Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package chronostone.parser; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook; import; import; import; import; /** * * @author Adrian */ public class ChronoStoneParser { static String TENMA = ""; static String root = ""; static Character tenmakun = new Character(); static String MF = "Midfielder"; static String FW = "Forward"; static String DF = "Defender"; static String GK = "Goalkeeper"; static String ONE_STATS = "</p></div><div class=\"tabbertab\" title=\"Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone\"><p>"; static String TWO_STATS = "<div class=\"tabber\"><div class=\"tabbertab\" title=\"Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone\"><p>"; static String AURA_HTML = "t Lvl."; static int xls_index = 0; static String gp = "GP"; public static final String TP = "TP"; public static final String KICK = "Kick"; public static final String LUCKY = "Lucky"; public static final String STAMINA = "Stamina"; public static final String SPEED = "Speed"; public static final String TECHNIQUE = "Technique"; public static final String A_CATCH = "Catch"; public static final String BLOCK = "Block"; public static final String DRIBBLING = "Dribbling"; public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { String rutaArchivo = System.getProperty("user.home") + "/ChronoStoneSheet.xls"; File archivoXLS = new File(rutaArchivo); if (archivoXLS.exists() == false) { try { archivoXLS.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException ex) { System.err.println("Error on creating XLS"); } } Workbook libro = new HSSFWorkbook(); FileOutputStream archivo = new FileOutputStream(archivoXLS); Sheet hoja = libro.createSheet("Chrono Stone Sheet"); /** * Codigo a remover o investigar como hacerlo funcionar de verdad */ int check = check_created(hoja); if (check == xls_index) { inicializar_celdas(hoja); } else { xls_index = check + 1; } String name = ""; System.out.println("Archivo creado: " + rutaArchivo); System.out.println("Introduzca nombre"); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; name = br.readLine(); while (!name.equalsIgnoreCase("exit")) { try { tenmakun = new Character(name); name = name.replace(" ", "_"); URLConnection connection = null; connection = new URL(root + name).openConnection(); BufferedReader bf = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream())); String line = ""; while ((line = bf.readLine()) != null) { if (line.contains(ONE_STATS) || line.contains(TWO_STATS) || line.contains(AURA_HTML)) { //Primero los stats List<String> stats = new ArrayList<>(); for (int index = 0; index < 13; index++) { stats.add(bf.readLine()); } add_stats(stats); //Y ahora a por las habilidades //add_hissatsu(stats); } else if (line.contains("<a href=\"/wiki/Category:Midfielders\"")) { tenmakun.setPosition(MF); } else if (line.contains("<a href=\"/wiki/Category:Forwards\"")) { tenmakun.setPosition(FW); } else if (line.contains("<a href=\"/wiki/Category:Defenders\"")) { tenmakun.setPosition(DF); } else if (line.contains("<a href=\"/wiki/Category:Goalkeepers\"")) { tenmakun.setPosition(GK); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println(tenmakun.print_stats()); add_character_sheet(hoja); System.out.println("Personaje aadido al fichero"); System.out.println("Introduzca nombre"); name = br.readLine(); } libro.write(archivo); archivo.close(); libro.close(); } private static void add_stats(List<String> stats) throws Exception { for (String stat : stats) { stat = stat.replace("<ul>", ""); stat = stat.replace("<li>", ""); stat = stat.replace("<b>", ""); stat = stat.replace("</b>", ""); stat = stat.replace("</li>", ""); stat = stat.replace(" ", ""); if (stat.contains(gp)) { tenmakun.setGp(stat.substring(3)); continue; } if (stat.contains(TP)) { tenmakun.setTp(stat.substring(3)); continue; } if (stat.contains(KICK) && stat.length() < 10) { tenmakun.setKick(stat.substring(5)); continue; } if (stat.contains(DRIBBLING)) { tenmakun.setDribbling(stat.substring(10)); continue; } if (stat.contains(BLOCK)) { if (stat.length() > 8) { tenmakun.setBlock(stat.substring(6, 9)); continue; } else { tenmakun.setBlock(stat.substring(6, 8)); continue; } } if (stat.contains(A_CATCH)) { tenmakun.setCatch_keeper(stat.substring(6)); continue; } if (stat.contains(TECHNIQUE)) { tenmakun.setTechnique(stat.substring(10)); continue; } if (stat.contains(SPEED)) { tenmakun.setSpeed(stat.substring(6)); continue; } if (stat.contains(STAMINA)) { tenmakun.setStamina(stat.substring(8)); continue; } if (stat.contains(LUCKY)) { tenmakun.setLucky(stat.substring(6)); } } } private static void add_hissatsu(List<String> hissatsus) { for (String hissatsu : hissatsus) { if (is_hissatsu(hissatsu)) { String[] segments = hissatsu.split("title="); String to_add = segments[segments.length - 1]; to_add = to_add.replace("\"", ""); to_add = to_add.replace("</a></b>", ""); segments = to_add.split(">"); to_add = segments[0]; tenmakun.addHissatsu(to_add); } } } private static boolean is_hissatsu(String hissatsu) { boolean response = true; if (hissatsu.contains("GP") || hissatsu.contains("TP") || hissatsu.contains("Kick") || hissatsu.contains("Dribbling") || hissatsu.contains("Block") || hissatsu.contains("Catch") || hissatsu.contains("Technique") || hissatsu.contains("Speed") || hissatsu.contains("Stamina") || hissatsu.contains("Lucky")) { response = false; } return response; } private static void inicializar_celdas(Sheet hoja) { Row fila = hoja.createRow(xls_index); xls_index++; Cell celda = fila.createCell(0); celda.setCellValue("Name"); celda = fila.createCell(1); celda.setCellValue("Position"); celda = fila.createCell(2); celda.setCellValue(gp); celda = fila.createCell(3); celda.setCellValue(TP); celda = fila.createCell(4); celda.setCellValue(KICK); celda = fila.createCell(5); celda.setCellValue(DRIBBLING); celda = fila.createCell(6); celda.setCellValue(BLOCK); celda = fila.createCell(7); celda.setCellValue(A_CATCH); celda = fila.createCell(8); celda.setCellValue(TECHNIQUE); celda = fila.createCell(9); celda.setCellValue(SPEED); celda = fila.createCell(10); celda.setCellValue(STAMINA); celda = fila.createCell(11); celda.setCellValue(LUCKY); } private static int check_created(Sheet hoja) { int ret = hoja.getLastRowNum(); return ret; } private static void add_character_sheet(Sheet hoja) { Row fila = hoja.createRow(xls_index); xls_index++; Cell celda = fila.createCell(0); celda.setCellValue(tenmakun.getName()); celda = fila.createCell(1); celda.setCellValue(tenmakun.getPosition()); celda = fila.createCell(2); celda.setCellValue(tenmakun.getGp()); celda = fila.createCell(3); celda.setCellValue(tenmakun.getTp()); celda = fila.createCell(4); celda.setCellValue(tenmakun.getKick()); celda = fila.createCell(5); celda.setCellValue(tenmakun.getDribbling()); celda = fila.createCell(6); celda.setCellValue(tenmakun.getBlock()); celda = fila.createCell(7); celda.setCellValue(tenmakun.getCatch_keeper()); celda = fila.createCell(8); celda.setCellValue(tenmakun.getTechnique()); celda = fila.createCell(9); celda.setCellValue(tenmakun.getSpeed()); celda = fila.createCell(10); celda.setCellValue(tenmakun.getStamina()); celda = fila.createCell(11); celda.setCellValue(tenmakun.getLucky()); } }