Java tutorial
/* TOD - Trace Oriented Debugger. Copyright (c) 2006-2008, Guillaume Pothier All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Parts of this work rely on the MD5 algorithm "derived from the RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm". */ package cl.inria.stiq.instrumenter; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes; import org.objectweb.asm.Type; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.AnnotationNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.InsnList; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.InsnNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.IntInsnNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.JumpInsnNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.LabelNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.LdcInsnNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.LocalVariableNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.LookupSwitchInsnNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodInsnNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.TableSwitchInsnNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.TryCatchBlockNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.Analyzer; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.AnalyzerException; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.BasicInterpreter; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.Frame; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.Interpreter; import org.objectweb.asm.util.TraceMethodVisitor; import tod2.access.Intrinsics; import zz.utils.Utils; import cl.inria.stiq.config.ClassSelector; import cl.inria.stiq.db.structure.ObjectId; import cl.inria.stiq.db.structure.impl.PrimitiveTypeInfo; import cl.inria.stiq.instrumenter.MethodInfo.BCIFrame; import cl.inria.stiq.replayer.BehaviorExitException; import cl.inria.stiq.replayer.EventCollector; import cl.inria.stiq.replayer.HandlerReachedException; import cl.inria.stiq.replayer.InScopeReplayerFrame; import cl.inria.stiq.replayer.LocalsSnapshot; import cl.inria.stiq.replayer.ThreadReplayer; import cl.inria.stiq.replayer.TmpObjectId; import cl.inria.stiq.replayer.UnmonitoredBehaviorCallException; public class BCIUtils implements Opcodes { public static final Type TYPE_OBJECTID = Type.getType(ObjectId.class); public static final Type TYPE_OBJECT = Type.getType(Object.class); public static final Type TYPE_THREADREPLAYER = Type.getType(ThreadReplayer.class); public static final String CLS_EVENTCOLLECTOR_AGENT = "java/tod/EventCollector"; public static final String DSC_EVENTCOLLECTOR_AGENT = "L" + CLS_EVENTCOLLECTOR_AGENT + ";"; public static final String CLS_AGENTREADY = "java/tod/AgentReady"; public static final String CLS_EXCEPTIONGENERATEDRECEIVER = "java/tod/ExceptionGeneratedReceiver"; public static final String CLS_THREADDATA = "java/tod/ThreadData"; public static final String DSC_THREADDATA = "L" + CLS_THREADDATA + ";"; public static final String CLS_INTRINSICS = getJvmClassName(Intrinsics.class); public static final String CLS_OBJECT = getJvmClassName(Object.class); public static final String DSC_OBJECT = "L" + CLS_OBJECT + ";"; public static final String CLS_THROWABLE = getJvmClassName(Throwable.class); public static final String DSC_THROWABLE = "L" + CLS_THROWABLE + ";"; public static final String CLS_STRING = getJvmClassName(String.class); public static final String DSC_STRING = "L" + CLS_STRING + ";"; public static final String CLS_CLASS = getJvmClassName(Class.class); public static final String DSC_CLASS = "L" + CLS_CLASS + ";"; public static final String CLS_CLASSLOADER = getJvmClassName(ClassLoader.class); public static final String DSC_CLASSLOADER = "L" + CLS_CLASSLOADER + ";"; public static final String CLS_OBJECTID = getJvmClassName(ObjectId.class); public static final String DSC_OBJECTID = "L" + CLS_OBJECTID + ";"; public static final String CLS_TMPOBJECTID = getJvmClassName(TmpObjectId.class); public static final String DSC_TMPOBJECTID = "L" + CLS_TMPOBJECTID + ";"; public static final String CLS_THREAD = getJvmClassName(Thread.class); public static final String CLS_LOCALSSNAPSHOT = getJvmClassName(LocalsSnapshot.class); public static final String DSC_LOCALSSNAPSHOT = "L" + CLS_LOCALSSNAPSHOT + ";"; public static final String CLS_HANDLERREACHED = BCIUtils.getJvmClassName(HandlerReachedException.class); public static final String CLS_BEHAVIOREXITEXCEPTION = BCIUtils.getJvmClassName(BehaviorExitException.class); public static final String CLS_UNMONITOREDCALLEXCEPTION = BCIUtils .getJvmClassName(UnmonitoredBehaviorCallException.class); public static final String CLS_INSCOPEREPLAYERFRAME = BCIUtils.getJvmClassName(InScopeReplayerFrame.class); public static final String CLS_EVENTCOLLECTOR_REPLAY = BCIUtils.getJvmClassName(EventCollector.class); public static final String DSC_EVENTCOLLECTOR_REPLAY = "L" + CLS_EVENTCOLLECTOR_REPLAY + ";"; public static final String CLS_THREADREPLAYER = BCIUtils.getJvmClassName(ThreadReplayer.class); public static final String DSC_THREADREPLAYER = "L" + CLS_THREADREPLAYER + ";"; private static final Type[] TYPE_FOR_SORT = new Type[11]; static { TYPE_FOR_SORT[Type.OBJECT] = null; TYPE_FOR_SORT[Type.ARRAY] = null; TYPE_FOR_SORT[Type.BOOLEAN] = Type.BOOLEAN_TYPE; TYPE_FOR_SORT[Type.BYTE] = Type.BYTE_TYPE; TYPE_FOR_SORT[Type.CHAR] = Type.CHAR_TYPE; TYPE_FOR_SORT[Type.DOUBLE] = Type.DOUBLE_TYPE; TYPE_FOR_SORT[Type.FLOAT] = Type.FLOAT_TYPE; TYPE_FOR_SORT[Type.INT] = Type.INT_TYPE; TYPE_FOR_SORT[Type.LONG] = Type.LONG_TYPE; TYPE_FOR_SORT[Type.SHORT] = Type.SHORT_TYPE; TYPE_FOR_SORT[Type.VOID] = Type.VOID_TYPE; } public static String getJvmClassName(Class<?> aClass) { String theName = aClass.getName(); return theName.replace('.', '/'); } /** * Return the normal Java class name corresponding to the given internal * name */ public static String getClassName(String aJVMClassName) { return Type.getType("L" + aJVMClassName + ";").getClassName(); } public static boolean isInterface(int access) { return (access & Opcodes.ACC_INTERFACE) != 0; } public static boolean isStatic(int access) { return (access & Opcodes.ACC_STATIC) != 0; } public static boolean isFinal(int access) { return (access & Opcodes.ACC_FINAL) != 0; } public static boolean isNative(int access) { return (access & Opcodes.ACC_NATIVE) != 0; } public static boolean isPrivate(int access) { return (access & Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE) != 0; } public static boolean isAbstract(int access) { return (access & Opcodes.ACC_ABSTRACT) != 0; } public static boolean isConstructorCall(AbstractInsnNode aNode) { if (aNode.getOpcode() == Opcodes.INVOKESPECIAL) { MethodInsnNode theMethodNode = (MethodInsnNode) aNode; if ("<init>".equals( return true; } return false; } /** * Generates the bytecode that pushes the given value onto the stack */ public static AbstractInsnNode pushInt(int aValue) { switch (aValue) { case -1: return new InsnNode(ICONST_M1); case 0: return new InsnNode(ICONST_0); case 1: return new InsnNode(ICONST_1); case 2: return new InsnNode(ICONST_2); case 3: return new InsnNode(ICONST_3); case 4: return new InsnNode(ICONST_4); case 5: return new InsnNode(ICONST_5); } if (aValue >= Byte.MIN_VALUE && aValue <= Byte.MAX_VALUE) return new IntInsnNode(BIPUSH, aValue); else if (aValue >= Short.MIN_VALUE && aValue <= Short.MAX_VALUE) return new IntInsnNode(SIPUSH, aValue); else return new LdcInsnNode(new Integer(aValue)); } /** * Generates the bytecode that pushes the given value onto the stack */ public static AbstractInsnNode pushLong(long aValue) { if (aValue == 0) return new InsnNode(LCONST_0); else if (aValue == 1) return new InsnNode(LCONST_1); else return new LdcInsnNode(new Long(aValue)); } /** * Returns the sort of data (as defined by {@link Type} that correponds to * the given opcode. */ public static int getSort(int aOpcode) { switch (aOpcode) { case AALOAD: case AASTORE: case ACONST_NULL: case ALOAD: case ANEWARRAY: case ARETURN: case ASTORE: case IF_ACMPEQ: case IF_ACMPNE: return Type.OBJECT; case BALOAD: case BASTORE: return Type.BYTE; case CALOAD: case CASTORE: return Type.CHAR; case DADD: case DALOAD: case DASTORE: case DCMPG: case DCMPL: case DCONST_0: case DCONST_1: case DDIV: case DLOAD: case DMUL: case DNEG: case DREM: case DRETURN: case DSTORE: case DSUB: return Type.DOUBLE; case FADD: case FALOAD: case FASTORE: case FCMPG: case FCMPL: case FCONST_0: case FCONST_1: case FCONST_2: case FDIV: case FLOAD: case FMUL: case FNEG: case FREM: case FRETURN: case FSTORE: case FSUB: return Type.FLOAT; case BIPUSH: case IADD: case IALOAD: case IAND: case IASTORE: case ICONST_0: case ICONST_1: case ICONST_2: case ICONST_3: case ICONST_4: case ICONST_5: case ICONST_M1: case IDIV: case IF_ICMPEQ: case IF_ICMPGE: case IF_ICMPGT: case IF_ICMPLE: case IF_ICMPLT: case IF_ICMPNE: case IINC: case ILOAD: case IMUL: case INEG: case IOR: case IREM: case IRETURN: case ISHL: case ISHR: case ISTORE: case ISUB: case IUSHR: case IXOR: return Type.INT; case LADD: case LALOAD: case LAND: case LASTORE: case LCMP: case LCONST_0: case LCONST_1: case LDIV: case LLOAD: case LMUL: case LNEG: case LOR: case LREM: case LRETURN: case LSHL: case LSHR: case LSTORE: case LSUB: case LUSHR: case LXOR: return Type.LONG; case SALOAD: case SASTORE: case SIPUSH: return Type.SHORT; case RETURN: return Type.VOID; default: return -1; } } public static Type getType(int aSort, Type aReferenceType) { Type theType = TYPE_FOR_SORT[aSort]; return theType != null ? theType : aReferenceType; } /** * Returns the primitive type that corresponds to the given operand * * @param aOperand * {@link Opcodes#T_BOOLEAN} etc. */ public static PrimitiveTypeInfo getPrimitiveType(int aOperand) { switch (aOperand) { case Opcodes.T_BOOLEAN: return PrimitiveTypeInfo.BOOLEAN; case Opcodes.T_BYTE: return PrimitiveTypeInfo.BYTE; case Opcodes.T_CHAR: return PrimitiveTypeInfo.CHAR; case Opcodes.T_DOUBLE: return PrimitiveTypeInfo.DOUBLE; case Opcodes.T_FLOAT: return PrimitiveTypeInfo.FLOAT; case Opcodes.T_INT: return PrimitiveTypeInfo.INT; case Opcodes.T_LONG: return PrimitiveTypeInfo.LONG; case Opcodes.T_SHORT: return PrimitiveTypeInfo.SHORT; default: return null; } } public static boolean acceptClass(String aClassName, ClassSelector aSelector) { return aSelector.accept(getClassName(aClassName)); } /** * Checks that a method is correct (ie. likely to pass the JVM verifier). */ public static void checkMethod(ClassNode aClassNode, MethodNode aNode) { checkMethod(aClassNode, aNode, new BasicInterpreter(), false); } public static void checkMethod(ClassNode aClassNode, MethodNode aNode, boolean aAlwaysPrint) { checkMethod(aClassNode, aNode, new BasicInterpreter(), aAlwaysPrint); } private static void checkLabel(LabelNode aLabelNode) { assert aLabelNode.getLabel().info == null || aLabelNode.getLabel().info == aLabelNode; } public static void checkLabels(MethodNode aNode) { for (int i = 0; i < aNode.instructions.size(); i++) { AbstractInsnNode theNode = aNode.instructions.get(i); if (theNode instanceof LabelNode) { LabelNode theLabelNode = (LabelNode) theNode; checkLabel(theLabelNode); } else if (theNode instanceof JumpInsnNode) { JumpInsnNode theJumpNode = (JumpInsnNode) theNode; checkLabel(theJumpNode.label); } else if (theNode instanceof LookupSwitchInsnNode) { LookupSwitchInsnNode theLookupSwitchNode = (LookupSwitchInsnNode) theNode; for (LabelNode theLabel : (List<LabelNode>) theLookupSwitchNode.labels) checkLabel(theLabel); checkLabel(theLookupSwitchNode.dflt); } else if (theNode instanceof TableSwitchInsnNode) { TableSwitchInsnNode theTableSwitchNode = (TableSwitchInsnNode) theNode; for (LabelNode theLabel : (List<LabelNode>) theTableSwitchNode.labels) checkLabel(theLabel); checkLabel(theTableSwitchNode.dflt); } theNode = theNode.getNext(); } } public static void checkMethod(ClassNode aClassNode, MethodNode aNode, Interpreter aInterpreter, boolean aAlwaysPrint) { checkLabels(aNode); Analyzer theAnalyzer = new Analyzer(aInterpreter); try { theAnalyzer.analyze(, aNode); if (aAlwaysPrint) { Frame[] theFrames = theAnalyzer.getFrames(); printFrames(aNode, theFrames); } } catch (AnalyzerException e) { Frame[] theFrames = theAnalyzer.getFrames(); printFrames(aNode, theFrames); Utils.rtex(e, "Error in %s.%s%s at instructions #(%s): %s",,, aNode.desc, "?", //e.nodes != null ? getBytecodeRanks(aNode, e.nodes) : "?", e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { Utils.rtex(e, "Exception while analyzing %s.%s%s",,, aNode.desc); } } private static void printFrames(MethodNode aNode, Frame[] aFrames) { int bcIndex = 1; for (int i = 0; i < aFrames.length; i++) { Frame theFrame = aFrames[i]; AbstractInsnNode theInsn = aNode.instructions.get(i); switch (theInsn.getType()) { case AbstractInsnNode.INSN: case AbstractInsnNode.INT_INSN: case AbstractInsnNode.VAR_INSN: case AbstractInsnNode.TYPE_INSN: case AbstractInsnNode.FIELD_INSN: case AbstractInsnNode.METHOD_INSN: case AbstractInsnNode.JUMP_INSN: case AbstractInsnNode.LDC_INSN: case AbstractInsnNode.IINC_INSN: case AbstractInsnNode.TABLESWITCH_INSN: case AbstractInsnNode.LOOKUPSWITCH_INSN: case AbstractInsnNode.MULTIANEWARRAY_INSN: TraceMethodVisitor theTraceVisitor = new TraceMethodVisitor(); theInsn.accept(theTraceVisitor); StringWriter theWriter = new StringWriter(); theTraceVisitor.print(new PrintWriter(theWriter)); String theTraced = theWriter.toString().replace("\n", ""); System.out.println(bcIndex + "\t" + frameString(theFrame) + " |\t" + theTraced); bcIndex++; break; case AbstractInsnNode.FRAME: case AbstractInsnNode.LINE: case AbstractInsnNode.LABEL: break; } } } private static String frameString(Frame aFrame) { if (aFrame == null) return "null"; String s = aFrame.toString(); s = s.replace("Ltod/core/database/structure/ObjectId;", "o"); s = s.replace("Ltod/impl/replay2/ThreadReplayer;", "r"); s = s.replace("Ltod/impl/replay2/TmpObjectId;", "t"); s = s.replace("Lnull;", "L"); s = s.replace("Ltod/impl/replay2/HandlerReachedException;", "h"); s = s.replace("Ltod/impl/replay2/EventCollector;", "c"); s = s.replace("Ltod/impl/replay2/LocalsSnapshot;", "s"); s = s.replace("Ljava/lang/Throwable;", "T"); return s; } public static int getBytecodeRank(MethodNode aNode, AbstractInsnNode aInstruction) { if (aInstruction == null) return -1; int theRank = 1; ListIterator<AbstractInsnNode> theIterator = aNode.instructions.iterator(); while (theIterator.hasNext()) { AbstractInsnNode theNode =; if (theNode == aInstruction) return theRank; int theOpcode = theNode.getOpcode(); if (theOpcode >= 0) theRank++; } return -1; } public static String getBytecodeRanks(MethodNode aNode, AbstractInsnNode[] aInstructions) { StringBuilder theBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (AbstractInsnNode theNode : aInstructions) { theBuilder.append(getBytecodeRank(aNode, theNode)); theBuilder.append(", "); } return theBuilder.toString(); } public static void checkClass(byte[] aBytecode) { // StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); // PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); // CheckClassAdapter.verify(new ClassReader(aBytecode), false, pw); // // String theResult = sw.toString(); // if (theResult.length() != 0) // { // Utils.rtex(theResult); // } } public static void writeClass(String aRoot, String aName, byte[] aData) { try { File theDir = new File(aRoot); theDir.mkdirs(); File theFile = new File(theDir, aName.replace('/', '.') + ".class"); theFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); String theName = theFile.getName(); if (theName.length() > 255) { String theMaimedName = maimFileName(theName); theFile = new File(theFile.getParentFile(), theMaimedName); System.out.println("[BCIUtils.writeClass] Warning: changed " + theName + " to " + theMaimedName); } theFile.createNewFile(); FileOutputStream theFileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(theFile); theFileOutputStream.write(aData); theFileOutputStream.flush(); theFileOutputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * If file name is longer than 255 chars, make it shorter by force... */ private static String maimFileName(String aName) { int l = aName.length(); int r = (l + 254) / 255; StringBuilder theBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < l; i += r) theBuilder.append(aName.charAt(i)); return theBuilder.toString(); } public static void throwRTEx(SyntaxInsnList s, String aMessage) { s.NEW("java/lang/RuntimeException"); s.DUP(); s.LDC(aMessage); s.INVOKESPECIAL("java/lang/RuntimeException", "<init>", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V"); s.ATHROW(); } public static MethodNode cloneMethod(MethodNode aNode) { MethodNode theClone = new MethodNode(); if (aNode.annotationDefault != null) throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); =; theClone.signature = aNode.signature; theClone.access = aNode.access; theClone.desc = aNode.desc; theClone.exceptions = cloneList(aNode.exceptions); theClone.attrs = cloneList(aNode.attrs); theClone.maxLocals = aNode.maxLocals; theClone.maxStack = aNode.maxStack; ClonerMap theMap = new ClonerMap(); theClone.instructions = cloneInstructions(theMap, aNode.instructions); theClone.localVariables = cloneLocalVariables(theMap, aNode.localVariables); theClone.tryCatchBlocks = cloneTryCatchBlocks(theMap, aNode.tryCatchBlocks); theClone.invisibleAnnotations = cloneList(aNode.invisibleAnnotations); theClone.invisibleParameterAnnotations = cloneAnnotations(aNode.invisibleParameterAnnotations); theClone.visibleAnnotations = cloneList(aNode.visibleAnnotations); theClone.visibleParameterAnnotations = cloneAnnotations(aNode.visibleParameterAnnotations); checkLabels(theClone); return theClone; } private static List cloneList(List aList) { if (aList == null) return null; if (aList instanceof ArrayList) { ArrayList theList = (ArrayList) aList; return (List) theList.clone(); } else throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } private static InsnList cloneInstructions(ClonerMap aMap, InsnList aList) { InsnList theInsnListClone = new InsnList(); AbstractInsnNode theNode = aList.getFirst(); while (theNode != null) { AbstractInsnNode theClone = theNode.clone(aMap); if (theClone instanceof LabelNode) { LabelNode theLabelNode = (LabelNode) theClone; } theInsnListClone.add(theClone); theNode = theNode.getNext(); } return theInsnListClone; } private static List<AnnotationNode>[] cloneAnnotations(List<AnnotationNode>[] aLists) { if (aLists == null) return null; List<AnnotationNode>[] theClone = new List[aLists.length]; for (int i = 0; i < theClone.length; i++) theClone[i] = cloneList(aLists[i]); return theClone; } private static List<LocalVariableNode> cloneLocalVariables(ClonerMap aMap, List<LocalVariableNode> aList) { List<LocalVariableNode> theListClone = new ArrayList<LocalVariableNode>(); for (LocalVariableNode theNode : aList) { theListClone.add(new LocalVariableNode(, theNode.desc, theNode.signature, aMap.get(theNode.start), aMap.get(theNode.end), theNode.index)); } return theListClone; } private static List<TryCatchBlockNode> cloneTryCatchBlocks(ClonerMap aMap, List<TryCatchBlockNode> aList) { List<TryCatchBlockNode> theListClone = new ArrayList<TryCatchBlockNode>(); for (TryCatchBlockNode theNode : aList) { theListClone.add(new TryCatchBlockNode(aMap.get(theNode.start), aMap.get(theNode.end), aMap.get(theNode.handler), theNode.type)); } return theListClone; } private static class ClonerMap extends HashMap<LabelNode, LabelNode> { @Override public LabelNode get(Object aKey) { LabelNode theNode = super.get(aKey); if (theNode == null) { theNode = new LabelNode(); put((LabelNode) aKey, theNode); } return theNode; } } public static Type getTypeForSig(char aSig) { switch (aSig) { case 'I': return Type.INT_TYPE; case 'J': return Type.LONG_TYPE; case 'F': return Type.FLOAT_TYPE; case 'D': return Type.DOUBLE_TYPE; case 'L': return TYPE_OBJECTID; default: throw new RuntimeException("Not handled: " + aSig); } } public static String getSnapshotSig(BCIFrame aFrame, boolean aIncludeStack) { StringBuilder theBuilder = new StringBuilder(); // Locals int theLocals = aFrame.getLocals(); for (int i = 0; i < theLocals; i++) { Type theType = aFrame.getLocal(i).getType(); if (theType != null) theBuilder.append(getSigForType(theType)); } // Stack if (aIncludeStack) { // Stack is passed in reverse order for simper resuming from snapshot int theStack = aFrame.getStackSize(); for (int i = theStack - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Type theType = aFrame.getStack(i).getType(); theBuilder.append(getSigForType(theType)); } } return theBuilder.toString(); } /** * Returns a one-character descriptor for the given type, folding all the types * that are represented as an int in bytecode into int. */ public static char getSigForType(Type aType) { return getSigForSort(aType.getSort()); } /** * Returns a one-character descriptor for the given type, folding all the types * that are represented as an int in bytecode into int. */ public static char getSigForSort(int aSort) { switch (aSort) { case Type.ARRAY: case Type.OBJECT: return 'L'; case Type.BOOLEAN: case Type.BYTE: case Type.CHAR: case Type.INT: case Type.SHORT: return 'I'; case Type.DOUBLE: return 'D'; case Type.FLOAT: return 'F'; case Type.LONG: return 'J'; default: throw new RuntimeException("Not handled: " + aSort); } } /** * Returns a one-character descriptor for the given type. These are the classical * JVM descriptor characters, with just L for reference types. */ public static char getCompleteSigForType(Type aType) { return getCompleteSigForSort(aType.getSort()); } /** * Returns a one-character descriptor for the given type. These are the classical * JVM descriptor characters, with just L for reference types. */ public static char getCompleteSigForSort(int aSort) { switch (aSort) { case Type.ARRAY: case Type.OBJECT: return 'L'; case Type.BOOLEAN: return 'Z'; case Type.BYTE: return 'B'; case Type.CHAR: return 'C'; case Type.INT: return 'I'; case Type.SHORT: return 'S'; case Type.DOUBLE: return 'D'; case Type.FLOAT: return 'F'; case Type.LONG: return 'J'; case Type.VOID: return 'V'; default: throw new RuntimeException("Not handled: " + aSort); } } public static Type getReplayDispatchType(Type aType) { return getType(aType.getSort(), TYPE_OBJECTID); } /** * Returns the actual type to use for the given type (all refs are folded into ObjectId, and scalars to int). */ public static Type getActualReplayType(Type aType) { return ACTUALTYPE_FOR_SORT[aType.getSort()]; } public static Type getActualReplayType(int aSort) { return ACTUALTYPE_FOR_SORT[aSort]; } private static final Type[] ACTUALTYPE_FOR_SORT = new Type[11]; static { ACTUALTYPE_FOR_SORT[Type.OBJECT] = TYPE_OBJECTID; ACTUALTYPE_FOR_SORT[Type.ARRAY] = TYPE_OBJECTID; ACTUALTYPE_FOR_SORT[Type.BOOLEAN] = Type.INT_TYPE; ACTUALTYPE_FOR_SORT[Type.BYTE] = Type.INT_TYPE; ACTUALTYPE_FOR_SORT[Type.CHAR] = Type.INT_TYPE; ACTUALTYPE_FOR_SORT[Type.DOUBLE] = Type.DOUBLE_TYPE; ACTUALTYPE_FOR_SORT[Type.FLOAT] = Type.FLOAT_TYPE; ACTUALTYPE_FOR_SORT[Type.INT] = Type.INT_TYPE; ACTUALTYPE_FOR_SORT[Type.LONG] = Type.LONG_TYPE; ACTUALTYPE_FOR_SORT[Type.SHORT] = Type.INT_TYPE; ACTUALTYPE_FOR_SORT[Type.VOID] = Type.VOID_TYPE; } }