; import cloudeventbus.pki.InvalidCertificateException; import cloudeventbus.pki.InvalidSignatureException; import; import; import; import; import io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** * @author Mike Heath <> */ public class ServerHandler extends ChannelInboundMessageHandlerAdapter<Frame> { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ServerHandler.class); private final ServerConfig serverConfig; private final ClusterManager clusterManager; private final GlobalHub hub; private final SubscribeableHub<Frame> clientSubscriptionHub; private byte[] challenge; private boolean serverReady = false; private CertificateChain clientCertificates; private String clientAgent; private long clientId; private boolean serverConnection; // Subscription handler fields private NettyHandler handler; private final Map<Subject, SubscriptionHandle> subscriptionHandles = new HashMap<>(); // Ping and idle detection fields private Runnable idleTask; private ScheduledFuture<?> idleFuture; private Runnable pingTask; private ScheduledFuture<?> pingFuture; public ServerHandler(ServerConfig serverConfig, ClusterManager clusterManager, GlobalHub hub, SubscribeableHub<Frame> clientSubscriptionHub) { this.serverConfig = serverConfig; this.clusterManager = clusterManager; this.hub = hub; this.clientSubscriptionHub = clientSubscriptionHub; } @Override public void messageReceived(ChannelHandlerContext context, Frame frame) throws Exception { resetIdleTask(; LOGGER.debug("Received frame on server: {}", frame); switch (frame.getFrameType()) { case AUTH_RESPONSE: { AuthenticationResponseFrame authenticationResponse = (AuthenticationResponseFrame) frame; final CertificateChain certificates = authenticationResponse.getCertificates(); serverConfig.getTrustStore().validateCertificateChain(certificates); this.clientCertificates = certificates; CertificateUtils.validateSignature(certificates.getLast().getPublicKey(), challenge, authenticationResponse.getSalt(), authenticationResponse.getDigitalSignature()); switch (certificates.getLast().getType()) { case AUTHORITY: throw new InvalidCertificateException( "Can not use an authority certificate to authenticate to server."); case CLIENT: serverConnection = false; break; case SERVER: serverConnection = true; clusterManager.addPeer(new ServerPeer(clientId,; break; } serverReady = true; context.write(ServerReadyFrame.SERVER_READY); break; } case AUTHENTICATE: { if (!serverConfig.hasSecurityCredentials()) { throw new CloudEventBusServerException( "Unable to authenticate with server, missing private key or certificate chain"); } final AuthenticationRequestFrame authenticationRequest = (AuthenticationRequestFrame) frame; final byte[] salt = CertificateUtils.generateChallenge(); final byte[] signature = CertificateUtils.signChallenge(serverConfig.getPrivateKey(), authenticationRequest.getChallenge(), salt); AuthenticationResponseFrame authenticationResponse = new AuthenticationResponseFrame( serverConfig.getCertificateChain(), salt, signature); context.write(authenticationResponse); break; } case GREETING: final GreetingFrame greetingFrame = (GreetingFrame) frame; clientAgent = greetingFrame.getAgent(); clientId = greetingFrame.getId(); if (greetingFrame.getVersion() != Constants.PROTOCOL_VERSION) { throw new InvalidProtocolVersionException( "This server doesn't support protocol version " + greetingFrame.getVersion()); } // TODO Try moving this back to channelActive and see if server still crashes... context.write(new GreetingFrame(Constants.PROTOCOL_VERSION, serverConfig.getAgentString(), serverConfig.getId())); if (serverConfig.getTrustStore() == null) { serverReady = true; context.write(ServerReadyFrame.SERVER_READY); } else { challenge = CertificateUtils.generateChallenge(); context.write(new AuthenticationRequestFrame(challenge)); } break; case PONG: // Do nothing. break; default: if (!serverReady) { throw new ServerNotReadyException("This server requires authentication."); } else { switch (frame.getFrameType()) { case PUBLISH: { final PublishFrame publishFrame = (PublishFrame) frame; final Subject subject = publishFrame.getSubject(); final String body = publishFrame.getBody(); if (clientCertificates != null) { clientCertificates.getLast().validatePublishPermission(subject); } final Subject replySubject = publishFrame.getReplySubject(); // Implicitly subscribe to request reply subjects if (replySubject != null && replySubject.isRequestReply()) { clientSubscriptionHub.subscribe(replySubject, handler); } // If the publish is coming from a peer server, publish locally if (serverConnection) { hub.publish(subject, replySubject, body); } else { hub.broadcast(subject, replySubject, body); } break; } case SUBSCRIBE: { final SubscribeFrame subscribeFrame = (SubscribeFrame) frame; final Subject subject = subscribeFrame.getSubject(); if (clientCertificates != null) { clientCertificates.getLast().validateSubscribePermission(subject); } if (subscriptionHandles.containsKey(subject)) { throw new DuplicateSubscriptionException("Already subscribed to subject " + subject); } // If the connection is a peer server, let the ClusterManager forward messages instead of the normal subscription mechanism if (!serverConnection) { final SubscriptionHandle subscriptionHandle = clientSubscriptionHub.subscribe(subject, handler); subscriptionHandles.put(subject, subscriptionHandle); } break; } case UNSUBSCRIBE: { final UnsubscribeFrame unsubscribeFrame = (UnsubscribeFrame) frame; final Subject subject = unsubscribeFrame.getSubject(); final SubscriptionHandle subscriptionHandle = subscriptionHandles.get(subject); if (subscriptionHandle == null) { throw new NotSubscribedException("Not subscribed to subject " + subject); } subscriptionHandle.remove(); break; } case PING: context.write(PongFrame.PONG); break; default: throw new CloudEventBusServerException( "Unable to handle frame of type " + frame.getClass().getName()); } } } } private void resetIdleTask(EventLoop eventLoop) { try { if (idleFuture != null) { idleFuture.cancel(false); } if (pingFuture != null) { pingFuture.cancel(false); } idleFuture = eventLoop.schedule(idleTask, 1, TimeUnit.MINUTES); pingFuture = eventLoop.schedule(pingTask, 30, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { // Don't throw an error when running tests. LOGGER.warn("Ping and idle close not supported", e); } } @Override public void channelActive(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { LOGGER.debug("Channel active from {}",; idleTask = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { LOGGER.warn("Idle connection {}",; error(ctx, new ErrorFrame(ErrorFrame.Code.IDLE_TIMEOUT, "Connection closed for idle timeout")); } }; pingTask = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { ctx.write(PingFrame.PING); } }; resetIdleTask(; handler = new NettyHandler(ctx); } @Override public void channelInactive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { LOGGER.debug("Channel inactive from {}",; // Cleanup subscriptions in hub for (SubscriptionHandle handle : subscriptionHandles.values()) { handle.remove(); } // Cancel idle check and ping tasks. if (idleFuture != null) { idleFuture.cancel(false); } if (pingFuture != null) { pingFuture.cancel(false); } } @Override public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Throwable cause) throws Exception { // TODO Experiment with using a marker to identify the remote agent. LOGGER.error((clientAgent == null ? "" : clientAgent + " ") + cause.getMessage(), cause); if (cause instanceof DecoderException) { cause = cause.getCause(); } //TODO Move error code to CloudEventBus exception final ErrorFrame.Code errorCode; if (cause instanceof DecodingException) { errorCode = ErrorFrame.Code.MALFORMED_REQUEST; } else if (cause instanceof InvalidSignatureException) { errorCode = ErrorFrame.Code.INVALID_SIGNATURE; } else if (cause instanceof ServerNotReadyException) { errorCode = ErrorFrame.Code.SERVER_NOT_READY; } else if (cause instanceof InvalidCertificateException) { errorCode = ErrorFrame.Code.INVALID_CERTIFICATE; } else if (cause instanceof InvalidProtocolVersionException) { errorCode = ErrorFrame.Code.UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL_VERSION; } else if (cause instanceof DuplicateSubscriptionException) { errorCode = ErrorFrame.Code.DUPLICATE_SUBSCRIPTION; } else if (cause instanceof NotSubscribedException) { errorCode = ErrorFrame.Code.NOT_SUBSCRIBED; } else if (cause instanceof CertificatePermissionError) { errorCode = ErrorFrame.Code.INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES; } else { errorCode = ErrorFrame.Code.SERVER_ERROR; } final ErrorFrame errorFrame = new ErrorFrame(errorCode, cause.getMessage()); error(ctx, errorFrame); } private void error(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ErrorFrame errorFrame) { ctx.write(errorFrame).addListener(ChannelFutureListener.CLOSE); } }