Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2015 David Lamparter, Daniel Marbach * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. *******************************************************************************/ package; import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.NormalDistribution; import ch.unil.genescore.main.Pascal; /** * Refactored from R package CompQuadForm by Pierre Lafaye de Micheaux and Pierre Duchesne. See bottom of file for original code. * * Distribution function (survival function in fact) of quadratic forms in normal variables using Fare- brothers algorithm. * * Algorithm AS 204 Appl. Statist. (1984) Vol. 33, No.3 * ruben evaluates the probability that a positive definite quadratic form in Normal variates is less than a given value */ public class Farebrother implements WeightedChisquareAlgorithm { // ARGUMENTS /** Value point at which the survival function is to be evaluated */ private double q_ = -1; /** Distinct non-zero characteristic roots of A\Sigma */ private double[] lambda_ = null; /** Respective orders of multiplicity of the lambdas (degrees of the chi2 variables) */ private int[] h_ = null; /** Non-centrality parameters of the chi2 variables */ private double[] delta_ = null; /** Accuracy requested */ private double eps_ = -1; /** Max number of iterations */ private int maxit_ = -1; /** if mode>0 then beta = mode * lambda_min otherwise beta = beta*B = 2/(1/lambda_min + 1/lambda_max) */ private double mode_ = 1; /** Normal distribution */ private NormalDistribution normal_ = new NormalDistribution(0.0, 1.0); /** The result */ private double res_ = -1; /** Error code */ private int ifault_ = 0; // ============================================================================ // PUBLIC METHODS /** Constructor */ public Farebrother(double[] lambda) { lambda_ = lambda; h_ = new int[lambda.length]; for (int i = 0; i < lambda.length; i++) h_[i] = 1; delta_ = new double[lambda.length]; for (int i = 0; i < lambda.length; i++) delta_[i] = 0; eps_ = Pascal.set.requestedAbsolutePrecision_; maxit_ = Pascal.set.farebrotherMaxIterations_; mode_ = Pascal.set.farebrotherMode_; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Compute P(Q > q) */ public double probQsupx(double q) { // initialize q_ = q; ifault_ = 0; res_ = -41; // compute ruben(); res_ = 1 - res_; if (res_ < 1E-15) { res_ = 1E-15; } return res_; } // ============================================================================ // PRIVATE FUNCTIONS /** * ruben.cpp: * Algorithm AS 204 Appl. Statist. (1984) Vol. 33, No.3 * ruben evaluates the probability that a positive definite quadratic form in Normal variates is less than a given value */ private void ruben() { ifault_ = -41; // I added this initialization --daniel //void ruben(double *lambda, int *mult, double *delta, int *n, double *c, double *mode, int *maxit, double *eps, double *dnsty, int *ifault, double *res) { // Initialized at 0 in the R code double dnsty = 0.0; int i, k, m, j; //double pnorm(double q, double mean, double sd, int lower_tail, int log_p); double ao, aoinv, z, bbeta, eps2, hold, hold2, sum, sum1, dans, lans, pans, prbty, tol; double[] gamma = new double[lambda_.length]; double[] theta = new double[lambda_.length]; double[] a = new double[maxit_]; double[] b = new double[maxit_]; if ((lambda_.length < 1) || (q_ <= 0) || (maxit_ < 1) || (eps_ <= 0.0)) { res_ = -2.0; ifault_ = 2; return; } tol = -200.0; // Preliminaries sum = lambda_[0]; bbeta = sum; for (i = 1; i <= lambda_.length; i++) { hold = lambda_[i - 1]; if ((hold <= 0.0) || (h_[i - 1] < 1) || (delta_[i - 1] < 0.0)) { res_ = -7.0; ifault_ = -i; return; } if (bbeta > hold) bbeta = hold; // calcul du max des lambdas if (sum < hold) sum = hold; // calcul du min des lambdas } if (mode_ > 0.0) { // if ((2.0/(1.0/bbeta+1.0/sum))>1.8*sum) bbeta = sum; // comme dans NAG : methode avec betaA bbeta = mode_ * bbeta; } else { bbeta = 2.0 / (1.0 / bbeta + 1.0 / sum); // methode avec betaB } k = 0; sum = 1.0; sum1 = 0.0; for (i = 1; i <= lambda_.length; i++) { hold = bbeta / lambda_[i - 1]; gamma[i - 1] = 1.0 - hold; sum = sum * Math.pow(hold, h_[i - 1]); //???? pas sur .. sum1 = sum1 + delta_[i - 1]; k = k + h_[i - 1]; theta[i - 1] = 1.0; } ao = Math.exp(0.5 * (Math.log(sum) - sum1)); if (ao <= 0.0) { res_ = 0.0; dnsty = 0.0; ifault_ = 1; // returns after this (the rest of the function is in the else) } else { // evaluate probability and density of chi-squared on k degrees of freedom. The constant 0.22579135264473 is ln(sqrt(pi/2)) z = q_ / bbeta; if ((k % 2) == 0) { // k est un entier donc on regarde si k est divisible par 2: k == (k/2)*k i = 2; lans = -0.5 * z; dans = Math.exp(lans); pans = 1.0 - dans; } else { i = 1; lans = -0.5 * (z + Math.log(z)) - 0.22579135264473; dans = Math.exp(lans); //pans = pnorm(Math.sqrt(z),0.0,1.0,1,0) - pnorm(-Math.sqrt(z),0.0,1.0,1,0); pans = normal_.cumulativeProbability(Math.sqrt(z)) - normal_.cumulativeProbability(-Math.sqrt(z)); } k = k - 2; for (j = i; j <= k; j = j + 2) { if (lans < tol) { lans = lans + Math.log(z / (double) j); dans = Math.exp(lans); } else { dans = dans * z / (double) j; } pans = pans - dans; } // evaluate successive terms of expansion prbty = pans; dnsty = dans; eps2 = eps_ / ao; aoinv = 1.0 / ao; sum = aoinv - 1.0; for (m = 1; m <= maxit_; m++) { sum1 = 0.0; for (i = 1; i <= lambda_.length; i++) { hold = theta[i - 1]; hold2 = hold * gamma[i - 1]; theta[i - 1] = hold2; sum1 = sum1 + hold2 * h_[i - 1] + m * delta_[i - 1] * (hold - hold2); } sum1 = 0.5 * sum1; b[m - 1] = sum1; for (i = m - 1; i >= 1; i--) { sum1 = sum1 + b[i - 1] * a[m - i - 1]; } sum1 = sum1 / (double) m; a[m - 1] = sum1; k = k + 2; if (lans < tol) { lans = lans + Math.log(z / (double) k); dans = Math.exp(lans); } else { dans = dans * z / (double) k; } pans = pans - dans; sum = sum - sum1; dnsty = dnsty + dans * sum1; sum1 = pans * sum1; prbty = prbty + sum1; if (prbty < (-aoinv)) { res_ = -3.0; ifault_ = 3; return; } if (Math.abs(pans * sum) < eps2) { if (Math.abs(sum1) < eps2) { ifault_ = 0; // this is overwritten below (ifault_=4) -- I now changed the code below // I COMMENTED THIS SO WE CAN See IF THERE WAS CONVERGENCE OR NOT -daniel //m = maxit_+1; // and WHY would you do that? break; } } } if (m > maxit_) // I ADDED THIS IF, OTHERWISE IT MAKES NO SENSE -daniel ifault_ = 4; // Check if I understood correctly assert ifault_ == 0 || ifault_ == 4; dnsty = ao * dnsty / (bbeta + bbeta); prbty = ao * prbty; // With my edits above, this now makes a bit mores sense if (prbty < 0.0 || prbty > 1.0) { ifault_ = ifault_ + 5; // why the ... would they write it like this? I.e., ifault_ = 9 } else { if (dnsty < 0.0) ifault_ = ifault_ + 6; } res_ = prbty; } return; } // ============================================================================ // GETTERS AND SETTERS public int getIfault() { return ifault_; } } // Original code from the R-package // ================================ //farebrother <- function(q,lambda,h = rep(1,length(lambda)),delta = rep(0,length(lambda)),maxit=100000,eps=10^(-10),mode=1) { // // // r <- length(lambda) // if (length(h) != r) stop("lambda and h should have the same length!") // if (length(delta) != r) stop("lambda and delta should have the same length!") // // # mode <- 1 # ?? // // dnsty <- 0.0 // ifault <- 0 // res <- 0 // // // out <- .C("ruben",lambda=as.double(lambda),h=as.integer(h),delta=as.double(delta),r=as.integer(r),q=as.double(q),mode=as.double(mode),maxit=as.integer(maxit),eps=as.double(eps),dnsty=as.double(dnsty),ifault=as.integer(ifault),res=as.double(res),PACKAGE="CompQuadForm") // // out$res <- 1 - out$res // // return(out) // // } // // // //#include <R.h> //#include "Rmath.h" // //extern "C" { // ////Algorithm AS 204 Appl. Statist. (1984) Vol. 33, No.3 ////ruben evaluates the probability that a positive definite quadratic form in Normal variates is less than a given value // // void ruben(double *lambda, int *mult, double *delta, int *n, double *c, double *mode, int *maxit, double *eps, double *dnsty, int *ifault, double *res) { // // int i,k,m,j; // double pnorm(double q, double mean, double sd, int lower_tail, int log_p); // double ao, aoinv, z, bbeta, eps2, hold, hold2, sum, sum1, dans, lans, pans, prbty, tol; // double *gamma, *theta, *a, *b; // gamma = new double[n[0]]; // theta = new double[n[0]]; // a = new double[maxit[0]]; // b = new double[maxit[0]]; // // // // if ((n[0]<1) || (c[0]<=0) || (maxit[0] <1) || (eps[0]<=0.0)) { // res[0] = -2.0; // ifault[0] = 2; // delete[] gamma; // delete[] theta; // delete[] a; // delete[] b; // return; // } else { // tol = -200.0; // // // Preliminaries // sum = lambda[0]; // bbeta = sum; // // for (i=1;i<=n[0];i++) { // hold = lambda[i-1]; // if ((hold<=0.0) || (mult[i-1]<1) || (delta[i-1]<0.0)) { // res[0] = -7.0; // ifault[0] = -i; // delete[] gamma; // delete[] theta; // delete[] a; // delete[] b; // return; // } // if (bbeta > hold) bbeta = hold; // calcul du max des lambdas // if (sum < hold) sum = hold; // calcul du min des lambdas // } // // // if (mode[0] > 0.0) { // // if ((2.0/(1.0/bbeta+1.0/sum))>1.8*sum) bbeta = sum; // comme dans NAG : methode avec betaA // bbeta = mode[0]*bbeta; // } else { // bbeta = 2.0/(1.0/bbeta+1.0/sum); // methode avec betaB // } // // k = 0; // sum = 1.0; // sum1 = 0.0; // for (i=1;i<=n[0];i++) { // hold = bbeta/lambda[i-1]; // gamma[i-1] = 1.0 - hold; // sum = sum*R_pow(hold,mult[i-1]); //???? pas sur .. // sum1 = sum1 + delta[i-1]; // k = k + mult[i-1]; // theta[i-1] = 1.0; // } // // ao = exp(0.5*(log(sum)-sum1)); // if (ao <= 0.0) { // res[0] = 0.0; // dnsty[0] = 0.0; // ifault[0] = 1; // } else { // evaluate probability and density of chi-squared on k degrees of freedom. The constant 0.22579135264473 is ln(sqrt(pi/2)) // z = c[0]/bbeta; // // if ((k%2) == 0) { // k est un entier donc on regarde si k est divisible par 2: k == (k/2)*k // i = 2; // lans = -0.5*z; // dans = exp(lans); // pans = 1.0 - dans; // } else { // i = 1; // lans = -0.5*(z+log(z)) - 0.22579135264473; // dans = exp(lans); // pans = pnorm(sqrt(z),0.0,1.0,1,0) - pnorm(-sqrt(z),0.0,1.0,1,0); // } // // k = k-2; // for (j=i;j<=k;j=j+2) { // if (lans < tol) { // lans = lans + log(z/(double)j); // dans = exp(lans); // } else { // dans = dans*z/(double)j; // } // pans = pans -dans; // } // // // evaluate successive terms of expansion // // prbty = pans; // dnsty[0] = dans; // eps2 = eps[0]/ao; // aoinv = 1.0/ao; // sum = aoinv - 1.0; // // // for (m=1;m<=maxit[0];m++) { // sum1 = 0.0; // for (i=1;i<=n[0];i++) { // hold = theta[i-1]; // hold2 = hold*gamma[i-1]; // theta[i-1] = hold2; // sum1 = sum1 + hold2*mult[i-1]+m*delta[i-1]*(hold-hold2); // } // sum1 = 0.5*sum1; // b[m-1] = sum1; // for (i=m-1;i>=1;i--) { // sum1 = sum1 + b[i-1]*a[m-i-1]; // } // sum1 = sum1/(double)m; // a[m-1] = sum1; // k = k + 2; // if (lans < tol) { // lans = lans + log(z/(double)k); // dans = exp(lans); // } else { // dans = dans*z/(double)k; // } // pans = pans - dans; // sum = sum - sum1; // dnsty[0] = dnsty[0] + dans*sum1; // sum1 = pans*sum1; // prbty = prbty + sum1; // if (prbty<(-aoinv)) { // res[0] = -3.0; // ifault[0] = 3; // return; // } // if (fabs(pans*sum) < eps2) { // if (fabs(sum1) < eps2) { // ifault[0] = 0; // // m = maxit[0]+1; // break; // // } // } // } // // ifault[0] = 4; // dnsty[0] = ao*dnsty[0]/(bbeta+bbeta); // prbty = ao*prbty; // if (prbty<0.0 || prbty>1.0) {ifault[0] = ifault[0] + 5; // } else { // if (dnsty[0]<0.0) ifault[0] = ifault[0] + 6; // } // res[0] = prbty; // } // // delete[] gamma; // delete[] theta; // delete[] a; // delete[] b; // return; // } // // } //}