Java tutorial
/* * The Gemma project * * Copyright (c) 2008 Columbia University * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package chibi.gemmaanalysis; import hep.aida.ref.Histogram1D; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.StopWatch; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import ubic.basecode.dataStructure.matrix.DenseDouble3dMatrix; import ubic.basecode.dataStructure.matrix.DenseDoubleMatrix; import ubic.basecode.dataStructure.matrix.DoubleMatrix; import; import; import ubic.basecode.math.CorrelationStats; import ubic.basecode.math.Distance; import ubic.basecode.math.distribution.HistogramSampler; import ubic.basecode.math.metaanalysis.CorrelationEffectMetaAnalysis; import ubic.gemma.analysis.preprocess.filter.ExpressionExperimentFilter; import ubic.gemma.analysis.preprocess.filter.FilterConfig; import ubic.gemma.datastructure.matrix.ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.arrayDesign.ArrayDesign; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.arrayDesign.ArrayDesignService; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.bioAssayData.DesignElementDataVectorService; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.bioAssayData.ProcessedExpressionDataVector; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.designElement.CompositeSequence; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.designElement.CompositeSequenceService; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.experiment.BioAssaySet; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.experiment.ExpressionExperiment; import ubic.gemma.expression.experiment.service.ExpressionExperimentService; import ubic.gemma.model.genome.Gene; import ubic.gemma.util.Settings; import cern.colt.list.DoubleArrayList; /** * Coexpression analysis * <p> * TODO DOCUMENT ME * * @author Raymond * @version $Id$ */ public class CoexpressionAnalysisService { protected static final int MIN_NUM_USED = 5; private static final int NUM_HISTOGRAM_SAMPLES = 10000; private static final int NUM_HISTOGRAM_BINS = 2000; private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(CoexpressionAnalysisService.class.getName()); private ExpressionExperimentService eeService; private DesignElementDataVectorService dedvService; private CorrelationEffectMetaAnalysis metaAnalysis; private ArrayDesignService adService; /** * @param csService the csService to set */ protected void setCsService(CompositeSequenceService csService) { this.csService = csService; } private CompositeSequenceService csService; /** * Create an effect size service */ public CoexpressionAnalysisService() { metaAnalysis = new CorrelationEffectMetaAnalysis(true, false); } /** * Create and populate the coexpression matrices (correlation matrix, sample size matrix, expression level matrix) * * @param ees * @param queryGenes * @param targetGenes * @param filterConfig * @param correlationMethod * @return */ public CoexpressionMatrices calculateCoexpressionMatrices(Collection<BioAssaySet> ees, Collection<Gene> queryGenes, Collection<Gene> targetGenes, FilterConfig filterConfig, CorrelationMethod correlationMethod) { if (correlationMethod == null) correlationMethod = CorrelationMethod.PEARSON; CoexpressionMatrices matrices = new CoexpressionMatrices(ees, queryGenes, targetGenes); DenseDouble3dMatrix<Gene, Gene, BioAssaySet> correlationMatrix = matrices.getCorrelationMatrix(); DenseDouble3dMatrix<Gene, Gene, BioAssaySet> sampleSizeMatrix = matrices.getSampleSizeMatrix(); int count = 1; int numEes = ees.size(); // calculate correlations"Calculating correlation and sample size matrices"); StopWatch watch = new StopWatch(); watch.start(); for (BioAssaySet bas : ees) { ExpressionExperiment ee = (ExpressionExperiment) bas;"Processing " + ee.getShortName() + " (" + count++ + " of " + numEes + ")"); int slice = correlationMatrix.getSliceIndexByName(ee); // get all the composite sequences Collection<ArrayDesign> ads = eeService.getArrayDesignsUsed(ee); Collection<CompositeSequence> css = new HashSet<CompositeSequence>(); for (ArrayDesign ad : ads) { css.addAll(adService.getCompositeSequences(ad)); } Map<Gene, Collection<CompositeSequence>> gene2css = getGene2CsMap(css); ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix dataMatrix = getExpressionDataMatrix(ee, filterConfig); if (dataMatrix == null) { log.error("ERROR: cannot process " + ee.getShortName()); continue; } for (Gene qGene : queryGenes) { int row = correlationMatrix.getRowIndexByName(qGene); for (Gene tGene : targetGenes) { int col = correlationMatrix.getColIndexByName(tGene); Collection<CompositeSequence> queryCss = gene2css.get(qGene); Collection<CompositeSequence> targetCss = gene2css.get(tGene); if (queryCss != null && targetCss != null) { CorrelationSampleSize corr = calculateCorrelation(queryCss, targetCss, dataMatrix, correlationMethod); if (corr != null) { correlationMatrix.set(slice, row, col, corr.correlation); sampleSizeMatrix.set(slice, row, col, corr.sampleSize); } } } } } watch.stop();"Calculated correlations of all " + numEes + " in " + watch); return matrices; } /** * Calculate an effect size matrix * * @param correlationMatrix * @param sampleSizeMatrix * @return */ public DoubleMatrix<Gene, Gene> calculateEffectSizeMatrix( DenseDouble3dMatrix<Gene, Gene, BioAssaySet> correlationMatrix, DenseDouble3dMatrix<Gene, Gene, BioAssaySet> sampleSizeMatrix) { DoubleMatrix<Gene, Gene> matrix = new DenseDoubleMatrix<Gene, Gene>(correlationMatrix.rows(), correlationMatrix.columns()); matrix.setRowNames(correlationMatrix.getRowNames()); matrix.setColumnNames(correlationMatrix.getColNames()); for (Gene rowId : correlationMatrix.getRowNames()) { int rowIndex = matrix.getRowIndexByName(rowId); for (Gene colId : correlationMatrix.getColNames()) { int colIndex = matrix.getColIndexByName(colId); DoubleArrayList correlations = new DoubleArrayList(correlationMatrix.slices()); DoubleArrayList sampleSizes = new DoubleArrayList(correlationMatrix.slices()); for (BioAssaySet bas : correlationMatrix.getSliceNames()) { ExpressionExperiment sliceId = (ExpressionExperiment) bas; int sliceIndex = correlationMatrix.getSliceIndexByName(sliceId); double correlation = correlationMatrix.get(sliceIndex, rowIndex, colIndex); double sampleSize = sampleSizeMatrix.get(sliceIndex, rowIndex, colIndex); correlations.add(correlation); sampleSizes.add(sampleSize); }, sampleSizes); double effectSize = metaAnalysis.getE(); matrix.set(rowIndex, colIndex, effectSize); } } return matrix; } /** * Calculate the p-values for a max correlation matrix using empirical distributions stored in the gemmaData dir * * @param maxCorrelationMatrix * @param n specifies which n'th maximum value of the sample to be taken * @param ees expression experiments to sample from the gemmaData dir * @return p-value matrix */ public DoubleMatrix<String, String> calculateMaxCorrelationPValueMatrix( DoubleMatrix<String, String> maxCorrelationMatrix, int n, Collection<BioAssaySet> ees) {"Calculating " + n + "-max p-value matrix"); StopWatch watch = new StopWatch(); watch.start(); DoubleMatrix<String, String> pMatrix = new DenseDoubleMatrix<String, String>(maxCorrelationMatrix.rows(), maxCorrelationMatrix.columns()); pMatrix.setRowNames(maxCorrelationMatrix.getRowNames()); pMatrix.setColumnNames(maxCorrelationMatrix.getColNames()); // fill matrix with NaNs for (int i = 0; i < pMatrix.rows(); i++) for (int j = 0; j < pMatrix.columns(); j++) pMatrix.set(i, j, Double.NaN); // fill a histogram with the empirical distribution of max correlations Histogram1D hist = new Histogram1D("Max correlation empirical distribution", NUM_HISTOGRAM_BINS, -1d, 1d); Collection<HistogramSampler> histSamplers = getHistogramSamplers(ees); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_HISTOGRAM_SAMPLES; i++) { DoubleArrayList samples = new DoubleArrayList(histSamplers.size()); for (HistogramSampler sampler : histSamplers) { samples.add(sampler.nextSample()); } samples.sort(); if (samples.size() > n) hist.fill(samples.get(samples.size() - 1 - n)); } HistogramWriter out = new HistogramWriter(); try { out.write(hist, new FileWriter("hist.txt")); } catch (IOException e) { } // calculate the p-value for (int i = 0; i < maxCorrelationMatrix.rows(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < maxCorrelationMatrix.columns(); j++) { double corr = maxCorrelationMatrix.get(i, j); if (Double.isNaN(corr) || corr == 0d) pMatrix.set(i, j, Double.NaN); else { double pVal = getPvalue(hist, corr); pMatrix.set(i, j, pVal); } } } watch.stop();"Finished calculating " + n + "-max p-value matrix in " + watch); return pMatrix; } /** * Filter the specified matrix so columns (expression experiments) of missing data are removed * * @param matrix * @return */ public DenseDouble3dMatrix<Gene, Gene, ExpressionExperiment> filterCoexpressionMatrix( DenseDouble3dMatrix<Gene, Gene, ExpressionExperiment> matrix) {"Filtering expression experiments..."); // find empty columns List<ExpressionExperiment> filteredEeIds = new ArrayList<ExpressionExperiment>(); EE: for (ExpressionExperiment eeId : matrix.getSliceNames()) { int slice = matrix.getSliceIndexByName(eeId); for (int i = 0; i < matrix.rows(); i++) for (int j = 0; j < matrix.columns(); j++) if (!matrix.isMissing(slice, i, j)) { filteredEeIds.add(eeId); continue EE; } } + " of " + matrix.slices() + " passed"); // create a new filtered matrix DenseDouble3dMatrix<Gene, Gene, ExpressionExperiment> filteredMatrix = new DenseDouble3dMatrix<Gene, Gene, ExpressionExperiment>( filteredEeIds.size(), matrix.rows(), matrix.columns()); filteredMatrix.setSliceNames(filteredEeIds); for (int i = 0; i < filteredEeIds.size(); i++) { ExpressionExperiment eeId = filteredEeIds.get(i); int slice = filteredMatrix.getSliceIndexByName(eeId); for (int j = 0; j < matrix.rows(); j++) { for (int k = 0; k < matrix.columns(); k++) { double val = matrix.get(matrix.getSliceIndexByName(eeId), j, k); filteredMatrix.set(slice, j, k, val); } } } return filteredMatrix; } public ArrayDesignService getAdService() { return adService; } /** * Get expression data matrix for the specified expression experiment * * @param ee * @param filterConfig * @return an expression data double matrix */ public ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix getExpressionDataMatrix(ExpressionExperiment ee, FilterConfig filterConfig) { StopWatch watch = new StopWatch(); watch.start(); + ": Getting expression data matrix"); // get dedvs to build expression data matrix Collection<ProcessedExpressionDataVector> dedvs = eeService.getProcessedDataVectors(ee); dedvService.thaw(dedvs); // build and filter expression data matrix Collection<ArrayDesign> arrayDesignsUsed = eeService.getArrayDesignsUsed(ee); ExpressionExperimentFilter filter = new ExpressionExperimentFilter(arrayDesignsUsed, filterConfig); ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix eeDoubleMatrix; try { eeDoubleMatrix = filter.getFilteredMatrix(dedvs); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage()); return null; } watch.stop();"Retrieved expression data matrix in " + watch); return eeDoubleMatrix; } /** * Get a gene to composite sequence map // FIXME This corresponds to an existing service method? * * @param css * @return gene to composite sequences map */ public Map<Gene, Collection<CompositeSequence>> getGene2CsMap(Collection<CompositeSequence> css) { Map<CompositeSequence, Collection<Gene>> cs2gene = csService.getGenes(css); // filter for specific cs 2 gene for (Iterator<Map.Entry<CompositeSequence, Collection<Gene>>> it = cs2gene.entrySet().iterator(); it .hasNext();) { Map.Entry<CompositeSequence, Collection<Gene>> entry =; Collection<Gene> genes = entry.getValue(); if (genes.size() > 1) it.remove(); } Map<Gene, Collection<CompositeSequence>> gene2css = new HashMap<Gene, Collection<CompositeSequence>>(); for (Map.Entry<CompositeSequence, Collection<Gene>> entry : cs2gene.entrySet()) { CompositeSequence cs = entry.getKey(); Collection<Gene> genes = entry.getValue(); for (Gene gene : genes) { Collection<CompositeSequence> c = gene2css.get(gene); if (c == null) { c = new HashSet<CompositeSequence>(); gene2css.put(gene, c); } c.add(cs); } } return gene2css; } /** * Get the histogram samplers for the specified expression experiments * * @param ees * @return a collection of histogram samplers */ public Collection<HistogramSampler> getHistogramSamplers(Collection<BioAssaySet> ees) { Collection<HistogramSampler> histSamplers = new HashSet<HistogramSampler>(); for (BioAssaySet bas : ees) { ExpressionExperiment ee = (ExpressionExperiment) bas; String fileName = Settings.getAnalysisStoragePath() + ee.getShortName() + ".correlDist.txt"; try { HistogramSampler sampler = readHistogramFile(fileName); if (sampler == null) log.error("ERROR: " + ee.getShortName() + " has an invalid correlation distribution"); else histSamplers.add(sampler); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e.getMessage()); log.error("ERROR: Unable to read correlation distribution file for " + ee.getShortName()); } } return histSamplers; } /** * Fold the 3D correlation matrix to a 2D matrix with maximum correlations * * @param matrix - correlation matrix * @param n - the Nth largest correlation * @return matrix with Nth largest correlations */ public DoubleMatrix<Gene, Gene> getMaxCorrelationMatrix( DenseDouble3dMatrix<Gene, Gene, ExpressionExperiment> matrix, int n) {"Calculating " + n + "-max matrix"); StopWatch watch = new StopWatch(); watch.start(); DoubleMatrix<Gene, Gene> maxMatrix = new DenseDoubleMatrix<Gene, Gene>(matrix.rows(), matrix.columns()); maxMatrix.setRowNames(matrix.getRowNames()); maxMatrix.setColumnNames(matrix.getColNames()); for (int i = 0; i < matrix.rows(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < matrix.columns(); j++) { DoubleArrayList list = new DoubleArrayList(); for (int k = 0; k < matrix.slices(); k++) { double val = matrix.get(k, i, j); if (!Double.isNaN(val)) { list.add(val); } } list.sort(); double val = Double.NaN; if (list.size() > n) val = list.get(list.size() - 1 - n); maxMatrix.set(i, j, val); } } watch.stop();"Finished calculating " + n + "-max matrix in " + watch); return maxMatrix; } public void setAdService(ArrayDesignService adService) { this.adService = adService; } public void setDedvService(DesignElementDataVectorService dedvService) { this.dedvService = dedvService; } public void setEeService(ExpressionExperimentService eeService) { this.eeService = eeService; } /** * Calculates all pairwise correlations between the query and target composite sequences and then takes the median * correlation * * @param queryCss * @param targetCss * @param dataMatrix * @return */ private CorrelationSampleSize calculateCorrelation(Collection<CompositeSequence> queryCss, Collection<CompositeSequence> targetCss, ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix dataMatrix, CorrelationMethod method) { TreeMap<Double, Double> correlNumUsedMap = new TreeMap<Double, Double>(); // calculate all pairwise correlations between cs groups for (CompositeSequence queryCs : queryCss) { for (CompositeSequence targetCs : targetCss) { Double[] queryVals = dataMatrix.getRow(queryCs); Double[] targetVals = dataMatrix.getRow(targetCs); if (queryVals != null && targetVals != null) { double[] v1 = new double[queryVals.length]; double[] v2 = new double[targetVals.length]; for (int i = 0; i < queryVals.length; i++) { if (queryVals[i] != null) v1[i] = queryVals[i]; else v1[i] = Double.NaN; } for (int i = 0; i < targetVals.length; i++) { if (targetVals[i] != null) v2[i] = targetVals[i]; else v2[i] = Double.NaN; } int numUsed = 0; for (int i = 0; i < v1.length && i < v2.length; i++) if (!Double.isNaN(v1[i]) && !Double.isNaN(v2[i])) numUsed++; if (numUsed > MIN_NUM_USED) { double correlation; switch (method) { case SPEARMAN: correlation = Distance.spearmanRankCorrelation(new DoubleArrayList(v1), new DoubleArrayList(v2)); break; case PEARSON: default: correlation = CorrelationStats.correl(v1, v2); } correlNumUsedMap.put(correlation, (double) numUsed); } } } } if (correlNumUsedMap.size() == 0) { return null; } List<Double> correlations = new ArrayList<Double>(correlNumUsedMap.keySet()); // take the median correlation Double correlation = correlations.get(correlations.size() / 2); Double sampleSize = correlNumUsedMap.get(correlation); CorrelationSampleSize c = new CorrelationSampleSize(); c.correlation = correlation; c.sampleSize = sampleSize; return c; } /** * Calculates a p-value from a histogram * * @param histogram * @param x * @return */ private double getPvalue(Histogram1D histogram, double x) { int bin = histogram.xAxis().coordToIndex(x); double sum = 0.0d; for (int i = 0; i <= bin; i++) { sum += histogram.binHeight(i); } if (sum == 0d) return 0d; return sum / NUM_HISTOGRAM_SAMPLES; } /** * Read a correlation distribution * * @param fileName * @return a histogram sampler for the read distribution * @throws IOException */ private HistogramSampler readHistogramFile(String fileName) throws IOException { HistogramReader in = new HistogramReader(fileName); Histogram1D hist = in.read1D(); HistogramSampler sampler = new HistogramSampler(hist); return sampler; } /** * Stores matrices related to coexpression analysis * * @author raymond */ public class CoexpressionMatrices { private DenseDouble3dMatrix<Gene, Gene, BioAssaySet> correlationMatrix; private DenseDouble3dMatrix<Gene, Gene, BioAssaySet> sampleSizeMatrix; private Map<ExpressionExperiment, String> eeNameMap; private Map<Gene, String> geneNameMap; /** * @param ees * @param queryGenes * @param targetGenes */ public CoexpressionMatrices(Collection<BioAssaySet> ees, Collection<Gene> queryGenes, Collection<Gene> targetGenes) { List<BioAssaySet> eeList = new ArrayList<BioAssaySet>(ees); List<Gene> qGeneList = new ArrayList<Gene>(queryGenes); List<Gene> tGeneList = new ArrayList<Gene>(targetGenes); correlationMatrix = new DenseDouble3dMatrix<Gene, Gene, BioAssaySet>(eeList, qGeneList, tGeneList); sampleSizeMatrix = new DenseDouble3dMatrix<Gene, Gene, BioAssaySet>(eeList, qGeneList, tGeneList); // NaN matrices for (int k = 0; k < correlationMatrix.slices(); k++) { for (int i = 0; i < correlationMatrix.rows(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < correlationMatrix.columns(); j++) { correlationMatrix.set(k, i, j, Double.NaN); sampleSizeMatrix.set(k, i, j, Double.NaN); } } } // generate name maps eeNameMap = new HashMap<ExpressionExperiment, String>(); for (BioAssaySet bas : ees) { ExpressionExperiment ee = (ExpressionExperiment) bas; eeNameMap.put(ee, ee.getShortName()); } geneNameMap = new HashMap<Gene, String>(); for (Gene gene : queryGenes) { String name = gene.getOfficialSymbol(); if (name == null) name = gene.getId().toString(); geneNameMap.put(gene, name); } for (Gene gene : targetGenes) { String name = gene.getOfficialSymbol(); if (name == null) name = gene.getId().toString(); geneNameMap.put(gene, name); } } public DenseDouble3dMatrix<Gene, Gene, BioAssaySet> getCorrelationMatrix() { return correlationMatrix; } public Map<ExpressionExperiment, String> getEeNameMap() { return eeNameMap; } public Map<Gene, String> getGeneNameMap() { return geneNameMap; } public DenseDouble3dMatrix<Gene, Gene, BioAssaySet> getSampleSizeMatrix() { return sampleSizeMatrix; } public void setCorrelationMatrix(DenseDouble3dMatrix<Gene, Gene, BioAssaySet> correlationMatrix) { this.correlationMatrix = correlationMatrix; } public void setSampleSizeMatrix(DenseDouble3dMatrix<Gene, Gene, BioAssaySet> sampleSizeMatrix) { this.sampleSizeMatrix = sampleSizeMatrix; } } public static enum CorrelationMethod { SPEARMAN, PEARSON } /** * Stores pairs of genes * * @author raymond */ public class GenePair { private Gene gene1; private Gene gene2; public GenePair(Gene gene1, Gene gene2) { this.gene1 = gene1; this.gene2 = gene2; } @Override public String toString() { String s1 = gene1.getOfficialSymbol(); String s2 = gene2.getOfficialSymbol(); if (s1 == null) s1 = gene1.getId().toString(); if (s2 == null) s2 = gene2.getId().toString(); return s1 + ":" + s2; } } private class CorrelationSampleSize { double correlation; double sampleSize; } }