Java tutorial
/* * $Id$ * * The MIT License (MIT) * Copyright (c) 2015 Threema GmbH * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE */ package ch.threema.apitool.helpers; import ch.threema.apitool.APIConnector; import ch.threema.apitool.CryptTool; import ch.threema.apitool.exceptions.InvalidKeyException; import ch.threema.apitool.exceptions.MessageParseException; import ch.threema.apitool.exceptions.NotAllowedException; import ch.threema.apitool.messages.FileMessage; import ch.threema.apitool.messages.ImageMessage; import ch.threema.apitool.messages.ThreemaMessage; import ch.threema.apitool.results.CapabilityResult; import ch.threema.apitool.results.EncryptResult; import ch.threema.apitool.results.UploadResult; import com.neilalexander.jnacl.NaCl; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Helper to handle Threema end-to-end encryption. */ public class E2EHelper { private final APIConnector apiConnector; private final byte[] privateKey; public class ReceiveMessageResult { private final String messageId; protected List<File> files = new ArrayList<>(); protected List<String> errors = new ArrayList<>(); public ReceiveMessageResult(String messageId) { this.messageId = messageId; } public List<File> getFiles() { return this.files; } public List<String> getErrors() { return this.errors; } public String getMessageId() { return messageId; } } public E2EHelper(APIConnector apiConnector, byte[] privateKey) { this.apiConnector = apiConnector; this.privateKey = privateKey; } /** * Encrypt a text message and send it to the given recipient. * * @param threemaId target Threema ID * @param text the text to send * @return generated message ID */ public String sendTextMessage(String threemaId, String text) throws Exception { //fetch public key byte[] publicKey = this.apiConnector.lookupKey(threemaId); if (publicKey == null) { throw new Exception("invalid threema id"); } EncryptResult res = CryptTool.encryptTextMessage(text, this.privateKey, publicKey); return this.apiConnector.sendE2EMessage(threemaId, res.getNonce(), res.getResult()); } /** * Encrypt an image message and send it to the given recipient. * * @param threemaId target Threema ID * @param imageFilePath path to read image data from * @return generated message ID * @throws NotAllowedException * @throws IOException * @throws InvalidKeyException */ public String sendImageMessage(String threemaId, String imageFilePath) throws NotAllowedException, IOException, InvalidKeyException { //fetch public key byte[] publicKey = this.apiConnector.lookupKey(threemaId); if (publicKey == null) { throw new InvalidKeyException("invalid threema id"); } //check capability of a key CapabilityResult capabilityResult = this.apiConnector.lookupKeyCapability(threemaId); if (capabilityResult == null || !capabilityResult.canImage()) { throw new NotAllowedException(); } byte[] fileData = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(imageFilePath)); if (fileData == null) { throw new IOException("invalid file"); } //encrypt the image EncryptResult encryptResult = CryptTool.encrypt(fileData, this.privateKey, publicKey); //upload the image UploadResult uploadResult = apiConnector.uploadFile(encryptResult); if (!uploadResult.isSuccess()) { throw new IOException("could not upload file (upload response " + uploadResult.getResponseCode() + ")"); } //send it EncryptResult imageMessage = CryptTool.encryptImageMessage(encryptResult, uploadResult, privateKey, publicKey); return apiConnector.sendE2EMessage(threemaId, imageMessage.getNonce(), imageMessage.getResult()); } /** * Encrypt a file message and send it to the given recipient. * The thumbnailMessagePath can be null. * * @param threemaId target Threema ID * @param fileMessageFile the file to be sent * @param thumbnailMessagePath file for thumbnail; if not set, no thumbnail will be sent * @return generated message ID * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws IOException * @throws NotAllowedException */ public String sendFileMessage(String threemaId, File fileMessageFile, File thumbnailMessagePath) throws InvalidKeyException, IOException, NotAllowedException { //fetch public key byte[] publicKey = this.apiConnector.lookupKey(threemaId); if (publicKey == null) { throw new InvalidKeyException("invalid threema id"); } //check capability of a key CapabilityResult capabilityResult = this.apiConnector.lookupKeyCapability(threemaId); if (capabilityResult == null || !capabilityResult.canImage()) { throw new NotAllowedException(); } if (!fileMessageFile.isFile()) { throw new IOException("invalid file"); } byte[] fileData = this.readFile(fileMessageFile); if (fileData == null) { throw new IOException("invalid file"); } //encrypt the image EncryptResult encryptResult = CryptTool.encryptFileData(fileData); //upload the image UploadResult uploadResult = apiConnector.uploadFile(encryptResult); if (!uploadResult.isSuccess()) { throw new IOException("could not upload file (upload response " + uploadResult.getResponseCode() + ")"); } UploadResult uploadResultThumbnail = null; if (thumbnailMessagePath != null && thumbnailMessagePath.isFile()) { byte[] thumbnailData = this.readFile(thumbnailMessagePath); if (thumbnailData == null) { throw new IOException("invalid thumbnail file"); } //encrypt the thumbnail EncryptResult encryptResultThumbnail = CryptTool.encryptFileThumbnailData(fileData, encryptResult.getSecret()); //upload the thumbnail uploadResultThumbnail = this.apiConnector.uploadFile(encryptResultThumbnail); } //send it EncryptResult fileMessage = CryptTool.encryptFileMessage(encryptResult, uploadResult, Files.probeContentType(fileMessageFile.toPath()), fileMessageFile.getName(), (int) fileMessageFile.length(), uploadResultThumbnail, privateKey, publicKey); return this.apiConnector.sendE2EMessage(threemaId, fileMessage.getNonce(), fileMessage.getResult()); } /** * Decrypt a Message and download the blobs of the Message (e.g. image or file) * * @param threemaId Threema ID of the sender * @param messageId Message ID * @param box Encrypted box data of the file/image message * @param nonce Nonce that was used for message encryption * @param outputFolder Output folder for storing decrypted images/files * @return result of message reception * @throws IOException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws MessageParseException */ public ReceiveMessageResult receiveMessage(String threemaId, String messageId, byte[] box, byte[] nonce, Path outputFolder) throws IOException, InvalidKeyException, MessageParseException { //fetch public key byte[] publicKey = this.apiConnector.lookupKey(threemaId); if (publicKey == null) { throw new InvalidKeyException("invalid threema id"); } ThreemaMessage message = CryptTool.decryptMessage(box, this.privateKey, publicKey, nonce); if (message == null) { return null; } ReceiveMessageResult result = new ReceiveMessageResult(messageId); if (message instanceof ImageMessage) { //download image ImageMessage imageMessage = (ImageMessage) message; byte[] fileData = this.apiConnector.downloadFile(imageMessage.getBlobId()); if (fileData == null) { throw new MessageParseException(); } byte[] decryptedFileContent = CryptTool.decrypt(fileData, privateKey, publicKey, imageMessage.getNonce()); File imageFile = new File(outputFolder.toString() + "/" + messageId + ".jpg"); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(imageFile); fos.write(decryptedFileContent); fos.close(); result.files.add(imageFile); } else if (message instanceof FileMessage) { //download file FileMessage fileMessage = (FileMessage) message; byte[] fileData = this.apiConnector.downloadFile(fileMessage.getBlobId()); byte[] decryptedFileData = CryptTool.decryptFileData(fileData, fileMessage.getEncryptionKey()); File file = new File(outputFolder.toString() + "/" + messageId + "-" + fileMessage.getFileName()); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file); fos.write(decryptedFileData); fos.close(); result.files.add(file); if (fileMessage.getThumbnailBlobId() != null) { byte[] thumbnailData = this.apiConnector.downloadFile(fileMessage.getThumbnailBlobId()); byte[] decryptedThumbnailData = CryptTool.decryptFileThumbnailData(thumbnailData, fileMessage.getEncryptionKey()); File thumbnailFile = new File(outputFolder.toString() + "/" + messageId + "-thumbnail.jpg"); fos = new FileOutputStream(thumbnailFile); fos.write(decryptedThumbnailData); fos.close(); result.files.add(thumbnailFile); } } return result; } /** * Read file data from file - store at offset in byte array for in-place encryption * @param file input file * @return file data with padding/offset for NaCl * @throws IOException */ private byte[] readFile(File file) throws IOException { int fileLength = (int) file.length(); byte[] fileData = new byte[fileLength + NaCl.BOXOVERHEAD]; IOUtils.readFully(new FileInputStream(file), fileData, NaCl.BOXOVERHEAD, fileLength); return fileData; } }