Java tutorial
// This file is part of Moodle - // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see <>. /** * @package eMarking * @copyright 2013 Jorge Villaln <> * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ package cl.uai.client.marks; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import cl.uai.client.EMarkingConfiguration; import cl.uai.client.EMarkingWeb; import cl.uai.client.MarkingInterface; import; import; import; import; import; import; import cl.uai.client.marks.collaborative.*; import cl.uai.client.resources.Resources; import cl.uai.client.utils.Color; import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.Icon; import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.constants.IconType; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * A RubricMark represents a mark on a student page which contains * a rubric level (a judgement) which may have a bonus modifier * * @author Jorge Villaln <> * */ public class RubricMark extends Mark { /** The rubric level indicating its criterion and level in the rubric **/ private int levelid = 0; private float bonus; private int regradeid = 0; private String regradecomment = null; private int regrademotive = 0; private int regradeaccepted = 0; private String regrademarkercomment = null; private boolean headerOnly = false; /** Collaboratives icons **/ private LikeMark like = null; private DisLikeMark dislike = null; private QuoteMark quote = null; private DiscussionMark discussion = null; private HorizontalPanel collaborativeMarks = null; public boolean isHeaderOnly() { return headerOnly; } public void setHeaderOnly(boolean headerOnly) { this.headerOnly = headerOnly; this.iconOnly = !headerOnly; } public String getRegrademarkercomment() { return regrademarkercomment; } public void setRegrademarkercomment(String regrademarkercomment) { this.regrademarkercomment = regrademarkercomment; } /** * Creates a new RubricMark at a specific position in a page * * @param posx X coordinate in the page * @param posy Y coordinate in the page * @param pageno page number (from 1 to N) * @param rubricLevel the rubric level indicating criterion and level in the rubric */ public RubricMark(int id, int posx, int posy, int pageno, int markerid, int lvlid, long timecreated, int criterionid, String markername, String rawtext) { super(id, posx, posy, pageno, markerid, timecreated, criterionid, markername, rawtext); feedback = new ArrayList<FeedbackObject>(); // Rubric marks have format 2 this.format = 2; this.iconType = IconType.TH; this.addStyleName(Resources.INSTANCE.css().rubricmark()); this.setLevelId(lvlid); // Collaborative buttons if (EMarkingConfiguration.getMarkingType() == EMarkingConfiguration.EMARKING_TYPE_MARKER_TRAINING && EMarkingConfiguration.isChatEnabled()) { collaborativeMarks = new HorizontalPanel(); like = new LikeMark(); like.setMark(this); like.setValue(0); collaborativeMarks.add(like); dislike = new DisLikeMark(); dislike.setMark(this); dislike.setValue(0); collaborativeMarks.add(dislike); quote = new QuoteMark(); quote.setMark(this); quote.setValue(0); collaborativeMarks.add(quote); discussion = new DiscussionMark(); discussion.setMark(this); discussion.setValue(0); collaborativeMarks.add(discussion); //TODO Date time = new Date(timecreated * 1000L); discussion.addMessage(time.toString(), markername, rawtext, markerid); collaborativeMarks.setVerticalAlignment(HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); collaborativeMarks.addStyleName(Resources.INSTANCE.css().tablecollaborativebuttons()); // The mark dont belongs me if (markerid != EMarkingConfiguration.getMarkerId()) { like.setCanClick(true); dislike.setCanClick(true); quote.setCanClick(true); //discussion.setCanClick(true); } else { like.removeStyleName(Resources.INSTANCE.css().likeIcon()); like.addStyleName(Resources.INSTANCE.css().mycolloborativeicon()); dislike.removeStyleName(Resources.INSTANCE.css().likeIcon()); dislike.addStyleName(Resources.INSTANCE.css().mycolloborativeicon()); quote.removeStyleName(Resources.INSTANCE.css().likeIcon()); quote.addStyleName(Resources.INSTANCE.css().mycolloborativeicon()); } // get counter for collaborative buttons String url = "ids=" + MarkingInterface.getDraftId() + "&commentid=" + this.getId(); AjaxRequest.ajaxRequest("action=getvaluescollaborativebuttons&" + url, new AsyncCallback<AjaxData>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { logger.warning("Error values collaboratives buttons"); hideCollaborativeButtons(); } @Override public void onSuccess(AjaxData result) { List<Map<String, String>> valuesCollaborativesButtons = AjaxRequest.getValuesFromResult(result); for (Map<String, String> value : valuesCollaborativesButtons) { int markerid = Integer.parseInt(value.get("markerid")); int type = Integer.parseInt(value.get("type")); String markername = value.get("markername"); String date = value.get("date"); String text = value.get("text"); switch (type) { case EMarkingConfiguration.EMARKING_COLLABORATIVE_BUTTON_LIKE: like.addValue(1); like.setFormat(markerid, markername); like.setMarkHTML(); break; case EMarkingConfiguration.EMARKING_COLLABORATIVE_BUTTON_DISLIKE: dislike.addValue(1); dislike.setFormat(markerid, markername); dislike.setMarkHTML(); break; case EMarkingConfiguration.EMARKING_COLLABORATIVE_BUTTON_QUOTE: quote.addValue(1); quote.setMarkHTML(); quote.setFormat(markerid, markername); quote.setMarkHTML(); break; case EMarkingConfiguration.EMARKING_COLLABORATIVE_BUTTON_DISCUSSION: discussion.addValue(1); discussion.setMarkHTML(); discussion.setFormat(markerid, markername); discussion.setMarkHTML(); String[] parts = date.split(" "); String[] hourMinute = parts[1].split(":"); String realDate = hourMinute[0] + ":" + hourMinute[1] + "    " + parts[0]; discussion.addMessage(realDate, markername, text, markerid); break; } } } }); like.setMarkHTML(); dislike.setMarkHTML(); quote.setMarkHTML(); if (getMarkername() != null) { discussion.instanceDialog(); } discussion.setMarkHTML(); } } @Override public void setMarkHTML() { // If the mark has a color, we use the background to color it if (this.criterionid > 0 && EMarkingConfiguration.isColoredRubric()) { Color.setWidgetFontHueColor(this.criterionid, this); } this.removeStyleName(Resources.INSTANCE.css().rubricmark()); this.removeStyleName(Resources.INSTANCE.css().rubricmarkpopup()); if (EMarkingConfiguration.getRubricMarkType() == EMarkingConfiguration.EMARKING_RUBRICMARK_ICON) { this.addStyleName(Resources.INSTANCE.css().rubricmark()); this.setHTML((new Icon(IconType.MAP_MARKER)).toString()); } else { this.addStyleName(Resources.INSTANCE.css().rubricmarkpopup()); this.setHTML(getMarkPopupHTML()); } } @Override protected String getMarkPopupHTML() { // Starts with an empty HTML String html = ""; boolean headerOnly = false; RubricMark rmark = (RubricMark) this; headerOnly = rmark.isHeaderOnly(); String criterionindex = "" + EMarkingWeb.markingInterface.getRubricInterface().getRubricPanel() .getCriterionIndex(rmark.getCriterionId()); String leveldesc = headerOnly ? criterionindex : " " + SafeHtmlUtils.htmlEscape(rmark.getLevel().getCriterion().getDescription()); String score = EMarkingConfiguration.isFormativeFeedbackOnly() ? // Level information only rmark.getLevel().getCriterion() .getLevelFormativeIndex(rmark.getLevel().getCriterion().getSelectedLevel().getId()) + " / " + rmark.getLevel().getCriterion().getLevels().size() : // Score and bonus information RubricMark.scoreFormat(rmark.getLevel().getScore() + rmark.getLevel().getBonus(), false) + " / " + RubricMark.scoreFormat(rmark.getLevel().getCriterion().getMaxscore(), false); Icon icon = new Icon(this.iconType); html += "<table class=\"markrubricheader\" style=\"background-color:hsl(" + rmark.getLevel().getCriterion().getHue() + ",100%,75%);\" width=\"100%\">" + "<tr><td style=\"text-align: left;\"><div class=\"" + Resources.INSTANCE.css().markicon() + "\">" + icon.toString() + "</div></td><td><div class=\"" + Resources.INSTANCE.css().markcrit() + "\">" + leveldesc + "</div></td>"; html += "<td style=\"text-align: right;\" nowrap><div class=\"" + Resources.INSTANCE.css().markpts() + "\">" + score + "</div></td></tr></table>"; if (!headerOnly) { // Show the level description html += "<div class=\"" + Resources.INSTANCE.css().marklvl() + "\">" + rmark.getLevel().getDescription() + "</div>"; html += "<div class=\"" + Resources.INSTANCE.css().markrawtext() + "\">" + SafeHtmlUtils.htmlEscape(this.getRawtext()) + "</div>"; // Show the feedback if (!EMarkingConfiguration.getKeywords().equals("") && feedback.size() > 0) { html += "<div class=\"" + Resources.INSTANCE.css().markmarkername() + "\">" + "Feedback" + "</div>"; int count = 0; while (count < feedback.size()) { Anchor resourceLink = new Anchor(feedback.get(count).getName().replaceAll("\\<.*?>", ""), true, feedback.get(count).getLink(), "_blank"); resourceLink.addStyleName(Resources.INSTANCE.css().resourcelink()); String sourceName = ""; switch (feedback.get(count).getNameOER()) { case "ocwmit": sourceName = "OCW MIT"; break; case "merlot": sourceName = "Merlot"; break; case "CS50": sourceName = "CS50 Harvard"; break; default: sourceName = "Webcursos"; } html += "<div class=\"" + Resources.INSTANCE.css().markrawtext() + "\">" + (count + 1) + ".-" + resourceLink + "<br>" + "Source: " + sourceName + "</div>"; count = count + 1; } } // Show the marker's name if the marking process is not anonymous if (!EMarkingConfiguration.isMarkerAnonymous()) { html += "<div class=\"" + Resources.INSTANCE.css().markmarkername() + "\">" + MarkingInterface.messages.MarkerDetails(this.getMarkername()) + "</div>"; } } if (this.getRegradeid() > 0 && !headerOnly) { html += "<div style=\"background-color:#FFFF99; width:99%; font-size: 10pt;\" class=\"" + Resources.INSTANCE.css().markcrit() + "\">" + MarkingInterface.messages.Regrade() + " " + MarkingInterface.messages.Requested() + "</div>"; html += "<div class=\"" + Resources.INSTANCE.css().marklvl() + "\">" + MarkingInterface.messages.Motive() + ": " + this.getRegradeMotiveText() + "<hr>" + MarkingInterface.messages.Comment() + ": " + SafeHtmlUtils.htmlEscape(this.getRegradecomment()) + "</div>"; if (this.getRegradeaccepted() > 0) { html += "<div style=\"background-color:#FFFF99; width:99%; font-size: 10pt;\" class=\"" + Resources.INSTANCE.css().markcrit() + "\">" + MarkingInterface.messages.Regrade() + " " + MarkingInterface.messages.Replied() + "</div>"; html += "<div class=\"" + Resources.INSTANCE.css().marklvl() + "\">" + "<hr>" + MarkingInterface.messages.RegradeReply() + ": " + SafeHtmlUtils.htmlEscape(this.getRegrademarkercomment()) + "</div>"; } } return html; } /** * Gets the rubric level of the RubricMark * @return a rubric level */ public int getLevelId() { return levelid; } /** * Formats a score, removing zeroes to the right if necessary. * It might include its sign (+ or -). * * @param score the score to format * @param sign include the sign * @return the formatted score as string */ public static String scoreFormat(double score, boolean sign) { return getNumberFormat(sign).format(score); } /** * Parses a formatted float value * * @param sign * @return */ public static NumberFormat getNumberFormat(boolean sign) { String format = sign ? "+#.##;-#" : "#.##"; return NumberFormat.getFormat(format); } /** * Creates a RubricMark from a Hash with Strings as key value pairs, * parsing the values in the map and casting them to the proper * types * * @param mark the Hash * @return a RubricMark object */ public static RubricMark createFromMap(Map<String, String> mark) { ArrayList<FeedbackObject> mapFeedback = new ArrayList<FeedbackObject>(); if (mark.get("feedback") != null && mark.get("feedback").length() > 5) { try { List<Map<String, String>> allfeedback = AjaxRequest.getValuesFromResultString(mark.get("feedback")); for (Map<String, String> feedbackDB : allfeedback) { FeedbackObject obj = new FeedbackObject(Integer.parseInt(feedbackDB.get("id")), feedbackDB.get("name"), feedbackDB.get("link"), feedbackDB.get("oer")); mapFeedback.add(obj); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.severe("Exception creating feedback from DB. " + mark.toString()); } } RubricMark markobj = new RubricMark(Integer.parseInt(mark.get("id")), Integer.parseInt(mark.get("posx")), Integer.parseInt(mark.get("posy")), Integer.parseInt(mark.get("pageno")), Integer.parseInt(mark.get("markerid")), Integer.parseInt(mark.get("levelid")), Long.parseLong(mark.get("timecreated")), Integer.parseInt(mark.get("criterionid")), mark.get("markername"), URL.decode(mark.get("rawtext"))); // The feedback id added to the mark markobj.setFeedback(mapFeedback); markobj.setRegradeid(Integer.parseInt(mark.get("regradeid"))); markobj.setRegradecomment(mark.get("regradecomment")); markobj.setRegrademotive(Integer.parseInt(mark.get("motive"))); markobj.setRegradeaccepted(Integer.parseInt(mark.get("regradeaccepted"))); markobj.setRegrademarkercomment(mark.get("regrademarkercomment")); return markobj; } public int getRegradeid() { return regradeid; } public void setRegradeid(int regradeid) { this.regradeid = regradeid; } public String getRegradecomment() { return regradecomment; } public void setRegradecomment(String regradecomment) { this.regradecomment = regradecomment; } @Override public void setLoading() { super.setLoading(); EMarkingWeb.markingInterface.getRubricInterface().getRubricPanel().loadingRubricCriterion(levelid); } /** * Updates the mark's basic data: comment and position */ @Override public void update(String newcomment, int newposx, int newposy, int levelid, float bonus, String regradecomment, int regradeaccepted, int widthPage, int heightPage) { super.update(newcomment, newposx, newposy, levelid, bonus, regradecomment, regradeaccepted, widthPage, heightPage); Criterion criterion = MarkingInterface.submissionData.getLevelById(levelid).getCriterion(); EMarkingWeb.markingInterface.getRubricInterface().getRubricPanel().updateRubricCriterion(criterion.getId(), bonus, criterion.getHue(), levelid, regradeaccepted, regradeaccepted); } public Level getLevel() { return MarkingInterface.submissionData.getLevelById(levelid); } public float getBonus() { return this.bonus; } /** * Changes the rubric level for this rubric * @param newlevel */ public void setLevelId(int levelid) { this.levelid = levelid; } public void setBonus(float newbonus) { this.bonus = newbonus; this.getLevel().setBonus(this.bonus); } public int getRegrademotive() { return regrademotive; } public String getRegradeMotiveText() { return SubmissionGradeData.getRegradeMotiveText(regrademotive); } public void setRegrademotive(int regrademotive) { this.regrademotive = regrademotive; } public int getRegradeaccepted() { return regradeaccepted; } public void setRegradeaccepted(int regradeaccepted) { this.regradeaccepted = regradeaccepted; } public void addCollaborativesButtons() { if (collaborativeMarks == null) return; AbsolutePanel abspanel = (AbsolutePanel) this.getParent(); int top = this.getAbsoluteTop(); int left = this.getAbsoluteLeft(); abspanel.add(collaborativeMarks, top, left); updatePositionCollaborativeButtons(); } public void removeCollaborativeButtons() { if (collaborativeMarks == null) return; AbsolutePanel abspanel = (AbsolutePanel) this.getParent(); abspanel.remove(collaborativeMarks); } public void hideCollaborativeButtons() { if (collaborativeMarks == null) return; collaborativeMarks.setVisible(false); } public void showCollaborativeButtons() { if (collaborativeMarks == null) return; collaborativeMarks.setVisible(true); } public void updatePositionCollaborativeButtons() { if (collaborativeMarks == null) return; AbsolutePanel abspanel = (AbsolutePanel) this.getParent(); abspanel.setWidgetPosition(collaborativeMarks, abspanel.getWidgetLeft(this), abspanel.getWidgetTop(this) + this.height - 10); } }