Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2015, Florent Hedin, Markus Meuwly, and the University of Basel * All rights reserved. * * The 3-clause BSD license is applied to this software. * see LICENSE.txt * */ package ch.unibas.fittingwizard.application.fitting; import ch.unibas.fittingwizard.application.molecule.AtomTypeId; import ch.unibas.fittingwizard.application.molecule.MoleculeId; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; /** * This represents the fit result for on atom type. * User: mhelmer * Date: 03.12.13 * Time: 15:21 */ public class FitResult { private final List<MoleculeId> moleculeIds; private final List<ChargeValue> chargeValues; private final AtomTypeId atomTypeId; private final double initialQ; public FitResult(AtomTypeId atomTypeId, List<MoleculeId> moleculeIds, double initialQ, OutputAtomType outputAtomType) { if (!atomTypeId.equals(outputAtomType.getId())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("output atom type's id does not match atom type id."); } this.atomTypeId = atomTypeId; this.moleculeIds = moleculeIds; this.initialQ = initialQ; this.chargeValues = outputAtomType.getChargeValues(); } /** * Gets the list of molecule ids the atom type is contained in. * @return */ public List<MoleculeId> getMoleculeIds() { return moleculeIds; } public AtomTypeId getAtomTypeId() { return atomTypeId; } /** * Gets the name of the atom type this fit results is for. * @return */ public String getAtomTypeName() { return atomTypeId.getName(); } public double getQ00() { return findValueByType(ChargeTypes.charge); } public double getInitialQ() { return initialQ; } public double getAbsDeviationOfQ() { return Math.abs(Math.abs(initialQ) - Math.abs(getQ00())); } public Double getChargeValue(String chargeType) { if (chargeType.equalsIgnoreCase(ChargeTypes.charge)) { return getQ00(); } return findValueByType(chargeType); } public List<Double> findValuesByPrefix(String prefix) { prefix = getPrefix(prefix); List<Double> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (ChargeValue chargeValue : chargeValues) { if (StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(chargeValue.getType(), prefix)) { result.add(chargeValue.getValue()); } } return result; } private String getPrefix(String chargeType) { return chargeType.substring(0, 2); } public Double findValueByType(String type) { ChargeValue result = null; for (ChargeValue chargeValue : chargeValues) { if (chargeValue.getType().equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { result = chargeValue; break; } } return result != null ? result.getValue() : null; } }