Java tutorial
// This file is part of Nanobrowser. // Copyright 2012, Tobias Kuhn, // // Nanobrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the // GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version // 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // Nanobrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without // even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with Nanobrowser. // If not, see package ch.tkuhn.nanobrowser; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.DateFormatUtils; import; import org.openrdf.model.BNode; import org.openrdf.model.Statement; import org.openrdf.model.URI; import org.openrdf.model.Value; import org.openrdf.query.BindingSet; import ch.tkuhn.hashuri.rdf.CheckNanopub; import ch.tkuhn.nanopub.Nanopub; public class NanopubElement extends ThingElement { private static final long serialVersionUID = -62516765710631807L; public static final String TYPE_URI = Nanopub.NANOPUB_TYPE_URI.toString(); private Nanopub nanopub; private Boolean isValid; public NanopubElement(String uri) { super(uri); nanopub = TripleStoreAccess.getNanopub(uri); } public Nanopub getNanopub() { return nanopub; } public boolean isValid() { if (isValid != null) return isValid; if (nanopub == null) return false; isValid = CheckNanopub.isValid(nanopub); return isValid; } private static final String hasCompleteFormalAssertionQuery = "ask { graph <@> { ?s ?p ?o } }"; public boolean hasCompleteFormalAssertionQuery() { String query = hasCompleteFormalAssertionQuery.replaceAll("@", nanopub.getAssertionUri().stringValue()); return TripleStoreAccess.isTrue(query); } private static final String nonmetaNanopubsQuery = "select distinct ?p where { ?p a np:Nanopublication . ?p np:hasPublicationInfo ?info . " + "graph ?info { ?p dc:created ?d } ." + "filter not exists { ?p a npx:MetaNanopub } } order by desc(?d)"; public static List<NanopubElement> getNonmetaNanopubs(int limit) { String lm = (limit >= 0) ? " limit " + limit : ""; List<BindingSet> result = TripleStoreAccess.getTuples(nonmetaNanopubsQuery + lm); List<NanopubElement> nanopubs = new ArrayList<NanopubElement>(); for (BindingSet bs : result) { Value v = bs.getValue("p"); if (v instanceof BNode) continue; nanopubs.add(new NanopubElement(v.stringValue())); } return nanopubs; } public static boolean isNanopub(String uri) { return TripleStoreAccess.getNanopub(uri) != null; } private static final String sentenceAssertionsQuery = "select distinct ?c where { <@> np:hasAssertion ?a . ?a npx:asSentence ?c }"; public List<SentenceElement> getSentenceAssertions() { String query = sentenceAssertionsQuery.replaceAll("@", getURI()); List<BindingSet> result = TripleStoreAccess.getTuples(query); List<SentenceElement> l = new ArrayList<SentenceElement>(); for (BindingSet bs : result) { Value v = bs.getValue("c"); if (v instanceof BNode) continue; l.add(new SentenceElement(v.stringValue())); } return l; } public List<Triple<?, ?>> getAssertionTriples() { List<Triple<?, ?>> triples = new ArrayList<Triple<?, ?>>(); if (nanopub == null) return triples; for (Statement st : nanopub.getAssertion()) { String p = st.getPredicate().toString(); if (p.equals("")) continue; if (p.equals("")) continue; triples.add(new Triple<ThingElement, Object>(st)); } return triples; } public List<Triple<?, ?>> getProvenanceTriples() { List<Triple<?, ?>> triples = new ArrayList<Triple<?, ?>>(); if (nanopub == null) return triples; for (Statement st : nanopub.getProvenance()) { triples.add(new Triple<ThingElement, Object>(st)); } return triples; } public String getCreateDateString() { if (nanopub == null) return null; Calendar c = nanopub.getCreationTime(); if (c == null) return null; return DateFormatUtils.format(c, DateFormatUtils.SMTP_DATETIME_FORMAT.getPattern()); } public List<AgentElement> getAuthors() { List<AgentElement> l = new ArrayList<AgentElement>(); if (nanopub != null) { for (URI uri : nanopub.getAuthors()) { l.add(new AgentElement(uri.stringValue())); } } return l; } public List<AgentElement> getCreators() { List<AgentElement> l = new ArrayList<AgentElement>(); if (nanopub != null) { for (URI uri : nanopub.getCreators()) { l.add(new AgentElement(uri.stringValue())); } } return l; } private static final String opinionsQuery = "select ?p ?t ?pub ?s where { " + "?pub np:hasAssertion ?ass . ?pub np:hasPublicationInfo ?info . " + "graph ?info { ?pub dc:created ?d } . " + "graph ?ass { ?p npx:hasOpinion ?o . ?o rdf:type ?t . ?o npx:opinionOn ?s } ." + "<@> np:hasAssertion ?a . ?a npx:asSentence ?s } order by asc(?d)"; public List<Opinion> getOpinions(boolean excludeNullOpinions) { String query = opinionsQuery.replaceAll("@", getURI()); List<BindingSet> result = TripleStoreAccess.getTuples(query); Map<String, Opinion> opinionMap = new HashMap<String, Opinion>(); for (BindingSet bs : result) { Value p = bs.getValue("p"); Value t = bs.getValue("t"); Value s = bs.getValue("s"); Value pub = bs.getValue("pub"); if (p instanceof BNode || t instanceof BNode || s instanceof BNode || pub instanceof BNode) continue; if (excludeNullOpinions && t.stringValue().equals(Opinion.NULL_TYPE)) { opinionMap.remove(p.stringValue()); } else { AgentElement agent = new AgentElement(p.stringValue()); NanopubElement nanopub = new NanopubElement(pub.stringValue()); SentenceElement sentence = new SentenceElement(s.stringValue()); Opinion opinion = new Opinion(agent, t.stringValue(), sentence, nanopub); opinionMap.put(p.stringValue(), opinion); } } return new ArrayList<Opinion>(opinionMap.values()); } private static final String deleteGraphQuery = "clear graph <@>"; public void delete() { if (nanopub != null) { for (URI g : nanopub.getGraphUris()) { TripleStoreAccess.runUpdateQuery(deleteGraphQuery.replaceAll("@", g.stringValue())); } } } private static final String getNanopubGraphsWithPropertyQuery = "select ?pub where { graph ?ass { ?x @P ?y } . graph ?g { ?pub np:hasAssertion ?ass } }"; public static void deleteAllNanopubsWithProperty(String propertyURI) { if (propertyURI.matches("^[a-z]+://")) { propertyURI = "<" + propertyURI + ">"; } String query = getNanopubGraphsWithPropertyQuery.replaceAll("@P", propertyURI); for (BindingSet bs : TripleStoreAccess.getTuples(query)) { (new NanopubElement(bs.getValue("pub").stringValue())).delete(); } } public NanopubItem createGUIItem(String id, int guiItemStyle) { return new NanopubItem(id, this, guiItemStyle); } public static String getTemplate(String name) { try { String f = "/templates/" + name + ".template.trig"; InputStream in = TripleStoreAccess.class.getResourceAsStream(f); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); IOUtils.copy(in, writer, "UTF-8"); return writer.toString(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return null; } }