Source code

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Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2013  Ilya Markov
 * Full copyright notice can be found in LICENSE. 
package ch.usi.inf.lidr.selection;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.commons.math.stat.regression.SimpleRegression;

import ch.usi.inf.lidr.utils.ScoredEntity;

 * For each resource SUSHI learns the transformation
 * function from a document complete rank
 * to a document centralized score: <code>score_c = f(rank_complete)</code>.
 * The complete rank is estimated as
 * <code>rank_complete = resource_size / size_of_sample * (rank_sample - 0.5)</code>,
 * where <code>rank_sample</code> is the rank of a document in CSI.
 * @author Ilya Markov
 * @see "SUSHI: scoring scaled samples for server selection",
 *       Paul Thomas and Milad Shokouhi.
 *       In <i>Proceedings of SIGIR</i>, pages 419--426, 2009.
public final class SUSHI extends AbstractResourceSelection {

     * An abstract class that performs regression
     * of the type <code>y = a * f(x) + b</code>, where the function
     * <code>f</code> should be overridden by subclasses.
     * @author Ilya Markov
    private abstract static class Regression {
         * The regression.
        private final SimpleRegression regression = new SimpleRegression();
         * The slope of the regression.
        private double slope = Double.NaN;
         * The intercept of the regression.
        private double intercept = Double.NaN;

         * Adds the observation <code>(f(x), y)</code>
         * to the regression data set. 
         * @param x The independent variable value.
         * @param y The dependent variable value.
        public void addData(double x, double y) {
            regression.addData(f(x), y);

         * Returns the "predicted" y value associated
         * with the supplied x value, based on the data that
         * has been added to the model so far.
         * In particular, <code>y = a * f(x) + b</code>,
         * where <code>a</code> and <code>b</code>
         * are estimated by the regression. 
         * <p>
         * Returns 0 if the number of added observations is less than 2.
         * </p>
         * @param x The input <code>x</code> value.
         * @return The predicted <code>y</code> value.
        public double predict(double x) {
            if (getN() < 2) {
                return 0;

            if (Double.isNaN(slope) || Double.isNaN(intercept)) {
                slope = regression.getSlope();
                intercept = regression.getIntercept();
            return slope * f(x) + intercept;

         * Returns the coefficient of determination
         * usually denoted as r^2.
         * <p>
         * Returns 0 if the number of added observations is less than 2.
         * </p>
         * @return Pearson's r.
        public double getRSquare() {
            if (getN() < 2) {
                return 0;

            return regression.getRSquare();

         * Returns the number of observations that have been added to the model. 
         * @return The number of observations that have been added.
        public long getN() {
            return regression.getN();

         * Returns <code>f(x)</code>. Must be implemented by subclasses.
         * @param x The <code>x</code> value.
         * @return The <code>f(x)</code> value.
        protected abstract double f(double x);

         * Resets the slope and intercept of the regression.
        private void reset() {
            slope = Double.NaN;
            intercept = Double.NaN;

     * The minimum number of documents that each resource needs to have
     * for fitting a regression.
    private int minNumDocs = 5;

     * A <i>complete</i> rank above which documents are considered to be relevant.
    private int rankThreshold = 1000;

     * Returns the rank threshold.
     * @return The rank threshold.
     * @see #rankThreshold
    public int getRankThreshold() {
        return rankThreshold;

     * Sets the rank threshold.
     * The rank threshold should be positive.
     * @param rankThreshold The rank threshold.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *       if <code>rankThreshold</code> is less than or equal to zero.
     * @see #rankThreshold
    public void setRankThreshold(int rankThreshold) {
        if (rankThreshold <= 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The rank threshold is less or equal to zero: " + rankThreshold);
        this.rankThreshold = rankThreshold;

     * Returns the minimum number of documents required for fitting a regression.
     * @return The minimum number of documents required for fitting a regression.
     * @see #minNumDocs
    public int getMinNumDocs() {
        return minNumDocs;

     * Sets the minimum number of documents required for fitting a regression.
     * It must not be less than 2.
     * @param minNumDocs The minimum number of documents required for fitting a regression.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *       if <code>minNumDocs</code> is less than 2.
     * @see #minNumDocs
    public void setMinNumDocs(int minNumDocs) {
        if (minNumDocs < 2) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The minimum number of documents is less than 2: " + minNumDocs);
        this.minNumDocs = minNumDocs;

     * @see ch.usi.inf.lidr.selection.AbstractResourceSelection#getResourceScores(List, java.util.List)
    protected <T> Map<Resource, Double> getResourceScores(List<ScoredEntity<T>> documents,
            List<Resource> resources) {
        Map<Resource, Regression> resource2regression = getResource2Regression(documents, resources);

        int currentRankCutoff = sampleRankCutoff > 0 ? sampleRankCutoff
                : getSampleRank(documents, resources, completeRankCutoff);

        List<ScoredEntity<T>> completeDocuments = new ArrayList<ScoredEntity<T>>();
        List<Resource> completeResources = new ArrayList<Resource>();
        for (int i = 0; i < documents.size() && i < currentRankCutoff; i++) {
            if (!resource2regression.containsKey(resources.get(i))) {
        getCompleteDocumentRanking(resource2regression, completeDocuments, completeResources);

        Map<Resource, Double> resourceScores = calculateResourceScores(completeDocuments, completeResources);
        return resourceScores;

     * For each distinct resource in <code>resources</code>
     * returns the best-fit regression between scores and ranks
     * of documents in that resource.
    private <T> Map<Resource, Regression> getResource2Regression(List<ScoredEntity<T>> documents,
            List<Resource> resources) {
        Map<Resource, Regression[]> resource2regressions = new HashMap<Resource, Regression[]>();

        int currentRankCutoff = sampleRankCutoff > 0 ? sampleRankCutoff
                : getSampleRank(documents, resources, completeRankCutoff);

        int centrRank = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < documents.size() && i < currentRankCutoff; i++) {
            double docScore = documents.get(i).getScore();
            Resource resource = resources.get(i);
            Regression[] regressions = resource2regressions.get(resource) != null
                    ? resource2regressions.get(resource)
                    : getRegressions();

            int sizeRatio = resources.get(i).getSize() / resources.get(i).getSampleSize();
            int docRank = (int) (centrRank + 0.5 * sizeRatio);
            centrRank += sizeRatio;

            for (int j = 0; j < regressions.length; j++) {
                regressions[j].addData(docRank, docScore);

            resource2regressions.put(resource, regressions);

        Map<Resource, Regression> result = new HashMap<Resource, Regression>();
        for (Map.Entry<Resource, Regression[]> resource2regression : resource2regressions.entrySet()) {
            Resource resource = resource2regression.getKey();
            Regression regression = getBestFitRegression(resource2regression.getValue());
            if (regression.getN() >= minNumDocs) {
                result.put(resource, regression);
        return result;

     * Returns three different regression models, namely,
     * linear, log, and exponential.
    private Regression[] getRegressions() {
        return new Regression[] { new Regression() {
            protected double f(double x) {
                return x;
        }, new Regression() {
            protected double f(double x) {
                if (x <= 0) {
                    return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
                return Math.log(x);
        }, new Regression() {
            protected double f(double x) {
                return Math.exp(x);
        } };

     * Finds a regression with the highest r^2 coefficient
     * among given <code>regressions</code>.
    private Regression getBestFitRegression(Regression[] regressions) {
        Regression result = regressions[0];
        for (int i = 1; i < regressions.length; i++) {
            if (result.getRSquare() < regressions[i].getRSquare()) {
                result = regressions[i];

        return result;

     * Based on the given regressions
     * estimates the scores of the top-<i>L</i> documents,
     * where <code>L = rankThreshold</code>.
    private <T> void getCompleteDocumentRanking(Map<Resource, Regression> resource2regression,
            List<ScoredEntity<T>> documents, List<Resource> resources) {
        if (resource2regression.size() == 0) {

        for (Map.Entry<Resource, Regression> res2regr : resource2regression.entrySet()) {
            Resource resource = res2regr.getKey();
            Regression regression = res2regr.getValue();

            for (int i = 1; i <= rankThreshold; i++) {
                double score = regression.predict(i);
                documents.add(new ScoredEntity(resource + "_" + i, score));


        sort(documents, resources, rankThreshold);
        documents = documents.subList(0, Math.min(documents.size(), rankThreshold));
        resources = resources.subList(0, Math.min(resources.size(), rankThreshold));

     * Calculates resource scores based on the list of scored documents.
    private <T> Map<Resource, Double> calculateResourceScores(List<ScoredEntity<T>> documents,
            List<Resource> resources) {
        Map<Resource, Double> resourceScores = new HashMap<Resource, Double>();
        for (Resource resource : resources) {
            resourceScores.put(resource, 0d);

        for (int i = 0; i < documents.size() && i < rankThreshold; i++) {
            Resource resource = resources.get(i);

            double score = resourceScores.get(resource);
            score += documents.get(i).getScore();

            resourceScores.put(resource, score);

        return resourceScores;