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 * Copyright 2008 ETH Zuerich, CISD
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.dto.identifier;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils;

import ch.systemsx.cisd.common.exceptions.UserFailureException;
import ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.dto.DatabaseInstancePE;
import ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.dto.ExperimentPE;
import ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.dto.GroupPE;
import ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.dto.ProjectPE;
import ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.dto.SamplePE;
import ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.util.HibernateUtils;

 * Some useful methods around identifiers.
 * @author Christian Ribeaud
public final class IdentifierHelper {

    private IdentifierHelper() {
        // Can not be instantiated.

     * Creates a {@link GroupIdentifier} from given <var>groupPE</var>.
    public final static GroupIdentifier createGroupIdentifier(final GroupPE groupPE) {
        assert groupPE != null : "Unspecified group";
        assert groupPE.getDatabaseInstance() != null : "Any group must " + "be attached to a database instance";
        return new GroupIdentifier(groupPE.getDatabaseInstance().getCode(), groupPE.getCode());

     * Creates a {@link GroupIdentifier} from given <var>groupPE</var>.
    public final static DatabaseInstanceIdentifier createDatabaseInstanceIdentifier(
            final DatabaseInstancePE databaseInstancePE) {
        assert databaseInstancePE != null : "Unspecified database instance";
        return new DatabaseInstanceIdentifier(databaseInstancePE.getCode());

     * Creates a {@link SampleIdentifier} from given <var>samplePE</var>.
    public final static SampleIdentifier createSampleIdentifier(final SamplePE samplePE) {
        assert samplePE != null : "Unspecified sample";
        final DatabaseInstancePE databaseInstance = samplePE.getDatabaseInstance();
        final GroupPE group = samplePE.getGroup();
        final String sampleCode = extractCode(samplePE);
        if (databaseInstance != null) {
            return new SampleIdentifier(createDatabaseInstanceIdentifier(databaseInstance), sampleCode);
        } else if (group != null) {
            return new SampleIdentifier(createGroupIdentifier(group), sampleCode);
        } else {
            return SampleIdentifier.createHomeGroup(sampleCode);

     * Extracts "sub" code from {@link SamplePE} that is in exactly the same as the one kept in DB
     * (so the same one that is mapped with {@link SamplePE#getCode()}).
    public final static String extractSubCode(SamplePE samplePE) {
        return StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(samplePE.getCode());

     * Converts "sub" code from <var>sampleCode</var> that is in exactly the same as the one kept in
     * DB.
    public final static String convertSubCode(String sampleCode) {
        return StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(sampleCode);

     * Extracts "full" sample code from {@link SamplePE}. For contained samples has a prefix
     * consisting of container sample DB code and a colon, otherwise it is just sample DB code,
     * where by "sample DB code" is the code kept in the DB.
    public final static String extractCode(SamplePE samplePE) {
        final String subCode = extractSubCode(samplePE);

        final String code;
        if (samplePE.getContainer() != null && HibernateUtils.isInitialized(samplePE.getContainer())) {
            final String containerCode = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(samplePE.getContainer().getCode());
            code = containerCode + ":" + subCode;
        } else {
            code = subCode;
        return code;

     * Converts "full" sample code from the <var>sampleCode</var> and
     * <var>containerCodeOrNull</var>. For contained samples (i.e.
     * <code>containerCodeOrNull != null</code>) has a prefix consisting of container sample DB code
     * and a colon, otherwise it is just sample DB code, where by "sample DB code" is the code kept
     * in the DB.
    public final static String convertCode(String sampleCode, String containerCodeOrNull) {
        final String subCode = convertSubCode(sampleCode);

        final String code;
        if (containerCodeOrNull != null) {
            final String containerCode = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(containerCodeOrNull);
            code = containerCode + ":" + subCode;
        } else {
            code = subCode;
        return code;

     * Creates a {@link ProjectIdentifier} from given <var>project</var>.
    public final static ProjectIdentifier createProjectIdentifier(final ProjectPE project) {
        assert project != null : "Unspecified project";
        final GroupPE group = project.getGroup();
        final DatabaseInstancePE databaseInstance = group.getDatabaseInstance();
        String instanceCode = databaseInstance.isOriginalSource() ? null : databaseInstance.getCode();
        final ProjectIdentifier identifier = new ProjectIdentifier(instanceCode, group.getCode(),
        return identifier;

     * Creates a {@link ExperimentIdentifier} from given <var>experiment</var>.
    public final static ExperimentIdentifier createExperimentIdentifier(final ExperimentPE experiment) {
        assert experiment != null : "Unspecified experiment";
        final ExperimentIdentifier experimentIdentifier = new ExperimentIdentifier(
                createProjectIdentifier(experiment.getProject()), experiment.getCode());
        return experimentIdentifier;

    public static final List<SampleIdentifier> extractSampleIdentifiers(String[] samples) {
        List<SampleIdentifier> sampleIdentifiers = new ArrayList<SampleIdentifier>();
        for (String s : samples) {
        return sampleIdentifiers;

    static public void fillAndCheckGroup(SampleIdentifier sample, String expectedGroupCode) {
        if (sample.isDatabaseInstanceLevel()) {
        } else if (sample.isInsideHomeGroup()) {
        } else if (sample.getGroupLevel().getGroupCode().equalsIgnoreCase(expectedGroupCode)) {
        } else {
            throw new UserFailureException(
                    String.format("Sample '%s' does not belong to the group '%s'", sample, expectedGroupCode));